David Goggins - Watch The Whole Video At Least Once In Your Life - True Motivation

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i am i was very ashamed of my life story for a  long time i i i didn't want to go out and tell   anybody [ __ ] about me so that's why i had two  people i you know i created one david goggins and   one goggins right and um i didn't want people to  know that i had all these issues but after a while   people start to give you these different taglines  you know like you're super human you're amazing   they start i'm like just don't know anything about  me man i'm this insecure kid i started realizing   there's a lot of people out here who are going  through a lot of problems that i once tapped into   you know i had a whole bunch of issues growing  up and you know i i felt compelled to just you   know what you got to start sharing this stuff man  cause people see where you're at today they see   where you're at today they they see the man you  are today this this hard rock hard human being   show these people where you come from right as  many people as possible like i see where i'm   at today but i know where i come from and it's  kind of hard to almost separate that i'm almost   not in a way i'm kissing my own ass but i'm  amazed at what a human being can actually do   so when i start talking to myself in the third  person is strictly because i know that i literally   made this human being out of uh out  of just like a whole bunch of scraps   and i wasn't you know i wasn't a a mechanic i  wasn't a carpenter so i didn't know how to do any   of this [ __ ] you know i wasn't trained in how  to build a human being from nothing you know like   my mom didn't train me my dad didn't train me life  didn't train me well life yeah life did train me   correction and i started putting this scrap metal  together like i wanted to you know the first year   i tried to do is off and after a while i started  learning more and more and more through pain and   stuff i started learning just learning so much  about stuff before i knew it man i built this   beautiful car and like how the that and i knew how  i know how to do it because i have all the tools   through all the failure i went through trying  to build this person who's goggins the one thing   that made me who i am today is being vulnerable is  breaking myself down to the absolute rock bottom   and being able to tell people who i am and  that's how i fixed it literally you know   look somebody in the eyes you know what man  i have a whole bunch of character problems   character flaws i've lied about this i've cheated  here i'm insecure here this isn't the real me i   lied to you about that i wanted your acceptance in  life all those things happen but the thing about   is that we get judged so quickly by who we are we  don't know we don't go to the to where it happened   you know life created this person me life life  created me to be this person i was back in the day   and i had to realize man that's okay man it's  not my fault now i gotta go back and fix this   [ __ ] though so a lot of this isn't your  fault why you do some things you do why you   feel the way you feel but no one's coming back  to save your ass you have to go back to where   the [ __ ] started wherever that place is for  everybody and have the courage to go back there   and start fixing what broke you and what's funny  about is that as you're trying to fix yourself   and dig yourself out of this deep hole that life  society and you helped you helped also those   people who you saw down there in that hole who  were there with you who your friends and people   who you counted on because you meet the people  in the same situation that you're in in life   those people become your friends and second you  try to get out of that situation become better   those people are in that in that grave and  that dungeon is yanking at your heels man   oh no get out come on back [ __ ] yeah you ain't  gonna make me feel like [ __ ] right you getting   out of this hole i think you are so i get that  all the time now people would constantly remind   me of who i used to be back in the day and they  always come out of the woodworks man you know what   when you come from a small small town and you  come from a place that a lot of people don't   want to come out of it and get out of it and all  you want to do is become somebody when you have   a small town mentality is a real mentality you've  got to be able to get out and let your mind see   open-mindedness because a small town what  it does to you is it closes your mind   completely closes your mind not everybody this  isn't everybody a lot of people you have to be   able to go out there and create open-mindedness  you need space you need space to see the world   like a lot of racism a lot of a lot of ignorance  in the world it comes from people not being out   and seeing other things seeing other people seeing  all kind of [ __ ] that's why we judge so harshly   because our minds are so close to the reality of  of life i went back to brazil a couple of times   and i have nothing wrong with brazil because once  again you can't another thing about growth is you   can't hold on to hate you can't hold on to hate  and see what once you take a different step so i   didn't take a step out of my life because like you  like once you're in that hill that's all you see   is what's in front of you when i stepped  out of it i saw brazil very differently   there were a lot of great people in brazil  some of the best people i knew were from brazil   but when you're in hell all you see is a little  patch in front of you of the kids that are calling   or the people that spray paint gonna kill  you on your car people put that [ __ ] in   your locker people put a [ __ ] on your on your  notebook in spanish class that's all you see   you didn't see that my god a lot of people like  me here so once you take a step back and see the   reality of the true ignorance that you're  dealing with from a small group of people   that's when you get growth because you know  i went through a phrase in the book i talked   about man i was all about you know i was all  about black and only black when i was a junior   in high school because i was so beat down i was  the most ignorant i've ever been in a [ __ ] life   when i went there i totally took everything  all the hurt all the pain just put it in one   filter i gotta find people who look just like  me and act just like me to find acceptance   my i was a fat guy trying to be a navy seal now  and my life had come to this crossroads where   i'm like man you have to go right and no one was  going right everybody was going left i'm like you   have to go right and to know the pain and  suffering i was about to endure by going right   the amount of accountability and failure i get to  witness and suffer by myself alone on this journey   it was daunting so when i finally got to the asvab  test and i was taking it from my very last time to   get into the seal teams or to try to even try out  they weren't supposed to tell me my score and i   went back out to my car after i took it i was on  some computer test and i know i used computer i   was wigging out about that [ __ ] because the  first time i took it was like something like   notebook you know you open a scantron sheet and  you bubble it in with the number two pencil and   [ __ ] you turn it in i saw a computer and i was  like oh what the [ __ ] oh my god like it's on   the computer so i wigged out there and i had to  get a 50 on mechanical comprehension this is my   second time so i took it three times for the air  force and twice for the navy so this is my second   time for the navy and they're like hey this is it  man you know you're done you're too old you have   a limited amount of time to lose 106 pounds and  you take his asvab again there's so many things   that's crushed down my head and so when i took  the test i knew i had a good enough score to get   in the navy but to be a seal had to score high  on mechanical comprehension of 50. so the first   time i got a 44 on mechanical comprehension so i'm  sitting there and i take the test and i hit send   sentiment is out in outer space somewhere and but  i knew it popped up at the administrator's desk   and he's not supposed to tell me [ __ ] he tells  you sit down take your test and you leave i walked   out got my car or i was walking around the car  whatever i was like i gotta go in and find out man   so i went in i literally sat there everybody's  taking their test and i'm begging this guy he's   telling me i can't tell you [ __ ] it's against  government it gets rules everything he opened it   up he goes okay man he said you got a 65. i said  no man i know i got a mechanical comprehension   and he scrolled the page down it was exactly at  50. and i literally like what came through my body   because it's easy to talk about now to you but no  one knew the time and energy i put into getting   that 50 right it was pretty amazing at this time  i was still 200 and some of my pounds still had   more weight to lose so think about this i put  everything on david goggins to be a navy seal   it's like going to the craft table  with your last thousand dollars   and you say you know what i'm gonna put everything  on this on black and hopefully i'll win if not i'm   broke i put my whole life a guy that was scared  of the water a guy that could taught himself how   to read and write on being one of the hard [  __ ] on the planet think about that [ __ ] a   guy that came from nothing i put my whole life  and i want to go out here and put everything on   goggles to be a navy seal not to go [ __ ]  you know boy scout or some [ __ ] a navy seal   and i and i i look at that and i did all  this [ __ ] just to get the opportunity   to succeed that's what that's what people don't  understand man if people see the the end result   i remember that guy saying my god man i  can't believe it's done i put everything ruin   relationships ruin this ruin that put everything  on fact i have to become someone in this world   or i'm no good for anybody comes from a disgusting  place of not being fulfilled in your life   of afraid of dying having  never accomplished anything   that's a fear that some people run away  from that people don't want to face   when you have a real fear of dying and being  just another person that i live to pay the   bills i made a thousand dollars a month this  is my life i spray for cockroaches man if   if that makes you feel good that's great it  didn't make me feel good i wanted to the first   time my life after 26 years as 24 25 wherever  i was i wanted to feel good about myself and   that was that was the ticket is i have the ability  to see the end before the beginning even begins   and what that means is i know that to get to  the very end i can see it right now so before   i went to butts and i was losing all the [ __  ] i saw myself walking across the [ __ ] stage   at 191 pounds that's why i had  to get to to get into the door   i saw myself six months a year later whatever's  going to take me to do i saw myself walking across   that stage getting that certificate of graduation  from buds and i was able to be there at 300   pounds and that feeling that i was nowhere near  that feeling i was able to put myself there   a million times every day and that feeling  of like my god that is gonna feel amazing   that's what made me suffer that's what allowed the  pain to be real and say this is worth it i want to   feel for this [ __ ] next 18 months it took me 18  to finally become a navy to finally you know just   get through butts 18 months it's six months took  me 18. that's what woke me up every [ __ ] morning   was i'm gonna put myself through this much pain  and suffering for a few seconds that's all it is   a few seconds of joy is so worth it man i said  people don't get so i'm able to put myself at   the finish line even though i have no finish line  but at the finish line of an event before i even   start gonna say how are you gonna fill it into  this i was able to look at my childhood and how   i grew up as the ultimate training ground for my  life someone there has to be some people in this   on this planet earth who have my mentality  as gross as it is to some people and as far   off as it is and not understood there has to  be some people like me on this planet earth   has to be some warriors out there that are able  to take this mindset and do something with it   so that right there once you are able to look at  your life and realize that all these bad things   are actually the ultimate training ground for  what you're going to you know encounter in life   you start looking at your past very differently  it's amazing how powerful anger is it is a very   very powerful thing but it can't overcome  everything i was angry once i was able to   uncover the rug yeah and look at all these  different shells that i collected over the years   and say wow that yup and that one even worse than  that one and [ __ ] that one was real bad and   because what happens is when you start to  collect all these shells and these shells are   bad things of your life and you put them in  your nice treasure chest and you hide them   you know because it reminds you of where you're  at but you don't want to visit them all the time   when i started visiting these shelves i was like  my god man this was a it was a tough tough way to   go but now looking back on it man i don't have any  more shells so now you have to learn to now what's   your passion yeah so now my passion is still  trying to find out what is what is left what is   more is it can i be driven without the anger and  i can be i've only dissected 44 years of my life   while i'm still living i'm still in my live  autopsy so you know right now until i'm dead   i'm still examining human potential how far can  the mind go how far can we go as human beings so   that's you know i'm the i call myself the stephen  hawkins of of the mind you know he was obsessed   with everything he he ever dove into you know the  guy couldn't walk or anything you know so he was   like the mind that's one thing he didn't want to  lose and i became obsessed with it because it's   the one thing that controlled me so i became  obsessed with this what is this thing up here   that just has me on a on a tightrope and this  walks me into all these horrible decisions i   make and makes me feel so pathetic and weak and  insignificant and dumb and stupid and everything   i got to get control of this thing but it's  amazing that once you get control of that thing   how far you can go i'm big into visualization and  also self-talk but also like where do i want to   be in life where do i see myself and then i start  making these plans and how i'm going to get there   and i don't deviate from that plan so that's kind  of how i do them now i mean it's a lot more to it   than that there's a lot of quiet time i shut out  a lot of noise i only have people in my life that   that need to be there if you don't need to be  in my life i'm not about acquiring more friends   i'm not about noise i'm about okay are you trying  to go somewhere you can you can jump on board if   not i don't want to hear all your problems you  have a solution for your problem that's what   i'm all about right now so i'm not about whining  bitching complaining i'm about okay we need to go   this way so that's the biggest thing what makes it  so crazy to me is so many people have that ability   they haven't taken the time to see what they want  in life therefore he's crazy i'm crazy they put   a title on us and you know what a title does to  people a title is the greatest separator of all   time it allows you to go away in your comfort zone  saying he's just nuts he's special special person   that gives you get out of your free  car you can go ahead and be normal now   because we're special people no we found what we  want in life that's all it is it's always a very   few people they're all confused life's confusing  because they make it confusing it's different if   if i was born with a silver spoon and everything  was given to me and life came easy but knowing   where i came from and where i'm at now just  because i was able to crack open a few more doors   that's what's disappointing for me for other  people you know so it's not that i want to live   there i know i can go there and once again i know  other people can go there so i guess that's the   thing with me is i know i have the ability now  to go to a place that's very very hyper focused   that i can accomplish some pretty amazing feats  not because i'm amazing because i allowed my   mind to be open-minded for the possibilities  of what can i achieve so for me failure is um is something that you should be  afraid of it should be afraid of   but that's why you should go out there and  challenge yourself to fail because if you're   not failing at something that means you've set  your goals to pass to succeed at everything you do   which means you're not setting  your goals high enough so for me   okay i'm going to go out and break the  guess but a rules record for pull-ups   lofty goal which is why i failed it twice before  i finally got it i knew going into everything i've   ever done in my life navy seal training three  times before i got it everything i've ever done   in my life took me three times before i got it i  knew that there was a huge possibility of failure   but what i gained from failure is this when you  see a movie and you watch a movie about a person   who keeps failing and at the end they succeed  how do you feel after you watch that movie elated   amazing yeah right yeah i become the movie i want  to feel how i feel watching someone else in the   movie when i watched rocky get his ass kicked and  i watched all these different things of failure   i was able to put myself there and say god man how  much do you feel now that you finally got there   that's what failure has done to me i've watched  so many things and watched someone succeed at   the end of it it's like god i want to feel  like that but failure causes that one feeling   without that failure involved you don't have  that feeling if you just pass and you succeed   and you're great that feeling yeah okay i'm good  what takes you years months years to accomplish   because you just can't get over the hump but  you continue going back to the drawing board   you're looking for those few seconds  after you finally figure out the equation   whatever the equation may be to get you to  finally pass to succeed i live for that feeling   but i can't get that feeling without going through  i felt this equation i filled this one i filled   this one i filled this one oh but i'm figuring it  out so you start to feel it before you even pass   before you even get the to the success part and  then once you succeed the feeling is unbelievable   and you take that feeling of success through  failure and you put it in your cookie jar and   you say i'll come back and get you again i'm going  to need you again it becomes so addictive that you   don't mind family anymore most of us fail in life  because we're afraid of what everyone around you   is thinking that's 100 truth so we live by  the narrative of other people when i first   called a recruiter to be a navy seal and i was 297  pounds the first recruiter looked at me and said   you're not going to be able to make this man so  what he was doing was he's projecting his energy   on me he knew he couldn't be sealed so god helped  this black guy because i was only the 36 african   american to make it through in over 70 years  how's this black fat guy going to make it through   in my ass he wouldn't even want to try so he's  projecting so a lot of us who are negative people   all we do is project how we feel on other  people so what happens is there's a lot of   negative people walking around the planet earth  who are afraid to try because everybody a lot   of people are very negative in this world  so we are afraid to fail why i told you man   shouldn't even try to dude just chill out relax  why are you so crazy right he's so obsessed   so all that stuff drives the the quitting mind i  call it the mind wants to quit the mind is tired   the mind's tired the mind is deserving the  mind thinks it's very deserving so yes the   the biggest problem in this world is other people  not yourself it's other people in your head they   are puppet mastering you pretty much on your life  because i realized once i was talking to myself   the right way and all this [ __ ] wasn't in my  mind wow i went from this piece of [ __ ] kid   who thought he was dumb not successful  insecure who stuttered when i first saw   somebody to a person who can now do all these  things just because i now control my own mind   i don't care a lot of people say they don't care  when you get to the point where you really don't   care you don't have to decide you're dangerous  you become very very dangerous i'm not saying   don't care like i don't care if i do that  no when you don't care about other people   and how they view you about how you walk how you  talk how you dress where you want to go with your   life you know growing up i didn't want to tell  anybody i want to be in the military because why   some of my black friends i was afraid of what they  think you know why you want to join military man   you want to do that [ __ ] i was afraid of what  other people thought about me so now we're not   going to military i know you want to tell you  i ain't tell you cause afraid what you thought   once again man you're allowing  other people to shackle your mind   and so it's the worst thing in the world back in  the day what motivated me was overcoming myself   i saw myself as a very weak individual and i  wanted to overcome myself and once i started   reaching these different hurdles i realized that  we all had this super human potential now at 43   years old i believe in being a leader and there's  a lot of times like there's no re there's no need   for me to get up in the morning time to go off  for these long runs i've done it all i'm good   i'm retired from the military 21 years in the  military i've done it all now it's about setting   the example for others to follow so what keeps  me going now is people want to everyone know how   do you become a leader how are you a leader being  a leader is sometimes the worst job in the world   because you have to put yourself in some of  the most uncomfortable situations of all time   for me to tell you to do something and i'm not  doing it myself that's what motivates me now   that's what keeps me going now is that  i have to continue to set the example   i can't talk it i have to live it you know i  believe that i can't talk about where i used to be   i used to be this guy that broke pull-up records  i used to be this guy that ran 100 miles ran 200   miles i had to still be that guy and then i'm  not that guy anymore i shut up talking about   it because not me anymore so i prioritize  trying to win the battle in the morning   so i always win the battle of morning so i  get morning time every morning i go for a run   that's the first thing i do every morning  haven't taken a day off of running since   december 2016. i've every day up in  the morning so i also stretch out   every day for about two to three hours every day  i've missed two days and about five and a half six   years so that's just my routine and about four  days a week i'm in the gym hitting the weights   because you know you can't just be  a runner so this is every single day   the the monotony in my life but this is what  builds discipline you know and not everybody   i'm not telling everybody to do this but this is  my lifestyle this is how i build self-discipline   um what do you miss most about the navy  seal community since retiring honestly   i don't miss anything about it nothing  not one thing i i left it all out there   i was at god no matter where i was at i was that  guy if if i was on deployment and we got for op   at one o'clock in the morning i was in the  gym at 105 in the morning every single day   of my life in the military no matter what i was  doing i gave a hundred percent so at 21 years   i was good with it i went through two heart  surgeries i went from anywhere deploying i was a   recruiter in the navy seals i was an instructor as  a navy seal i did it all but the whole time i also   lived like it was day one week one of buds  even after i graduated navy still training   a lot of people who graduate something that's  hard like that they get comfortable even the   biggest baddest person in the world they  get comfortable every day of my entire life   i lived like it was day one week one of butts  and so i take a lot of pride that's why i don't   miss anything because basically it was extremely  hard to deploy to be in work you know workups   where you're training to be deployed and you're  getting up early getting after it and you're still   maintaining a high level of pt every day push-ups  sit-ups running every single day along with doing   the job as a seal a lot of guys don't do that  you know what some of the most valuable things   a lot of people say teamwork and stuff like  that teamwork is big but i learned that you   have to be a good individual first you have to  triple down on your weaknesses because a lot   of times like you always count on your buddy next  to you to help you out sometimes that buddy's not   gonna be there you gotta make sure that you are  a jack of all trades and a master of all trades   and that's one thing you got you gotta have your  buddies back they can have your back but you   gotta work on yourself every single day and that's  one thing that the military has to really really   triple down on is something that we're missing  nowadays a lot is that total accountability of   every day going back to boot camp in your  mind you may grab you know boot camp sucks   seal training sucks all these things suck  and people are so happy to get out of it   but that's what makes you good remember how you  were when you got out of boot camp you're kind   of all like robotic and locked in and then it  slowly goes away you get comfortable you start   to sag a little bit starts to walk around  you start to lose that militant discipline   that's the one thing i learned not to do in the  military is the military teaches you these great   codes ethics morals values you gotta continue  to work on those like everything it's a muscle   you stop going to the gym you stop running you get  weak the military teaches you these great values   of strength and honor and code and all these  other things but what we do is we don't keep up   the discipline of all that stuff and we lose it so  the one thing i learned is to not lose that thing   that boot camp silly training whatever you go  through whatever your a school is whatever it is   keep that discipline up that's the biggest thing  a lot of us work on ourselves at a surface level   i would tell them to dive deep because we  all have demons we all come from something   so some people know my story i'm very  open about how i came up how i grew up   and i really detail it really big in my book it's  called can't hurt me i really detail it big in   there about how i came up and also how i developed  my mindset but a lot of us work on surface   you have to work on what  really what really drives you   what what are some of your problems in  life because when you go to the military   the military will definitely expose some  of those issues and they will make you quit   and they will make you start to question why i'm  even here listen to anybody's [ __ ] dialogue but   your own they're tired they're not you yeah  so it's just all about this is your mind has   a tactical advantage over you at all times it  knows your weaknesses it knows your strengths   and it will guide you into your nice comfort zone  yeah we had to reprogram our mind to get it like   a different vantage point so then you know how to  be in charge of yourself versus your mind being in   charge of you so i worked with a few pictures  i won't name their names big name pictures   and i studied them for a long time i want to  be better man i want to be better and be better   so i i got film on i studied him i studied  about okay what is wrong that's it yeah i saw it   whenever something bad would happen on the mound  that's the first thing they would do totally the   head drops shoulders roll forward they look down  that sends a direct message to your brain that   i failed i am a failure that starts the downward  spiral to being a failure on that mound you can't   even recover yeah is that so i started teaching  this it's that person who you throw a bad pitch   you get the ball back your chin is not high  because shows that you're way too proud your   chin stays here your shoulders stay nice and  level your feet firmly on the ground your   hands planted like i'm ready to beat somebody's  ass and i'm ready for battle it tells your mind   wow maybe we didn't wake up that  bad we're still in the fight   so that's the one thing i always do is like if i [  __ ] up yeah keep your body positioned like you're   still a warrior like you're still fighting  if you get a hundred bad calls in a row yep hello i'm david goggins how you doing today yep   okay wrong one don't start getting poopy pants  to get upset with yourself no it's a mentality   and your body language has a direct thing to  your brain and how it functions so my self-talk   is like no one else is self-talk and by the way  this was a question that probably 50 people asked   what does he say to himself so this is what i say  to myself it changes all the time let's say for   shits and giggles i'm training for 100 mile race  yeah let's say a 200 just for shits and giggles   i'm training for 100 mile race right okay good  so let's say i'm training for 100 mile race and   i get to mile 50 yeah and i feel like [ __  ] and like everybody else my mind gets soft   why because i'm human i'm not some damn you know  hybrid creature that was formed from the heavens   above no not human i suffer i don't like it i'm  uncomfortable i don't like it so my mind starts   to get weak and we start to forget about how  badass we are i call that the cookie jar but   it's not about the cookie jar right now yeah this  is about self-talk yeah but but the cookie jar   kind of goes to self-talk too it's a piece of it  so basically what i do here is you have to make   sure that your mind doesn't become [ __ ] when  it's suffering when it's in pain all it wants   to do is find the easy way out which is usually  quit if you quit the pain goes away immediately   yeah you got to give yourself enough energy and  fuel in your mind to stay just a little bit longer   so you can talk yourself into staying for the  whole thing yep that's how it works most of us   never start anything cold if you're going to go to  college you got to steady your ass off if you want   to run 100 mile race a marathon if you want to go  be mr olympia if you want to go be a scientist a   doctor you're one of the best sales people on the  planet you've got to work you got to work but this   is you got to build you got to build that but what  happens is in that moment when we need self-talk   when we're failing and we're in our worst spot  possible we forget the back end yeah my fault   the front end the all the build up to where we're  at today we forget how much work we put in so for   me i'm at my office one more time so so i'm in the  middle of it right i'm making my calls i hate it   you're at mile 50 i hate it your mind's getting  you know wiggly on you i just want to get out of   here yeah we forget that we put years years maybe  not into making these dials but to getting where   you're at today to become this person to become  this person to be in a position to make this money   where the [ __ ] you want to make whatever you  want to do in your life yeah we forget that we   forget that journey on what it took for us to  get in this moment to make the right decision   yeah so that's my self-talk is this okay i won't  get out of here man i'm done then i remember this   you ran 2 000 miles training  to be in this moment right now   we forget that we forget the 3 o'clock in  the morning runs or getting up early for   work or whatever you're doing we forget  all that in that moment of suffering   i remind myself yeah i only have 50 more miles i  put in six months of training you did sixty seven   thousand sixty seven thousand pools that's  why i'm thirty right exactly this is no big   deal we forget all of that yeah so what i do my  self-talk is basically going back down memory lane   yeah of all those [ __ ] up days i ran the [ __  ] rain or i had to study real late at night and   i didn't want to do it but i did it to get here  yeah that's the hook that is the hooks the hook   i want it to get here yeah now you're here and  now you want to [ __ ] quit yeah so you got to be   monster but just think about it if you haven't put  in any hard work to reflect on you're [ __ ] yeah   so there is no self cuz you got nothing to pull  back it's just a lie nothing to say hey you've   done this before that's right or you've done  something like this before all this all this like   people want to be all positive all this positive  talk it doesn't work if it's a lie like if you   just study for your big exam and you go into it  saying i'm going to pass it yep no you're not yeah   you're going to fail it yeah that self-talk is not  gonna work self-talk without real work is just a   lie yeah so my self-talk is me reminiscing back  on the struggle to get to this moment and that   tells me we're not quitting today yeah not today  first of all it takes total quietness we live in   a world that's so busy and so active and moving  so fast right now i am sitting with tom ferry   my mind is sitting with tom ferry yeah it's  not talking to tom ferry about thinking about   my god i can order some more books i'm sorry out  of here i'm doing this and doing that that's the   first thing about visualization yeah you must make  sure to silence out all the [ __ ] [ __ ] of life   which is very hard to do and it is very hard  because your your visual picture must be   clear as [ __ ] it has to be clear it can't be  like kind of in and out like a like a fuzzy tv   you got to see it has to become real you can take  a snapshot of it a million times put in the bank   that snapshot of me was getting that 4021 pull-up  yeah knocked out because the record was 4020.   i visualized that over and over and over  again i visualized what i was going to say   because a guy's name was stephen highland let's  take it like what you're going to say i'm going   to say to him on video where i finally got his ass  so i visualized success but then i went through   that's the that's the fun part yeah i have to  do 4020 pull-ups to get to that 4021 pull-up   i know now because it took me three chances to  get it all those failures they were great for me   to examine where i was at along the way so i take  all that and i and i put in the bank as far as   visualization okay when i get to 2500 pull ups  my hands start to rip okay get ready for that so   i started visualizing how am i gonna handle the  pain okay then you start visualizing okay my my   nutrition was off you start visualizing all these  things because you have to mimic it a million   times but i can't mimic 4020 pull-ups by doing it  but you can see all the milestones where you fail   right and see yourself going beyond it that's  right yeah so that that was my big thing about   i had to walk in get the chalk see i had to  see everything over and over and over again   and when i realized i had to keep that visual  that picture in my head for 17 hours it took me   17 hours to break that record so for 17 hours  while i used to be loud everywhere i went   i put these headphones in i never listened to  music by listening to one song going the distance   you know for 17 hours it's two minutes and 13  seconds yeah for 17 hours i had that in that's   a lot of rocky a lot of rocky and i just went  here yeah for and so i was able to visualize   every rep yep so i visualized my hand placement  making sure that felt right before i got going   i didn't ignore all the little pains my hands got  sweaty okay that means i was aware of everything   that means my okay my hands about to rip  it's getting sweaty wipe it off be aware   everything i was totally in the moment because  of how i visualized everything most people who   are failing are trying to [ __ ] ass off yep most  people are feeling are being criticized by people   who haven't attempted what you're even trying  to fail at so what i'm failing at so after i p   i did 2500 pull-ups my first time going for the  record yep how many people were criticizing me   people sitting there eating chips on the couch  you can do a pull-up exactly look at your audience   who's criticizing you first of all yeah they're  not even in your [ __ ] world yes you don't even   talk to me yeah block them out that's the first  thing yep the second thing is through failure   you get all the answers you get all the  lessons all of them yes they're all there yes   so i was able to go back through and say okay  this happened this happened this was wrong this   is wrong this is wrong so i don't even look  at failure like i didn't call it failure yeah   i i don't because i don't look at like my god i  failed no i look at okay like trying to invent   the [ __ ] light bulb i'm afraid you know what  what's failure i'm trying to invent [ __ ] light   bulb yeah i'm trying to break 4020 pull-ups that's  failure yeah anything you do along that way is   amazing yeah that's how you gotta look at failure  yeah so for me i have a scrap piece of paper and   i'm going back through this stuff i'm okay check  i didn't make the goal yeah okay boom boom boom   the next time i did i did 3 200 pull-ups okay i'm  still 800 shy of the record i remember i remember   this in the book when you did it 800 shy of the  record now somewhere from 25 to 3 200 and i gotta   get to 4020 yeah 21. yeah 21. that's a long way  away but and your body is breaking down breaking   it down left and right yep but i got that white  board out again yeah and i started writing down   okay what did i do wrong this time are you wrong  this time you cannot look at it as failure even   though you didn't get what you wanted all you're  doing is examining ways to become successful   at this particular thing you're trying to master  something it's not failure you're trying to become   the master of a particular thing it's not failing  my goals were finding the baddest meal on the   planet working with the baddest guys on the planet  and the heart surgeries hurt me a little bit um   but what i realized is i got a lot of growth from  examining people you know my my insecurities their   insecurities my military career was absolutely  stellar you know not many people have pulled off   honor man everywhere i went and done the things  i've done i didn't deploy as much as i wanted to   yeah i went to iraq stuff like that but i wanted  to play a lot more with with the heart services   keeping out of training for four years that hurt  me a lot but all in all there's not many people   who've done some of the things i've done being the  only and i actually talked about with adam um i   came up with with the only there's a lot of onlys  out there i was the only black in live situations   and the only in the body of color there's a lot  of you know there's gays there's lesbians there's   people who are white people who just feel like  they're not wanted in society that's the only   the only is feeling like you're not accepted in  any society that you're in doesn't matter what   color creed race gender doesn't matter it's just  that you are in this situation where you feel like   you're being judged you might be being judged  you feel awkward it's an awkward feeling when   you walk in a room and you're like oh my god like  i'm the only and that comes with a lot of people   and that's really only really came from because  i didn't want to make it like a black situation i   want it to be i want this this is about people you  are your own hero you are the hero of this book   so i wanted to be what's a word that could make  people feel like this resonates with me that's   only you know it's not about it was about black  or about white or about about being jewish or   christian or whatever so that's where it comes  from man it's about ownership of a lot of people   feel like no one understands what i'm going  through right now and that's the only yes the   only is a very powerful thing for me and there's  a lot of times my life that i chose the only   um on purpose on purpose just to see how i would  come out the other end of it well like i've said   it a million times before the most important  conversation is the one you have with yourself   you wake up with it you walk around with it  you go to bed with it eventually you act on   it sometimes you act on it good sometimes bad you  got to change the internal dialogue that person in   your head that's talking that [ __ ] to you until  you change the internal dialogue in your head   until you callous over the victim's mentality that  the world is out to get you because of you are the   only you gotta change that [ __ ] man a lot of  folks don't under i get that mentality i once   had that mentality that no one understands what  i'm going through and if you keep that mentality   you're going to stay in the same exact spot  that you're in that no one understands me   there's a whole there's millions of people why  you think a book that i self-published you know   is doing so well with a story that's so [ __  ] up people like i never give up i went to a   publishing house like who's gonna resonate with  this story no one's gonna buy this book i'm like   are you not in the world are you not in society  you're never alone everybody's going through   [ __ ] so when people get this mentality of  like you understand me you can rock to someone   that can understand you if they're willing  to break themselves down and stop hiding   a lot of people understand you but you got to  stop hiding that's why i tell people a lot of   people are going through [ __ ] they just  hide better than you did that's all they did   it was hiding better what is all about i want  to keep on grinding that's not what i'm saying   what i'm saying though is you have to respect  what you've done take a second not live in it   not sit around and say i'm good sit back and say  let me look at the vantage point now that i'm at   we when that's why you reset the vantage point  get the tactical advantage if you get the tactical   advantage too quick and start fighting you gotta  take a second to take observation of where where   i'm at what have i done am i in the right spot  i'm obviously in the right spot right now now   we can go back to fighting it's called you find  peace i never found peace until i got real sick   and you find peace by clarity and there's no  clarity when there's noise there's always a   schedule in front of you to keep grinding at it  so my schedule's always there i'm still alive   and while i'm still alive i'm going to grind  until i'm dead but in that grinding schedule you   have to have a point in there where it's okay at  12 o'clock reset the tactical advantage and look   and see where you're at at this new vantage point  stop for a second and survey the field because   what i was doing was i had this big long schedule  and in this schedule there was no take a second   see what to accomplish because if i did all that  [ __ ] in the military after i got honor man at   ranger school and i was a top leader amongst 300  people when i got back to that second platoon   if i'd taken the vantage point and said okay  my god man you've really grown as a leader   i would have attacked the situation that  second platoon was differently when i was   like oh you guys are you guys are going to work  out this far you ain't you ain't hard like this   i would have learned i would take a step back  and say okay hang on a second man you learned   a lot that's the tactical advantage you got to  take the advantage point and take a second to   breathe and say you learned a lot but when you  learn a lot if you just go back into the fight   you never apply what you learn you  just get that certificate of graduation   go get it remember what you learn and use it  and that's about taking that one second out   get on top of that mountaintop looking down it's  okay how would i handle this years ago wow i would   have really up this time that's not so i'm always  in constant pursuit of my hundred percent whatever   that is if i can't run anymore i want to see what  else i can do so it i i was real proud of how i   handled that when my whole life got stripped from  me and i was at like 20 years in the military and   my life was getting stripped man and i couldn't  run i couldn't work i couldn't do [ __ ] anymore   and i didn't lose my [ __ ] all that training  i'd gone through mental training i'd gone   through i was able to utilize it to find a lot  of peace in myself a lot of joy and a lot of uh   self-fulfillment and it was a it was actually uh  not that bad time when you're born in a happy home   and and you're born around happy [ __ ] it kind  of comes out i never i don't laugh my dad beat the   laughter out of me when when you can't read and  write and you're trying to hide out in classes and   please don't call on me and [ __ ] and you're  all scared and [ __ ] everywhere you go you're   nervous and you're in you're panicked and you're  stuttering and you know your whole life is that   there's not joy in that [ __ ] that becomes  who you are no matter how much you change   you're scarred so people like my god  man you never smile never do this   it's my life it's my life so you gotta teach  yourself how to read and write and also can smile   and say it's okay a lot of things aren't  like you know man why don't you do this   like i don't judge people that's why i don't judge  people man you don't smile look so hard like this   read my book and don't forget where i came from  it's who you are you have to undo that and no   one came down and trained me on how to be happy  how to find peace how do this and that's why i'm   so glad i found it through suffering the greater  the suffer the greater the peace i found but you   have to reflect on where you came from from the  dungeon of hell that came from how to reflect on   that [ __ ] to find final peace and be able to say  wow [ __ ] if you die in this bed at 40 years old   i'm the happiest [ __ ] in the world because  i did it i piss people off along the way some   people don't like me merry christmas or whatever  but you can finally look in the mirror and you can   cuss on damn rich roll [ __ ] and don't care  what they say about you and be happy with it   i used to hate people not liking me one of the  hardest things in the world for me at a young   age was my god i just want to fit in i want to  fit in i want you like me so that's a horrible   place to be in life because you lose yourself when  you want to fit in with people so badly no people   no better than you you do whatever you can to fit  in that's a bad place to be you lose yourself in   trying to create a character that other people  will accept and the that's where i found a lot   of joy man this is god this is me i speak in the  third person i've got some [ __ ] going on i'm   still working on myself take it or leave it you  don't like me take a number and get in line man   even though people may not believe it that cuss  this is hilarious i believe in god big time   i've had this voice in my head when  i was a young kid so what trained me   was that voice and i'm not gonna go god on  you right now i don't care if you believe in   god or not that's not my place i'm not here to  judge you you have your own life and your own   things to deal with this voice in my head guided  me to the spot where i'm at today and if you don't   believe that you're here for a reason your life  will seriously hurt and i started looking at my   life and all the [ __ ] i went through as god put  me some god whatever you believe in put me here   to go through this and now i see all the hundreds  of thousands of lies i'm changing by the hell i   went through there's a lot of power in that so my  purpose as i started going through this journey   instead of looking at like what was me god  man why why man why why i started looking at   it's the perfect training ground  you knew exactly what you were doing   you know exactly what you were doing obviously  you put me in every situation possible to tell a   story that needed to be told at the other end of  suffering is a life that no one i'm not talking   about go out there and kill yourself don't take  these words and flip them and say oh my god no   it's just be uncomfortable i call it  suffering physically injure yourself yes   not saying that and then be out for six months  that's right that's no good that's not good   i'm not saying i'm not saying do what i did yeah  i was in a spot that life forced me i had a choice   had a choice to be this guy or the guy that's in  front of you i had choices i chose this path and   you're still choosing it i'm still choosing to go  back to that guy any moment because i found out i   found out something with those stress fractures  i found out something through facing all these   things i found out a whole nother world which is  why i walk around with all my stuff in a black   backpack wow i found it a whole other way a whole  nother way of no matter how far you get in life   you have to be able to go back to scratch in your  mind at a moment's notice you can never get so   far beyond scratch what that means is when you  accomplish something in life if you want to go   back to scratch and go back to that seven  dollar a month place where i once lived   and visit that place for a long period of time  if you were here when you went back to scratch   you would now be here scratch is what makes you  better scratch friction obstacles create growth   there's no friction when you're this far up in  the game anymore you think there is that's right   when you change so much the friction is is minor  because why i'm sore i'm gonna get a massage today   i'm hungry i'm gonna eat today  the refrigerator is always full   so your comforts are now so your discomfort is  now very miniscule to your discomfort back here   in the seven dollar a month place so you have to  go back to the total discomfort to then raise your   level of where you're at now i'm not saying stay  there and stay there visit visit it and then you   raise your level every day of my damn life that  feeling that i had to go back and think about   i found a way this habit how did you do  it's constantly there i have a self-talk   i have a self-talk it's called my cookie jar it's  a constant reminder of david guy every day of my   life i believe in quiet there's no growth outside  of quiet the the world's too noisy your mind needs   quiet for you to find who you are because what's  my purpose why am i here you're not gonna find it   nowadays unless you lock yourself in a quiet  room in your mind and find it it's too noisy   for me i could be in a busy street in new york  city horn's honking and i walk around with like   nothing it's me and myself in a quiet spot and  when you are constantly reflecting on who you are   where you've been the journey you've gone through  the journey you could continue going through   the feeling is always there you don't allow  the world to pull you so fast that you forget   you don't allow yourself to pull you so fast  that you forget it's not about staying in   that moment it's about you want to get to  the point where that feeling follows you   like breathing because a part of your life part  of your dna but it's made like these calluses   on my hands right now they're made yeah they  are now all my brain this is now a part of me   it's a daily process a part of me and how  i go back to seven dollar mother place   all the time is now i go out and i dig fire line  i'm a wildland firefighter i don't need to do it   i'm a 43 year old man i work with 27 year old  kids yeah i'm a rookie every day i'm a rookie   it feels like and why do you do it that's  why i do it man there's a story i'm gonna   tell you about why i do it so i make i have a  good living now for me where i'm at in my life   i was out on a fire in colorado and  we were digging fire line on this   like 50 like it was like on the side of a  daggone mountain yeah and we're trying to   keep the fire from moving and we're digging this  fire line 14 inches or my fault 18 inches wide   three miles long 12 of us digging and it is the  hardest work you make 12 an hour okay nothing you   set up your shop like when you're done digging you  pretty much lay down you go to sleep and you get   up you dig some more really happy for two weeks  longer what are you digging it's like a whole   line so you're trying to get down to to a mineral  source so you're trying to get down to the   to the earth so so that if that fire is moving it  can't burn dirt really so you're moving fuels got   it you're you know so so not only are you digging  you're cutting down trees it's hard work but the   moral story is i'm 43 don't need to do it at all  this is why i do making money i'm making my own   i i i have a good life i don't need to do  it everybody asks me why i do it this is why   this 21 year old kid was out there and he wanted  a pair of running shoes that's all you want with   pair of running shoes 60 70 100 bucks or  whatever you know easy for us yeah shoes   he looked up at the mountain that we had  been on for days digging this fire line   and he said that i'd take me five or six hours of  work to buy those shoes so i'm not gonna buy them   it's the perspective of life that perspective of  life right there of that is the value that we lose   when things start to come so easy in life it's  the perspective that 21 year old have he looked   about that mountain of thought he looked at his  hands he looked at the at the amount of hours   of pulling that pulaski that that tool and raking  that ground and then cutting those trees and   moving them and that hours of work he looked  at his feet and said these old shoes would do it's that perspective in life that we lose  and that's that story to most people may not   mean anything it's that story i always want to  have in my life you cannot lose perspective of   where you've come in life you have to turn the  negative into a positive because at the end of it   all if you can sit back and wait if you can wait  six seven eight nine ten twelve years when you get   to that point when you finish that's the feeling  for 12 years that's it it says they wait 12 years   to get there that's what keeps you going is you  got to feel i want i'm doing it for one second years of pain for one second being a perfectionist  is the worst thing that could happen to a person   you never live like when i lost that 106 pounds  in like two and a half months never took me that was the biggest trophy in my entire life  i didn't care if i graduated still training i   didn't care what i just accomplished in that time  frame it's massive yeah i don't know there was no   trainer i i there was no like it was funny about  this we talk about mental toughness nowadays   it's like the biggest crave when i grew  up it was just suck it up yeah it was just   make it happen yeah you had to figure out it  was called figure it out man and all these all   these nuggets that i gained along the way that's  what it was about they went about the trident   you know about those daggone  medals what about any of that   and that's why i hate even talking about being  a seal you know i mentioned stories people   why talk about it didn't define me the journey  getting there was harder than going through it   yeah you know so that's the thing about life man  it's that journey that that makes you who you are   the things i do in life most of life you're  alone you may have a whole support crew   around you but up here you're alone most  of the stuff i do i'm training for that one   those moments those moments when i was at mile  70 and i had 30 more miles to go and i had   i crapped up my back and pee and blood down  my leg got 30 miles to go there's only so much   someone sharing it can do for you right when you  start to dive back in the cellar of your mind and   you're pulling out all these all these tactics all  these mental tactics to get through this 30 miles   when you're in the worst shape of your life and no  one's coming to save you and you get through that   i i want to go back there like when i  got done with that race i laid in the tub   and my ex-wife helped me get up the stairs  and i'm laying in this tub and coca-cola's   coming out of me just looks like dirt and she you  know she's a nurse and she's like she's freaking   out and she puts the shower on me and i'm  looking at her and all i want to do is call   the race director up a balwar saying i qualify  for the race and she's thinking we gotta go to   the hospital so you know she's calling my mom  and my mom has a doctor friend of hers who's over   and they're freaking out and i said everybody just  shut up wow shut up i'm in the worst pain in my   entire life and no one would ever understand this  no one when you've gone that deep inside yourself   and all those feelings of pain that i  had i was in the worst pain of my life   ever and some people think man you're just  crazy no when you've when you've done that   and you figured out so much on your own  and all that pain and discomfort i had in   that tub laying there passing out everything  was confirmation of what i just figured out   i just figured out the code i figured out a  code a code that many people aren't looking for and i wanted to be known i i want that feeling  this was confirmation this was like a scientist's   notes the notes were here the notes were all  this feeling it was a confirmation and no one   at that time could understand what i just  done i cracked the code to human potential   in myself and i was still like oh my god like  this is unbelievable but i just did so it's   that quiet place wow it's that place by yourself  it's those hours and years and decades by yourself   in the grip of life the life has you by the throat  and choking you out and you're sitting there calm   because you're trying to figure it out you're  not panicking you're not quitting you're not   throwing the towel you're saying there's a way  around this and when you figure it out when life   has you gripped in a vice and you can figure  that out that's when you overcome that's when   you overcome and that's why that one moment for  me in that tub i want anyone to take away from
Channel: X Lone Wolf X
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Keywords: david goggins, motivation, david goggins motivation, david goggins story, motivational, speeches, who is david goggins, david goggins motivational speech, david goggins book, david goggins interview, motivational speech, david goggins toughest man alive, david goggins navy seal, x lone wolf x, goggins clips, greatest motivational speeches, david goggins new norm, david goggins 1 hour motivation, david goggins true motivation story, watch the whole video at least once in your life
Id: Sn7-EIxD5jY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 19sec (3739 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 20 2020
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