David Dobrik Blames Jeff Wittek For The Accident - Off The Rails #27

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two hello hello h3tb 2022 at 202 o'clock what does it mean oh it tastes like beef jerky [Music] i gotta do my own voiceover of that is it not oh it's off the rails right right right it's all melding together guys let's be honest but welcome everybody to the show we've got a great show here for a change unlike all the other episodes sponsored by harry's razor babble and stamps.com action pack action-packed episode uh we actually have our first i'm gonna say first but our first on-field segment using our cutting-edge new technology cutting edge we have uh love as our swedish correspondent here heading over to ikea for the first international ikea world cup he is going to be performing a series of of swedish feats for you all live from ikea that's right he is going to be performing five major categories fika time furniture friend fred is good again forever fred exim i have no idea how to say that for life uh there's all kinds of swedish stuff we'll get into that i think they're they're on their way they're getting ready they are they are uh setting up in front of the ikea right as we speak i'm i'm watching their video feed from my uh from my command and to be clear we do not have permission to film this or is a chance we'll be shut down i think there's a fairly high likelihood i would say 95 yeah well once they see love's outfit right he we sam has decked him do we have a photo or anything in us in the custom ikea fit we've made for him what does that sound i'm actually being told that uh they're ready okay let's let's just get right into the well also today we have planned you guys know that uh wow there's been some juicy drama developments we'll get into after this segment david made a whole podcast essentially i would say blaming jeff for the accident and jeff made a response video and i've watched them all we're going to get into that but first we've got correspondence foo we got feet on the ground here so why don't we say hello to our our swedish competitor there is love now love how does it feel oh you know it feels like home i'm finally at ikea i haven't outside of sweden any any time you know so i'm here to shake the ikea out i'm here to make sure it's swedish enough that it doesn't hasn't lost its swedish you know essence and i'm also supposed to do some uh challenges some swedish challenges so yeah it's awesome what's the technology we've gotten dan that's enabled us to go on because the last time we did this was love at the free brittany which technically was a disaster yeah oh sorry ab yes uh that was definitely a disaster um yeah uh we've set up with a with a cellular pack now and so uh you know we have an actual camera you're gonna have to mute his mic when he's not talking because that [ __ ] is wild yeah you got that zach yeah thank you um yeah so we have a cellular backpack uh you know what like the irl streamers do when they're wandering around vegas harassing people and stuff um camera and professional cameras like your phone not my phone and me and olivia sharon airpods that was nobody's fault by the way it was just very well it was last minute we decided like 20 minutes before to go do it it was i mean it was a fantastic segment but now if we can go so cameron is with love is that right he's right he's the man behind the man behind the cam behind the cam uh the dynamic duo whoa oh okay so love why don't you show off this custom fit here yeah so we got some swedish swedish custom fit here the drip is real the swedish drip is real so let's start off with a swedish fika ikea hat this is a bucket hat straight from sweden of course made from authentic ikea bags like pure ikea bags completely made of ikea bags and then we got this amazing sweater that by the way sam has made herself super cool zoom out a little bit cameron let me get it let me let me see the whole zoom out a little bit yeah and then the boots let me see the tims and the thames finally you know i feel like vetements could sell that for a thousand bucks absolutely no the the shoes are really what puts it over the top damn you made all that sam holy crap how do you even do that that's impressive you should be next door at teddy fresh forget this this show your talents are wasted here ethan i heard you said can anyone hear me right now yes [Music] okay so i heard you said that we don't have permission that's actually not right i have here a message from the king of sweden uh you see here it's all completely authentic he's completely real his sign here and this is not a crime to to print something like this out from the internet this is actually completely legal absolutely it says right here that we have uh complete and full permission to do whatever we want in ikea wow okay great this is trump's uh american law yeah yeah that's right all right so american law this is above american law all right so we're gonna go in there we're not gonna try too much trouble we hopefully we won't have to bust out the letter from the king yeah so let me lay out the competition rules first love the first competition is going to be fika time love is going to have to eat eight meatballs in one minute the second one is furniture friend love is gonna have to help one customer uh select furniture to purchase you know he can translate the swedish titles he's sweetest so obviously he can he has insight that other people don't i don't know what this says love what is the third one fred is fred fred has gizms forever yeah you almost right it's freya dog's miss felix miss is a swedish tradition of course on the friday you like kind of kick back relax it's friday cozy time with the family with the girlfriend with anyone you like you sit back you get some snacks you get some drinks and you just have a nice time on the friday you know so we're doing freddy's gizm forever love convinces someone to fret his gizm with him on the couch on one of the couches there oh my god that should be easy at what can we show that on youtube two dudes on a couch or two people on the couch i think so once they keep their clothes on yeah mid-summer sma dora uh to celebrate the traditional holiday of sweden love will find a pole to dance around and sing traditional sma rodona a song okay and the baltic builder select a small shelf or cabinet and level have to assemble it before the end of the podcast wow so at my my hunches we're going to be checking in periodically with the guys there if you can complete every task before the show is over or before you get kicked out you will be crowned more likely the fika king fika king my friend uh what is joel bach i'm very excited we can talk about that uh what is this jewel box so what's the context here dan i added that cause love was just telling me about this and i thought it was pretty funny so we're gonna burn down this goat you guys build a giant goat of hay and then burn it down so i guess we'll have to do that so you're gonna have to burn you're gonna have to set something on fire in ikea uh for this uh for this category no no no no no no no no burning guys okay all right so so uh check back in with us when you're ready why don't you start with fika time and uh and uh check back in with us when you're ready to report okay i'll i'll be back and i'll be back with a plate of the finest meatballs in the world sounds good buddy see you then [Applause] see you all right good luck guys well their journey begins and we'll see yeah uh it's that audio please thank you yeah can still hear it yeah i have it down i can still hear them okay i don't know why so you can still hear them so uh what a action there you go you got it uh action-packed show here today i don't know how long they're i don't know how much they lock down the ikeas here we'll have to see i mean i think they'll get off the meatballs that's simple enough you go and buy some meatballs no problem there but you never know cam is equipped with a camera is the is the streamer sim card some kind of crazy looking backpack or is it discreet it's pretty discreet i have it all packed up in a way that it just looks like a normal backpack uh other than the uh you know cable with the camera sticking out of the side of it i think the bigger problem is probably the ikea outfit um well who says you can't wear an ikea outfit i don't think there's any explicit rule but i don't know if i was a security guard working at the front of an ikea and a guy walked in and looking like that i would probably walk over and just see what see what's going on yeah well you will you you might do that i might do that because you are a uh who is a narc narc yeah yeah you're exactly you're uh you try you work too hard but all right you know we were talking a lot about tai lopez oh um actually quick update um because i have uh a phone link to them and i'm hearing in the background they're already being yelled at by an ikea employee we'll pull it up okay we have a lot of people who try to come in [Music] we're not going to record anybody else we're just going to record our experiences so they're already being stopped before getting to the door i just want to say i said put on the outfit inside because the outfit is the dead giveaway that you're up to shenanigans but [Music] the camera is in the shopping cart they're being yelled at by the security guard they didn't even make it halfway to the front door [Music] live from ikea parking lot um turbulence already oh i had a few love can you hear me what's going on there they're they're still talking with the ladies i heard her say i can get my manager oh this is already being escalated we just want meatballs folks we only want meatballs love what's going on there boots on the ground the first international ikea world cup is already in jeopardy okay we'll have to check back with them um at another time but wow already on shaky ground i hear they're talking to them or they're asking to speak to the manager so all right well oh wow tragedy already striking this wonderful competition i was worried about this because a few years ago there was a lot of youtubers doing like 24-hour challenges in ikea like since that moment i just want to buy meatballs just like just tell them we're just here for the meat i feel like it's great it's great uh advertisement for the brewery you should be paying us for this to be honest ikea drip it's like what more do you want all right well let's move on and check back in with them you know garyvee i like talking about garyvee we gave tai lopez a lot of [ __ ] for his uh his nfts but you know who's the originator of this tai lopez 100 just ripped off gary vee i didn't realize uh he just totally ripped him off i guess the difference is that garyvee is actually successful doesn't make it any less knowledge pathetic though and weird how yeah he's selling off go courtside with me courtside cat for a hundred ethereum [Music] now why what is that like 250 000 bucks more three hundred thousand now guys i ask you what is wrong with this world [Music] i ask you a mentor meeting this other one mentor meeting mongoose oh jesus you guys who wants to lose some money today exactly wait was that tai lopez that was tai lopez who wants to lose some money today is that what he says at his conferences well that was that was a video dan found it was uh him uh talking on one of your mike's very quiet uh for facetime in garyvee you can pay 35 ethereum which has got to be around you know almost a hundred thousand dollars just to face to own this facetime fly 95k 95k what the [ __ ] i can't get over this look at this proud this kid he's so proud of his [ __ ] fly shame on whoever bought this golly i'll go out i'll just buy a self-help book and read you quotes out of it too for a hundred thousand dollars you know what i mean so what let's see how pathetic this kid jam session snail you want to jam with gary vee for 80 grand i hate it who wants me to take their money [Laughter] you can go wine shopping with gary vee shadow me again i love the intern one that's my favorite you can get coffee for me and uh for twenty fifty thousand dollars so this whole movement what do you think i mean ab i'm gonna ask for thoughts here on this one what do you think maybe thoughts oh he's drinking conveniently well you don't have to accept a long drink bro just put the drink down i gotta ask you are you drinking sorry i'm really drinking thirsty gonna save you bro what's going on i was checking on love hashtag free love gary v yeah that's expensive i wouldn't pay that much to facetime you yes you would play poker with me for 25 000 work out with me don't you think it's corny to be selling it's like he really values himself that high that he thinks isn't that just a little icky to be like come work out with me for 25 000 i just bro come on these are your fans these are your people he's so cool why do you need to get paid like has anybody bought this so a lot of them are one of one and they have yeah all of them have sales i mean it says last sale so yeah wow yeah they are selling definitely wait facetime five is it really just five minute face time five minute face time for how much last sale was four eighth so ten grand almost twelve thousand dollars twelve thousand dollars for a five minute face time bro wow he's just doing cameos now basically that's the glorified camera i heard you can facetime a b or zach for like 20 bucks yeah you better make you feel bro yeah my mom does five minute cameos for people right wow embarrassing hey guys oh guys i'm doing a competition for our fans only you can come spend five minutes with me your idol for a hundred thousand dollars any minute over five will be charged to your card we'll need your card ahead of time to put it on file you will be responsible for providing transportation and cert food and stuff like that lacroix if you want to la croix during our five-minute session that's gonna be five dollars we do offer refreshments as well hamburgers and such twenty dollars it is a very nice it's a good hamburger you know uh and it is only five minutes so come prepared you know we book a lot of these for one day so we can't go over the time limit so just remember five minutes is all you get currently going for a hundred thousand dollars and i love my fans i mean this is why we do it right i love my fans get in line to hang out with me for five minutes how much would a fan have to pay to work out with you oh well you know that's an exclusive experience because i don't really work out right oh that'd be i don't know 250 and my working sessions are five minutes long so right bring your own weights obviously you will not you you can't use my equipment just for sanitary purposes yeah so you're gonna have to bring your own equipment or you can just watch well for coveted reasons too you probably shouldn't even be in the same room no it'll be face time yeah yeah it'll be a facetime it's time workout yeah just cause i love my fans i love my fans spend a hundred thousand dollars for five minutes with me i love my fans oh come sit courtside with me for a million bucks you gotta get a whole season of quartzite tickets for that and then maybe while you're like scary i really want to ask you the game sorry about my friend he's so [ __ ] rude once a day genuinely sit there for five minutes and make pretend one of them got shot in the face i will do a special mediation a meditation session where we both simultaneously imagine our family members being shot in the face half a million bucks therapy will be provided uh separately by your own cost therapists will not be provided i don't know man these guys are all scammers [Music] huh oh we have a loving cam update they seem to be getting uh yelled at okay roll it up all right guys oh really i thought that was a coffin first in the booth so love and cam are being confronted by what looks like a security guard there's people in there who usually like for next time if you guys do they bring their like they bring in their own bag like these blueberries they are still not even close to the entrance here here's some laughter between them so maybe it's you know love can i can i can love hear me there's people who do it all the time they might have taken out the ear pieces to uh when they're like with like let's hear it be like super incarcerated [Applause] don't wear the jacket up to the you got to put that was was i mean it was a beautiful shot don't get me wrong yeah we had the lovely hat introduction they had to do it that way i agree with ian and i scouted the place yesterday and we gave them very explicit instructions what to do what not to do and uh i guess they didn't follow them you see there's some advantages to just being on an iphone and some airpods oh absolutely you can do anything there yeah well it's just again when you're walking in the front entrance right decked out listen it's part of the competition you're gonna draw some attention love couldn't even put his hands down all the way because the jacket was really stiff so very noisy too they'll hear him coming ian what did you say and they're leaving right now they seem to be leaving oh oh hold up get the camera all right wow oh so love is in the parking lot he's out of his ikea outfit yeah what's happening love yeah can you elect the car we're gonna we're gonna go back in buy some stuff obviously we're gonna leave our video equipment out here in the or in the car you know and we'll go back in and see if we can find anything to buy for the last challenge at the very least i'm going to buy some i'm going to buy some meatballs for myself too and then some swedish caddy and then we're going to head out so did you present them the letter from the king loved you know they they seemed really mad i i i don't think it was a you know the right moment to do that well it is the with the full authority of the of the sovereign king of sweden that yeah you should probably ask for the manager to come back yeah did you not speak to a manager about that i'm gonna bring it bring it back in and present oh we did talk to a manager hey can you hear me yeah we did talk to a manager uh one of the employees was a fan of the show and took a picture with us but unfortunately the manager said no no no you guys couldn't work that yeah the employee the uh they said no no no we we uh we don't yeah the employees here are very cool you know they said uh next time you should hide it this and this way yeah so we got some tips for the next time you know well that's nice of them so far we are uh the international ikea competition is not going exactly as planned but we will check back in with them when we have some furniture and meatballs on on hand yeah maybe they can slam the meatballs in the back seat of the car make sure to get eight meatballs okay uh we can at least do a couple categories here okay thank you guys thank you wow what a shame you know who could have seen this coming a tragic end to the first ever ikea competition wow hey what's going on with eminem's apparently they're pissing off christians another big corporation company making fun of our lord and savior jesus christ there's nothing new under the sun they love to mock jesus and you know how i know that he's the one true god because they never mock any other god never hear them saying anything about buddha never hear them saying anything about allah it is always jesus there's literally a dove ascending right above his head right here in this image it is disgusting it is blasphemy but this is what they like to do you want to know how i know that god is the truth check this out this is what the lord just revealed to me think about when you are in the truth when it comes to things that are going on in the world right with the news what does the false prophet media do scoffs at you makes fun of you makes you think that you're wrong right tells you that you're not in the truth but really you are in the truth and then when you're following the lies they cheer you on and they're all for it can we pull up this picture what is this the green eminem has is ascending down yeah i actually there's some info uh right underneath it's actually an homage to uh the packaging is an homage to this album work el mal queer um oh it's an album cover from 2018 uh from the band loving el mal no it's uh it's rosalia that's her name okay so they made just like a little bit of a meme on it i have to assume it's like a collaboration or something okay so eminem's just going to hell no here we go i mean making fun of our lord and savior jesus christ there's nothing new under the sun they love to mock jesus and you know and think your your level of mockery against jesus is the bar is a little low there lady i mean it's just an eminem you know now if you want to hear someone mock jesus all you gotta do is put on uh they say podcast no of course not i would never all you gotta do is go to any uh basically a church these days where they hate gay people they hate the trans people they are full of lies a conspiracy you know the only blasphemy happening is in church itself there's a link to where you can buy it online by the way here it is i mean it's a little weird i'll admit on eminem's part like i get it's the card it says it says eminem is celebrating a popular album covers of influential artists in a limited edition pack so there's like this is an ongoing series an ongoing series yes i mean if it was like a picture of jesus like begging for his life on the cross like super graphic and stuff like that and renouncing he's like please i renounce it i'm not the son of god just spare me please like i'll be like okay that's a bit far eminem speared to death or maybe jesus engaged in some kind of act of uh love with another man that i would get amen hallelujah i mean i would think that would be pretty epic but that'll get okay well shout out to eminem apparently blasphemy here is david bowie okay i see this is their david bowie one okay there you go vr gaming oh this is so funny man this is one of those videos that i just love this is perfect i was hoping you hadn't but i figured i saw it on um i saw it on my own feed yo this is so good i uh oh my god okay so i don't understand i mute it so like we're gonna have to break this down okay now this is meant to be spinning okay yeah and the whole machine got thwarted by one of these little metal rope holders it it it hits this thing and then the machine tilts spins itself off access it's not fastened to the floor or anything i wonder if she just thought it was part of the ride you know yeah that's the 4d experience [Laughter] what a piece of [ __ ] dude isn't it supposed to be fastened to the floor it didn't take much to topple that that really doesn't just this thing yeah it turns the whole base i mean it does it was like perfectly positioned to do that too which yeah i mean how was that the first person to ride the damn thing it must have been just imagine like you're filming it right you're like this is gonna be awesome when your friend just gets blasted off the stage oh man that's so funny vr is so stupid you guys i'm sorry but it is ugh i could it's just the best oh and she's all like her feet are fastened down her arms are fastened down she can't move you just in for the ride yeah the top problem is damn this ride feels too real there you have it yeah and your technology is really coming along it's really come a long way i knew that one was gonna be a hit with you um before we move on we're actually already no 30 minutes yeah no shot every year is getting shorter it's my day job never seem to have the time let's watch one more this is machine this guitar player exposes that machine gun kelly when he's on stage playing his uh i fell in love with the emo girl is that something popular by the way is that like on the billboard charts or anything i think it is it's definitely on the tick tock part which usually means that it is on youtube yeah sometimes people use it ironically on things with an emo girl well this guy's like dude you're not even playing the guitar he has the um there's like a switch on the electric guitar and when you put it down it just cuts all input or output here today we've got an interesting new guitar end machine gun kelly signature schecter this car is a pretty interesting feature it's called a kill switch for those of you who don't know you flip this in the down position cuts off all the volume making it completely silent that got me wondering how does mgk use this in his live performances let's go take a look okay exhibit a let's zoom in shall we clearly in the down position here but let's refer to mgk this is obviously from a music video and people don't really play in music videos so let's find a live one shall we surely it's up in a live photo right right okay exhibit b is definitely playing here let's zoom in oh no okay definitely still in the down position dumb ass surely there's some out there where it's not like that right exhibit c come on mgk don't let me down dude oh mgk do edited this and disproved it says the audience okay let's go where's mgk baby wait the the chat is is rallying for mgk um we have a few watch mgk duet he disproved okay pull it up he posted a reply mentioning he was wrong i mean not that he's playing like basic power chords so i don't think he's shredding or anything unbelievable but let's let's get let's hear his side you know you looking for that he is one of the most important artists of our time he is and that would be this is a huge scandal that he's not yeah to to his credit and i haven't seen his response uh it's very very possible and i [ __ ] hate this guy that he could have the kill switch disabled it's very possible he just he disabled it entirely possible all right here we go this is big mgk coming out with the so i work here guitar center facts enlarging interesting [Music] down it's on his live performances so he's saying his is the opposite let's go take a look okay let's zoom in shall we sure clearly [Music] oh dude he burned him he said i mustache you yo he's coming for his throat mgk is savage wow why you made this live a video i don't think the guy at guitar center is reverse engineering the guitar just in defense of that guy it's possible that they're just different for produced and one was probably made specifically for himself right slightly different how it works when i used to hang out with post fender and like uh all these big guitar people they would just come by with like crazy guitars for him right so yeah i think you're right they would just be like yo dude we got these crazy new guitars checking them out [Music] i think you're right i only played my guitar you're wearing a liquid death hat i'm also a part owner in that company so you're promoting me while hey continue going he's annoying even when he's right he's so annoying that's why i said it's brutal they get [ __ ] owned by that guy that's why he owns liquid death that's not the like it's just water uh yeah it's like canned water and that also um he doesn't he doesn't cody go own that cody cole yeah liquid death i think so he's like part owner or something i gotta say that's one of the dumbest companies i've ever heard they try to turn water into something like metal guys it's just water it's really just canned water here yeah uh it looks like yeah kodiko does uh at least early investor or something yeah he has some association with it i can't is this really going to go somewhere liquid death lands 75 million more to expand the brand okay there you go when you can sell water for five bucks per can you really [ __ ] you really got us all good man how do you raise 75 million dollars for canned water i guess it's just that that its marketing is so like viral and like i think part of it is that it's so stupid that you remember it you know what i mean yeah but what about dropping five bucks for it is it actually that expensive i don't know but like when you sell it like it's beer in a nine pack i'm assuming i'm assuming it's gotta cost like how much does it cost for a let's see uh on amazon a 12 pack of tall boys let's get [ __ ] up on liquid death tonight bro 12 packs of 15 bucks on amazon uh so actually you know that's probably like a a dollar 30 per can they're real quick that different things yeah people are saying it's environmentally friendly that's true i mean they don't use plastic that's good that's plastic but boxed water i also thought was so dumb and it's actually not you know it's it's environmentally friendly the box water thing yeah i suppose it's better than the plastic maybe what uh what do i know i'm sure that the the aluminum manufacturing plant is putting some metal in our ground water yeah they're just i mean yeah less plastic so i feel like the cardboard is probably more environmentally friendly than the aluminum what do you think liquid death ladies and gentlemen yeah it is it's giving me diamond water vibes but diamond water they actually did sell for like an insanely inflated yeah it was five dollars that [ __ ] well running it over diamond energy ain't cheap all right let's thank our sponsors and then we're gonna get into the david dubrick uh ex jeff dubrick i actually have an interesting uh update too i talked to jeff on the phone last night i don't think i told you guys that you did how'd that go i did are you good no i don't know i'm saying you did you talked to oh yeah i did we had a nice conversation on the phone you guys meant you guys are betting i'll tell you all about it after we thank our sponsors first we've got hairy razors harry's razor this month dump uh the madness of your old expensive shaving return by trying harry's betting on the underdog can pay off big especially when a company like harry's that teams up with the best quality and construction method in the razor game and incredibly fair pricing i love harry's i 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which i found bizarre because my initial take and again you know i'm not the biggest david doberg fan by now you guys know that but i thought it was disgusting i was repulsed by it and i was like man i i can't be the only one here right i don't know did you well i i felt like he was being sincere and that he was going through some [ __ ] but the question is is he going through [ __ ] because of what he put his friend through or because of what he's going through now you know like i feel like he's going through [ __ ] but like there's actually two real victims which right he's not one of the real victims right and i'm that that was the conflict in my mind he's like i'm so sad i should be making 50 million dollars this year but instead i'm only making 10. uh okay dude well you almost killed your friend and he has like a traumatic injury for life so i don't know but before all this happened jeff call he texted me and he said hey can we talk sure yeah let's talk first thing he did he apologized for what happened with his body coming to our house which i appreciated he said i don't have to worry about it it's not going to happen again which i which i also appreciated i i i honestly was worried i was worried like after we did the last podcast with the all with the italian you know with the wiseguy character i come home and i say listen i don't want no wise guys coming to my house i'm no wise guy i just play one on my podcast [Music] you know [Music] so [Music] but anyway that's nice i appreciate it because i i'm being like real paranoid lately you know so jeff apologize his friend isn't coming uh he told me basically that he thinks he he heard through the grapevine that david was going to be dropping this vid this uh podcast or i guess they invited him to be on and he said no which i don't blame him i mean it's kind of weird for him to sit there jason called him and told him yeah that is gonna be released there's one point i think i'm just gonna watch the whole thing but there was one point where jason goes i think jeff's gonna be really happy about this and i was like what you just found that so odd because they essentially blaming it on jeff the accident um and well this anyway yeah so david put his out late at night and then jeff uh put his out at like 3am responding i'm not sure how exactly to go about this because i wonder i wonder if i should just watch david's and then we can kind of paraphrase what jeff said because he it's like watching the same thing twice you know what i mean yeah there's a few moments that i highlighted out of jeff so if you want to do that watch david's and then just a couple of moments from jeff's response to those big claims maybe the easiest yeah let's do it you know something jeff kept telling me on the phone was like you know that he was he has lied about things to protect david you know always to protect david and let's just watch the dang thing first of all terrible title discussing what happened what happened was he talking about the essay or the excavator i missed the mark with that one now my hunch is you guys have probably heard there's a big documentary coming out by a huge creator that is meant to be this is going to be very critical of david someone that was previously very close to him ah there was a [ __ ] press release while i got tiptoe around it jeff jeff said who it was casey neistat made a documentary about david they were very close and very friendly and what i how i understand it is he was making a documentary about david you know being the rising star of youtube because i remember casey neistat was a huge fan of david before he was even popular like when we went to the creator studio casey was there david was there and i remember casey was like this guy you got to follow him he's going to be huge he's a genius that's how i became a fan of david because i watch casey so much in case you always say his favorite creator was david yeah he loved him so casey's been kind of tailing uh david for a couple years to shoot this documentary of this rising star and it turned in and he captured all these controversies with jeff and the insider article and it turned into what was supposed to be kind of like a nice puff piece into a extremely critical documentary of david and i think david is scared about what's going to come out in this documentary and i think this whole thing is trying to get ahead of it personally because it's going to come out in like a week right or it's being screened at cans in a week i believe it's this weekend yeah i think south by southwest oh some film festival they're going to be screening it and live streaming it so people will be seeing it this weekend and what what's in that documentary must be really bad because it seems like he's really nervous about it and i think he's trying to get ahead of all that you know the guy hasn't said a word about this for years he's been dragged and just silently standing by all of a sudden comes out this saturday we said so where does it come out because is it south by southwest or is it or is it canned so the people can know all the sudden the guy wants to talk about everything you know when casey neistat has basically gone against the family you never go against the family casey you understand casey i brought you and david be like i made you casey neistat you oh you that's what happens when somebody who doesn't owe everything they have to david ends up in the vlog squad you know what i mean [Music] because all these other people are like david this and he he made who i am today i'd be on the streets oh let's read the synopsis under the influence casey neistat when casey neistat first sat down to interview youtube sensation david dubrick neither of them knew they were about to capture one of the most precipitous rise and falls in the history of the internet in real time david protected by the belief he's just a kid with a camera has constantly assumed risks even as a story of essay breaks he's busy busy covering up a near lethal accident caught on film that's in the synopsis casey says he's covering it up in the real world these kinds of actions have life-changing consequences but in the gold rush uh ecosystem of social media influence the audience decides who's successful and who gets banished forever march 12th 6 45. uh yeah so that that's at south by um and then it says right under on march 13th there is a online screening worldwide so i think it looks like you have to rsvp for it i'm sure it'll premiere on some streaming services later but you need an rsvp to watch a video it's like an online because it's a it's an online component of this but if you guys want to watch this then i guess you go here and just march 13 at 9am okay southwest yes so that's pretty interesting you know or if you happen to be in austin texas you can go watch the screening in person probably uh casey you might have to go into hiding after this one you know what i'm saying hey casey oh you got new music this is like the wise guy stuff i love it's like a good fella the casino ace rusty well done zack thank you hey casey it'd be a shame if something happened to you well that's like the jeff whitaker it doesn't really work for david and jeff's my best friend again just kidding he's we're not best friends but he apologized which i appreciate listen casey i'm gonna need you to bury this documentary you're working on cause if not is she a shame if something happened to you you've got a beautiful family a nice couple kids there now [Music] accidents happen all the time be a shame let's just watch this okay so here's david dubrick uh discussing what happened dubrick dubrick so that's a that's an important context i think that's what i was thinking of if you go to the comments people are saying i cr jason it's all about how jason's a great guy dave is a great guy i do wonder if they're removing comments because there's no [ __ ] way that people are not being critical of this i just don't get it well here let's watch it it's 53 minutes the first 10 minutes they don't really talk about it so i wonder if i should skip forward it is pretty entertaining though how they're sucking each other off for the first 10 minutes because the first 10 minutes she's just like this is so it's just so amazing that you're opening up finally and talking about your feelings and i just think it's so great and then david's like i don't feel human emotion i thought i was empathetic but i don't understand people and human emotion basically and jason am i wrong and jason's like it's so great that you're opening up he said he felt like he really is very empathetic but maybe he's wrong maybe he he doesn't notice uh what's wrong with him so correct him if he's wrong he's like i'm very empathetic but once bad things happen to people i wonder why do you care i wouldn't care if that happened to me let's watch it what's up guys welcome back to views sorry i always on the low setting nice sounds good good tone good register thank you you're already in the pocket bro my hand is shaking yeah it could be the caffeine but this is weird i had a little diarrhea just now i'm just not on the white seats yeah it's a bummer um yeah so one other thing jeff told me it turned i think we all suspected it but natalie really is a little jizzlane maxwell she really is a little well do you prefer gi lane dan or do you like jizz um well minus sex traffic but in terms of like she just does things for him his dirty laundry yeah yeah maybe she does trafficking i don't i don't have evidence to disprove that nowhere to confirm it i don't even know where where do we start how do we even do this this this podcast has been building for some time yeah and oh this this episode yeah this episode i don't think it's this episode i think it's okay i think it's what you no i'm not saying it's not going to happen in this episode yeah yeah yeah but i'm just saying like i think i mean you've been breaking yo is that a v a v friend on his desk that sick draft drawing that honestly looks too good to be a vp yeah you're right too much detail bringing this up to me for a while yeah like you were like we make all these podcasts and we're always talking about dicks and farts and we never actually talk about like how you're really feeling yeah yeah yeah yeah and you always say like if it was my podcast yes it is yeah you're like if it was my podcast i talk about everything yeah your [ __ ] podcast you want to be here do everything to david it was your [ __ ] as it wouldn't exist sorry are you chewing on apple oh okay it's done i swallowed it i'm [ __ ] david dobrik don't you tell me about your podcast you don't exist without me don't you understand shut your [ __ ] mouth you say only nice things to me this is as soon as the the camera's cut you start slapping jason around yeah he does i heard david slaps jason behind the scenes spits on him when he doesn't obey whether good or bad i get away with that on my vlogs too yeah i just feel like guys i'm not feeling so good today and then all the comments are like it's okay jason we love you okay and and i understand why you don't do that because because when you started when i met you i you know i used to do like one-man shows where i would like bear my soul to like 25 people like that's literally what i was doing before we should skip this yeah i think let's just get to the juice because we're going to be pausing everything this is going to be a 10 hour yeah exactly so you're saying 10 minutes let's go 10 minutes thank you yeah i'm just going to seem like a dick because i'm just going to dissect every stupid thing they say it is going to be okay can i say something really weird i noticed watching this that trisha and jason laugh the same exact way trish and i've never seen anyone point this out but trisha has this laugh where she goes just like that and i think trisha no not that one and she laughs exactly like jesus i think she stole jason's laugh or like this it's gonna be okay you know what i mean so like yeah if i was to take it's not trust me i'm on the other side you got to pull that up someone's got to pull that up just saying just saying just saying i'm telling you pull that up baby don't be [ __ ] oh there there you gotta choose the family uh wait he just played the sound bite isn't that the lap no no no no no you no no there's two heads of this family and the other head might get mad just pull up the laugh who could who could listen maybe we know who the real don is don ela listen ela's not here we need someone to command the battlefield the me may be a time when she comes back maybe they won't but until then you follow my command well something bad might happen to you understand now pull up that [ __ ] line honestly i don't even know how i would find that i mean somebody will come with the receipts check this card someone's got it already someone discord send it to me okay no but like that's how that is that's how i look at it like you know this stuff can't last properly maybe you can maybe i just shot myself in the face with that but well well there's a lot of issues on the table and probably the first thing is is jeff we should you know we should talk about that and what's going on and how you feel about it right right recently jeff our friend jeff whittick posted some stuff about me um just about the accident about how things have been handled and um you didn't call him on a surgery yeah yeah stuff like that and i think and i think there's things that i haven't really spoken about um i've never spoken about the surgery or the incident in general um so i i think it's kind of time for that and we asked jeff to come today and be on the podcast he didn't want to and we respect that right because i i yeah i would prefer to do to do that with him here you know but that's also a reason i don't like doing any of this stuff i don't like doing it either i agree with you i just i think like talking about someone when they're not in the room is like a really strange thing i think you can tear open a person when they're in the room right next to you and like you're making eye contact but i think it's a whole nother let's talk about somebody when they're out there is that it that's close yeah do you see the resemblance you pulled that up fast wait now hold on i got to go back to jeff we were at 10 minutes hang on guys this is one of our one of our discord mods uh i knew that someone had that it's gonna be okay you know what i mean okay wait so like yeah if i was to take it's not trust me i'm on the other side [Laughter] now play it i'm just telling you it's a very distinct blast and i think trish is still laughing like jason percent of the answers are like it's gonna be okay you know what i mean wait i gotta go i gotta nail that uh if i was to take it's not trust me i'm on the other side [Laughter] if i'm moses i'm saying girl you you stop laughing i mean listen you gotta drop the laugh just saying i feel like i'm the first person to notice that yeah well i certainly didn't connect it you're right all right yeah i gotta go back to that it's just crazy good yeah if i was to take it's not trust me i'm on the other side because you know that happens right like when you spend time with someone you like you absorb their characteristics we all we all felt that happened you could start to laugh like them do mannerisms like them i do find it very interesting she's still got the laugh though you know just saying all right let's keep going how you feel about it right right recently jeff our friend jeff whittick posted some stuff about me and and i think there's things that i haven't really spoken about um i've never spoken about the surgery or the incident in general um so i i think it's kind of time for that and we asked jeff to come today and be on the podcast he didn't want to and we respect that zach can you pull the uh can you pull the two laughs um yeah can you do that zach sure pull the two laps and let's get those going side by side okay oh we have a comment someone from simply 1v i don't understand why it has to be trisha copied him it's much more likely he copied her you used her the whole time for fame and attention okay i mean maybe yeah it's possible we could track it i think someone needs to see us eye this find out who's stolen deep dive when did they date in like 2017 or 18 like you could easily see a sigh this yeah so find it find a video find a video of that laugh from trisha pre whenever it was guys no part in this discard get on that we need to see a side of this [ __ ] all right guys let's get back to the video that's what we're here to watch she took five percent of jason's life now she took on 95 percent [Laughter] if you're looking for um jason's laugh it's at around 10 minutes of this video uh zach all right david get to the [ __ ] point yeah i would prefer to do to to do that with him here yes we do you know but that's also a reason i don't like doing any of this stuff i don't like doing it either i agree with you i just i think like talking about someone when they're not in the room is like a really strange thing i think you can tear open a person when they're in the room right next to you and like you're making eye contact but i think it's a whole nother to talk about somebody when they're not there with you yeah um with that being said um the jeff thing yeah the jeff thing is is the [ __ ] worst because before i even say anything um like that is that day uh is like the worst the worst thing that's ever happened to me and i wish i could [ __ ] i would [ __ ] do and imagine how jeff feels the one thing that i feel is it's constantly from his perspective that he's the victim and forgetting that there's actually two real victims and it's very much like i am i am the real victim here that was a very how can you say it's the worst thing that ever happened to you toward it yes like imagine i mean say like that was the worst day of my life um sure i mean i think that's valid like if you almost killed a very good friend that that could be the worst day of your life for sure but the worst day that's ever happened to me is that what i supported it it's just well it's a reoccurring theme or maybe nitpicking now but you guys will notice it and the other thing is um wow i mean i can't emphasize how close jeff was to dying and david would be in jail he would be exp he would probably be kicked out of the country he would literally lose everything he wouldn't be sitting here with his friends and his microphone and his fancy set and all this he would be gone either in jail or back in slovakia and uh he should be kissing jeff's feet every [ __ ] day and thanking him thank you for not dying thank you whatever you need please thank you anything to take that day back um my hand is shaking how about using two hands to drive the excavator um like yeah i mean anything like i'm being dead ass like i wish it was me bro i can't handle that he just said dead ass while talking about the most traumatic moment of his life that took me out of it yo that was so traumatic bro [Music] yo i'm being jeff dead right now bro that ass can you imagine like a holocaust survivor bro that was the worst experience of my life dead ass my whole family got like exterminated dead ass the worst inappropriate yep there i wish whatever like it's like it's the most unfortunate thing ever and i think and and and it's a shitty it's an accident that's what it was it's an accident like i also want to make that clear i don't know it's an accident of negligence you understand of course you didn't mean to do that but it was an accident that was caused by your gross negligence as the organizer and the driver that's why charges like manslaughter exist it means you didn't mean to kill somebody but it happened because you were irresponsible you made an accident it's not just an accident right there is there is fault here for you to own people think that there's there's never a world where i would ever want that to happen to a person it was never i was never up there like driving the thing wanting to hurt him or whatever it was of course and nobody's accusing you of that so it's kind of disingenuous for you to like address that which nobody's nobody's saying you intentionally did that thing um and i think recently so jeff's gone wait jeff had a friend who said he did it on purpose who said that our friend oh our friend yeah friend of a friend you might have done it on purpose well it's safe to say he may not be the uh he's the muscle for a reason you know what i'm saying forget about it never happened he's the muscle not the bra or well i guess braun he's the not the brains he's the brawn right yeah angry recently with me and um and i don't know if this is there's a lot of layers to it i feel like and and you can correct me if i'm wrong but i think one of the main reasons um jeff is bummed with me right now is um because he saw me do he saw me do an interview where i said something that i promised him i'd keep between us and that's something he told you he's talking about casey neistat's documentary he did an interview for casey they'll get to it but i'll just tell you now so it's not confusing he says that the excavator thing was jeff's idea and according to david jeff begged him please don't tell anybody it was my idea just confusing and weird but we'll get into that i guess um yeah and i figured that that's what it was and then you reaffirmed it when you told me that uh he's he's pissed that i broke a promise um this is so hard to talk about because i kind of want to [ __ ] sound yeah okay so it was it was the day of whatever it was it was uh you've never talked about the accident you want to go through it yeah i mean we were filming a video like my comeback video i haven't posted in a while and we wanted to do something exciting and there was this youtuber that we were collaborating with for it that like did these really cool like um like really cool visuals of like people doing the coolest things and one of them was um people were like wakeboarding i don't know what that's called while holding on to an excavator um and that was like one of like five things we were gonna do that was like the first activity that we had planned to shoot um and yeah the morning came where we were in utah we were filming it and uh and yeah we were getting the shots wake boarding and um and then i remember jeff came up to one of my buddies one of our friends i don't know i say like that and then later to me and he was like he was like this is [ __ ] boring as [ __ ] what are we like preschoolers like let's do something cool and he said he wanted to swing from it and i loved the idea i was like hell yeah let's do it um so i remember too like right before we had gotten to utah jeff todd and i were all getting skydive certified so we were like so do you they're setting up this narrative that it's jeff's idea and this is all coordinated right so he goes jeff was like well come on sweep me around festa or something like that what is this [ __ ] [ __ ] slam my face into this excavator make it real interesting and then natalie goes on to establish more that it's jeff's fault here uh jaslane maxwell here traffic she doesn't traffic in children she trafficks in human lives apparently eyeballs we had all done like 20 jumps out of an airplane like we were like high on life yeah right i remember when we all like the three of us had like this like air of like not arrogance but just like we had done something so amazing all together and we had this like bonding experience oh yeah and i remember like when we landed at the airport um we just felt like so cool yeah and we were so ready to like do we're like oh we're gonna do all these like water sports and stuff like we were just jumping out of airplanes for a whole week like yeah and um there was that like man this set is crazy isn't it it's like so big and tall there was that air of um like excitement and like wanting to do so many different things and like being able to do you guys were adrenaline junkies for like a week yeah exactly right and so they're being like jeff was all hyped up he was crazy he said spin me around faster where are we bus sees i remember you you you took one van in the morning and then you know i took everybody else in another van a couple hours later and i remember going down dropping everybody off and i had to poop i remember i remember and i remember i remember walking down and looking at the stunt and being like i'm gonna check this out i'm gonna see what everyone's doing and i saw it and it was just that you know the crane just taking people around wakeboarding and it was pretty slow and i was like okay that looks fine right i'm gonna go poop and it was really far away from the rite aid that i had to poop at it was it was far from civilization like 15 minutes and by the time i finished pooping susie texted me and said you know you guys were at utah valley hospital and oh [ __ ] i didn't know you weren't there yeah jason wasn't even it wasn't even there and that that that eats me up um that eats me up that i wasn't there yes i i don't know what i would have done if because i feel like you know me and matt king are always the ones that are like hang on you know let's wait yeah i mean yeah so go ahead yeah yeah so well sorry yeah and i remember like we had pulled up to that stunt the first day and um i remember walking up and todd was wakeboarding for the first time this is like when todd and i first started so bait i mean am i right to say like we were all just having a good time and then jeff showed up and made it all crazy i mean that's kind of the vibe right that they're that they're leading towards this jeff character he's out of control he went skydiving and now this is the day before this is the day that that day yeah yeah it was early that day it was 7 a.m yeah and this is when todd and i had first started like dating yeah and there was always like these jokes between todd jeff and i yes you know about like todd and i dating and i remember jeff was like oh todd thinks he's so cool like he's just like wakeboarding or whatever and like because he was like we had just done all these things we just jumped out of a plane like a million billion times now we're just like hanging on to like a wakeboard um and there's like so many more other cooler things that could be done and so i think that like there was just this air of like everyone was trying to like have fun and like do cool things it was a comeback video there was a lot of pressure on that i mean i i think pressure on man or not oh i think there's a lot i think there's a lot to be said with just that as well like i think that's why i don't want to make the kinds of videos i was making before was is was there was this like pressure to perform like ultimately what point that jeff makes in his response is like everything they're doing is for his video they're not paid they don't have benefits they're literally there for him to make videos good so this whole premise that like jeff was there trying to make it more interesting and pushing them to do crazy [ __ ] uh doesn't matter right it doesn't matter at all because jeff david they're ignoring the fact that david was driving this excavator with one hand recording in the other jeff makes a good point in his video he's like they've been going for six hours already like david definitely knew how to handle for the control and speed of the excavator and he's like i wanted to do stuff i wasn't looking to be parallel with the earth and get his face slammed into the excavator so it's like a lot of they're missing the big point here which is that it doesn't none of that matters because ultimately david is responsible and i think even bringing anything any of this up about jeff is super inappropriate like like this was all your idea if you're gonna put people at the end of an excavator you better have the safety protocols to make sure that that that's safe and and he didn't so i don't know this feels like a weird collusion to try to manipulate people to to saying like it was partially jeff's fault not david's fault what do you got here on the right this is a heavy topic so i'm loath to uh to interrupt here but i do have hey i love eating some swedish meatballs in ikea if yeah you got in okay so have you tasted the meatballs no not yet all right well give them a taste and tell me what you think first okay i i bought some extra meatballs so we have around 12 13 here so i i can afford having one amazing uh transition yeah this is a rough transition i'm not gonna lie there's a bit rough not good yeah but we we might get kicked out so are those really good actually yeah this no we're not using the uh we're back on the phone we're back at free bridge yes we're back at freebinding well they couldn't they they were not able to sneak the camera back in so all right guys maybe bring the meatballs back lunch all right just go chug up chug the meatballs can you hear me now yes we're getting here put those balls in your [ __ ] mouth god damn it just shovel man one who's got the timer three oh those are little eh he's crushing it he's struggling oh man he's not liking the the swedish meatballs yeah everything's alive it's a lot of your mouth at once all right you know what uh oh he's making good progress here okay this is really good content here to interrupt with [Music] okay slowing down he's like a chipmunk with a bunch of balls in his mouth he's checking it was a wendy williams transition yeah it really was all right you know what we'll check back in with love uh i didn't realize we were doing a free brittany situation yeah we're just trying to respect our swedish co-worker he's explained that no matter what they're doing no matter how hard the work week is you don't take a br i mean you have to take a break for fika nothing interrupts speak at times that's true yeah we're just very dedicated to the bit all right you got you got those pulled up is that also what's going on go ahead dude that that's insane somebody stole that laugh from the other person that's insane it's the same laugh you guys all right now now who's gonna take the csi lead to figure out who did that laugh earliest uh i'm going to assign that to the subreddit subreddit i know that you can come through on that it's so musical it really is yeah that's probably that's a b sharp b [Laughter] all right can you guys not trying to talk about this damn podcast okay thank you let's get back in so where were we yeah they're establishing that it's jeff's fault or partially his fault right like he's trying really wants people to think it was an accident that it was jeff's fault that uh yeah yo yay i don't think what i just want to hear is like i got carried away i was wanting to do anything for videos and i put my friend's safety at risk that's it none of this oh jeff jeff said hey what is this [ __ ] [ __ ] how is that relevant hey jeff went skydiving he was crazy yeah he wasn't controlling the excavator bro what does that have to do with anything literally you endangered your friend that's just say that so there was like like and not this is spin i don't know i'm like 50 50 on it because it's like on one side like that's how things are made that are great like everybody wants to contribute everybody wants to make it bigger everybody wants to make it better like that's how great yeah usually people get paid for their work i find it so insane that david doesn't pay any of the vlog swag guys no benefits it's it's and he he asks so much of them too it's really incredible i gotta stop paying you guys man you just gotta wanna make this show great to make something great definitely these make your own youtube channels and get your own [ __ ] income [Laughter] this exposure is my payment dude that's the best yeah whenever we need the light in the moment yeah play them together at the same time [Laughter] wow it's even like the same like tempo someone says maybe i'm being biased um biased on but that i hate that i'm best friends with jeff again slash hate david but i mean look david is the boss yeah that's ultimately what's happening he was the one controlling the excavator with one hand that's your fault david yeah i mean ultimately uh even if he wasn't even in the excavator even if he wasn't it's his channel it's his content he didn't have he's the executive producer that that's part of the gig man but you know what get all the money you get all the responsibility too and you know if you do if you're going to be in that position you need to be able to identify a dangerous situation and stop it before also he goes you know i learned so much from that but it's not the first time like jonah almost died jumping over the pool on a motorcycle yeah like you already got lucky once with one of your friends getting seriously injured yeah and it's it's a little more than just something you can shrug off as a learning experience like almost murdering somebody but it is way worse that he was driving thank you lena right on top it is way worse because he's the one who spun it around super fast sorry i just have this glass here but even you know even if it had been natalie or one of the other people in the vlog squad that was behind the controls and he he was just laughing from the sidelines it it's still it's it's under the umbrella of his show you know it it happened yeah legally i mean it's his liability exactly but the fact that he was driving with one hand and spun it up right just makes it does make it worse it makes it worse because he can't this whole it was j if jeff was like i want you to spin me on an excavator and and whatever like no matter how much jeff did anything it's [ __ ] your fault bro jeff of course contests all this in his video anyway great things are made it's like people have a motive and people have a desire to make something amazing i think that's what helped with my videos is each and every one of my friends wanted to contribute and the reason they were so good is because all my friends helped me with the videos and and yeah so like on one side i think like that's exactly how something great is done but on the other side i could see how like that environment can get dangerous so when we got to the hospital um um jeff was what did he just say he said my friends are eager to make the best video possible but it can be dangerous [Laughter] again they don't have their motivation is to make a video for you dude that's it you're the only one making money there it's in pretty good spirits it's a really hard thing to like navigate when you're in the hospital with something like that because you don't know whether or not to be like like super serious and caring or goofy right like i don't know how to do that um and i remember i remember jeff told me check my dms and it was it was a video that he found okay 15 minutes before the act now this is this is wild this is this is wild okay go back here watch this part this this is important for goofy right like i don't know how to do that um and i remember i remember jeff told me check my dms and it was it was a video that he found like 15 minutes before the accident that somebody posted and he said let's recreate this and it was a guy swinging from an excavator and flying off i didn't see that dm until the hospital and he jokes he's like i didn't mean literally ha ha like he joked so he says jeff sent him he shows the dm right so he's clearly trying to pass but he's like hey i got the receipts jeff sent me this video which by the way he david didn't even see until the hospital right so what the [ __ ] exactly is his point he's trying to make here like you were the one driving do you not recall that uh just trying to paint him as like a thrill-seeking you know mania maniac also i think it was to demonstrate that if he wanted to put the blame on jeff he could have done it with this and he doesn't directly say it but i think that's what he's trying to do i mean i know i know he's trying to do that right right but he didn't even see it until jeff he was already in the hospital which i think he's like trying to say like to clarify that i am taking responsibility then why show the dm like why he's literally showing the private messages of jeff to make it look like it was his idea which david never saw until after the accident happened and you're the one that controlled the speed of the excavator how the [ __ ] would jeff wanting to do this have any impact on the accident when you're the one controlling the excavator he's showing the dm i don't know this [ __ ] just seems to be on the panel it's disgusting it's weird this is a blatant attempt to make it his fault somebody posted and he said let's recreate this and it was a guy swinging from an excavator and flying off i didn't see that dm until the hospital and he jokes he's like i didn't mean literally ha ha like he joked um that was the first time i saw that he was joking he was fine he nearly died and he was probably full of so many narcotics he couldn't feel a thing but he told me it was all good so no problem what's all this what i don't know it's like again it's like just say i got carried away i endangered my friend also yeah karina did it before jeff there's in the video documentary you can see corinna did it first she gets super freaked out and then you can tell i think in the documentary they show that that david was like come on jeff just do it for the shot it seems like david was was trying to persuade him to do it after corinna was like [ __ ] this this is too freaky i honestly don't remember if they showed up but i remember jeff saying that he kept insisting but i don't recall if it was actually made the cut and i doubt it made the cut to be honest but yeah he doesn't mention that karina did it first and that she got too scared and stopped so once again i don't give a [ __ ] if uh you know was that daredevil guy who used to jump over cliffs evil knievel i don't care if evil knievel is riding in that thing you're driving it was the first time i opened it um and then he asked he's like can you can you can you promise me one thing i said what he's like can you just promise that no one ever knows that this was my idea and i was like absolutely like he doesn't really explain i'm confused by this whole point because i don't really get a good explanation about this from david or jeff according to david jeff said promise me he's on his death jeff and jeff was like this is so ridiculous that like he almost died he's in the hospital with his eye coming out of his head and he goes promise me one thing never tell anybody this was my idea about a message that he didn't even see until afterwards it doesn't make any sense right right it makes no sense i guess unless he verbally told him the idea as well i don't even think david said that detail he didn't say it here but yeah i guess he doesn't really clarify whose idea it was i mean it's not even like the person that had the idea is the person in the wrong like it's kind of it doesn't matter the whole thing is the idea itself isn't the problem the idea the problem is that you did it without any safety personnel training proper you know protocols or anything you just you just want it and somebody got hurt i mean people do that like the excavator thing wakeboarding like that's a thing people go and do there's a way to do it safely you just didn't do that yeah so it doesn't really matter whose idea it was at not at all yeah so again the whole point of bringing up whose idea was is is like to deliberately off you skate responsibility right yep which is solely on david i think in the end i was really confused by what jeff was saying but in the end i think he was feeling insecure about people blaming him for what happened to him he didn't want people to be like uh it was jeff's idea he got what he deserved he was afraid of that happening that's kind of what he said you're going to get hurt yeah thing exactly is an attitude that people have i mean i guess is that what you took from it yeah and he mentioned a similar situation with jonah where jonah got hurt and they kind of just made fun of him for it like it became a meme after the fact are you talking about the motorcycle that's so [ __ ] up so i think yeah jeff was like i don't want to be ridiculed for almost dying so don't tell people that this i don't think and in fact the way that jeff said it was like i don't even think jeff said was admitting hey this is my idea i think he was just saying don't tell anybody this was my idea because i don't want to be ridiculed for almost dying i think that that that that makes sense right but the way david's saying it is like please this was my idea i told you to slam my face into this excavator promise me not to tell anyone that i told you to slam my face into excavator at 60 miles per hour there's no [ __ ] shot you know that's not a big deal um and then that's the promise i broke recently um and i the fact that these guys think that this is like interesting or or compelling evidence to support him is psychotic all of these people are psychotic here for route this is just not this is [ __ ] up it really is okay and i had my problems with jeff but the way they're doing this is really disgusting am i crazy or you guys agree because the comments are universal the praise for david well it's possible they're filtering it but also it's on his channel these are his fans they're inclined to be on his side uh maybe they're not maybe they're just he has a lot of people that are buying his uh version of the story i mean it's tough when you see someone you're watching them for four or five years and you see nothing but positivity and good times like no matter what you see it's hard not to want to believe them you know so like the uh dan said majority his fans yeah i mean they they want they don't want to believe that david's a sociopath right you know they want to believe he's a good guy this guy that they've been fans of for years and so you know they're gonna they're not gonna pick it apart the way that we are yeah and i mean people say he his way of defending himself is like of course i didn't do it on purpose it's like yeah no [ __ ] yeah i don't think anybody thinks he did but i think it really just shows that david doesn't take responsibility for what happened to the girl and he doesn't take responsibility for what happened to jeff either he sees it himself as the it's all it's all uh contr uh uh factors outside his control that and he's equally uh victim as the other people as the victim of circumstance like yeah i set up a five sum and it for dom who's a known predator how could i know that something bad was happening right and i've done stunts where people get get seriously injured how could i know that i could almost kill someone while controlling an excavator without any formal training with one hand yeah and it's just at that level of success that he has or had um and the amount of views that he's making and and really the amount of money that he's making there's just you're not some kids he keeps portraying we're just we're just friends shooting the [ __ ] and you know running and gunning with the camera and making stuff you're not like this is a multi-million dollar business hire some [ __ ] safety personnel dude if you want to do dangerous stunts it's just obvious totally hey it's like we go to like a water park and i [ __ ] shoot off of the uh i shoot off the slide and get splattered on the concrete hey it was dan's idea he wanted to go to work he wanted to raise water was your idea i mean it's the it's the slide's fault yeah i mean there's ways to do it jackass has existed for for decades at this point and yeah those guys are moving i mean they get easier [ __ ] than you've ever done and they do it with medics on standby they go through safety courses beforehand 100 ways to do it there's a huge disclaimer done by professionals right supervised by professionals we have a comment here trisha 100 started laughing like jason after she was with him there you have it straight um yeah i didn't want to get too far off topic again but um heather petro what'd you what do you got dan oh another one of our mods said that it did a deep dive and they they came with some receipts of some various videos including a trisha laughing compilation okay let's go earliest instance of her uh laughing like that is in a video with shane from 2018 and they started dating in summer of 2017. this is all according to uh i knew it there's no way i i don't feel that first of all trisha's whole thing is like that she takes different identities and like oh i don't know who i am and i'm i'm not my own person so i don't think there's any chance that that jason took the laugh from trisha you have to be honest uh people are spamming you look cop emojis in the chat say what so maybe yeah he'd look back on the rails it's such an interesting observation and i'm not saying anything i'm not saying anything it's just the same laugh absolutely get back on the rails thank you ayla yeah she's right okay when she's got a point guys she's got no arguing with the queen but i felt like nobody had ever pointed that out and i just had this this epiphany last night watching jason laugh and i was like oh my god i have to tell the world about this right abey isn't it you could have thought you can admit it's interesting um i uh he was my counselor i let you do my talking it's not just maybe has some serious ptsd from yeah why are you so scared of you though i don't think he's scared of you you're not scared of her just you are shaking in your boots what zach she can be scary i'll say it's interesting it's interesting it's interesting but please see the oh [ __ ] the chat is turning on me it's all ela cop now all right and we're done we've we've we've fully explored we've explored it we've identified back to the podcast nothing is on fire i repeat nothing is on fire there you go let's just keep moving like nothing happens that's right and and i don't know and and here's the thing i don't understand why that bothered him so much because at the end of the day i was the one [ __ ] driving it it was my video i was the one sitting there it's [ __ ] clear as day i am the one controlling the thing he got hurt because i was driving that's it and i [ __ ] know that so why did he spend the first 20 minutes talking about how was jeff's idea like he's mudding the water and like i said i would any chance i would get i would take that back any chance i would get i believe that so yeah let me ask you a question if a magic genie came to david and said you have two options the accident never happened or or you almost killed one of your best friends or they said either you'll go dead you'll never had a career you're back you're just a normal guy or and jeff's eye is healed or you can live in the current timeline do you really think he would choose jeff is healed hell no hell [ __ ] no i don't know well enough to say but it does seem like a stretch man they would not [ __ ] it would pick current timeline every time sitting in his million dollar studio his 12 million dollar encino mansion [ __ ] no bro he'd be like man [ __ ] that guy's eye you know he would that that'll be the biggest of my life my entire life it's easy to say i would give anything when it's not an option it's like fairy comes i should get real i really hope there's not a moment that that i regret as much as that one uh yeah i thought this was interesting he goes and you think that that'll be the biggest regret of my life we'll see you still you're pretty young and you [ __ ] up a lot something tells me it won't my entire life i really hope there's not a moment that that i regret as much as that one um um but yeah and then and then we yeah it's like a pride thing he he didn't want okay yeah whatever it was i just okay whatever it was i was like yes i can i can keep that and then and then it got like a little bit but was it even jeff's idea like i don't think they showed that it was his idea the excavator thing was david's idea he went to collab with the guy i don't understand this whole thing who gives a [ __ ] we started filming uh we okay so there's some things that i wish jeff was a little bit more truthful on but given the circumstance it's so hard because he's because he's hurt so that's why i hate talking about this because he is a victim like he got [ __ ] hurt his face is crushing let's go to multiple surgeries like i understand that so it's like really tough like going back and forth here when this is so like here's some yeah like i was like this is my biggest cigarette the essay not as much now i don't regret that as much here are some of the things that he's told me that that i you know are legitimate they're legitimate gripes you know like um he came to the house to do a hawaii video and he thought and you you had planned the hawaii trip the same day as one of his surgeries so there was no way that he could go to hawaii but he was here for the return of the video so which is yeah we didn't we didn't plan that trip until we didn't know when he was getting his surgeries we never know and so jeff says natalie was the one who was scheduling his surgeries and knew exactly when they were yeah he his like exact quote was something along the lines of it's not like scheduling a haircut like you have to schedule it months ahead of time which is right especially yeah totally so and then the other really interesting thing that jeff says and i recommend you guys go watch his response it is interesting it's just too redundant to watch both uh he says that that basically jeff or david like tricked him into being in this vlog where he wanted everyone to come to his house to talk about the accident and everyone went there to have like a serious conversation and then david was like um anyway guys i'm back and he whips out the camera just starts filming everyone and they thought they were gonna be having a serious conversation and he's like guys we're going to hawaii and jeff was there no and then jeff was like well i felt awkward because he's going to use the footage anyway so i didn't want to be like you know yeah because it made him look like they were all good and jeff's like we weren't all good he invited me over to have a serious conversation and then he whipped out the camera told everyone they're going to hawaii on the day that jeff's surgery was so he couldn't even go so he was in the intro of the video and then he wasn't in the actual video and he didn't even cut him or anything if that's really how it went down that is that actually that's the next level like conducivity it is how it went down because jeff they they all confirmed that it was on the same day of surgery and he wasn't there in hawaii he said that david mentioned that moving forward they'll be hr and everyone will review videos and whatnot um he says which never happened by the way oh man yeah that's really next he's like hey guys i want to have a serious conversation whips out the camera we're all going to hawaii except you jeff wow pretty good right yeah that's yeah we didn't we didn't plan that drink right away like everyone came i surprised him with the trip right like on camera i said it's in three days like just to get a cool reaction i don't even know if i included that but um but it wasn't for like weeks after right because we were checking everyone's schedule and then his surgery came up last minute so that wasn't yes i think david's lying because these surgeries don't come up last minute he's right you schedule these months in advance and as the guy who's paying his [ __ ] bill he should know when his surgery is he's a liar he's lying listen jeff you can't come on the trip your eyes it doesn't look good on camera i don't like to remind people what a [ __ ] liar dude why don't you just stay home and take it easy we'll have a good time in hawaii without you we'll send you a postcard oh i haven't seen this new composition here hey listen jeff well done we'll send you a nice postcard people they don't like to see the eye it makes them i'm gonna uncomfortable one of these maybe get a shave in the the mullet not working for me you know we'll be swimming you can't even get the eye wet what's the point [Music] do i wish it didn't happen surely sure i do what is that pronunciation but i can't change what's what so go home i'll make sure you're good with the painkillers and all that i got a guy just peeled okay well a fun time you take care when people see the eye it makes them a little uncomfortable the and our vlogs are all about having a good time you see a guy with a busted eye not that fun no no i'm just saying [Music] you just rest up [Music] all right take care jeffy boy and stay out of trouble all right [Music] good luck with the surgery i hope it goes real good for you okay ethan and the the hospital bills which is which is one of his gripes and his credit is messed up is what he told me but you guys are saying that you have tried to pay the hospital bills right but you're he his assistant hasn't reached back out well let me get into that okay i i think it's a huge dispute jeff says he works with like a big time top notch his assistant is on them all the time they say they never heard from his assistant so there's a huge discrepancy here about what's going on and what's real interesting is again and then they once again conflate they go i've been paying his bills this whole time and jeff never says he wasn't paying his bills he just said that he was late and it [ __ ] up his credit right so he couldn't buy a house and jeff says something really interesting about natalie too like they were kept writing natalie emails and then natalie goes so what are you gonna do sue us no she said some really [ __ ] obnoxious remark about that like he's missing the bills oh and then another thing jeff said is that he was trying to get some experimental like stem cell treatment to fix his [ __ ] brain because he has brain damage and and david goes i'll go i'll go halves with you i won't pay for it all i'll go halves that's [ __ ] insane i mean why nickel and diamond at that point like that in someone's brain you're committed it's the worst moment of my life that being said i'll go halves i gave you a little brain damage and david doesn't dispute that either by the way you know jeff also said he was waiting for like a sponsorship to come through before he paid him for it and another thing jeff said that was good is david has not jeff is not the first person david's blinded he blinded his childhood friend i remember we talked about and then he only paid for the medical research in a sponsored video yeah apparently it was like fifty thousand dollars sponsors paid david like a hundred and fifty thousand so jeff so david had to wait to make a hundred thousand dollars to pay for his friend who we blinded 50 000 listen it doesn't make sense unless i'm getting you know i got to get a little taste myself but can you believe the balls on this [ __ ] to go he's like listen there's this there's this cutting edge surgery stem cells it's incredible they take the stand the cells they stem they spread the heal it's incredible technology they say you can fix my brain damage from you know uh when you slammed me into a [ __ ] excavator and david's like i'll go halves what no this can't be true what do you mean chat said it was a triller sponsorship oh yeah yeah it was no trailer sponsored his friend getting eye surgery yep oh my god yeah i'm seeing some people in the chat saying that medical bills don't go against your credit that's the truth in most instances but not always just to clarify i used to work in the field i know i mean the medical field so [ __ ] they could be like it's it's hey your eyes falling out it's elective well you don't need it if you don't pay it it goes the collection yeah what happened yeah i mean i've had medical bills back when i was poor go to collection in most instances it doesn't but it's more for smaller like smaller amounts they don't count it against you yeah i know it's weird okay you think the opposite yeah you like that trailer by the way triller got tr that sponsorship did real good for them david hasn't posted on trailer in like a year brian kavanagh is a force of nature i regret this more than anything in my life and i would do anything to take it back except pay for experimental stem cells research to come to repair his brain damage he's gonna have to pay for that himself yeah i caused him brain damage he's gonna have to pay for that himself i think the hospital bills this is tough i'm not like trying to speak for jeff but i think it's fair that no someone because he's not here um but that stuff that stuff is tough because i think it goes along with what i'm about to say so well let me get to the house should i talk about the hospital bills or should i go i think we skipped a lot here yep okay so can i go back okay so let me let me go back so that then we started filming there's a lot of things that i wish were more like honest and transparent um and and that was that it was jeff wanted to keep the accident to ourselves for a while um i think he wasn't he also just wasn't comfortable with like the way that he looked he didn't want to show people until you know he was ready that's understandable right and and i and what bums me out is i see a lot of things i don't know if he said it or where it was like put into the universe that like i kept this from people like i mean for multiple reasons i wouldn't keep that from people that's interesting because casey neistat who's a very fair non-dramatic person literally says in the synopsis of his documentary that he's covering up the accident said that said he's covered in the synopsis i mean i'd have to see it to to see if that just saying an accurate description or not but well jeff said look dude i didn't want to talk about it immediately but that was two years ago and this is the first time you're talking about it so but one it's because it's his [ __ ] face it's his life like he's allowed to share it whenever and two that would just be extreme by the way i just can't go over the fact that he wouldn't pay for the stem cell brain like if he really cared if he really felt bad if he's really happy that he's not in jail for manslaughter he would have paid that without blinking but he's like i'll go half with you i mean what the [ __ ] are you saying dude you stat is just proof that he doesn't give a [ __ ] really stupid of me trying to hide something as brutal as that like i would never ever do that and that never happened that was that was we were following his lead so when he wanted to make a doc like i was there like i was like whatever you need me to do like however i'm going to be in this like i i'll be in it um and i think the doc is where where things started to to get a little a little strange because i remember we were in utah we went to like three or four surgeries with him i'm not sure back to utah hey uh who wants some taco bell or some [ __ ] what's happening back there um trump is on the milk podcast trump's on milk what dude those [ __ ] guys are the best man you gotta love it what a meeting of mine hey trump you want some happy dad seltzer 69. is he is it live or they just announced it it premiered two hours ago it's live holy [ __ ] they call them dumps dude what are they gonna talk about they can talk about election fraud with the nulc boys read the title because the title is epic donald trump on world war three talking to putin and joe rogan fulsome podcast how the [ __ ] thing is and talking to joe rogan that's crazy i'm sorry buddy well some dumps there's there's friday's episode right there that's true man i thought actually two good podcasts to review on friday i'm excited about it [ __ ] your mom's basement where keemstar said that you stole the idea for friend of mine oh what was his evidence for that uh ian took lead on that you should let's let's save it save it it's [ __ ] gold it says this morning is it serious oh it's serious really oh yeah okay there's some high level uh some eye level discussion about the ukraine crisis on uh on this podcast as well between face blanks and keem wow i wonder who has the better analysis trump and the nilk boys or uh keemstar and uh faze banks god i so much look forward to on friday i could hardly get through this i'm so excited i'm just spitting fast oh yeah did you anyone watch mr beast on rogan was that any good uh cameron i said he did oh right i listened to it this morning there you go you listen to the whole thing what'd you think uh it's kind of like like if you have like a science experiment and and you're trying to explain it to your dad it's always like mr beast's like so so we like i walked like a marathon in big shoes and joe's like whoa that's pretty cool just over that's what i was afraid it would be and that's the whole vibe because he said he he knows of mr beester's daughter his daughter's a big fan so it seems kind of like so you're like a cool guy right that's what i that's what i meant when i was like so how do you make money on youtube right you can make money on youtube that's crazy i mean i know joe rogan made a lot of money on youtube so i had a perfect idea all right let's get through this you guys want to order food though i'm starving over here i got food requirements um i'm down italian hey does anyone want some mcdonald's i want a canal oh i love this backdrop yeah this is this is great listen how about sending my message with some pepperoni and cheese get the vlog leave the eye bring bring the camera leave the eye [Laughter] don't kill me for that joke i've been holding that one in for a while that's funny i love pizza and i love people no that's very good [Laughter] what do you guys want to eat [Music] taco bell oh just keep it real i'm [ __ ] always down for taco bell for some tv taco bell yesterday bro i taco bell is not turned into my favorite fast food it hits so [ __ ] hard oh my i'm gonna have to pull the receipts on you dude i have been espousing i never said i never said a bad word about taco bell other than that they gave us ten dollars you're gonna regret saying that say what you're gonna regret saying that just now because there is video evidence we years ago did fast food tearless and i was trying to argue for taco bell being s here and you were like no [ __ ] way that's like sea tear yeah dude i was in a different place and that's okay and i i am glad that you've seen the light i'm not trying to come down on you here but you know i'm not i'm not willing to say they're asked here maybe they're a tier it's a voo it's a mood it's a vibe the chat is saying i can't eat kevin i'm gonna send my who sam sam can you order she's not up here she's nina can you already already speeding down the road to taco bell she heard you heard that and she jumped in her car i'll i'll tell text you my order yes so um i want 20 tacos we surprisingly seem to have a lot of sopranos fans in the chat they're making a lot of sopranos references it's a great show why it's like the most one of the most popular ones i feel like a lot of people like around my age aren't familiar we're i'm surprised that's true i watched it zach loves like mob movies and stuff like that if zack finally watches it it will become his favorite show of all time i'm pretty sure here i'll give you guys and actually we'll regret it because he will endlessly quote it yeah i'll give you guys my polly walnuts impersonation you ready what's that drink to the the baja blah blah blah baby let's get blasted here and switch to me blast dude [Music] that was my impersonation okay that's it okay you see it [Applause] seriously didn't i'm kidding all right let's make our way through this guys get your orders to pro and tell love and camp too because they might want to okay get your orders in to lena all right back on track and one of them we were filming the doc and one of his guys that works with him went up to taylor and was like we we really want to make david cry in this piece we really want him to know what he's done and there was more of what he said to taylor but that was kind of the thing that resonated with me the most and that's where i started to feel like oh [ __ ] like what's going on here like someone's not being transparent with me here okay this is real interesting so when jeff is filming his documentary about the accident and david was in it he's saying they wanted him to cry and that scared him he felt like he was being manipulated even if it's true what the [ __ ] is wrong with showing remorse because david doesn't want to accept responsibility he said i felt like i was being pushed into a corner what could he possibly being pushed into a corner being looked like he's responsible what else what other explanation is there for that they fed they were trying to make me show remorse and i felt uneasy about that i genuinely what could he mean by that to taylor well that was kind of the thing that wasn't i mean he probably did feel remorse but maybe just doing it on cue i could see i could maybe see david's the guy who [ __ ] lives his whole career telling people what to do well maybe he got a taste of his own medicine and realized that well anyway that doesn't really work jeff said that they were basically like did the whole documentary and he didn't show any remorse he didn't show any sorry jeff was trying to make him look good as possible in the documentary for a redemption arc and he's like we were telling him to show some remorse so that he didn't come out looking like a psychopath and so david turned it into they they were trying to make me show remorse it made me very uncomfortable yeah i yeah you're probably you're but yeah i'm a person that like i don't cry very often even when i'm i'm pretty emotional uh and like if i were asked to do that on camera uh i would i would feel awkward about it as well so i can kind of sympathize with what he's saying there but what you're saying about jeff trying to do him a favor jeff said it was three hours of footage and he showed no emotion so he was like uh jeff and i believe jeff because this whole time he's been trying to cover for david yeah he was like i wanted to do a redemption arc for you i wanted everyone to come out winning so i just find it really [ __ ] pathetic that he's trying to act like they were trying to get him if you were crying and showing remorse it would look good for you they weren't trying to do anything that would make you look bad so again putting it on jeff david does seem to he doesn't seem to struggle with the normal human interaction and i don't know if it's something inherent with him or if it's just the matter of him being super famous from how old was he when he like hit it big on youtube like 19 20 years old well he started even before then on vine oh just like as a teenager or whatever and i think of the series pretty young he was something i don't think so i mean i think he probably either has like maybe some asperger's or some sociopathy that that doesn't allow him to feel empathy yeah maybe maybe probably the empathy thing because he doesn't seem autistic although sometimes it's very minor you know what i mean i think he i think he honestly is a sociopath and doesn't understand empathy yeah i mean they say one in 100 right or something higher than that it is a lot it's whatever i forget what the stat is but it's like higher than you'd think so yeah i'm an empath so i wouldn't know [Music] red flag red flag alert i just feel things so strongly i wouldn't know anything your bio if your bio says empath uh i'm an or philanthropist in your instagram bio i'm a cr also i'm into crypto yes and hashtag i have an nft for a uh icon and i have i'm an empath that's where i started to feel like oh [ __ ] like what's going on here like they wanted me to show emotion what's going on here so some kind of hit job one's not being transparent with me here like i almost feel like i'm being pushed into a corner that made me feel really uncomfortable he says pushed into a corner they says we want you to show remorse you're pushing me into a corner what does he mean no one puts david accepting responsibility that's it yeah somebody said i think this is probably true david's lawyers are telling him not to admit fault for a potential lawsuit i've made that point in the past when we were talking about this i i i think that there may be a lot of truth to that but in that case it's like why even make this podcast was the public pressure just so much that he had to make a statement i think his attorney i think the real reason he never talked about it because his attorneys were like don't [ __ ] talk about this right yeah no i i think that's a he's lying he's lying that's a fair point his reasons his rationale it's all just he's he's he's lying it's all self-preservation with david 100 and um but yeah i mean at this point he's [ __ ] like if jeff wants to sue him i feel like it's an easy dub and from what i understand uh based on and jeff told me he's gonna sue him so that's good at the very end of his video he says it he says well let the courts decide he goes i'm not gonna beat your ass i don't do that no more you just changed me i'm an adult i actually said that i don't do that because i don't beat up people no more i'm gonna sue you he called off the hit isn't that an old shoe nice sound drop that we used to play all the time jimmy lee oh it's jimmy i don't croon no more yeah i don't crew no more i'm a dentist let's see i put actually put him in touch with some some good attorneys jeff so get the ball rolling for him i think he should get a nice chunk of change i'll go to hawaii send you a postcard from hawaii david [Music] they put an eye in it hey david here's a fedex it's a postcard from hawaii with a fish eye with a rad eye it's a sicilian message all right come on we're only halfway through for christ's sake jared and um hey why what's wrong with what what is wrong with you crying in the dark even natalie who's like the old like i say g lane maxwell up in this [ __ ] lady macbeth even her she's like what's wrong with crying well so what does it say well because it's just like a weird thing to say it's just weird i felt like it was like wow correct me if i'm wrong but he she's asking because he said that someone told him to cry and he felt like it was i know you already went through it but just to clarify what's being said like she's asking what's wrong about crying he's saying that someone told me to cry no he already said that right yeah i know but and he said it's just a weird thing to say that to me felt like i don't know he can't explain it he can't explain it it's just it's it's psychotic like it just didn't feel it just felt it just felt weird yeah and and also i think you you know but why even bring it up like he obviously can't unpack it in an articulate way he asked me to cry you see he's a phony the doc came after a bunch of other bad [ __ ] that happened right and i think it was came at the wrong time and then a lot of other bad [ __ ] which we won't talk about and and it's tough with like and it's tough and and and then the doc got into things like his doc got into things like how like i'm not there for him like we don't talk enough and and a lot of that was true like i've never had a harder time communicating with a person than i have with him during this um and he wasn't useful to me anymore nobody wants to see a guy with a busted eye it's just not fun and you know it's for multiple reasons it's for me [ __ ] just being bad at that [ __ ] not knowing how to handle like such a serious situation and i also didn't know if you needed space like every time i would talk to him jeff is like a guy who like is very tough when you're to his face and he's like i don't need this i don't need you doing this like i'm good i'm strong but then when you create that distance it's like what the [ __ ] yep he's not [ __ ] not not talking to me and then like when my other friends would go talk to him he'd tell me he's like if i ever see dave i'm gonna [ __ ] beat his ass right so it's like and that happened multiple times from multiple different friends where he would like complain about so like i wouldn't know like actually do you want to see me more that i believe yeah he said the same thing to me exactly so you can beat my like i don't know i don't know i don't know how to go about that i don't know i think i know i know you think that he's a sociopath and maybe because there are a lot of signs there but i think it's also possible like i said it's just like this guy that grew up on social media he's been in the spotlight since he was 16. i think emotionally he's extremely immature because he doesn't have real relationships in his life and maybe that is a byproduct of being you know sociopathic or something like that but when you when your entire existence is this this view chasing and and uh clout chasing and everything is everything's being recorded everything's being done and all of your interactions are are fake and stilted like this and then something like this really real happens and it happens to somebody that you're friends with who's somebody like jeff who i like david just said he's kind of he's unhinged at times like yeah and he's right he's gonna kick his ass if he talks to him and stuff i think he just he i kind of believe him when he just says i had no [ __ ] idea how to handle this situation i think there is some truth but i also think he's he's conflating a a two-year period jeff wasn't openly hostile to him until somewhat recently the past six months right so i do think it's totally valid that you know the truth of somewhere in the middle where it's like there's probably months would go by where jeff was just you know sitting at home [ __ ] suffering right and david didn't come reach out right and he's getting and then yeah and david probably has in the back of his head like oh maybe i should see if jeff's okay but just i'll do it later and puts it off for months until all of a sudden he's got jeff in his dms threatening to beat his ass you know what i mean and like i don't know it's just we've seen enough of jeff to know that he can be very volatile we we we understand that firsthand now and so for sure yeah um and i everything i said before still stands i do think that david is is being slippery trying to escape responsibility for all this and shift blame and everything but i i can kind of understand why a dude like him handled this so badly because i just don't think i think that he's got the emotional development of a teenager still in his mid-20s because of just the life that he's led for himself it's like illicit vlogitis vlog-itis exactly i mean we've seen it on vlog items like this disease that people that that entire existence is on social media and i think you know i think you managed to escape it ethan because you you you started your career on youtube as an old guy for youtube i mean you're right are you an empath hell no you sure hell no i used to be you might be an empath now i drop that [ __ ] baby well regardless of of if he's a sociopath or emotionally stunted or whatever yeah like like okay there is jeff can't be easy to maintain a friendship for that with especially when he's it's complicated especially when he's yeah [ __ ] brain damage i don't know how to gently say that but you know yeah he might you know it might it might if he already was inclined to be like this impulsive dude i mean it you know you see it all the time with uh what's the condition football players get that uh make see i think it's c-e-t or whatever yeah i mean that [ __ ] yeah yeah you're right i mean on this one it's it's hard to it's hard to know for sure i'm with you in a way that where it's not hurting him more seeing me because like because like that that accident is so bad where like i would understand if he wouldn't want to see me because i'm associated with like yeah such a [ __ ] [ __ ] time by the way this is a good moment of one of my favorite moments he described almost killing him as a [ __ ] [ __ ] time just stood out to me more seeing me because like because like that that was such a [ __ ] time i would understand if he wouldn't want to see me because i'm associated with like yeah such a [ __ ] [ __ ] time it's just a [ __ ] [ __ ] time man just putting it lightly yeah it was definitely a doozy for sure it was a dude honestly it was a doozy and i would understand that was a big old oopsie just a [ __ ] [ __ ] time hey when i cracked your skull open like a pumpkin you remember you were dangling head up leaking from your brain like a like a twisted up marionette that was a [ __ ] [ __ ] time and and back to and back to the the secret that he wanted me to keep um i i was all should we call people are wondering if we should change dan the hater to dan the empath please don't do that funny not a [ __ ] answer it's not as catchy it's kind of funny though force him to be all emp i don't want that title yeah that title is cursed at this point what he's a mix yeah you're an impedicator because you're not you're not an empath for jeff you hate jeff you hate jeff i don't know if i hate him but he does this whole song this whole saga with him has not endeared him to me no no no no no no danny i honestly i i i just really feel bad for him ultimately despite everything because his injury is [ __ ] horrible and he very well may have brain damage it's making him act in a way that's more unhinged and like just dealing with this [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] i just feel horrible for it it's just a tough situation for that but i i feel like i can take you know 80 percent of the responsibility 90 100 of the response i can take 80 percent of the responsibility what other who where else does that go to he go i love how he goes 80 90 100. where else does the responsibility go to so he is literally blaming jeff he says jeff could take twenty percent for what why is jeff taking twenty percent in this in uh yeah what what is the what did he do that makes it his fault just the fact that he agreed to do it he showed me a video that i only saw after the accident it said twenty percent his fault i mean that part yeah i don't know i don't know what you could possibly i put on him really i was all hands on deck for that but i i feel like yeah he started at 80 because he does he's literally saying i don't take 100 percent i mean i think he wanted to start even lower i think what he wanted to say is i'll take 50 percent that's why he says hey i'll go 50 on fixing that brain of yours i don't know he really doesn't think it's his fault entirely i can take you know 80 percent of the responsibility percent 100 of the responsibility for the actual why started 80. whatever he needs me to do but that you know then when it gets to the point where it started to feel like i was taking 150 of the responsibility that doesn't make sense bro you can only take a hundred percent i think by a hundred and fifty percent he means a hundred percent and he really feels like he's fifty percent i draw the line at a hundred fifty percent now theoretically that's impossible there's only a hundred percent responsibility to go around i was taking too much responsibility i started to see things like like david [ __ ] force his friend up there like all this kind of stuff like that was just [ __ ] insane and it like felt like people thought i like lily sent him up there just so he can [ __ ] swing off this thing right like that was not the case and like the more and more that happened the more i was that's just gossip i mean you're just bitching about nothing important you know eighty percent of responsibility and fifty percent of the cost be said very good point you're just you're talking about gossip like the [ __ ] doesn't matter bro you're talking you you're not taking a hundred percent i was like what is going on like this is not what happened it was it was because you guys covered like why is it what is going on why are people coming up all these crazy theories right that's true you covered it up yeah and trisha had like the intel and [ __ ] and apparently someone posted oh one of the girls at the there was like a bystander there who filmed it put online and they covered it up so successfully that people like started to think it was a myth and it never happened remember people who were saying that trisha was making the whole thing up which is crazy to think about now yeah on that one yeah no there were straight up people saying that the whole thing was [ __ ] she was making it up out of spite yeah just because she is crazy yeah um wow yeah yeah this is stupid like he's being like people were lying about me it's like well of course dumbass who gives a [ __ ] about gossip you almost killed him she's the [ __ ] up you're not the victim [ __ ] you did that we made and it was a complete accident and i'm so [ __ ] sorry again he keeps emphasizing it was a total accident again accident of negligence bro it happened but it did and there's there's no going back from that like there's nothing we can do um and and yeah i wish it was more like that and then when it started to be like more 150 on me it i i started to get i don't know i guess like it just freaked me out more i was just like i don't know i don't know what's going on i don't know um and then in terms of and then people really started blaming me and that scared the [ __ ] out of me 150 percent what are you saying idiot if it's like medical payments um so far we've paid um i think i i just had accounting check and it was like seventy eight thousand dollars of surgery and i don't know what that's lower than i would have expected that's nothing especially for david who is fabulously rich that's way lower really 78 grand nothing he's had like eight surgeries yeah what jeff said in his that it's like 10k a pop maybe it's a copay because he probably has an umbrella policy there's gotta be yeah there's got to be more to those charges because that seems that seems extremely i think it's just like a deductible surgery on your head yeah so um why bring up the amount again like i guess it sounds like a lot of money to most people but i know yeah i spend that like a month the american medical system having eight surgeries on your [ __ ] skull that is that is 78 000 i spend that on photocopies for my lawsuit alone yeah somebody in the chat just i went to the er for a day it was 33k yeah no i mean that's [ __ ] nuts yeah that that's yeah that's gotta be yeah people saying after insurance yeah that's that's got to be just a fraction of the real cost wait someone said jeff's a keemstar fan never mind he deserved it it was his idea take it all back best friendship delete this episode yeah end the stream wait hold on let me let me text my lawyer never mind drop him i don't know what that is but yeah why why bring up the amount like he's like listen i spent so much money to help him except for that stem cell there will go halves fact that he's going around saying i don't pay for surgeries like that [ __ ] hurts like i want to nobody says he didn't they truly do and like right now he said he was late once and then that [ __ ] his credit yeah he never said he didn't pay for it word like i told him that i pay for surgeries he can still and and the reason we haven't been it's important to break that down because david is conflating an actual mistake he made which is being laid on a payment with something he's never been accused of which is not paying his bills so it's like it's a straw man he's he's addressing an argument that was never made that makes jeff look like a liar which he never said in paying for a surgery i don't know if it's his assistant's fault or or or jeff just told him to back off from us but like i don't handle that stuff more i just give approval to suspend that whatever but like natalie has asked multiple times like loop us into all these surgeries and we're just not getting looped into anything yeah this is real interesting because jeff says the total opposite that he's been super persistent on them all the time yeah and they're not responsive and they're late that sounds like that sounds like somebody's assistant is covering their ass and i'm more inclined to believe jeff on this because i mean i can see things falling through the cracks on david's team and i don't see why the person handling this natalie because that's yes then that becomes very believable because she seems not it's natalie and jeff even like i mentioned earlier natalie was kind of saying like rude comments and email like oh what are you gonna do to sue us [ __ ] like that well that's ultimately that'll get figured out real quick if if uh he sues him you know what i mean dude i really want discovery and the the truth about that little detail will come out so oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah and then and then we're blindsided when he goes to another surgery and then he'll like come out and be like like his most recent surgery i didn't know that he had a surgery until you unfollowed me on instagram and that's because you know it's a two-way street we can be we can be like when's your next surgery but also we're not no one's looping us into what we need to be paying for and to this day like i'm still keeping my word like i want him to send me whatever he needs me to pay for like i will pay for it um but it's just not fair to say that we haven't been paying for it because we have paid literally every single bill that has ever been paid yeah every bill you didn't say they did it on time yeah exactly on time questions because they never said you didn't pay it again yeah not like throwing stuff out like that definitely dirty yeah start to dirty question the framing of the whole thing dirty [ __ ] bro because he needs it um i don't know this is good you're you're speaking here this is jason is so [ __ ] out of touch this moment is just shocking your mind and speaking your truth and your side of it and it's good but at the end of the day oh i thought that's where he goes i think jeff is going to really like this this is my favorite yeah why is is everybody gone oh just a b we're all here okay hold it down hi zach sorry none of this matters like nothing i say nothing he says nothing we say together will ever fix what happened like that's the end of the fact and like and that's what sucks is like it just can't be changed and it's a [ __ ] really shitty accident and this is a shitty [ __ ] time bro it's just the thing that i don't know i wish we could both figure out how to approach he really should have just thought about what he was going to say a little more before recording i mean so many of these just ends with i don't know well i think he yeah i agree and i think he was spending he's been talking about this for a long time it's circle jerking about it with everyone who believes jeff's the bad guy right and david's the good guy that when he's on camera he's got to think of a way to phrase it that doesn't make him sound like a total lunatic you know yeah there's like a massive block party what is going on yo can you just tell that that whole block to turn it down maybe oh she's going nuts party time i doubt you guys can hear it though it's all good moving forward like somebody else did ikea deport back to sweden i don't know what i'm saying no he's right i honestly think he'll see this and this is jason you're so far gone bro you're out how to approach moving forward like i don't know actually i don't know what i'm saying you know i i honestly think he'll see this and you know really appreciate this i think he will be david's part of this is jeff going to appreciate jason how far up david's ass are you really what even david's like well david and natalie are both like what because i do she's like i do and jeff if you're watching i i i i think that you will appreciate this because i know he'll appreciate this because he um i think he just feels unheard and he feels like he was swiped under the rock he feels unheard therefore we need david to talk about it for an hour saying it was jeff's fault he's going to love this crazy crazy crazy take by jason there ugg and stuff like that and just just you talking about it for the first time pays a lot of credence to what happened and it probably really helped with some healing what are you talking about it's funny right after this drop jeff was like i said i'm suing him i made up my mind can you introduce me to some lawyers i think it really helped actually what i think would really help is jeff's suing him and getting closure through that so that he can actually have a ruling that says this is your [ __ ] fault you are liable some things that we said that pissed him off too but i think it's really good right you know it's it's a start were you listening and i don't really care what the comments say i don't really care what anyone has to say this is all between us and 400 000 people watching what are you saying bro you are [ __ ] not making sense i don't care what anyone says this is a private conversation that we posted on our podcast with 2 million subscribers just saying hey were you listening hey don't watch this video this is a private conversation hey you guys hey this is private turn it off mute this can't believe you guys are watching this private moment and we're doing this so we all can heal and move on and ultimately hope things get better for jeff too yeah you know and this is our way of doing it you know um i think it's also important to note that just because this is the first time that this conversation is happening like publicly for people to listen to doesn't mean that it hasn't happened multiple times in private yeah which is the frustrating part of all of this is that there have been many conversations that cover all this that's my least favorite too it's also like really tough when like i can see from just perspective like it's probably really tough when he sees my videos and i'm like traveling the world and i'm having this like [ __ ] time of my life and it's like and he's getting his eye cracked open yeah and it's like and it totally looks like i haven't mentioned this like no one can even [ __ ] tell that i want to [ __ ] blow my [ __ ] brains out yeah and and dude i want to blow my brains out that being said i'll go half on the brain surgery not made of money over here that being said watch me uh base jump off this building in dubai i'm having the time of my life yeah man i really want to kill myself anyway i'm about to jump off the ti the birds do whatever [Music] someone's the chat is saying jason also needs the stem cell surgery after that comment and and that's part of the reason i want to do this is like this weighs on me if sorry but not to diminish his suffering but again it's just it's so short-sighted to make put himself square in the victim place and i really think the only reason david feels that bad is because of what happened to him i really don't think he cares about jeff or the essay victim and i think that that becomes abundantly clear in casey neistat's documentary every [ __ ] minute of every day of my life ah [ __ ] i'm so late but like hey don't don't make don't ask me to cry in your documentary if i'm gonna cry i'll do it in my own video i gotta get the juice it won't it won't mean as much in yours so like it's [ __ ] you know he's crying for himself right now he's not crying for jeff he's not crying for hannah he's crying for himself it's just so horrible what happened to him it's like the worst why are you crying um no it's just i feel so bad no no it was your fault you shouldn't left for the bathroom um no no no no that's so bad for you i feel so bad for you man what the [ __ ] are we doing here he says i feel so bad for you he really feels he's crying because he feels so bad for david that's just that's nuts no no no don't do that yeah no i know and i feel bad for jeff yes yes yes yes yes jeff jeff jeff right and then after that natalie natalie who puts up with you and then i feel bad for myself welcome back love not great not a great one eh it was a big love is back so those meatballs were not authentic you're telling me i mean they i think they were kind of authentic they they did have a little bit of a weird taste and that being said i did get some swedish candy though some okay oh let's go bring it here oh yeah my way i bought i bought it yeah my favorite dan is saying don't bring him the candy not even one just one just one i can throw it to you i mean if you catch it okay bring it here literally going over dan's right literally oh sure wait is that just a naked candy no wrapping wait it's not more of the salted [ __ ] is it not it's only the good [ __ ] i see i got [Music] i'm sorry about this they sell kit swedish candy at ikea yeah i wasn't surprised about that i got a whole little it's basically the swedish uh embassy ikea oh my god he found how was i supposed to catch it it wasn't a good throw it was way short i'm sorry to the fans for for giving him the candy don't you it was way short just feel bad for you all right well sorry about that ikea failure we tried um anyways i think we still i mean i kind of enjoyed the whole debacle of immediately getting yeah yeah i know i mean we're still laughing i'm mad it wasn't a photo total and i got this ikea drip so how many times can i tell you guys to put the outfit on inside you know how many times did i say that so maddie the sam worked on it that was really cool in its own so wait we have more killed it so amazing i disagree i think you it was important to do the shot you guys did okay we killed it though the establishing shot was important yeah mostly i just feel bad for david david yeah he's the victim oh he's a real victim in all this i still love you though love we did buy uh like furniture but i don't know you bought something what'd you get whatever the [ __ ] did you buy we were supposed to build the building segment right i wasn't sure if we were still gonna do this i just bought like a shelf how much was it swedish dollar swedish coroner so what is that um let's do it on next friday on friday you can get to work on that multiple times we can get you in the ikea outfit and time you assemble that sounds good okay sure make the best of it that's great [Music] yeah i just feel bad for david honestly he's just been through so much yeah he lost sponsors i mean what compel what compelled him to make this because casey's documentaries right okay okay that's fair right trying to spend time ahead of that narrative yeah but it's just not good like it just should they're all in such a bubble i mean it worked for i guess it worked on the people that watched it at large they're just [Music] they're gonna eat it up regardless i think they'll come to regret this yeah i agree you got me that dog that can't take care of no but i can't keep up with the man no this [ __ ] this [ __ ] blows it [ __ ] blows it's such a bad [ __ ] situation and and and we've tried we've we've had this conversation like has happened with jeff face to face a good number of times i remember when he was making the dock we went for a car ride around and like he was like hey i know you've apologized to me person but like i want you to do it on camera so people can see and i was like okay so he rode around for 45 minutes and you know tears were shed and there was a lot of conversating and and he was really fair to me in the car and we were really fair with each other like it was very amicable and like it was very sweet and we got back to the house and uh and we recorded we didn't hit record on the camera really so we yeah it was i'm not kidding it was beautiful he said he forgives me he hugged me he kissed me he told me he's not my fault whatsoever he looked at the camera and said i jeff whittake will never sue or hold responsible david doberg my best friend who i love so well it was my idea and i take fifty percent of the blame and then when we didn't hit record oops crap i think it was like 45 minutes an hour not hit record where's oscar and then there you go and then we did it again we were like let's go again so we went for the same car ride down the same streets talked about the same [ __ ] um in the same way and like and that never made it in to his video maybe it was on his patreon i don't know where it was but like like that kind of bummed me out it's like we're having all these conversations and like what is it for like do you need to hear this from me or it bummed me out that he didn't put that in like what was he trying to do have a real conversation with me under the gui like was he trying to trick me into actually uh sounds like jeff wanted to record it and even went and re-recorded it when it but i love the insinuation is like i got manipulated into actually spending time with this guy what was it for what was it for of course jeff doesn't have to include anything it's his [ __ ] documentary bro you know it sounds like that made me look really good and he didn't include it do you need to hear for your video or like and no one's seeing it at the end of the day it's like what is it for what are we doing this for and like it doesn't feel authentic you know especially the second time um it's incredible that he's even given saying this anecdote just trying to paint jeff as some phony so so yeah i don't know that's strange i also this is just like a really stupid like little thing but like the roast yeah he said that he said jeff said somewhere that i cut out i was cutting out jokes about myself in the roast which is so not true he only said one joke about me and it was it was just about i didn't even know he said a joke about me until i asked jason i was like did you cut anything out about me and the joke was um uh david has a new show on discovery called discovering david dobrik and the only thing they're discovering there is that david's gay um which is like good job i mean yeah i mean that's it's a joke quite often it's a joke yeah it's a joke i'm sure i'm not uh not too sure about myself but um um no but yeah but we didn't try to cut that better i would never and that's what bummed me out it made it seem like i'm controlling some edit here and like taking out stuff about me i definitely did not touch that [ __ ] post nope not at all you didn't talk about it i think later for jeff it became more like he did okay whatever it's kind of boring now and one but if you guys want go over to jeff fm and watch his response because it's good okay um definitely get a good perspective for it here if you want the full jeff story there but yeah apparently jeff's gonna sue him so that that actually could yield some really interesting um evidence depositions there'll be a ruling i mean it's going to be really interesting [Laughter] honestly that's the most interesting thing that came out of today let's be honest here dude that's nuts how long we've been going because we have we have mom's basement we're going for a long time really two hours and 41 minutes wow having too much fun oh you want me to watch this specific uh part here uh jeff at which which highlight the one you want me to watch from jeff's video okay uh from 3351 3351 of jeff's goes he told me that 33 33. here we go i don't even give a [ __ ] because i know this guy's a piece of [ __ ] but just seeing jason sit there and let him lie to him and it's like bro these people just don't give a [ __ ] about nothing but money from fame and clout from david that they're willing to just sit there and let anything happen you know i i honestly think he'll see this and i really appreciate this bro that's not even the real jason that's him i think he will because i do is this what you wanted me to say yeah i do and jeff if you're watching natalie's sick fake laugh you just ain't joking ah maxwell you [ __ ] gotta be kidding me they're sitting there laughing like it's all a [ __ ] look at her feels because i know he'll appreciate this because he um i think he just feels unheard um i think it's also important does he comment on that any i mean i like what he said it's not the real jason i don't know just he was replaced by a lizardoid but i mean i think he does maybe a little bit before this uh let's go watch jeff's yeah watch it okay thank you all right well oh by the way we're speaking of that one caller who was like jordan peterson is not a homophobe and he doesn't support conversion therapy you're just like tucker carlson i'm gonna save it for friday but that man is a straight up convergent therapy supporting homophobe yes he is he really is turns out i was more right than i thought than i knew so uh boy yeah we got all kinds of things tomorrow so let's just call it a day we got taco bell on the way our troubles are over that is a glorious thing david's however are just beginning and i feel so bad for him my heart goes out today you're the empath here yeah i can't just feel so bad for david i'm gonna cry for him oh god david dan we had we have so much good stuff yeah tomorrow's our friday's gonna be a good episode like every time we're like not sure what to talk about these creators at like midnight are like you know what we're going to keep your ass up jeff said something funny to me he's like i heard davis putting out a podcast and if he does and he says he's putting out podcasts blaming me and if he does i'm going to put out a podcast responding it so you should have a good day tomorrow you'll have an easy podcast you're wrong on that one i said amen brother thank you thank you jeff thank you all right that's it for today guys have a good good week we'll see you on friday make sure you hit that subscribe button people subscribe they're dropping again subscribe did you see that you know why because we didn't say it it's not we've been slacking dude we got to say in the beginning it's not working it's working we need to say or we need to we're i'm kind of into the idea 100 above three million smash bros people are leaving i'm kind of into the uh i'm kind of into this whole back and forth like i think it i think it's kind of cool if we just constantly are re-hitting no it's not good no it's good because then we can keep why is that good because we can keep celebrating smash that like button it's not a celebration so many comments are like i've been watching for years and i haven't subscribed yeah well where are they i say it every episode now we're only 216 above 3 million imagine where we'd be if we didn't say it we'd be like it true 2 million yeah well maybe i won't have to [ __ ] think about what a failure i have every day bringing up this stupid ass campaign to beg people for subs for now i feel pathetic and i'm still gonna drop below we're just an ideas team out here you know who cares about the subs the views are good i didn't i didn't until these guys we talk about it every night actually everyone have been screenshotting the like button i've been liking those tweets i spent like 20 minutes doing that this morning on work time by the way it's not your fault don't you do this to me zach it is your fault i'm not i'm robin williamson goodwill i'm thinking if i was it is your fault well it's not your fault and people have been liking the uh the calls too i've been saying the calls you haven't even liking the haters yeah i agree oh i find entertaining i love it especially when it ends wholesome you want to add something dan you said oh oh whatever who cares um were saying nothing even says he doesn't care so guys thanks for watching we'll be here on friday we've got a great show lined up it's gonna be a lot of fun so see you then be good stay blessed and uh h3 crew out [Music] you
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 1,683,789
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: h3h3, h3, h3 after dark, h3h3productions, ethan klein, hila klein, ethan and hila, ethan & hila, off the rails
Id: 9oj17cM1UPQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 168min 0sec (10080 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 10 2022
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