Heaven Testimony (Yonggi Cho)

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then I'll tell you story real story this is not joke real story I have a retired associate his name is kim seung-ho and when he is young in shooting area his wife died and so he buried his wife and after 50s he went to tomb which children Korea we have high tomb not flattened and it rained in the tomb cracked and all jindal clawing at the tumors daily daily mama is breathing mammoth breathing quickly quickly all open tomb but is a know it rained these new terms it means crack mama is not alive and she know all crime so he took children home and gave some money to go to buy a cookie he sat down and he was very depressed his heart was broken and he was crying and he was reading Bible suddenly he fell salmon came behind in flashed through in his head with big sward and he fell he had massive heart attack and he died and I was saying offish and telegram came to which they say we did not effects or internet so telegram come kim seung-ho died please organize funeral paddy to bury him intact our lady issue the death certificate as a basic heart attack it was already three days over so I personally organized the death that the funeral committee and I point the funeral committee in the same gave some money and send him to bury him and when they went he was there there so they washed him because in Korea up until that time we didn't have any more Shin whom they washed and cloth and just before they put him in casket they were singing the last a song shanlee kim saengmin rose up and all the ministers ran out of the house they were so frightened and then he was sitting by his casket and he was waving them to come in and each of them say you go first your governor they was so scared they thought that they were seeing the ghost and so they made scram and they okay and they touched him and she was alive you're really alive then he was very angry I'm not that person why did you try to bury me this and he said you are kidding you are really their doctor issue the death certificate dude that you died by the massive heart attack then he told this story since I'm his boss he tells me very dearly to Odyssey would not detailee tell me that story and he said that when he felt as if the big road was thrashed through his heart he fell then when he was falling down he saw three stars were falling from Sky he was watching the star and when stack him dear they were three ages and the angels came and said let's go home and each angel took his side and one angels leading the way and while he was leaving he look around and there was Kim seung-woo lying down he said hey which the angel look at that I am there that is your husk you have been living there for a long time but you were out of the husk forget about it let's go so he said they were coming from North Pole he said that just earth in them from North Pole there was a superhighway toward heaven and angels and he came to the North Pole and there was superhighway they were sending there and Ed was moving like a lightning and many people who are riding escalator and coin to the heaven and his values going to heaven he is so many stars big stars earth and from North Pole he was going to and he asked his angel how long does it take one day it's quite distance this is it take one day from earth to heaven so finally he arrived to a vast universe this is so bright and so glorious so beautiful and finally he came to the heavenly city the New Jerusalem and the two hours open and she just was standing there and holds up the angels and the complete spirit what they are welcoming hallelujah welcoming so he was walking in then he saw David it's a mr. David and David coming to shake hand with him and he saw Stephen Stephen was there so he's Stephen once you bury paint poor when they stoned at you and he said no no Jesus was watching me and I was so full of joy that I didn't feel any pain at all then there was a river flowing from the throne tremendous big river and so many trees on side of the rivers and the fruit all over the places and their beautiful benches all over an Angels the people were sitting there chatting and they reach out and take the fruit and eat the fruit instantly fruit will turn into fragrance to come out of the pores of the body so full of fragrance in the air and beautiful musics then she just lets go and worship father so it came to a big auditorium he said endlessly big or even millions and millions and millions of people angel were there worshiping God like a waves of sea they were bowing down worshipping and the music and peace and joy were charged heavenly and unspeakable and he joined with a mini bow down and he was rejoicing in the God was like a big mountains light he says he cannot see his image because he was such a big image of light then Jesus you can stand here too long you must go and see many places he said well my wife died five five days ahead so may I see her it's a matter of fact you are here because of requests of your wife so he Jesus took him to a glorious nation and the door was open and his wife was walking out with a beautiful cloth with Asia and he said pastor she was beautiful and I laughed because while he was saving Pat Church I would go down to whole meeting for him and touch this there were no hotels I was living in passage and she would always bring the food and I tell you she is very ugly woman whenever I look at I felt sorry for him so I said pastor Kim you are really kidding it's a passive no no she was like Jesus Christ her all the image was completely disappeared she was renewed and she looked like a Jesus she was so beautiful and pretty and he's when I reach out my hand to shake her she said no you still belong to the earth and you can shake hand with me but she said I asked a teach us to bring you forth temporary because cheesin was so sorrowful jesus heard most fully my prayer she said when you go down to the earth tell the children that their mother is more alive here than on the earth no Matt their mother is very happy here glorious so when you go down tell him and also those boys are all going to become a minister so tell them to be faithful to Jesus Christ preached gospel and let them come on heaven and be together when he was chatting and she is especially the back part of her skull was shining like a diamond then he remembered when in the country on Sunday without going to work in the rice paddy he and his wife but don't themselves to go to church and after service they were coming their home they are father-in-law his father was so angry that he took the rap and cashed and that rock shipped her skull and the skull was broken and bled and he said when he saw her in heaven that place was shining like a diamond tyre diamond when you receive persecution all of those things are going to be paid off then Jesus you Constantia too long you have so many things to see he said as far as his eye reaches they were mentioned after mention it was real mention is it's not suggest a pension which we say mentioned in the world it was self fantastic and he said sir I want to see my own home ok you come and here was escorting and he was most amazed because one old woman was coming to his church in the she was nobody nothing but she was always cleaning the church and and the burning the oven and she was doing all of those 32 chore no one paid any attention but she died and when he was coming she showed her home and he was magnificent beautiful home and a little further there was elder who was very proud ashes swashbuckling guy but his house is smaller then when he came to his house there's no roof and he felt crying is that Jesus my room or roof he said don't worry you a good work is Kasia coming up to heaven with those material we are completing your house so you go down to earth and you do the work for the Lord and your good work would come up as material and will complete your roof then we will call you then you'll come then he said listen you must go back quickly your friends are going to bury you then you have no place to go in and he pulled those three angels hurry him down to the earth his friends are going to bury him so they took him in today you rushed up to the gate and someone was calling behind him hey wait a minutes wait a minute and when you look at this Abraham and he said pastor I only thought everyone was very old present but he was very young very young Abram as young as Jesus Christ and he came he says you are going to back to the earth tell the world tell the people that Christ is coming back very soon much sooner than you think and let them get ready because Christ is coming very soon then when he came to the gate the angel took him and they took the same escalator from North from the northern part of the sky to the North Pole then when you coming to him he could see his room right through the roof and there he saw his casket friends were ready to put him in casket and there was his Pope's and when he stood at the feet of his court angels a diving they pushed his diving in he came alive this is true story because I have seen with my own eyes and he has worked as my associate in my church now still he's alive and he's working in the prayer mountain if you ever come to Seoul Korea if you'd like to talk with him I'll let you meet him and you know there's heaven to gain hell to avoid Jesus Christ finished at the death hell and he brings eternal kingdom of God to us
Channel: Joe Bose
Views: 429,951
Rating: 4.8223705 out of 5
Keywords: Preaching
Id: vIDliIhWNjI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 1sec (841 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 11 2015
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