Dr. Tony Hutson Preaches Tuesday at Pastors' School 2011

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thank you very much what an honor it is to be associated with such a great place and great people I'm enriched by the history of this place and the influence that it's had on my life and I don't take it for granted and I think everybody here ought to be grateful for the investment of dr. Jack Howells and the First Baptist Church from Hammond Indiana and what it's meant to millions across this globe and I stand here in fear and trembling you preachers know what I'm talking about and I'm nervous you pray for me I want to I want to say the right thing and I've been praying about it and seeking direction give your Bibles turn with me to Exodus chapter number 25 I received a letter early on about this meeting and I typically don't like to be given a theme to preach somebody say Amen right there on Mother's Day I usually preach on hail turn to Luke 16 let's go but what a theme we've got to preach on no greater topic could be selected than the topic of the cross god forbid that I should glory save in the cross of the Lord Jesus Christ what an emblem that we bear a great opportunity we have to be representation representatives of the cross at Calvary the Bible OU's is with the pictures of the cross the Old Testament pictures throughout all its types of crucified Savior from Mount Moriah to the brazen serpent lifted in the wilderness even so must the Son of Man be lifted up I think about the Gospels it represents the person of the Cross and I'm glad there is a person of the throne I think about the book of Acts and the power of the Cross the epistles the preaching of the Cross and praise god there's a revelation that reveals the product of the cross and right now 24 elders are saying worthy is the Lamb that was slain how worthy that he is the Lamb that was slain before the foundations of the world I was flipping through the hem book and so many songs that we sang in the last page in our red book at home is the song near the cross and in this ayah if we've ever needed to live near the cross we need to seek that position now I've got to study life of Christ the closer he got to the cross will find that supplication accompanies that position at the cross suffering accompanies that position at the cross solitude I believe he got closer to the cross they they wouldn't even pray with him he said could not you pray with me just a little longer but their Calvary John the Beloved and the two Mary's three ladies standing they're a place of solitude I'm learning the closer you do get not that I've apprehended that position but I seek after you'll get lonely when you get close to the cross it's not a crowded place all the cycles pursuit came and went and fled I think about a place of submission he said not my will but thine be done and I believe the closer we get the more willing will be to yield to the plan of God for our life a place of suffering its place of sacrifice but the blessing is it's a place of success for the joy that was set before me he wrote in Hebrews I'm glad that it wasn't something he despised but is something he he was expecting something he looked forward to and because of his payment at Calvary thanks to Calvary there's access to the cross you'll read with me in Exodus chapter number 25 would you stand with me you don't have to stand the reverence God's Word but I may preach two or three hours page number hundred and the Scofield reference additional Bible verse eight says and let them make me a sanctuary that I may dwell among them according to all that I show the after the pattern of the tabernacle and the pattern of all the instruments thereof even so shall you make it our Heavenly Father I need your touch tonight these good men God's being realized I stand where flesh has failed me in flesh will fill me of all this vain unless the Spirit the Holy One come down and I yield myself to you I want to be used I want to be empowered and unction eyes not with words of enticing men's wisdom but with unction from on high with a demonstration of the Holy Ghost we've had enough word only preached and I pray tonight it'd be something tangible let these that have come these distances leave here with something that will change them and God Almighty I pray that it wouldn't change them but I pray would change those whom we have contact with when we get back home our communities our churches our families all may there be some turning points and lives tonight as we seek to draw near to the cross Lord we're asking something beyond the arm of man and we'll give you all the praise and honor and glory and May long live the old-time religion for we ask it in Christ's name amen you can be seated many great sights around Calvary I was reading the accounts as I've been preparing to speak at this meeting and I got over there in Luke chapter 23 and it talks about those that came to the site those sites I tell you I thought about preaching on what a sight to behold they meant a lot of great things happened at Calvary but I want to focus our attention on one of these truths tonight the Bible tells us the veil in the temple was rent at Calvary up until the time up until that very time the access was made by one priests you know the story as they had entered into the tabernacle enter into the temple it was one priest at a time who'd get in that holy holiest place the Holy of Holies and he made his trip through the outer court through the holy place to to get close to God to get where God was a man and and that's where I want to get to where God is you understand this outer Court is where Christ does his work I believe with all my heart the outer courts a picture of sinners meeting Jesus I'm glad I didn't have to get better to get saved I got saved to get better and he met me in my sins the work of the outer Court is where Christ I believe does his work the holy place I believe is the place of illumination that candlestick lights the showbread it's lighting that place that altar of incense is there to render praise to God and I believe that's the work of the Holy Ghost of illuminating light the only light within all the tabernacle is stationed right there in that holy place but then there's this holiest what the Bible college teachers call the Holy of Holies switch that's what they put on that paper I studied anyway hey Beth you get over here in this holiest what the Bible calls it it's where God is you know that's where the Chicago glory of God is there's no light needed here because when God shows up they'll be like the only lights here there's outside light that shines in that outer court from the outside there's an illuminating light of the Holy Spirit's work in the holy place but here in this holiest there's no need for a candle because when God shows up there'll be a Chicago there'll be a lot to be visibility you'll see all things clearly over here now understand this is where God does his work this is where the power of God the realm of God's powers over here the realm of God's presence is over here the realm of God's provision is over here this is where I want to live we're living in an age where men of God is going to have to get to where God is and I'm not talking about a mystical thing I'm not talking about a charismatic thing I'm talking about something real something I desire now may I say before I get deep into this message I'm not telling you I'm over there but brother Johnny I want to get there and I believe I've been there over the cave and if you ever get over there a little bit you like it over there and there'll be a burning desire to be in the presence of God hey man I want to get over there where God is there's a there's an arc of the Covenant over there there's a mercy seat oh there's a lot we're going to see now I couldn't begin to exhaust in the limited time I have all the teachers I've studied under great men mr2 Han Durbin Spears and other great Bible teachers that can tell us all about these these pictures and all the type but I tell you it's oozing with spiritual application for 21st century Saints don't get so hyper dispensational I say old testament you go closing your Bible a lot of good things started in the Old Testament you know breathing started in the Old Testament cornbread started in the Old Testament all the Bible and they'll be read directly to me but all the Bible is written for me and so we see this approach that that high priest made an annual trip into that holy to atone for the sins of man he did it annually but praise God thanks to Calvary thanks to the cross in which we for the save words we serve their surrounding those surrounding events of Calvary the veil was read access has been made available to all believers what are the great Baptist distinctives I believe Bible doctrines that we all adhere to is the priesthood of the believer first Peter 2:9 somewhere in there we're a chosen generation a royal priesthood look up in here hey we don't have to pray through any man a father dress like mother I mean we can go directly but the reality is that I pastor a crowd that I'm not sure many of them ever been over there words that I'm looking at some preachers has never been there I mean we've lived the majority of our Christian life and an outer court experience we lived the majority of our Christian life maybe in a holy place experience well we never got to the holiest what will we get over there with God is Jesus keep me near the cross the veil has been written to access maybe let me let me set this let me set this this platform foundation for truth as we enter this message hurried listen closely there's a difference between the crowd that's there in the crowd that's not for instance was not long ago I had a performer come to sing for us and if your church knows the difference between worship and entertainment you can have a performer hey man and he knew how to hold the microphone and he knew how to sing and he sang a good song Louis Gill wrote the song he'd steal the blood what a great song that he sang oh I like that song and our people the people of militancy Baptist Church they know big woods from brush they know saplings from solos and when they got through singing that's what they said a bad that's good they a man the lyrics of the song the performers set out and as I started to the platform I saw a trio of ladies walk in from the back door to send Mountain Alabama and I said sister Patsy could you and your daughter's come sing one for I preach and they hobble down the aisle and they walked up never made it to the platform no accompaniment no PA system no tracks no tracks no tracks no no no track track go Pratt more comfortable and mama stood in the middle and two daughters on either side and she stepped up and said there's not a friend like the lowly Jesus who got one no not worn allness could heal all our souls diseases oh not one no not one for Jesus snows all about ice trouble Oh God till the day is done ash spot a friend like slowly Jesus Oh not worn whole lot wrong I'm talking before she should get she could get good in the second verse the power and God filling the flesh they got the shouting all over that building what you Yankees called a spontaneous all for gold I mean people started coming for we said just as I am and an hour later we're still shouting it out I believe God gives his been discernment I looked over at that performer and he was stretching his head and if I could read his body was saying what's going on who are they where did they come from I'm going to tell you where they came from I've heard auditors who could preach I'm talking about had elephants in their speech I mean literate it outlined sub-points after I proof text poems to go with it I've noticed as through life I gave to focus of the donut and not upon the hood and they get through with their messaging and you look and say that was some content layer that I've walked in the back door from Western North Carolina mountain churches and a half a literate preacher with his here cups a brother God I want you to know that the Bombers head I said something different about that man now you can try to rest the lies won't teach something they some defense krav God's own I've seen families that had God on I've seen congregations that have God's presence that you can tell they've been with God they've been where God is if we're going to reach a dying world with this attack of Islam y'all understand I'm against this law I'm against Russia I'm against North Korea somebody help me I'm against a listen you see you gets the people off against their ideology and I'm against Russia and I'm against this law somebody say man I'm against Islam and I'm against Russia and I'm against North Korea and Pakistan look up in here hey man I believe autumn quit by all old from that crowd bless God don't buy another drop of oil from him Road riders look up in here and head straight to the White House and drill a bit right down through the lawn of the White House and strike I just wanna clarify my position on that I will get Russia say man - but there's a difference between the crowd got God on them if we're going to reach a lost and dying world a nation that's plummeted into apostasy I mean we were founded on Biblical truth we've opened our doors to multiculturalism and now there's bunch of Buddhists here Hindus here somebody help me God let me tell you something every single Muslim is kin to the terrorists as a pig as a sign - and no such thing as moderate Islam asked the man from Syria he'll tell you yes I tell you what it's going to take it's going to take some people to spend an hour where God is but you can't just get over that he's got a pattern set forth I believe that Old Testament pre this Bible is a systematic book it's not some spooky book it's not some hard to figure out but honestly we got a teacher called the holy ghost and there's a step-by-step process how to get in to where God is that holiest of God that's where I want to live that's where I want to dwell there he said notice the text that I may dwell with them I let them build me a sanctuary that I may dwell with him he wants to stay dwells a little longer than just drop by I want to get there I want to be we got to be there Jesus keep me near the cross you got to go through an outer court experience real quickly this outer court is a place of suffering it's a place of suffering they brought in sacrifice as lambs Bullock's turtledoves it when they brought that that sacrifice in the priest would take that lamb and put its head between his knees and pull the chin up and from ear to ear cut that throat you understand they rip the hide off they filleted the meat off they took the intro hi put it in a separate pile you understand it was a place of suffering they take a sharp inch but when that bullet was there they behead that bullet they took the Dove in the right hand left hand and a thumb and forefinger of a right hand put it behind the head of a dove and pulls ahead and squeeze that blood into the basin feathers flew because there was a picture of suffering reason why we won't get in that where God is is because God's people want something for nothing they want something easy everything's got to be you know it's got there's got to be a friendly user friendly churches let me paste them you're going to have to suffer if you're going to get over there were God here there's there's some reproach to the company's getting close to God hey Adam Cain Icahn was close Jesus came close it was stripped naked at the cross I'm telling you the closer you get over to that side hey it's going to take some suffering everybody ain't gonna like you that's when everybody like me and everything well friendship of the world's enmity with God you cannot be a friend with the world in a friend with God we're trying to let anybody like us Oh y'all have been over at our church last night we had Tim Tebow come Tim Tebow came to share but oh we had our price worship God ain't within 10,000 miles of that village he ain't never been ain't never gonna be hey man look at their stick we've made heroes out of these sports fans they're saying there's more to be in spiritual Rock Olympians 4:13 under your eyes huh look up at here he didn't Tim Tebow did more damage today he stepped on an NFL field that he could ever undo in a lifetime of mission work if you look up here at me hey we want everybody to like it hey man we won't invite that's gonna be some song everybody go like your church if you get over there set that cross up it offends me somebody say man hey everybody ain't gonna like it no selling it easy shorter services I can't believe the Brethren going to these sale groups on sunday nigh bunch of sale groups when the world of this wisdom knew not god it pleased God through sale groups small groups look up in here Big Daddy its preaching time trying to do so we're trying to do a spiritual day in a secular way we got this new court religion try to make everybody like let me tell you something dope addicts ain't supposed to be comfortable in church they're supposed to be welcome in church hey don't bite it ain't supposed to be comfortable he's supposed to be welcome Bunch oxycontin Stewart and deacons wives look up in here they're supposed to be nervous they're supposed to be there by school in the house of God ain't supposed to like it they're supposed to be nervous hey man other dog trips is supposed to be narrow box in God's house we want everybody like us sale groups get all the men haters in one class that man God don't get mad but all these retreat retreat retreat retreat retreat can't get them on Sunday night of Wednesday night even here to go to Gatlinburg that's fine but don't try to make everything spiritual in Gatlinburg somebody say man Dolly Parton lives in Kaiba we walk it easy but the Bible said in Peter I beg we King James all right hey after you suffered a little while then I'll Street the new and establish you and settle you pain suddenly and strengthening preceded by suffering you don't get over there without suffering won't it easy you don't get over there without sacrifice they brought their best there's no free will offerings going to get you the whole list you don't coming out with a limp and lamb no coming out with a broke wing dove and get over yonder it's the best I grew up on Saturday nights y'all pray for me but we be listening to he home blow this fire nagging me and my mama would come in say y'all turn that down your daddy's in there with God I was lost he's in Liberal over their own Smithfield driver he'd get that living room about six o'clock on Sunday night pull the door behind him had a loose leaf Scofield Bible eight of ten commentaries a self-educated man he'd haven't sprawled on hit she'd say y'all get me be outside we didn't have our conditions for years we just roll the winners we hollered to get people you come get somebody in ringlets audience in hi it's totally home my mama say y'all hold it down my sons my husband's and then where God is we'd forget we'd get the play in and get too loud mama see you did he's in there with God your daddy's in there with God hold it down you know your daddy's in our God I remember it's a lost boy I said I'm going to see what's going on sometimes it sound like three or four people I remember Johnny one shot one Saturday night I went over there to crack that door open and I saw a man laying prostrate on the ground and a loose sleeve Scofield Bible saturated with tears and I looked at it and I'm making sounds I'm telling you I didn't know what he was saying but he lost do somebody bigger than dead he was in there you say how come God used Curtis sucks not tell you why because he's willing to sacrifice when all you're going to do is go online look up and punch you up a little sermon now you can get sermons Adama does and look up here be that's what's wrong now these sermons hey I want t what's wrong with our churches now these are those sermons what we need is some messages we got all the servants you can buy sermons by volume spread hey but you can't buy messages pay packages ain't for sale you can't buy a message from God they'll tell you why God use me because he himself err I mean they've been at many a time on Sunday morning I'd be getting up putting on my church clothes putting on my church clothes putting on my church clothes putting on my church book a church clothes and my daddy would crack that door and come out there with his eyes swollen up red as a fox his tail been in there all night long hey good friend he wants some of that you want to get over that what God is it'll take some sacrifice if it was easy everybody'd be doing it if it was easy everybody hey if it was easy everybody would have that on you say well I've lost some friends and I've sacrificed a little I believe me that's not all this out this outer Court there's a Laver it's a picture of sanctification you got to wash up or you can get in there the Holy Place requires some sanctification you can't live like you want to live anyway look at me now becoming there with filth all over you respect get over guardians I mean you go out there there's centrioles there's blood there's hair there's fur there's wool mucus body waste that's all in this outer coat that's a picture of our awful sin for Jesus bet you he met you in your sin to save you from your sin how I love you for the problems hi bad for the problems God says will a been for y'all company you got to clean up I understand my daddy was the first non-tobacco user on both sides of my family can I get a witness and y'all pray for me I'm still battling you know the Christian life ain't about all what you don't do come on back I remember getting so many well I never got to hook you in the back I got to whip them for disobedience because one day he's going to know I draw up find out there's worse things in the world than that and by the way it's good for Beach teens anyway any health food that will tell you that that's brother Danny - brother brother brother Brown he'll tell you that chin the back is good for beasty help me somebody he's from North Carolina they watch me God began to work in my heart about preaching I believe I was called to preach way back for the foundations of the world don't get uneasy but I begin to gild myself to it and I remember some choices that I made there wasn't easy choices but they were worth it they ain't no chemical worth keeping you out under the ain't they ain't no Winston 100 worth keeping you at he honor hey man some of the hardest things you'll ever do is give up those habits of the flesh and clean up the flesh but you've got to go by the labor wash up get clean and then you'll start feeling comfortable over here some reason why so many people don't feel comfortable in this hole I believe the picture of a local church the work of the local church the Holy Ghost work the now work the now work the church by the way women the church church age words somebody say man that what happens over here a lot of people don't stay in here long because they feel like the preachers preaching to them all the time if you get cleaned up you wouldn't feel that way you understand there's a light that shines a picture of the work of the Holy Ghost now there's a table of showbread in here you get clean got to say come on in a little further you're getting closer over here to where I am I swear wool again I want to get over there brother now before God is watch it and there's a table of showbread they have twelve loaves on the table they because of the length of the table they had to set up side by side six by six six by six sixty-six the light shines on the bread 60s don't act like you do that 66 got a kid you pack like you knew that it the light shines on the show bit long for Moses ever penned the first word of Genesis the Holy Spirit of God had already designated 66 will be my canonized book a man right there and the light shines on the bread and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth we've gotten so selective now I just don't like that very ship I don't like it when worship I thought that worship and we're deeper life for students but see the thing is you can't have it your way that's what's wrong now this Burger King religion have it your way what we need is wind is religion old-fashioned hot juicy things up we just don't like that what is that raised into the hands and all that volume Oh y'all were so vocal that that disturbs us don't it don't disturb you the ballgame an atmosphere of worship and Bible preaching I'm talking about Bible teaching you're getting fed you're getting bread you're getting an atmosphere worship you get that together pretty soon you'll find yourself at an altar of incense you'll find yourself interesting thank you Jesus oh I never saw it like that I never saw that potion - the pride never saw it like that more thank you God for showing me that tonight thank you for revealing that truth to me and I thank you for that illuminating light of the Blessed Holy Ghost you'll find yourself sitting up raises to heaven a man he'll start standing up that that that incense it's a smoky place when Daddy died dr. Sexton mom the first thing she had us do come movies Blue Ridge stove out when I grew up we burned wood white oak and hickory season we'd sell at red oak to people that didn't know nobody even stank's when it burns we'd start our fires when we lived in Georgia with fat lighter pine like the Lord move to Tennessee we used cedar dry cedar we took that Blue Ridge heater out I'll never forget it and Mama putting gas logs and she's comfortable with that that he's no longer there with all this global warming you know I'm about to freeze to death somebody say man last Earth Day we burned for tractor tires and cut down a grove of trees at the back of the farm plays it's been so cold lately I've been spraying aerosol cans around the house just to stay warm somebody say man because I mean global warming back to freeze me to death god help us I walked into the church and mama met me in the for you mama said she said you started your fire didn't you he's in September I said yes ma'am I started my fire she said I can smell it on you you start getting comfortable in here people are notice of difference about you there'll be a distinction about this crowd versus that crowd I'm convinced I got a lot of church may have been saved late they're saved just as much as I'm saved but they live out there they stay out there they could be over here at least getting a little closer to God and though a and she said by the way were there smoky eyes water smoking my guys water I'm worried about this old mechanical Christianity mechanical worship the thought I'm talk about manufactured worship only time most sees Christian school kids cries when they get caught stealing just doing something wrong hey bet I know about it I favor Tuesday my life with them hard as anvils most to a man help me Jesus y'all pray for me I Street you forward come up reaching on a lead look up in here hey crying got to get saved again I really want just to keep him get kicked out of school I wasn't saved that's a multi strike the rock eight of ten times somebody say man what was I talking about they make your eyes water I'm worried about this old mechanical crew we were so non-emotional last scared of any kind of emotion what was she made in the image of the devil I thought he made you then you listen you all not have to sit on your hands to keep the bracelet I like to be in beads people raise their hands and ain't got no question somebody say man hey man all this stuff starts working together and you'll see things people in this in this in this holy place brother Scott they see things that people out there don't see I pastor people for 10 years still saying this this what they say they live out here I just don't see anything wrong with it I'm not convicted to that yet ma'am you don't have to be convicted immodesty bless God it's a commandment hi boy they don't see what this crowd sees that lie to show you something you won't see out there and you got let me I got to hurry but you got to get ready to get over in there you got to get to it some people don't know how to get ready to go to church but don't let it offend you but the first thing I do on Sunday morning is bold I'm talking about brew off stout pot of coffee everything is just fine look up in here Lester roll-off didn't live one day longer drinking carrot juice don't start can't make that spiritual it's important a man was to die when he won't you you go vitamins and all I'm just going to go with coffee pumping in my veins let's go ha-la-lu you're not so spiritual cause you're skinny look up in here I don't make you spiritual every single context in the Bible of fat is positive but you want a skinny cow a fat cow hi bye where was that Coffee and then I get in the car on the way to church and I'll punch track 1 and here she comes vintage 1972 Vestal Goodland God walks to dark he give you the highways by where God walks through them in the room at shivering AHA right then I get thing about them heels I've been walking and God showed up and I say a punch track - and here she comes home for the god of the mountain is still God in the valley when things go wrong he'll make them ride for the God of the good time it's still God in the bad time I say sang on pegs I hit track three here they come on well I'm no longer than old for you somebody's rescued me my clothes no longer are tattered my family is royal to us a single primitive thing I hit track for here they come what the preacher man says it's you know I don't but a country boy can survive half my hair sacred somebody's hangman shotgun a rifle and a four-wheel-drive see y'all come to church and got it you got it you got to get fixed once you get there three cheers for Jesus if they don't sing your favorite songs you can't get blessed hey if it says cross blood Jesus it's a good song learn to get happy on the songs you don't like amen see it's got to be just your favorite preacher got to be your favorite group hey that's not how yeah that's not how you getting there with God is you learn to laugh all of it you go to feeling good I'm telling you ask them start sounding good somebody say a man how to talk about hey I'm particular about gospel song stamps back to read back let's go church hymnal you ain't no customer you tried at home I like it let's go hey I'm King James only bless God and church hymn to low everybody okay Hey look up in here I'm talking about less than at me hey you better get used to worshiping God if you can't do it at home it's going to be hard to do it in church the final reason to praise God why you wash the dishes mama here young uns all to see you to do something besides complain cry that crowd don't get over there you get you get you get you get comfortable right in here then in a minute he's going to say come in a minute you know he's desired to dwell with people I'm talking about since Genesis he'd come down in the cool of the evening what were two people on earth ma'am they won't with two people on earth he'd come down and say hey Eve come here man that's silly original Massa ready he've comer mana but what you've been doing today he already knew what she'd been doing but he desired communion it's a coming Adam Adam what y'all do today he or to do what Adam done today but he wanted to be with people he wanted that closeness and then 2011 he still desires communion with people so he says come on over and hey if we're gonna reach where we don't have to get in here now I'm almost through y'all this is real close is everything okay but yes you get over in here it's a place of relevant power it stuff has been powder it's a place of relevant provision it's a place of a real I'm talking about tangible presence not some make-believe God it's a real God and by the way don't tell me about I can't you don't up that feelings I'm against feelings wait let something because God move in you and you tell me you ain't never felt nothing are you kidding me now I've got anybody salvations they never felt the presence of God he's real Hoffmeyer somebody say man come on in here now I wish that I could say to my family to militarily MTC Tracy Troy terellian y'all come in here with me but but he don't work like that it was it's one man at a time friends of bales around this garment because you may fool man but you don't fool God and I was stuck attended my Deacons deacons y'all get it here with me wish I could say to my young people at middle tennessee baptist church oh how I wish I could say to my young people y'all get in here get some of this it'll change if y'all just come in here one time get in here but see it's a personal thing you got to want this stuff you got to want it and so God invites us over we follow the channel we're going just like you said so he says coming in no over here you're going to find a mercy seat thank God for the mercy seat okay that's what we talked about the mercy the blood of told me this was their tone what's made for seeing don't get excited or anything let's go back over that this is sort of burst succeeded mercy see atonement this is where the blood supply this is where you find out for real that God Almighty loves be if you ever get in here one time I'm gonna tell you you'll never doubt your salvation again this crowd out under every Sunday night here they come to me this crowd breath Tony can I talk to you for a few minutes at service I just don't know that I'm saying everything and I and I'm not sure if I said the right word stop no fuss under conviction up I don't know if I repented enough and I don't know if I really meant it and everything and I don't know if I sold enough and I say if you read your Bible this week I've never had a Bible reader dr. salvation I've never had a faithful Bible reader to tie for dr. salvation never but they always want to say if you're injured by the go bath and always down you get over you find anything about the words you see did I say that ain't about the words you say he died for our seniors come unto me all ye he said men to him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast him out he that believeth on the son hath everlasting life he's believed about the son shall not see life he was the wrath of God abides hold him Freddie I'm telling you you get over here you get over here with God he asked you you'll find out he launched it I shed my blood for him sitting in church you know in that art there's a broken tablets of the law but that mercy seat that sits on top of that thing I've been in church and the devil pull out them tablets on me to look at all laughs I know y'all had not been trying to preach and devil said you ain't even saved and then I say well you crazy thing what am I doing here paying save God have a shooter back and be coupon right now crazy the holy Northside you find out over here God love me some of y'all need to figure that out it ain't about what promises you made to him it's about the promise he made to you I'm not making promises I'm standing on problems blood was shed have atonement was baby hey when you put that blood on top it sits on top of the broken tables my friend I'm talking about it covers our past it covers our seeing how telling you get the blood between your seeing how you believe on that cross the old rugged cross is the implement suffering and shame I can tell you hey that's a piece to the competition over the piece of knowing a loving God hallelujah the piece of doing a loving God you don't get that out here you don't get that with religious action in motion you get that in communion pays an ark of god I don't know where they say the Muslims got that Ark I don't know it takes me off to think about that I'm against Russia Saudi Arabia a man and I've always been against Egypt somebody say man since way back hundred Moses you open up at Ark and there's a rod to blossom blooms and buds it's over here this rod watch this now hey it's a picture of life you find out over here God loves but you find out over here God lives he's real now right here I spent a lot of my life right here spent a whole lot of my life out there enough I hate it every once awhile I hate it but if I myself slip back over there what hated out there don't want to be out there boy I hated that there but I've spent a lot of my life in here and I've heard daddy tell stories I've heard maze Jackson tell stories I've heard I've heard dr. cycler tell story heard heard dr. Howells tell stories but you can't live on pop all stories and granny stories you over here you'll get some stories of your own we've had so much snow in Tennessee you know that global warming lastly we had we had it we had six inches of snow in an ice fell on it on a Saturday night and it was so bad in Knoxville in our area in Middleton see that for us I mean like if it snows in Kentucky all understand we let our schools in Tennessee if they announce it's a possibility of snow flurries every gallon of milk in our County that loaf of bread has gone off the city it's the God Almighty is truth but he got bad and it snows up to the door you couldn't open the door of the church because Isaac I mean with with tamping bars back hoes Bobcats we couldn't get it we couldn't get it up but we had one canopy on the side of the building where the doors didn't get stowed and I so we could use that drive under canopy I got there that Sunday morning I mean I was depressed so we don't have a budget in our church don't don't get nervous we just spend everything every Sunday that way we don't argue about it everything every Sunday the problem with that is if I don't go to church I don't get paid somebody saying that then trace is going to Walmart come Monday morning hell or high water I was sitting I thinking oh god how we going to have church deacon start pulling up on the property - you know the only kind of people come in the south on snowy days or people who want to try out their four-wheel drive people who want to impress the preacher you know what I mean or so men wants to really impress God so they I got to diggings after taking odds you understand I mean anybody fight a rooster on your Deacon board to take God's I was going to be a church somebody say man there's a where I'll bet you ain't 14 people gon be in Sunday school I'm going out I don't want to hear it ah negative I said I tell you what we're gonna do fellas I said we don't have one combined services going I said we're going to let them we're gonna have valet parking whoever gets out they come on in the door I said that's how we're going to work it y'all park them put them up and I said I'm going to sit out at the driveway mr. Johnny to where they cross over I'm going to tell them go to the canopy drive through driving and I said that's how we're going to work it so I got out there I had my truck running it's sitting there we're not ahead in Ireland had the heater on I said and I said God what we're going to do I said I need one of them stories god I started pray it got to getting good in there just me and God I didn't even have a quartet singing Bill Gaither wasn't even involved in herself I'm just getting good in there I mean I was going yeah I know you can God he started reminded me of all that he have done that's what happens over in here and I said I know you can he said yeah I can do it for you he should remember when I've done that for you that's he done I said I'm sorry God he said I'm hip about that time I had a knock on the glass and it's a new convert now don't get offended folks but I mean like it's too I mean he said he's full-blown Yankee he talks I mean you know nothing here take more than a bunch of Yankee acts pastor you guys down south are so awesome priests alert for that old-time religion amen portage podcaster Damien that's awesome and I met over there chainsaw run on a bad mix he knocks on the door and I look around I don't get mad at it I mean in this bouquet he always got a stupid question don't get mad y'all pray forward don't you bad pray for and I said can I hippie a cracked window he said bastard if you got a few moments they won't even talk to you I said well I'm busy right now I'm in there with God me and God I'm in here meeting with God and he said but it won't take but a moment caster yeah and I said looky-looky-looky halls looking I'm in here meeting with God you'll expense me and God sent here and that's getting good God's in here we in here with God he reached his pocket and pulled out a wall at a hundred dollar bills I'm try to rubber tread rubber bands around big enough to choke a mule down I said if told him oh hold on a minute God come on in here come on God slide over Oh I'm going to tell you what happened God proved he was alive he said you know that Jesus first offered we have a Jesus first offering to November we take up his present in November because if he don't sign a clause to get it in December say man he said I ask everybody gives and works give a thousand above their tithe on that Sunday and I'm almost true that he comes that pen and he said I got that found dollar said we couldn't give it in November said but we got our taxes back so we got instead of talk to my wife and she said you think it would the Lord be okay if we gave 2,000 extra I said let me produce I said God said that'll be fine after I'm taking the stand against that guys nothing sells more effeminate than a southerner saying guys it's y'all the plural of y'all is all y'all the possessive of y'all's is at colleges in the mountains and users say you find out God loves over here you find out God lives he's real you need some stories of your own hey young preacher boy you need some stories of your own you can't live on dr. Malone story ride the piggy back through college you had the story of your own but I learned something right here I'm through I begin to search think of what's that man about it there's a piece of man on there I don't know where that Ark of the Covenant is but if you opened it up there's still a peace of mind on that thing how can you identify manna after it's been kept a day well I mean if they keep it overnight worms got it writer on you theologians but this banner was very identifiable been there for years it gives me a picture of longevity see you find out over here God last he is the man he ain't running out he ain't getting old he don't need to do coat of paint he don't need no bottom dough on the finger he's still fresh I went to the covered up day and I was going to make up a Niner sandwich can I get a witness I'm talking about hallelujah I like pineapple Sam I was going to make a banana sandwich mr. John don't you like your pineapple sale then I was gonna make one with mayonnaise on it but I was gonna make a banana second for peanut butter and I reached up in that cupboard that open covered and I said Wow Wow Oh Paco it traces what is it I said good in that red bag it looked like a rat at mold and then made little mold looks like her brother leave it look like a rat was it that bad I said Tracy my word what you throw his stuff out of the bird she's not I was going to is that what your mom always said yes like your mama I've seen bread turn black not this bread they looked into that setting man once you ever get over here you'll quit looking for anything new you only contemporary death you won't need new and improved nothing you'll find out he's an immutable God Malachi 3:6 I'm the Lord and I changed God therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed Jesus Christ the same yesterday today and forever is a steadfast God he's an immutable God he's a steady God he's always the same God he's a yesterday today and forever the same dog hey you don't need anything new at all anchor into the old paths where is the good way you find out he last they shall Hebrews says chapter one they'll vanish away as death a garment with our - Trevor some of you right now reason why you're looking at this new stuff no Sunday night church no preaching no preaching no preaching apologize for preaching apologize for preaching no preaching you ain't have been in there you get over it you'll like it I'm not going to tell you I'm in there tonight but auntie I want to get in there this missus preached our church 77 year old woman came to me pastor's wife tears streaming down her face she said I won't be here much longer and she's crying she said I've spent my life out here pastor's wife one we're here at tonight Jesus keep me near the cross our Heavenly Father I pray you take these thoughts tonight simple thoughts help us to develop a want to to draw nigh to God a desire to get close to God lord help us not be satisfied with a holy place experience but lord help us to draw nigh for the holiest heads are bowed eyes are closed I'd ask you how many tonight only get in there where God is and I'm talking about for real you say I want that for my life would you slip up your hand I want that I want to live in the realm of his power I want to live in the realm of his presence I want to live in the realm of his peace I want to live in the realm of his provision as the pastor comes I don't want you to quench God you mind the Lord do what God will bid you to do we need to get close to him there's a difference between the crowd that has been and the crowd that hasn't been there's a difference between the crowd that he is and the crowd that isn't all help us to draw out of God once you come to the cross aren't you once you physically come towards this cross right here and say God I'm coming to you I want in I want in aren't you tired of living on the outside I've tasted that I never want to go back anyplace else it starts with the wall - if any man desire the office of a bishop he desireth a good work you got to walk so I'm glad God knows the intents I'm not where I'm not always there but I want to be there God knows the intents of a man's heart would you come seeking that place tonight would you come seeking that place to that house wife hey it's available to you - that veil has been ripped access has been made thanks to Calvary would you come god help us don't call on him y'all call only yes as opposed to sleep I'm all scream y'all don't you say what you call don't brave in a no question / sISTAR sing it down to the altar in the cross yes he said that a Sheraton you know that chorus here we go in the cross in the drawers where everything he said was good there's couple things he said that that independent Baptists need to understand but he was in there with God he said there's no way that God's going to be with you without you feeling some emotion you're not going to kneel at an old-fashioned altar like this and say now Lord I need that the wonderful near assume that the perfect peace with you and not to slop off and slobber with God a little bit you got you got to rip that heart open and he's got to see that there's something inside of it besides plastic there's going to be a soul that look don't tell me you can cheer the football game i watch young when you're watching television you're jumping out of the easy chair and you're screaming both hands up from the high and so you've never done that for God alone if there's ever been anything in this world that has drawn more emotion out of you than God you need to get right with him you think because you just say oh that's good that's good I don't care if you waive both hands in church or wave one hand or wave no hands I'll tell you what when you get with God like he said it's alone when you're alone with God he better know all the emotion and and and and feeling that you've ever felt about anything and if anything else has an emotion or feeling than you are in idolatry you've got something that is more important to your soul's desire than the Lord Jesus Christ now I'm asking of a slobbered fit I'm not asking you to do anything for my sake I'm just simply saying somewhere along with God he needs to know that you want him more than you want the next breath and when he knows that then he could say not now understand that and I promise you ain't going to get there that's all our church folk this I can't offer you everything to Brother house gave you but I tell you one thing I didn't wake up and discover God 10 years I know there's one thing I could bring that I wasn't afraid of bring they gave me the confidence to bring that that's where I like to live right and you folks who've been in my fridge for 10 years you know that's the one thing I had tried to open your head with a can over and try to pour it in you walk with GOG is so close to him that you every breath is I love you I need you I believe in you you better know it can be and you're right sometimes you find your sorry social slipping back to success or evil back there but you know what the beautiful thing is you tasted that you will crawl on your hands and knees with a broken glass and gladly do it you climb up your cloth and you throw of your back and self take up my cross I'll deny myself I'll do whatever it takes because I've tasted that and nothing else could ever satisfy me right right you've never tasted it you better go on a journey god bless you those awesome thank for the 24 that would you please so glad that God try to straighten you out on northerners northers a good folk they carry cash you better know they carry cash they know where to find God Oh Tony I want to get picture with you come down here I want to give you on these Bibles let's see 1 2 thread there that one right there I think that
Channel: FBC Music Videos
Views: 91,860
Rating: 4.5684648 out of 5
Keywords: FBC Hammond, Dr Jack Schaap, FBC Indiana, FBCHI, Munson's Uploads, Pastor School Hammond, tony hutson
Id: PhpSYUdbGg0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 39sec (4239 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 19 2012
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