To All Who Cry About Gold Gear and Gear Diff - Dark and Darker

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the fun fact um this is actually going to be my second time recording this video because the first time I recorded it I honestly I didn't expected to be as long as it was so I was going to pretty much reply to most of the comments from my last video uh regarding like smoke but Rogue gold gear however I like I said I realized that the video ended up being a bit longer than I anticipated so I decided to split them up into two so this one is going to be about gold gear not specifically gold gear more so it's going to be about all the cry babies who complain that gold gear is so op and gold gear is ruining the game and just just to preface this as I don't know like I mean it's funny cuz clearly none of you ever looked at any of my other videos just a few days ago I made videos about or I made a video about gold gear where I said I thought gold gear was probably a bit too strong I thought crafted gear in general a bit too strong could definitely be nerfed down having access to free legendary items that you can pick your roles on is just a little bit strong and I don't think it should happen I think you know I I went pretty in depth I talked about how good gold cloaks were how I thought they were like you know I thought how I thought they were way better than any other cloak and these shouldn't exist because it's kind of like it makes it so every character needs to wear them to be biss however with that being said I don't think that has anything to do with the things I'm about to say and I don't think has anything to do with the people that cry about gold gear because I'm just going to be completely real I'm going to make a lot of people mad when I say this and this video is going to upset a lot of people all of you people complaining about gold gear and W gold Gear's ruining our games W I'm getting chased down by gold gear teams two things one we are at the end of like a thre Monon WIP cycle we are what is it it's like what are we like almost three and a half months into a wipe now a 100 days give or take into a wipe and you expect do you not expect to see gold gear in most lobbies not to mention gold gear isn't even hard to get if you're like somebody that knows what they're doing and plays the game and you know you spend the time you know say like 5 to 8 hours you can go from level one naked to a gold kit in a day I don't even mean getting lucky and killing a gold team just mining the gold and making it yourself you can get a gold kit in a day and we are 100 days in like yeah sure Ian people are like oh well not everybody has time to do the quests like you because you have no life or no job okay you don't have time to do the quest that's fine you know why because you can just make the money let's look you know let's go golden cloak let's oh can't spell let's go like look golden cloak see this is the best part is you can just buy stuff on the market like look this right here two good roll golden cloak oh actually my bad it's to off sorry this right here if you're a Magic character decent Mo this one decent most of these aren't going to be that good cuz they're early on but 3900 gold it's not that expensive let's look let's uh let's let's go look at gold ingots right let's just look let's say you were mining gold to sell gold ingots you could sell them for 300 a piece 300 a piece a golden cloak is 4,000 gold that is 13 ingots give or take that you're going to have to sell if you were just mining ingots to make gold or doing whatever else and then golden cloak is the only gold piece of gear you need because let me just show you guys something see this is honestly I like I don't even I this think is kind of sad and I think it's really really funny so let's let's look so you know we're not going to put a single piece of gold gear on I'm not going to put a single piece of gold gear on let me take this off I'm going to put on all purple and blue gear Grim Smiles if you count those as gold I mean whatever I'll go over in a second so purple purple purple purple crafted blue purple and then purple purple these are Grim Smiles you know if you like if these technically get crafted with gold but they're not golden gear in a traditional sense so this is without a single piece of gold gear on I have 171 HP I am 102.9 Mo speed you know 5.3 extra speed that's whatever 21.5% fist power bonus let's what is this I could equip a tattered cloak 175 23.5 103 or 102.9 basically 103 this is not a single piece of gold gear equipped and my kit is still insane let's say I were to equip this gold cloak that's three good rolls you know what I you know what happens I gain a little bit more HP I gain a little bit more move speed and I gain a tiny bit more of his power but you know what the difference is if people see me with this right here on with this gear set right here on and no gold cloak they'd run at me and fight me if they see me with this right here on they're going to run away from me or they're going to team on me or they're going to hide and Trey a third party just because they see a gold cloak why is that it's because people are terrified of gold when they see it they see it and they just oh my God he's in Gold we can't fight him he's just so much more geared gear Gap gear Gap they just want to cry and cry and cry and that's how most people are and that's how all of you that are in my comments saying gold gear is killing this game gold gear is killing this game that is the type of player you are and because you're that type of player that whenever they see something that they think is way too overgeared they never try to fight it cuz there have been people I've had a game recently the other day I was playing ice caves with a friend he was a gold Bard I was pretty much in a kit exactly like this all I had was a gold cloak there were two teams in really good purples like I'm talking like not quite this level of purples here but just a tad down but they were all good kits all HR level demigod level kits right all kits you could beat gold gear in they fourman teamed on us vooping oh we got to get the gold team get the gold team because they are that scared of fighting a gold team and you know why it's because they are not good enough to overcome a small gear Gap I've literally just shown you that this kit right here not a single piece of gold gear oh this is like let me go over this just just out of rips so this is crafted tripil doublet this is crafted let's let's go look uh Taylor you can complete just the first Quest you have access to tripil so no excuse here for oh I don't have the quest unlocked I can't do it because I'm not a giga sweat it plays 24/7 like you this Quest can be done in what two runs to hell you could just if you play so or Duo you can wait for uh ruins to roll around on the rotation go to hell you can complete the demon Berserker and demon bat in two runs three if you're unlucky skeleton Mage you can do that anywhere anytime then guess what bam you have access to tripel dublet um where's it at The Alchemist after you complete his second Quest you get access to Grim Smiles let's look at the first Quest turn in three of each potion that's easy second Quest five skeleton Mages 10 wisps five Goblin Mages you can literally load in naked run and kill these and leave the game and do it that's easy and then you have access to crafting Grim Smiles none of those quests you could do all of those quests right there that I just showed to get access to tripels and Grim Smiles in 3 hours maybe four if for some reason you're unlucky like really unlucky but chances are it's only going to take you about 3 hours if less to if not like you know less to do those and you have access to everything here and then like I said this kit this kit without that Gold Cup uh gold cloak is still insane if I ran in with this you know what would happened I would still run people down I would still clear lobbies you know why because that's the thing gold gear isn't actually that much better than good purple gear you know what the difference is between gold gear and really good purple gear let's look this gold gear has one more roll than my purple gear they have the exact same base stat and it has a 1.5 magic damage reduction the only re real difference between gold gear and purple gear other than it having one more roll is that you can pick the rolls you want or you can wait for them to roll around however you want to know something that's really really funny so these right here are these right here are they they're both very good this has triple damage rolls this has Agy Max Health Fizz power honestly for my build for Slayer I like these right here a bit more yes I do think these are very good however I like these just a little bit more you know what the difference is these right here I bought off the market for 750 gold if I wanted to buy these off the market I would probably spend about 7,000 plus gold literally 10 times the gold to get things that just aren't as good or to get things that at best are only they're either even or slightly better depending on the build you want but so that's the thing that people don't realize people are so petrified of gold gear that they were like can't even comprehend that oh we could fight these guys or like you know they're not that much more geared they would rather die to them or run from them and then cry gear diff than actually try to beat them and because of that these players are never going to get better but it's just I'm so sick and tired of hearing people cry and cry about gear Gap like my latest video so many comments are people like oh the real problem is all the gold geared teams ruining this game clearing lobbies like no that's not why they're not clearing the lobbies because they're in gold gear they're clearing the lobbies because they're the best player in the lobbies that's the thing if you look at any streamer that runs gold gear me poshi wreck Apollo AML Repose promo rsy Jer any of those streamers that run gold gear do you think if gold gear wasn't in the game they would just like be awful and they wouldn't be killing lobbies the same way they are no you know why because they've been doing that for months even before this wife even before gold gear is introduced they've been doing it for months because if you weren't in gold gear you know what they would be in they would be in purple gear that is just as good the only exception is the golden cloak because obviously the golden cloak has three on which is something you can't match however every other piece is something that you can match and now with the marketplace you can just go on here and you can search up and you can buy specific items so it is easier than ever to get really good gear to match that gold gear before it was you know you have to sit and trade chat and try to look and try to snipe it now literally anyone can search up an item with the specific roles they want and buy it it is way easier now to get really good Gear with the roles you want exactly that isn't just crafted gear now like I've said I do think crafted gear is just a little bit too strong however I my main issue with crafted gear isn't that it gives people a giant Advantage it's not like that you can't overcome it's the fact that it's too easy to get and then yeah like you say well some people like oh it's not that easy to get because you have to do quests okay over a 90day wipe cycle you can't you know kill one boss 10 times like let's see like you know this Quest right like over I don't it's funny I don't even have access to this character cuz I can't even see it cuz I haven't done the second Quest let me swap to my main character and look at it where we at like you know like armor like over a 90-day wipe cycle you won't kill Lich 15 times or you won't kill ghost G 10 times that's literally like that's what's like you could do less than one boss a day you could do it less than what what like one boss every three days four five six like you could kill one boss a week and still finish it by the time you get to the end of the wipe and that's the thing is if you're not even doing it that much how can you expect to unlock it that's one of my that's that's something I think is really funny that I've seen a lot of people cry about that's something else that annoys me so this is like a little spoiler alert if you don't play the game and you don't actively try to do the quests why should you be allowed to unlock the other things this is a reward for people that do the quests and grind the game and then people like oh well I don't have you know eight hours a day to grind it like you do I just showed you that you can do literally one Boss run a week and still finish the quest one sure maybe you get like stuck on spider silk or something right because it's a low Drop chance however there are ways to there are ways to make this higher go HR Goblin caves take a luck pot in you know go get luck gear be a Bard whatever you want to do right there are ways to increase the odds of getting this and this right here is just a matter of time if you kill one ghost King a week one ghost King a week you'll finish this before the end of the wipe and it's just it's so ridiculous about the crying that people do I have never because people are going to be like because I I already hear the comments like oh that's all you do is cry that's all you do is cry yeah but the difference is when things I'm crying about are things that need to be said when I go on here and I make a 30-minute video talking about the state of the game and how bad it is and how smoke pot Rogues are a Cancer upon demigod level lobbies that just ruin the experience for anyone that's actually trying to play the game that is a lot different than you guys going in the comments saying oh you're an idiot Rogues are fun play style that you know you know they should be able to play the game however they want they paid for it like you know you don't get to tell them what to do gold gear is the real problem all these gold gear teams clearing lobbies no it's not the same because you're crying is stupid and you have no idea what you're talking about like it's to the point that I'm pretty sure some of you the only people in my mind that can ever defend smoke pot Rogue are two people one you're someone who's never had good enough gear or never played at that level where you see it and have them stealing your gear or two you're a smoke pot Rogue yourself nothing else makes any type of sense to me there is no other way because I refuse to believe that any of you have been there killed a gold team and had three smoke pot roges run up steal your gear and run away and be like oh yeah it's really cool glad those guys are having fun no that's not what you did you complained and you bitched and you moaned about it the exact same way I do the exact same way every single streamer that plays this game does and that's the that's something else it's people just like oh you're the only one complaining like you know just you're just crying about this because you know can't kill Rogues or whatever the classic firefighter player pull up any person's stream pull up Rose's stream watch it for 15 minutes and you will see at least a few smoke poot Rogues in their game and the funny part is those guys play on delay I've seen them play on 15 minutes of delay and still get smoke poot Rog I watched his stream earlier I popped in there for five minutes they had a fight with another gold team one of them died they had a res right beside them one of them grabbed their gu stuff stepped up to the res resed him came back down one of the bodies they just killed completely looted clean because they didn't instantly loot it and I'm not going to get into talking about smoke part Raton I wanted to keep this video about gold gear but yeah that's I will make that separate video but at the end of the day the thing is all of these players that cry and cry and cry about gear diff and that gold gear is way too op we can't do anything there's running our lobbies w w w there's gold gear there's a gold team at every single Lobby w w no there's not are there a lot of them yeah there are is it if you when you load into the lobby and you see a gold team is that just game over for you is it GG can you not do anything no no if you're in like blues and purples you can kill them just play to play better than them but that's a thing that's something that a lot of people don't don't want to they don't want to hear they don't want to hear that they can because the thing is they can't and it's not because that gold gear so op that you know you have nothing to do it's because the players just aren't good enough just plain and simple because you can see people going Zero to Hero one of my friends recently does Zero to Hero literally within the first like three hours they had killed a full gold team you know and this is from starting like you know a naked character I watched Apollo playing Slayer f F he's not even a fighter player he's playing Slayer fighter in a mid kit at that killed a full gold auser wizard team he killed where Tri High Roller where's it at let's go to Wizard he killed he killed this guy here beninge H he killed this guy right here full gold wizard warlock I think ranger or Bard team the guy had an auser they were in like bad blues and purples we not even bad like decent blues and purples like mid blues and purples they killed a full gold team and got an A losery wow why how did they do it not because the gear gaap them not because they were in gold gear and their gear is way better because they played around it and they third partied them and they played the correct way and were able to kill them that's the thing that a lot of people don't want to like that's the people thing a lot of people don't want to admit is that they're simply just not good enough and they would rather cry about a gear diff that have to look at themselves and look at their gameplay and be like oh maybe I just you know maybe I just played that bad maybe I'm just not good enough to beat these guys because is the thing is is the gear diff there yes but does that gear diff make it impossible to beat somebody for example if I put this golden cloak on and I gain 5 HP and you know 1.7% movement speed do I go from oh I'm perfectly killable normal character to Immortal demon god king is that what just happen when I CLI this equip this gold cloak is that is that what just happened did that oh a perfectly normal killable character nothing unusual here oh my God we have to run away way he's unkillable he'll kill us all instantly wkey gear check stat check op god king is is that what happens when you like a gold CL when I put on a gold cloak because thing is I'm showing you right now that I'm running just I mean don't get me wrong this is a very good kit yes but the point is that if people weren't wearing gold they would still be in really really good kits and all these people that you complain about oh they're the stat checking lobbies or just W King with gold gear and wiping lobbies they would do the exact same thing at purple gear because at the end of the day those players are better than you are and that is a fact but all right I'm going to end the video there honestly I didn't even really have a point in making this video it wasn't like you know anything constructive honestly I'm just really tired of hearing all these people cry because they actually act like just little children whenever they see like a gold team whenever they die to some head in gold and they just want to cry and make excuses for the reasons they lose but in reality 99% of the time it's just because they're not good enough and there's nothing wrong with being bad at this game everybody's bad at some point you have to the problem is is there are two types of bad players there's a bad player that wants to improve and there's a bad player that's complacent and whenever you die to a team that's more geared than you and you just cry gear diff nothing I could do you're the type of player that's going to be complacent and you are never going to improve if you're somebody it's like you know you're actively trying to beat people even though there's a gear diff and even if you die because you're not always going to beat them like you know sometimes you know you're just not going to play good enough or they're going to play better because that's the thing is whenever like you have a gear diff applied it's if you're better than them yeah you could beat them but if they have a better if they have better gear and they're a better player I mean obviously you're probably not going to unless they make a giant mess up which is possible it happens I've seen gold teams die all the time people way less gear than them people that weren't a single piece of gold because they either got outplayed or they just played poorly that could happen however you know if you're like still trying to fight these teams sometimes you're going to win and you're going to improve fighting people that are more geared than you makes you have to play differently because you're like you can't just run at and kill them you have to actually think and play correctly and put yourself in a a favorable situation to win and if you do that you can beat anyone anybody that's more geared than you just happens but uh yeah that's pretty much going to sum up for the video here uh thank you guys for watching uh I already I can't wait for the comments I know a bunch of people are going to be crying I think it's going to be comedy but with that being said feel free to like comment subscribe all that good stuff and I will catch you guys next time peace
Channel: Toddfather
Views: 3,397
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: hN7A9IXWMtw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 24sec (1224 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 25 2024
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