Dark and Darker fighter guide, build, solo tips, perks, skills, gameplay, and more

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this is a fighter guide for dark and darker I'm going to show you everything you need to know to get started with the fighter in this game so the fighter for this guy you're going to want to go to your class and look at your perks and skills so let's go through the perks One By One The Fighter has a Nuance this basically you want to play the tank You're Gonna Play DPS but there's a little bit of wiggle room to go a lot of different ways with the fighter specifically because no matter what way you're playing generally you're always gonna want weapon Mastery at your first perk for the fighter because what it does is it lets you use all weapons and the main reason you do this specifically is so you can use a bow if you equip a bow then what you can do is you don't have to hard engage now as a solo fighter this is absolutely critical but even in a team play it's nice because when the enemy has a lot of range and you can't really deal with that range uh you don't have to try to run in while archers and mages are shooting at you instead you can meet them head on in the ranged battle and then try to get a kill that way or weaken them and get them to run so that then you can chase and then break the distance really helpful along narrow hallways where you can't just run through always always always you want a bow as a fighter so that's a must-have always keep that in mind that is a goal that you want is to equip some kind of bow just so you can shoot at a distance and not to run it okay with that one out of the way let's look at everything else though so barricade uh is a tank one only uh it's not really that great uh because generally if you're playing like most situations if you're playing a bounce play style or trying to kill people it's not that great because the best defense is a good offense basically and yeah the time and a place for taking that less damage while holding a shield up is good but that's really only if you're playing as a primary tank in a team setting uh which is maybe not even that really good idea but you could you can play that way there's definitely potential to play that way because there's a lot of other things that go with this so if you're playing tank in a team setting barricades okay if you want to go full defense and not really care about killing anyone let your team kill everyone combo attack is really good uh regardless of which way you're playing uh if you make room for it because uh it makes your attack power increase by 10 with each successful melee attack within three seconds so that just lets you get a ton of bonus damage uh whenever you just can flurry someone just keep swinging swinging swinging on someone which really helps you to actually kill people in this game as a fighter with a mega weapon counter attack is decent as a tank but it's not really that something you could do with that often unless you I mean I guess you do can you get in a fight with another fight or you're gonna fight with a rogue and five barbarian you uh hold up a shield you block something and then you swing uh and you do more damage but it's only ten percent so it's really I feel like it's not worth the perk in my opinion but you can play around with if you want uh defense expert is pretty good if you're on full tank it combos well with the barricade one which increases armor rating acquired from armor by 10 uh so if you want to go into the crazy heavy armor be slow as hell and not be able to move but just want to maximize that armor gain from that and just be like the tankiest guy ever maybe be good for bosses come to think of it have a one fighter come in like that I'm not sure I have to test that but anyway uh this is definitely a tank one uh you definitely could use it otherwise but there's kind of better ones so I don't really recommend it but it's definitely decent uh dual wield is if you're going full offense with a fighter you don't even use a shield because then uh it makes it so your tax beats 15 higher when you've weapons in both hands so that's good so actually so I got that wrong that's uh which one you're dual wielding or it's like you're using two daggers or something like that uh increases actually 50 so if you're gonna go that way then you get this but this is a really Niche one so only when you really need that one uh projectile resistance again goes with tank on you get that barricade and defense expert and you're gonna be really tanky because it makes projectiles do 10 less damage then Shield expert lets you increase your movement speed by 10 while in the defensive stance holding your Shield up uh that's also good if you're a tank if you really want to go full tank and never try to kill anyone just hold your Shield like sure you could if you want uh and then Swift reduces the base movement speed penalty for a quick arm by 20 this is much better for uh fighters who want to play aggressively because then you can have some decent armor on and not have to be insanely slow because of it so that will help you stick on people better and be more consistent and we'll re-go over each of these again in a second different combos of them for the different way ways of fighting uh but yeah it's a decent one uh so we're gonna go through skills and look back at perks so adrenaline rush it's not that great but if you do have it and you happen to get stick on someone to start beating on them really hard and you combo that with combo attack and uh I know dual wielding or something yeah in theory you could do an insane amount of damage but there's two that are really good that make this not as good of an option we'll get to them in a second uh breakthrough reduces debuffs at slow movement speeds it's cool and all but it's so Niche it's not worth giving up a skill for it because there's some better skills here uh Second Wind is one of the skills you definitely want to have it's insanely strong it recovers 50 of your HP over 12 seconds and eliminates the side effects of adrenaline rust if you want to combo Adrenaline Rush with it you can but generally the best thing to get with second wind is Sprint so that you can chase people down and when you get low you pop second win so you can sustain heal and keep fighting uh that's generally going to be your best combo but adrenaline rush is not bad if you want to try to force it you can make it work but overall Second Wind with Sprint is going to be your most universally usable combo to use most most value you're gonna get the most value for the least amount out of effort basically with these two things there's also taunt and this is also if you're trying to play tank basically uh or increase the aggro to all monsters within a 7.5 meter area by 50 but more importantly it increases your defense rating by 15 for eight seconds so if you combo that with barricade with defense expert with Shield expert and projectile resistance you can be really tanky with some heavy plate armor on uh I'm not really sure why you'd want to do it though I mean unless you really just want to tank out let your friends kill things uh generally it's better to play a little more aggressive as a fighter but but if you wanted to go that route you combo those things you can be really tanky it'd be it'd be really funny you could actually be so hard to kill uh then there's Victory strike which is not that great uh it really would be the victory strike is best when comboed with a two-handed weapon because what it does is increases the damage of your next attack by 20 of the weapon damage so if you look at bardichi or something then yeah you can just [ __ ] someone so hard with this but uh especially when you comment with some of the other perks but it's really more more Universal to just get second with a Sprint they're just safer bets basically because this is nice but will you ever actually get a swing on someone also if your target dies and attacks recover five percent maximum HP that doesn't really matter five percent of Base HP for a fighter is only 5 HP so there's really no good use it's not that great like yeah in theory every 40 seconds you could kill a skeleton and then by the end of the match I feel like 30 HP or something by always using it to kill mobs or something but ah it's just it's just it's not that great it's just not that great although I do wonder if you could get like three mobs next to each other and do the thing where you swing you move your mouse from left to right or right to left and happen to kill all three Mobs with the same swing with Victory strike one for proc three times but that's getting that's getting super Niche so generally Victory strikes not that great all right so we're gonna talk about tank be going basically a tank which would be barricade um defense expert Shield expert projectile resistance and you could swap one of these out for something else like counter attack whatever or weapon Mastery but probably better weapon Mastery barricade and then projectile resistance and defense expert and say the heck with Shield expert or say to heck with project algorithm keep it something like that for tank these are the good options if you don't even want to kill somebody you want your team to kill people uh but if you're playing a normal more balanced fighter and you actually want to kill people yourself or if you're playing a very aggressive fighter uh matter you always want weapon Mastery that's a must-have no matter what you just want that so you have a bow the bow super op you'd have the whole reason to be a fighter is build a melee and of a bow uh but then uh you definitely want combo attack because that's going to make you just do way more damage image in a flurry of attacks on people and then you definitely want Swift one of the biggest Achilles heel of an aggressive fighter is if you want to have enough armor to not get one shot by people basically then you're gonna be slow because armor makes you slow so if you get Swift it reduces that amount that it slows You by a little bit which just makes it that much easier to stick on people you can't bow that with Sprint and you'll actually be able to get up to someone and start swinging on them instead of just getting kited forever and then dying so we got Swift We got combo attack but weapon Mastery now your last one is going to depend on you if you're crazy enough to be dual willing director as a fighter then get dual wield uh otherwise if you just want to be tankier get defense expert uh if you find yourself blocking a lot then you get barricade or you get Shield expert or if you find something getting mowed down by Rangers all the time then you project our resistance or if you want to try to be nuanced encounter that guy generally the the easiest thing to do would be for the fourth one just get defense expert it's just a no-brainer use heart you're just tankier easy if you're dual wielding for whatever reason then just obviously get dual wield instead of Defense expert because that'll be cool um but yeah otherwise I mean you can anyone is depending on which way you want to go but yeah the easiest one to go with just be defense expert is the fourth so one more time weapon Mastery combo attack Swift and then the last one being whatever one you want as an aggressive fighter defense expert being the no-brainer one now as a fighter If You're Gonna Go tank you just want to go straight to the armor and buy a plate armor or find it in Dungeon uh you have some options to like Templar Armor will slow you less but give you slightly less arm but then also give you magic resistance but the generic curious and all that will take a ton of move speed away and reduce your magic resistance uh and then you always want uh meanwhile fighter star or the round Shield but if you can get a heater Shield it is always nice because it blocks a bigger area uh but yeah so if you're gonna tank you just throw on this stuff if you're not going tank though you want to be really careful about just throwing on tons of plate armor like maybe the boots because they only reduce your speed by a little compared to the other boot options and you get some metal but then it makes you really loud keep that in my plate boots when you walk around go Clank Clank Clank and everyone hears it so that's important to keep in mind um but what's generally better for at least for the chess piece is go to the tailor he doesn't have it right now but there's a piece in here that you'll see called a Regal gambeson and he'll give you like 35 and really don't give you like 50 armor or something and only reduce your move speed by like I forget like five or ten or something like that so you can go there to get that and then after that like you could try throwing on leather maybe like it's a compromise as an aggressive fighter uh the compromises between move speed reduction and armor so you're just gonna try to figure out a compromise that you like to make sure that you move fast enough to be able to catch people still uh and if you're going full tankiness you just go full armor as for what stats do you want to get uh on gear if you get the option like you see a ring or something like that and you have a choice uh definitely strength is going to be your best bet as a fighter agility is also good because it makes you move a little bit faster but it's mainly just strength then agility and then the other things don't really matter resourcefulness is okay but it's not really important you 15 of everything as a fighter so like it's whatever uh move speed if you ever get move speed on a bonus move speed on something that's also good I need bonus damage bonus damage bonus move speed that's really your main thing or just damage reduction or something like that now when you actually get in-game as a fighter uh generally the way you're going to play it depends on if you're solo if your team if you're in a team and you have a cleric what you're going to do assuming the Claire is going to follow you and heal you is when you find a team if you can you're just gonna hard run at them and start swinging while the cleric spam heals on you and just mow people down that was what we did at a team and it was really fun and it works most the time if both people are good at the Claire can aim the heels pretty good uh but otherwise if you don't have a cleric then you're gonna play a little bit more Nuance you're gonna you know go in and out and uh you're gonna pick it up with a bow and then when the time's right you're gonna pull out your weapons and start swinging on them and stuff or if you see a good moment you just go in and start swinging as fast as you can basically until until they're all dead or if you want as a fighter you can Crouch walk around everywhere sneak around wait for people to run right past you and then right when they run up in front of you start swinging on this stuff there's a lot of different ways you can play a fighter especially when you have a bow uh but generally again generally it's going to be a regardless of team player not is when you see people you're gonna pick at them with the bow and then if you can close the gap with safely then you close the gap use Sprint start swinging on them with whatever weapon you have until you kill them and if you get low you maybe try to disengage and then start using the bow potions and bandages are your best friend as a fighter and also don't forget to use yourself heal if you picked it with Second Wind in order to keep going but yeah it's just it's just hanging back shooting arrows and then when the time's right you go in and go full commit to swinging and swing as fast you can on someone aiming for the head and that's going to be a fighter in a nutshells hopefully helps you out that's uh my build guide and uh General tips and advice for how to play fighter in dark and darker by the way if this video helped you out if and you want to return the favor just check out this game I'm making on Steam called Art Gallery simulator I'll link this in the description this video below the first paragraph and it's just one of those Simulator games you're gonna run Art Gallery you're going to start in slums upgraded middle class eventually get an art museum sell a bunch of art make much money upgrade your shop and place new things and stuff it'll hopefully be a really fun game once it gets released uh later in March or April when I get done with it so if you want to help just go down go to the page and just add it to your wish list you don't have to actually buy when it comes out but it'll just notify you when it comes out and it helps me out a lot if you if many people wishlist the game as possible all right well that's all guys hopefully now you know how to play fighter in dark and darker
Channel: Kibbles Gaming
Views: 50,492
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fighter build dark and darker, fighter dark and darker, fighter guide dark and darker, fighter solo dark and darker, fighter pvp dark and darker, fighter perks dark and darker, fighter bow dark and darker, fighter weapons dark and darker, fighter skills dark and darker, best class dark and darker, how to play fighter dark and darker, how to play dark and darker, best fighter perks dark and darker, best fighter build dark and darker, fighter beginners guide dark and darker, best
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 39sec (759 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 06 2023
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