Darkest Dungeon w/ Color of Madness DLC (Part 2) - PC Darkest

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actually verse human manslayer of course she has a manslayer buff of course of course she does oh I can't trade paper [Music] booms quiet sigh she can be found even here perfect in the mud and rain alright so grave robber with manslayer those of the keen eye gold gleams like a daggers point fear beasts I guess I'll take the other ones less bad I've got a hell yeah barrack rage and unrelenting savagery make for a powerful ally quick trivia question for chat what is the Hellions best ability one of the best oh yeah iron swan of course and then the other one need more faces curious methodologies and apparatus and calm even the most tormented soul [Music] Europe combined with the plague doctor dis means you can perma stun almost the entire party at its fantastic so good all right I guess we're gonna go in the ruins again we'll take this group seemed to work out really well lepers boo and you Gepetto the greater good I can probably afford to buy a couple upgrades for these people or everyone's upgrades sure [Music] we have any good trinkets I don't think we got any No think we're fine with abilities holy Lance is fantastic being a whole like party for that alright let's prepare up we need some keys some shovels I think that's it really how much more let's go pace out the halls of your lineage once familiar now Lauren all right keep going other master is just fine that's rounder master oh god is it is it it's an event amor met dissing orbs camera it's one of the other which one is it I think it's one of the other for the alchemy table herbs herbs got it that's it that's your big score of money if right cost more to buy those herbs in it it's all right I'm not snot that trigger Hey would you guys like to not drink you don't get to go chill Chuck nice get rekt don't spill your kool-aid that is so fun who chew spells their drink honestly [Music] and you're gone ladies a faint hope blossoms this finish them finish them area got Katie when you think about it this game has to be one of the few games that at added a narrator to the game and make it really work really well and make it me mobile and people love it other games have tried narrators before they just fail this one doesn't really good oh my god you can't take all that task well performed god damn it you son of a one time you can't do that what he's like you'll be mine now Dan lol I got a roof Pennsylvania that sucks so much executed with impunity we gone oh god yes that is sexy pure sex right there four-day okay he's gonna die so just go ahead and soon sedated success so clearly and boom I think more is it merely a trick completely he's not saying baited yeah everyone's just doing he's saying sedated yet people still type in anyways I don't Stan why hax laden with loot are often low on supplies he's not saying they did but you guys still do jebaited anyways this team has gone really well Oh rabies from a book kind of get rabies from a book something could be cents how how is it even in there I don't we're gonna let the light to go out I believe this is holy water flittering gold trinkets and baubles paid for in blood Oh 60 60 70 I got any success we did it Heil light engulfs the hero Oh [Music] we have to go through one fight in pure blackness now my thanks for subscribing oh thank you for seven for action Winker thank you very much I should kill her era another abomination cleansed from our lands oh yeah snow lay proof gently this is how a life is taken yeah sedated destroy gotcha oh yeah I'm weary triumphant pride precipitates a dizzying fall I'm looking forward to I am looking forward to Tuesday because usually they're the launch of their DLC is always extremely rough and brutal it remember that remember the goddamn crocodile holy [ __ ] from the DLC last time oh my god that crocodile was its sanely difficult they're like no it's fine ship it ship it ship it I know if the hell out of it but that thing was insane yeah that was I had real-life stress level problems there Cole's confidence surges as the enemy crumbles their fairy gun is broken maintain the offensive didn't get much loot in this place so one more curio left so let's go grab that yeah the goddamn crocodile and the stupid yeah exactly a chat typing right there plant plant plant crocodile oh the confession booth oh is it holy water so the torch you can't remember most of what's the confession booth [Music] why maza use our stuff it's worthless it'll mark it off forever I'm gonna use it resolution quick removed oh I would have [ __ ] okay let's get out of here the shifted corridors and sloped walls of our ancestry are beginning to feel familiar 50% damaged if in position one damn not bad 5% virtue chance damaged person wholly reduces stress thank you of try irritant the sum of sanguine memory to me okay it's that at home and while Kelly's knows she is a stalwart survivor and a strict instructor man-at-arms the raw strength of youth may be spent but his highs hold the secrets of a hundred campaigns what else we've grabbed something else last time it was a grave robber that's right he's three all right so let's do all right last few subs were wanker back to it then gesture and deme plume and thanks for subbing you guys now we're gonna die in my party grave-robber the gesture or gesture the grave robber yeah dan little llo is fantastic she did such a good job trinkets and charms gathered from all the Forgotten corners of the earth wanker and gestured oh great names all right stress everyone stress is fine we got cured get rid of that [ __ ] like now I think that I need that gone okay who do we let's go back there other party to guess Oh that which lady well let's do our bleed party let's go with the bleeders we'll have you stress you go drink over here stress heal and then you're gonna go out with that group now you worked well you and then the gesture I almost clicked just all right so Recaros come with us linguini Dismas and bishop are you guys in chat ready are you I don't want you afk every reviewer in my party thanks for subscription oh he's dead thank you who go the one they need for the Soul but shovels one key 1/2 stacks of that what holy water go alright who go the one again thank you for that prime sub to prosecute our war against the swine we must first scout the squalid homes how much will DLC kostik it's 5 bucks littering gold it's a small dlc babu not very long paid for in blood going oh this layout sucks [ __ ] so much backtracking Adam you know Jeff go ahead and do iris nice nice exposed to a killing blow you know I'll do it too come on confidence surges as the enemy crumbles paint cool [Music] as the fiend pulls a faint hope blossoms alrightso blood I believe this requires herbs yes holy food oh my god it's so much food holy crap hey but let's watch some food Jesus I know we're gonna like feast let me go around this way and then back down would it be fine swap it out okay poor food finding the stuff is only the first test how it must be carried home too much food we didn't get this much food last time holy crap if we get this much food every time we can bring you very light on the food [Music] boom boom boom add on with some bleed he should be gone with a poof nice nice nice it get up oh yeah and it's broken okay I love the highway my friend soup oh yeah slowly gently this party makeup is so life is wrong come on any cheese's really like seriously [Music] prodigious size alone does not dissuade the sharpener you have you're lucky sometimes their clothes can do some major work huge damages flood used to drop really low rarely but now drops all the damn time get rid of that ooh [Music] moonshine what's moonshine barrel chat what can use against that riposte party birds baron is insane herbs whoops could he resist it good we got rid of my herbs unburnt torch axe laden with loot are often low on supplies that's true but we have the monies instead Giap carelessness will find no clemency in this place we have a lot to move through this dungeon holy water Oh money beautiful three stacks of food I know we're hungry try to keep it try keep it on low light cha guys she is stressing the hell out isn't she I actually love the art style this game so good isn't it fantastic has such a unique style of just so expressive all books are always such a gamble great keep going books can sometimes be real whoa oh no no the spirits don't command you bloodthirsty fascinated injury wounds and torture oh great that's fantastic she's kind she's now officially a freak this is bandages for the monies oh okay here we go girls hedaan baby Brielle's good vision the end I just literally cured your rabies now you got it back already okay your dad dear please do that how you blow two-ply and brain he doesn't mind that though it's okay okay fleadom [Music] until goodbye Lord destroy them all it's okay she got stunned in truth and now he's guaranteed dead you stress her [Music] thank you the slow death unforeseen unforgiving awfully said oh he cut to him wholly sector is mount so too will resistance [Music] okay Garden Camp circling in the dark the battle may yet be won okay flatulence prevents nighttime ambush please [Music] [Music] oh geez that's such a good stress he oh my god [Music] and accuracy and crit I guess we'll do it I'd you the way is lit the passage a sacrificial stone chat what's that one her only the strength to follow it sacrificial stone ignore it nope never ignoring that's fine that's fine that's fine it's fine now he's damn crazy crazy it's fine I know Dan lol [Music] Oh I resisted the bleed go ahead and yes let's try ha ha ha [Music] to impress this advantage give them no quarter [Music] great a Chopin that cuts on its own you're gonna get [ __ ] you too whoa all right go ahead and party he'll guess [Music] I hear yourself I'm gonna bleed yourself I want to get that stress field going [Music] and you'll die yeah this bill does remind yourself that overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer that is so good that how this Herriman builds what their tunnels so garrulous impossible dying light enhanced edition on sale for $20 on Steam thank you black wolf you hear that guy's dying lights fit only 20 bucks right now if you haven't played it's a really good game thanks for letting us know strike irritant to some a sanguine memory to me Dynalite so yeah it's a lot of fun I've really enjoyed that like very good game hound master I don't have a hound master yet [Music] slugger though [Music] sluggers really good yeah Slugger is like the elusive pervasive persistent righteous traits for a rogue to many Me's are to Opie and dying light it's a good mix [Music] righteous my dude thank you this this setups and working really good clutter I don't want that that's good nympho media a holy man that's a nymph nipple mania her zermatt I don't need the how master just yet although although hound master town master mixed with our bliss mixed with the Bounty Hunter is a mark group and mark groups are hmm oh and I need a cultist thanks for subscrip oh thank you woosh woosh - thank you very much for summing I get some papers I need a 16 Oh guys so many thanks for subscribe oh he's dead yes 21 word is traveling ambition is stirring in distant cities beautiful we can use this I still need an occultist I haven't found one yet [Music] I guess I'll do without the occultist but we need to get some cash gonna need to do the antiquary and run all right our our new our new person is going to be called mooched you will be our new hi women and the hound master will be the other new sub which is a well thank you for subbing guys the a cultist is subtle occultus is a very fun healer but very swingy sometimes it heals for so much and other times it heals for nothing and then bleeds the target in your leg it happens I don't like it I've had fights where he just had to heal for one one damage just one to save the hero and then he heals for nothing bleeds the target and the bleed kills the person on their next turn it's ahahaha I know it's so just mmm classic occultist I know all right what we'll try to do like a new party group make up for the next one legend it plus damage - speed plus dress gesture bleed skill chance oh that's really good for my gesture I need that like now feeling received plus 25 protection for antiquarian that's really good for her too hmm all right let's try this so let's try man-at-arms with our new highwayman antiquarian and meet a good third party person probably just the good old Vestal the collection out of work not work all right so that group I'll make sure that they have the right abilities uh she needs to protect me I'm weak ability thanks for subscribe oh he's lurker thank you for that new sub it's very nice of you thank you very much her abilities are so bad there's so bad all these ones suck hello flash powders not bad she's really good at buffing handy buffing [Music] alright that for our man-at-arms make sure he has reposed good riposte I don't want that he has a forward Juan Tabo doesn't he interesting thanks for subscript oh thank you Bob's left leg thank you for the sub and then who else is with us we got the new guy the new mooched loosed are you ready for it are you ready you haven't seen you in battle yet are you sure you're okay for this we're trusting you here put me in coach okay Lucia's couch is ready all right we'll see if you fail me you will be banned just kidding about that right yeah sure just teasing all right we're going to try this party hopefully it works all right the collection see any other in good trinkets plus max HP man-at-arms Plus dodge stun resistant resistance sure why not yeah just for a little bit of HP down not worth it all right let's go Oh God one of these missions they take up so much space don't they good we did a trip to [Music] Arlis anything else you guys think would anything else thing we're good we're fine look it's all right can the defiled be consecrated and the Fallen find rest can we completely avoid that battle there we can get rid of one of these quests items right away which is great thank God for that okay that's gonna help out a ton I don't have to think for this you do it lady go all right this is the moment of truth see how good this party is protect me stop it confidence surges as the enemy crumbles get them ah come on [Music] get up not bad heels [Music] there we go Oh Mellie and fiend not bad not bad go ahead and buffer one vapin of time to perform beyond where one's limits pills buf that's sick VAP though got it oh yes advantage give them no quarter beautiful top of the music if it's distorted pause and unpause it's a comment which but it's going on right now and yourself that overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer holy goddamn okay that that thanks for subscribe oh he's dead the way is lit the path is clear we require only the strength to follow it hmm here are the badges okay now I go the other way but skip those two fights right there that are unnecessary Oh what bug I'll know if you're there's a twitch bug where if you join a stream sometimes the music will sound robotic II the music that maybe it's not every sound but sometimes the sound will sound like they like you all you have to do is refresh and it'll fix it for your paws on pause it's a twitch sound bug pops up every now and then it's only certain people sometimes it's not all the time just randomly will happen I've quick refresh tree fixes it fixes it though we don't have the new dlc were preparing for the dlc launches on tuesday get them on that ads inventory space well the whole game is balanced around having a little a limited inventory space as well just get myself all the money's due Davey a handsome reward for a task well performed you need to protect me protect me I'm fragile [Music] we're playing on normal mode I'm on baby stop it are you I might know the person that reads the title the stream and every go to a streamer yes based on all the questions yes you're the only person ever reached the title ever boo the phalion is broken maintain the offensive ile baby what her guard wore off what the [ __ ] raw prescient [ __ ] we hear how good vision the end approaches you're more important thank God Aragog early onslaught destroy em all when is sgdq started soon as many as the fiend pulls but plain truth blossoms oh yeah I cannot wait for sgdq can't wait for the drama yeah someone we get super triggered about something you know what it'll be this time i oughtta be sub only in addition at least promises success every day to camp already damn I was yeah all companions plus 10% damage bad it's night time ambush yes [Music] produce a random trinket crit crit crit nice as the light gains purchase spirits are lifted and purpose is made clear all right keep good how what we're talking about is like there's usually a controversy like every year because something goes wrong that such missteps all the except someone wears a blue shirt and someone's triggered because they don't do blue anymore or someone says Hakuna Matata but apparently lions are meat-eaters which means them not vegan and that's offensive to them like it's all kinds of stuff [ __ ] to hear all kinds of randomness you never know what you're gonna get protect me owl come on oh yes good job boom yes don't need to be in the front for that it's fine you gotta move back though whoa yeah it's weird just how obsessed obsessed people are now about what people say or don't say it's crazy oh that 25 okay starch dr. ken got him move backward good job they executed with impunity all right let's see do I have any food laughing let's give you some heels you get the key what is that what was that dodge - one speed look at that - you more tanking stats perfect I guess it's true that people always been obsessed but now we have social media so it's far easier to put your nose in other people's business than it ever has been confession booth oh ooh try holy water yes it did nothing hmm got to live with dance it was Hirsch polluting with the wrong person god damn it by the way thank you all for being here by the letter you guys are awesome thanks for choosing to hang out with us today hope you guys are having fun one shot if you're new to the channel don't forget to follow stream every day we'd love to have you come back sometime [Music] Oh doggy starting such as not equal fun not for me but for you it's hilarious you love that [ __ ] you love watching me get mad over this [Music] thanks for subscription Oh dodge thank you fudge nuggets for the prime sub another abomination cleansed from our lands whoa the mine yeah keep healing seals aren't very good got him though Oh success so clearly and beyou or is it merely a trick of the lights I vote trick of the light but you know what do I do Oh God stop it okay kool-aid spills okay I can deal with a kool-aid spill protect me I'm weak and fragile nice yeah nice he said it though he said fashionable to the pig never hidden there you go good job protect me Emily's a brilliant confluence of skill and purpose right goodbye good our heels are just barely keeping up with this right now goodbye roof as victories mount so too will a resistance hmm increase here resistances leave the other work for Dow you do it go I'll thank God how many battles my god make sure she dies she's got to die fast everybody good dad so I'll talk about [Applause] oh no double bleed oh god stop oh my god stop it going I'm Nile Aidid all crit for brick at 6:00 but hey a crit is a crit though Oh God hey at least she's dead these nightmarish creatures can be failed they can be bleedin you know they can be beated but you know what absolute Ian's may we find victory do you know what absolutely can't be beaten though the value get out of a twitch Prime subscription this is this done just been super super heavy on the battles my god thanks to these trinkets in Babu Thank You drink more water or the blood rather have more shields speaking of which uh-oh good pull Hill needed that real bad thanks for subscript quiet why are we dancing what happened foolish horrors brought low and driven into the mud why we did something what happened I did it missed it I was a drink more water oh oh yes that makes sense okay I get it now drink more water therefore dance it Chad's always so funny little things they do I forgot all right I gotta live with antiquarian I keep forgetting where is it hopefully right there nope nope oh my god it's a very end [ __ ] oh he'll only treasure could staunch the flow of sorrow vaguely corruption the son of a [ __ ] ancient traps lie in wait unsprung and dismay what blood like you ink that's mine and she gets a coup it gets about her anymore she loved to spoon come on the walls close him the shadows whisper love to spoon give me a dance sad you failed me nice help a little bit Oh give her that guy [Music] of nice slice of bubbling ice our vessels doing serious work here there's we'd all be dead right now protection use the group heel more overall helium-4 chance to quit versus one well it's one to two per person so it's for split across four people sometimes eight but rarely this really depends horseguard by a lie okay all she doesn't want it oh come on [ __ ] [Music] one healing each yay yay yeah it's working so good right now seize this momentum push on to the tasks end no more battles no more battles no more battles okay I think we're done with battles come on who are you moving with what what you be get out of here got some serious cash with her though thank God second win yeah all bad the shuffling dead are silenced I barely move it releasing your communion over the ruins once more idea private to buy a house although houses here are so expensive Plus resolve XP and ruins a next quest on next quest there's got to be ruins okay you need to do stress cuz you're crazy right out Navitus um distressing as well you get some hookers enjoy your hookers whoa a cultist finally a cultist to fight the abyss one must know it I've a way for an occultist first so long speed on guard is decent I will go get a sec backup plague doctor better laboratory than the blood-soaked battlefield alright guys I have to tinker really fastener it back in about 38 seconds [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right what kind of be makes milk boobies oh Jesus okay sorry uh that'll do it that'll do it [Music] whoo let's revolt against and I don't blame you after what I just did all right looks like our first boss time all right Reynald the Leppa then plague doctor and heal their greater good every creature has a weakness the wise hero trains for what he will face all right let's go ahead and we'll try to upgrade everyone as best as we can for the boss everyone should be operating this plane up all right upgrade the heal beautiful the other one don't need to worry about too much spiring he'll stress he'll torch and slate healing that's fine boom I think himself with avenges all right purge is okay self feels decent [Music] and then for you noxious blast great like grenade is fantastic stun is amazing battle feels okay I'll upgrade anyways okay you're you're all set fed you noxious blast play grenade blinding gas that'll feel better soon yeah I think that's fine well let us start that one I don't know I don't really use that one very much intimidate mark target mark self debuff someone else purge clears enemy corpses knock someone back I want hue instead Hugh's pretty good against small guys in the front okay let's go ahead and jump in I think we're playing the base game the expansion unlocks on Tuesday will the high-level parties for it so getting the grind going now we started on a start on Tuesday then we'll have to just do all this first anyways stack of shovels a couple herbs that all that a couple bandages osp's not only the Pantages okay let's go masala over life and death was chief among my early pursuits I began in humility but my ambition was limitless who could have divined the prophetic import of something as unremarkable as a twitch in the leg of a dead rat as a what he said it a devil walks these holes only the mad or the desperate go in search of him I have to go that way I know he said it 70 60 70 70 this maps bigger than the boss map so always be the farthest away so let's do this map good oh damn all the treasure all right knock him out yes stunned oh [ __ ] Wow holy crap Vestal stop bad we gone down down holy crap [Music] holy [ __ ] food sedated [Music] Wow we're decimating holy fountain well we got the Plus damage from the class beautiful that 15% damage buff is coming in handy though axe laden with loot are often low on supplies yeah they just says DC little the new DLC is coming on Tuesday super excited because I can excited when Shaq gets excited you guys gonna be decided to watch me get mad roster in a charity event for the DLC as well even the cold stone seems bent on preventing passage please be good okay careful now careful this is the plate they'll be using because it requires high-level characters we're leveling our groups now [Music] I'm bad ow don't do that no we all share turns oh [ __ ] executed with impunity oh crap he's hurt thanks for subscribe oh he just hurt him taught me didn't you it's all just tottered me how quickly the tide turns oh come on stop okay it's done this time there we go flexing everyone fully stunned in their party now am i their party we're on normal difficulty confidence emerges as the NIH nice good job good job and oh holy [ __ ] give them no awfully sick oh my god cease this momentum push on to the tasks end it's gotta be that we were right there so close okay it's almost past time first a spark without kindling is a goal without hope lower their stress thank you accuracy and crit good [Music] accuracy and dodge yes oh no no not Democrats of men now no not an ambush [Music] continually onslaught destroy them or kerim will remind yourself their overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer oh god there's a button battle before the boss that sighs okay well here we go audience may we find victory yeah we trolls got some darkest dungeon things emotes thanks to Julia okay can I have a turn please thank you oh he freakin dodged their formation is broken maintain the offensive nice nice yeah no much of this game one one one great this is perfect perfect boom an abomination cleansed from our lands cure your bleeding and take the route the Sapphire all right here we go boss time towering fears terrible nightmare made material haribol Oh chop it gotcha Rufe smart hit him hit him hard keep stacking that blight of them Wow that was weak what the hell that was so weak thanks for subscriptions thank you thank you so much Matlin's Oh p-47 it's very nice of you Geils thanks for subscribe Oh keep stacking that light it's all damage around now another one fold as the feed swivels a faint hope blossoms exposed to a killing blow he's got to have a serious debuff on him out No yeah oh yeah leper leper hitting 431 whoo and all that treasure though littering gold trinkets and baubles later only protection miasmic or in blood take those use that take that beautiful flapper needs a nerf but the lepers downside as he has a really low accuracy all right and you can only hit the first couple rows and that's it at all a [ __ ] blow like he can't hit you can't hit the third row for me right now or the fourth you feeling baby smart hell yeah yeah it's very low mobility if he gets knocked to the back row it's really bad really bad [Music] if oh nice good job girl [Music] be wary triumphant pride precipitates a dizzying fall beautiful one thing new new that was a nope get the hell out of there who is level three resilient stress shield alright in time you will know the tragic extent of my failings Oh blueprint rewarded how lovely so much good stuff here nothing I really care about what double check though sometimes they get really really good [ __ ] you know he's got a double check this even if you don't want them may late it doesn't have any melee it's all ranged could have been good but nope 50 percent healing skills while camping yeah ma has bash he has blackjack he has one ability that's mainly which is a really good ability but now what I'll be using him for his Black Jacks really good oh right nope nothing there I care about stampton ruins is crazy we'll only pray for stress relief they're needed we need to try a mark party everyone's name mark no thanks for subscrip oh he's just like old Pony plaid thank you for the sub thank you very much let's try mark party will do the occultist [Music] the hound master herbalist and bounty hunter open season let's double check their their stuff here typeset damage birthmarks come either is good uppercuts also good crit verse stunned that's good and we'll mark just a case someone needs to mark okay someone's mark missus our then for you hound rush is good if someone's marked hounds Harry got nerfed to hell mark stress he'll liquids yourself his marks I should very good with the minus 20% protection I was by all those abilities sure her mark is minus 20 Dodge thanks for subscribe oh he's dead Thank You chicory coffee for subbing sniper shot is good suppressing fire sucks bolla knocks people back it's okay mine fires alright and then for you of course missile archery weakening curse now demons pull yes healing marking I want to mark him with that - dodge Venus for throw us and no stab actually maybe I want him in the third think I want him in the third marked for death there we go yep the game knows what's up as she's gonna be in the second spot which means he can do blackjack which is great I can't do that okay now check crickets plus five Dodge sure plus 10% melee skill damage stunts kill chance yes more dodge debuff skill chance yes all right let's go this group should be pretty good that we'll see how they do thanks for subscribe oh he's dead thank you for subbing kinder what should I bring with me guys into the cove what do you think is some good stuff to bring with me bandages for sure probably lots of shovels and bring me holy water some herbs all right we'll do that let's go fish folk all right let's go these thoughts oak caverns are teeming with pelagic nightmares they must be flushed out all right here we go let's see how this group works together coral oh one of these works with coral I think I'll meet let me try get back in the house coral court no they didn't work I think it's herbs yeah flawed release quick removed like to remove bad works no don't touch that Oh God okay they are hide Dodgers so go ahead and mark that was [Music] ow yes I made it getrekt good feeling nice nice nine out of the bed not bad as the fiend polls a faint hope blossoms death but Markham get over here like as by fire their formation is broken maintain the offense yeah the music's so good here seize this momentum push on to the tasks end take all that beautiful shape to occultists warrior danger yeah cultists are very very strong at offensive and defensive especially in the cove okay 90 90 90 80 so try here how masters kind of right now but he does have a really good stun stop no goddamn it stunned or not that's really low damage holy [ __ ] [Music] confidence surges has the in America not bad okay healing for almost nothing great [Music] come on the dam is so low right now stun her mark that would or mark that one just that one stud [Music] their fix that Wow your rudder cognize oh [ __ ] hey stud mark [Music] yeah the Bounty Hunter could do some serious damage if they're marked [Music] really not bad brush the savant out bad give them no quarter yeah someone else could mark it's good ships figurehead guys what do you think is the right thing to use with ships figurehead what is the correct thing or is it is there nothing nothing let's try shovel nothing torch tuffet I don't think there's a thing so just go artifact inspires the hero oh well that's that what sucks fine I have four shovels should be fine what sit there so what is wrinkled 25 gets in Babu he's gay please head for in blood come on oh wow that was a poof damn roof stop with the stress oh my god the stress see five better off stunning mark that for her [Music] kill him for three come on what healing laughing stunned and him could you just do one more damage to kill him for once please please continually onslaught destroy them come on that's done okay you just stop hit him please mark for her no thing on you did not see any of that and that's I'm talking about holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] use my dog treats why why not use them on a hard battle why would I waste it on this easy battle [Music] come on [Music] like bounty on this [ __ ] there you go he'll eat it not that a handsome reward for a task well performed you're a task well before perform all right two battles was that a trapper brackish tidepool what do I use on that guys I like this new like thing here tells you what item to use in the bottom what items holy water and was it do nothing nothing anti-venom I don't have anything so let's go for it no no no no he's got the poos cut it not the [ __ ] and measure awarded to the brave and the fool mark for her and the hound master he's got to go confusion and panic I know wealth beyond measure get I get a torch story of my life okay good he'll yeah the blood quick not bad not bad not bad at all doggy got himself a treat thanks for subscription thanks for seven down aim gaming with that twitch prime sub thank you very much big heels that's five that's Oh doggy my god doggy Jesus that's a good boy that's a good boy what do you mean a bro level I'm not what does that even mean but I dressed up like anyone okay Boop [Music] stunning okay heel good heel nice damn lower his protection buffs up a little bit go ahead and stab them good doggie a trifling victory victory nonetheless the way is lit the path is clear we require only the strength to follow it take that it's worth more than that thing don't touch the dead got dip how many times you're gonna touch that god I touched the dead fish I'll touch a dead fish go ahead and probably best to start go ahead and March for her come on girl you got to do it good come on come on that she always does one off lethal everytime always one Oh God go ahead and just finish up move the protection ow oh god this game is extremely priority for it ottoman [Music] uh-oh these alleys for the weak or the foolhardy god dammit god dammit ah son of a biscuit son of a biscuit come on our life ebbs terrible vistas of emptiness reveal themselves come on let me go whoo thank God stun him don't want to take any damage please Rufe one and a bleed of c'mon what are you no no no what was that stop it whoo this is fine Oh goddamn [ __ ] pitcher Tim [ __ ] a wide yeah killing me here be wary triumphant pride precipitates a dizzying fall get the [ __ ] out of there fine wholesome marine life can flourish if indeed there is something that was not that was back that shift scary he's a beast hater I was suspected he was a beast hater I'll try irritant the sum of sanguine memory to me [Music] all right well you have a few people you gotta take care of a little hope however desperate there's never without worse go in there do you stress de-stress yeah get wet whoo that was a scary party my god I didn't go very smooth hold on guys ya know the leather club's about four blocks down that way sorry back let's do the bleed party again blue party was pretty good we'll go Looch and gesture and the healer in the back should be what's-her-face and Nabi can do it all right good that's good for him stunts killed chance melee damaged - dodge that's five for him plus melee les dodge it's fine [Music] Plus dodge my speed evens out accuracy and dodge always good [Music] I had like a bleed skill chance thing but apparently not [Music] fortified all right we're going in to do this one again the warrants lots of herbs farted like tunnel herbs plenty of those yes very go light on food a little bit light on food yeah this party is Opie it's really good what are the things that we need to bring into the Waring's herbs and then something else something that comes up a lot what holy water bandages all right well let's go going in to prosecute oh yeah against the swine we must first scout the squalid homes this guy's from the blood dlc bucks oh [ __ ] oh that's bad oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] there can be no burn the bus no hope at all burnings bad burning is bad burning real bad continually a smited [ __ ] sorry boy them not bad if I get a stress down a zero his thing will go away everybody's going to distress you can't pass back to the pit you can't pass what this is it driving [Music] [Music] not bad got marked move back Oh their formation is broken maintain the offensive okay dodge good unnerved unbalanced [Music] Wow first [Applause] slowly direct gently this is how a life is the flageolet is so strong I love the flashlight such a powerful class executed with impunity stop stressing one out [Music] no passing can touch your head Wow elated that riposte though holy crap success so clearly and beyou or is it merely a trick of the light I'd have had no effect sacrificial stone no blood maybe nothing oh ah okay well that's kind of a shitty one scouting chance whoo great array I love that they added that little marking baan taad you like what the chance of stuff is this guy chance is good yes it is fine it's not like it's not a it does not good at all cuz there are better ones [Music] gotcha de-stress always [Music] great is the weapon that cuts on its own indeed Oh close confidence surges as the enemy crumbles let's swap out great blasts but cut so that way you can choose if you want what's so good about this game um many lots of things it's a very very difficult game it's all it's all about that feeling of accomplishment ask something these tunnels predate even the earliest settlers it's all about learning how abilities interact each other how classes interact each other how to build a certain class how to master quirks and lock down good ones or the bad ones so that's a game with a lot of depth and it's a good game for streaming those people like to watch you get upset and triggered by they'd love to see you get triggered and upset when something goes wrong something goes wrong all the time in this game this game is all about things going wrong and sometimes no matter how well-prepared you are sometimes things go really bad and you can't stop that from happening it's just gonna go bad it's gonna be horrible a handsome reward you never know when that's gonna be asked well performed it has a really nice graphic style kind of dark very beautiful art style yeah it's really hard to get to a point where you'll never die or you'll never have something go wrong as there are times when orangy will just completely screw over and like you can't run away you can't leave a dungeon and something goes wrong and those moments are rare but they do happen sometimes no books no more reading books Beliveau watch your step watch your step whoops Oh treasure if only treasure could staunch the flow of otherworldly corruption there's a DLC coming out Tuesday were getting our parties high enough level to do it okay for this one it's probably better that you help with somebody to stuff [Applause] the DLC is gonna is called colors of madness so by that title we know it's going to be full of love and happiness [Music] absolutely nothing will go wrong ever gazelle fiend Falls faint hope blossoms they did it to do brush nice give them no Kelly yeah no ham please yeah it's Sunday all right it doesn't feel like a Sunday but it is nice damn damn be wary triumphant pride precipitates a dizzying fall we have a handful of rooms left so let's go ahead and do our camp big now gathered close continuous fire light and on easy companionship [Music] [Music] - stress [Music] bom-bom-bom bom-bom remove one disease are you diseased don't think so [Music] the Mallory gastroc a blazing star is born [Music] okay disarmed 90% nope okay please be gentle please be gentle game please be gentle [Music] not bad oh he's dead he's dead perfect always distress yourself [Music] four more rounds that he stress himself completely but death by inches what games are coming out soon guys like I forgot like what games are there's some dis games coming out right [Music] like within the next weather in this month in this month not like a year from now the wounds of war can be healed never hit me vana sagres vana sagas three I sleep Banner Saga another one oh yeah kind of spirit first episode does come out [Music] bananas Sagar [Music] Oh [Music] that big heel baby remind yourself their overconfidence is a slow and insidious oiler done hitter oh he has no negatives now perfect oh uh Colts groans which one is that guys is that wants a torch think it's torch and what does it do burn them and fill your stress bullets all right so use holy water the holy water hisses and the hero feels wrong gain effect unnamed curse that's when you dodge 3% chats groans forever change the hero gain a quirk positive 30 cent negative dull all right so it's a RG one oh and the holy water gives a bad thing so we just want to just come on have you try it go for it they're a bad one bad quirk or disease - 20 hp great yeah I talked about between like now and the end of July good games coming out besides captain spirit any big new ones Oh an octa path traveller littering gold trinkets and baubles paid for in blood [Music] although not like this in the back [Music] stressing dammit [Music] okay he dead goodbye I don't think he's going to be able to cure his self-critic stressed do that bleed though that's not good [Music] [Applause] the wounds of war can be healed but never hidden okay go ahead in thank God thank God Hey okay he's dead for sure nevermind he didn't bleed [ __ ] now he is who's sedated / / / / I use a camera every now and then not all the time huh wait for it all the time president sitting there is going most the time [Music] Geils [Music] yells at everybody these dress [Music] almost there oh it's freaking oh good Dodge good Dodge [Music] as victories mount so too will the resistance pile of Scrolls remove remove negative quark ooh let's let him burn them natural heroes if you remove the horror of the less good one the less bad one a dybbuk there's a fifty-fifty machination spring to life with a singular purpose cruel Massa Nations there's no more battles at least not anywhere near by here close to us the twisting tunnels seem a little less impossible Emma something good that's okay that's okay yeah Oh fresh irritant the song I've got in the towns of buzz like this times that are out memory it to me I got a you got a mirror in POV today awesome I think you you've used up all your luck and I won't get another drop for like a year now I hope you like that mirror clear the diseases on those too [Music] that's how it works though when you get a mirror drop you don't get another one that you want for a very long time noop noop no stress helps you in but walking back hurts oh that's a keeper that's the best one ever okay you need to do stress he only does flagellation that's right whereas flagellation the hell are you doing in there that is so expensive holy crap so expensive move negative perk [Music] what's this swine prints think of what he does I think our bleed party is good against him to kill make sure I killed a little pig oh that's an ever statement don't ever do that she does good polite doesn't she how is our cultist he's currently flagellating himself I earned Swan I love iron Swan it's so good yeah it's also really good kind of run out of people here let's uh nothing but mediums the weld it has people that are resistant to what again I think it resistant to bleeding or is it though I don't think it's it's it's blight I think they bleed just fine okay we'll do the Hat wiltrout Hellion and shield lady see how she goes then and a good third print rower Jagger's [Music] lunge is really strong [Music] - try graveyard lady [Music] not lunch lunge could try a lunge party lunge is really good [Music] well let's see how he knows I have any lunge abilities and also shows me forward stuff she has breakthrough doesn't really it's not really over looking folks for subscript o he's Lee score banking for the sub we could have her lunge forward and the other guys forward forward thanks for subscrip oh he's dead el slickers thanked for this up it could be a fun party and grab a healer we'll try a lunge party these are all a little tricky but it's fun when it works I say you advance boom quite flake Helene is still very strong yeah they nerfed her a little but she's still very powerful exposes back one back one back one light four three two point three rounds that's pretty good grapeshot used to be nice the grape shots kind of now they nerf that used to be really really strong but they drove the hell out of it still okay but used to be like way over powered that she's not a vestal whoops wrong person [Music] all right so back I was in I don't want blight and this so lunge kick to the face on you you don't want blight do you want a back ability which that works exposes back one okay and then you lunge back [Music] all right we'll see how this goes it's gonna be a very lungi party [Music] it's all about lunging sometimes this the order will mess up on these and it goes bad but we'll try [Music] corruption has soaked the soil sapping all good life from these grooves all right yarn out this evil Weiss begone fiend back to the pit yeah oh yeah foolish horrors brought low and driven into the mud now bad lines tends to be really good in the beginnings we're really strong let's use that Oh brush disadvantage get our water Edie grievous injury yikes puh-puh-puh that's ten damage yeah it's the shield-bearer she's that new DLC fuss they added after the blood and DLC [Music] not bad and power [Music] healing well these guys have fire protection that's why continually onslaught destroy them all not bad good healing do-do-do-do-do [Music] as the feed falls paid hope blossoms not doing too bad right now doing okay trap of goryeo chemical hazards possessed by evil intent oh dear god what a hangover I don't feel any sympathy feel with hangovers get it yourself entirely your fault next time take a break and drink water nice literate it lunch nice annihilated at food [Music] you can't grow earth [Music] Vestal heels I don't they're very safe they're safe and boring but they they work please print please one oh god it's healing so slowly their formation is broken maintain the offensive doesn't do one fidence sergers has the enemy crumbling abilities tend to be quite strong trade up is they can mess up easily people get them out of order but so but I'm doing pretty good right now though nom-nom-nom-nom thanks for subscribing oh he's dead Thank You aquas cheese thank you for that sub thank you very much thanks for subscribe oh he's dead Halle Ann thank you for that sup that should be a key but I don't have what so of course it trapped Nature herself a victim to the spreading corruption malformed with mrs. intent okay spiders [Music] another abomination cleansed from our lands bum-bum-bum Oh you can't dodge any dance ups here probably they tend to lurk those you got to be careful it could be in the shadows right now executed with impunity these nightmarish creatures can be felt they can be beaten thank you yeah they often loll to mcdead lol my way is that the path is clear I secretly think that the narrator only the strength to follow it good shoes dusted I've been really bad she did lunch not quite enough got her go ahead and soften him up as she got it for him [Music] got her actually do it on that road too that were perfect if you could do [Music] executed with impunity Santas parties working out really well damage is quite high to his mount so too will the resistance it's good it's working out way better I thought it would double party double loot our dps is really high in this group forgot to move her [ __ ] it's working really well there hater GPS is a turn-based game it still counts well it's damaged for DPT I should say damaged for church not for a second this group's damage is really high really high right well this [ __ ] triumphant pride precipitates but dizzying pull like where does one shot and stuff one shot one shot what [ __ ] boom what's really funny is having a group of four grave diggers that is that [ __ ] so because you can lunch four times in a row it's so strong this expedition at least promises success uh this one is it bandages no herbs no anti-venom yep beautiful okay a book which we don't want to touch because books are almost always bad that's what this is last treasure don't you freaking dare drill was mine no German what been grading please driving out corruption is an endless battle but one that must be fought oh man get this yonk everytime joint of try irritant the sum of sanguine memory to me alright guys I'm gonna go ahead and take a lunch break you guys have been absolutely wonderful today thank you so much for hanging out guys have been great thanks for all the lovely comments the commentary I'm going to take an hour lunch break and she'll be back in one hour when I come back we'll play a different game play some random steam games to see a little change of pace but thank you guys very much for being here for the past six hours and I want to be on lunch in just a minute thank you guys very much and I'll be back an hour but bye guys love you all see them
Channel: DansGaming
Views: 2,733
Rating: 4.8857141 out of 5
Keywords: Walkthrough, Part, Let's, Play, with, Dan, Playstation, Gameplay, game, play, walk, through, HD, one, ps1, ps2, ps3, xbox, 360, wii, pc, remake, remastered, collection, horror, games, scary, trailer, review, 720p, 1080p, Darkest Dungeon, Red Hook, Color of Madness, DLC, Crimson Court
Id: StURo4Dm9qo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 166min 51sec (10011 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 26 2018
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