Dave Chappelle Discusses the Philosophical Implications of COVID, Lockdowns

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the jurgen experience quick question before i go this is what because this is coming up and the next time we meet i want to ask you about what you think the vaccine are you taking it i'll take it if it works if i feel that the doctors have all gotten their opinions behind it and they think you know what it is it's like an mrna vaccine this new vaccine it makes your body think that it doesn't introduce actual covenant into your system and you fight it off it makes your body think that it's coveted and your body builds the proper proteins to fight it off the guy explained it to us yesterday nicholas christakis he's from yale um he thinks he likes no he doesn't he's a good man he uh he thinks that he's a great man and like i won't let you disparage him like no i'm not disparaging he's like he's certain [ __ ] a soy bean muffin soy bean he's a doctor okay anyway he uh he thinks the vaccine will be uh very effective and uh even if you if it doesn't keep you from getting it it'll prevent or hopefully prevent you from getting a bad case of it i don't know though so so what would you need would you would you would you need just the consensus of a body of doctors you trust and people's experiences because people have already taken it so if people have taken it like what is the experience they say that they you know had uh they felt like [ __ ] for a few days that's it now is that true i mean who are they have you talked to them what's a few days and what do you mean by feel like [ __ ] like did you try running four days later and you still felt terrible like so it apparently they're distributing this vaccine almost now right i don't think it's totally ready but it very soon will be ready and uh if it's effective they're going to encourage people to take it it's it makes people feel really nervous for like doctors and like essential people yeah first and then um it's gonna probably people that are high risk like yeah but the thing is it's gonna have people have a sense of like there is something that could be done now like it's a sense of hope it's a sense of progress it's a sense of like you know we it was at one time we didn't have a thought of a vaccine now we got competitors and [ __ ] yeah people to think different listen if it works we should take it just but i know how people get real nervous black people don't [ __ ] with vaccines i told you that son how do you feel about it black people don't [ __ ] with no vaccines dave well i mean i feel like it's inconclusive because your caveat was i'd take it if i felt safe about it yeah that's just just the thing don't you feel like that same way of course but so now you know for the first time we're learning we're learning how a drug the process of a drug you know going through trials we're learning this literally as a nation we're all watching this thing take place and an accelerated version of it an accelerated version of it because usually a vaccine takes multiple years to develop yeah so this is uh really quick to be able to have something this quick and turn it around and it's like those movies where they find a cure by the end and you're like it's [ __ ] they're doing it well not a cure but a vaccine that's a big deal it's the good thing is if another one comes around they're going to be more prepared to do something like this quicker right like i think people needed to really understand that in our lifetime something can kill the world's economy and and kill hundreds of thousands of people here and a million people worldwide i think everybody else i don't think we i think we knew it but i don't think we really expected it right no they knew what they were the obama administration had prepared for precisely that eventually reality but i mean us of course we couldn't write my mind around it even if they told you even if you watched bill gates speech and ted talk in 2015 you would never internalize it and think there's there's a pandemic coming now nobody now we know there is now the the we're going to want to invest in the the medical infrastructure to make sure that they prepare better next time this is hopefully people are going to learn from this that's oh yeah 100 people know glass has nothing to go nothing is going to be new there's nothing going to be new about it no well the debate is is largely philosophical right i mean to to this thing there's two schools of thought one school of thought is it's just going to be what it's going to be and we'll you got to keep moving like why close anything and the other school thought which i thought was you know more than just a philosophy it was it was a science right remember the premise when they locked us up was we have to wait to catch up to our medical infrastructure yeah so we don't overburden our medical infrastructure we got to suppress the disease till we can build up the infrastructure and they gave us an early estimate of two weeks this is how comedian does when the comedian's doing a real long set he goes one more thing before i go and then he does that four or five times and you realize oh this guy's gonna do another hour oh yeah that's so [ __ ] rude yeah yeah but you know that trick yeah that's what the pandemic the corn team felt like two more weeks three more weeks maybe we'll open bars and you know that kind of [ __ ] but there's no way to control it other than create it yourself right what do you mean like the the whole vibe of the the scene right the vibe of which scene the pandemic you said how do we get used to it what can we do about it well he's also saying here's the thing we never signed up to let people tell us that we can and can't take risks or go to work and by saying that if you do it you're going to kill other people that's what changed the game right and so everybody has to figure out how much of that they're willing to accept and how much of that are they not and whether or not they're willing to take a shot um take this this vaccine without you know knowing the long-term effects of it or worrying about the long-term effects of and some people are naturally averse to taking any kind of medication they don't want to do it and other people are like if you tell me it's good and all the doctors agree and it'll help mankind i'll [ __ ] do it that's how i feel if i listen polio okay [ __ ] doesn't exist anymore smallpox doesn't exist anymore at least not in the numbers that it used to be right because that's because of vaccines like the idea that vaccines have done bad things only or that they're dangerous only it's crazy like vaccines are the responsible for the giant vaccine i think the at the core this is you just trust yes they trust these sources and people realize that they're at the mercy of someone that they don't necessarily trust right that's the that's interrupt well maybe maybe don't problem touch your own face and don't go outside i'll tell you when to come out said love a renowned liar yeah right tough one that was a tough one especially here it goes something really touches something really sore in the core of an american's identity like you said how can you tell me to do this yeah it's crazy man this was a tough one here it's a weird one it makes us redefine what it is to be a person you know like if all of a sudden you have other people that got elected into a position of power that's all they did they want a popularity contest and they're dictating whether things go this way or that way and they don't necessarily have the right answer they just have their own answer and dallas is doing it different that this town and you know washington state's doing it different than nevada everyone's doing it different but everybody's trying to do it also yeah but governors can tell you what you can and can't do it gets real weird and i get it they're trying to keep the hospital numbers down but you told us it was going to be two weeks like you guys said two weeks and now here we are like nine months later and everyone's just waiting for only for a vaccine but i'm not speaking about you know if it's right if it's wrong not speaking about like that i'm just saying whatever it was that was very difficult yeah that was very difficult very difficult you know i was fine but not knowing when you can work not being able to move around not being able to see my mother you know you would never thought if someone had told me 11 months ago even the night before they the last night we went to where we were in milwaukee yes it was perhaps the last show it was the last night between shows right it's a two show night uh and the energy had changed it went from festive to like people look worried when i got off stage and tom hanks had had it the one nba guy who would touch everything that had it and then the horn starts ringing they're going to shut the country down i i literally go that's impossible we're going to shut down the world it's impossible this is this is what i thought my initial reaction but the energy changed now i go out and do the second show and immediately and i wasn't even thinking about this [ __ ] earlier that night i come out on stage and everybody reach your hand hey i thought about it okay i start you know shaking people's hands oh i'm worried but yeah it was but yeah the neighbor for wouldn't have even been concerned about it went into the agreement for 40 minutes and talked to people who have been glued to the television watching the news and then they they scared the [ __ ] out of me my behavior changed almost instantly it's interesting i don't get too heavy i mean i'm only hanging out with them no man that's this thing it's not too heavy that's exactly how i felt about it too i remember i shook a dude's hand on a flight i was flying to vegas for the fights it was like one of the last fights before they shut it down and uh some dude goes i don't know you want to shake hands like i'll shake your hand we shook hand he had a mask on already and i was like wow he was ready to go down he was i think this was the very beginning of march this was the first the first time i would have been um tested any capacity was when i did your show that time that was the first time i had an antibody test or anything i would have never expected here we would be deep into november and we're all still kind of locked down when this started you lived in l.a you had no plans to come here yeah you're in texas think about it your whole your whole life has changed what's interesting about this time was another thing we should talk about next time it come is that the in mass it feels like we're rewriting our social contracts you know the whole thing and covet is an accelerant on this process that i could have never imagined yeah you know they'll they're locked inside man people are are stuck in a house with their choices do you like your house do you like who you're with do you like these things you've accumulated i hope you like them because you're stuck with them i make great choices i like my choices you know when i was faced with it like that i was like i had it much better than many people but imagining people doing that in mass is pretty powerful it's a pretty powerful thought what does this do to a society this type of isolation and and almost forced reflection yeah which is not necessarily a bad thing right and we've always talked about how life is a rat race right people get stuck in this rat race it feels never ending it's not good that all these people lost their jobs it's not good that all these people are going to lose where they live but not at all it might help some people recognize that if you just keep going in this rat race it just it never ends you got to figure out a way out and now is a better time to figure out a way out than ever because you kind of have to you kind of have to and society as it existed 10 months ago it's not the same place it's the same what's the country what's the country that there's a country maybe somewhere in south pacific or something that measures their their success as a nation with what they call their gross national happiness this totally different premise what country is that i can't remember maybe maybe you google gross national happiness thanks fingers [Laughter] it says bhutan there it is bhutan there you go this is a real this is a real principle it's a philosophy guys the government think about this this is a philosophy that guys the government of bhutan it includes an index which is used to measure the collective happiness this is the metric that they use to define their success if they tried that in america they turn into an app and it would [ __ ] up everything oh my god people would just be striving to win the points on the app it would make people insane they'd get addicted to trying to be a better person this is this is the vastly this is a vastly better metric i'm not you know a communist none of that [ __ ] but i i think that i know too many people who are very wealthy who have what i consider poor quality of life just because like you say the wealth is the point yeah they chased it they chased it and they didn't have any friends right you're very welcome you're hunting you love your dog your dog hangs out with you like [ __ ] scooby doo your kids like your kids like you you you you're living an adventure of a life now you're doing the same thing you're doing in l.a in a totally different city just because you're following that knowing feeling i got to be free episodes of the joe rogan experience are now free on spotify that's right they're free from september 1st to december 1st they're going to be available everywhere but after december 1st they will only be available on spotify but they will be free that includes the video the video will also be there it'll also be free that's all we're asking just go download spotify much love
Channel: JRE Clips
Views: 4,993,307
Rating: 4.8223615 out of 5
Keywords: Joe Rogan, JRE, Joe Rogan Experience, JRE Clips, PowerfulJRE, Joe Rogan Fan Page, Joe Rogan Podcast, podcast, MMA, Joe Rogan MMA Show, UFC, comedy, comedian, stand up, funny, clip, favorite, best of
Id: 2Wz7KvLFgYQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 32sec (812 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 19 2020
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