Dark and Darker - Rank 1 Fighter's Guide For Everything You Need To Know About The Class

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all right hi guys I am toddfa uh previous rank one fighter globally the current rank three fighter for kills and I I do a lot of streaming and every time I'm streaming I always get a ton of questions about fighter uh what builds I like to run what my gear looks like what skills I run what perks I run all that so I thought I would just try to put together like a comprehensive fighter guide to help you know anyone get into an even experienced players hopefully they can learn something and new players getting into the class I hope that can be of some help as well so to start things off I kind of just want to talk about fighter as a character fighter is the general tank of the game you know in most games fighter is really a jack of all trades master of none and this game that's not really the case I do strongly believe fighter has one correct build in quotes that is the most optimal and generally is the one you should be going whenever you're playing the game and just a disclaimer my experience is all with 3 v3s in the Crips for Goblin caves and high roller solos I do not have enough experience to speak on it so I will refrain from talking about that although I will mentioned Goblin cave slightly this would only be for early wipe and starting the game off solo so back to fighter as a character fighter is the traditional tank of the game you stack a lot of armor a lot of physical damage reduction and you just just don't really take any damage from anything physical you create space for your team and creating space what exactly does that mean well creating space gen generally means that you allow your backline whether that be Ranger wizard cleric whatever they are they're allowed to do everything they want within their space there's no one back there invading their space preventing them to play the game the way they want and that is generally the role you want to fulfill fighter can do lots of damage because they do have very high damaging weapons but that is usually not your main goal and now uh I think for stat pryo you want to go over here for fighter uh like you see they have a pretty even uh stat balance across the board with uh it's 15 15 15 15 I have have a ring on here so you see 15 across the board so you know pretty Even build here uh just looking at Stats that we most likely want to pryo it's a strength and Agility these are your two primary stats here strength is every point will give you 2 Hp and 1% physical power and then agility every Point uh increases your attack speed your movement speed I'm not sure the exact numbers but that's what agility does and I think the two main builds here you can go into as a fighter will be a strength fighter or an agility fighter even if you go into an agility fighter or a strength fighter generally speaking you want some points into the other stat to really be helpful for example if you go agility fighter agility is going to be your main stat but without uh any real points into strength you see your HP pull is going to be very low only at 100 for a tank strength on the other hand as long as you push uh push a bunch of points into it you're going to be very healthy however if you're lacking that agility you will have a much lower base movement speed because we are wearing a lot of heavy arm armor and even with one of our perks that decreases the value it's still a very large amount all right and now for perks and skills I think there are several different bu uh excuse me several different builds you can go here on fighter uh to start off with I'm going to talk about one I think's really good for an early white or if you're just getting started off with no gear like for example you see here this character has no gear on uh and that's you're going to go with Slayer Slayer is a perk where you cannot equip plate armor but you gain five weapon damage bonus with holding a weapon in each hand so what you're going to do is you're going to put Slayer on then you're going to pair this with dual wield dual wield is another perk that's uh useful for D dual another perk that's useful for dual wielding and whenever you have two weapons equipped you increase your attack speed by 15% and then when you have these two perks on you're going to go down here and change your skills and so you're going to keep Sprint because movement speed is very important for this character but instead of second wi you're going to put on Adrenaline Rush an adrenaline rush is what it does when you pop it you get 25% attack speed for 8 seconds and and then you have reduced uh action speed and movement speed by 4% for 4 seconds after it ends so basically the whole point of this build is you're going to use your movement speed because you're not going to be able to you're not be able to wear plate with Slayer on you're going to so you're going to have a lot more movement speed than a fighter normally would so you're going to pop Sprint you're going to try to get into a close range with person you're going to pop adrenaline rush and then with adrenaline rush and dual wield you have a ton ton of attack speed so you're literally just going to turn into a blender and you can output a large amount of damage and a really easy way to get the build started is like I said you get Slayer and dual wield or just like say you're let's say you just started you just put Slayer on you're going to go to your Merchant you're going to go to your weapon Smith and then right here a white fion right here a gray fion eight gold buy it castalon dagger and six gold because ideally whenever you're dual wielding you're only going to usually be attacking with one weapon so you want your offhand weapon to be as light as possible the castalon dagger only has a netive 10 movement speed so therefore it's a very good choice to pair with the falan or you can go with an arming sword as well arming sword is a much faster swing but has lower damage per hit but both of these are perfectly fine options I just personally prefer the fan to the uh arming sword for a Slayer build and then to finish this off for perks we're going to be looking for combo attack right here this just gives you extra damage each time you attack and then for the last one you can really go a lot of different things adrenaline Spike's a potential one if you get really low you get a ton of% more action speed um projectile resistance if you are dealing with archers CU you know they're shooting you a lot hurts this give you a nice 10% off and then weapon Master is also another good one weapon Mastery lets you use weapons you normally wouldn't be able to for a 10% damage penalty this allows you to use like a long bow or recurve bow as opposed to using a normal crossbow which is something the fighter actually can use all right and then for our next build which I think is obviously going to be a significantly more meta one we're going to go defense uh Mastery Shield Mastery barricade and Swift now these two right here defense Mastery and Swift these are your bread and butter for any plate fighter build Swift as you can see reduces the base movement speed penalty from equipped armor by 20% and then defense Mastery increases AR acquired from armor by 10% and AR will be this armor rating you see right here from armor rating this just increases like for example if I go here my armor rating of this adventure tunic is 14 and my cloth pants is eight so therefore I'm getting as you can see 22 armor rating from this and but you see out here I have 25 that's the 10% coming in this is obviously not very much but then when you get to the point where you're stacking really good plate armor like you see this Templar Armor or this fine curus it has a ton and I equip all of it like let's see I have 244 armor rating I have 53% and I'm getting obviously like that's including the 10% that is a much bigger value so generally speaking that is always a perk you're going to want to run with this because it's giving you so much extra um armor rating and then Swift this this is the perk that basically allows you to move around in plate armor because it reduces the basey penalty from equipped armor by 20% without this on it is pretty much impossible for you to catch anyone because you're just so slow from all the uh the plate armor debuffs and then for these other two perks you have Shield Mastery and barricade barricade is when in a defensive stance the defense rating bonus is increased by 15% something to note is it says defensive stance it does not say blocking for example a defensive stance also counts the long swords Parry so if you're holding up a long sword and pairing that counts a defensive stance and your defense rating bonus is increased by 15% and also this right here defense rating bonus what this means is it doesn't count magic resist it's only physical damage reduction it will just give you a flat 15% added to this number so for example let me see uh let me throw this back on oh take that off oh so see for example I have 1.1% so if I were to block with a shield or Parry with a long or have my long sword Parry up I would have 16.1% physical damage reduction here so it is just a flat additive 15% and then Shield Master rates movement speed is increased by 10% while in defensive stance and if successfully block and attack the next block is 50% faster see this is another point where it says defensive stance and not blocking so once again if you're long sword enjoyer then once you're holding your Parry up you move 10% faster and actually this perk is a little bit bugged it says when you successfully block an attack the next block is 50% faster it's not actually just your next block it is your next action that is 50% faster so if you block an attack and then swing right after your next swing comes out 50% faster so if you hit a long sword Parry the next repost 50% faster which is a it's actually the reason I choose this over something like um Counterattack here which gives you attack speed and movement speed for 3 seconds after blocking because generally speaking this is only going to get you about two hits maybe three with the benefit but that's pretty much all and also as is for this build what you're going to do instead of adrenaline rush you're going to run second Win Second win is this is generally the perks set you're going to run up right here uh as you see recover 50% HP over 12 seconds additionally second win alleviates the Sid of effects of adrenaline rush which isn't relevant to us because we're not running it but second win is going to be a onetime use obviously and the way to recover it is you have to sit at a campfire and fun fact I guess is if you can only get this from a gray campfire if you have your teammate put it down for you while you're sitting down white campfire above you can put it down yourself and then sit down and get it but if you have a gray campfire have your teammate put it down for you while you're already sitting down and you can recover your second win but second win is just a great tool to have in a fight for a fighter who already has very hard to recover HP because they have no other recovery and they're also they're also going to take a ton of damage whether that be from PvP or PVE because generally this class is going to be the one tanking things and dealing with things in form of monsters whether by blocking them them or just literally face tanking them you know and I think this right here is the best build the one I should before the Slayer build I think that's a very good early white build I think generally you're going to want to start off with that and then transition into something like this once you get a little bit better plate armor and then there obviously I would like to go over like some of the other perks remaining that I haven't discussed this is adrenaline Spike it's not like it's not very useful even in the Slayer build because generally speaking if you're getting below this 15% HP Mark you're probably going to die anyways like it usually won't be useful combo attack honestly this build could fit combo attack I think you could definitely put it over a barricade if you have enough um physical damage reduction which is definitely possible in the current meta if you hit if you're hitting 90% here then you don't need this extra 15% from barricade because you're only actually going to get about 3% because the cap sits at 92.7 so in that case you can just put on like combo attack uh obviously viously counterattacks fine projectile resistance again although this isn't as needed once you're in full plate because you obviously you'll have a ridiculous amount of damage reduction like let me one second let me put this on like this is some okay armor and as you see here 55% damage reduction and where's my 37% projectile damage reduction so I'm already going to take very very little damage from arrows and this is also without any jewelry no cape no shield on so this 55% can easily be up to 70 80% with the all my gear on and then once you're taking 80% damage reduction and 40% projectile reduction arrows already aren't going to do anything and there aren't many other projectiles they're going to hit you that that's actually going to matter for and then dual wield you're never going to run dual wield with a plate fighter build you really don't have the movement speed to get into a fight or just the damage to make this worthwhile you're much better off going for a sword and shield or a heavy two-handed weapon like a hall bird or a spear um so flayer obviously we can't use flayer with plate armor and then weapon Mastery weapon Mastery is a potential one you can use here you can run it over the barricade or the shield Mastery Shield Mastery is obviously only necessary if you're using long sword or Shield if you're not using either of those then Shield Mastery doesn't do anything for you and which case like let's say for example that brings us to our next build if we want to run like a spear or if running like a hird then we keep defense Mastery and Swift and we go for combo attack and then our last one is a tossup you can take weapon Mastery to use a long bow or recurve bow or you can take projectile resistance these are really the only two you're going to look for me personally I prefer the crossbow so if I'm doing it I'm always going to take projectile resistance like I just said isn't that useful but really fighter doesn't have anything else that's going to benefit it it's more useful than adrenaline Spike and none of these other ones really like help it unless exit do if you decide to use a Long Boat and even with this build you're going to go for second you're still going to go for second win all right and now for weapon choices for the fighter I personally personally think right now that the best weapon you can run is the Army Sword and the shield this is a very nasty combo The Shield gives you a free stat and a ton you see obviously here the armor rating it gives you a ton of armor rating so it gives you a ton of extra free stats and the arming sword is a very very strong weapon that is a very fast very very fast attack chain the main thing about the arming sword that sells it so much is the fact that the arming sword you can swing really fast into another block I mean I think the fan is also another good choice to the pair here the fan has a much higher per damage hit like as you see this green fion has 39 damage this blue arming sword only has 31 and the sparity only increases with Rarity going up so fan has a much harder hit by hit the one downside the fion has is the fion has only horizontal swings and downside of this is it's much easier to hit the limbs of enemies and if you hit limbs you do a significantly amount of reduced damage as opposed to hitting the body or the head and however the arming sword obviously it has a downside as well being its hits are mostly verticals so the arming sword is much harder to cleave through enemies the way the fion does because the fion has a big 180 like um degree hit box so it hits everything in front of you basically whereas the arming sword is much more like I said verticals so you're more likely to hit the head of someone but you're more likely to only hit one person as well unless they are very stacked on top of each other and then for other weapons uh the spear is a usable one it's not that popular right now but uh you don't see very many people using it honestly I'm not entirely sure why I mean for me I've never really been a spear enjoyer it feels a very awkward weapon to use and once people get on top of you it feels like a very very bad idea to have it uh then you have things like a hird I think a hird's great I think the hird right now is the best it's ever been for a reason I will go over momentarily and then there's the long sword I don't really like the long sword I'm just going to say it it's a fun weapon I think in my opinion it's probably the most fun weapon to use in the game but in terms of Effectiveness it's really not that good if you are not consistently hitting the paries then the weapon is just a much worse version version of a spear and a hird mix because it has it basically has the move set of a spear and a hird but with shorter range and lower damage that's all it's got going for right now and those are pretty much like the only weapons I'm going to go over for fighter like those are like your bread and butter ones cuz those are the traditional ones yeah sure there are more you can use um I mean I guess those are physical weapons at least these are the only ones and then for the range weapon of choice it is going to be your crossbow or your Longbow generally and these two weapons do different things the cross crossbow is much better for a single powerful hit at the start of a fight or the end of a fight so if there's a team rushing you you pull out your crossbow you shoot them one time you know you hurt somebody really bad especially if it's a backliner and now they're starting to fight off below half HP 70 or minus 70% of their HP or whatever Longbow is a much better consistent DPS weapon so if there's a if there's a fight where neither of you are pushing each other and you're just kind of poking each other Longbow is much better for that because it allows to Output more consistent DPS H okay now what I will go over is the best comps and character pairings with fighter so if I go here and go to create a character you see all we have all the characters here and the characters that I believe best pairs with fighter are two I think it's the cleric and The Bard these are two these are the two support characters in the game and these are the best two pairings with fighter for different reasons cleric pairs obviously very well with fighter because fighter lacks that he really he really lacks healing that he wants to use frequently second win is not a healing tool that you can frequently use as you use it one time and then you must arrest at a campfire to require it cleric fixes that they allow you to tank rooms tank enemies and everything while healing you so you don't really care that much and then Bard Bard obviously if you've playing the game you know Bard is just an amazing character right now and Bard has a ton of Buffs that they give to their team uh one of which being a movement speed buff which is what I mentioned earlier why I think the hd's so good right now because generally speaking the hird's issue is Once you pull it out you become incredibly slow because it has minus 50 move speed and then it's very very hard to get on top of people Bard's movement speed buff makes that not as much of an issue because it gives you obviously the move speed to get on top of them and stay on top of them with the hird and generally with a hird if you're on top of someone for a second and a half two seconds they're going to die because of how high your damage is so all you have to do is get on top of them for that one or two hits and you're going to kill them and then Bard also has another really big buff where he gives armor and Mr which is the Mr isn't as important does the fighter like it yes but doesn't matter as much not quite the big one is the armor so this lets the fighter hit very very high amounts of physical damage reduction without having to have as good of gear re like uh previously in Old play tests to be a fighter with 85 90% damage reduction you had to have really really good gear but Bard basically just says no you don't have to do that I got you and they play their song and it gives you like 10% damage reduction which doesn't sound like much but 10% damage reduction at 75 80% is a ginormous amount because a fighter at 70% compared to a fighter at 80 or 85% literally feels like a different character at 70% other geared people like Rangers can still kill you pretty easily at 85% they are wasting their arrows to shoot you and I I do not mean that as a joke they are literally wasting arrows to shoot you they do no damage whatsoever and other than just cler and Bar I think their other characters works well with I think these two being Wizard and Ranger uh wizard because it allows to it allows them to buff you to start off a fight with a haste and invis or in and haste and invisibility so the wizard can you start the say like you know where a team is uh you have a door open and a path to them the wizard haste you they invis you or they haste you you pop Sprint and they invis you you run into the fight before they even know you're there you uh pick one Target and kill them like you pick the squishiest target kill them like for example if there if there's if the enemy team has a wizard you run straight to the wizard you kill him you eliminate him out of the fight the wizard can do this with other characters but obviously you know it's just as good with them but it helps fighter a lot because fighter can can have a hard time starting a fight off especially against an enemy wizard so if you're able to eliminate them from the very beginning that is a huge huge Boon and you pretty much win the fight off the rip and then Ranger this one's a little bit this the reason this one's good a little bit different is because the biggest counter in the game to the counter Two fighter in the game is Wizard and the biggest counter to wizard in the game is Ranger so Rangers really help fighters in the sense that they can get rid of wizards and you don't have to just like face tank them and hope you can make it to them before you die which generally speaking you're never going to be able to so Ranger pairs very very well with fighter and then other than this I think they're the best comps to run with fighter in total not just one character I think one that's been incredibly strong right now is Ranger cleric and fighter and while this does have seem to have really relatively low magic damage you have your cleric run holy strike and earthquake and then you can deal with enemy Fighters or enemy engages very very well you just pick one spot you defend it with um excuse me you defend it with Ranger with bear traps cleric with earthquake holy strike and the fighter you are pretty much here to prevent the people from making it to your cleric and your Ranger are you going to be doing a lot of damage in this com as a fighter generally no because honestly most of the time enemies won't even make it to you you are literally there as a wall to prevent them from getting to your team and that is most of the time what you're going to do as a fighter so you might not feel like on this character you're killing a lot of people but that's okay if you are sitting there and you are preventing one or two people from even walking past you because you're hitting them and they have to turn to hit you then you are doing your job as a fighter if you are creating that space like I mentioned earlier for your team to play then you are going to win almost every single fight if your team plays it correctly and you play it correctly and that's just that is the way that fighter is currently working and then another composition I think which is a much more more aggressive one is Bard claran fighter or even Bard wizard fighter you just pair fighter with Bard plus one more character and generally what this does is it's called a buff ball comp and what that means is you buff one person up and all three of you you run around the map as a death ball and you just obliterate anything you run into and this one shows fighter having a much more aggressive play style than defensive you are going to be the first one of the fight you are going to try to be killing people as fast as possible and going to the next fight just as fast that's why bards is so well that's why bards so strong right now is because he allows like fighter or Barbarian or really any class to do that where they can just Sprint around kill a bunch of people and go into the next fight pretty much be fine even in this comp you don't actually need the cleric because with barred Buffs you really don't take that much damage and sure sometimes you're know you're going to have to use your second wind here as your only source of healing but that's okay you pop you like if you pop your second win and it causes you to win a fight like that's good good like that was a good use of your cool down so like don't be afraid to pull this hold the second win in a fight because you're worried it's only oh I only have a one time use second win I'm like what if I need it later or like you know like something like that if you think if your if you think your second win is going to win you a fight always pop it always it is better to it is better to use it and win than not use it and die like always obviously I've had many fights where if you like if you look at the team comp and let's say like you're looking at like a like a Ranger a wizard and a fighter yourself and like you start this fight off sometimes when you walk into a fight you can walk at the fight 100% HP and you pop second win right there when you start the fight at 100% HP because you know you are going to take damage and you're are going to need it and you are not going to have that chance later because second win does laugh uh laugh does last 12 seconds and over that 12 seconds sure maybe you missed the first two seconds of healing but for the next 10 seconds you were you're getting all that healing and you didn't have to try to like stop doing something in a fight fight to pop it whether that be stop blocking stop swinging whatever it may be and so for those reasons those are the characters I think pair best with fighter and just to reiterate fighter cleric Bard I think is a very strong one uh or cleric Ranger fighter these two are very strong and then obviously there are some more like I said like you know Bard wizard fighter Bard anything fighter I think Bard fight Bard Fighters a strong combination right now and you pair any third class with it it's obviously going to work incredibly well and uh now back to what I was doing gear I think my last thing I want to go over here is gear choices itemization I get asked this a lot like what kind of gear are you wearing what's the best uh what do you prefer and I'm not going to go over weapons here because I already went over weapons uh this is mostly just going to focus on Armor now the big question here is what kind of chest piece you use the main three options are you have a fine curus you have a Templar Armor and then if he has one there's armor and then you have well he doesn't you have dark plate so you know and obviously all three have their benefits fine curus is obviously the most armor rating one with the lowest magic resistance and the lowest movement speed this is going to be your generic bread and butter physical defense tanky curus right here this is what you're going to use when you just need to tank only physical damage you don't really care what your movement speed you don't care what your magic resistance you literally are just going for a pure physical defense tank Templar Armor however just like dark plate it has less overall armor rating but it does give you magic resistance and it gives you less movement speed debuff you see here -35 compared to -10 if you're wonder that is it's literally just this number right here this just this flat number it takes away so you see here 260 there you go but anyways like I was saying and obviously like obviously you see like that's a different uh number but that's because of the uh like it's it wasn't like the flat 15 but obviously it's because of Swift um but yeah so Templar Armor my personal preference I don't actually have one right now but my personal preference is dark plate I think dark plate is incredibly strong the the good mix between the movement speed you're not uh the movement speed debuff and the magic res you're getting also having a good armor rating it's kind of the in between here between dark curus and Templar Armor where it's a little bit slower than Templar Armor but a little bit tankier while also having more magic reses and then obviously it's less has less armor rating than this but it's not as slow and it doesn't and it has more magic resistance dark plade is the Premier magic resistance armor you can go and the most you can really stack in one item because it gives you 40 magic resistance which generally speaking it's not super helpful Because unless you stack a ton of this magic resistance it is nice but having 20% from dark plate is much much better than having negative 10% Magic from what you see here with what I have on and this is a very common occurrence when you have playar on is having a negative magic resist number and then other than chest pieces I think for helmet you always want to go Hound skull just 100% a green hound skull is better than a purple version of almost every other helmet your really only two choices for for helmets are Hound skull and the armed because those are the ones with the best headshot damage reduction and the best armor rating the armed is a little bit lower than the Hound skull with 18% headshot damage reduction so it's not that much but the armor rating actually is a pretty big difference uh because the Hound skull just has a significant uh amount more and then you have gloves legs and boots I think for these it's pretty cut and dry uh you can go plates I think the best pants slot is the heavy leather leggings which is the leggings that give plus one strength and they are just they don't have much less armor but I do believe those are the best ones to use for pants I will see if I can find an example to show you guys really quick my armor have one obviously my armor does not have one we will go into fighter chat and see if we can find heavy leather leggings and if not then unlucky let's see anyone selling them no no one's selling them maybe they're selling them Barb chat let's go this is very professional leggings whoops no one selling him either I don't have any so that's unlucky but anyways I think heavy leather leggings are your best in slot pants because once your gear is really really good you won't actually need the extra around N9 to 10 armor rating from plate and also it gives you less movement speed debuff while also giving you one strength which as mentioned earlier is a very valuable stats a fighter and then I think plate boots are always fine uh these give you one strength they give you a lot of armor so it's just these are perfectly fine and then for gloves heavy gauntlets are usually going to be your best riveted gloves are potential one because they also do give you one strength but to use riveted gloves you need really really good gear and you need really really high uh stat rolls on them then for your ring slots and your cape slot I think the best Cape is going to be the tattered cloak as you see here it the blue in three strength this one gives armor rating and Spell capacity ideally you're going to want something like three strength either damage reduction or armor rating and then you're going to want to go for um excuse me then you're going to want to look for like a damage shat or like an all attribute Stat or like you know flat agility added or something like that for your jewelry I personally believe that the Ring of courag is and the ox Bennet is the best because I do prefer the strength fighter to The agie Fighter um but obviously there are people that like Agy and I I do believe I have a good Agy ring yeah like this one like this right here is a amazing pendant for a fighter it's only a blue but this gives everything you want three Agy plus one all physical damage reduction these stats right here are the main things you should be prying on a fighter if you see anything that has physical damage reduction even sometimes you know you'll see people using like this one this has two will but then it has armor rating which equals physical damage reduction like this is a usable pendant for a fighter even though will doesn't really matter that much just because that's how important it is to stack armor on this character and then like I said for your rings just go rings of Courage you're going to want to look for stat rolls similar to these two strength plus one all four Max HP this is just giving you a lot of extra defensive stats uh ideally once again you're going to want something like this this like this is probably one of the best rolls you can get which gives you a ton of armor a ton of agility and a ton of strength this is an amazing necklace even though the rolls look very simple and this is just something wonderful to have and then the last thing I want to go over just to be sure to reiterate it is other than these base stats what order would I prioritize my actual stats on my character and on my gear overall well rank one will always be physical damage reduction and armor rating I say and not or because these stats are interchangeable depending on the role you get like for example you see these here these have 10 armor rating versus this R is 2% physical damage reduction this one's 1.8% so what is it what is 10 armor rating how how much damage reduction is this well each Five Points of armor rating is roughly about 1% damage reduction so 10 armor rating is roughly equivalent to 2% physical damage reduction so for this reasoning is if you have something with like five armor rating rule versus 2% physical damage reduction the 2% is always going to be better however if you had like 15 armor rating compared to this 2% I'm going to take the 15 armor rating over it and generally that's why I say and so you the stats are basically interchangeable you just prioritize whichever one is the higher role and then after this I personally really like going strength I mean I think the agif fighter is good and it's def gives you a lot of attack speed a lot of movement speed a lot of Mobility but me personally I I like I like going into the strength build the reason being is each the strength one point of strength only gives you 2 Hp but when you have a ton of damage each two points of HP is effectively a lot more because they have to do a lot more damage to break that two points of HP and take you down also this having a ton of Base HP helps with magic damage which you suffer for very very heavily if you have a low amount of HP and low magic resistance then it's really easy to die in one to two spells from a wizard but if you have a ton of HP even if you're taking more damage from them they still have to break through that giant HP pool that you have and uh yes so I think that just about covers everything for uh a fighter in terms of gear um yeah so like you know just the last thing to go over is I think you know plate armor is very good I think there's a lot of viable builds for the character I do think fighter can be a difficult character to get into I will not deny it when I first played this game and I tried fighter I didn't like the character I I didn't enjoy it I didn't uh find it fun the starting gear is very very hard to get used to you start with like some very weak armor and a very weak sword a very weak shield and block in this game is quite actually difficult so getting into fighter can be very hard my recommendation like I said before is you just run this Slayer you just run the Slayer build here and then as you're using Slayer you want to try to Gear Up Get Around green plate armor stacked up in your inventory or just really anything good that is that is the selling point of fighter is fighter can wear any gear they want pretty much and so for fighter when you're gearing up if you get something green with weapon damage throw it on put on the best gear you possibly pull and just keep on going and while fighter starts off very slow they can snowball very fast once they start putting on some good gear and getting some really good stats from their stuff but anyways I hope this is very helpful and what I wanted to do and if you have any more questions feel leave feel free to leave them in the comments I will try my best to answer them there are obviously going to be some things I missed in this video because I kind of just did this oneoff I have a notepad beside me with like some things I wanted to go over and yeah I just like I said hope this is helpful hope this helps anyone get into the character hope it helps you keep playing the character make you want to play the character and um yeah I stream fighter gameplay over at twitch I'll leave my Twitch down below so feel free to come follow and watch me uh I'll be live soon whenever that may be but yeah um thanks for watching peace
Channel: Toddfather
Views: 20,082
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: kPlaP3Ibsx4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 51sec (1971 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 19 2023
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