David Mitchell & Robert Webb Hate Comedy After Peep Show | Full Interviews

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[Music] [Applause] good evening hello Hi how are you thank you very much indeed let's take care of that hello thank you for joining us and welcome to Friday night with Jonathan Ross well see you long I'm falling over uh shall we see who's in my green room tonight we got a pack show for you let's have a look my first two guests that Mitchell and web look look it's Mitchell and web hello there David Mitchell that's Robert web for you good evening gentlemen thank you for coming on the show than for having us the best greting in the country next up we have the songwriting genius behind recently reformed take that because I see the fans are getting a bit older now and and they don't hear us well did he say take that W yes hold it I'll take the mint [Applause] out take that and is now also an author it's Mr Gary bow there he is evening Gary that's better that's better screaming okay you looking cool Gary thanks for coming on the show thanks mate good to be here Gary's not just uh back with the band of course he's written his autobiography his autobiography is out and Robie if you're watching you're in the index and the see fora fora next we have the star of the Fantastic American Medical sitcom I hope you've been watching this is a great show Scrubs it's Mr Zach brth there's Zach proper American Star welcome Zach hi thank you for coming on thanks for having me but we have a chef well actually we have the chef he's the thinking woman's Anthony W Thompson it's goldon Ramsey goldon Ramsey even CH golden look cool look at that he's a cool man welcome back golden good to see you nice to have you here night one Gordon decided to come on this show uh rather than Charlotte Church because he couldn't stand all that swearing is that right gon now I'm sure you all remember the scene from Crocodile Dundee remember the first Crocodile Dundee movie when Paul Hogan as crocodile dund D is accosted in the street by a knife wielding mugger and the fellow gets his knife out and crocodile dund says call that a knife right cuz he's Australian goes you didn't you didn't see the film he says P that a knif then he pulls out a huge blade he goes no this is a noif why cuz he's Australian he he was originally from Ireland I believe well Paul you were wrong because this is a knife look at this this is a knife look at that it's the biggest SS army knife in the world this if we ever made this is a Genuine Swiss army knife I just put out it's got 110 attachments weighs nearly £3 okay three words put in my mind drowned Boy Scout can't carry this in your pocket look at it it's got spanners It's got screwdrivers great is it it's even got somewhere here where's it gone it's got a telescopic pointer thing look at that so you can say o you look at my knife you want a piece of me act one word of advice don't try and get on a plane with one of these your shut he throw down for a fortnite it's ridiculous isn't it who'd buy one of these let's get my first guest out shall we without this man there would have been no boy Zone and no West life but we should not hold that against him welcome Gary B B Gary how are great to see you again thank you for coming on thank you thanks for having us now last time Gary was on the show it was when take that get him back together and you announced the tour take that were back on the road uh how did that tour go was it was it what you hoped it would be did it go as well as you'd hoped well the thing that worried us especially when we came on your show everyone kept asking us what the dance routine is going to be like we were all thinking we're a bit older now you know it's not going to be quite as good there says how long ago was it since you'd been together performing what was the Gap in between 10 years 10 years that's a while yeah um the anyway the first day in rehearsals um Jason came in and he span on his head six times to start with that was the first move and we thought I think we're going to be all right mind Jason how did you cope with the not too bad not too bad yeah you still got the moves do you know what I actually had I had my wife with me on tour as well as one of the dancers so I was getting tuition after hours as well when you say tuition what is that what are you talking about use your imagination uh okay so you went on the tour and it and it went pretty well uh you're doing a new album I believe is that correct y I've made a new album over the summer um in fact can I get a plug in for next Tuesday we're on the Chris Moes show at the first exclusive play of the new single plug away and we'll edit it out in the morning uh but so this is uh so it's a proper commitment now then because obviously you get back together and you know people think I'll get they're testing the water you know they work together for many years they're seeing if it works out you went on to you loved it you're going to stick together as a band you're going to make it a going concern well the thing for us we we never even announced we're going to do a new record I think we're just taking every day as it comes really we really really enjoyed the tour um we had a great time doing that and we've actually really really enjoyed recording and writing together because the the writing I always did in the past and we've all been in together as a band and it's been so great doing that I guess it will feel a little Fair down the line as well because I know obviously the person who writes the songs really winds up earning most of the money when they hits isn't that the case in the recording business uh it's very the writing is very lucrative uh and it just I guess it just means that we share everything so so prev viously the early albums you must have made most of the money MH but now if you have another album there maybe Mark can move out that Caravan would I be right probably uh now let's talk about your we because um in the back look because look at you there there's nothing of you that there look at that look look I mean look at all you are obvious of the band it seems you were the one who struggled the most with keeping your weight and keeping your Physique in the way that was required for someone in that band because I've had that as well I've been up and down as well so uh so what happens there I mean you now presumably you you dieet all the time or what do you do pretty much actually I mean I mean I don't I don't know about you but I you know if I don't concentrate on what I'm eating I get to the end of the week and I put on half a stone just seems to just go on me like that you're about what you're about 5'2 53 so that's a big weight Cuban Hills spotted no you're not uh so that that was pretty big then and did you feel what did you feel when you that way well it's really it's a trans itional period CU I I mean just before our son was born I got dropped by the label um and basically you find yourself you wake up one morning you've been busy for eight years doing the most amazing things traveling around the world and all of a sudden there's nothing happening and you've You' you've either got to you know go away and work it out uh or you know you do what I did and we actually took our son and we moved to America for a while to get out of England well it was kind of weird though because people sort of really went for you in a weird way didn't they because I I suppose everyone knew that you were the the one who had the kind of most obvious talent in the band and that you wrote the songs I mean everyone all of you you you guys were gifted performers but you were writing songs as well and everyone I think thought okay Gary's going to go into this huge success he's going to be another George Michael he's going to be an Alton John type figure uh and of course it was it was Robby MH um that people warmed to and had that huge success and and you seem to become a really odd Target for people and and I know you don't know why that is no one we knows but it was kind of pretty Relentless wasn't it well I think and eventually when I mean what happened was with me and Rob was it became a competition and that's was the worst thing that could have happened for me because all that happened is I just lost my confidence and then of course you end up finishing your own career um and that's why I think you know when the tour came around last year it was such a relief again to be able to be involved in music and and do what we all love to do um and it it was great for that but you weren't not involved in music I know you went off and you wrote any number of hit songs for other people didn't you I mean you you kept that side of your career going pretty strong didn't you yeah yeah I had a studio at home and um you know I love music so much I love to be involved in it and basically I went behind the scenes for four or five years which is actually when I I started to write the book then because it originally the book was going to be a a thin thing it was going to be called backstage for good saying I'm not I'm never going to be an artist again uh well it kind of gives it a much nicer ending and a much kind of it's a more interesting book as a result I think but but certainly you get the feeling and I've read the book and I really enjoyed it um you really get the of what it must have been like because you talk about the day you received the phone call saying you were dropped from your label and you were on the way to an interview aren't you and you turned around and went back home thinking I have nothing more to say yeah uh and you really get a sense of just how that your world just changed instantly at that moment I mean but basically you know the the up and down of the book is great I think for nowadays because celebrities just seem to come and go and I think that you know we we watch them for a while we're fascinated by them it's on to the next what happens to that person then where did they go and what did they do and I think that's for me it was the most interesting bit of the book to write obviously people are fascinated by your relationship with Robbie even to this day because it seems kind of weird and it uh Robbie uh you guys went on tour and Robbie seemed to Pat things up with you and you seem to you guys made the effort and he made the effort and it it seemed that everything was okay again and Rob did as a film piece for our tour that we played every night it was like a hologram we projected it onto water um and that was like the first step I thought in the right direction it was good of him to to do that and then we met him halfway through the tour in fact we were all convinced he was going to come on one night he was talking about dates and all the rest of it it just it just never happened well he came on this show and I said are you going to join T that to and he said yeah and we we had a kind of sort of jokey bet that if I beat him at tennis which I would have done without doubt because he's like a pgy little kid from Stoke you know and I'm a semi-professional athlete um uh and then he and I founded him I said you want to do this thing he said oh yeah bit B busy man at the moment he speaks about that I don't if you no busy doing this and that all right that's the gallago isn't it anyway he said I'm a bit busy at the moment and we never got it together we never did that and I got the feeling that he was when he said that he was going to join your stage I think he believed it I think he meant it and then and I think every day is another day for Rob as well it seems as opposed to for us every day is you're right let's move there's more of that in the book there's a lot of wisdom to be found what I meant by that was he feels something one day and he wakes up the next day and the world's changed he's he's a character of moods it seems to me he's like a little creature of the elements almost um with his backing man take that on tour um well I'm so filled it's worked out for you because I mean I met you once during the period when it wasn't going so well uh I don't remember you came on a radio show a while back when and I remember think what a what a lovely man what a decent man so I'm glad that it's now turned around and you're back on top um do you still uh you still dream about food you still because you told me that you told me at that time that at night you you you had a dream was it fish and chips or was it Twix SP it was Jason he put me on this detox thing and uh all we ate for two days was raw fruit and raw Veg it's no good for a and on the second night I had a dream that I was asleep on a Twix bar and I woke up rubbing me face in it it was lovely uh do you like a donut occasion you allowed to have Donuts um I could be talked into one yeah that's that's nice have a little bite how old are these would it really make any difference I always consider that the sell by date on a product is just an advisory yeah cheers good up M you know what you've eaten at Gordon's restaurants I mean he's responsible at least for one of my love handles I love his places yeah yeah but nothing his place tastes as good as this to Gold he golden and that true you can't make something as good as this can you he he makes these I've had these not as good as this he sends out for them I've seen him most of his stuff are ready meals I've you his kitchen all you hear is the Ping of the bloody microwave in himself it's quite sick isn't it oh that good yeah great want M yeah what's going on with this one not I I put it to you Mr B you need to try this I do need to try that's pillar that's kill that what in it just full of really good enough for me so now you've had that y we have to spend more time on the rning machine tomorrow or you just not worry about it too much I'll have to go running tonight when I get home now will you do you won't do that will you no no and if your wife's [Laughter] in I always coach but I've heard Donuts that will that will get rid of it for me all right um before you go uh one little thing do you remember this did you ever see these when they come out this is I don't know you may well have some of the if you're fan they take that doll that came out and there's Gary wearing a terrible jacket from the look um was that weird when you saw yourself in doll form for the first time that must have been pretty strange and did you have any say about what you were wearing or what you look like or not really I remember him just arriving one morning cuz we were always paranoid about lunch boxes and pillow cases and all these things all the merchandising and we did them all um but um these dolls arrived and I I loved it I thought it was great I was so excited one day I went off to the local Toys R Us in Chester and um I thought I'll go and buy me doll so I put a cap on so they didn't recognize me hold on what surely they would have given you one wouldn't they I couldn't wait for the box to arrive I I had to go and see him on the shelves that would have been moment yeah I nipped in and I went down a Barbie Action Man and there they were Mark Rob and they were all there stacked up this is brilliant but couldn't find me so I went back to the girl on the cter pulled the cap down a bit further so excuse me love um take that doll it's down the bottom there um I can't find the Gary doll she went oh no you won't love oh you've got to buy Robbie Mark aard and Jason buy all the coupons send them off you get Gary for free ah oh that's not fair but if you go on eBay mine's 30p dearer than the others how say that you've checked the price of your do on eay have one of those ladies and gentlemen uh seriously I've read the book I've enjoyed it very much indeed uh get yourself a copy uh it's called My take okay uh it's Mr Gary B ladies and gentlemen thank you for being here you can take those out take them away from me CU un finish then ni thank you Gary bow uh I've just done my house up well I say I've done it up actually some fine gentlemen from the London borer of Poland did most of the work for let's get our next guest out shall We There are comedy double act who have already been dubbed the new little and wise and gentlemen it's Mitchell and web let me introduce you in case people are confused uh this is Mr David ladies and gentlemen this is Mr Robert Webb hi okay thank you for coming on now now I was surprised though because I thought you guys because you play the character so convincingly I assumed that you'd written uh the show which you didn't oh no we're almost we're almost always scrupulous about pointing out that we don't sometimes sometimes we just pretend that you know we write the whole thing but actually no it's Sam Bane and Jesse Armstrong is it in any way based on you too because you seem to inhabit the character so comfortably and having bumped into you only briefly uh in real life you you seem somewhat similar to the characters in the show to the two losers well no unbelievably lost clueless people who are unhappy and self-obsessed yes I suppose if you know I don't really want to get bugged down with the details but you seem quite similar and I wondered whether indeed you had inspired any of the shenanigans that take place in the series it may have been that the writers found two of the most hopeless individuals in the world and decided to take pity on us and find one environment in which we could Thrive one of self mockery yes uh I'm also very much enjoying uh that Mitchell and web look which is which is actually more your own product I guess because you you write that as well as St we do yeah okay it's on Thursday nights I believe that's right um and it seems to be that people are now paying a lot more attention you than previously and and it's almost as if you know you're being treated like one of these overnight successes these guys the big new Styles how long have you actually been together for though 52 years but um but it's been such a joy it looks like we're younger feels like 12 years yeah so you met where were you University or you working and we started doing you know little shows as a hobby and uh then ruined it all by turning into a job so we hate comedy now yeah and we haven't got a hobby now I've been trying model trains but I'm not really into it so have to fall back on you know history and masturbation y like my character in Pizza you've got a tour coming up I know that now you're going to be living in each other's Pockets figuratively okay on on the road together leading the wild life like young men do okay and you will get on each other's nerves occasionally yeah but I mean we went through that phase years ago I mean it's fine if we were going to have a massive standup knuckle busting R then I think we would have done that in sort of 1996 have you ever had a big r no no we like to sort of suppress all those feelings horrible passive aggressive tety bitterness it's better to be passive aggressive I think definitely I think speaking in mind is is wildly overweighted if you feel that something's going wrong then you go okay fine that's how we write that's the best that's way I think this would be a good joke do you yeah okay okay well put it then yeah be fine are you looking forward to the tour when does the tour kick off very much uh starts at fortnite uh well no it starts in 13 days time that's it's a useful way of putting it isn't it I have no other 19th of October other than the day you know just say in a couple of weeks that'll be fine couple weeks that's fine you're a very precise person I could tell try and keep uh and and have you got it all screwed down and ready you rehearsed it you know what you're doing exactly I think if we did the show tomorrow it would be a up um but no we've got a couple of weeks uh we yeah we basically know what we're what we're doing a lot of character changes a lot of costume changes on oh yeah a lot of costume changes Lightning Fast costume changes and hats and you know trousers sometimes set moving around anyone else on stage with you yes we have uh James bman and Abigail burdess are two uh very funny supporting people helpers and they're on St they do a little support beforehand or just on stage with you no they they just get the bad parts in sketches and they get an equal share of all profits I imagine no no no no they're not being paid cuz this is a wonderful opportunity for them they they understand that and the other thing is the tour bus does get a bit messy yes there for that and they can always sleep underneath it cuz it's quite it's got quite big wheels so uh also the fellas you might you just about the busiest people in Show Business right now I guess you're striking while the very hot in case it in case it goes cold on you I suppose not that it will I don't want to worry you but of course you know I've seen them all RSE and fall and inevitably after a RSE there will be a fall it's a simple chemistry of celebrity that which is hot must inevitably grow cold and that which is cold can be reheated but only very carefully and not more than once so anyway you're busy at the moment we should kill ourselves now no no no no uh you're busy at the moment and you're making a movie as well and I'm very excited about this it's a film it's written by the guys who wrote peep showell is that correct yeah us okay s Jesse yeah can you tell us what the premises of the film it's about uh two magicians who were a fairly successful magician double act and uh and then they fell out when um David's magician um cut the head off his assistant wife uh after he discovered her sleeping with me the magician so he actually cut it off it wasn't a kind of a clever trick he did but we didn't know we don't know supposed to be a clever trick we don't know whether it was murder or accident murder or accident accident it's a bit like Quincy really murder accident um and then but they get together four years later because they're both sort of on their uppers and um because they need to win a magic competition for the money let me ask you about solo work because David you've been on any number of other TV shows at the moment you're you're kind of a regular on at least one panel show I'm aware of is that right yeah yeah I'm I'm on a show called uh best of the worst and uh I've been on lot lots of them and I you know I like them because you like them because you're good at them and you can show off on them uh oh thank you very much you can but you are very good at them and you're a bit of a shelf yeah well I mean you know we're all showoffs aren't we look we're standing sitting here pretending to have us chat like this is how we chat and there are hundreds of other people there and it's being broadcast that's not the behavior of normal people it's not normal no otherwise you know this isn't how you'd arrange your living room this is It's absurd You' wear's the T be using that space more effectively yeah can you you ever been around ever been around to someone's house to give you a cup of tea and said no I prefer to sit behind the desk you'd leave wouldn't you now tell me about your project I really better not invite you around again um there we go uh that's on web is on Thursday and you're heading up the tour as we've established in 13 days from now yes indeed yes count them down approximately 30 days and I'm hoping you'll be filming the tour because those we will and'll be a DVD for people to take home with them and remember it on on the you won't sell it on the night at the tour though will you uh I think I think it will be ready sort of halfway through cuz that's a bit a bit TDY if you're waiting as people are leaving with your own little store going see that again at home is Christmas coming up you know uh thank you very much for coming on the show uh I'm a big fan I hope you carry on doing both shows I love peep shows so please don't stop doing that but that Mitchell and web look is great as well ladies and gentlemen it's Robert Webb and David Mitchell thank you very much thank you very much for coming on Nell and web L and gentlemen now then let's get our next guest out please welcome Mr Zach BR ladies and gentlemen coming in Zach sit yourself down you're a lot bigger than I thought you'd be you're a lot taller I thought you were quite a small fell but you're you're a decent size man six feet uh even okay just saw you in Scrubs what a great show oh thank you uh great fun how many series have you done of that we've just started the sixth one right and and will this be it for you or you do more because I know your film career is really taking off I don't know I mean uh the show I think could go on for a long time I sort of don't have to decide for for a couple months till March so I think I'll procrastinate as long as I can because I would have thought if you leave you know maybe they could carry on but it would be a very it would be a kind of big upheaval for them wouldn't it they always tell me that they'd be fine without me so well they will say that when you're negotiating yeah yeah yeah that's maybe that's what they say okay another character you play John Dorian is name John Dorian he's a medical well now he's a doctor it's when the show first started he was an intern really wide-eyed and he's very goofy and and and um silly but always tries to do the right thing but always ends up running into walls a decent sord very decent and actually he's a good doctor but he's it just takes him a long way to get there uh have you picked up any actual doctoring skills while making the show you know not really I wish I'd picked up more people sometimes ask me to check them out really yeah you got to the wrong clubs um but would you ever attempt to pass yourself off as a doctor it depends what the circumstances were if they were interesting do you have a scenario for me Pam Anderson has passed out on a busy sidewalk yes she's gasping for air yeah clearly her clothing needs to be loosened step one she's not really my type okay this is such an odd show all right so do you think Zachary Zachary yes do you think doctors ever get tired say you're say you're a straight man which you probably are right and you're a doctor nothing wrong if you're not and you're a doctor and a lady's coming all day um okay let's talk about uh Zach is not just a talented actor he's also uh he he's a writer and director as well yeah congratulations there was a movie was it two years ago I think it came out 2004 Garden State uh I don't know how many of you saw Garden State it was a it was a Charming funny romantic film that W direct could start in it uh pretty low budget I imagine uh yeah we we made it for $25 million so wow that's next to nothing really for a proper yeah nothing nothing and it went on to be quite the success didn't it yeah it did really well I'm surprised that you haven't made another film yourself I know you're appearing in a new movie as an actor which we'll talk about in a minute but I'm surprised that you haven't well I scrubs is is a lot of work we do scrubs for eight months out of the year so actually what happened was I made Garden State and um then I edited we I did Scrubs for eight months and then I spent that next Hiatus um promoting Garden State so I I really I I only have a limited couple of months a year to do my own projects okay is Zachary brth is a Jewish gentleman is this correct yes sir okay you have the Jewish faith um being Jewish did you go through how how kind of I don't know what the word is not hardcore how traditional are Jews are your family how je how Jewish how Jewish am how judaic that's a good name for a show how Jewish are you but I see my wife is Jewish and she's not really that Jewish I'm not really that Jewish I I enjoy a lot of aspects of it the the the traditions and and the the humor of it um but I'm not I can't say that I'm a good enough Jew to go to Temple regularly or anything did you go through the bar mitzvah process oh I did I did have a bar mitzvah see I I I kind of admire Jewish people for sticking with that because uh my boy is about turn3 next year and basically he's just going to be slobbing around playing video games for the year uh and all I didn't have a choice my parents made me well you learn you learn stuff from the Torah don't you well you learn most you learn to read Hebrew which is its own alphabet and how to pronounce it that's a big chore that's very hard actually I have no idea what it means but I could I could read a Hebrew sentence it's hard enough just to learn how to read it so between whatever age up to 13 you learn how to read it so that you can read from the Torah on your but incredible this segment is called Zack brph presents Judaism yeah but but what a marous thing to do because you know it would acquaint the the young man with the the intricacies of his faith and make him prepare him you don't care about any of that no well okay you care about is they're going to throw you a huge party and someone tells you you're going to get cash as presence so you have a big big party that's what it has to be a big party and lots of other Jews come as well that right well non USS are invited as well I went to one although the the door policy wasn't that strange I had to wear a yamel CO and sit at the back and I was wearing the yamel co I must admit I kind of I thought I look quite raish with the Y I thought I Look to be like Robert Redford with the yam uh okay uh well Garden State is one of the favorite films in my house my kids love watching it the the older ones of the kids love watching it uh the new movie is out now is this a movie I can take kids too this is called Last Kiss no it's not a same sort of film it's not a similar kind of no this is um it's pretty naughty there's a lot of sex um it's it's more of a drama uh I would say it's not as there is some comedy in it but it's a really uh intense more of a raw movie about relationships and and turning 30 and commitment and lust and sex and love it's it follows the uh the kind of stories of of a group of friends a group of it's about a group of guys who were alter it's actually based on an Italian movie called L maacho and uh this is an American version of it uh it's about young uh group of 30-year-old men who are all facing their own crisis crises about um about getting committed for the rest of their lives now the character you play he a young man who is married I believe he's married well no I shouldn't say he's married he's been in a relationship for three years and they're talking about marriage okay and then he finds out that he's a partner is he finds out that she's with child unexpectedly okay and then and this pumps him he doesn't mush out to buy booties no he's he goes into a spiral of Doubt well he gets really terrified it all sort of happens very quickly you know he's you know I think that my generation grew up with most of our parents getting divorced it seems like so now that we're reaching marriage age there's maybe even a little more skepticism than usual about whether it's possible to be with someone forever and in fact my character has a line in the movie where I say I to my girlfriend I told you I'd marry you when you could name three couples you know personally that have lasted more than five years and when she can't he sort of has felt like proud that he's proven his point but that course what what if I I use the face Asmar what a terrible thing to say to a partner yeah but you know one of the things that's cool about this movie is that like I said it's very real it isn't it isn't uh I'm shocked that an American Studio made this movie this isn't about like where the leads do all the right things and say all the right things and are the good guys I mean these are about guys who are often you know [ __ ] they all mess up and who is the young woman who plays your part in the film um my my girlfriend is played by jinda Barrett so you have jinda Barrett and you're getting and then you also your character gets it on with another lady well what happens is amidst his crisis of dealing with freaking out a little bit uh he's not helped by the fact that a young seductress played by Rachel Bilson who you may know from the OC um she uh makes it very clear that that she wants to um sleep with him that makes life complicated that complicates things yeah that's ring uh the movie opens all over the UK here on October the 20th how nice spend some time coming what a Charming guest he's a funny wi and very talented young man Mr is z so nice thank you so much it was great to have you on thank you Mr Zach ladies and gentlemen ask for him by name time for my final guest it's late enough the kids should be in bed so your table is ready sir here he is Mr Gordon Ramsey good to see you man you're looking fit Mr Gordon Ramsey hi guys a good looking man hey Gordon how are you very well thank you how are you you're looking very fit good to see you good to see you thank you for coming now since Gordon was last on the program he was on the show quite a while ago in actual fact although sign flies yes uh you have been awarded an OB by her majesty the Queen of England great news congrat well I suppose it was great news um did they when you got to the panics where they were that you might say thanks aing L your majesty or were they concerned they warn you about the way when you turned up at the Buckingham Palace um I was really excited um and I went to Hollywood Edinburgh which was nice so oh you went out there to get it yeah ah you said you got one of the second class ones then cuz mine was in London mom wasn't there for yours no she wasn't yeah she was for mine you know why she wasn't there she said one doesn't trust oneself with a hunk of manhood like that now listen yeah Gordon is heading for an important birthday I know he looks older but he's going to be 40 you're such a big plans for your 40th birthday yeah bit of a party and uh there's been a weird scenario over the last couple of weeks because um Tana's been sort of telling the kids that we doing this surprise that surprise and make sure whatever you do don't tell your dad and Jack and I I've got this amazing relationship where we don't lie to each other and on Saturday his eyes were like Jack is your boy how old is he now he's six six and he was like filling up um and his eyes were starting to water and we're at Stanford bridge and it was his first game and I said mate what's the matter with you he said you know when you said best mates don't tell each other lies well I want to tell you something but I can't I got to wait four weeks so he said I've got you a present and it's now I can't tell you I'll tell you half time so it was really hard to see him sort of get stressed out all of a sudden because he'd been telling me a a sort of lie but stroke secret really nice you're lucky you didn't say you know I'm not going to tell you this but Mom's leaving you cuz sometimes kids will have to keep secrets like that yeah not quite that bad uh how lovely though and your kids are so important to you show I can see what a big part of your life that is uh very different to your upbringing I don't mean that in a in a casual way but having read your book which is out now called Humble Pie which is golden story and it what what a life Journey you've been on what a remarkable life you've had yeah I think the kids have actually helped me write it in a way that you sort of see them growing up and everything they've got is something you never had so you never become jealous or envious of your um kids but you start to sort of flashback and you start to tell yourself that God what they've got is the security you know they're in one house and they got the most amazing School um they get on very well with each other and they don't sort of have to keep on moving every 18 months two years your relationship with your mom I guess is what kept you going your relationship with your father was really not not what you would have wished no no hit and miss okay um but in a way do you think that helped make you the man you are because when you read Gordon's book you really get the feeling of how hard you have worked and continue to work to get where you are and to stay where you are uh and and I can't help but think the part of that comes from from not having everything when you were a kid yeah and having that level of um I suppose not discipline but you know Dad and I didn't get on and so it was a very sort of turbulent sort of um togetherness I never felt secure with him so he sort of I suppose helped me in a way indirectly to be what I am today in terms of staying focused and you know being slightly assertive and do you ever worry and I'm asking you because I sometimes worry about this myself is that when you give your kids perhaps too much you know and don't make them work for it in the same way that perhaps you had to work for it you way that you're not preparing for life in the same way that you were in a way not giving them the chances by trying to give them too much yeah that's a tough call because you've got to find that balance but the kids get pocket money every week and they get a pound each and uh you CH a pound is nothing you no if they save that for four weeks then I'll put another pound in so they go down to worth Andy well you well you're the bleeding heart of genery you're there a FIV after a month of cleaning up for me in the kitchen they're four six and eight so shouldn't spoil them they're little ones no paper yet okay you've worked pretty solidly since how old were you do you think when you consider that you're your career as a chef when did you really embark on it properly when did you consider you knew it was what you wanted to do yeah um the age of 19 19 years old yeah there's a picture of golden uh I think he's been dressed up by some bigger boys to make him look silly look at that I wouldn't want that spotty face leaning over my soup I'll be honest with you chef chef that was the first time I'd actually put a pair of whites on so so that's your first Chef's whites that's you must have thought that was a well it must have been a big moment for you as you can see the jacket was slightly big the Hat was slightly floppy and I got a big spot on the right of my lip so you kind of and did you know when you started cooking did you think this is for me or you just like the atmosphere because whenever I see and I've not really been in kit I've walked through them occasionally but it seems to me like it's really hard work you and I know you don't seem to mind that but it just seems like it's really hard work every bloody night and it's like there's no let up and I I don't personally see the appeal I'll be honest with you I mean it's 14 15 sometimes 16 hours a day um five six days a week and it's you know you're on a journey you got to get in that sort of ingredient and you got to make sure that you're um you're not intimidated by it understand it you know cook it and sort of make it perfect that's not easy you don't cook anymore though do you of course I do I heard you couldn't cook anymore I heard you want to be good you're such a I heard you lost your ability I heard you were really just a spokesperson is that right you're such a you know that is there going to be a new series of Kitchen Nightmares cuz that of your shows that was my favorite one of them yeah um that starts next month um sometime in November just come back from Spain I don't I hope you don't mind me saying this but but I think you're going soft in your old all right now when I was on I was invited on um hell what's that show that you do the one I went on is it Hell's Kitchen no that was the f word f they're all the same really I went on Golden show called the f word very similar to the other ones uh such a you know I admire you for not calling me a so far cuz normally normally by now you normally hit that that CW barer um I went on the gens it's called the F kit their f f word you c word next series c word Okay cooking word okay I went on Go and show the the the f word and uh this is one where you have people who who will kind of want to be chefs and want to be Cooks that's right you put them in a proper and it's kind of a they set the restaurant up for the occasion don't they people out to come in and eat and you talk to them and say did you enjoy the meal if you did you pay for it if you absolutely um but then Gordon dragged me out in the kitchen and made me eat something quite horrible that was the the still beating heart from an eel that's right which I swallowed down and we didn't speak after this but when I got home that night while I was Ling in bed I could still feel I couldn't feel it beating but you know when you eating something you can't digest I could feel it inside me still in there okay that was pretty horrible I know I know so Japanese delicacy apparently so right so in return I've some Delicacies in for you a these are actual things yeah okay these are actual treats from around the world and I want to see gold you've got to eat at least two of these each uh-uh I ate did you eat ill heart um no you didn't don't M like you might have forgotten no I tried it in the afternoon no you didn't all right mopani worms these are sundried Emperor moth caterpillars which apparently are a delicacy among botswanan natives that's because obviously they don't have Pringles so look at that little go on look look there you go look at that can you see that fancy that uh not really no okay well you're going to eat one of these things okay tie green curry crickets chocolate covered Scorpion Chili flavored worm crisps and salt and vinegar crickets oh although we don't have any oysters but I believe the batwan and moths are delicious oh god um would you want me get some water ready for you for afterwards yes please yeah um just one right um yeah I'll go for the chocolate killer spider okay it is a moth caterpillar he's Chosen and uh can I give you a bit of advice it stinks smell that just smell that oh oh don't worry there's plenty to go around oh don't snap it in half again you big wuss what a baby oh you got all over a tight old man jeans even Jeremy Clarks is at home saying they're a bit tight go on down in one down in one [ __ ] no no don't be a it's hard it's hard I ate a heart you can eat a mooth [Applause] oh come on and next time you go on the naughty step I think we'll let you off the hook thank you you had it in your mouth twice next you have to know whether you like it or not and okay ladies and gentlemen Mr Gordon Ramsey thanks to all my many guests this evening golden of course mitell and web Dar bow and Zach dra
Channel: Friday Night With Jonathan Ross
Views: 10,217
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: British TV show, British humor, Friday Night With Jonathan Ross, Gary Barlow, Gordon Ramsay interview, Peep Show reunion, TV celebrities, TV talk show, celebrity guests, comedy industry, entertainment industry, famous comedians, funny moments, hilarious anecdotes, hilarity ensues, humorous conversations, iconic TV moments, iconic duos, popular talk show, talk show host, witty remarks
Id: k1G6bI15p2c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 37sec (2497 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 06 2024
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