Daughter Tests Positive For Coronavirus, What Happens Next Is Shocking | Dhar Mann

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[Music] seriously unbelievable I'm so sorry you know my daughter's in this hospital right now fighting kovat and you and your people are to blame for this if it wasn't for this Roma virus my daughter wouldn't be in the hospital right now I'm so sorry about your daughter ma'am but whatever why do you guys have to eat bats anyway why can't you eat something normal like chicken oh I've never eaten about before I actually don't even eat chicken I'm vegetarian Yeah right you and your people are the whole reason this pandemic even happened let me ask you something do you have kids yes I actually have a daughter yeah well imagine not being able to see your daughter you have no idea what that feels like well actually I do you know what that feels like you see don't even think about coming into this elevator okay you and your people already got my daughter sick and you're not going to get me sick to you neither take the next elevator or you take the stairs [Music] hi can you tell me how my daughter Ellery is doing she has the coronavirus and I haven't been able to see her since she was admitted imma shake ups I know Ellery we've all gone dog at the hospital how is my little girl I've been so worried I haven't been able to eat or sleep please please give me some good news actually miss Jacobs I have some great news she's doing much better it's on her way to making a full recovery what oh thank god I thought I would never see my baby again well you can see her right now luckily she's been in great hands come follow me she's my baby girl I thought I was never gonna see you again I love you so much I love you too mom last time we spoke it it sounded like you weren't gonna make it well to be honest I didn't think I was gonna make it either but this wonderful doctor she she saved my life you hello mrs. Jacobson dr. Reyes it's nice to see you again dr. Reyes has been with me non-stop since I got the coronavirus she's the reason I'm actually okay oh my god I am so sorry I can't believe it I feel so bad for how I treated you it's okay I understand you were just stressed about not being able to see your daughter [Music] I know what that feels like you do does your daughter have Co vid - no thankfully she's okay but I still haven't been able to see her you see since the outbreak in the u.s. this hospital has been slammed with sick patients I have been working day and night trying to help kids recover from kovat 19 these days I barely even eat or sleep but the hardest part of what I do isn't the long hours it's not being able to see my own daughter because I don't want to expose her to the virus the only thing that keeps me going is knowing I get to help other children get better some mothers like you you can see their daughters again even if it means I don't get to see my own so you see earlier when you said I had no idea what it's like not being able to see my daughter you were wrong I do know what that feels like because I haven't seen my baby in weeks oh my goodness I am so so sorry I can't believe the sacrifices you're making for us parents it's okay I understand you you didn't know it's just done no excuse for how I treated you you are an amazing person thank you I'm so glad you get to be with your daughter again that makes me so happy excuse me yes it was nice talking to you mrs. Jacobs and I'm so glad you're feeling better Ellery thank you so much dr. Reyes you saved my life yes thank you so much I will never forget this you're welcome yeah I've got other children to take care of so they can also see their parents [Music] hadar man damn thanks so much for watching that video and I hope you love that message please remember that we're not just telling stories we're changing lives and when you share my videos you're helping to change lives too because of the love and support that the doorman fam shows me we just hit this many views I appreciate you watching and I'll see you in the next video [Music]
Channel: Dhar Mann
Views: 14,420,833
Rating: 4.8976073 out of 5
Keywords: dhar mann, life tips, life lessons, motivational, inspirational, be kind to others, why you should be kind to others
Id: gurZcyLwybI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 52sec (472 seconds)
Published: Thu May 21 2020
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