Let's Play Resident Evil Remake (Part 2) - PC - Horror Month 2021 Day 1

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all right welcome back everybody [Music] let us go kill us some zombies [Music] all right so now we took care of the two zombies out there we gotta go find the oh that is on the screen doorknob looks like it's ready to fall apart go through anyways yes i want to get the shotgun you're not old uh 35 is pretty is a little bit older and you start your body your body just starts getting old i hear something walking oh no 35 yep uh around like 30 early 30s is fine but when you start hitting 35 that's when your body is starting the the road to 40. you start getting a little things start to break a little bit quicker you can't quite do things quite as long or like liquor is a good one like drinking when i was 20. i could drink all night i could drink all night go to bed at like 8 a.m wake up at 10 a.m and be like let's go jolly d and then but nowadays i take a sip of beer i'm crippled on the bed just like passed out just can't move the next day just worthless to the world just yep like can't do it anymore yeah when you start turning 35 that's when your body starts being a little bit more angry about everything picture stands in bronze statues there's nothing of interest here yeah i like it when you're young i could eat pizza like every day when i was in my 20s in college and it's like it's fine it's great but nowadays i ate pizza i'm like at 2am like oh my throat's burning and my heartburn like crazy and my body changes a lot i know sometimes your body's just like nope oh did anyone order a sandwich [Music] oh door won't open uh oh throw one open god uh oh what did i do now help whisker berry help this room has a crush on me you in there barry get me out of here the door's jammed stand back grab my hand [Music] barry that was a close one a second late you would have fit nicely into a sandwich really thanks but barry didn't you say you were going back to the dining room to find other clues i'm glad and all but why are you here i just had something i wanted to check anyway we should get back to searching for wesker and chris hmm just something you wanted to thank barry i owe you one don't mention it i owe you what a great guy achievement oh that berry it's a nice guy it would have fit nicely into a sandwich uh that door is so that way is gonna get blocked soon if i keep going through the door too many times that's not good um well there's nothing else back this oh the dot the doggy balcony though he said there was something on there i need to do a dog whistle what's in this room here oh this is that bathroom i think no it's the stairs we're in the right place okay let's see so all those are wait a minute no we got to be careful because we won't go to that door too many times [Music] well let's go look upstairs how many we have a good amount of shotgun start part stuff we got down this way yet locked armor the cringe is part of the fun there's some parts of these this game is not aged very well but they're still fun okay red herb yes and then green herb and now we combine the greener been the red herb take the other one oh it's so atmospheric unlit fireplace unlit fireplace i need my lighter it's locked i'm above helmet carpet the lock well if i go grab the lighter maybe we can light it up i don't need fuel might need fuel all right let me check the map one more time that's locked that's locked that's locked so many places till still to explore all right let's go around here drop some things off and i'll see if i can grab the lighter and light up that fireplace maybe [Music] not sure if i need fuel though [Music] let's take the fuel canteen and the lighter just in case refill cantinas [Music] well we'll try both we'll see we just if we can light it with the lighter but we'll see i might need the fuel to do it as well but it's fun if they do remake this i hope that they like add some new twists and turns to it and try to make it not like a one-to-one remake but you know a similar game ah lions carbon leaf that glow red in the intense heat i need a piece of paper but that is extremely comfy now picture a partly built mansion would say i feel like the one you're in now it's so peaceful dark forest stretched as far as you can see don't see any houses in the air it's super super comfy in here now i feel relaxed i almost don't mind the zombies well i think we can drop off the lighter now and the fuel let's save some space because we're gonna need some pick up some items soon [Music] i do remember the doors the doors are great and immersive until you have to go from one side of the mansion to the other then you're like okay let me watch this door open animation 20 times to get through 20 doors it's fine it's fine i know it was hardware restrictions for the back of the day but you thinking for the remake they would have like you know sped them up or made them skippable or something but nope yeah there is a mod that removes all these animations but i prefer just a quick one not like uh gone completely yeah it's horror month yes it is barry jill other than i'm still alive in this mad house no can't say it's much safer here either we'd better secure our escape route first there's gotta be a back door somewhere all right then let's split up again hey hold on a sec why are you always sweating up what a can of fizz it's sure to yellow and mellow those things it's yours hopefully you won't have to use it i can't oh acid shells i thought it was like a can of soda i'm like what a can of food oh don't worry i like the buddy system we have here i see thanks i'll take it see you later ciao hmm hey kevin can you grab me some water we get a chance yeah you're fine i know but uh give me calling fizz i'm like oh that's that's what sounds like a lovely soda it's in the bedroom i think i said it under the gold statue locked from their side i open any of these wait no this one's not the right one okay let's see here so to the right is a locked door and there and also back in the other room is a locked door so one of these not from their side wait oh he's still here [Music] thank you sweetie a lot from the other side nope nope nope other way i didn't try the end of the hallway there maybe that's something [Music] i don't like all these i don't have enough fuel to burn them all there's an inscription on the shield the death is only the beginning um uh what [Music] i don't trust that there's some sort of thing there hold on that's going to come down that's going to move it's locked i'm of a helmet carbon lock whoever takes this emblem find peace and death no no i i have a tingly sense that i that i don't trust it i don't trust it i need to save first cause i feel a feeling that something's bad is gonna happen and then if i die there i'm gonna be stuck and have to repeat a lot of stuff so i'm gonna make a backup saving save just in case [Applause] the hell was that grandma [Applause] oh where did that go so there's one herb here i'm gonna grab just make my inventory not red hopefully yes now it's white um [Music] one of those over there could be the shield the sword we need to go back though just to make sure it's not creepy crows crows don't actually sound like that right um zombie pros do you ever had a zombie crow in your life regular crows don't quite sound exactly like that i need to reorient myself so what is down this way again oh wait this is the death the death track yes okay go back i gotta remember how to get back to the save room let's go back here will you play until dawn i'm i'm gonna play until evening actually until dawn's too long for me i can't do super long streams like that anymore let's see what is this room sword key what's in here use the lockpick because they make such a horrifying sound sounds like me when i have nasal issues this is one of those balconies again i think i can dog whistle here maybe this is the place you unlocked it it's like a little shortcut maybe okay now i need to okay just the safe room is cross and down i'm so lost this mansion's a maze get to the save room through here there's another state room in that new area i have to find the other one back in here again that's artbergen okay i think it's through here ah somebody so many twists and turns i got so nausea being scared for such a long time when he played it all visage yeah i've never played the final chapter we need to go and finish that um the reason why they're more great horror games is because horror is very hard to do well most people think that if you just strain together a bunch of jump scares oh i made a horror game like making a true horror game is very tough few games ever do it well that's why there's many many mediocre ones and some good ones not a lot so some [Music] okay let's make up a saving a safety save [Music] there we go all right and let's put it away now we get to go try to grab that key from the hallway of death do you like dead space no i try to fill it in with conversation because having dead space when you're talking is not good because it's like it gets awkward ruins just silence for a while i try not to have too much of it i need a mentos my breast smells not great wait a minute where am i it what okay i i know now i know where i am i know where i am okay i got it memorized i learned it [Music] do you like silent hill you know i prefer a little music or maybe some bird stripping but when it's just silent like it's kind of boring i know i'll stop i'll stop being a dad i'm sorry my lame jokes do you like the final fantasy no i like the middle one best okay i'm done that was last one [Music] i'm done i'm done again thank you guys uh for all the just so many subs and resubs and follows there's just so many of you listen to mom will take forever but thank you all for the support and love you guys are amazing all right let's see here just take this key uh uh [Music] oh oh uh put it back put it back back up back up balloon with 50 gifts for chat that's so many new dan flynn's thank you very much so many new friends in chat and thanks to julia she made us some amazing emotes this year lots of uh familiar faces from the witch from hocus pocus with dan huh uh jack from the shining with dan hey lots of lots of great ones okay i need to find another way because obviously that way is not right that way is incorrect i think it's dog whistle time [Music] yeah i need i need a dog whistle so let's go back and grab it yeah dan nice's pinhead which is great hellraiser is disturbing [Music] hellraiser was just like creepy just like what the hell [Music] there's a map button to go straight to it the whole time there's been a map button [Music] son of a bit if that goes right to the map [Music] son of a you know how many clicks i have been doing this whole time and not one person jack told me you could just press it once there's like at least like a hundred of you and you could've just told me but no you kept it to yourself and you watched me summer and you liked it true evil true evil that is so much faster okay we gotta go back and grab that thing uh thank you samba for that brand new sub enjoy the emotes and dr snatch i am pancakes dark horse thank you for those brand new prime games [Music] by the way dan there's a map button thanks thanks oh what is it you can go right to the map i had no idea thanks for letting me know i appreciate it every time every year chat is very chat like [Music] i'm here for the dog what is this wooded mount i really looked at that [Music] there's nothing unusual nothing unusual [Music] i don't know what that's for [Music] i'll need the dog whistle what is this uh was it skyrim when you hit 50 thousand viewers on the main page i the highest i can remember is 32 000 during one horror month when everyone else was at twitchcon nothing unusual no man's sky was 24 000 remember that one [Music] do you burn this in the wood fire maybe the wood mount [Music] well sponsor streams are cheating they put you on the front page and that's like you know a sudden like plus 10 to 15 000 it's not real well i mean real people that may not be actually watching camera please please oh i don't miss those please camera please oh hi hi what are you doing you need some attention yeah you some pets trying to go away she just wanted some pets all right let's see here so i need to blow a dog whistle some kind of thorny plant you've never seen before dog whistle oh god [Music] oh sir that's some bad bad dogs oh my god two freaking dogs very very bad now what the hell is on this thing that's worth all his trouble coin was hidden in there not a coin that's a key oh shaped like a key but lacks the rigidity to be used as one a lot of older men have that issue okay well i looks like i have a impostor key looks like the sound got delayed again let me fix that real quick there we go i think that that was everything right yes so now that we have that we can go back and get the real key discard the dog whistle yes all right over this way i like that they tell you you don't need something to let you destroy otherwise i'd have it in my habit forever what was your favorite game to stream ever um the south park games those were really funny to play because they're they were hilarious the first time through but you know they won't be as funny ever the second time but they were very very good the first time oh my god no his head was very crimsony take the mansion key yes now put in the impasta one i can't believe that actually works uh when's the next skyrim playthrough on eleven eleven eleven well eleven eleven twenty one we'll do another skyrim playthrough on their 10-year anniversary so i streamed that 10 years ago you you was always about fart jokes since you started streaming there's nothing funny about bodily functions that is immature i don't appreciate this the um the implication that i would laugh at something so immature like because this is not funny when something like that happens that some someone can't help it it's not funny now is that crimson head gonna be in here still because that is not cool if that is the case no oh my god okay two defensive items got him okay he's dead for real this time but jeez not cool i can't believe we got a crimson head already okay lock locked i think the armor key was some in some places over this way okay let's go ahead and well thank you andre zip i'm glad you guys enjoy yeah we started horror month on justin tv 10 years ago no 11 years pre-twitch it was it was pre-twitch so with that was 2010 so actually 11 years ago yeah it was 11 years ago yeah here's one of the armor doors way too much glass in this room more bullets hell yes a foliage plant someone was using the bench in place of a stand [Music] forests have give has given up the ghost play he's been dead for a while take up the gray launcher yes them give me the grenade launchers not good that means i'll need it at some point uh giving up the ghost is an old way of saying that they did [Music] no no oh my god okay we need a bit of a heel oh i can't pick it up i can't combine it in my this is fine i don't know why she didn't just shoot him in the first place like you gotta assume that everybody this place is going to be a zombie from trying to kill you i blame her for that one well we have tons of healing items let's go use them we'll save some of those uh daggers for harder enemies later uh basic stitch thank you for that brand new prime gaming sub appreciate it uh congrats on glenn for redeeming waste one million points that's a lot of points completely wasted no value at all congrats not even a little bit of a little bit of value complete waste of channel points great i believe that that's hashtag worth it okay wait what [Music] what in the hell is all free loot yes [Music] yes so much free loot [Music] okay we need to [Music] i gotta free up some inventory space let's get put this away until i know i'm gonna need it again [Music] well let's go ahead and take this and one more greet herb and he'll now we're fine again free bossly oh no probably is gonna be a boss isn't there [Music] okay let's put everything in here read the note on the wall where is the note on the wall is there a note on [Music] cj mac 100 thank you for the tier one sub appreciate that oh it's outside okay oh there it is i left you some bullets in the room on the right feel free to use them if you manage to get yourself in trouble barry barry is helping me so much he's such a bro in this there must be one last door that the sword thing works on because i need to get rid of these other doors we'll go through again lock spencer family and carve on the doorknob [Music] nope other side hopefully he resets there's nothing on the shelf he just he just like stopped walking i don't know why but he just was like you know what i'm done i am done i don't know how he just he just decided not to keep attacking me no not this hallway no i remember this not great things did they you can burn zombies in this game but you have to pick and choose you can't burn them all you can only burn a limited number of them what a cool amount yeah dan stabs pretty good she did a great job with it bring the light of truth to the three spirits the light of truth to the three spirits [Music] leafs are protected by the three spirits green purple orange bracelet necklace and a crown there's a switch at the bottom of the picture press it no green purple orange bracelet that would be orange original color oh i bet it's on the other side too what is this one necklace and it's purple so if that's red that's good this is the last one is gonna be green so it's yellow let's try the other side turned orange try the other side maybe that will become blue pure white [Applause] the other side picture stage turn deep red must be somewhere to change the colors original color [Applause] orange orange is right title the writ uh i like to shoot the three spirits well orange is right i gotta get purple and green i'm gonna do that that is not the right color pure white [Applause] [Music] these crows their sound effects are god awful [Music] original color of yeller oh green there we go red try the other side now i don't want to waste bullets trying to shoot the bird but i don't think you can kill it ah yes we have the right colors now secret passageway [Applause] one of the masks the death mask use the lock pick that's one creepy looking mask i guess we could go drop it off into the puzzle room just to get rid of it death mask without a mouth because i definitely want this adam inventory i thought that was a monster making that sound hole where the mouse should be that's where that goes yes iphone 92 that is where it's supposed to go for sure that is creepy nami has confirmed production of a new silent hill game uh thank you for the bits happy duty appreciate that now is it silent hill solitaire or silent hill poker they've been doing a lot of um a lot of uh those lately with silent hill i hope it's actually a video game silent hill bingo oh silent hill chess that would be great silent hill chess silent hill bingo for the older people oh i need to stand on that button [Music] but carl's in the way [Music] [Music] [Music] sorry carl i need to grab whatever this is over here [Music] okay i yeah there we go there's a map of the after i have already explored the almost the entirety of it you now give me the okay just in case carl becomes a crimson head later let's put him back in his little cage just in case okay you are it's gonna stay in there because i do not want him coming out of there wait a minute is there like a little gap right there there's a little bit faded there i don't think that's a thing but it could be it's nothing okay okay we've been actually we didn't go that side area back over that way yeah we went in there already and grabbed some stuff but it wasn't sure if we like missed a secret little entrance or something little side area or something nope never going over that way ever i've seen too many people die in movies and games are like let me go investigate that sound oh god there's dogs oh no chemical use on plants yes there's so many herbs here okay run it run it run it run it run it run it run doggy okay do that let's see uh no okay jasper and it doesn't mean anything it's just one stream because what oh let's never go in this room ever again [Music] that was a lot uh try refreshing the stream or lower the um lower the quality oh dear oh bad dog [Music] bad dog [Music] damn him oh no that is a bad dog [Music] get used to it oh no oh no oh no that's bad they added a get used to it achievement that is so rude oh good time to take a little break
Channel: DansGaming
Views: 707
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: PS4, PC, Xbox, Switch, 1080p, HQ, DansGaming, Twitch, Live Stream, Highlights, Playthrough, Walkthrough, Video Games, Streamer
Id: ssj8LFQTrOM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 46sec (3646 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 02 2021
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