Ace Fest Fallout, Jeff Wittek & Mike Majlak Fight For Ethan's Love - Off The Rails #42

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to what is up people of the world it's july 13th wednesday [Music] [Applause] come on piggy come on down now when my friend neil bent over this [Music] what do we do about it what are we gonna do about it what do we do about it wow when my friend neil bent over man what are we gonna do about it today's episode is sponsored by honey liquid iv and you know i'm never gonna let howie live that down as long as i know him we've been texting a bit i wanted him to call in to talk about it but he's laying low on the prolapse what do we do about it what are we gonna do about it and then i introduce him to um our our ad agency um what's your intro that was the best email ever thanks bro yeah yeah he well he just asked who what do i uh who do i work with for ads and i and i i love the guys we work with and i said would you like an intro he said sure so here's the email i wrote hey alan introing you to one and only howie mendel has an incredible podcast i have the number one most viewed episode of all time on his podcast that's important context i mean it is right yeah absolutely you know i wanted to intro you guys as i'm sure you have plenty to discuss that being said i'm not sure how ad friendly howie is if you've seen his recent tick tock with that prolapsed anus but i think he's mostly clean cheers what do we do about it i love i love that it's my favorite meme it's such a shame i can't like post it more but howie mandela posting a product's anus is something we can't forget in 2022. go over this happened big talk of the year i mean yeah easily for sure yeah easily so that's what's up did i thank our sponsors you did all three of them god i hope so honey liquidity and there's no leftovers tomorrow by the way hassan is um in europe or some [ __ ] or some [ __ ] i mean i don't know he's in europe right yes yeah mr [ __ ] is one keeping helping of a man oh exactly wow in europe doing a flight simulator i heard he didn't he's not learning how to land if you know what i mean yeah he almost crashed you know what i'm saying mm-hmm yeah [Music] i wonder what this does [Applause] that simulator looks so legit it's so awesome yeah that looks awesome wow so there you go he's having a good time out there and uh well that's all that matters to me is that he's happy you know what i mean yeah absolutely um i want to do that though that looks so dope that must be how they really train pilots before they go up you know so i have to interrupt someone donated 500 dollars the heck message with no message is it our saudi benefactor no it's not uh no yeah thank you uh thank you king or queen brian thank you daddy mommy whoever you are no message you're not even looking for clout what what a king and or queen daddy or non-specified gender or or not or not any sort of noble at all a non-binary royal person yeah just like just a royal person you know you love that what's their name brian i just says brian there's a last name too i forgot what it said brian brian there you go thanks ryan shout out to your family did you say brian brian it's very close he's like i'll give you 500 bucks you get man get my name right um you know there was a new report came out today inflation is at 9.1 percent oh wait that's bad news isn't it which is scary but i'll tell you what while um inflation's at nine point one percent teddy fresh is on sale for fifty percent starting tomorrow man let's [ __ ] go see where so that it's really only a forty one percent sale then if you if accounted for inflation yes but it's still a good deal [Music] you know but that's what i'm saying we're saying [ __ ] inflation bro um we are doing tomorrow at 10 a.m pacific time 50 off the whole goddamn website except for the gentle thrills one which just came out what did we do about it yeah yeah and um so yeah make sure to get on the website tomorrow at 10 a.m if you want something stuff tends to go pretty fast on these sales but uh times are tough so we said you know let's just give people an opportunity to get some teddy fresh in a good wholesome way i made this meme do you like it you made that meme yep elon musk could never he doesn't make his own meaning bro i don't go to non gag i make this [ __ ] in my meme laboratory wow i'm making meats now smoking these meats here no means no end of the world 50 off teddy fresh meat i guess another one could be like 9.1 percent inflation did you present teddy fresh me uh oh back to the lab so anyway that's going on tomorrow very exciting stuff um today we have to talk about a few things there's more ace fest drama we are out here defending ace family i have to say we are ace family stands die hard absolutely i mean i said something minus minor criticism austin you guys jumped down my throat yeah ian was ready to throw the watch out dude have you deleted the content core yet that one's still uh it's still up but but i will say that was pre ace fest oh my god i'm gonna sue for what if he sees that i'm so embarrassed what if austin sees that it's pre ace fest guys i'm just saying thank you aien was right he defended acevedo yes he was right i wanted to get rid of like all that bad energy i tell you what if they come on the show i'll erase the uh content that's a pretty good deal right yeah i'm so tired i didn't sleep last night i couldn't sleep last night freaking annoying we're energetically aligned what time did you go to bed like four in the morning yeah but i was like in bed at like 1 30. i was tossing and turning for a long time it's just oh god i hate not getting sleep [ __ ] my whole day up man i feel horrible [Music] was there something on your mind dan are you just tossing and turning yeah i saw that the [ __ ] content court was still open oh yeah we better we better remove that i want we need you to get some sleep [Music] this is judge ethan i am declaring i am a commuting ace family sentence i hereby acquit them of all charges this is a pro ace family show please please austin i'm looking for a new bestie just reach out [Music] anyway so we're going to talk about that um jeff and mike are still fighting over who wants to be my bestie meanwhile i just want to be friends with austin we have a really interesting call at 2 p.m that i don't want to spoil but yeah we have one of the top political minds calling in at 2 p.m to give us an insight on something really really interesting why you're not going to want to miss that i guarantee it no okay stop bro [ __ ] mind your own business jordan peterson the jews what what's the context of that jordan the way you said that was not cool he has a new video out where he is addressing um the muslims of the world yes and uh really yeah he put out a whole declaration for all the muslims well he he he i believe correct me if i'm wrong maybe but he has actually solved the sunni shia uh division yes he's actually a prophet yeah and i refer to him now as shaq peterson please in a book prophet jordan yeah prophet how did you hear that one prophet jp in a book in a book huh huh what the hell oh man we just got another 50 gifted subs from the bff chlor season two episode three well that's deep co i don't know what the [ __ ] you're talking about but i appreciate it is there any good jordan oh oh no i get what they're saying oh that's an interesting suggestion the bff chiller it's like the bachelor but for who gets to be your bff yeah but season two episode three well i think they're just memes but that that that could be it that is a good so so we would have jeff austin and mike all competing to be my friend you could go on little little little dates with them oh that's brilliant wendy williams one on one howie i think we could be best friends after what we do about it after that pro what do we do about it so anyway we got a whole bunch of stuff to talk about by the way is there a new jordan peterson video we should be watching because you know i love that man there is i mean maybe watched it it's just i mean it wasn't as like meme worthy really yeah i was hoping it was he did an interview with this guy kyle kalinski who is a um progressive uh youtuber i'm kind of surprised dude he looks so dark bro what happened that all meat diet is like [ __ ] up his skin also he's so dark and brooding now it's like straight up joker vibes especially with that green shirt he's turning into a lobster yeah right the final transformation just like the movie it's a new batman villain called the lobster he's best friends with the penguin all right it's five minutes let's see if there's anything good here the question is is the physician really criminal if you agree that adults can decide to train he's asking so you guys know jordan said that elliott page's physician is a criminal for doing a gender affirming procedure on a adult 35 year old years old that was the crime yeah let's see what he says about that transition then why would the physician be criminal don't adults have that right if they want to transition taking too long on that one buddy a pretty simple question i mean this is this is honestly yeah drum roll this is like a civil rights issue and they don't realize how [ __ ] wrong they are and on the wrong side history it's incredible you know this is like from the 50s so do you think black people should have the same uh drinking fountain as a white folks and then jordan's like you know i'm gonna have to get back to you on that one i mean it's really that [ __ ] up what they're doing here where he goes with it is actually right i mean this is what we're seeing right here is just like open and hostile and violent bigotry it's incredible not everything legal isn't criminal not everything legal isn't criminal for example one time oh oh oh well finger on the wall i had a prescription to xanax okay just because i abused it now is it criminal for me to go to a to a drug dealer and get more xanax because my doctor wasn't prescribing enough i mean i had the prescription i think what he meant to say is not everything legal is more yeah yeah that would make more sense i did not come on my door i think everything not everything that's allowed is moral right so you're saying i did not want my dick anywhere near my door listen technically you're allowed to put your dick on your dog at what point does it become bestiality i gently rested it on my dog's butthole is that criminal i don't know not necessarily i didn't penetrate my dog it just rested there i've never done anything weird with my dog i'm just making a point what if i forgot to do his voice kermit kermit kermit i think that what if what if my dog just happened to walk on top of me and his dick went in my mouth i was taking a nap it's not necessarily criminal is it buddy but it doesn't make it right but i still did it this bit suffers i woke up and the dog's dick was in my mouth red rocket and everything now did i suck it i don't know i tried to spit it out but he's a big dog but i don't care i tried to spit it out and spit it out but it just wouldn't go out is that does that make me a criminal i don't know buckle call the police see what happens i let her have her way no all right but my grandma brushed her pubes on my face does that make her a criminal there i'm in trouble again i love that this guy's the the prominent right thinker it's so awesome not everything moral is criminal bucko one time i accidentally [ __ ] on my dog's butthole sex he just walked up to me sex what the [ __ ] is this in my post-coital phase in how did you pull that up so far that is good i must say that i've had some post-coital regrets about that no i i [ __ ] on my dog and i had some post-coital regrets is it illegal though to jizz on your own dog i did not come on my dog i did come on my dog i did not [ __ ] my dog i did [ __ ] my dog all right let's keep watching my dog i just love making fun you are such a bigot [ __ ] loser bro how about you mind your own business you dumbass like your life like your life is so [ __ ] up you talk about clean your own room bro you look like you're on hospice care bro and i mean that with peace and love i'm just saying like just get your own life together yes talking about elliot page bro not everything legal isn't criminal i love that that's what he came up with after that i would have left long long pause and then just something that totally doesn't make any sense well i know what he's saying he's saying just because it's legal doesn't mean it's right right but he doesn't say he didn't even say it well he [ __ ] up his his words there jalone if she hadn't been parading her new abs in a fashion magazine parade how many kids do you think she can convince to convert she's she's trying to convince kids to convert god dude you're awesome i'm only can i'm only concerned about the kids for example my daughter she's very well adjusted she traveled europe with cobra tate a known human trafficker i'd much rather that than have her tits cut off you once yeah no not yeah no no i want to respond to that i think that with the trans community it's very similar to the gay community where back when that first became a big issue people thought oh if we talk about it if it's in magazines or whatever we're promoting kids to go down that path preach really what happened is people are who they are they just decided to be like yeah what yeah no we never talked about gay people there wouldn't exist yeah he thinks you can spread yeah yo so when i called him out for being pro-conversion therapy a lot of his like um loyalists were like that's not what he meant yeah but it is what he meant it's 100 yo he's even worse than i thought yep holy [ __ ] dude hey and they were just more open and honest with themselves so i don't think you're promoting people to do that did he really just say that we shouldn't say gay people shouldn't be open about being gay because it makes more people gay you really just said that he believes that you that it spreads yeah but it's a corruption of people's spirits and morality and that by society being accepting uh of them you know but hold on more people will become gay this is dr jordan peterson phd um who's basically got the philosophy now of kenneth copeland i mean tuba demons and tuba demons percentage of the population do you think uh in your conception of how this is unfolding what percentage of the population do you think is going to end up being trans at the end of this do you think like all of them now identifies to use that hated word identifies it as part of the hypothetical lgbtq plus community one in five that seems high no i mean that that may be true not trans he's saying yeah lbg deep just yeah yeah yeah not okay okay that sounds about right to me yeah and and and the problem is what jordan you know what i mean and that's this affects you how so it's one in five i don't know what the upper limit is there's a consulting group in the uk now that's claiming there's 150 different genders there's actually i suppose seven billion different genders if you want to get technical about it because everybody's temperament differs but i don't know what the upper limit is and i have no idea what the upper limit is for this surgical intervention we'll see doesn't but i don't find it i don't find it the least bit acceptable and if you i'm coming for your dick jordan i'm going to cut it off and you're going to love it you're going to consent to it bucko who thinks oh yeah guys give it up for pride minute everybody this is our pride minute so can we fly the rainbow flag to get the clock going jordan peterson he sanctioned pride minute so everybody just you know be proud who you are i'm just gonna admire dan's blue eyes for a second oh yeah yeah it's time to do it baby big ass blue eyes just be proud okay stop now be ashamed you guys are gay as [ __ ] shame on you pride minute is over all right back to the pride is a sin pride is a sim that's right [ __ ] you're all going to hell for that minute fools it was a trick shame it was a trap rainbow flags in the chat and now can we get crosses in the chat guys for jesus because now we need a minute of prayer yeah we need to go oh jesus you only get one minute of rainbows and the rest is jesus guys so crosses please is demanding that you extend your uh pity to the lgbtq plus community at the cost of sterilizing children [Music] you should think again you're on the wrong side of this and not in a trivial way yeah but as a star and a public figure and a model for emulation she also has the responsibility not to entice confused adolescents and do a catastrophic decision before they have the maturity to make that decision i just have to say jordan i think it's a little bit of a moral panic i just don't see some sort of you know frenzy okay what would you consider become trans what first of all that's a hell of a way to put it what why don't you take a look at the increases in surgical interventions and see what you think i mean how many do you think is too many i'm getting these look if we're talking about i'll answer your question i'll answer your question the argument is it it used to be very repressed because that's very outside of the tradition and the norm and it's so obvious i mean we've looked at the chart of like left-handed people it maxes out at like 12 which is you know basically the the ex the baseline organic percentage of people that that end up that way it's the same with with uh homosexuality and it's going to end up being the same thing with with people who identify as transgender you know it's not rocket science but anyway enough of that jordan peterson's lost i'll catch you guys next time on pride minute i'm trying to find the source on the one in five that's a little bit in my opinion i found the i think i found it nearly one in five young adults say they are not straight global survey fines okay i mean all right cheers guys enjoy your pride minute 105 everybody pride minute so anyway moving on jordan peterson uh maybe you uh almost died at sizzler i heard you went and also you went to red lobster recently on the way back then you're at sizzler there's some kind of weird thing i'm noticing was red lobster your idea no it wasn't okay i forget whose idea it was the sizzlers like red lobster right i'm not the same vibe yeah i wasn't no no because there's not as nice as red lobster we should probably explain what sizzler is too because apparently it's not a national thing yeah i didn't know what it was what yeah abe didn't know what it was uh i think sam said to be honest with you i've never heard of it no i don't think i've ever been to a sizzler i'll never go back i'll tell you that was the food good at least the few bites that i had were decent so tell me what happened at sizzler you poor son of a gun uh there's not much to tell you kind of be there but i just started choking and it was the most embarrassing like 10 minutes of my life 10 minutes of choking is that oh yeah that was a good 10 minutes no one was helping me except lena was like freaking out hitting my back i tried drinking water to wash it down and every time i tried to drink water i would project the water like the exorcist so i was literally puking all over the restaurant i puked on our phones on our food on my shirt and everyone's just looking at me like i'm [ __ ] crazy no one's helping me okay way back you're just blown away blown away that nobody everybody was just like looking over at this guy like just projectile vomiting all over the place and like oh boy wait okay back it up first of all you're right i'm searching the usa i don't see sizzler anywhere but socal yeah i guess what fridge i thought it it had some cultural uh heft to it because i i i see it being made fun of in in media sometimes you know oh no i see some sizzlers okay there's some sizzlers in idaho utah new mexico we got some in texas uh but it is not and it's not everywhere what so what is sizzler uh ab let's start there well there's some messages in the group chat that dan put in the album but my food is in there it's like okay old country buffet meets like hell i don't know wait it's a buffet it's so it's it's like a weird hybrid you go into the city it's a buffet it's not oh [Music] [Laughter] but that looks like a nice plate of food right there maybe yeah so i was saying 26 bucks i'm living like a king he's like all i know is that was almost my last message to the world all i know is i'm eating like a king this is why i had to share minutes before tragedy yeah all i know is i'm eating like a king and then if you scroll down just like 10 minutes later i feel like i've heard uh yada yada um yada yada says the rules blah blah blah how'd you like it scizzler almost killed me okay ten minutes later that was like the most embarrassing 10 minutes can i make an observation yeah this lobster looks like howie's prolapsed i gotta tell you the lobster tail like stuck to it like the hard shell yeah what do we do about it like when you get some eggshell in your eggs it was yeah okay so you get the food now how is it like hometown buffet you order right you just order off the map you go in and pay first you order a first you pay it first it's like a hybrid it's there's really nothing like this what it's really like like yeah you walk up bottom of the barrel down you walk up and it's kind of like ordering at a fast food restaurant okay essentially but then they give you a number and you bring it to the table and then from that point on you have like a waiter that comes and serves you oh my god no then there's a vegas buffet but then yeah there's like a salad bar which is i guess you know just you can free refills on the on the salad drink machines right someone says sizzlers the mcdonald's of fine dining there you have it right there you go yeah wow okay that's really interesting so you got yourself a nice looking steak potato and a prolapsed lobster correct we do about it so you start eating how many but what do you eat first i ate the lobster first i was curious you enjoyed the lobster it was okay you finished the whole thing okay you ate the whole lobster down and then what was next the steak and i had about three bites you had three bites and it got stuck prior the first few were a little hard to get down but i always have trouble no was it a problem with the steak or is this a a b problem so i i do need to have a drink with me when i eat because i do get stuff kind of stuck but i have i've only choked three times in my life in total the other two times were in high school is this a problem you're not chewing your food enough or is this you have a petite little throat yeah you got a tight little throat yeah you got a [ __ ] little boy yeah sam suggested maybe i lube up the steak next time oh i got to tell you in love you'll appreciate this ab is anti-sauce a b doesn't sauce things and he keeps choking and i'm saying you got to lube up your food dude a little bit now you got a tight little throat like that let me let me ask you lina does he not chew his food why is he choking on steak all the time i don't know what it is but yeah he it's not the first time he's choked it happens and never this bad but it happens regularly and so did you think he was gonna die was it that bad no i i brought on my phone actually at first i was like chuckling and i was gonna record and then when i noticed how serious it was um i put it down and i got up to help him did you have any footage of it not at all i wish i wish i recorded just a little bit and then how did you hope when were you doing the heimlich no trying to burp me like a baby oh you're just pounding his back i'm like stop stop yeah because no one else was helping and i didn't know what to do there one of the waitresses comes up she goes are you choking are you okay are you choking i'm like i'm joking and then she's like okay she goes in the back she's like i never saw it i'll call 9-1-1 to come get your body well first of all amy can i suggest smaller bites and more chewing okay your life is on the line yeah yeah definitely and i did i just didn't want to die in sizzler man i was like i went outside into the street i was like i'm going to die let it be in the streets not sizzler and so you're chewing the stick now now it got it it's totally clogged in your throat okay are you you can't breathe or you could breathe i can't breathe i couldn't even i kind of get watered down nothing that's what really scared me because in the past when i've choked the water still went down i just didn't get the food down okay and so you're choking you're freaking out it's stuck in your throat you're trying to drink water you're spitting out water are you standing or sitting standing literally standing going everywhere and everyone's just looking at everybody in the sizzler is watching you and you it's incredible how nobody actually went to help with the heimlich you what do we do about it you know what else is so [ __ ] in my mind i'm thinking man this would be a funny ass video but it oh that's some vlog yeah do you regret that lena tried to help you instead of film it no no it was it was it was sweet you could see in her eye when she was kind of like smiling at first and then when she realized it was real like how scared she got i've never seen her that scared honestly i just can't believe that none of the waiters helped like that they did not give a [ __ ] they did not care that i had a dress i had a customer choking and suffocating like that once when i was a server and i gave him the heimlich you did and did you save his life i mean i don't you got the food out you got the food you know what he did tip me but i specifically remember he left me kind of a shitty tip oh he left me like i was i was like i saved your [ __ ] life and you did every dollar you have you belongs to me now i should have followed him out in the parking lot she should put the food back in his throat shoved those [ __ ] tortilla strips right back into his head i was going to go out a good person though because i tipped twice because i didn't know how it works i tipped the lady at the counter and then would you give her uh i think i gave her 15 okay yeah and then i gave the guy 15 as well because okay i left a little bit of a water mess water okay sorry for you sorry for almost dying in your restaurant yeah what do we do about it yeah right so so you stand up you're trying to drink water you're spitting water everywhere so how do you eventually did you think you were going to die at any point in that i i got a little scared i just i gotta yeah and then how did you get the steak out of your throat eventually so eventually it got to a point where it was stuck but there was air coming in okay so lena just sits but we just sit back down elena's like like she grabs her i'm like you're gonna try and eat right now let's get the [ __ ] out of here i'm not i'm so embarrassed i'm like well well no wait wait wait you're sit back down but it's still in your throat yeah but she didn't know probably because like at that point i could breathe but it was still stuck i think she thought i got it down yeah and then how did you get it down drinking water or something we drove home it's still in your throat still in my throat on the way home i'm like beating my chest and putting my like mouth open like that i go home and like fish it out and i swear i thought it was a whole chicken leg i was like did i eat how did you fish it out uh with the toothbrush you put a toothbrush down your throat and took it out of your mouth i no i did it to make myself gag you puked yeah but i had to like aggressively yeah it looked like a full like four ounce steak but that's what i'm saying you took too big of a bite bro it felt like they had expanded him or something in my throat like there's no way i i don't think that's how it works but you know what this is the second time in my life when i've choked and no one [ __ ] helped me the other time was in high school well i gotta say you should have learned your lesson by now bro i'm not sure they should save you what olivia he's swallowing like a snake yes man have you ever seen the white right yeah yeah lina did you see him puke did you see the chunk he swallowed no i was stuck in the car at the time oh and i accidentally locked lean in the car because we went in the car and i went same thing there was water lena brought me water to the car and i tried to drink that and it felt like i was drowning again projected literally on the windshield and on her side of the car passenger seat so i told her i'm sorry i have to get him back because your seat's destroyed so she's in the back we get home and i run out of the car and the child lock is on for whatever reason can't get out she can't get out so i'm inside i'm like is lena cleaning her car right now while i'm [ __ ] dying and then she came in like 10 minutes later she goes you locked him in the car wait how'd you get out lina i just jumped to the front seat oh you had to climb over yeah but i i tried getting out at first i wasn't sure if it was a child lock or if it was locked but anyways then i got inside and he was like what took you so long did you know he was still choking at the time or you had no idea i figured he would be and i wanted to help so i was trying to rush but i couldn't get out bro you're a mess bro i could barely speak all day my throat was so sore holy [ __ ] dude but real real quick in high school when i choked the security guard guard is like are you choking i'm like yeah he goes you're choking he asked me three times and i'm like yeah yeah then he goes okay follow me takes me up three floors i don't know why the [ __ ] the nurses whatever office on the third floor and then the nurse tells me to sit down and just watch me until it came down that's great man good times lina i suggest you learn the heimlich i'm going to she looked it up immediately because this guy's a high-risk joker yep i've seen several people uh donate saying that there's such a thing as a swallow study test that uh can um apparently help you if you're choking often like that i don't know anything interesting i've never heard of those yeah i got it i think i bet you've studied that anyway um listen ab i'm glad you're alive thank you but uh let's let's get on top of our life okay okay yes sir we don't want you dying out there leaving lena a widow they've they've dubbed you uh choker brain ah that's good i love that that's good chad that's a good one well there you go a b is surviving sizzler ladies and gentlemen sizzler overall bad experience how did the steak taste we still have the steak in our fridge actually you brought that [ __ ] to go while you were choking on it i'm too afraid to try to eat it oh yeah wait did you did you say yo i needed to go boss while you were choking on stick lena did oh my god well the waiter offered i didn't i just said we're gonna go and he's like do you want some boxes i said sure lena's like want to go i have water all over me who packed did the go box the waiter are you lena i did yeah lina goes you want [Laughter] this is incredible story actually sizzler ladies and gentlemen somebody said sizzler did better than honda oh okay i saw a lot of people commenting that because i tweeted that i almost died it says learn people are commenting a guy survives a boxing match with kratos only to die from a time of stake at the sizzler sizzler in the next creator clash right there it is thank you a.b [Music] absolutely all right um so if we're moving on we should we have three ads so we should probably do those and then um we have that vip call we will almost be ready for the vip okay so let me thank our ads today and then we'll move on to our vip call which you guys are going to miss but first let me think the wonderful honey today's episode sponsored by honey the easy way to save when shopping on your iphone or computer i 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the code is regiment so i don't know who's that shout out team regiment yeah regiment all right uh dude i'm telling you man this [ __ ] rules it's free money i mean i literally use it on every computer and ela is a chronic shopper and we just save so much money manual searching for coupon codes is a thing of the past it's free shopping tool that scours the internet for promo what goes to the place the best one that finds that cart to your cart shop it online you click checkout honey button appears and all you have to do is click apply coupon wait a few seconds as honey searches for coupons you can find for that site and bob is your [ __ ] uncle honey finds a good working coupon code you watch that price drop magically yeah so honey doesn't just work on desktop now it works on your iphone dude i have this really bad cut on my the sole of my foot oh my god and i just like barely touched it on the bottom of the chair and it was just excruciating pain ah taking me back to sizzler man do you want a band-aid no it's not like that it's like my foot is so dry and crap i don't know why it gets like this oh you gotta get a petty i do gotta get petty dude but it's cracked down it's not a cut but it there's a massive crack that goes all the way down you got chapped feet dude you need you need the nipple cream bro what's a foot mask what do you got there no this is the nipple cream for breastfeeding mothers oh the nipple cream it's like healing magic you know what you should do you should go online and use honey and see if you can find a discount code on one ah on some sort of uh cream yeah cream what are you trying to bring it back yeah i'm not going down i'm dedicated to this foot tangent um listen honey doesn't just work on desktops it works on your iphone too just activate on safari on your phone and save on the go if you don't already have honey you're missing out on savings and by getting it you'll be doing yourself a solid and supporting the show i never recommend something i don't use and i do use and i love honey so get honey for free at h3 that's h3 thank you does someone want to look at this i just want to show somebody how [ __ ] crazy this is take a look at this oh maybe you can show it on the phone oh yeah i had that but look at that look at look how deep it is that's exactly what i had it's so painful you want to see something gross sure this is what a foot mask does that skin your foot doesn't look that bad because i use the mask but i had that yo can you get a shot of this here ethan if you put vaseline on your foot in a sock and we've got nipple cream yeah it'll do the same thing yeah i'm gonna put some nipple cream on this [ __ ] it's so good wash hands thoroughly soften a pea sized amount between fingers and apply to the entire nipple area after each field yeah so i'm going to here let me show you i want this going to bring his phone over he has it on this phone well as we're as we're setting that up let's go to liquid iv oh yeah love myself some liquid iv yes sir let's do the foot thing first yes sir love me some liquid iv here check this out you really want to show the audience this why not who's the [ __ ] well yeah but you see how deep that goes there you see how [ __ ] up that is it goes like all the way down to like [Music] so it's just i can barely walk right now it's so [ __ ] painful they are the worst it's the absolute worst happened to me once before and it took a long time to heal i think the first time i got it taken care of i had to get a it's crazy was it called manicure is that for food pedicure you could you could you want to watch me put the nipple cream on it no it doesn't stop my feet don't smell you [ __ ] animal take that back you tell them you tell them right now that you're lying so i when my foot was like that hold on hold on hold on damn my foot doesn't smell does it are you serious you're muted [Music] amy did you smoke nice come back we come here and smell myself i smell them feet no that's [ __ ] i just i refuse that my feet smell they might be [ __ ] up and cracked and dry go ahead get in there smells good thank you [ __ ] you dan you hate her ass [ __ ] i don't know what to say maybe i'm just saying bro my feet don't smell all right and i refute that okay i like this nipple cream on it though it goes in there nicely let her sit there let her do her work so when my foot was like that my nieces used to make fun of me for having a crusty foot yeah i used to scare them with it like you better go to bed or i'm gonna why is our feet like that i don't understand theodore sees it and he goes daddy why is your feet like that yeah i don't know buddy it can be from wearing sandals all the time i want to talk about the feet how does it what sandals make my like that i don't think i i hardly wear sandals and i had it too i mean i'm sure it can be but i do wear sandals all the time do you walk around barefoot at all ethan no i mean at home all would just wear socks but it might be that you're pushing putting too much like pressure on the back of your foot instead of the front so you might need some kind of a tiptoe thing yeah orthopedic shoe roll of a lifetime okay it could be you could be overly washing it no i bare i i don't i treat my feet with i love my feet i'm the wikifeed man and dan they don't stink shame on you for lying i just got a little whiff or something i don't know what to say come back here and smell my feet then no again you need to equip me of that [ __ ] bro i just it's not cool to put that out there you want me to pull open the saw yeah i mean that's how it looks go ahead oh wow dan's committed well thank you dad thank you you know what dan thanks bro dan really got in there so i appreciate that thanks dan he's a good man acquitted you hear that he's acquitted he's acquitted shout out to uh dan apologize apologize for putting that out is that a keemstar dan shout out a shout out to uh dan what that's not you is it he's a fan it's some other damn dan thank you to liquid iv everybody yo i love liquid iv because sometimes as someone who has gerd acid reflux coffee is not always good for gerd and a product like uh liquid iv is awesome because not only is it great at hydrazing they have energy boosting ones with caffeine in it which is great in the morning they have high special hydration formulas and they have um what's the other one they've got they've got the hydrating the mood the boost energy energy and all the kinds of different flavors too um it's great for exercising and all that kind of stuff the hot summer months are here and we need to be proactive about keeping our bodies fueled and hydrated making hydration a priority can help us feel healthier in our everyday lives you know what this stuff's real good for when i was sick with kovid you lose your appetite you get super thirsty and these hydration packs are perfect for replenishing your body when you're sick or hungover but one stick of liquid iv in 16 ounces of water helps hydrate you twice as fast than regular water alone plus liquid iv products taste great and they've got 10 refreshing flavors like concord grape lemon lime pina colada and tropical [ __ ] punch sounds like summer doesn't it yeah so it's awesome man and it comes in this little pack it's got to be more eco-friendly than like the other brands that come in big old plastic bottles it's just a little pack you put in a glass of white and you're good to go [Music] i like it in the morning man when i'm not in the mood for coffee i get the the the energy boost one it tastes great and it helps hydrate you and gets me going with a little caffeine love that um listen the strawberry flavor by the way if you want my opinion is the best one so let's add it has five essential vitamins b3 b5 b6 b12 and uh before what was the name of that boy band before before yeah yeah and before four and vitamin c it's got three times the electrolytes as traditional sports drink is made with premium ingredients non-gmo free of gluten dairy and soy come on you guys 24 million servings globally grab your liquid iv in bulk nationwide at costco or you can get 25 off when you go to and use the code h3 at checkout that's 25 off anything you order when you shop for better hydration today using the promo code h3 at or no just code h3 you get that right then sure did thanks there you have it guys okay all right we love it and finally i'm not so good at getting through these fast anymore well we took a 10 minute it's the version anyways listen there's nothing to joke about when it comes to stamps [Music] the post office is a waste of [ __ ] time and let me tell you covet is everywhere you want to stand in line with a bunch of peasants and [ __ ] uh pieces of [ __ ] at the post office that's not pretty similar post off i'm just saying in general people are stinky and have coveted so if you're running a small business every second counts you can't afford to waste a single moment so why would you go to the post office when you could be using instead comics mailing and shipping quick easy and effective uh we talk about this a lot but dan's girlfriend uses every single day she does yeah to run her small business and i sounds like a dream it is a dream it's a dream come true no trips to the post office she just puts uh the packages together she's got the little scale right there next to a computer weighs it prints out the postage slap it on the thing pick it up they pick it up no but that was a joke like 10 10 15 20 years ago if a service like that people would kill for you have it now today we're living in the future man you know with the james webb they're trying to look like seven billion years back no that's too far now it's the perfect time to live yeah when stamps start coming why are always looking backwards time to look forward look now it saves time and money okay get this you save money too discounts you can't find anywhere else like 30 off usps and 86 percent off ups what so it's time to streamline your shipping process all you need is a computer a printer no special supplies or equipment and you're up and running in minutes printing official postage for any letter any package anywhere you'll want to send it plus seamlessly works with shopify amazon etsy ebay and more and whether you're in an office sending invoices or etsy shop sending your products or warehouse shipping orders is your mailing and shipping solution so stop wasting time start saving money when you use to mail and ship sign up with promo code h3 for a special offer that includes a four four-week trial plus free postage and a digital scale no long-term commitment or contracts just go to click the microphone at the top of the page and enter the code h3 thank you thank you to our friends over at all right oh oh oh oh interesting uh super chat just came through yeah what does it say mark donated five dollars said this was a free super chat so have a wendy's biggie bag on youtube wait how do you get a free yeah what you just gave me five bucks for free how'd you get that youtube money are they implementing i know um you know wendy's biggie bag amazon does that uh twitch prime sub where they kind of give you a free subscription that you can give to somebody but i feel like i would have heard if they were doing something yeah i would love if they did something like that you know mark if uh if you're still around let us know uh how you got that free super chat there what do we do about it yeah what do we do about it do you guys remember how howie posted a prolapse anus on tick tock over the weekend that was i'll never forget over this happened big recollection of that so is our caller ready dan our vip caller uh they are they are you want to set it up a little bit so um as you guys know there's been a lot going on politically in the world not just in the united states but in europe and england specifically their prime minister boris johnson was forced to resign in what was a shocking turn of events um boris johnson the people called him like the trump-like english president or prime minister he has had scandal after scandal and basically people have lost confidence in him to the point where people in his cabinet just started resigning in mass lots and lots of outs but today we have what could only be considered the forefront expert in british politics uh mikey so mikey welcome to the show so what what exactly is your credentials to speak on on uh such high level politics [Laughter] [Music] right interview well that is interesting that's that is i hadn't considered that angle yeah so mikey um so what do you make of boris johnson i know the first thing that happened was partygate he was caught partying during covid lockdown and and that got him a lot of flack do you think that was justified [Music] i think it's a little far i think that's an interesting insight for sure i'm not sure i agree totally but i i i'm with him i'm with him fully actually you co-sign that i'll co-sign that i understand it's controversial but i i mean that's surprising coming from you dan to be honest i know i typically attack the other direction but on this one you know well you know initially the government denied parties took place he lied about it and then he had to later admit he didn't realize it was a party i mean you really gonna let him get away with that one mikey no that's not your id you know it wasn't a party you buy that mikey [Music] right wait really that's what he said no well there's been a huge actually his party um took a huge string of losses in the last two months in elections which has really lost his party's confidence what do you did does that shock you mikey that they took such losses in being such a popular dominant character in english politics [Music] no i didn't consider that um perspective actually yeah well that is interesting um damn okay yeah so there was a vote of no confidence in boris's leadership and he basically said that he was going to resign and or actually he said he would not resign and the final straw came when chris pincher as you know had all these terrible allegations of essay yeah against uh other men and government or like uh you know assistance stuff like that uh did you what did you think about chris pincher did you know about those allegations before paste wow oh right right right right i didn't know that oh yeah that's crazy wow i can't believe i should resign sooner than i can't believe you lied about it yeah yeah but the race is heating up now for a replacement prime minister and the tories are starting to get uh properly chuffed so what are your thoughts on the uh conservative party are they doomed or you know are they gonna pull through what do you think about the fate of english politics that's i hope not i i hope he's wrong yeah i mean i think he might be right i'm not sure about that one mikey well listen mikey uh without your political insight we would be truly lost um but i thank you for calling and uh you know really really a unique voice in this space so i thank you very much mikey and people can find you on tick tock uh what's his what's your tick tock handle [Laughter] right all right so you guys can find him there i'll put that in the description i'll put what he just said in the description thanks buddy you're the best okay we'll we'll catch you next time when something big happens all right mikey thanks buddy we appreciate you mark guy really really educated yeah what is his actually tick-tock though mikey with two eyes ka8 yeah we'll put that in the screen i do want to plug the guy we love mikey such a guy yeah people say mikey would be a good co-host for for frenemies for frenemies i was thinking leftovers i think we should get a third mic you hassan and mikey um he just he really has this incredible i haven't heard a political mind like that since gnome chumps ski practice right well they just you know all the pundits online and and in the main in the lame stream media they just go round and round and they never really just cut to the core of the issue like mikey's able to so appreciate him chris said i had a free five dollar super chat too says one time offer is personalized and time limited let's go what the frick okay you guys all got five dollar uh super chats let's let's get it give him up yeah come on who else are you gonna give it to ludwig elwig yeah [ __ ] got him youtube already paid him a bunch of money to switch i'm just here for the love of the game we should leave so that we can then come back with one of those youtube uh yeah youtube does good [ __ ] about me bro they used to now they don't give a [ __ ] what do we do about it i think i i got in too much trouble and then they said [ __ ] this ethan guy he's an idiot well wow that was awesome thank you so much to mikey i guess let's do this ace fest um actually we have a lot of stuff we we kind of glossed over here we got some new james webb photos let's take a look so is this all of them for now we got them all eh yeah yeah nothing looks dumb i don't ever saw like a real close-up so do we have before and afters uh not for each of these but uh i can give you something because these are all basically reshoots of old hubble photos but man the details on this is pretty nuts dude this is like a huge nebulous gas and uh it's like 30 300 light years across or something just so you know too i'm not going to point it out because i don't want to get us in trouble with youtube but we did hide the prolapse anus somewhere in that image that you're looking at right now no you didn't yeah we did it well i'm gonna keep looking until i find it what are we gonna do about it what are we doing no it's not what do we do about it somewhere in there uh i don't think the james webb is more powerful enough yet to see up that that level of detail beautiful though huh when my friend neil bent over this happened check the discord real quick check the discord they says okay this this is actually really interesting this is uh what do we do about they call this god's eye but it's actually god's prolapse this is one of the new james webb photos really really incredible stuff actually do you see the bottom detail super beautiful learn facts about kova 19 what are we gonna do about it [Music] here this has the before and afters so here is um here is let's see what the [ __ ] am i supposed to do with this here is that was a before and after that was before and after that you just scroll back but no the hubble one wasn't black and white it's not black and white well those these are these are all false color anyways so it may have just been so colored as vibrantly but this is the same photo this isn't hubble okay well i didn't i don't know which one's hubble then this isn't the before and after i guess i'm wrong that's the same i don't know what that is you know what i'm saying maybe this okay here this is the hubble the hubble's such junk bro that thing [ __ ] sucks look how [ __ ] it is look at this dog [ __ ] lame dial up internet crisp 4k baby lame awesome sucks rules uh hubble was a loser james webb [ __ ] yep yes sir you know after we talked about it on monday a uh a fan of the show uh emailed me um about the james webb um who is a nasa employee i had to do it oh what the [ __ ] i did a triple take did you have a nasty email yes they did at so what did he say they were just giving some they were saying they watched the show and wanted to share some more info um i actually asked uh i replied to them a little before the show and said that's so cool and um if you ever want to call in talk about it because i guess they work on it um let me know so that's so cool i don't know if he's gonna have more insight than mikey but i guess yeah yeah they uh the one insight that they gave was you were asking about all of those what seemed to be lens flares the bright spots uh in that original image you remember like it looks like the big yeah it's got crosstalk stars or whatever they're just stars right yeah ethan was asking what the big boy bright star was in the imagery any of the stars in those deep field images that have those lines on them they're actually stars within our own milky way galaxy these stars kind of get in the way of the shot photo bombing the thousands of galaxies behind them those star lines are actually diffraction spikes they're caused by the supporting veins holding up the secondary mirrors so it's not the star doing that but each individual telescope based on how it's built we'll have a different kind of diffraction spike you'll notice that the hubble images have diffraction spikes with only four lines whereas the web has six because there's six uh that's awesome yeah i i learned a bit about that so if you want to know if a photo is from the hubble or the web hubble has four lines and web has six so there you have that that was pretty cool but um well that's awesome uh wow people at nasa are listening to the h3 podcast ladies and gentlemen oh and hopefully he's taking that edison survey too i sent a link that has a slider comparing the two images you know what's crazy is like you think that the universe there's so much empty space apparently you know these these photos they're looking at are so small parts of the night sky they say it's like a grain of sand at arm's length i mean you can imagine how small that is and you can't even get a photo of these [ __ ] without like five stars being in the way i mean is it it doesn't feel that empty when we look through this telescope there is a lot of stuff out there a lot of stuff but it's all so far away so far away doesn't anybody stay in one place anymore the hubble telescope sucks my [ __ ] dick james webb rules i kind of like this old hubble one i'm not gonna lie you should check out the link i sent it's pretty good when using the slider to compare how crappy the old one was compared the new ones so here's this one the gods prolapse and then here it is and yeah there's a lot more detail going on there but let's pull up this link that av what do we do about it what do we do about god's pro-life sorry oh damn damn well somebody is saying that there's a new phillyd thumbnail and that you're in it so what the future did i do now ace fest probably we'll pull it up i gotta know uh it's not showing on his channel it still shows yesterday's as the most recent what the [ __ ] oh one minute ago sure enough yeah show me i want to know well he keeps auto playing god damn it all right so here we go let's see um this is the video you're talking about [ __ ] is this picture what the [ __ ] phil really why are you doing this [ __ ] to me bro yeah where did you even find that photo dude like that's not even a photo you had to like go fish out some really unflattering photo of me from some podcast seriously dude you know philly do you use me in the thumbnail so much she probably just has there's a whole floor dedicated to just digging up unflattering photos of me and has a folder in it so what did i do this time uh i i found it i saw you talking about texas texas oh my tweet yeah oh my god love that for you philly what did i say about the punisher thing wait what tweet i said if the punisher was real he'd be [ __ ] hunting down those cops okay i just lost it right it's at the very end of the video you gotta pull it up i gotta say yeah so what this there's footage came out about the uvalde police that we all knew were cowards oh let's go he even god needs an attorney eh let's go go yeah the evaldi police were like [ __ ] around in the hallway like [ __ ] 30 of them with tactical gear and uh shields one of them liter and i [ __ ] you not you know we were debating work shots going off in the school why were they over there not only were shots going off while they were in the hallway kids were screaming for their life one of the cops casually went over to the hand sanitizer and gave himself a squirt that [ __ ] is so crazy yeah okay i saw a possible not to run interference for the cops because obviously they [ __ ] up royally and [ __ ] them but i did see a plausible explanation for that which is that that wasn't that was um the medic and he was getting ready yeah he had a gun i thought well he's the person who was going to be doing triage and therefore was do they know that i'm just saying i saw a possibility i'm just saying we're going to watch the video we can determine if they're medic or not reach lux over there you're not so different from reach looks um and then another one was checking his phone uh while waiting yeah the phone guy with the punisher logo and he had a punisher screensaver i i got no explanation for that other than [ __ ] that guy and i said bro if punisher was real he'd be hunting you down [ __ ] or maybe i put it another way you're a bunch of [ __ ] yeah what the [ __ ] cops are [ __ ] the police bro [ __ ] the police let's let's defund yuvali police let's start there we can all agree on that burn that whole [ __ ] police station to the ground bro and that sheriff is like getting pissed at the media for releasing the footage corrupt fat [ __ ] of a loser [ __ ] god so upsetting burn what down the cob station i wouldn't say that why are you what abe said you said burn it down well if you you want me to correct the record on something it's rewind time no [ __ ] that you know what i'm saying burn it all down the institution you know so upsetting man here's what i said i'll just read it to you you know i said uh let's get it started time stamped and oh philly deep showed my tweet yeah okay then discord okay legend we take it back we love philly that's a great photo let's see it's not a great photo he goes i'm trying to make a serious point and he's using me looking like an absolute goon it's disrespectful i expect better philly philly defranco i've called him skinny legend so many times he could owe me abuse a better photo than that have long been asking for we have to bear witness to history and transparency and unrelenting reporting as a way to bring change but one thing many people on both sides of this issue do seem to have in common is outrage towards the police response but you've got the likes of podcaster ethan klein criticizing the officer who appears to check his phone saying he did that while the gunfire went off to the cries of children very badass another person saying a fist oh he cut out the the best part he cut out the part that was a little more inflammatory yeah look at this [ __ ] he's checking his phone with the punisher logo [ __ ] you're not a badass you're a coward you're a bunch of [ __ ] also cops aren't supposed to identify with punisher he's a violent vigilante murderer the fact that you see yourself as punisher is not good don't you understand that like you're not a superhero bro in fact you're just like a little [ __ ] boy coward i said if the punisher was real he'd hunt down all these [ __ ] for letting kids die love that they think of themselves as some badass symbol of justice though all this guy did was casually check his phone while gunfire went off to the cries of children very badass looks like he's about to shoot his own foot too like what's that what's that what's going on here anyway yeah there's a lot of really depressing things coming out about uvalde man it's so heart-wrenching there was this interview with this kid oh [ __ ] dude you call me it's so sad i don't know but i think it's important that we don't just let this story go away let's just [ __ ] do it year old son jayden hid under a table in room 112. me and my friend were scared and we didn't want to talk or nothing and we covered our ears so we won't hear the gunshots you covered your ears were you hearing a lot of gunshots me and my friend didn't have a lot of space so we just tried not to move so he won't see us and were you wondering what was going on why you had to be there for so long yes what were you thinking i was thinking what was going on and i wanted to see if i didn't want to uh the guy the gunman see me seven weeks after the attack parents in yvaldi are still begging for clear answers they want to know why police waited in the hallway outside the classroom while their children were terrorized for more than an hour by the gunman he's like mom i heard him outside mom they were yelling and telling the shooter to come out he was talking and laughing to himself walking around and whenever he heard i don't know what little girl was called out officer like when officer called out she's like i'm in here he went over and shot her so the police were close enough to the door where your kids could hear them yes and the girl answers back we're in here yes and then he kills her yeah and the police never go in there were still lives i could have been more saved they would just gotten there faster and just gone in like you wear a badge you have a gun they shouldn't be scared when they got there they were still outside waiting for a little bit and i was telling my friend i was whispering to my friend that was falling asleep is there anyone in particular you missed my my cousin rahelian my best friend chase they died miss them what kinds of things would you guys do together jesus when we would have reset we would always play together and play hide and seek our tag you feel comfortable talking about what happened and is it helping you yeah i feel a little bit happy because my friends are in a bet my friend and my cousin are in a better place in a better place where don't happen nothing really to say about that eh nothing really don't add to that except that like i don't think it's okay to just like forget that this just happened year old son jaden hit him it's so [ __ ] up dude on both sides i mean the shooting itself is [ __ ] up by itself and then the cop these punisher this guy looking at his phone pretending like his punisher i mean the irony is insane he's outside checking his punisher desktop on his phone while kids are being he's standing there for an hour well babies are being murdered i i'm what the [ __ ] bro punisher screensaver i'm saying [ __ ] the police the whole institutional policing is [ __ ] bro yo this dude any cop that has a punisher screen saver should be [ __ ] reprimanded period it's like brain cancer these guys are unaccountable for anything and guess what's happening to the uvalde police department nothing guess what's happening on the gun control front i guess something's happened actually there was a bill passed but it's not very good here's the guy who's all the police department is they're getting investigated by the feds right well so far nothing's happened and the mayor and the mayor and the police chiefs have the balls to get mad at the media right yeah all the people are lockstep that are local or whatever but i'm pretty sure i i i more likely nothing happens than not so by the way does this possibly a medicare doing the hand sanitizer he doesn't actually have a gun i don't know again i just saw people offering that as an explanation he doesn't appear to be armed he's on a uniform so that kind of made sense to me but who knows i mean i mean it just shows how casually they were there on the hallway in the video this hallway goes straight up to the classroom up here three cops initially chased the gunman and when he shot back at them they came running back down the hallway like a bunch of [ __ ] [ __ ] i'm just like well i guess they're that's that and they they [ __ ] freaking bolted three cops ran for their lives and chill here for an hour and i love that they try to act like oh we thought everyone in there was dead and it was a a barricade situation he was still shooting that he was still shooting i mean you heard one of these women say who was there the cops were asking people to tell where they are and then the gunman would go and [ __ ] kill them and they say that they thought it was a barricade situation that cop literally got this person killed like if he he literally he he he directly is the is the cause of that murder this poor little [ __ ] girl who's just asking for help dude at his request i mean how [ __ ] is that dude hell no dude kids should never have to experience terror like that that is unforgivable [ __ ] these people bro [ __ ] these people it's crazy too this video they released it says um the crap the screams of children was edited out to yeah that's a pretty disturbing disclaimer to see in the corner yeah too i i whatever they edited out the screams of children this is the screen sitter he had punisher x blue lives matter which i actually even recognize because i i know a cop that has had that on his car before oh yeah they love that with the blue line or whatever from the it looked like maybe his was the american flag version of it but whatever you know it's the same it's the same point being made regardless embarrassing man uh it's just somebody said imagine being the editor for that footage yeah sympathy to whoever that was i had to go through all that yeah in this video i retweeted only 3000 likes from a couple days ago like people just don't want to watch this and i get it it's very painful and difficult to watch but you know what the nra and the police benefit are the only ones that benefit from us not talking about this it's just [ __ ] it's just that was heartbreaking yeah it is it's it is it it tears you up man yeah that uh that was gut wrenching dude it's like the interviewer was pressing a little hard on that kid you did i mean it was a little weird i felt like kept like did anyone you know passed away i understand maybe asking once but it's like he was going a little too much i mean i agree yeah i think the interview was powerful no i think it's powerful but i mean maybe keep it more for the parents i have to keep digging at the kid well this kid just knows this kid just saw he saw his friends die bro i know ask him once don't ask me like [ __ ] i think they should release the pictures of these dead [ __ ] kids in that classroom so people could do see what that their m their [ __ ] ars are doing to people we they benefit by us whitewashing this and pretending like nothing [ __ ] happens like what's this kid supposed to to suffer in silence like and not talk about the fact that his two of his best [ __ ] friends died as he hid under the table as this guy just you know what i mean like you gotta see the bitter truth of it yeah no i can't [ __ ] why wash this [ __ ] anymore release let's see what it looks like a classroom full of slaughtered [ __ ] kids so that these people can actually see what their weapons are doing it's easy to pretend like it didn't happen look at this police cars with the punisher logo on the front like uh dude this is pathological you this this disqualifies you from being a police officer do you understand that it's ugly it just looks bad it's ugly dude but what does it say about their intention about what they're doing who they are they see themselves as some tactical badass some vigilante who doles out violent justice that's what the punisher is that's not what the police are supposed to [ __ ] be the blue lives matter means our lives are more important than everyone else's that's what the [ __ ] that means bro and that's why those cops didn't save those [ __ ] kids because their lives were more important than those kids police chief howards this is from kentucky the police chief said uh the decal represents that we will take any means necessary to keep our community safe right yeah that's not what it means yeah dumbass [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] losers cowards blue lives matter those poor kids i mean jesus christ yeah let's see the photos man let's see what that classroom looked like mm-hmm those are what those kids saw if you think those questions are harsh you should see that classroom yeah just saying i agree with you on that i mean if the parents are okay with it that's what happened with you know emmett till it was until his mother showed the photos that there really started to be some backlash um well we need to arm teachers to be honest that's what we need we need to arm teachers y'all we need to [ __ ] arm them teachers even though 30 cops couldn't you see what's fun you know what's funny they go he was heavily armed to the point where 30 cops were scared to engage in so do you really think that people should have this gun and if 30 cops can't stop this guy then how's the [ __ ] teacher with the handgun gonna stop him it's insane dude i i think you you're absolutely right ethan they were just trying to protect themselves they weren't doing their job they were called that's what blue lives matter i mean [ __ ] cowardly i mean they're trained not to put their their nothing you know and the fact that those kids lives got lost it's it's over and they were just [ __ ] standing there like [ __ ] cowards honestly i'm afraid uh to have kids and having to go to public schools i'm afraid for my nieces and even in school it's scary dude's so scary dude yeah can't imagine being a parent now ah dude so that's what's going on out there guys i mean this is just you know it's hard to watch but it's important we see what's out there that's all i'm saying well there you have it uh uvalde ladies and gentlemen if only those teachers had guns the idea of that doesn't make sense like you just want random people wandering the hallways with guns and then the police come in they don't know who's the [ __ ] shooter it just turns into a good old western shootout at the school makes no sense people j there's actually like a large number of elected officials senators leading republicans that are saying we need to arm teachers that's so [ __ ] dumb it makes no sense it makes it's like obviously a bad faith argument the fact that these people can retain their jobs after saying something so materially and provable [ __ ] dumb and and intentionally obtuse they should not keep their jobs for that [ __ ] bro they're pro dead kids ted cruz goes we need more good guys with guns how many good guys would continue there's 30 of them waiting in the [ __ ] hallway you know if teachers had were armed the cops would go in and shoot them they would go in and kill them because they were just random people with guns they don't even know who the shooter is or what they look like they're going to [ __ ] kill them it's going to be a chaos ace fest ladies and gentlemen to change topics whiplash yeah i mean listen it's a it's a mood killer but i'm just [ __ ] so sick of it we can't forget it uh you know um ace fest still getting [ __ ] but as you know it was awesome yep ace fest ruled but it's not stopping them from catching [ __ ] like look at this the insider wrote an article about what a flop it was and it's just kind of crazy to see that they're spinning their own reality that everyone went there with preconceived like all the t-channels and drama channels and now insider it's like what about our experience karissa chang that's the author fans who said they attended the ace festival are sharing photos of collapsed tents crazy expensive food and huge cues and blistering heat i don't think any of that's true actually look the collapsed tent was one thing that happened due to high wind crazy expensive food i don't think you guys had the experience no no they're all like good prices very reasonable yeah i mean it was normal food truck food which yeah i mean it didn't feel particularly inflated so crazy expensive and huge cues in blistering here i don't think there was any lines or well the only lime was for the meet and greet for all the fans to um to meet him yeah so how do you guys feel about that fake news headline as uh mainstream media once again look at this photo it's like it wasn't like this was it no we were flying high on that thing yeah that was the one that we there was almost died on yeah but yeah i'm curious how they got this photo like i said i feel like all the commentary channels went as early as possible ran to the ferris wheel or ran to whatever it was get a good angle take photos like this well if you look through this article they source they they like link uh embedded some tweets and streams and they're they're all from you know the people the comments these channels well it's not it's not really fans but i mean i guess they might have not realized that they just figured they were oh they know over there like a t channel basically at this point we were somehow left out though i don't know that's what i'm saying bro why were we left out yeah but this photo shows literally three people like it must've been in the morning when they were just setting it up yeah maybe early in the day it definitely was like from the videos we saw people streaming while they were there significantly emptier first thing in the day than when we got there we got there like 3 30 or something like that you know it was really close it was popping by then okay maybe not yeah there's a bunch of people oh on the ride yeah let's write them oh yeah you're right there's if you look closely there's only um you're right it says here they they source from spill sesh which says h family festival was a mess get um free rides you get great parking free parking they got them on the freeport parking they're not wrong they got them big time on that one we did say free parking 10 you guys the next thing is that the website originally when the tickets went on sale promised a lot they said access to yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you got a point there we're not just like oh hi they seemed really engaged and really took the time to create everyone and gets a lot of criticism for how they act on camera they really like put it on and like put on a show and it doesn't seem very natural and they did seem that way with their fans they seemed exactly how they are in their videos with their carnival wasn't worth it and most people paying really just wanted to meet themselves that's a good reporting but then what do they say ace family took place on july 9th according to spill search like why what the [ __ ] kind of sourcing is that controversial influencer ace family hosted a festival july 9th attendees shared reviews on social media saying they thought it was underwhelming ace families austin mcgroom said the event was a success he seems a little [ __ ] up of an article if i'm being honest and i'm out here defending the ace family okay somebody in all caps in our chat once again said they did say food would be free and took it out later i don't remember you where are the receipts people keep saying that i haven't seen anything send it to you if you got anywhere if you got the receipt send them we'll call them out on yeah free food is insane yeah i uh i have to be honest i think i i heard that once too somewhere you got it i need receipts yeah we stop we will happily acknowledge that and call them out on it if if somebody can provide some evidence but uh a lot of people keep saying that and i i have not seen the free food has been kind of an insane offer yeah that's not that's very i've been looking for it too but i can't find it but i've heard it somewhere but i i can't really you got mandela for sure yeah maybe maybe by the way thank you nick clark for five gifted cells appreciate it out of their youtube video really you can do that but i still think that somebody would have saved it we would have we would have commented yeah some dude come on you can't get [ __ ] past people these days even if you clip it out this should be very interesting anyway let's see um they said they experienced long lines overpriced flute and bliss during heat the couple blah blah blah disneyland meets coachella that was a bit much tickets were 300 bucks for three people 500 for five um 121 dollars at the door for context a one day pass to disney starts at 104. pretty awesome is that true hold on i'm pretty sure disney is more expensive me and lena went to disney nice by six oh what i thought it was like 200 bucks for a disney ticket yo if insider got disney tickets wrong then they that's i think it depends on the day you go too oh what the [ __ ] wait hold on wait follow that through though if you keep going okay standard theme park ticket yeah click one to five day tick oh i see i see yeah disney's nuts how they like it's like planning a flight now let's see okay one adult how many you got to do one day at top you have it on three days i think i do oh twice three days the same why is four days cheaper oh per day right and that's just for the one park too that's not california adventure in okay well let's just do disney let's just keep it a fair comparison one park per day park hopper we don't need none of that one park per day okay choose your dates yo they changed the price per dates now okay well ace fest was on saturday so we're talking about a weekend event so this saturday is 164 bucks do i have to keep going disneyland disneyland what do we do about it disneyland is [ __ ] insane dude what the hell what's genie's service it's like it's the fastpass oh cause you gotta get that and that's like 60 bucks you you should do that for free charging people [ __ ] the mickey mouse [ __ ] ass [ __ ] them such [ __ ] oh we got to get the genie because otherwise you're just screwed waiting in line yeah and then well you got to get parking right mm-hmm i mean okay no before you go 200 bucks let's go 215 bucks in the house and you want to talk overpriced food disneyland's completely overpriced oh my god but and again it's you can't compare because people are going because they're fans of austin and catherine it's like it's a meet and greet you know obviously disneyland's more great but there's also a hell of a lot more people there yeah and like you said lunch is super expensive disneyland's a whole thing the fried chicken there is worth every penny though yeah this dance good fried chicken we ate there when we went um we did yeah when did we go like two years ago something like that before covered 20 you got to do that again it's i mean that [ __ ] is worth everybody in my opinion yeah my money yeah yeah oh i'm saying i'm saying i've been to disneyland i feel like since uh we went last and it's just worth it you're talking about the disney ticket or the vip ticket no i'm talking about getting in the park just to eat the fried chicken oh the 200 for the for the just for the pleasure of eating their chicken yes yes i respect that i feel like it won't truly feel magical until i go with you ethan right you guys win and it was wasn't the same because yeah we get this celebrity [Music] it doesn't you know 600 or however much i pay it doesn't feel too magical no it doesn't you know how much it costs for the vip i'll tell you off the show yeah i want to feel like i'm on a magic carpet with you you know it does feel really amazing when you go and get that i went no lines and [ __ ] it's crazy that is truly the happiest place on earth when it's that way i mean we rode every ride in both parks in one day that's pretty nuts go ahead zach oh i think cam was cam that was cutting it oh because i had what you got cam i think my camera's still [ __ ] up so just bunny me i guess it's nice freeze frame oh no we're just gonna stay on this freeze frame of you okay yeah go back again go back to the old school here i went uh oh i'm [ __ ] up again but i went with my buddy lyle and alec and uh we went from the moment the park opened to the moment the park closed from like 8 a.m to 12 p.m and that's how you get your money's worth is going to fall for sure yeah it's true if you've got it's it's very exhausting your feet feel like they're going to explode but it's actually should disneyland's pretty fire i'm not even going to lie like they have crazy shows at night dude it was awesome our grades are crazy we had a fast pass and we still didn't even hit i think i think we probably got half of the rides and we went all day we had the fast pass that's kind of [ __ ] up and started charging for fast pass because you're screwed if you don't get that it's not yeah it's not even a normal fast pass either it's not like you get to skip the line it's like you will you go to a separate line but you have to like plan it like an hour ahead and two hours two hours ahead and you can only go like one ride at a time and then you have a cool down time right so it's kind of like a sucker pass i mean it's still yeah one of my fondest memories of us going to disneyland is the first ride we did was that uh ferris wheel the one that swings disney one yeah together we did that yeah and i'm like i'm not doing this man i'm not doing this man you're like you're [ __ ] doing this zack and i'm screaming for my life yeah it's cause this thing is just i love that ride it's just so [ __ ] up we couldn't get zach on the swings at the ace fest i don't do rides smart man i mean it sound a little sketchy disney i trust not this you know how dare you you know an awesome broom so they say for context disney tickets at the door cost 121. okay whatever i'll compare to disney or no it says 104. i don't even think that's true anywhere on any day what a [ __ ] liar dude the family has been embroiled in several controversies over the past few years which has affected the reputation most recently creditors foreclosed on their 10 million dollar mansion they since moved to a new luxury home oh you remember that one they did not immediately respond to insider for comment what are they supposed to say you know what i mean so oh yeah this is what i saw it wind blew over the tent one drama youtuber filmed a large tent that appeared to collapse during the festival i was watching that one shout out a toesie oh that's the oh oh yeah oh yeah yeah yeah oh maybe we got the clip hopefully the audio is decent oh they didn't even turn upside down amateur hour you didn't even timestamp an hour 40 stream insider idiots oh he also said it was empty and was disappointed another uh youtuber 1.2 million subscribers uh was also there apparently so much for free food i don't think they ever said that it's so it's something let me check if anybody's dm me anything also there was multiple food trucks it made it seem like this was the only menu anyway they said so much than anybody just saying i don't think it's coming buddy i just want to make it clear i'm i'm willing to be wrong about this if somebody's got the got the time stamp some evidence of that the food trucks that were bomb there is an interesting dm i got which is a little off topic someone says oaksie said i went back on the way back machine april 11th no free food mentioned on the well other people were saying it was in a video that they clipped out though so i don't know if you would well i guess the wayback machine does have videos on it too doesn't it i think it's a mandela effect guys what were we gonna say dan sorry to cut you off um i i didn't see this message that somebody sent until now about the whole punisher thing apparently there's so much association with the you know right-wing lunatics with the punisher skull logo yeah but a few months ago marvel redesigned it that's his shape i like the old one better well it that old skull is gone apparently this is his new logo i saw that um there was even a recent comic where punisher is like the police shouldn't be using this because i'm a vigilante you guys aren't you're supposed to serve him he murders cops yeah he kills everybody right yeah it's a little goofy that they all actually what's his name avery our our wonderful mod posted uh a frame from a punisher where he's like why are you [ __ ] wearing this a cop was wearing the punisher logo he's like take that off [ __ ] is that awesome what a loving liberal yes so he says so much for free food i gotta say these are not that expensive prices five dollars for a corny what they really do i mean three dollar churro that's what's up that's a bop right yeah bottled water three bucks i mean it's not that bad just saying just saying now if you go to dodgers stadium they charge like ten dollars for a water bottle now that you can complain about that's robbery that is very true i mean those [ __ ] are out for blood and 18 for a [ __ ] can of beer too yeah that i mean that that's like them spitting in your face and saying what are you gonna do about it yep but this these are fine prices in any way free food so here we are defending the ace family um that's what we do this this this pretend journalism is so [ __ ] up though it's like if you're gonna go and write an article and try to be like a serious journalist you can't show this [ __ ] about free food and not say there was no evidence of that like of offering free food i mean this is just this is just why are you pretending to be a journalist it's embarrassing to youtube ecosystem it hurts us that this is the level of journalism being done on youtube it's it's embarrassing so embarrassing stan ace family forever [Laughter] as a twitter user said post a picture of a menu including a ten dollar cotton candy and a jumbo corn dog for nine bucks and a water for three i mean yeah you identified the three most expensive things on the menu all these free super chats are still coming through by the way are they really yeah these five dollars youtube's running like a promo or something what the heck guys let's get this going i mean there's been a lot of money glitch money free money honeydew let's go free super chat thanks daddy google tyler let's go tyler aldrich love that shout out to susan yo if they actually do that free sub thing like um like twitch emma's yeah like twitch does i don't know why they haven't done that no good make it part of youtube premium if you get youtube premium you don't want to pay i agree though people could be signing up for that [ __ ] like a gang yeah i personally use why are you leaving comments uh ab i'm testing it maybe i was just looking at a chat baby goes test remember for 24 months though shout out a b wow two years that's right i'm not seeing the like the like free option though well yeah people a lot of people are saying i don't see it those are the see all these people that are dumping theirs right now these are like you get one free super chat per month if you're a member yeah but that doesn't actually give a donation there's a lot of people that are giving these five dollar super chats they're not members it seems like some people do not have it yeah here i see another one it must be like a split a b test thing yeah youtube does super many a b tests so every time they implement a new feature they give it to some people so that's probably our art you get members are going crazy right now you get one with a gifted sub wait what that's what somebody else do about it if you get gifted a sub you get a free five dollar donation i'll try it that's a money glitch wait can you give subs on mobile that is a money glitch we got to make a deal with our saudi prince yeah where what's the new saudi king's name um muhammad bin salman yeah maybe uh king solomon is a fan let's not talk about making money all right tai lopez who wants to lose some money today who wants me to take their money i hope he's not a loser i hope he's not a fan because then i would fear for this uh insider reporter that we're talking about their life is in danger he's gonna invite you over to the embassy forever um let's see according to ace family website rides and games were included free however the price of food is not mentioned on the site okay you say it you mentioned it just saying this is apparently videos and photos show huge lines to meet them this was going viral is some dad was talking mad [ __ ] in spanish i saw a funny translation here maybe i can find it he was there with his daughter he didn't know who they were yeah he clearly just got dragged along he was like and they don't even have alcohol this is [ __ ] they uh various other drama commentary youtubers said they attended the event and got sunburned well no [ __ ] you're going to lancaster and i mean that's kind of your fault yeah a lot of when we played our video a lot of people were like oh dan's bald head is going to get scorched or whatever no we let we lathered up baby sunshine hello i didn't get burned i got a nice little crispy tan you got a little crispy a little crispy skin yeah we got screened up my guy we got screened up watching parents pour water on their kids to keep them cool while austin and catherine chill in the shade i found a little bit of an interesting clip about the free food oh okay we got something i'm here for it i'm drunk solid i'll drop them [Applause] all right so in the discord okay okay okay this is really interesting there's nothing 100 it's still just us saying it but you'll see basically i just kind of want to go on the road okay okay all right all right we got rides and stuff right the free rides and free food too right and a meet and greet with the with austin and i'm kind of hoping to get that zach mentions free food yeah oh i think it's a mandela effect that's just joker i was hoping yeah and i know right no i get it so i see yeah i mean our audience might be remembering that but thinking it was from the ace family but it was actually zach mistakenly said well let me ask you zack you said free food no no no i remem i i zags on the side i think yeah i would have said that because i i read it and they said in their video if i'm not mistaken chet's saying that i corrected zack shortly after oh oh you did i mean i i don't know but that's what i've seen in chat listen if someone said free food there'd be a clip i'm just saying in this day and age come on same in a sea of slander and lies so i gifted some memberships i'm still not seeing a free super chat so yeah i think it's just wait i think it's the recipient that's a free oh okay so whoever i gifted can you see if that's what they said how many gifts and subs you just buy maybe well i went to do this experiment i thought i could just buy one i didn't realize i have to do five so i gifted five you bought five you just paid me like 25 bucks what's up player this is a good deal my employees pay me you pay me well thanks so i'll i'll reimburse you i'll send you 25 on uh give you a sizzler gift card yeah keep it that's actually a great birthday should go to sizzler sometime maybe if we do disney trip we should hit up sizzler dude is there one in anaheim let's go i haven't been to a sizzler since i was like 12 years old i [ __ ] love sizzler dude really yeah yeah man i'm in i mean i have some great ass memories it's literally that steak looked good i'm not gonna lie nice grill marks nice and juicy their hibachi chickens good their malibu chickens good they got great soft serve it's good time there you have it good diet coke you know oh yeah yeah yeah you know some places aren't as good as others that's true i should have took a picture of what i pulled out of my throat that's where i messed up that thing was i would have loved to see something even howie mandel wouldn't what do we do about it all right another five dollar one from alec man yeah these are really good i didn't get a gifted sub but i can send this yeah i don't think it has anything to do with the gifted subs i think it's just that might have just been a coincidence they're just testing it out yeah there's no such thing as a coincidence um let's see uh subsequent insta blah blah blah blah they said this now this was funny i saw spill sash tweet this i love this this was kind of interesting um it's like a heidi klum an american bikini ride what what the [ __ ] is this did you guys see that yeah i mean some of the rides had that on there yeah i saw some people having like a little moral panic about this it's like really dude she's wearing a bathing suit it's a woman in a bathing suit like what how how big of broods are we like have you never been to the beach this is hilarious to me because in my hometown we have an arab festival an islamic festival and i've seen stuff like this on the rides and i've never heard anyone comment on it ever what goes down at the arab festival oh man they got shut down man a bunch of racist ass people came with like pig heads and [ __ ] what yeah they gotta shut down wait wait racist people came with what like pig heads people were protesting yeah just whoa that's gnarly yeah yeah they ruined it we don't do anymore used to be an annual thing oh that's sad and it sucks because the community that it's in the part of town that it's in is like you know not a lot of money is there um lower income families and it was like it was like a big deal in summer time to go to that festival for summer and they got it shut down what though [ __ ] you want to guess those people were magga oh for sure they still drive around i was watching a documentary that hassan reacted to about my hometown and they were driving by the mosque with like a big trump uh flag and like beeping the horn and stuff and i was saying that what's so [ __ ] up is they're probably driving in front of a funeral right now based on what i was looking at like it was a funeral yeah terrific i love that that the the arabs and muslims are the problem these guys are showing up to a peaceful [ __ ] event with pig heads yeah or carnival sick [ __ ] dude those are the atheists walk around with punisher those guys who lick the boots of cops [ __ ] pathetic losers freaking weirdos horrible bro you're [ __ ] weirdo bro so but what do you guys do at the festival before you guys got terrorized by white supremacists nothing we had like uh you know you could try like fresh food and just normal festival carnival runs yeah carnival ride well so it wasn't so basic painting it's a normal carnival like halal food yeah i love food and like shirts i say like bolo instead of polo or bubsy instead of pepsi all goofs and gaffs sounds like a good last time this that saudi prince gave 50 gifted subs thank you uh uh the king of uh saudi arabia loved that oil money finally coming back to me a little bit um back to ace fest let's see the owner of drama count spill sess shared a tweet on july 9 which she said was taken at the festival show two attractions that each depicted a woman wearing a bikini did you really need to include that i mean what the [ __ ] bro it was advertised as a family event i thought ace fest is for kids isn't this a family event shut up see some titties idiots hell yeah that was the ride olivia ian and i were all spinning on the heidi klum on it yeah were you able to control your clue your overwhelming desire seeing a painting of heidi klum in a bikini i didn't even pay attention to it oh [ __ ] you know damn i think they just did two sets of 50. just dropped 100 yeah our saudi prince oh my god thank you so much legend truly generous ace family posted screenshots of positive reviews um okay this article's too long guys we got the idea this is pretty funny there's no one else bro what how did they even get this photo you know they kicked everyone else off for this photo up they probably shot that the day before oh that's set up night you know what cause they made they we watched that video where they were there where he was like suck a fat donut or whatever and they were there at night although they are wearing the same clothes you guys can yeah they were in all the way okay oh maybe not maybe it was just that evening yeah i don't know it's just you know what there's so much to hate on them for legitimately it just feels like such a reach at this point what do we do about it um that that that that doesn't it doesn't serve anybody to be to be doing this kind of stuff so there you have it ace fest forever ace family forever austin and uh catherine are invited to my uh either already they're already circumcised okay yeah i was thinking that's already done sorry to all the foreskin activists out there listening people get angry now when you say you search andrew andrew yang is typing up a angry letter yeah he's anti-circumcision yeah i get it but listen it's frankly i kind of am too i'm not gonna get my kids circumcised i get it i think it's just weird i forget that when i was a kid you didn't even think about it yeah and now like to be honest i didn't even know that penises were different than mine until i was like a teenager yeah same mm-hmm isn't that weird it was just kind of the default here in america the first time i saw it i was like what the [ __ ] is that what's wrong with that guy's dick it got deformed that's so i mean yeah that that's pretty [ __ ] weird but i personally am comfortable circumcising my kids and um i'm not mad that i was circumcised or anything like that i'm not mad about it but it's just like given the option it's like yeah why would it i mean it's a cultural and religious issue yeah and i'm not religious and are muslims i don't care about them so like to say to outlaw it is basically i i don't know people try to compare it to like clitoral circumcision and it's really just not the same thing in my opinion but delete me from this conversation i couldn't ask for your opinion are you going to circumcise your kids baby yeah there you have it rather than you know just have it done with from the beginning and i have to deal with it when they're older oh no no no no no actually it's pretty incredible when you so now they do it in the hospital like the same day they're born or the next day and that [ __ ] heals so fast when they're babies it's like back to normal in a couple days it's pretty nuts interesting because it has like wolverine regenerative powers which is why they do it and collect them and give them to uh who was the celebrities yeah it is pretty incredible it's not that it's not as crazy and bad as it sounds as a baby as an adult i'm sure it's traumatic it's [ __ ] um yes sure that's the ace fest there was actually some other interesting updates so deaf noodles as you guys know confronted the mcbrooms asked them how to scam and so there was like a press conference for his boxing match correct and death noodles tried to attend he got kicked out and apparently they tried to take him out on the lake if you know what i'm saying i do hear what listen you know what you're saying this is kind of interesting audio audio it didn't let me yet even though i ended up getting a pass then on the end uh there was a whole thing that happened also they like kicked me but then here's what happened that was interesting when austin eventually left first off he had a security guard like walk up to me and ask me what question i was gonna ask and then he like walked out with five security guards or something and he like invited me into his van i was like awesome can i ask a question he's like yeah come in the van asked me the question in the van i was like uh what no i'm not getting in your van bro uh and his security guards had a big smile on their face they were all like get in the hand kenneth man because it's very creepy so uh yeah that's it it ended up with a stalemate of austin inviting me into his van me saying no somebody else tried to get in then they didn't let him so they but they wanted me in the van so i don't understand what the hell is going on anymore i know what was going on they they wanted to uh have a couple words you know what i'm saying one against the family come in the van i got a couple things i want to tell you you come to me on my fight presser on this beautiful holy day come take a trip in my van i got a couple words i'd like to talk to you you ever been down by the lake death noodles i would like to ask you a few questions step into my van i'm not asking it's not a request death noodles come in the van we'll have a little ride i got some dire cokes and ice in this limousine come have a nice refreshing drink in my van i got a beautiful lake house let's go take a trip death noodles hey death noodles turn off tracking on your phone let's take a trip i know it was you freedom do people know where you are right now deaf noodles let's take a ride i'll give you a ride home talk about things a little bit [Music] all right guys come on now yeah i already got the nunes pretty [Music] i think they're just [ __ ] with him obviously right i think he should have gotten the van i mean you got you got it have you seen it yet yeah you got to see the whole clip okay interesting it's it is it's weird def went to austin's press conference so wait we have a clip of it interesting so apparently death noodles went once got kicked out and then came back with this disguise no he went in initially with this disguise oh he got kicked out wearing this and then he got a press pass from adam sala you know it's interesting he probably would have got in fine if he didn't wear this he just drove so much attention to himself and obviously like that he's there to cause cause a ruckus but we have a clip of death trying to get this is interesting this is from deaf noodles okay let's see ace fest controversy continues i was immediately greeted in a very friendly way by the legend himself blue face but shortly after that our luck changed how you doing bro is that who he's fighting blue face why is blue face there isn't he a rapper or something or blue face is competing in the event he's just chilling there at the entrance uh the person downstairs guys i'm sorry oh you gotta call the cops on us remember folks this event was advertised as free and open to the public and they told people to pull up guess they just didn't want us there i don't think anybody came bluefish just said hi to us i don't think he cares but i think it's okay to come outside though all right just wait don't mind waiting right out here right out here is okay well i appreciate it buddy thank you so much okay all right well i guess wait let me i guess we're gonna get something i was dead wrong because shortly after that they said 5-0 after us and had us escorted out of the building promptly through a back stairway we got kicked out they're they're acting like we're [ __ ] terrorists you got kicked out too yeah i was right there behind you guys i was like oh [ __ ] but who's that he's got his ace family scarf on uh another t-shirt sure we watch this right before the show but he's been with dev since the beginning of the video okay they care that much about you they were acting like we were [ __ ] terrorists like we're about to blow up the spot they're like scared of us they're scared of us anyway i made do with what i had and just started talking to people as they made their way out of the building firstly with adam saylor so yeah tell us about how did they like kick this out they wouldn't let us film so tell us how everything went in there um it went great man it was a good press conference july 30th it's gonna be dope dope uh yeah yeah yeah yeah well who you gonna watch it you can watch it yeah i got tickets yeah i've been watching they kicked you out man because they said we didn't have press passes i'll press past the field man oh [ __ ] really they might kick us out again that was really cool for the record that's uh that's def's co-host on his podcast the gentleman that was with him oh okay yeah so adam sayla is one of the main fighters in this event right yeah that's kind of dope he gave him his pass he's a prankster i remember he did some really [ __ ] pranks though like on airplanes and stuff kind of cringe stuff yep yeah there's a whole kind of weird funnel i don't know if you've noticed this of like arab can i say yeah youtube yeah every middle eastern influencer is so [ __ ] embarrassing besides myth that's the only one oh myth yeah myth yeah but like fousey and this guy are always doing stuff and it and when i go to i always wonder who's watching this and i go to the comments there seems to be a lot of uh arab slash muslim fans of theirs yeah they do have a lot of fans i shouldn't say all of them but i mean majority of like the popular ones that are like pranksters and stuff like him and fousey yeah they have a weird fan base but it's uh super cringe you should be the new spokesman for the arab muslim i'm i'm trying to do my part yeah you should you should be there when i spoke about islam on front of me is i got eviscerated but there was also a lot of people who were very nice and like it was nice to hear someone talk about islam in such a open-minded way and not scare me about it they were they were mad you weren't conservative enough yeah which is funny because my dad's family is super conservative so crazy how y'all are just so much like jews yeah but the tattoos and all that [ __ ] like you're not supposed to do that our penises i do feel like reformed reformed judaism yeah the penises the jews the pigs i feel like reformed judaism do you feel like reformed judaism has come become more acceptable in america than like reformed muslimism definitely like 9 11 islamophobia and stuff just off the charts because like nobody nobody's gonna be like you're not a real jew if you have tats like i don't think you'd ever get that i feel like i feel like you get some but maybe not as maybe not the same degree that could be wrong my grandmother would say that you're not really jewish if you have tattoos yeah that's the old school yeah that's the old school stuff my grandfather am i sorry my grandmother god rest her soul told me crazy just you're going to hell oh the yeah the demons are going to burn my tattoos off and drag pull my arms out of the socket and drag my soul through hell that's awesome yeah i miss her so much i never got that all i got was you couldn't be buried in a jewish cemetery yeah that's not actually true you can really mm-hmm dude it's so crazy one thing that is different about us ethan that you point out to me is that you guys don't believe in hell which is crazy yeah because everything we do we're told we're going to hell that's why i think judaism is such a cool religion in my opinion i mean obviously there's conservatives who take it way too far and are psycho [ __ ] freak pieces of [ __ ] um a lot of them in israel are like that but there is no hell which i think is so cool people are are not living and doing uh mitzvahs for a ticket to heaven yeah that's hype as [ __ ] and also they're not we're not scared of internal damnation yeah it is hype as [ __ ] i agree i wish and they were the first ones the jews had that they're like and then the you know they had the christians and the and that muslims had to come along and be and talk about hell like that [ __ ] wasn't there in the first place right you know death to all jews you all had to bring that [ __ ] in yeah hell is a retcon actually it's dlc it's it's a dlc yeah it's a payoff [ __ ] dlc you have to pay a microtransaction to unlock no hell is a bad dlc man although hell and christianity is kind of [ __ ] because like if you're a christian hell's just for anyone who's not a christian they're like you know they're like yes i raped a hundred kids but jesus is dope they're like okay you're fine yeah you know it's crazy how they say muslims like you know are so violent and everything because we like anything we do we're told we're going to hell and uh yeah even like like people who are religious a lot of them will even say even if you're a good person you go to heaven if you miss prayer you'll make up those prayers in hell before you go to heaven when you go through you're gonna be doing some time before you make it that's awesome that's crazy yeah there you go um anyway let's get back to deaf noodles where he gets confronted yeah because i click the timestamp oh here gives his press pass here is the van scene that's what i'm after all right austin can i ask you a question yeah yeah come on get in the van let's go get in the van i can't get in there get in the sprinter yeah because i got places to go afterwards wait it didn't actually seem it seemed like they just didn't want to get accosted out there it was a gracious uh invite for him to ask it's sick let it roll for like two more seconds i i the initial it seems like it's just kind of jokey or whatever okay keep watching okay interesting can i also they were so fast because he was like i don't even i okay i'll watch interview him from the outside let's go okay get your interview get my interview get your [ __ ] van let's go i'm not getting in your interview get in the van [Music] i'm not getting in your van right now all right i'm not getting in your videos all right oh i appreciate it that's just very weird to invite somebody into your van like that interview let him in the van let him in the van that was weird uh he should have gotten the van though what are they gonna do to him i don't know dude do you think they would have roughed them up dead noodles you come take a trip in the van don't worry it seemed jokey to me at first but after like the fourth like get in the [ __ ] van i was like what's going on here yeah you want to come into my car yo i love that austin has like the same security level as post malone like big ass samoan dudes it's like i i you're just not that famous austin i hate to tell you you know what i mean i still don't know how he affords all this [ __ ] security like that ain't cheap especially ones that roll for you where they're like get in the van you know because if you just hire them for the day they don't give a [ __ ] about it yeah that drama get down so you think he should not have gotten in the van no definitely not just i mean if he was like maybe live or something think they would have [ __ ] him up [Music] like it's maybe not [ __ ] him up but i i don't i don't think the the interview that they were offering was going to necessarily happen i think it would have been a a talk you know what i'm saying i mean i think they identified that he was the guy that trolled them like the day before and they were probably pissed about it and i don't know i could definitely see them like threatening him they're willing to stay the [ __ ] away from us right from the day before yeah i think it would have gone something like this it's just in the van no problem just the standard interview it would have made him an awfully good refuse get in the van yeah that was gonna be his ransom video i'm being held just please i need a hunt i need 10 000 subscribers before they free me i just don't know what they would have done to him like if they really did some [ __ ] they would have got busted i guess they could have drove him out somewhere remote and dropped his ass off maybe it was carpool karaoke james gordon was going to be in there oh you missed it oh you're or it could have been the the taxi cash oh is the cash cash the cash cash yeah or maybe ben uh whatever the [ __ ] his name for a hundred bucks what did howie mendel take in july 2022 that promptly got him suspended was it a a prolapsed anus b a man's penis or c a fleshlight and a dog a dog a fleshlight in the dog nope that last one was ethan the answer is i only post that on instagram stories right yes for the record there's been a lot of chatter about that in the church oh is there has been well just people i didn't see any comments or reactions to it i was curious about it yeah some people demanding a uh explanation for your instagram story i just thought it was funny i thought you guys might want to um it's funny i just thought you guys might like to see some of the interesting stuff i found it's not funny um yeah it's a dog there's actually dogs with fleshlights in them which is so [ __ ] crazy they say it's for your dog to enjoy but oh what that i thought it was just that's a real thing no it's a real thing they sell it as a no as a i'll pull it up i don't know i guess i believe you i should i not pull it off no no no no no no no he says no no yeah you don't show that we can't it's a dog it's a little dog with like a fleshlight entrance on the behind on on his butt side and dude i thought that was just like a photoshop joke i had no idea that's a real [ __ ] product so i was thinking that apparently you buy it for your dog who's horny but actually i think people use that and i'm just going to be i did not come on my dog i don't think dogs know how to use fleshlights wow it comes way worse knowing that that was real oh yeah i did not put my dick anyway i don't remember what i typed to find it i think it had to do with how we the how we prolapse thing and then somehow that yeah it's on my store if you guys want to see it is it still in there yeah it's still there why it's not it's not vulgar really what it's super matte but it's so i don't know too fat of a dog [ __ ] for a dog to stop it oh here here's the censored version the price is like what do we do about it what are we gonna do about this dog flashlight did you guys mention the price no i don't know 367 dollars how did you find that i found it on aliexpress it's expensive man how much is a normal fleshlight well i guess it's more than a normal fleshlight because you got the yeah it's just a [ __ ] little stuffed dog though i mean i thought it was made by uh here's a new one to light up the runway guy yeah see that's what i thought i thought it was i thought it was a joke sadly not real i'm seeing them on amazon for like a normal one for like 70 bucks it's for the likes of shane dawson and folks like that jordan peterson might i've never done anything weird with my dog exactly i did not [ __ ] my dog well there's a product just for you now so you don't have to [ __ ] your dog um well there you have it so wow what i mean what do you think would happen if he got in the bus i i said what i thought would happen what that they would just threaten him and tell him to stop coming around not show up again i don't think they would have like actually and what were they gonna break his camera because he was filming maybe yeah could be wouldn't that be more interesting that'd be an awesome story you're saying def [ __ ] up not getting in the vlog yes you got to get in there you got to get this i don't know i wouldn't get in the van i think he made the right call get in the van guppy it's austin mcbroom what's he gonna do the man [ __ ] a doggy fleshlight he's not a sorry i don't know i'm still reading the flashlight reviews on amazon very interesting they have reviews burrito bonus valentine's gift from my long-distance partner he tried to use it once hated it and threw it in the bin obviously cameron turned such a waste of musty what wasted money someone bought that for a human being and wrote a review about it they wasted their mushy bro you're getting in my head man you're giving me putting i'll see you in everything yeah they're wasting their musty wait did they write that no it didn't i don't know where the hell my brain works because i was wondering if it was a joke review or not no no so this one says uh one star review knockoff brand don't buy i bought a real flashlight before and thought this was the same thing uh but why are they not mentioning that it's inside of a dog no no no this is just reading a flashlight i'm just reading freshly no i'm not reading the word why are you reading fleshlight reviews i mean dogs can't write review i mean he was looking up i was looking up with the regular one because the other one was so expensive what but what do i want to read the fleshlight reviews i want the everywhere out of it it's funny it's funny okay read more fleshlight reviews me and my friends used to do this for fun back in the days but i don't think it's i know some reviews i don't think it's that crazy though she was stroking herself out of the fleshlight texture and smell her off putting throat in the bin did anyone like the fleshlight yeah oh you got a lot of that's the second yo read me a good one maybe what can i say five star it's pretty good i was always curious about these toys and just how to close [Music] of course but it's great for simply getting off building and maintaining stamina and it could be fun for you and your partner very versatile discreet and super easy to clean okay there you go my seat is all over this place that's disgusting all right to close that phase banks ruined it face update the great luxury of coming man it's a bummer and mom's basement ended because we haven't gotten any fresh phase banks memes in a while blank that's why rip to the goat i'm actually glad faze banks realized associating with keemstar was a major l move for him because like they haven't done [ __ ] together since that show ended which is good for him yeah it's true ugh it's just maybe we should have uh banks into that triumvirate of uh austin mike maljak and uh and jeff trying to be your friend oh yeah banks is kind of down to be besties with me right humor he's always he's always done with that h3h3 humor h3h3 humor um listen if death noodles got in the van what's the worst that could happen you just do a podcast on the bottom of a like you understand let's do your interview out on the bottom of the lake pretty good tie a couple bricks to your legs you can ask the fish what they think about it davis got beat hey while you're down there you can say hi to the other guy that asked me for an interview if you catch my drift all right thank you that killer fast before they turn on me let's see we got uh wendy williams did a tmz interview apparently she's just i don't know she's a successful one so my question about when when did she become like senile or what are they they're saying she has early uh onset alzheimer's dementia and my question is well when did this start because there's been a funny business going on with her for decades have you seen her show i mean some of the the the weirdness from the last year or so of her show maybe you could attribute to that i think you can definitely attribute the weird way in which it wrapped up and they didn't even have her attention yeah the final episode uh did her podcast to that it's so litty but here's uh i think it's kind of sad what's going on with her to be honest i i am a fan i actually am i think she's such a character uh she added so much light a texture to this show she really did she's been a she's been a staple for a while now but that being said she did a tmz interview let's let's take a look and we can gauge for ourselves so wendy williams uh has kind of bid farewell to television um we know that already but there is a plan she has she has a big plan it does not involve television it does involve communication uh it involves communication wendy doing a show not a tv show um and a very profitable one she believes it will be so uh without further ado let's bring in uh the guest of honor to tell us all about her plans wendy williams joining us on tmz live once again wendy she looks kind of like a [ __ ] mess what's going on is her is it her hair her hair is a little messy like her wig is all crooked and [ __ ] isn't it it's definitely not brushed out fully yeah something's going on there thank you lina see you she got a fat wario necklace too isn't it yeah let's think it's probably for wendy oh wendy right welcome back hi wendy well welcome to my formal apartment thank you we are duly impressed um so look let's get right into it um that's a big statement for somebody who's been a fixture on television that you just have no interest more than a decade so tell us about a very successful one so morton ira talked and i was like you know i've got enough money to do something else and what i've never done podcast which by the way podcast everyone has but when you're famous podcast will make more money for me being famous than doing the wendy williams show what's going on with her hand why is her hand on her like like glued to her chin she want to show off that i think she's wrong yeah i think she's flexing the bling because she refers to it a couple of times oh my god looks like she's i was thinking she was covering a pimple with this finger because it doesn't move her mannerism yeah i wouldn't read too deep into that her mannerisms have always been a little quirky she does a ring reveal in this video that like big one she wore it on the wendy williams show all the time and she like takes it off and she's like i'm starting something new and it's a huge diamond but it's it's not the same ring okay so she's about that bling yeah she's so she's iced out and she wants you to know about it yeah okay interesting but she is displaying i think she's overestimating how much she's gonna make on uh her podcast i her show was pretty successful i just don't know she's very famous watch i will i think i mean she has a big fan base i think there is a chance that she would make more money on a podcast now i don't know about that she that's assuming yeah i mean that it actually happens and that it's a hit you know but for some reason i just feel like well the overhead on a podcast is so much less than running like a studio like her show was not a low budget show says her salary was 10 million dollars a year i don't know okay maybe she's not like that much but on the wendy williams podcast i didn't realize she was making that much yeah the show is popular yeah i know it's i know it's popular but yeah 10 million is 10 million a year if you want my opinion when these traditional media people generally come over and try to make podcasts like this i'd be surprised if she's even gonna pull a hundred thousand views i'm just being honest well normally i would agree with you however i believe before she ever had a tv show she was a a radio star and so and podcast it's really not that different than like you know talk radio which is what she has experience in so it's not that she's not won't be good at it it's that when you're on the radio or on the tv people watch it because you're there because you're on the tv and they're on the tv yeah on youtube on a podcast people have to go seek you out and that's not easy that's hard people think because it's free and accessible and everyone has the internet it's easy it's actually harder for people to watch your [ __ ] on the internet you'll have to go find it she doesn't know the game a fair point that's a fair point yep click bait thumbnails all that i'm going down i'm wishing her the best though i'm there i need more fart sound bites and oops and hops and that's all of us i you know just saying podcast where will i go i'm not sure europe you know the france wherever i want to go also i know us i know you know many people many people dr oz by the way you know dr oz of course yeah all right my friend i've been in new jersey jersey so many times i can't count also you know i know plenty of people so i'm ready to like fortunately i have enough money i could do nothing at all and just relax in my gorgeous apartment by the way doesn't look gorgeous oh do you not really it looks good i feel like to add on to what you're saying ethan i feel like she's waiting for the sound cues or like the audience to laugh yeah and that's why there's like the awkward nothing as she looks around dude that was a pretty wild what is all this about dr oz in new jersey and france it was pretty wild yeah it's the the coherency is not uh what's the thing that's not wrong she's like i know dr oz so it's all good for me i think she was like i think if i'm trying to interpret it is that she was trying to like say that she could get big guests like dr oz doctor i was a big guest he's currently running for senate so okay well do we have any senate candidates willing to come on anyone can run for senate well he won the primary i guess i should say he's not just running personally okay i hope he [ __ ] eats [ __ ] though by the way dr oz such a [ __ ] [ __ ] oh that guy and whatever [ __ ] doctor i was going to talk about him we'll talk about the beautiful wonderful wendy williams that's right he's sitting on my throne from the window is that your throne you have there excuse me oh now we can see it well all right so glad to see you took that with you so i i want to say something it's interesting to me because i used to do radio before i did tv i did radio and i loved radio in fact i think it was my favorite medium that's not that dissimilar from podcasting and those are your roots too thank you thank you by the way this right here this was on the wendy williams show no longer many money okay any money what's happening i don't know it's not what people are saying yeah she's clearly sad she's not he's not doing that well i saw her brother doing an interview where he was like we were trying to get her not to do this and she did it no yeah everybody kind of knows just saying people saying she seems to be on drugs i don't know if it's drugs no maybe i i think she i think there's something more going on yeah there's something i don't think it's extraordinary drugs yeah chad's saying her eyes she has graves disease that's her eyes bulge like that yeah her always her eyes have always been kind of like that well they seem particularly uh bulgy on this afternoon i mean she has a very mild case compared to what i've seen it could be very bad mild that's mild yeah oh graves diseases how much worse does it get really bad i'll show you yeah let me see these let me see this [ __ ] dude peace and love to all of my graves people up there graves gang grace grave gang i got [ __ ] crazy guys so shout out wendy william i got tested for graves because your eyes are so massive yeah no i don't have it though i just have big ass that's crazy crazy eyes just stand just the standard case yeah oh [ __ ] yeah that's oh [ __ ] bro what the [ __ ] that's that's intense man oh man is there a treatment for that to fix that it's it's uh there is but it's often not worth the risk because it could be dangerous it involves if i'm not mistaken if i recall correctly it involves cutting your eyelid at a certain point and bringing it down which only like helps hide it doesn't pop your eyes back in there yeah it doesn't pop your eyes back is this is this just a genetic thing it's related to thyroids so you can in some cases uh so you can get a radioiodine therapy yeah my eyes hurt looking at that so you could treat the thyroid and then the eyes kind of chill out in some cases yeah dude that's that's all man whoa shout out to my graves people out there bruh it ain't easy [ __ ] shout out to uh oh i'm on my way to support wendy williams 50 gifted subs i have a feeling that was our saudi it is the saudi prince our saudi benefactor just saying and thank goodness because she she needs some help seems like she's i'm done with this goodbye that's the old that's the old it's the old wendy williams show we're not on that anymore right okay i'm no longer on the wendy blue show bow out gracefully you know morton ira i love them but guess what this is also huge diamonds what the [ __ ] bro damn whoa wendy out here flexing on the haters though bro she might be losing it but she got that she got ice and she looking good bro look at that size of that thing so many years i can't count yeah it will salary right there how that's like a 10 million dollar diamond it looks like yeah and that thing's never seen a diamond that big in real life will jeweler gave me all this all of this when do you like a wrench this is pretty entertaining though i'm not even gonna lie like this is still pretty fire gets crazier it does oh my god all right at around six minutes she six minutes she uh she shows her feet and that's pretty that's important should i go six minutes is that what you're talking about olivia like a little before there maybe so let's go to five minutes and see what's the feeds part is gnarliest yeah we get to see her feet yeah oh is she on wikifeed are those picks on wiki feet already could someone check i think i would bring down the website we'll check um what what else are you gonna be bringing to the the podcast obviously oh yeah you know lots of stuff hold up oh damn they were fast on that whoa that's pretty flexible whoa oh my you have to watch she she has let's just watch let's let's we're skipping ahead here looks like a potato bro there's a reason all right let's go celebrities that you can bring on as guests but what do you want what does wendy want to do in this show that's going to be different from your from your tv show well you guys i mean maybe sneakers you know i've been on hsn and qvc correct [Music] okay maybe i'll do something with that or something else you know i have lymphedema you know what that is correct i know okay you don't know lymphedema all right i'll show you okay sure okay lymphedema is this do you see this right here look okay no look closely right look please hold up i can't person higher behind you yeah yeah okay do you see this yeah all right it's up and down okay wow okay yeah that is i can only feel maybe five percent of my feet wow do you understand right well this is gnarly they asked what's your podcast going to be like and then she pulled out her foot yeah 85 it could be i mean i guess it's a good thing that she doesn't feel it because it can be very painful but it's a buildup of fluid in her lymph nodes yeah wait how does that end up in her foot if it's lymph nodes i'm sorry not lymph nodes in her lymph system normally i would be in a wheelchair i'm not in a wheelchair i stand up how are you feeling wendy i know we saw some video of you out in new york city uh last night and you seem to be moving well i mean how are you feeling um just physically you got that supreme drip that's though better than you better than you that's no doubt [ __ ] wait there's no doubt i'm shocked so you're able is there more to watch or is it um that's like that was the part that that's sad well shout out wendy i hope that uh you know i don't know just to clarify because i have a standing um reputation in the medical community i just fact checked um it could be in a certain part of your arms or legs but it's most commonly caused by damage to your lymph nodes or vessels as a part of cancer treatment well shout out wendy i hope everything works out and i for one will watch that podcast mentally sound or not i'm in i think it's gonna be great either way and i don't know if that's like a bad thing to say but she's entertaining with or without her uh sanity and what could one could debate if she ever had it to begin with i mean how can you lose something that you never which we love huge wendy williams stands in the office yeah love love the insane big fans of the insane here or as trump would say i love the poorly educated i love them what else we got here we got we watched jordan uh we have to talk about mike and jeff what's in the title oh yeah let's talk about that we still have cam man vs machine but we're probably already running out of time for that aren't we we've been going two hours 40 minutes yo this story is kind of nuts bmw is rolling out dl [ __ ] seas for their car they're making all their new cars with heated seats built in and you have to pay them 18 bucks a month to activate the heated seats what a nightmare what a [ __ ] nightmare what are your thoughts on that i mean jesus christ let's not do that please yeah no anti-consumer bro that's [ __ ] up well dan did some uh took a deeper dive into this and there is a rationale behind it so and i'm just stating i'm just stating this objectively so don't jump down my throat people because it is still pretty [ __ ] up but that they're saving costs by making all the bmws right so right now why do they got to charge monthly well so think about this right now i mean you just recently got a car right and when you get a car there's options for like all these bells and whistles but i don't think the options is the problem is the monthly payment that's the problem right but here's the thing right now because there are different like versions of the car with different options on the production side they think that they can save money by basically streamlining their production making one version of the car that has all of these options and then when you sell the car all of the options you can pay for individually as subscriptions also you can get a lifetime subscription which basically is like adding the option would normally be when you go to buy the car dude the monthly [ __ ] well it says here it says the options is 18 a month or a yearly subscription for 80 bucks three years for 300 or pay for unlimited access to your heated seats so that's for 400 that's kind of what i'm wondering is like was it 400 to add the heated seats yeah that sounds about right right so in a way maybe it actually is a better deal because then well i'll be honest for it during the winter months or something you would probably save if you're like oh i just need it in november december january right 60 bucks but it's only kind of that rational only makes sense if bmw is charging less for the baseline car because you know the theory is they're gonna their production costs go down because they can streamline and just make you know one version of the car rather than have a bunch of different kinds with the different options or whatever and then pass the savings on to you but let's be real what most likely is going to happen is they're going to charge as much as they were before for the version of the car without any options and then on top of that at the subscription fees i think the fear is just the precedent right like this is how it always happens where like right yeah and halo they started charging for maps and now dlcs are everywhere and [ __ ] casinos they would just start they started with this resort fee and now everybody charges the resort fee right when they find out they can make money from you some way then everybody gets on and you're [ __ ] like this [ __ ] monthly but also is it for you are you gonna have drm in your car like is your heated seat not gonna work if you don't have an internet connection and you can't verify that you know your subscription is up to date yeah how else would you be able to a lot of these cars have built in internet to them they have like their own networks right but say the network goes down so now just your your features on your car don't work because you don't have an internet connection i feel like it's like if you hit it they have satellite and [ __ ] right okay so maybe but i will say tesla invented this [ __ ] um they're the original uh dlc in their cars right right they used to they do they sell it with like the software on there like auto drive or assisted driving you have to pay a shitload of money to unlock what's already on it but the monthly fee thing just strikes me as kind of [ __ ] weird bro so there you have it though dlc is coming to yeah in fact i heard dlcs are coming to toasters um you need to pay to get the uh very toasty setting five dollars cam says uh in our chat he said life's a big pay to win game damn that's deep dude [ __ ] that's so true blew my mind also bmw the company is just as douchey as the people that ride them wait you got a development on the free food thing maybe so yeah zach something from the a fuba trooper uh who sent a timestamp where it looks like there's a hard cut in the video when austin's announcing everything that's going to be free oh and they're claiming that this is where it was cut at this point but i kind of leaning towards it's not correct because i gotta find an up re-upload of it it's gotta be out there yeah i did a youtube comment search too and three months ago when the video was released there's about four comments that say will there be free food at the festival um so if people are asking then it probably wasn't in the initial cut you're gonna need better than this we need the clip of them saying it sorry ace family forever um all right who's my bestie this week is it mike or jeff last we left off you said um jeff because jeff dm to you and you said forget mike we're besties for life right right it's all good so here they come up again with bradley from nelq boys who hates me uh turn around and then tell you they all apologized graham stefan he was very stressed out on his podcast i had to dm him because he looked like he was gonna hurt himself you know i would be like yo graham it's all good we were just messing around and then ethan from the popular h3 podcast he loves you now thanks for saying popular by the way i like when people hype me up like that okay ethan thanks for throwing that in there bro you didn't have to do that but you did and that's what best friends do they hype each other up yeah for real you know probably wants to be friends with oh no no he's correct he was my best friend for like two hours and then i guess evidently you like responded to something or like you talk to him behind he damned me mike he went behind your back yeah yeah to end our friendship so i'm glad that they followed that though so mike was invested in that besties two hours of best shoe [ __ ] he's fighting he's fighting for his life out there um interesting and the scenes you cheated and went behind the [ __ ] scenes without my bro that audience over there is also uh intelligent but they're also very sensitive and i was i did a little jab at you calling you old smart man and calling ethan i see he's chasing his words so careful man jeff yeah he's he's wised up very intelligent you butter us up you call us smart popular go on what else am i jeff younger than you and they took it as i called them ugly i never called them ugly never i don't think anyone really got angry about that did they because he said oh you're younger than him just calling me old which is whatever right i mean he's not the only one that makes fun of me for looking old i think people got angry at him for that not angry i think we kind of goofed on him indicating that you didn't look good for your age or something he's kind of trying to bait mike into talking about it yeah yeah yeah mike didn't take the baby absolute class act so it's hard to say i mean there's just such a class acting mic jeff's really jazzing me up this episode though it's hard to pick ah it's hard to pick who's my bestie maybe we'll do a poll hmm what olivia who's gonna get the friendship rose right um friendship rose or maybe you left that yeah you got the bff there well we're going to get this other half of my french necklace yeah i think i might have [ __ ] my pants okay interesting just don't do that when we're hanging out bestie got a family he looks and what did i do you just sense that he is over they have sound bites of me going what did i do they have sound bites they have another where you say who are these goons that's pretty generous they could have got could have been longer could have got way worse [ __ ] okay bestie more mature older guy and you're hanging out and hide nightclubs and stuff like that so yeah that's what i was getting at it was more of an insult to you but his audience man if i'm jab not somebody oh come on just own it jeff you were calling me old don't try to spin it you're calling me old and it's fine i'm not mad about it i mean you don't have the best vision message to be making that call come on well he does it how can he talk about appearance when he can't even see 2020 bro come on friendship has to be both ways i'm just seeing this and then i'm just saying you got to stand by stand by your boy here come on an eye for an eye will make the whole world blind dude yeah friends don't talk about friend eyes i'm just saying it's feedback for my bestie you know what was he to make a visual confirmation of anything that means that i'm cool with him there it is but now it seems like you're trying to you're trying to retract because you're you know you're i don't know maybe the alpha brain i took three alpha brains before this and look at this i'm drinking your boys prime right here i saw it i saw a cardboard cut out of them and ralph's i was walking around and i figured i'd try this one drinking it right now yeah at first yeah man listen bro like you know everybody i i talked to some other guy that made a video about the house too people got to make money bro people so okay this is really interesting so let's do a poll about who's my bestie now jeff obviously we've been through a lot there's a lot of history between us we've overcome a lot yeah as friends [Music] certainly come to some kind of understanding together he called me smart and popular this episode which is we call it our audience smart i just want to make sure right sure he's but you don't think he was talking about me no no no no no no okay well he's nice to my friends let's say that he's nice to my friends which goes a long way okay um okay okay so that's there anything else i'm forgetting about jeff and the positive sure he's cool jeff's cool and ripped that's dope i mean i don't know if you want to bring in their buddies into this but cool you know mike logan you have such michael scott energy dude i swear i'm just giving all the positive he's cool and ripped you've had beef with logan in the past mike's friends with logan and also jeff's friend who you're friends with no drove by your house in the middle of the night so yes yes yes well we're we're focusing on the positive not the negative i could fill them all up for both of them mm-hmm we're fussing we're posed we're focusing on the positive baby so bff bachelor jeff whittick mike madgelek should we have austin mcbroom in there as a wild card how about brown how about bradley martin as a wild card no video too no they're not i'm just gonna be real they're not in the competition no no no don't put up the poll yet because we're not done okay okay i'm just i'm preparing i'm prepared yes so jeff has a lot going for him obviously and um he's kind of cool too right he's kind of edgy which is dope gets into a little trouble mm-hmm he's a bad boy he's a loyal friend too it seems like yeah i mean he's friends with that guy i mean he's friends with a lunatic that just drives people's house and threatens him and he's like yo he's my best dude what can i do i like that energy oh jeff jeff i thought you were talking jeff is loyal right yeah he he loyal he loyal but we but we love his boy okay the piece was made he said himself all was forgiven yeah yeah for the stalking yeah and now if you go if you go over to mike let's see mike um mike what's going on with mike what's good about mike um well he overcame uh addiction and got clean and is an inspiration to a lot of people that's not a tip for me okay i [ __ ] my pants today uh he's willing to he's willing to like you know you and him both have that like kind of willingness to to embarrass yourselves like like that sound bad you know well he was very open about [ __ ] his pants that's something that you would talk about if it happened to you in fact you haven't talked about that why are you saying that i'm willing to embarrass myself shut and so mike while he said actually the thing that got this started was mike said that we have similar beliefs and we hype each other up on twitter so we have common beliefs we're both libs oh you're both lip uh [ __ ] lips for sure yeah both lips um he's working on bringing back his hairline hairline that might be a problem for him that i have such a good hairline i don't know but he's working on it you're saying right see i don't know if his hairline's good enough for us to be chilled oh stop do you think he might be using you to get his hairline back since all your enemies lose their hair that could be a strategy of his right oh you think but jeff's hairline is much better so that actually goes to jack jeff does have grey hair yeah great be really beautiful here yeah no no question oh what else can we say nice about mike um [ __ ] as a friend he's fun he's funny he hasn't given much of an opportunity to be your bestie yet so right this is new this is a new door it's like a new exciting relationship like a first date and you're like this is exciting right but he's funny um oh [ __ ] i think he's sincere in a lot of the stuff he says very sincere people said i don't think mike is a lib i think he is like he is a lib he said we have the same political belief so he's got to be a lib i think logan's magga i think logan and jake are mega but jake for sure i don't know about logan like he doesn't weigh into political stuff very often but was it like logan just says whatever people want to hear maybe maybe ben shapiro was on uh impulsive they had shibibo on that isn't about by the way thank you to um my bestie is a cyclops oh come on 50 gifted subs that's a jeff joke inappropriate inappropriate how dare you jeff is watching this man um colleen what side of the screen is the chat on maybe what [Music] so um god is there anything else to say about mike um mike michael mike he's a good hype man the way he [ __ ] hypes up logan from the beginning is nuts oh yeah he rides his dick like a [ __ ] champ bro and i like that mike is actually a good guy he did something good so he could ride my dick really hard bruh ride my dick like a doggy fleshlight yeah love that all right so i guess that's it i mean i'm sorry i guess i don't know mike very well but he seems nice and funny and look and also loyal [Music] um let's do a vote i guess so it's jeff whittake mike madge like no no wild cards in there you wanna just i'm not gonna be friends with bradley martin austin and bradley they need to say one nice thing about me and then we're besties neither of them have said anything nice about me and that's why jeff and mike are in this because they say one best thing about me and then i'm friends with them right yeah you're easy to win over yeah all right well let's do it thanks that's a good one and he has said nice things about you mm-hmm he loves h3h3 humor yeah actually banks is bestie material when i met him at the airport he said you were very smart oh that's so nice of him to say mm-hmm i think i forgot him had like a whole like thing with banks though yeah yeah he's very nice to keep they they're both boston boys and they were going back for the holidays and they ran into each other at the airport and they chatted for a while right right cam yeah i got that right that baggage claim i saw him getting on the airplane and i went like whoa is that really him because he was in first class he's a he's a high-class guy no he's first class i was chatting with him at the airport at the uh baggage claim after a red eye so we were both very tired but he was very kind he took the time out of his his uh nice guy what can we say nice about banks what what i mean i i used to use his website back in the days and i had a great time so you talking about the gambling website look at you now yeah yeah yeah it's not helping that's not okay that's not necessarily all right it's a great website what do you mean i just found this website forever and he also told me to tell you hi he said tell me i said hi me yeah sorry what a nice guy you know it took seven months but what a [ __ ] nice guy actually what up he's my he might be my new best oh i got another good thing about banks he ditched keemstar oh so good he may have done that for me i think he probably did sometimes keemstar things aren't that [ __ ] deep right yeah okay is there anything else we're not remembering about banks let's see like i mean that's annoying bro i used to love the way he would interrupt keem it was some of my favorite content ever on the podcast it is a loss mom's basement going away is a lot of work which is a positive right he hates keemstar yeah all right well let's do that then with with mike jeff and blanks or banks all right so this is my bestie competition i would like to get all three of these guys possibly wouldn't that be awesome to get them in a on a sex show together yeah we could do an actual competition i wonder if they'd be down these are good sports who's my bestie and then maybe the winner we can go to like disneyland together or something well you could go on one-on-one dates with each of them different different places obviously we would separate it we would we would let this oh [ __ ] instead of a rose i could give him a xbox controller what's like a bro bestie thing a phase hat i guess that would only work for for banks the other two aren't phase they don't phase out level row oliver go to sizzler you could do friendship bracelets oh what's more bro though baby blood brothers matching xbox controllers maybe uh give them a dog a dog a ducey yeah okay let's let's do the poll guys let's see all right i'm gonna drop in the poll bff bachelor question mark jeff whittick mike mash lack and phase [Music] i'm so nervous right now who am i gonna vote for oh god don't don't say yet don't say yet okay don't think who i'm voting for oh man this is crazy there's a clear winner and i voted for him oh okay well that gave it away well they have to vote before they see the results no it doesn't work that way jeff whittick is winning 70 my bestie and i voted for him too because we just have so much in common and he's my current bestie so i get to honor my current agreement with him right wow me and jeff okay well it's a blowout jeff friends forever bro jeff is taken home mike malek [ __ ] you face banks [ __ ] you no okay yo i'm on jeff welcome to jeff ethan fm baby with my new best friend ethan and jeff show the bra the barber and the and the busy he's a barber i'm a bussy got it very exciting stuff well there you have it wow jeff whittick remains to be my best friend sorry mike sorry to let you down you did seem excited about those two hours that's why you know be gracious in victory you don't have to say [ __ ] mike just because no no no [ __ ] my oh my god i only have room in my heart for one bestie all or nothing but next week it'll be a different person yeah well maybe it's maybe it'll be mike's turn who knows we'll see who says something nice about me it could be keemstar for all i know i'm sorry what was that keemstar goes you know what i like ethan he's a good guy i and he and i'm sorry that i lied about him all these years i might be like bestie material probably not though i [ __ ] hate that guy too much it's a piece of [ __ ] sorry keem but i don't think there's any besties potential there it felt gross to even say that son of a [ __ ] [ __ ] scumbag jesus dude calm down you got plenty other besties like blanks oh wait no you guys are broke up like leafy oh wait no now he's comparing me to hitler like who uh boozy that's his butt buddy now or ryan cavanaugh his best friend keemstar's best friend fousey is a guy who made a video called fouseytube's the worst person on youtube it tastes like beef jerky kim has a lot of friends any any small commentary channel that talks [ __ ] about you he immediately swoops in that's true it's like a justice league of insults i'm superman right or batman and they're like you know you're saying they're the legion the crime consortium they're the legion of doom yeah yeah we're the justice league yeah he's not like no i'm the justice league you can't be that's not fair you can't be all of the justice league it is what it is no you you said you want to be batman you batman somebody else has played the other one no i'm batman and superman you can be like i don't know you could be like um you can't be you could be that guy with the bow with the bow green arrow yeah one of those one of those i'm idiots that's [ __ ] up dude sorry dude it's just what it is you're being really unfair right now who do you think you are in the justice league i don't know i just don't think it's fair that you get to be all of them like you're being really [ __ ] selfish right now that's just how i feel is anybody else going to say anything no he's so high and mighty right now because he's jeff widdick's best friend all right that's it that's everything anybody superman is jeff and i'm batman i mean that's fine i said you can be green arrow whatever the [ __ ] that is i don't wanna be green [ __ ] arrow that's dc's [ __ ] that's dc's [ __ ] uh hawkeye yeah i was saying it could be hawkeye or you know just like whatever dude you shoot a boat somebody said dan is martian manhunter that sounds kind of lame i still can't get over what a dumb character hawkeye is you're being invaded by like sophisticated future ai [ __ ] robot death robots armageddon robots and he's fighting them with a bow and arrow yeah and he held his own doesn't that make it more impressive how with the bow and arrow i mean i've watched the movies he made it through he got his own spin-off and this is the first time for me and the universe anyway uh moving on tana mangu we talked about potential bestie material someone said please go on h3 my life would be complete thank you maddie oh tana we should have included 10 years who liked it hannah liked it well yeah you've agreed to come on like three times and you always ghost so come on she says dragon she says in her description not bad for a five with no talent self def deprecating i like that potential besting material i don't know she's never said anything nice about me that's for sure green dante but she's been in the room with a lot of people who [ __ ] on you and she withheld that's true that's true love that for her all right this is all this is all very good but people are saying green dantern you know green danter pretty good all right you can be green dante i'm into that honestly um otherwise other than that we've got the andrew tate on aiden ross is this worth talking about um honestly i found it disappointing it was just same it's just that his usual [ __ ] the the schtick is like i know people think he's hilarious but like you know what i realized his whole like shtick now is just doing uh do you remember maddox yeah back in the day yeah he's just like that but unironically right and it but it's like so like early 2000s humor you [ __ ] hate kids i'll kick kids bro kids are [ __ ] i get my energy from the sun because i'm a man absorb rays from the sun yeah yeah but it's not i just don't understand why yes so adam ross did this stream he had like 230 000 viewers which is pretty nuts uh what peace and love to aiden ross i thought his interviewing was horrible i mean i mean with peace and love he's just kind of fumbling around in the dark i mean he's into a real alpha like like he's not a real interviewer not like me is what you mean yeah thank you i do mean that okay you've gotten good have you seen my bill burr interview i'm not talking about that one i'm talking about in the last couple years where you've you've improved by leaps and bounds thank you dan okay but i just don't know why people are uh celebrating he's getting so much exposure recently andrew tate there's a video of him beating the [ __ ] out of a one like like [ __ ] scary violence beating the [ __ ] out of a woman he was just raided by the police for kidnapping and human trafficking i just don't understand why people go like he's entertaining i want to talk to him and like dude what are you doing promoting this guy he's a [ __ ] psycho i think it's like i don't think it's yet widespread knowledge of what a scary dude he actually is though i think he's really popular on tick tock and it's just like these gu it's like alex jones i i liken it to the alex jones thing where like people like alex jones the meme and don't realize that he's like actually a psychopath that's doing tangible harm um so i i don't actually totally i mean i guess they should do their research but we just talked about it like a not that long ago yeah but not everybody i mean this is a guy who said he moved to romania because the rape laws are boxed there yes like that's right unironically he moved there so he could rape people yeah and he said that he's not a good guy he's not but also just google andrew tate you know well it's not that anyone should watch it it's super not safe for life but it's easily accessible of him beating the [ __ ] out of a woman in a really disgusting violent [ __ ] up way and so well here i don't know it's just kind of crazy a lot of people think that you are a misogynistic person now hold on let me let me finish i um i think that like here's my here's my personal what are you doing on your phone are you okay i'm bro i'm don't worry you can walk okay okay um how do i put this dude aiden is so beta in this such crazy beta energy coming off aiden right now i want to just say uh why are you afraid to say he's a sh is a chauvinist like i think he's proud chauvinism something is happening in the world um and uh it's it's uh um matter of fact let me not do that let's do this instead let's let's exercise okay let me exercise my brain in your brain um you live in romania missed i want to hear it tell me who i'm about no i don't think you are i don't think you are uh mr j i don't i do not think you are i do not think you are but when i said i was going to do the stream with you i got back last week but i didn't really give a [ __ ] because people were saying oh he's misogynist he doesn't like girls but i don't think you are i i don't yeah no i i highlight the differences interesting point he makes there people say you hate women but i don't think you do was it the video of him beating the [ __ ] out of a girl him getting arrested for human trafficking um or was it him saying he moved to romania so he could rape women without legal repercussion between men and women does that make me a misogynist i don't think so men and women are different creatures right i agree i yeah so i i don't think that one is even particularly better than the other i think we're different we operate differently we view the world differently that doesn't make me a misogynistic person right i'm a realist so like i'm realistic so when i say [ __ ] like girls can't drive everyone calls me a misogynist i'm not misogynist i'm a realist yes i get what you're saying however okay can i tell you something though you can you can speak you can't tell me anything because you're too young you can speak and i'll listen all right i'll speak um i've met female drivers that are really good at driving you know what i'm saying an exception does not miss anyway it's kind of a whole [ __ ] two hours of that but they're making it's like when you make like a nazi palatable palatable um it's really [ __ ] up and i really mean that when you i mean joe rogan did this a lot with like gavin mcguinness yeah and alex jones and alex jones where it's just like oh he's just goofy he's just funny he's even today which is like yeah they can be funny like i think donald trump's really [ __ ] funny doesn't mean that he's not a [ __ ] monster he is yeah it's crazy because even recently joe rogan's like alex is a good guy and he's right about a lot of stuff you know watching the january 6th commission yeah alex jones is like we're going to storm the capital and f and we're going to [ __ ] take it like he is a psycho a violent psychopath dude what a loving liberal here's andrew tate quote from 2017 secondly harvey creep obviously but women have been exchanging sex for opportunity for a very long time some did this they were not abused okay whatever that's not the worst thing he said by a mile uh basically he leads on to say that if you put yourself in the position then you need to take some of the responsibility um [Music] where's the part where he was like oh my god bro wait what wait what point 7.3 million views what is this clip hold on it's me and mars you and brittany talk making fun of him 7.3 million holy [ __ ] dude people love andrew tate interesting no i mean a man can only they'd love to hate him too i guess a million likes yeah it's we it's our club oh this is our clip yeah yeah oh yeah awesome got it got it got it i thought this was his clip i thought this was like a gym talk about me being a beta who hates exercising okay wow look at us we got we went viral on tick tock let's go someone else if i have a woman who i truly love and i go out and [ __ ] and i come back to her and i don't care about her and i only love my girl that's not cheating that's not cheating i'm speechless it's exercise if she even talks to a dude is cheating because females are emotionally invested i have no emotional investment so no he's like i'm not even emotionally invested in my girlfriend to be honest exactly yeah no oh it's fine i love that it was very very clear any woman who was with me never never even the only men they spoke to besides me were my brother hai and the guys online who were paying them that is it they were absolutely loyal amen yeah that okay that's interesting yeah a lot of people do hate him obviously but this stuff like ayden ross has a lot of young i would say young men watching young or boys even and he's just not his behavior the way he talks about women the way he talks about life is so [ __ ] horrible message it's scary to see the com the top comments on his video on uh aiden's video all in support of tate yeah of course because it's aiden is not really capable of challenging him in a meaningful way and he ends up just making him look cool no problems intrinsically with females doing only fans like if if men are stupid enough this this preceding him saying he's not a chauvinist watch this buy this [ __ ] then women should certainly sell it and make a bunch of money more power to them i'm a i'm a feminist i believe in empowering women make as much money as you can yeah sure be be do only fans like my [ __ ] i wouldn't i wouldn't even mind my girl doing only fans as long as i kept all the money i wouldn't give a [ __ ] i had a girl said i won't do only fans i'm like cool go for it let me know how much money we make you're keeping all of it though [ __ ] [ __ ] yes she's mine oh they're gonna cancel they're going to cancel like i don't think you're solving this that's totally reasonable thing to say so me watch me give a [ __ ] come on don't be a [ __ ] say it all right i hear i hereby um want to go back to what i said and i want to uh rebuttal it and i want to say that uh i this i should have not given my two cents in this argument and stay out of it and that uh the uh the thing is that um i believe that um if if if something if something is yours you should be getting all profits of it that was weak but i'll let it slide thank you it was weak though but i want all the people all the feminists watching who want to go cancel people go cancel this guy because i can tell he gives a [ __ ] don't try and cancel me why i don't want a [ __ ] what the [ __ ] and when they're doing sick he's not the thing is andrew's not joking though when he says as long as she gives me all the money he literally has women [ __ ] kidnapped and enslaved and human trafficked in his compound in romania doing webcams for him and paying him like that's actually happening that's what's so crazy about andrew tay it's not shtick that's that's really what he does super interesting isn't it like it's not an act yeah the whole shtick that aiden's doing with him is really [ __ ] up it's so weird yeah once again i feel like aidan just involved in something that has no idea what he's doing you know he's trying to do stick but doesn't realize the significance same thing with the whole stake situation yeah exactly he doesn't give a [ __ ] he's just just and at the very least i think twitch should do something about it because dude ross is 21 years old he's you might say he's stupid or whatever because he's young sure uh and in that case twitch should remove it um i don't think that that's safe content for people i really don't um you wanted there was more good parts there i think so if it's what i remember yeah let me pull it's like a rant about getting cancelled yeah let's go believe that um if if i go cancel people go cancel this guy because i can tell he gives a [ __ ] don't try and cancel me why i don't a [ __ ] what the [ __ ] there cancel me i do not care i don't care i exist outside of the matrix no one can damage me doesn't matter you can i don't even have a [ __ ] account when you do ban me i don't even have an account i do what is he man this guy he's an assault he is a homogenous can't believe what he said what are you doing misogynistic feminists it's people like him that are keeping women back that's the reason you don't have high-paying jobs andrew it's 100 this guy i can't believe you're saying this bro what the [ __ ] sorry stick um yeah yeah yeah i mean he he's right he he isn't cancelable and well yeah like obviously yeah he's openly a criminal and he's uh you know his popularity is based on him saying outrageous things so he's not gonna get canceled for saying outrageous things but the whole like i exist outside of the matrix i don't even have an account it's like embarrassing bro you're you're all over tik tok he's on twitter uh you know suspended from twitter but yeah i think he's back i saw him tweeting oh he must have a new account then yeah i think it's in a he's doing he's doing the keemstar where it's not loophole yeah um but it's like he's he's completely [ __ ] plugged in and you know his whole like thing right now is selling man lessons or whatever does he have like a subscription thing yeah he sells like man university he's like a self-help guy it's like bro you you are you are so plugged in like you are so in the [ __ ] matrix you don't and you don't even [ __ ] realize it you know who's not in the matrix ted kaczynski [ __ ] right exactly go live off the grid if you want to be outside of the system that's my [ __ ] boy that's right if that's the real red pill alpha right there yeah you make you make a living selling self-help to gullible people you're you're not really he's just the longest i know you're not really like the [ __ ] uh you know individualist scion that he thinks he is oh this is his website tate university tate university by the way just to tell you any self-help person is scamming you yeah or if they're all liars every self health person is a liar and a con man period there's no exception i know some people probably hate to hear that i don't think there's any single exception to that they're all [ __ ] i don't think you can even get my philosophy is oh yeah you can't even get a useful lesson from a person like this because you don't really learn anything until you experience it and then it can influence how your choices go before but if someone tells you something like women are this way and that way and then it's like it's not going to actually affect your personality in a real way because you have to experience [ __ ] it's all a scam what do you got here he posted this yeah he paid somebody to make a comic about himself beating up spider-man for being beta saab sniff spider-man what the [ __ ] i came home and saw a fancy sports car in front of my house when i went inside some [ __ ] named tristan was banging my girl is that his brother how's his brother yeah you're a punk ass [ __ ] what there's not even a punch line yeah we're not talking we're not talking about uh part two and three are in discord oh are there's pages to this so stupid and this is this is really it isn't it i mean this guy it's not just that he has a mentality of a child he he is a child like he sees himself as a comic book villain like unironically spending money on paying some really untalented artists but he does the things that he actually does the evil things crunch whip sick bro by the way he was not really a successful mma fighter was he i think he got his ass beat i remember when we talked about before some people that yeah and then they said that he had a fairly decent round yeah he had a mixed record that's right wasn't it kickboxing not mma or maybe he did both i don't know you're pathetic get the [ __ ] out of here tristan i owe you a car wow bro is that [ __ ] rad dude this is a nine-year-old this is a nice nine-year-old people who like make weird like psychosis field comics in their basement so there you go turn your life around financially become financially free person wow that's a big offer are you stuck in a nine-to-five job or worse never enough money because inflation okay feel like you can't pursue your dreams your do you live in a country with extreme rape laws oh that's not there that's a later lesson i believe it was this website that on the internet he took it down but it's on the way back machine that he basically brags about being a sex trafficker and it's since been removed but that that was uh oh yes that was on his website yeah okay what's up guys i thought let's give a quick review on hustlers university part two now like you i was probably um i was very skeptical at the first because i've seen a few videos when i saw that he was doing a course it's kind of like i was exactly like i would expect somebody that pays for hustler university look like cool you probably are as well but i've been after one month um pleasantly surprised i think this course is amazing what's different is is i'm gonna say the first thing i think this is the most important thing to remember is that this isn't necessarily just one course it's a group of people so if you get stuck have you shut up yeah do you have that testimonial it really was on his website you're right yeah i'm gonna look for it you know what i think we had an old dock when we first talked about it how much is it i wonder if i can pick it up 50 bucks a month that's that's reasonable chet's saying the guy in that video looks like you dan oh [ __ ] bro what but they say that about everybody they said about it yeah so is that dog yeah [ __ ] though that's kind of brutal anyway another thing a bff's again it's like not sure how to describe tomorrow's episode andrew tape but it certainly was interesting i mean again he's just becoming like a fun character to have on your podcast and i'm just not sure about all that like at some point someone being entertaining or funny is not enough to warrant them platform like dude you guys got to see him beating the [ __ ] out of that woman it's on the internet you can't you there you got to take some responsibility in who you [ __ ] platform it's just do you know what i mean like there's enough people watching that are going to think he's funny or cool or not serious but there it is andrew tate ladies and gentlemen is striking a mainstream fame um [Music] yeah if you want to know what your brain is on andrew tate that's what happened to god greek god x for sure anyway whatever that's it anything else guys uh no leftovers tomorrow remember tomorrow morning is the teddy fresh sale at 10 a.m pst so if you guys want some 50 off get out there because it's probably gonna go pretty fast i'm sorry dan what were you saying i don't remember it wasn't important so here it is we got the world as a dumpster fire so everything is 50 off sale begins at 17 hours baby except for the gentle thrills which is the one that just came out about everything else including this shirt i'm wearing now oh miss you oh miss yeah so yeah that's that's fun exciting for anyone who wants some teddy spread well go ahead i'm sorry i'm just going to say because a lot of new members don't know because we're being gifted so many new memberships if you were given a membership you could watch all the behind the scenes now on the channel there's a playlist we have about 30 of them we have majority of them wow good job man thank you uh i don't think there's a playlist i think that's a lie i think you just told a lie i'm a filthy liar well i just went to the community you can make one i think if you go to the community tab oh yeah i'm sorry dan everybody document this i was ready i was right for once members only videos it's one of those self-made playlists oh it's like auto generation auto generated oh that's cool well there you go there is a playlist yeah lots of work yes stuff back there for members um we do one a week that abe produces that's pretty good stuff there exclusive stuff also we're going to be doing a live viewing soon of uh tiptoes tippy toes right you had said potentially this weekend is that still a thing i don't know well are you guys available because you guys gave up your last weekend too so i don't want to uh that's true i don't want to push you guys that's true this weekend i have i can't speak for everyone but i'm down i think we may have plans as a crew next not this weekend but next weekend so maybe we should do it this weekend if everyone can okay let's i'll let you guys know on friday if we're gonna do uh the tippy toes viewing this weekend cool it would be fun i love that [ __ ] i can't wait to watch that movie the role of a lifetime gary all of a lifetime all right well thanks for watching everybody happy wednesday my dudes we will be back on friday for after dark and um close out the week katie cat meow thank you for oh i think five to twenty we're about to end but i think i found it i pulled up yeah i believe this is the page me was that me it's like right now oh sorry sorry [Music] oh yeah here it is my job is to get women to fall in love with me literally that was my job my job is to meet girls go on a few dates sleep with her test if she's quality get her to fall in love with me to where she'll do anything i say and then get her on webcam so we become rich together whether you agree or disagree with what i did with their loyalty submission and love for me doesn't matter you cannot reject the results and the results are simple my girlfriends would do more for me than 99 of men's wives would do for them blah blah blah what i learn in this job so yeah this has all been scrubbed from his website but this is basically him that was his selling bragging about i recruit women into sex work yeah i love he's like yeah no they stay they stay they pay me willingly and they just stay here not by force or anything right yeah they just love me yeah what's not to love about uh cobra there it is thank you everybody we'll see you on friday have a good week uh until then and god bless we'll be uh hanging out and shout out to my best friend jeff widdick hope you're having a great day buddy [Applause] bye guys [Music] bye
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 1,733,004
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: h3h3, h3, h3 after dark, h3h3productions, ethan klein, hila klein, ethan and hila, ethan & hila, off the rails
Id: Hg5SSg4A74g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 210min 20sec (12620 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 13 2022
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