Learn How to Pray Tabernacle Prayer with Dr. David Yonggi Cho

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into very much thank you please prayer is the key to Bulow a Christian personality priya is key to build a happy home and also prayer is the key to the great revival every day like a drawing person try to Gasper air so I'm trying to gasp through prayer to receive all 19 from the Lord because to meet the challenge of every day of my ministry I need a tremendous amount of anointing peace of God wisdom of God understanding of God and knowledge of God my design of God and to receive that kind of God's peace joy might I should pray without prayer I can't get that kind of anointing from the law so I desperate everyday I'm desperate person if I don't pray I can carry out my work because I am currently under tremendous pressure and stress that my heart would be stirred up and I would lose the peace and then I will not have the joy and might and strength to carry out work the Lord people ask me question what kind of pressure do you have well every day I should take you up seventy five thousand seven hundred fifty thousand members of a church by main auditorium see to twelve thousand people and then we have twenty satellite church in each church has 5000 to 10,000 members and I'm preaching to the em simultaneously with main auditorium congregation through satellite in orbit then also we made a sovereign Church of another fifteen satellite searches reaches ten thousand two hundred thousand members and I chopped off the church and congregation to my associate and the sender might to take charge of the church so we are actually carrying out the service through mostly television through satellites so we hook up to the satellite in orbit and through that we preach through the twenty satellite churches and 160 branch churches flung out throughout Korea then two churches in Japan and we also have 300 prayer houses all the people and invalid people could not come to the church so we made 300 prayer houses near to these people and from 50 to 300 people are in prayer houses having a Siple simultaneous waves through this satellite television and area that we have internet Church we have internet broadcasting station and most of young couple are staying home watching the internet having the service because we have parking space only for 5000 cars so more than that we can't accommodate so young people with children have very hard time to find a parking place they stay home and they have serviced through our internet system and after seeing the internet and having the service then they send Titan offering by click click click so we see all type and often through clicking and I think of that I have no way to visit my home Christians home and council read them and pray for them many people are having home travel changes travel Finnish travel and sick and they all want to have my personal contact but I can't so I found a way every morning I come to my office and I stay for two hours before internet and they send messages through the net and I answer there through the internet and through Internet I pray through the net I consult the through internet I preach to them so we have wonderful fellowship and home visitation through Internet and God has given in this age a wonderful instrument to use for the propagation of Cashbook Jesus Christ so practically nowadays I don't visit any home of course I have no time to do that but internet through internet every morning for two hours I carry out all home vegetation all consultation and I pray through internet for the sick people and then area that I have a great pressure to oversee the prayer Mountain I call it prayer town we have big prayer town being auditorium seats 7,000 people then area that we have dormitories and dining facilities and everything every day more than 3,000 people are up there fasting and pray and so I should oversee those set up then area that we have a big social work we have technical college for underprivileged young people those terribly young people and we get them on the street and the police station send them men and women and we clean them up we put them in Tommy tree and we give them a technical education free of charge so we are teaching them automobile repair computer programming architectural drawing hairdressing cooking everything and then when they graduate from our Technical College they become the fine young men and woman good Christian and they would go out and become a wonderful citizen and that is also a burden and pressure for me raising the fund to fill them to close them to educate them then we also operate the senior citizens home and also house for the senile dementia so many people are senile are aged around the world and people are keeping them up on the street so we gather together and we wash them take care them till they go to heaven and to do that I should raise also lot of money and also we are operating our daily Christian newspaper which is half a million circulation everyday and it is no easy to publish newspaper daily because president calls us congressmen calls us and penis people calls as ask us to add this article asked us to redraw them article a lot of pressure comes from every part of society but we are standing on Christian standard and we don't compromise so it's a wonderful Christian witness through a daily newspaper and we are publishing the largest and best Christian magazines and also weekly Church newspaper an area that we are operating Hansie University my wife is in charge of death with 3000 students and a Podesta Christian University together then I tell you the budget is enormous so I should try to raise a fund to relieve my wife of the headache and then we have churches in abroad we have 400 churches in USA actually I've started 600 churches in America among the Americans and 200 of them become rebellious in the left hand a few years ago but still I take a 400 American churches here in the USA and we have more than 100 churches in Europe 50 churches in Japan then we have churches in China Hong Kong Taiwan Singapore Malaysia Indonesia Australia New Zealand and conscious Africa all over the world and the since I've dispatched the 600 missions around the world currently they are sending the message asking me to send more money for the work so I'm trembling when I received the letters from missions always they asked me to buy the vehicle for them buy some home for them and send more money for the education and surface ozone so tremendous pressure area that we have a one beautiful University in Ching 'can't Kazakhstan this Islam country but we built a beautiful Christian University by the mistake of government they issued the license for Christian Church to come in to the start Christian University and many Islam from the Saudi Ameri Africa nor Saudi Arabia and Middle East are coming there to receive education so they invest in our school for computer programming and technical teachings and soft and so on and naturally when they finish the course they become Christian so we praise the Lord and we are publishing enormous materials publishing house for the materials for Sunday School and cell leaders we have almost 50 thousand cell leaders and they are wonderful people they charge the common lay men and woman and well trained and they open their home and they gather together five person and they have service every week and this five cell become matisse to excel so they make their own whom spiritual home through the cell meaning they call each other to curse the name and they have a real intimate fellowship because when they come to church they are just one number in vast crowd they feel lonely and cared but when they go to sell they call each other by first name and they are taken care of so cell ministry is very very wonderful without cell ministry I don't think I could have taken care of all of these numbers of Christian so there we are publishing lot of know-how books to the cell leaders then we have various educational system for the church members school for the young people for the newly married school for the husband school for the Weibull school for the older people we have buried great school because the educating the people and to do that we have an institution of the Full Gospel study with about 20 PhD scholars and they are fully in charge of this education and more than anything else Full Gospel business men's fellowship wonderful wonderful physician one of the head leader Kim sunbae is the moment here he is going to lecture after me I guess fifty thousand penis people and most of them are Billie Anya beautiful wonderful and you know all of them are serving God through mission we have American mission European mission China mission Southeast Asia mission Islam mission and African mission mission for the entertainer mission for the scholars mission for the police mission for the school teachers mission for the bankers we have vast missions and all of these finishes are belonging to each mission and they pray for them they witness to them and they receive offering from them so that's wonderful you know Casper gospel business news fellowship is enormous organization we love them then we have non-government operation good people through these non-government operation good people we are helping so many people in Africa we are sending tons thousand tons of cloth food medicine to Africa Asia and North Korea so far in North Korea three billion people have starved to death and this year five million children's are dying from tuberculosis because of malnutrition you think of the leader who will not take up their people this Prime Minister of the North Korea is only thinking of the militarized the country he's spending all money to develop the missiles and atomic bomb he is nonchalant about the death of his people there are no human right nor any freedom to move around especially Turville for the older people and younger children they need the traveling license if to move from this town to another town young people are moving around the night to get the food but it's older people and the children they cannot move around so they just sit down there in the starve to death and so through our NGO good people reach dragon to send clothes food medicine this year we are scrambling to send ten million dollar amount of the medicine for tuberculosis then beautiful on radiation we here with CGI Church cross International through Church cross International every year we are inviting thousand diminishes around the world to come to South Korea to share the church growth secret principles and through this we have developed a tremendous circle of the friendship among the successful pastors so since I should carry on all of this work I need a special anointing and mind of peace might and wisdom where do I get all of those things on my knee usually I would pray for five hours every day I would wait upon the Lord nowadays I become a little lazy and my knee is painful so out kneel down and pray for three hours but actually every moment I'm spending my days in the mood of the prayer currently asking God to annoy me cause I fight against the hindrance of devil and through God's anointing I can carry out this work and has showed me the way how to pray many people ask because how could you pray for five hours what you say through the cgi conference when I invite so many American European pastors I would take them to prayer mountain and I bring them to a prayer room and close the door and this you can move out of this tour before you pray one hour so let's start and about five or ten minutes American or European pastors they pray fervently but after that they sit around and just only say hallelujah because they have not learned the technique of prayer and prayer union technique you see the soul here when they enlist in a bootcamp they learn the technique how to fight so you can become soldier without the receiving training so in prayer you need training and you need to learn technique so God has helped me to develop many many technique I say that prayer jogging cos 30 means prayer jogging course 1 our prayer jogging course 2 to 3 then marathon prayer jogging course you can pray all light a still you would have many things to speak people they just become they run out of the language or they become tedious so they can't keep on praying but the most important prayer that God taught me is the chemical prayer you know I need to pray very effectively so that I may receive all the anointing that I need for the job sure one day while I was lecturing in Taiwan in a split of second cast showed me the revelation about technical prayer and since that time on until a decade after decades I've been praying in this technical prayer and whenever I finished technical prayer I would receive enough anointing to carry out that day's burden so technical prayer is so effective and so precious not just evening I want to share about technical prayer when Israelite was coming through the wilderness led by the Moses God asked Moses to build a tabernacle which is so on Mount Sinai and when he built the technical in the wilderness then God commanded all Israelite to come and worship God only in the chemical so the technical guard was dwelling and meeting people there and when you see the technical day it has a many kind of sins through which they could worship God but now we don't see a technical but by words a year the tabernacle of the Holy Spirit you are the temple of the holy spirit and our spirit is analogous to the Holy of Holies our mind is analogous to the holy place and our physical body is analogous to the courtyard so we are the Temple of the Holy Ghost now we don't need to go to wilderness to find the technical we don't need to go to Jerusalem to find a Solomon temple you are the technical and the God who dwelt in the technical and the Solomon's Temple now to Ellis in you fully and he is in the holy of holy up you are being you are spirit and the Holy Spirit works from your spirit through your mind the holy place through the courtyard your body and God manifests his glory through your being so as the high priest and priest worship the God in the technical so ye had priest now unto the Lord each of us we are the priests so we don't need to worship God through our representative we are priests and we can directly worship through the temple of our body so every day in early morning prayer meeting I in my imagination come to the courtyard and as soon as I move into the temple of the courtyard here I find the praising alka on the brazen altar Israelite they would offer the sin offering trespass offering point of freeing things offering or offering of reconciliation and so forth and so on but all of those offering represent our Lord Jesus Christ and his sacrifice on the cross Calvary so I come in my imagination to the brazen altar of the cross of Calvary and I see Jesus and I see the redeeming Grace flowing out from Calvary I say dear Jesus through your sacrifice through your shed blood my sin has been forgiven I have been declared as righteous and I can now enjoy the glory of God you know as a Christian we are enjoying the glory of God glory ish in us the Shekinah glory of God when we commissioned the glory lives and we feel terrible pain in our spirit but when we restore our fellowship with God that we once again experience the Shekinah glory come the listeners so I say oh dear Jesus through thy blood my sin has been forgiven completely and I've been declared as a righteous person so I can enjoy this glory in you I think you do Jesus did I say deity just through your blood you have conquered the world and the devil and now through the blood I can have sanctification and the foolish Holy Spirit I claim the sanctification I claim the foolish Holy Spirit through the plan teaches us through the blood give me the sanctification give me the foolish of the Holy Spirit then I look to look up to the Christ hung upon the cross again and I said here Jesus you took my infirmities and carried away my sickness Bible says by His stripes ye were healed so I am healed since 2000 years ago legally speaking I have been healed through your sacrifice and sickness is illegal because it is Jesus Christ already paid the price for healing so I claim healing you know many people are only pray for the healing when they become sick but if you pray before you become sick you never get sick try say Oh God I claimed healing divine healing to go through and through me so that I will not get sickness then I look again to the cross and I see the redemption from the curse Colossians chapter 3 verse 13 Bible clearly says the Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law being made a curse for so it is written cursed is everyone that hangs up on a tree that the blessing of Abraham might come upon Gentiles so I said god I am a blessed person I will never live on the phony page I'm a blessed person she just took my curse 2,000 years ago so I am not under the curse of the loan I am under the blessing of our Lord Jesus Christ so I say god I am blessed personally my home is blessed my ministry is blessed and my work is blessed and I am the source of the blessing to others and I rejoice and I take away all poverty consciousness so many people are unsuccessful in their life because they live in poverty consciousness unconsciously they are controlled by the poverty consciousness but I get rid of them all while I worship Jesus Jesus I am completely redeemed from the curse and the poverty because Bible says in 2nd Corinthians chapter 8 verse 9 that ye know the grace of our lord jesus christ who was rich but he became poor for you so that you may be rich in jesus christ you even redeemed from the poverty well don't reprimand me saying that you are preaching the prosperity gospel you know I am bound to preach about prosperity gospel because Jesus Christ redeemed me from curse and the poverty when you are mount mount you when your mind is cloudy with cursed consciousness the poverty consciousness and failure consciousness then your life would be fully occupied by curse and poverty pastor Frank asked me if I could tell how to become a millionaire but I tell you I was making Korean people to think in terms of the freedom from the curse and the poverty I was preaching to them and clear in their mind and let them see the cross of Jesus Christ and redeemed completely in their mind and thinking life and as a proof when you come to Korea I'll show them to you they are all well to the pious people tremendously successful giving the tens of thousands or millions of dollars to the Lord's work because God has blessed them I'm not just talking grandiloquent Lee I'm but not Babel I'm telling the truth because I've experienced in my ministry for forty five long years and so I say Oh God through Jesus I'm redeemed from curse and poverty I'm blessed person I'm enriched and I'm abundantly blessed and so I am going to want to share this place with others and I worship Jesus in such a way then I look up to Jesus once again as she got through your blood I've been redeemed from death and hell through your death I die together through your resurrection I'm resurrected again and through your ascension I've been ascended to the right hand of God so God I love you because even though I am staying in my physical body in Korea but spiritually I have been resurrected together with you and I have been seated on the right hand of God right now so I say whenever I get out of this physical body split second of a moment I'll be on the right hand of Heavenly Father through Jesus Christ so oh I worship Jesus looking to his cross our plans pray praising Archer and I see the redeeming Grace flowing down to me and make me righteous holy hill blessed resurrected so through repeating the prayer over and over again I renew my mind proposal I while I was living as old man as a child of Adam my mind was so clogged up with a curse I was having the sin consciousness and the filthy consciousness and holy consciousness and sickness consciousness and defeatism consciousness and death consciousness my mind was totally dead devastated by the devil and sin but through Jesus a new person who survived in Christ Jesus is a new creature all the things especially low all things has become new so I renew my mind worshiping Jesus kneeling before him looking to the cross then through the prayer i strengthen my faith I become very strong as I'm righteous in Jesus Christ I'm righteous I'm holy sanctified I have nothing to do the filthy things in the world pie stripes I am she I'm shield I'm not under the control with sickness I am a pleasure portion God is pouring out his abundant blessing in my life and I believe resurrected together the Jesus Christ by faith and glory of God is mine and so through that worship session i strengthened my faith and also I clarify my vision many people do not have clear vision but through cross of Jesus Christ I see my new person clearly in my vision I see myself in my vision dream the new person in Jesus Christ instead it's me that is me so affirm my new identity many people are having identity crisis many Christians they have identity crisis I said who are you in Jesus I don't know my pastor knows if Christians get out of the identity crisis they'll become a tremendous tools of God we have no identity crisis because through blood we have been transferred from the sin to the righteousness we have been transferred from the world and the devil to the Holy Spirit to the throne of God we've been translated from sickness and disease to the health and healing translated from the poverty and curse to the blessings and and Abrahamic blessing and we have tremendous experience after having the citizenship in the glory so we have no identity crisis really should have a clear identity in our mind every second and whatsoever things come against our identity you should rebuke and cast out many people are so confused that they accept whatever comes upon you when they will try to deliver wrong kind of the package you should compare with your new identity and if that does not identify with your new identity you must say you devil get out of my place with your package to never sign your package every time people when table comes and bring the all kind of the package they sign an acceptance Thank You table to pie so everyday I am renewing my mind and every day I'm strengthening my faith and clarify my vision and affirm by new identity when I deal down before our praise and alter the cross of Jesus Christ when I see his sacrifice and blood oh I think Jesus I wash and it can take 30 minutes in one hour like that just nailing meditating upon this beautiful wonderful blessing boy this will change you a whole feeling when I finish this phase of the prayer I feel so elated so uplifted I feel like jump up and dance Japanese people are very humble people they are acting very cautious leave a very somber even Japanese church they are worshipping very silent but when I went to Japan about decades ago all of these partially Christians are so happy and they were clapping and jump up and dancing so I said what has happened to you where did you learn this from that iverson oh they become happy Christian singing clapping dancing all over so right away I also pick up their way up to worshiping God and I try to attend sin shout and release myself and free praising God is it wonderful so presence sisters let's come to the temple of the Holy Ghost your body through the imagination come to the courtyard and have worship before the brazen altar Laver the water basin where the preachers wash their hand feed and face before they enter into the holy place and this Laver is made out of the looking glass towards a stadium deputies class they used the looking glass by bronze they revved and made shine and finally they made a looking glass and and Moses gather together this looking glass and pounded out with a bronze glass and made a Laver so before the priests enter into the holy places they looked through the labor their there their whole future is reflected by the labor and they make the hair need and they wash face and ocean so when I come to the Laver I reflect myself there if I have anything wrong in my life so in my heart I visualized the 10th commandment which is my labor so I speak ten commandment one by one to not worship another god do I worship another god before I become a Christian I was born and raised up as a Buddhist I don't know anything about Christianity in our talent there were no church at all there was plenty of temples so I was born and raised up as a Buddhist and I was trained to chant prayer to Buddha day after day my father and I would kneel down and pray and chant to the Buddha my father was a very devout Buddhist but I was nominal so I follow after my father chanting till I become spooky so terrible but when I was 17 years old I was trapped down with the tuberculosis it was right during the Korean War our society was terribly broken down in great chaos and we were living from hand to mouth and I because malnutrition and hard work I had a terminal tuberculosis and that has told me that I would only live free at most a six-month so I came home we had no money to receive any treatment nor any means to go to hospital so I was left alone flat on my back looking to the ceiling counting the specks in spot on the ceiling every day and nothing to do vomiting blood fever running high and I was praying to Buddha Oh Buddha come help me I've been such a faithful Buddhist for 10 years and why don't you come and touch me and I was begging and begging but nothing happened finally I wondered if Buddha went on vacation nothing happened or if he was out of this job so I become a turncoat before Buddha I said you do that I don't know where you are God if they our Guardian universe would you come instead of Buddha in less than one week one Christian high school girl visited my home on away from school to home witnessing about Jesus in the she told me about Jesus but I first was very rebellious but she kept on coming day after day crying for me finally I was persuaded by her concern and love and I began to read Bible and I found Jesus up until that time I had never been to church I had never heard any sermon but because the witness of this young girl she left the Bible to me then she will not come back again so I read from Matthew Mark Luke John and I said well this Bible would be like a Buddhistic Bible I was well versed in Buddhist Bible but Bible was so different Bible was talking about one person Jesus Christ a shallow God Jesus who forgave sin Jesus who cast a devil Jesus who healed the sick teachers who fed the hungry Jesus who raised up dead and all of those wonderful work what Jesus was doing puristic religion is very logical profound philosophical but at that time when I will read Bible Bible was so practical and pragmatic and I need a practical God not a philosophical God because I was dying from tuberculosis so one day I knelt down by myself and I don't know how to pray so I said Mr Jesus if you were truly son of God why don't you prove on me I'm young and seventeen years old too young to die you'd get tremendous benefit out of me if you would ever hear me so I try to make a bargain with God if you would ever touch and heal me then I'll become your servant and I will go any place where so ever you want me to go and preach but suddenly I felt such a peace oh that unspeakable peace and joy we fled me so I stood up and I shouted but I didn't know the hallelujah I didn't know even one Christian song so I shouted something happen oh my god something happened something if I was jumping all around but later when I came to America day was singing my poem something happened and now I know did he touch me and now am saved wonderful song but that I wrote the poem at the time I was jumping around and I saw something happen in my life something happened sure God miraculously intervened in my life and delivered me from the another God the Buddha to our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ then I went to the Bible College graded Bible College in 1958 and since the time until of for forty-five years I've been in ministry and I've never never regretted that I have become a Christian Jesus Christ has been the source of joy happiness peace victory in everything and the tuberculosis never relapsed in my life Christ healed me and he finished completely so when I pray before the labor I say dear father I used to worship the other God but no more no more I'm only one God our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ then secondly do not bow down to either because we are not bowing down to the idol made by iron were stone or gold or gems but many times we are bowing down the idol of the money power and special favored children husband and wife and softer zone and it's very easy to fall in the trap so I always say Oh God am i loving my wife more than you am i loving my three sons more than you am i loving the name and fame more than you please reveal everything to me and I want to destroy that either before you every morning I'm searching my heart if I have any idolatrous love in my heart and if I find anything I confess then do not call God's name in vain of course we don't call God's name in vain but very easily in a very naive way when we say joke we use name of God but even that is very very bad habit whenever I do that I knelt before God and I confess all of those sins then also Bibles just keep service holy I say now we are not keeping Saturday we are keeping the resurrection day the day when the Holy Ghost came the Sunday so I always say do you keep sunday holy well Sunday we have seven services so I can't help but keeping the Sunday holy no but I really teach my people to keep noticed a holy in our church I am teaching very strongly to our people to pay tithe and keep sunday holy before you try to receive blessing from the Lord and our people give tithe and amazingly God ought to storm heaven and really place bless those people who keep time so when you want glad to intervene in your business in life more than anything else these two things you match the key keeping the Sunday holy and give tithe to the Lord then Bible says respect your parent my father is 91 years old and my mother is 90 years old and they are very old and always I'm asking question my heart do you really respect and love your parent you know I've been busy always I've been traveling hardly to Africa Europe part of Asia South America and so I wouldn't have much time to share my life with parents so they always condemn my heart and I call by telephone and I ask forgiveness from the parents but I keep abundant material things to my parents so that they will not feel neglected I buy car and I supply chauffeur and I supply a daily need and enough money to spend so always I'm trying to do my best to respect my parents because Bible command me so and since I do that my three boys are respecting me and my wife also very much and because they see my life and my wife's life in their life and so they make mimic out of my life you know so I'm very happy about that and this is very important very important well I don't know American culture but in oriental culture we are very near to our parent and in older age children must support parent that is our tradition in orient and if we neglect parents then we'll be ostracized out of our society these traditions are fading away now by Anna by Prakash of American television as everybody watches American family way but still I am trying to teach our people to do their other motion to respect their parents because that is command from the Lord and to not kill we are not really killing we are not manslaughter but we are killing neighbor by hating but I tell you when you hate neighbors you are programming your mind to hate and when they hate programmed in your mind that hurt you first before you do any harm to your neighbors and so I say for my own happiness I don't hate if I ever try to hate then hate programmed into my mind and dead become a source of destruction to my personal life so I say I cannot hate I forgive I always forgive and I don't try to kill labor by hatred and that thing I always take good care when I come and pray before the labor then do not commit adultery where we are not committing adultery outright 3 especially now in my age the opposite sex is all same like a men and women but when I was a young man it was not so I had hot blood and I had temptation surrounding myself and it was so dangerous and this miracle that I have come through to this fire safely so every day we should confess even the fancy things we play in our mind people say oh it's not seen it's just my imagination but they will show the seed in our imagination and that seed finally cross the fruit and so from my young time always every day I am praying to God to root out all the fancy imagination in my mind about objects and cleanse my heart and make me holy the Holy Spirit make you holy and when you especially feel the presence of God then you can commit adultery you know the Holy Spirit is to balance in your body and God present in you and how can you commit adultery together with God no way fear of the Lord is very important in Christian life many people do not feel Lord they love Lord and they enjoy the creation Lamb of God but they still should know the God is a fierce anger when we have the field the law then we will think twice and thrice before we commit sin so there I pray oh god let me really have the fear of the Lord in my life and let me walk softly before you then also Bible says do not steal well I always say to our people you may not steal openly but you will steal something without get any permission from your husband and wife and children and neighbor very easily we are still in books via borrow books and read and put in our application will never return the books that is very common case many of my friends borrow books from me and very few of them ever return book to me when I beat their home they I find my book in their bookshelf this is also kind of stealing but more than anything else we should never steal from God we should not steal - we should never steal the tithe and we should be very careful about this and when we still we should really confess then do not witness falsely we are very very easily witness falsely then we Cal Cal among us so easily and that is worst sin in my life because when I meet ministers and when Frances only did you see a story about that guy that ministers did you hear the story in that family and something like them and so on and on all of those telltale make me filter after that kind of talking I feel smelled in my spirit so every day I'm praying oh god help me not to witness falsely and then to not covet your neighbor when I was a young man I coveted because when I will be my wife and I were pioneering church we were living in a tent church and we were eating very host food but neighboring people they were driving a beautiful car having good growth and living a very abundant life and case Italy my heart I covet it but now I cannot covet because I can't become poor that is my trouble in my mind I can't find any space where the poor dwellers always I see my mind abundance for example presence sisters suppose I visit every one of my Christian all of them want me to visit their home and stay at least one night in their home think of feasting seven hundred sixty thousand of them I would spend many of my lifetime spend to visit and stay there home they would give me pastor treatment so I would not have any chance to become poor when I was young we experienced plenty poverty but now by blessing of God we can't become poor I always say to God father about 50 years ago when I was coming from another city Busan to Seoul Korea riding the third-class train I was penniless homeless absolutely poverty-stricken but after 50 years now look at me I'm so blessed I a beautiful wife very able more talented than I am beautiful three boys good home huh money Church everything and all of these things are from our Lord God has blessed me I've never worked anything for myself God has blessed me so abundantly God is a good god Cara's abandoned God through my own experience God has greater desire that you have to bless you so actually we don't need to live in coveting our neighbors because we would have abundance in your life if you keep days and tithe to God you are making the open space before God so that God could feel it many people do not have open space in their mind all clogged up fool with their own desire and covetousness but if you release your time release your money and make an open space before God then God open the door of heaven and pour out his blessing upon your life amazing abundant life then after finishing dead paddle prayer then I'm ready to enter into the holy place I open the curtain and I walk into the holy place then when I walk on the holy place right away I see on the left hand the candlestick seven-branched candlestick shining and that candlestick is symbol of the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit is seven spirit the spirit of wisdom of understanding of counsel of might of knowledge of fear of the Lord of the holiness so when I come to that fat I look to the Holy Spirit and he Holy Spirit through you anointing give me your wisdom help me to solve all the problem through your wisdom o the Holy Spirit give me the understanding let me understand the deep truth of God so that I may keep that truth to our people Heavenly Father give me a counsel so that I may very wisely show my problem problem of our Christian and Oh God give me the bite tremendous might so that I may heal the sick cast out the devil and give me the knowledge knowledge a Bible and give me the fear of the Lord or God fear of the Lord let me be having a fear of the Lord so that may I walk very softly before you so that I will not commit sin so God keep fear of the Lord through the Holy Spirit then give me the holiness through your presence so I pray and especially when you come to the Holy Spirit you should know that he is the person he is not some enemy to sing cloud rain fog or water or something like that this is just a symbolic the Holy Spirit uh amazing the holy person God Father God son and God's Holy Spirit in all the Testament for forty-four thousand years God father came forefront and world and behind god father the Sun Jesus and Holy Spirit in unity worked but in the beginning of the New Testament son Jesus Christ came and he completed the redemption of human lives then when he ascended then the time of Holy Spirit came on the day of Pentecost this is the age of the Holy Spirit and he is dwelling in you in the church and he is hovering up on this earth and so through the person Holy Spirit we have living services unto the Lord and so you know understanding the Holy Spirit's person is very important in 1964 when I had a 3,000 members suddenly my church cross told I pushed and pulled and I did everything but Church would stand still in the number of the 3,000 so I was crying to load Oh God am i destined to have only 3,000 people but no no it is not so so after one early morning prayer made it was very cold winter all the people left and I was left alone in the corner of the church and I was praying and opening my heart begging God to send more Souls then I fell into sleep deep sleep and I felt I was in the presence of glory of God then I heard a awesome sound from the Lord do you want to see your church grow as yes Father then you answer me my question God said when Israelites were passing through the wilderness if they had gone out to the wilderness to catch quail with bare hand how many quail do you think they might have caught I said with bare hand trying to catch the flying frame I don't think they would have caught many quails but they would have had Lord of the Sun stroke then when I send my wind how many quail did a catch oh the cream were falling like dust upon their camp together the butcher's of the krail you are trying to win sold by your own strength and ingenuity and you are exhausting yourself to death why don't you depend upon the holy spirit the holy wind will blow the sinners into your auditorium so I saw but what is spirit I know I am born again by the Holy Spirit ease and dwelling me I experienced the baptism of the Holy Spirit and I even speak in other tongues yes I have everything but Holy Spirit then the whole Sun holes came that is your travel you are treating holy spirits in anything don't try to make holy spirit aggravate his holy portion he has will knowledge emotion you must be surrendered to him and he should be you a senior partner senior pastor you should not try to use Holy Spirit I was so frightened I woke out of by slumber right I where I rushed to my office and open the Greek lexicon and I look into the word Koinonia the first Corinthians chapter 13 verse 13 that the Fellowship Holy Spirit may be upon you all so Koinonia was fellowship partnership unity oh hi lattice I treated the Holy Spirit as person but some like acrobats try to use Holy Spirit so I said the Holy Spirit I confess my sin because a lot of my knowledge knowledge I treated you as a impersonal but you have been person all through these years if I had ever treated my wife as I have which you buy my wife would have packed up and left me long time ago person should be recognized loved welcomed and caressed and the holy spirit is portion he has been with you in your life since you got saved you should welcome him love him adore him worship Him as person so when I understood the Holy Spirit is a definite portion I really confess my sin before the law treating Holy Spirit in not right way so I said the Holy Spirit forgive me from today on you are my senior pastor I'm Junior past I will not do anything without your permission and from that moment I said the Holy Spirit I welcome you I recognize you I worship you I adore you I depend upon you let's go Holy Spirit so every Sunday before I come to preach I say let's go dear Holy Spirit and after finishing I said the oldest me thank you for your anointing and even today before I come up here inside my house let's go dear Holy Spirit let us become my second nature now the Holy Spirit is my senior pastor a nice senior partner to have a fellowship with any enemy sings you can t fellowship you can develop with dog and birds because no personality but you know to have fellowship you should recognize and you should do in the lab my wife is a person so I recognized her as a person so I adore lover and I say nice thing about her in other words I would eat a cold breakfast so when the Holy Spirit's recognize a person then you adore the Holy Spirit lamb you should say that every morning when I get up as a good morning dear Holy Spirit I love you I recognize I adore you let's go together no one may the Holy Spirit and let's a partnership together with you ministry and all the church works you had senior partner I'm the junior let's work together I wait upon the Holy Spirit till he definitely enlightens my heart and shows me real then I try my best to keep the unity of the Holy Spirit always living together with Holy Spirit so when I come to the seven candlestick the I say the Holy Spirit I recognize you I welcome you I adore you I love you and you are my senior pastor senior partner let's go today let's go today you please go ahead of me I follow you and since that time suddenly something happened when I come to preach I felt another dimension of the presence of God and power and the berry of 3,000 membership were broken the sun-li my church began to grow to the 7,000 to 10,000 then I resign from the church and we move out to the Lido island there we built a church we sit with 12,000 people and we have 750,000 members right now this old work of the Holy Spirit I have not done anything I was just looking on the work with the Holy Spirit was doing through me then when you turn to the right there you see the showbread on the table you see the tell show bread the show bread is a simple of the Word of God I say father thank you for the shortbread the Bible from Genesis to Revelation thank you for the lovers and thank you for the Rhema war so you know there are certain difference between Lois and Rhema robots is written word of God Rama is inspired Word of God when I was going to Bible College a one-woman evangelist of saving tremendous success in evangelism she was saving a summer camp on the top of mountain thousands of young people went there and you know many many people are falling down before her so it was raining and the river was all overflowing three girls they wanted to come back down to the downtown but they should cross off the river and the river was overflowing with transient rain so three of them they were very very strengthened by the divine jealousy meeting so they open the Bible and read the case of geez Peter working on the water and they said Oh Peter walked on the water why shouldn't we walk on the water we should not become a coward we should walk through the water and cross over this river and go to downtown and so this three girl made the scram each other in the way through the water stay was shaped by the waves and there the other body was found in open sea in three days and all the Miss media and anti newspaper wrote about the patient is the various data they sincerely believed they sincerely prayed and believed in God but why God could not protect him why God gave them up and oh my heart was also very very shaken because at those days I was not so much enlightened about Bible and many people lost their faith and people made the church as a laughingstock but later I found out the difference between the Lois in Rhema these girls may made mistake about louis louis is a written word of god potential in us not practically use Rhema is the inspired Word of God God take the Word of God written word of God and make it alive and inspire into your heart as a present Word of God to you specific world to the specific person at a specific situation Peter never walked upon the water by reading the experience of Israelite crossing over the Red Sea Oh since is a right cross of the Red Sea I would walk on the water no he requested Raymond Jesus if you were Jesus command me to walk command me to come here ask a specific Rhema and change had come only Peter walked on water not already Cyprus sure Peter receive the Rhema the specific world to a specific portion and so he did not walk out of boat by the written word but he woke up by the world which he heard from Jesus Christ so this girl stage as to who waded through the water by the knowledge not by faith faith comes by hearing hearing by the Word of God that word God is Rhema not love ocean he they walked on water by the knowledge and knowledge kundo sustained him but if they had heard Raymond then God would have sustained him because faith comes by Rhema if they had received Raymond they would have believed one of my disciple came to me and cry is the pastor you ran out of yellow island with penniless and prayed God and God supplied billions of dollars to build this magnificent sure i imitated you if God could help you you are God is my god you are Jesus my Jesus if you could do that by believing God why couldn't I do so I borrowed a lot of money from Bank and I build a big church and I am in bankruptcy right now this God is unfair he is for you but it's not for me but as a poor fellow you made a mistake I never ran out to URI to Ireland in 1969 by my knowledge about Bible but God specifically spoke in my heart one morning in my office that your work is finished is he a writer go to another place and build a church we sit with 12,000 people and send out more than 500 missionary around the world I heard from alone that was not written word but this hearing world so I had faith so I fulfilled through the many difficulty but you charged when out by fake faith you just ran out by knowledge not by faith many people make me misunderstand about this louis in Ramah it's very very important that to wait upon the Lord you when you wait on the Lord the Holy Spirit want to inspire the Loess into the Rhema since I operate newspaper I received many interesting stories around the world and several years ago I received the interesting report from Africa some of our African presidents on Monday they gathered together they had a Bible study they studied about Peter walking on the water so they were all elated praising God and bunch of about 12 minister stay chatter the boat and they enter into the lake and 1 2 3 J jumped into the lake trying to walk up on the water and they all were drawn that was used came to our newspaper and many of the the deploy distilled to me they said how come how come wonderful ministers they believed and prayed jump into water I'm a date wrong why wouldn't God support them same situation knowledge and this inspired Word of God Louis in Raymond when you hear from the Lord you know about 7,000 promises included in the Bible all of those promises potentially use potentially but when you pray surrender your life that's Holy Spirit take the potential promises and is applying to your head as a actual promises to you in Korea one brother he had a child diabetic son and this son was having a heavy insulin every day to survive but he come to my evangelistic meeting and he received a tremendous blessing knowledge about divine healing he was new Christian and he received all knowledge about divine healing where I preached knowledge I mean that he should go and pray and let the Holy Spirit turn the knowledge into the faith Lois to the Rhema take time but right the way he went and he said from now on I am NOT going to give you the insulin injection I believe Bible says so so he didn't give injection to the baby and the boy was twisting in coma and making home in mouth terrible but he still say it's in Bible finally name was founded and took the child to hospital and he was saved his life by the skin of his teeth but this guy come to me and the cry is that this God is unfair God answers to you but he would not NSTEMI I said brother I'm waiting five to three to five hours every day before the Lord so that God may speak Rhema to me and when God speak Rhema I speak tit but I don't just casually go out and open the Bible and point finger and oh this isn't Bible and I claim it it doesn't work like that all the promises are potentially yours but not practically was you should wait upon the Lord you know that is very very important many people have experienced a fiasco in their prayer life because they charge the lunch out by lovest not by Rhema so when I come to the showbread I said oh dear lord thank you for the logos I because we don't know what you don't even have a Rhema you know robust is like a rice and the Rhema is like a cooked rice it differences in rice cooked rice it take Holy Spirit to cook the rice so I said oh God thank you for the lovers but I need the Holy Spirit to cook the Lois and may Christ for me to eat praise the Lord after worshipping God in front of the that candlestick then I come to the middle there's the art of innocence they have precious burning incense to God 24 hours see the smoke instance filled holy places instance it's the praise of the saint so there I praise my father it's all father you're me but n't you can do anything and I will believe you I would never choose fear and doubt our willfully choose the faith many many things happened but I can see God but you are present with me and I choose to believe you I would never choose fear and doubt you are an important you only present you are always with me when I was pioneering my church in the country one farmer's wife came to me and she said pastor please give me the address of Jesus Christ I want to write a letter to him she was exposed and in Buddhism when she would go to the temperature said the the idol on the altar she could address to that Idol but she says I come to church and I don't see Jesus here the show me address I said I don't know his address she's wrong you are the servant of the Lord still you don't know the address of your Lord as I'm sorry I have not known but give me one week time I'll find his address and let your eyes and I was worrying as a load where are you pebbles has had in heaven range to heaven clue the world that the earth is round and the toast guy who will live on top heaven is there now heaven instead side heaven is there heaven is there pressure how the range to heaven race Jesus let me know the address and I was praying and one day I found the address of Jesus Christ when I was reading the Gospel of John chapter 14 verse 20 in that day you will know that I am in father you in me and I in you I said this is it my address is centers of Jesus Christ so next Sunday when she came with notebook I said write down the address of Jesus first write down your address so she wrote down her address and this this address of Jesus Christ she was angry is you are kidding social no no no I'm not kidding so I open the Bible and a letter read it in that day you will know that I in my father you in me I in you so she just is in you so where you are there Jesus's your address is the dress of Jesus Christ he is there when you in kitchen is the average when you end famine the Jesus there when you got much please Jesus is there you just don't recognize it but Christ is present there he is only present and then she said ah now I can see Jesus is with me yes he is only present he is with you his address is you address don't go everywhere under heaven to find Jesus he is as much here as in South Korea so I say G just you are present with me whether through the day through the darkness through the good life and through bad like you are with me on edge to you as a source of my life then I say clear Jesus you are omniscient you know everything you know everything so you know my past present future so I commit everything into your hand and I will not worry I will follow you Jesus you are omniscient then I see creator of the universe you not only create the universe but you are the Great God the eternal God ruler of the world history you know in North Korea they are worse than the Communists they have strange idea to chair theory to chair they say that the human being is the center of the universe and human being created history and control the fate of human life its Antichrist so I say oh god this guy says that human being is the center of the universe but I say God is center of the universe and this guy saying that human being created history rule of the history but no God create history because history is his story not human being story history is his story it's your story you make the history you create astray you rule of the history you rule of the human fate so I worship you you are greater than the Communists you are greater than the rule of the North Korea Oh God you take kelp that guy well he'll do it American do not need to worry about that too much because we are praying so as our chopped engines I send the praise and prayer incense to God then finally I open the curtain again and go into the holy of holy right directly the presence of God and there I see in front of media act of covenant and our covenant is covered with the gold plate this mercy seat and there you see the blood of the flesh demon once in a year the high spirits to bring the blood of animal and spray on the booze you see through there they receive redeemed from sin of holy shrine now on that mercy seat we see the blood of Jesus Christ and there I see the blood of Jesus blood of New Testament Oh blood of New Testament and there I wash the Lord I say Oh God through this blood the sins of the world have been redeemed eternally the eternal righteousness has manifested you know when we see the blood of Jesus that plan is assuring that Jesus Christ took the sins of world completely when Jesus said it is finished that Greek language is tetelesti this is commercial world all the debts have been paid off that's real meaning of the catalyst time so Jesus Christ paid of all of our past sin presencing and future sins all clean clean ship and through that blood we have the imputation of righteousness of Jesus how much righteous you are you are as righteous as God is righteous isn't that fearsome feeling human being could never accomplish their kind of righteousness but we through Jesus Christ become God's righteousness you are got the righteousness this reason you come to the presence of God without feeling any bit of condemnation that is the power of the blood of Jesus Christ oh the blood is the only answer nor any religion nor any philosophy while ritualism the plan is to answer the blood flowed like a river through the Old Testament all of this blood any much those plots points the reality the blood of sanaka the eternal blood so when I see the Blood I see the scene completely paid off and righteousness manifested and I praise God for that wonderful blessing then again I see the blood and I see that his armament of the devil Jesus Christ completely disarmed the devil devil is defeated enemy of course it is going around like a lion but it's all I shall I say bluffing people up laughter by the devil because they don't know the truth when devil really Bluff and people have fear and they become the slave fear is the means of the devil but when we know the truth the devil is completely denuded of principalities and power the sound is disarmed and through the Word of God by the blood of Jesus Christ we overcome we had of coming so when I see the Blood I saw God I am free from the fear of the devil and I through Jesus Christ overcome the devil in every corner of my life and ministry then when I see the Blood I say that blood is the annulment of the law law ask you to work and through your work according to the law you can never never make righteousness you feel always condemned before the law but the blood or now the power of the know the law has been Dishonored since Calvary now law is no policeman the law is miro now through Ten Commandment we see the mirror if we have some some smile on our face and the law just help us to clean our face but law is not there to intimidate us and to condemn us and put us in jail no is a man and the role of the law is now to show us the way to please God so I always look to the Ten Commandment this is my mirror as ladies carry the mirror in their handbag and always look into the mirror and and and and using cosmetics so I always take out my mirror the law and look into the mirror and change my cosmetic so low is wonderful the role is changed all the role of the law is dissonant but the law has now new role as a mirror to show us to decorate ourselves properly to stand before God so when I see the Blood I saw God I'm free from the fear of the law then when I see blood I say no human works required for the salvation only believe only believe now no human achievement is required so when I see the blood was all God I thank you this is a deliverance from the sin and imputation of righteousness this is the freedom from the fear of the Satan this is freedom from the law the old law of Old Testament and this is freedom from the human work and I finally caught this scripture I memorized it in Korean language for by grace you have been saved through faith and that not of yourselves it is the gift of God not of works lest anyone should boast Ephesians second chapter verse 8 as not of my work is gift of God total faith total grace all praise the Lord then I reached the temple of God from entrance to the last path the presence of God when I regularly pray this temple prayer technical prayer I can finish quickly in 30 minutes and if I want to stay longer one hour and even more I can stay two to three hours and after that when I come to the direct presence of path then I pray the prayer you know I put the ripple Prairie a new cast stone into the Lake you see plump then the promotion ripple was so ripple price you prey from you and it's cause that from people too near to you and then others so I pray for my wife first because she's tremendous my helpmate without sir I don't know how can I manage my ministry so I say oh god please help her make a live longer than I do so that that she may take care of everything and I pray God to impact my ability strength and health then my children they and my parent then my presence sisters then my elders and deacons you know I have 1,400 elders and fifty thousand deacons so you can image in whare headache I have everything then churches missionaries and then Korea then America every day I'm praying for mr. Bush and America because in our generation in Korea we are what we are because of America because I experienced Korean War our our I was growing up during that period perform Erika we would have anticipated a long time ago because Communists came and played havoc on our country and America come and delivered us from the communism and from starvation and from poverty so in our generation 50 years old build or thank America every day we appreciate you so much and the only way to compensate is praying for America but I my heart spoken seeing our young generation this young guys they have a empty skull and they don't know too much anything so they demonstrate and they do all of these ugly things and I was so angry my heart right away I gather together our Christian I went out City Plaza I had a big campaign seventy thousand second time hundred thousand thirty two hundred thousand and we we was waving the Korean American flag and we pray for mr. Bush and wheezes we love America and all our bosses so I think we match the pray for our leaders and for our government and I feel such a keen spirit to you new America American people I take it as a responsibility in my life to pray for the leaders of America and American people through the rest of my life then American Church and my wonderful friend like a brother vendor is a wonderful friend of mine member board and brother Pringle from Australia is a great man of God it's young man I think he'll do five radio work then v2 and the card is going to use them so mightily so Brazil shisha I'm always praying every day through technical prayer when I go through the tabernacle then I feel such a fulfilled feeling in my heart I feel the satisfaction I see the smiling face of God I become so strengthened in my faith and I move out and I become equipped to with the challenge of that day and I hope that you would also practice this technical prayer in your life then you not wander around in your prayer life groping for the words and always watching the you watch and you say oh I'll try to fight long only five minutes all mine because you have not learned the technique of how to pray but if you make a jogging through this technical prayer then you will forget the time at least it should take more than 30 minutes it's a great thing to pray more than 30 mins you will feel tremendous anointing by having a such a fellowship then one hour three hours and I ask my Christian to pray every day for one hour and my minister at least three hours because when Christ was praying in the olive mountain then history says verses in asleep Jesus said can't you be awake for one hour and pray we'd be pray so that you not fall into temptation then he repeated the three times that means that jesus prayed for three hours in Mount Olive at that a testimony so I asked my disciple soul to pray three hours every day and that works God's anointing flow like a mighty river through our disciples through our church my dear brothers and sisters may God bless your very richly god bless you thank
Channel: Derek Packard
Views: 1,076,802
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Keywords: Learn How to pray, How to pray, temple prayer, tabernacle prayer, biblical prayer method, how to do you pray, how can I pray, how to pray tabernacle, how to pray for healing, prayer how to, what is prayer, how to prayers, why pray, how to pray, how can i pray, pray how to, a prayer from god, a prayer to god, the god prayer, what is the tabernacle, who is dr. cho, who is david yonggi cho, what is buddism, christianity vs buddism, who is jesus christ, David Yonggi cho
Id: cpAUjNmuRzg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 39sec (5859 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 27 2012
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