Kid FAKES ALLERGIC REACTION, He Instantly Regrets It | Dhar Mann

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okay can anyone tell me what kind of an angle this is how about mikey [Music] mikey oh what's up listening to music in my class eh give them to me sorry can you tell me what kind of angle number one is a triangle that is incorrect you did do last night's reading assignment right yeah i just didn't remember that one that's all good because i have a little surprise for everyone pop quiz all right everybody take your stuff off your desk except for your pencils and don't turn the paper over until i ask you to this so i decided to make this i'll figure something else out there which is nothing compared to the exam are you all right no my stomach it really hurts did you eat something bad maybe i'm allergic to peanuts they might have been in something that i hate oh oh in that case you better go to the nurse's office but i don't want to miss your quiz it's okay your health is way more important thanks mr i'm really matthews it's not your fault just feel better [Music] hopefully we get to play basketball today you know you run on wednesdays i want to run so hot there's no way of getting out of this mr wylie is coming all right everyone we're doing one mile today what are you crazy that's way too far could do two miles let's go follow my lead i don't want to run my needs it's not like you have a choice oh hey your shoelace actually i've got an idea what are you talking about oh just watch oh my ankle mikey mikey are you okay my ankle i think i twisted it your shoelace is untied it's probably how you fell can you put any pressure on it i don't know let me try barely you think you can make it to the nurse's office i don't know but you guys go on without me huh are you sure i can call for help actually isn't your mom a nurse what's her number i'll try calling her right now no don't do that um i mean i can't run but i'll make it to the nurse's office okay great make sure to tie your shoelace all right hope you feel better mikey all right guys keep running come on [Music] oh i heard you've been showing dharman videos in class my son really loves those yeah yeah the kids seem to learn a lot from him no most do at least that one he's a constant troublemaker mikey he twisted his ankle on our run today for fella looks like he's feeling better though hey he told me he had a stomachache this morning so he couldn't take the pop quiz wait did he happen to twist his ankle at the beginning of the run or at the end at the beginning why [Music] oh are you saying he i i don't know for sure but for someone with a stomach stomachache and a twisted ankle he seems to be doing just fine now wow i'm gonna have a little talk with them and oh [Music] i got a better idea hey jaden do me a favor i'm not gonna let you call me my answers again i know that genius you think i don't have a better plan let me see that bar why because i'm hungry yeah like you know you keep playing people stop believing after a while hey everybody sorry i'm late i just printed off your exams booyah mikey is everything all right [Applause] hey are you okay no feels like i can't breathe did you eat this bar well this has peanuts in it no wonder i'm having an allergic reaction shoot we we better get you to the nurse right away but i can't afford to miss your quiz it's all right health always comes first come on i'll take you uh no i'm fine i'll go by myself don't worry about me no i insist jaden would you mind handing this out to everyone no problem thanks come on let's go hang in there buddy honestly i'm feeling a little better you can go mr matthews mikey back again i see he's having trouble breathing it might be an allergic reaction well it looks like we're gonna have to call your mother my mom no please don't call her well you are having trouble breathing right well then that settles it uh let's see here hello yes mrs miller i have your son mikey in my office it seems he's having trouble breathing what is he okay oh well he seems to be stable for now and since you work at the hospital i thought i'd give you a call first thank you well if you can't breathe i don't want to waste any time calling ambulance right away oh yes of course an ambulance oh hey mom it's me um i'll be fine i promise we can't take any chances mikey but i don't want to go in an ambulance because i'm uh because i'm scared of them hey it's mr matthews you know what i'll just bring him are you sure thank you so much see you soon come on mikey we gotta go right away okay oh so good we were able to get you a room so quickly the doctor should be here any second mom i don't need a doctor really i'm gonna be fine can we please just go home sweetheart this is nothing to take lightly is he doing okay no he's having trouble breathing he ate some peanuts and he's allergic to them oh no we should get ready to operate right away then operate no there's no need for any of that he may be an anaphylactic shock it creates difficulty in breathing and in some extreme cases can even lead to death death no no i can't lose my mikey no i'm fine really see i can breathe normally last time i heard a patient say that a few moments later she slipped into cardiac arrest what no hang in there mikey you gotta hang on i'm calling the code ready oh what's that noise turn it off please what's going on we've got a level five anaphylactic shock that's not good operation mikey are you okay yes i'm crying i just want to go home [Music] now [Music] okay mikey i'm gonna give you a heavy dose in three stop i made it all up okay what are you talking about i faked out an allergic reaction so i didn't have to do our test i didn't mean for it to go this far mikey are you saying that you lied i lied okay i'm sorry well it's too late what are you doing we still have to give you a shot no no no no no fake retractable stretch it's not real none of it is not even a siren that's not even hooked up to anything we knew you were faking it all along you did i'll see you later kathy bye thanks for all your help but [Music] how did you know that i was lying well when you keep lying people will stop believing you after a while and you don't have a very good track record do you because i don't sorry well don't think you're getting out of it that easy you are in big trouble but we'll deal with that when you get home right now you have an exam to take come on mikey let's go to school [Music] hey mikey how's that ankle feeling to tell you the truth my ankle never even really hurt i just didn't want to run i must say respect your honesty well since your ankle doesn't hurt while everyone else plays basketball you can run no i don't want to run a mile who said anything about a mile we'll go for two see you in class oh and good luck on mr match's exam [Music] they are lovely boys so much energy so much creativity so much imagination and never a dull moment oh yeah
Channel: Dhar Mann
Views: 25,265,654
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dhar Mann, motivation, motivational video, inspirational video, self improvement, self help, self development, personal development, short film, inspirational, life lessons
Id: 1qf8dZpLED0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 9sec (669 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 19 2021
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