Dr. David Gibbs Jr. Preaches Tuesday at Pastors' School 2011

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thank you please thank you thank you thank you Wow my heart has been so unbelievably touched by this conference the cross has had a major aspect in my life every day had not like the last two days this world's got a way of distracting us sometimes other Christians can distract you sometimes if we're not careful the work of God can distract us and we forget what it's really all about you see but for that ever one of us would rightly be in hell for eternity but there's a cell in hell with your name on it that you'll never see you know what it's going to say across the front of him the cross whoa the preaching has just been so incredibly powerful a dr. Hanford excuse me I'm sitting here about to bring another preacher in for you and it wasn't here forgive me preacher boy I think I'll just keep going on anyway and his description of those cockroaches how many of you could feel one going up your leg while he was talking right I never saw a guy imitate a cockroach better than that deer man Wow and then dr. Johnny Pope preaching on the cross boy the pain the prayer the power whoo if the Avengers didn't do something for you you're spiritually hurting big-time I told dr. Pope the best message I ever heard on the cross was a number of years ago by dr. Crumpton in Natchez Mississippi I've heard many great messages on the cross but last night I heard the one that changed my life the most Wow would a dear man and then brother Tony Hudson how do you explain brother Tony he's like Lester roll-off on steroids I mean he's just born whenever he gets that hankie out I always prayed man I hope he hadn't used that in a while I mean I just and he preaches with such gusto for God and you're not love about his preaching you don't have to wonder where he's act you don't have to try to fill in any of the empty squares he'll fill them all in and I want to tell you that message we're in trouble because we've got so many wonderful people who've had so little real time with God you can be busy for God and not have been in that place he talked about well I want to tell you I I run hard I work hard I love doing it I love doing it but boy that message I need more of that that inner place and so do you how maybe that message touch your heart tonight you cannot give what you do not have or how dare we have dare we miss that precious time of being in there with the Lord brother Tony thank you thank you I want to encourage you do not go home and try to copy that man somebody will take out commitment papers on you all right because that's got to be really you and boy that dear man of God how God has used him the width and breadth of our nation to bring a great clarion call to God's people and I love ever benefit last night when he was talking about those cockroaches boy I was there just thinking whoa and if you live in the south that what you call cockroaches here we don't call anything down there the cockroaches you have here our cockroaches eat them okay I mean our cockroaches are big enough that you can see their attitude on their faces they got teeth they got teeth and I'm sitting over there and and and or what a privilege to be here with some precious friends and mrs. Moffat is there and I said in that incredible and she said yeah I said can you imagine some people in other lands eat those cockroaches and she said yeah yeah and I said you know would you everyone she said no never never I said you don't want to say never that's a long time and she said no I would never and so I said miss Moffat that's a long time I said what if somebody wanted to d1 and she looked at me and she said I dare you you dare me I said you don't want to say that miss Moffatt she repeated it three times now being the champion of grace that I am I decided to make nothing of it but then this morning at breakfast she brought it up again and I'm sitting there drinking coffee and she said brother Gibbs you don't have the nerve miss Moffat would you kindly come up here for a moment could we have you now and I'm glad he's here because somebody's going to have to handle all the corpse and all that stuff when this is done I went to some of the church staff and I said we need to get some roaches and the guy said oh yeah man he smoked those all the time I said no no I said cockroaches cockroaches they said I'll go to building C and I said no no no no we need the big uns the big ones and so your staff did a diligent search and we found out the largest cockroaches on the planet are called Madagascar hissing cockroaches sweet Alabama now that's their cousins these are tasty now the first thing we know is how long never is it's less than 12 hours how many of you would like to see her eat this I'm gonna take a little piece here just a little people if I were you tonight I'd drink all the nyquil I can find alright in that a tasty looking guy would you like to say I won't dare you anymore brother Gibbs step up to the mic so they can hear your confession how many of you believe confession is good for the soul let me get him now he's still wiggling alright I won't dare you anymore brother Gibbs I didn't hear you no you don't need any of this say I won't dare you anymore you want to come up and do it for and do I have the nerve no do I have the nerve you said I didn't have the nerve so the bottom line is and in other lands they eat these as a delicacy people are crazy you know what I think we should do we should extend grace but you should have the platter and all of the relatives all of all a little creepy crawler no way don't crush him those are precious and would you agree if you ever make a challenge like that again you will eat one oh look at this where you thank her for being such a good sport what a great lady when we were trying to find those they found a pet shop they said had it and but they've gone out of business and one of the staff here called them and the number got assigned to a hotel and we called and said do you have cockroaches and they said what are you looking for oh listen and thank you again for that memorable memorable sermon example that we will never ever forget ok I promise you this pastor school has a touch of God on it not because of me but because of all the precious people here and I am thankful for the incredible heritage all the men that have graced this pulpit through the years being the incredible heart and work of dr. Hiles but I want to tell you what makes today possible the heart and the work of dr. Jack sky and we owe him a word of thanks for all of this thank you thank you I praise the Lord for all the Giants of yesterday but God's got Giants today doing momentous work for God and can I give you a little insight that I've watched for a long time anybody who tries to do something great for God will draw criticism now it isn't right and it's scripturally forbidden we're supposed to edify we're supposed to encourage we're supposed to help but I promise you if you go out and try to do something for God somebody's going to raise a voice against what you're trying to do because the devil loves division and he loves splitting the brother and he loves it and I just want to encourage you pray for these men that are doing momentous things for God pray for them and boy when you get a moment encourage them but every person here needs encouragement I need it and unfortunately the world is full of like what I like to call little walking hoover's they want to vacuum every drop of encouragement out of you every one of us needs to be encouraged and we need to be an encourage please put these people on your prayer list thank God for what's happening in America and boy thank God for what's happening at pastors school and how God is using dr. jacksgap every month we send out a newsletter and block of it getting you to receive that Usher's if you'd come forward brother stop so graciously if you already get our newsletter please fill this out even once again but I promise you the only hope America has is the church if you think the hopes in Washington you just haven't been there and I want to encourage you please start praying for this nation you know what scares me people spend an hour watching Fox News they've never prayed an hour for America they will sit down and watch or listen to some commentator but please I beg you pray for this land and pray for these lawsuits when you're sued you'll want people to pray now the minute you get that card fill it out we're going to collect them as you leave tonight but please fill that out I'm convinced absent prayer we're whistling in a hurricane we have got to have what has been preached on what what Tony Hudson's so graphically and beautifully portrayed we got to have the power that comes from being with God and prayer changes things it's a frightening verse you have not because you ask not I wonder what's on your list for our land what's on your list for all these people being sued what's on your list that you'd like to see God do here if the Lord doesn't come for another 50 years what America is going to be left for our grandchildren we're already dealing with what I never dreamed we'd see in a lifetime please fill that out permit us to send it to you it's free it's absolutely free all I ask you to do is would you give me a minute a month and pray one minute a month and pray for that prayer checklist great loitering isn't going to save the land prayer is going to save the land and your prayers can make a difference please don't hesitate to fill that out also in the back as you leave there's a very special book offer tonight we have three books back there that you can buy for twenty-five dollars one is one nation under God 10 things every Christian should know every Christian should know about the founding of America do you understand half the men who signed the Declaration were dead in 12 months for putting their name on the paper I put a paper down here and I said I want you all to sign it but half a you will be dead in less than a year what would have to be on the paper such that you line up to sign it that's what the founding of America was about there's another book back there about the Terri Schiavo case my son David wrote with Obamacare and everything that's coming all of a sudden we're treating life different than we've ever treated it how many of you believe life is sacred boy take a look at that book it's frightening to me how many Christians have fallen in line with the mentality of the culture of the day life is a gift from God we must not take for granted then the last one is a devotional my wife's writ we've never had anything get the response and it's for ladies it's full of all kinds of pretty pictures but it's written from a lady's heart and it's out of her prayer life those three books are back there tonight they're $25 if you're here and you have no money you have no money I'll give you the books if you honestly have no money if you promise me you'll read them but please don't fib to me about whether you have money or not how many agree it's not nice to fib the brother Gibbs how maybe it all agree turn in your Bibles please to the book of Romans mrs. Moffat thank you for being such a gracious sport never had so much fun buying bugs in all my life all right well I get the privilege to be here with my son David and his wife Karen four of my grandchildren are here my son Matthew who pastors in California and his wife penny they're here and a two of the best servants of the Lord I have ever seen on planet Earth Steve and Karen clew both graduates of Hyles Anderson this dear man has been a servant extraordinary they're here and then to be with very precious friends Cristina Martinez and her namond dosa these precious folks I've been so thrilled that their hearts have been able to feel what my hearts have felt in the book of Romans there is a promise and it's a promise that's so incredible that absent being in the Bible it would be laughable and it's a promise that many people handle very casual it's found in Romans chapter 8 verse 28 and sometimes as we're going through life people will simply say well you know all things work together for good right that's not what it says but we just kind of toss it out there because we've parsed the first part of the verse off and yet God says if you and I with his enabling ability will do two things God says I promise you that you can absolutely know for a certainty that all things work together for good now you gotta meet the two conditions but why would anyone want to navigate life without that promise why would anyone try to raise a family without that promise fully activated why would anyone want to do any kind of ministry and deal with everything without that promise all things work together for good now the promise would be incredible if God says I'm going to let you do it but just one time so you picked the time you picked the place and one time in your life you can have all things work together for good but God didn't one time it he said this is unlimited to the specter of life Emerson said the problem with the stars as they show up every night and he said they're so spectacular they're so grand they're so awesome but he said because they show up every night you get to where you don't even see them they're just there you know what because this promise is so available we get to where we don't even think about it where we just take it for granted tonight for the next few minutes I ask you this question has this promise been activated in your life can you say based on the Word of God based on the sure promise of God in my life in my ministry I know for a certainty that all things work together for good or would you have to be honest and say I sure hope so I'd sure like it to be so it it thrilled me if it were so but boy brother Gibbs stuff gets happening and I'm not sure I do know that do you know what I have people who oppose the say all the time you people talk about how awesome how incredible how great your God is how all-powerful he is and yet when life throws trouble at you you guys pretty much unravel just like we do and you know what there's a lot of times I'd have to agree with that there's been times I've unraveled but God says I'm gonna give you a promise that should keep you forever from unraveling I'm promising you do - simple qualifying things and all things by command of the all-powerful God will work together for good now let's get ready to read the passage Romans chapter 8 starting at verse 26 likewise the spirit also helpeth our infirmities for we know not what we should pray for as we ought but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered and he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit because he maketh intercession for the Saints according to the will of God do you understand right now tonight at this moment someone is praying for you in heaven someone is praying for you 24/7 in heaven and it is the very spirit of God I've had people come up to me they saw were the kids we got such a mess you got to get people to pray I said yeah we do but do you realize who's already praying there's never one moment in your life as a child of God that the Holy Spirit of God is not making intercession for you but look at what he says next and we know that all things work together for good to them that love God who are called according to his purpose now don't ever quote the first part of that verse without quoting the two qualifications and we know that all things work together for good to them that love God number one to them who are called according to his purpose for whom he did foreknow he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his son somebody says what's God's purpose to conform you and me to the image of his son that he might be the firstborn among many brethren moreover whom he did predestinate them he also called and whom he called them he also justified and whom he justified them he also glorified what shall we say them to these things if God be for us who can be against us when the Bible says that we know something I want to start tonight by asking do you know it the word no is found over 1,000 times in Scripture and thank God for how we're honoring the King James Bible 400 years indeed we have the Word of God and by the way if we don't have the Word of God we need to stop and go try to find it but we need not search we have it we have it I love what the Wall Street Journal said I mean we understand that's not a theological newspaper if you're aware you know what the Wall Street Journal said to try to rewrite the King James Bible is like turning amateur watchmakers loose on Big Ben good point boy you know what your Bible says we know something now that word no there was not the word for knowing merely about something the word no use their market in your Bible was the word for knowing something with an unqualified certainty I know whom I have believed same word do you know with the kids say we ought to watch mom does she ever know you ought to see dad you ought to see our pastor they know or is it something you're pretty heavily convinced but boy when life throws some curveballs you're not sure what you know one of the greatest physicists that ever live Faraday the man who discovered the Faraday effect man he discovered in England that magnetic forces could distort light and they still use that in every sphere of physics today including interstellar travel and he did all these theories and speculations and now he's on his deathbed and they came to him they said you have any theories about dying he said not a one he said there's something though that I know I know whom I have believed it and then persuaded that he is able to keep that which I've committed unto him against that day he said I don't have to guess I don't have to wonder this is something I know when life puts a squeeze on you what comes out do you know there's no question about it God said it I know it yeah but brother Gibbs man we're sailin such heavy seas such crazy things are happening finances health opposition what do you know you know what the world is watching and they want to see some people who because of that cross they know something they know it with a certainty look at the second thing he says we know that all things all things and there's no asterisk there there's no exception God said unqualified and by the way I love this over 5600 times the word all is found in the Bible it's one of God's favorite words all have sinned how many of you believe that one is true you know what God says we know that all things work together for good do you really believe that every mishap everything you thought was a goof up everything you mistake and by the way how many of you have ever made a mistake hold your hand out how many of you made what could only be described as colossal mistakes and how many of you like me then did it more than one time right sure yeah but for the gifts God said I don't want you to understand how I want you understand I'm promising you God says I'm going to take ever bit of it and I want you with a certainty to know that all things work together for good the great hymn writer Fanny Crosby born with her sight but as a baby because of a doctor's misshapen she's thrust into a world of darkness the rest of her days and people came up and said this is so tragic it didn't have to be the doctor admitted his mistake and was so ashamed he left but Fanny Crosby's mom said Fanny there's no mistakes with God all things work together for good all thanks yeah and she said Fanny I don't know how God's gonna do this I just know that God's in control how many of you believe that God you serve is in control Wow and God says I want you to know something with a certainty and it covers everything there's a fantastic ministry called jars it's jungle aviation and radio service these are people who from many many years of piloted and taking missionaries into incredibly remote totally inaccessible areas to try to help get the gospel out and for 25 years they never had a mishap their superb pilot ship under the most incredibly difficult of piloting circumstances for 25 years no kind of a mishap but then in 1974 a pilot came back his name was Dave hunting he took some of their best linguists who were trying to go into deep jungle to get the Bible in the language of the people he took off in Papua New Guinea and started to climb out and suddenly a fire broke out a right engine fire one of the most dangerous things that can happen on an aircraft is fire because when steel and metal gets hot it wrinkles up at crinkles he tried to navigate and get the plane down and but the fire spread so quick so intense it burned the wing off the plane spiraled and took seven souls to their death when the word came back to where the families were there was incredible sorrow when they announced that they said we don't know what's happened but it was a right-wing fire one of the mechanics there screamed in horror he said oh no oh no dear God no he said it's my fault they're dead they said what do you mean he said I was working on that plane and I attached a new fuel line and I finger tightened it and I went to get a wrench to finish it and I got distracted I killed him these hands that mechanic almost lost his mind mrs. hunt went to him the wife of the pilot and she said come here he said you'd understand she said give me that and she took it she kissed it she said all things all things work together and she said I don't understand how and while I'm grieving so hard right now I can't think but she said I know my God has promised and she looked at that mechanic and she said you love the Lord and don't you dare call it jars put out a book in which they told the story and that man's faithfulness and her heart brought thousands to the mission field thousands because you see while you don't understand how God's doing it while it may not appear obvious God says there's something I want you to know with a certainty that will never shake all things work together for good but please look at the two qualifications all things work together for good to them that love God well brother Gibbs I love the Lord how much love is not a static relationship your love for your mate for your friends your love for God is either increasing decreases and I wonder if you can say oh brother Gibbs on a 10 scale my love for God is a 10 plus and what have you done to increase that love what have you done oh we want Romans 8:28 and God says well there's two conditions and here's number one you've got to love God and the word love that's used there was the word for something a few civ something growing something dynamic you know what I'm afraid what brother Tony talked about tonight we've been in a posture where we've gotten comfortable where we're at and God says if you don't love me more today than you did yesterday then you love me less today than you did yesterday do you love him more this week than last week do you love him more this year than last year how passionate are you in your love for him whoa boy Lord I want all things to work together for good and I sure want to be seized with that certainty of knowing that than God says David make sure you're real careful about loving me what really gives how do I love him I'd like you to write a few things down if you would all things work together for good to them that love God and how do I check my love for him well be real careful as you start please that you don't love him because of what you think you can get from him or what you think he can do for you all across America churches have popped up with this user mentality I want a god I can use God I got these dreams god I got these visions there's these things I want to do and God I'll work real hard at it but I want you to kick in and help me and you know what that's not loving him that's using him have you ever seen people that have means and resources they're wealthy and all of a sudden everybody wants to be their friend people don't want to be their friend they want to use some watch the money be gone and then you find out who the friends are if God never gave you another thing and by the way God's given every one of us too much already how many would agree God's been too good to me too good to me wow if God never gave you another thing would you love him more every day love's not based on using it right three things down number one man you want to love him then God says I want you to express it I want you to say it let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight O Lord when's the last time you sat down with God and spent some time telling him how much you love him the Bible says give ear to my words God I was traveling with a pastor friend a dear man Levi Wisner number of years ago and we were travelling through the night making our way down to Texas I believe we're traveling and he said boy did this be a good time to do something David I said sure pastor would you like to he said well let's just take the next couple of hours and tell the Lord how much we love it I said next couple of hours he said oh yeah he said you go first you take the first hour and he saw the look on my face and he said son you've never spent an hour telling him you love him have you we said no I have it I love you but not enough to tell you have you ever seen someone in a marriage and he said I told her I love her but you act like it's a pain to do it if God said I'm only gonna take care of the ones who've told me they love me in the past month where would you be now he loves you but God says I want you with the words of your mouth to say it we make time for everything we love you ever seen a guide it's got a passion for a sports team man I just love Carolina I just love Duke I just look and you know what they got no trouble saying it when's the last time with anybody you said I tell you about something I really love something I love him him oh don't sit here and whoop and shout if in your heart you know your love for him is not on fire if your love for him is not effusive ly growing Oh it'll change everything including bringing 8:28 on line do you love him he said I'll go first David day and I said preacher I had I know what to say it's that's right I'll go first he did go first only he didn't go the first hour he went probably I'm gonna guess two and a half or more hours and while he's telling the Lord how much he loves sub tears are coming when's the last time you went to the altar and you said God you know it I know it I don't love you like God but I want to remember the standard is all your heart all your soul all your mind all your strength that's the command oh boy when you love something like that you can't help but talk about it you can't help but say it right the second key down you want to love him number one boy you gotta tell him number two you got to focus on how he loves you we loved him first John because he first loved us when's the last time you sat down and said I just want to talk about make a list of all the ways God has showed his love to me in the last year I promise you if you're honest you'll have an unbelievable list now the devil doesn't ever want you to think about that list but God says do you understand your love is responsive I love you first a man by the name of Kurt Kaiser a musician I wrote a lot of great songs but one that he wrote that's very short was called Oh how He loves you and me how many of you know that song I'm sitting next to him and at a banquet and I said dr. Kaiser could I just ask you how'd you come up with that song oh he said it was the middle of the night and I woke up and I started thinking about all the ways God loved me and he said David that song was written in less than five minutes but he said I got thinking about oh how he loves you and me He gave His life what more could he do Oh how He loves you sing it with me Oh how He loves you Oh how He loves you and me now look at that cross He gave His life what more could he do Oh how He loves you oh how he loves me Oh how He loves you mom and dad have the curd kids ever heard you say all the ways God loves you Grandma and Grandpa have you ever sat down with those babies and said let me tell you all the things God stuff so love thing oh you leave them a heritage of stories but what about him you love them by telling him and you love him by and thinking on how he loves you dr. scopz been incredibly kind to so many people uh so many and what a loving man but it's nothing like jesus loves the love of no person everything else pales but you know what we'll talk about oh this person that person and never one time mentioned the person of Christ number one you tell them you want to love them number two you think on how he loves you right number three down you love him by obeying you love him by obeying you know what Jesus said John 14 if you love me who knows the next words keep my Commandments don't walk around saying oh I love him well you're not obeying obedience is foundational to love we have some lawsuits strange things people walk up to a preacher and say I love you I love the church and I'm going to sue it and you say what now there's preachers here that have had that happen and you say they understand that's forbidden by the Bible and they look at me and say yep that's right but I love the Lord no you don't man if you love obey obey now I'm gonna tell you I am really good at seeing how other people don't obey and by the way so are you there's aspera see stripe than everyone of us but how good are you at seeing where you don't obey how good when's the last time you know and said God turn on heavens flashlight I don't care what it is if it's offending you if it's violating your word I want it gone turn on the flashlight God oh brother gives if I say that you know the Lord will do it oh he will for sure I promise you I tell you some I struggle with forgiving I want to forgive after I get even how many of you understand how reasonable that is it takes a lot to get me ticked off but once this Alabama boy is ticked off I just want God to help me Beckham and you know what God says if somebody is at odds with me I'm commanded by God to love them not put up with them I'm to love them and do good to them I love you lord then do that David whoa we had a man write a nasty article about us quite a while ago never talked to us but sent the thing everywhere and I just got honked off and I came up with a neat idea I thought you want to play word games we would play word games here's what I'm going to do I'm going to sue you once a day for 30 straight days every day there's going to be a new lawsuit on your desk and I felt wonderful it's a lord thank you that's a great idea hey he started it I'm just finishing it and I told the other legal staff I said meet me Monday afternoon and Manomet a what we're going to do right now you come up with more ideas I want this guy to regret the day he was born for the Lord's honor I did and you know what it all made sense to me and you know what you're doing when you do that you're taking Romans 8:28 it's gone you just kicked it out I came in the office mrs. block who was my secretary at the time she's in heaven now she said boss saw that article I said yeah it's horrible I said I know she said it's not true I said I know she said well I know what you're gonna do I saw yeah I got some good stuff Shirley I explained to her how I'm gonna get him you know what she said no no no you're not gonna do that you're a Christian she said you're going to love him and bless him and do good to him aren't you and I said yeah right after I get even oh she said brother Gibbs you got to love the Lord and obey you don't I've discovered that advice is easy to give boy it's a struggle to obey she said promise me you'll tell him you love them and you want to bless them now I'm sitting there thinking Lord right now I just don't need a Christian secretary I just and I sure don't need one who knows the Bible but I said okay surely okay she said well I knew you'd want to tell him you love him so he's on line five I've called now once you hear me you know what you're taking comfort in I'm gonna obey but not right now and don't you forget delayed obedience is disobedience Wow God says you want 8:28 you got to love God you tell him you focus on what he's done look at that cross after all he's done from me and you obey but there's a second part and we're done to them that love God to them who are the called according to his purpose now please note it's not called for your purpose it's called for his purpose and the purpose is in the next verse to be conformed to the image of his son that's the purpose I close by asking you a simple question how christ-like are you and can you before God say I am more christ-like today than I was yesterday I am more christ-like today than I was a week ago the command is called to be conformed to the image of his son you cannot pay anyone a man woman or child a greater compliment than to say their christ-like and yet we don't get 8:28 if we don't love him and are called according to his purpose Amy Carmichael was an incredible missionary in India with very little resources and had all these orphans to take care of and what she would do to entertain them has take them on walks because there's that money for anything else and one day she was walking the orphans and they came on a very poor man who had built a little kiln out of broken bricks and they said what do you do it he said I'm trying to get gold I said what do you mean he said I'll build a fire in here and I'm going to keep Fanning it and intensifying it and he said I think there's some gold in this right here and he held out his hand and she said it looked like pebbles dirty useless pebbles but she said that's not gold he said we'll see the man got the fire going and he worked on it and all the kids gathered around mesmerised by and he put the dirty worthless pebbles that had been just laying loose on the street and he put them in there and it started to get hot and he said I got to get it really hot because that's the only way you get the impurities gone and he finally got it to a melt point and he was taking a stick and sweeping aside the impurities and little by little it started to turn a different color and he increased the heat and kept stroking it and pretty soon it got to be goldish in color and all the kids in look at that it's amazing and one of the little kids said how will you know when it's done he said it's real simple when I can see my face in that gold it'll be done you know what the Lord saying I want to get rid of the dross but there's got to be some heat in life to do that and the purposes can people see Christ in order for us to do his purpose right two things down and I close number one you got to die to self not control self die to self Paul said I die daily the Crucified life and number two you got to live to serve live to serve that's his purpose he that would be the greatest among you has to be the servant of all dying to self taking your dreams your goals your setting them aside and saying I want you and then living to serve my son Jonathan when he was a little boy we lived on a small farm and at night once we had some visitors over a pastor and his wife and we were kind of wrapping up it was about 7 maybe 8 o'clock at night and Jonathan's out playing with other kids and there running across the yard is a lot of room to run and something happened you could never anticipate we had barn cats and we fed them and when all the food was out of their cans we throw them in the trash well the dogs would try to go get those cans and lick them out some more and they would take him out onto the lawn on the fields and then we had a rotary mower that would go over and whack the can all up well in the grass out there is a wacked cut-up canned that nobody knows is there and it's got razor-sharp edges Jonathan is flying across the lawn he's just a little guy loses his footing falls his hand comes down and it perfectly hits that razor-sharp can and he literally slices his hand through this part of his hand left this part the nerves the tendons the everything his hand was hanging blood was flying everywhere the pastor and his wife who were visiting us she was a nurse and boy they brought it in immediately she started turning it and she said oh my goodness this is terrible she said he's going to have to go to the hospital immediately he could bleed to death from this brother gives it boy we got him in the car and we went up to our little local hospital when we got there a doctor came in and he took a look at it and he said what were you doing letting him out playing at night and I said can you take care of his hand and he said well I'll stitch it all up for you but it's never going to work right and you know fingers that won't move and he may lose the hand I don't know but I'll stitch it up for you and I said I don't think I need you I need a doctor now in our church there was a doctor and I called him and he came rolling up to the hospital and he took a letter he said Oh David he said you can't imagine how severe this is he said I'm going to call the best doctor I know he said I want you to race to this hospital quite a ways away and I'm gonna call him and he's gonna meet you there now by the time all of this has happened it's probably ten o'clock we get to the hospital in walks this doctor he looks at that hand and he says Wow he turned to a nurse there and he said get my surgery team here immediately and she said doctor you and that team have already been in surgery 15 hours today they've just all gotten some slip he said get them here immediately tell them they're needed people started coming the doctor came out to Gloria and I and he said I don't know if I could save that hand but he said it's not going to be because I didn't try I said what can we do if you said you can pray and with that they wheeled our boy away and this surgery team came at midnight one o'clock two o'clock three o'clock four a.m. one of the nurses comes out and says we just want to tell you what he's doing he's been operating non-stop on that hand trying to save it and it's very bad but he's not giving up I said he's got to be exhausted she said he's beyond exhausted but he's a doctor now the sun's up Gloria and I are there pacing the floors waiting for him to come out and I think it was probably nine ten in the morning maybe a little later out he came and he took off his surgery hat he said I've saved his hand he said I got have readin her free attached I got every tendon he said I think they're perfect he said I got every blood vessel all fixed he cut through hundreds of them I said how do I thank you he said no mr. Gibbs I came out here to thank you he said you see I'm a doctor and this is why I'm a doctor he said I'm not a doctor so that somebody can call me doctor he said I'm not a doctor so that I can get a big salary he said I'm a doctor to be a doctor and he said you gave me and my staff a privilege extraordinaire I've come out here to say thank you to you for letting me be a doctor whoa is that you when's the last time you thank the people for letting you serve and meant it the greatest among you will be the serpent of all my wife and I stood there and my wife was just crying and she said there's got to be something we can do for you he said everything you can do for me you already dead you let me be what I'm called to be a doctor when you serve the people you serve don't owe you a thank you you owe them a thank you because they gave you the privilege we gave that dr. attract that my wife had we never saw him after that again but what he did changed me forever and Jonathan to this day has a hand that works perfectly because someone got out of bed in the middle of the night who'd already worked all day someone who was a doctor who wanted to serve I promise you the greatest among us will be the servant and you want to be his cause that died itself and serve all things work together for good and we know this that's a certainty to them that love God to them who are called according to his purpose tonight do you love a measured or do you need to say Lord you know and I know I want my love fanned and are you called to his purpose being made conformed to the image of his son this pastor school has touched my heart profoundly my prayer tonight is you'll leave and say God helping me I'm not living another day without no way that Romans 8:28 is active in my life active in my family's life and acted in my ministry because I love God and I am called now the choice lies with you bow your head father thank you we live in such a strange our father so many things pulling us we want to be the men the women the young people who 8:28 is alive and active in God I needed every man woman here needs it forgive us forgive me where I've not loved you as I thought forgive me where I didn't fan that love by telling you I'm thinking on what all you've done for me oh how you've loved us you gave yourself on Calvary and father I pray such a simple thing to say I want to die to self self doesn't die easy God by your grace we gotta have your help we want to be the servants you've called us to be heads bad how many of you say brother gives God just spoke to my heart and God helping me I want 8:28 like never before hold your hand up would you if you got your hand up I want you to get up out of your seat make your way to a place to bow who in their right mind would not want that promise in their life and we know that all things work together for good to them that love God who are the called according to his purpose a promise that will never fail a promise that is ours every day it's not a one time every day and a promise that by God's grace can change everything father I sure bow with these folks forgive me for all the days I fear that that promise wasn't activated like I needed in my life because of how I loved you and how too much I was called to my purpose instead of your purpose what a privilege to be a servant to be what you've called us to be god help us this world needs to see some people who know something that's unshakable the promise of God hear the cry of every heart I pray that may we leave here a people who never let a day when we don't put Romans 8:28 into full force and effect this Magna Carta of promises help us Father in the name of Jesus pastor Elaine let's get the cord my Jesus I love thee sing with me my Jesus more power how lovely in life our love iane death and servi as long as they'll Linda's be breath in mansions of glory in man oh hi however in heaven here our motions have been stretched like a rubber band tonight we've we've laughed until we've cried we've cried until we've been empty appears we have been convicted until our conscience has spitting us and we have rejoiced and felt very loved I feel like I've been pulled in six different directions that's a wonderful thing you're weary and you're tired but you've listened so well I want you to hear just a one or two quick announcements from brother Bob Marshall
Channel: FBC Music Videos
Views: 19,011
Rating: 4.71875 out of 5
Keywords: FBC Hammond, Dr Jack Schaap, FBC Indiana, FBCHI, Munson's Uploads, Pastor School Hammond
Id: HceRcEtBykk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 34sec (4954 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 19 2012
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