David Gibbs Jr. - Sunday Evening, November 3, 2019

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turning your Bibles please to the book of first Corinthians the book of first Corinthians chapter 13 1st Corinthians chapter 13 the message I'm about to preach I want to confess I've preached a lot across America because I'm terrified about something that we ought to see everywhere in God's people and yet I see very little of it it's something that the Bible is absolutely clear on there is no such thing as a good or vibrant Christian who isn't good at what we're going to talk about and it doesn't matter whether I go east west north south sometimes I have a hard time finding this tonight I want to ask you a very simple question as a child of God how's your love life how's your love life how good are you at having the love that the Bible commands that we as God's children are to have I'm not talking about your romantic love life I'm talking about your spiritual love life and what anybody around you say that is one loving lady that is one loving teenager that is a godly loving man do you have the love life commanded by God now our culture is dis shoveling it's literally coming apart at the seams all of a sudden we don't love each other we can't even act civil to each other and that has now become the new standard that may become the world standard that's never God's standard God's people are commanded by God to have a love life that sets them apart and tonight I just want to ask you have you got your love life activated the Bible says in Hebrews 11 that without faith verse 6 it's impossible please God doesn't say it's unlikely doesn't say it's difficult the Bible says without faith it is impossible to please God but the verse we're about to read says that with God there's something more important than faith now I just can't hardly imagine that without faith I can't please him but then God says there's something more important let's read the verse chapter 13 verse first Corinthians verse 13 now by the faith boy there's that key ingredient by which you got saved or by grace are you saved through faith that not of yourselves it's the gift of God not of works lest any man should boast now abideth faith hope and charity charity here is the word for love but it's not the word that the world uses most of the time this is the word for the love that only God can produce in the Bible there's three words for love and make sure you get the right word here the first word is the word eros that's a physical attraction we get the word erotic from it a young man gets interested in a young lady and he says I think maybe I'm being attracted to her he better be careful that it's not just physical the problem with basing love on physical what you fell with one day won't be there in the days to come God never commanded you to eros the second word in the bible is the word phileo that's just the love of a nice person we get the word philanthropic from it Philadelphia the city of brotherly love have you ever met someone and they may not even be saved but they're nice and you say what a loving person that's Philly Oh an unsaved person can eros and an unsaved person can phileo but the third word in the bible is the word agape that's the word used here this is the love that only God can produce through you for God so loved the world that's the word that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life isn't it amazing when God says the fruit of the Spirit found in Galatians 5 the first fruit of the Spirit is love and it's the word agape God says now about a Faith Hope charity agape these three but the greatest of these is not faith the greatest of these is this love how's your love life now we're absolutely commanded to have this I want you to turn in your Bible please through the book of John John chapter 13 Jesus speaking to his followers John chapter 13 verse 34 he says a new commandment I give unto you that ye love one another and he uses the word agape that ye love one another as I have loved you that she also loved one another he repeats the command twice then he says by this by this love shall all men know that ye are my disciples if you have love one to another would anybody around you last week say that person's got something they have got a love that's totally different they've got this God love that exceeds the value now go back to first Corinthians 13 and I want you to see how critical God says this love is he says if you don't have it there's some dire consequences chapter 13 first corinthians verse 1 though i speak with the tongues of men and of angels and have not charity agape i am become as sounding brass and a tinkling cymbal i have that first underlined in my bible haven't highlighted i have a star by it i'd recommend you do the same this is a frightening verse for america you know what god says without this love you're nothing but an irritating noise a sounding brass was the noise that merchants make in the marketplace they still do it if you go to jerusalem into the old city they screech they howl it sounds like fingernails on a blackboard and the whole idea is to get your attention to come in and do business that irritating noise you ever had a car pull up next to you and there's some kids in it they got the boom boxes just pounding my wife and i had it the other day the vibrations from their car was coming down across the pavement up and down our car and you say what an irritating noise well you're me god says without this love that's all you're gonna be in this world that's all i'm gonna be how many days of David gives just been an irritating noise Wow now this is not the world saying this this is God's saying this look at verse 2 and though I have the gift of prophecy and understand all mercy and then do I understand all mysteries and all knowledge and though I have all faith so that I could remove mountains and have not charity say about the next three words I am nothing I wonder how many days I've been enough if the Lord was here in a forum we could see tonight and we say walk the aisles and show us the nothings what would happen when he came to you well brother Gibbs I don't like to think of myself that way I don't either but God says without this love that's what we are we're an irritating noise and were nothing look at the third thing and though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor not some all and though I give my body to be burned and have not agape charity it profiteth me nothing I wonder how much giving I've done how much service I've done that never counted because it wasn't done with love boy this matters to God I promise you this is a day when this America when our world needs to see the love of God has never before now remember whatever God commands God will enable so when he said a new commandment I give unto you that you love one another as I have loved you we can do this but it takes a decision now look at verse 4 he says that you want to know if you have this love here's the benchmarks to check against it he said if you want to know if you have this love number one it's suffereth long charity suffereth long we're not going to preach at length tonight but I hope you understand where it out nothing can make it go away that's it I've had it I'm sick and tired of you I've already put up with too much who do you think you are I'm out of here I'm done this love never says that you can't wear it out oh you can wear out Eris and you can wear out filio but you cannot wear this love out whoa have you got the love that nothing can wear out I have a problem when I confess it to you takes quite a little bit to get me ticked off but once I'm ticked off I get eloquent how many of you understand what I just said hope you're having words just come to me they just come to me a man wrote a letter about our ministry it was a terrible letter it's a number of years ago never talked to us and the letter was just flagrantly false lies terrible but he sent it out all of a sudden my friends are calling me saying this isn't true is and I said no it's not true but I got ticked off and I thought man you want to play games okay we'll play games here's what we're gonna do I'm gonna sue you once a day every day for the next thirty days I'm gonna put thirty lawsuits down your pipes you and your lawyer are gonna get to be the best of friends because I'm gonna get even and I felt wonderful wonderful can I remind you there is pleasure in sin for a season hey this guy started it I'm just finishing it I left town for the weekend to go preach at a church I told all the lawyers be in the office at 1:00 o'clock coz or if you can come up with more ideas how I can make this guy regret the day he was born I want to do it I felt great that weekend I came back into town was in about ten o'clock went into my office and there was my secretary mrs. block she's with the Lord now and Shirley was there and she said oh I saw that letter he sent out yeah she said that's terrible I said I know she said those are lies ever better that's a lie that's none of that's true I said I know she said well I know what you're gonna do I said yeah Shirley I got a really good idea I'm gonna sue them once a day every day for 30 straight days I've got most of the lawsuits all drafted up on my computer we're gonna say this is gonna be good we're gonna be good she said no no no you're not gonna do that god forbids that you're gonna love him and bless him aren't you and I said yeah right after I get even she said brother Gibbs you can't do that that'd make you worse than him you gotta love him and while she's telling me this I'm thinking to myself right now I do not need a Christian secretary I just don't and then she starts quoting scripture to me go to Matthew chapter five I want you to see what she quoted she quotes me this verse Matthew 5 verse 43 you have heard that it hath been said thou shalt love thy neighbour and hate thine enemy boy there's the world's gold standard you treat me right I'll treat you right but I say unto you sell out the next three words love your enemies same out loud again love your enemies that is straight from the lips of the son of God do you understand somebody's causing you grief somebody's causing you irritation you are commanded by God to love them bless them that curse you do good to them that hate you and pray for them which despitefully use you and persecute you she said brother Gibbs you've got to love him you got a blessing now I'm sitting there looking at her and I'm thinking what happened man I had a great day going here now all of a sudden I'm dead in my tracks isn't it funny how comfortable we get with wanting to do it our way instead of his way she said brother Gibbs you gotta promise me you won't sue him promise me I said okay surely I won't sue him and she said you got to promise me you're gonna love him Jesus commands it and she said when I saw you pull up I knew you'd want to tell him that you love him so when I saw you pull up by dialing he's on the phone and I looked down and the phone is blinking away on line five and she picked it up now Shirley was from West Virginia but she had Italian in her background and she wanted you to do something she'd go like this she'd say tell him you love him I looked her and I said leave me alone she hands me the phone that says tell them you love them maybe this is all easy for you what if it's so easy how come we don't do it I said hello that's all I said hello he cussed me out he's swearing at me and I held the fly said you hear that Shirley listen to that let's go back to once a day every day for 30 straight days and once after I fixed his mouth a good one then we'll do it this other way she said tell them you love them I said I just called to tell you I love you he said you don't mean that I thought boy are you dead right one of the greatest Warfare's you as a child of God will ever fight is for your spirit to be what God commands it to be for you to have the love life God commands I somewhat tell you something you're a bad man but I'm worse than you I came up with a game plan to destroy you and he even said it in motion but a godly secretary stopped me and I'm telling you right now God helping me I want to bless you I'm commanded so are you there is no option yeah but now brother Gibbs yeah you you don't know my mother-in-law you don't know my you're right I don't here's what I do know everybody has somebody in their life aggravate them how many of you found out the world's full of aggravating people hold your hand up would you yeah how many of you got some in your own family hold your hand now yeah I may be you're sitting next to one right now sure and you know what God says I want you to love them and bless them and nothing can wear this out nothing mom I wonder if the kids would say nothing stops moms love nothing nothing stops grandma and grandpa's love nothing that's the Bible command this love suffereth law look at the next thing he says and is kind what a simple test you are never permitted to be unkind never this love is always kind yeah but for the Gibbs when God wrote that he didn't understand Chicago rush hour he didn't understand my boss he didn't well he understood every bit of it do you understand we are commanded by God to be kind and at some point that we're not kind I don't care who you are then we don't have this love I'm not a good morning person how many of you're like my wife you love to get up in the morning hold your hand ought to be legal to shoot you okay I'm just I get up in the morning but I'm not good at it I was getting on an airplane and it was a morning I'll never forget I'm getting on this airplane and they put a new interior and it it's quarter to 5:00 in the morning 4:45 the planes gonna leave at 5:20 and I looked at the seats and I thought those are the smallest seats I've ever seen they're making these airplane seats where people my size do not need a seat belt once we're wedged in turn this baby upside down I'm not going anywhere you know that little deal they do in the event of an emergency if there's an emergency me and this seat will waddle out of here together that's I'm right there and I'm gonna tell you what's worse than this is this way there's no leg room if the guy in front he leans back you could do dental work on him as head is in here I walked back to my row I walked back to my rope and I'm looking at these seats and I remember exactly what I said there's a flight attendants stand and they're people all around us I said these are the most puny seats I've ever seen I didn't say anything about her I just criticized the seats I said these are the most puny seats I've ever seen and that Delta flight attendant exploded at me I said these are the most puny seats I've ever seen it she said well you could lose weight you know oh sweet Alabama man it's 5 a.m. and I got the mouth of the South she said you could lose weight you know I said you know what you're right you could get prettier I said you are one of the most seriously cosmetically challenged people I've ever met I said I don't know how to tell you this when you fell out of the tree you didn't miss a branch on the way down now I'm being a and here's what happened the people around me start clapping I'm sinning and they're applauding my sin a businessman there got his pen out he said see that again I'll write all that down he said where'd you get that I said the devil gave it to me I don't know she started tearing up and went off hey she started it I put my coat up overhead and the tracks in my pocket just slid out I picked him up to put him back and the Lord spoke to my heart and said probably not a good time to give her one huh I want you to hear me if you don't have this love this world does not want to hear what you got to say if the love of God doesn't govern your tongue Wow I thought what's the matter with me I'm going across country I'm going to Portland I'm gonna do a trial there that night I'm preaching in a Bible Conference and I started out breaking God's heart I went packed up fire and I said you know what I said what I did to you I wouldn't want anybody to do to my wife or my daughter and I want to apologize she said I've been a delta flight attendant 22 years nobody's apologized to me I said today's the day when is God gonna get a hold of your tone this love never wears out and it's always Oh how maybe have children hold your hand up how many of you figured out they're God's little spies oh they are they're listening do they hear your dad unkind do they hear your mom unkind because my family hear me unkind God says without this love you're nothing but an irritating noise without this love nothing counts without this love were nothing and he says this love never wears out never and it's always kind no brother gives I just don't think I can do that well I got good news for you you're absolutely right no one here human in and of themselves can do it but by the power of the Holy Spirit you can absolutely do it you can leave here with this love go back to first Corinthians 13 verse 13 again now abideth Faith Hope charity agape these three but the greatest of these is charity now chapter 14 verse 1 the first part follow after charity the word followed there was the word for a passion pursuit it's the word that God would use to say I want you to make sure you get this don't miss this this is a priority beyond faith you can have all faith and if you don't have this it's still nothing but I want you to have this passion pursuit follow after charity when's the last time you said God give me somebody that's hard to love I don't want to pray that prayer God I'll answer that one there's a whole world out there that needs to be loved and were the people commanded by God to do it but you've got to do it with the love of God how rich and pure this changes everything I was talking to a judge and it was during a break in the court this federal judge said can I ask you a question David I said sure he said if I understand right your God commands you to love even your enemies I said that's right that's what the Bible says he said well do your people do that I said let me tell you we need to the whole world's watching Heaven's watch it and we're commanded to do it how's your love life would you be willing to say tonight God by your grace I want the love of God and I'm gonna follow after charity I was getting off that airplane and the pilot was standing there at the door with that flight attendant that I'd had words with and as I'm coming down the aisle she points at me and I'm probably 20 people back she said the big guy right back there and the blue suit that guy that guy oh boy here it comes how many of y'all ever had your mouth get you in trouble hold your hand oh yeah I got up by this pilot and he stuck out his hand he said I want to thank you I said you want to thank me he said yeah he said I'm a born-again Christian he said I believe the Bible's to control life I said me too and he said I just want to thank you for what you did today I said captain I don't know did she tell you the whole story he said yes she did and then he said these words you didn't take off too good but you landed well he said there's a whole world out there that needs your love follow after charity
Channel: First Baptist Church of Hammond
Views: 5,758
Rating: 4.7826085 out of 5
Keywords: first, baptist, church, hammond, indiana
Id: lmSJ632BDBA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 12sec (1932 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 04 2019
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