Level 1 Elf Fighter Permadeath | Solo Fighter | Dark and Darker

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hi everyone and welcome back to another  video today we're taking this elf fighter   on a permadeath journey like no other seeing if  we can survive the dungeons of dark and darker   all the way to level 20. this elf is not like  many of the others he is wielding Speed and   Agility alongside the options of a fighter class  things such as two-handed Weapons or heavy armor   make him an outcast among his elf people seeing  as they use weapons of grace and elegance with   speed his mission is quite simple he's set up on  a mission to prove to the elves of his homeland   but you don't always need to use a recurve bow or  a nice Sleek sword his job and his task will be   making it through howling Crips using some of the  more archaic weapons and armors of a fighter class   something that he prefers that being said you can  still be successful in finding speed and Grace   with the fighter class team as we're taking  Sprint and Adrenaline Rush alongside combo   attack we'll find you some pretty decent damage  early and I think is probably your fastest way to   zero to 100 a player on the fighter class  don't really have the damage early on to   use Victory strike and Slayer Slayer usually  means you have to get incredibly close and it   will greatly depend on what sort of weapons we  find either in the merchant or Goblin Merchant   zombie had a weird weird Awakening into this  world don't mind the spawn get some free pots   trick is the Dodge the spike traps on the  wall which can be forgotten about quite easily   they place the pots intentionally so that you  bend over and get basically spiked in the face   same as the spider one in the rooms above you get  an early potion which is quite handy considering   we have absolutely nothing and we know there's a  fight ahead of us because a guy spawns directly   in this room Beyond and usually not always but  usually there's quite a bit of stuff to fight   in there so it takes time and you can get down  this hallway for the most part faster than than   the player in here so I'm kind of curious  why there's no noise and then I hear some   footsteps I hear a Bow so this is definitely  a ranger who we're gonna need to rush down passive for friendly and I'm not gonna vote  back it's not what I'm interested in doing   I'm gonna see if we can catch him with  his pants down and land some hits on them   unfortunately can't quite stick to them and  I'm not going to chase any further because   quick shot will literally delete us that  was so very close to having right where we   wanted them even still with Sprint if I have  a sword and shield out my movement speed is   reduced a lot more than just using a single  weapon he was able to basically just run away   from us and keep that distance because everything  sword doesn't apply that great of a slow on hit   he could have turned and I'm pretty  sure that Longbow would a 100 to zero   s and a couple arrows considering we have  absolutely no projectile resistance right now   so it might have been best we just let  him let him go off to his own devices   be real shame if we ruined our Quest or our  journey so early on and to my surprise this   guy left a nice little wall of loot here which  is one of the better spots to loot in Goblin   caves I hear Bow Creek and sure enough this guy  was a little bit annoyed so he comes back for a   bit more I just hope he doesn't push us or try  to bait us into uh into a trap we find a helmet   how much in the head shot reduction is  absolutely crucial so crucial early on as   a headshot from any Arrow projectile magic  Missile anything at all can be very deadly that's why I usually run the Hound skull how  do you guys say that one Hoon skull regardless   it has crazy good projectile reduction and  really really solid headshot reduction numbers   we find a purple candelara I think it's called and   that could be worth that could be worth a  lot of gold considering Bangles are worth   like five or six gold each that thing's  almost worth extracting with by itself going through this hallway please make sure  you guys duck because the amount of times   I've seen people get impaled by spikes  going through that hallway in a panic   is a lot it happens far too often most people  are pretty scared of the stream and once they   start hearing that buzz of the death Beetle it  forces them down that hallway quite quickly and of   course I think there's even a few shiny little  items on the ground just to bait you into it not too interested in fighting at Ranger he has a  kill which probably that Barbarian we saw earlier   but I also see that there's a stiletto dagger  on the loose and stiletto daggers are incredibly   scary fact that a rogue even has one means  that he likely brought in a kit or brought   in a stiletto and if you're bringing in a stiletto  you're probably bring in at least a green or blue   which essentially means I have no chance of  fighting that Rogue and if I happen to cross his   path it will not matter how determined this young  elf is we will not be escaping with our lives   so we just take a breather here for a  second to see if we hear any movement   with our elf ears hoping we hear players before  they hear us to our Fortune we actually hear a   portal very early on the first one to spawn in  this Lobby and with the recent portal changes   telling you guys taking an early portal is not  not to be frowned upon you don't want to be stuck   fighting over that last portal with guys with way  better gear than you take the one early or wait   to the stairs because I've been stuck many times  now waiting for a portal or fighting over the wise   portal which is fun but not when you have no gear  so we're gonna grab this one got a bit more Loot   and hope and pray that we find some nice stuff at  the goblin Merchant or the regular weapon Merchant   snags and throwing axes off at death skull  and then a potion as well as a sellable   and that a little bit of box breaking came in  quite handy so we're gonna Escape we're gonna   take a quick look at what was out there and what  we were dealing with this is a guy I'm pretty sure   yeah Green Lawn below plus two ball attributes  and some strength stacked on there 26 agility is   that what I saw three years that was like with the  guy we were fighting is this guy's using a recurve   other than that we got this poor wizard this is  the Stiletto dagger yeah that is very fortunate   we didn't run into that guy so we make it out  which is huge and now we can buy some stuff   and this is the moment we just cross our fingers  and pray that there's some decent stuff at the   goblin Merchant or the regular Merchant because we  managed to make pretty heavy amount of gold here   considering how little we actually looted and for  how long we were in there pretty sure that purple   candle weenie Arena I can't say it properly  either pretty sure that purple item was worth   almost 100 Gold by itself which is usually a  decent run in Goblin caves so that was hugely   beneficial and hugely lucky as we did make  it out with some potions and a hundred gold   they're 171 gold sorry that is wild which means  we have some really awesome decisions we can make   I've been really enjoying Hal bird and I feel  like this elf is just ready to show that he can   two hand grip a weapon and be successful not many  owls will do this but this guy is Young and he is   taking risks so we're gonna go halberd and then  see what we can roll for on the merchant the   goblin Merchant white foot boots are very nice  because of the 10 movement speed something that   would very much benefit solo player we have some  really interesting options I don't mind stacking   agility you have some okay items here we could  be buying as well as those strength pants are   not terrible we have 100 gold so we're gonna go  for the strength pants and then maybe roll on a   few other items I think the item I wanted was  50 yeah 50 for the boots We're Gonna Roll On   prey and unfortunately as usual it was kind  of a bad roll now we're left with 46 gold   really tempted to roll on something else if I can  sell some things Regal gambeson not horrible it's   kind of a tough decision uh we just kind of shy  of the gold we need and we still need meds so ah we saw the lock pick I didn't realize  lock picks are literally only worth one   coin which kind of sucks so very little other  upgrades you're probably gonna need to spend   this money on meds to Keep Us Alive which  will basically burn the last of our money on   and this is a pretty solid pile of meds we got  a decent weapon upgrade and pants throwing ax   awesome start so far to this guy's Journey  and then I kind of have this little idea   I have 13 gold and I probably could have  bought a longbow and gone weapon mastery   something my elf homelanders would have very  much enjoyed but unfortunately I don't have   the money for arrows or that Longbow anymore  and we're just gonna have to run what we have   so because of our previous successes in  the fact that there are quite a few geared   guys in Goblin caves this elf is going to set  foot for the first time ever in the duo Q map   of runes so we'll see what ruins has to offer and  whether or not we can make it alive quite risky   this bad boy is already hitting like 90 damage you  just see that there you can actually smash into   people's arrows I've done that before where I've  hit someone's arrow and it's really thrown me off 89 damage on the first swing combo that  with adrenaline rush and our increased   damage after the second hit we can deal  a lot of damage with this bad boy I love   the cleave on it it's so satisfying leaving  through multiple targets using the Albert sound like there's a bird singing a song which  thankfully cut short as we're jumping into another   game so this will be the first time I've ever  attempted to survive on ruins since the update   the duo queue mode quite an exciting change  I've heard some really good things ruins is   kind of an odd state right now because you  can't actually Farm worm so as much as I'm   gonna probably enjoy playing here it's kind of  weird because there's no real Central Focus or   main boss to be farming on this map even in Goblin  caves you can Farm centipede or skeleton champion   in the middle levels in this map I haven't really  found that area since worm has been changed where   I want to go there I want to see if I can  make it out and get the loot from that area   sure there's still some decent stuff in the  chest underneath but really the whole excitement   of this map was farming worm to see if you got  the rusty key or at least even the loot piles   that were in that room Beyond truthfully I  have no idea what's even in there anymore   one thing I do remember about this map is the fact  there's a lot of range mobs so I'm gonna have to   be a little bit careful I'm fighting a shield kind  of have to learn how to hit full rate which uh   I thought all those were headshots and they  just kept clipping his shield as they're just   just at max range for this halberd the recent  halberd Buffs have me super excited as this   weapon has always been really cool to me but  I think in general two-handed weapons have   been somewhat reduced with all the movement  speed and damage that's going on right now I just love how beautiful this map is as well  with the Moonlight shining through the runes   it is pretty nice even though it can be absolutely  terrifying because at any moment a rogue could   literally destroy your run I think it'd be  really cool if they had runes as a map that   was like a seasonal map it's like this is summer  runes at night it's gonna be really cool if they   had like a winter version of this map where the  the skeleton maze perhaps had ice bolts instead   of fire it was like a winter version all the  trees were stripped of their leaves and stuff   a little bit of snow on the ground leaving  footprints around I think it'd be really   awesome to see seasonal changes to this map or  variations that were based on a seasonal change   as we're fighting these get ourselves  in a bit of a mess with these spiders   if you're not aware Albert is horrible at  killing spiders that is why we have this   Viking sword still in our inventory hearing that  Bard has me a little bit worried because you're   not really seeing too many solo bars anymore  which means that guy is buffing up his buddy   see a rogue looks like a rogue messing around  looks like a group of two but I can't really tell   who's on who's team over there we're trying not to   get spotted as our halberd  does stick out quite far see a Bard and I think a rogue  which is a very fast team   but also a very easy to kill team if  you can get close with this bad boy   just give us two really good swings and we could  have maybe maybe both of them on the ground and I want to Spring out too early because  there is a lot of ground between me and them   so we're choosing the more passive method  using our elf ears and light footsteps   somewhat stalk these guys from a distance we are going to clear up this mob while  no one's around in case we need to move   in this direction later two hits with this  halberd does that thing in quite quickly now I'm very curious those guys didn't look  like uber geared or super stack so it could   be an opportunity for us to make the most of these  weapon upgrades we purchased after the last raid listening for movement start  to start to hear footsteps know where the crows and the owls we do hear these  guys and then spot them going across this bridge   looks like they are ready to engage with another  team kind of a shame they took that protection   buff protection buff is very nice even still  after the Nerfs it is a super solid option   makes you believe it also adds  to your magic resist which is uh   very difficult thing to build on the fighter class  even with a full magic resist setup you're looking   at 20 maybe 25 magic resistance which is really  nothing in the grand scheme of things see these   guys getting pushed back a couple players go  down and then we have our opportunity to strike and an arrow that was destined  for this guy clatters into us   but our halberd absolutely smashed that guy  and for the first time in a long time I felt   like I was playing Rogue and we probably  scared that guy I highly suspect he was not   prepared for that halberd to the back of the  head I heard some stuff breaking over here so   we know there's a player close by and we spotted  warlock almost immediately upon entering this room   I'm going to take the slow approach this  one as well in case it's another Duo things seem a little quiet we're gonna get  full HP here because we have lots of meds   don't need to worry too much about our Med  situation and this fight could be a big one here's some pots breaking we are once  again going to channel our inner Road here   just to be patient and make sure  this is an actual 1v1 knot a 2V1 sounds like he's doing some looting and  that sounds like someone just drawing a   crossbow which is a whole different team  and there's a fight definitely happening we have cleric spells and a crossbow  which means cleric is buffing somebody   and this warlock is in a fight for his life hoping to interrupt this right at the  right moment we are once again gonna wait   until it's the most opportune time for  us to strike I'm kind of rooting for this   warlock not going to lie as he looks like to be  dealing with an uphill battle here in the 2V1   he seems to be surviving quite well kiting and  keeping the cleric and fighter at a distance   and she's not wearing a lot of gear  we're going to show ourselves hoping to   hoping to make a brief Alliance here this  guy can lure them close to us this will be   a huge turning point for him and myself  as we try to win versus geared Squad anyone bringing in a crossbow  definitely brought other items as well   because it's not a real common item on any class and this guy this guy's doing it perfectly  he's just kind of pacing himself and they   know him here somehow no idea how they knew  but we have to go for this adrenaline rush   bring down the fighter we heard a portal  behind us luckily not a player unfortunately   our warlock takes a mace to the face and now  we're in a 1v1 I need to keep him at range but   I cannot eat a judgment but we kind of force  the issue yeah and luckily somehow I have no   idea how but the Halbert strikes through that  shield and we win now I'm literally 15 20 hp   we need to get this gear as fast as possible  as we may not get a chance to loot everything quickly going through everything as fast as  possible we need to grab as many valuables as   we can and get to full health or else we're going  to get shank by Rogue I'm so traumatized by Rogues   I'm terrified to get killed by one I did just hear  some footsteps we pop this portal and pray that   we can go back and finish looting potions take  so freaking long even bandages take forever now cautiously cautiously moving towards this  loot I want to loot this stuff so bad and I   see a potion and a rogue going visible and he  could be he could be in my face in no time so   we have to leave it's so unfortunate it still  haunts me to this day but we had to leave so   much stuff there I really wanted to loot the  cleric luckily we have a good kit firefighter   elf there's going to be dressed in some  pretty decent armor from here on out   that is a very nice find it is a little bit  deceiving because lightly geared Fighters   you're kind of in the mix like between a really  good kit and just an okay kit and I'm kind of   caught in two minds with this gear because in  order for it to be really really effective you   need at least probably blues or solid greens  with some damage reduction across the board   we're gonna try this out it'll be the first time  I really played an armor-clad fighter not just   with the gear we made some solid money off just  the Collectibles from that round I feel so bad   for that warlock I wish him the best in his next  couple lobbies but I have him to thank for how   that 2V1 went I also have to think that halberd  which it's a shame we got rid of it because that   halberd plus adrenaline rush was huge man it  destroyed that first fighter bouncing off his   shield forcing him to recover as the adrenaline  rush kicked in waiting to a third hit to the Dome   ending his run I'm not a huge fan of fine cures I  know it's essential if you're going armor fighter   but I'm really tempted really tempted to buy  another halberd and ditch the sword and shield   but I feel like we should just lean fully into  this and Go full tank keep our set up and maybe   gamble on some other items to improve what we  already have also been debating this may be an   opportunity where we do take Second Wind just to  keep ourselves in a fight a little longer as our   damage totals with adrenaline rush on the arming  sword and shield aren't going to be that great   DPS is going to be okay but it's not gonna I just  don't feel like it works as well with this build   and I may have to switch off and use Second Wind  which isn't something I really enjoy using solo   and I probably should be buying campfires but the  problem is even if you pop a campfire yourself   it's difficult to get second win back sometimes  it doesn't like tick enough if you're like   make a mistake or you don't sit down almost  immediately so it's kind of odd how that works   tempted to run to projectile resistance just  to get as much as much projectile reduction as   possible especially on a map like runes I think  with this armor we're gonna have to stick with   I'm gonna have to stick with swift even  though we have the shield and some other   interesting Shield options Swift is just easy  default you get a benefit from this and we're   going to be slower than what I'm normally used  to like I said we are going to go second wind   I'm tempted to buy a campfire but I don't  think a gray campfire actually gets you a   second wind back if you're placing it  yourself you need a teammate which is   really horrible why can't  solos get second win back also   kind of trash so we have some gold 158 gold we're  gonna buy ring which is one thing we are missing   get an okay ring with some magic stuff on  it unfortunately and with our 58 gold we're   probably just gonna load up on some pots and then  jump right into another game with this elf fighter   so far he's done quite well now it's time to  prove himself once again using the armor isn't   really obvious people perhaps it'll work out in  their favor and we can survive a few more of these   at least until we get into howling Crips or  maybe even high roller really prove ourselves   you get another interior spawn on the  runes map which is quite nice does leave   me kind of unsure of what to do not realize  skeleton wizard can aggro on you from there   now that we have this gear this is  like a whole new play style for me   I have never in a long time run any type  of armor on the fighter class and it's   like I know it's not ideal in a team  this is how you should be playing fighter   I just struggle to find the joy in playing this  way without the movement speed I find I really   struggle solo to do enough damage and stay alive  long enough even lightly geared like this like I   said earlier it's kind of like a weird in between  right off the Hop we get a ranger shooting at us this Ranger didn't look like they had too  much stuff so I'm not too concerned about   them I don't think I project all resistance  or our armor resistance is all that high   even using what we have here it's not incredible  I mean 30 damage reduction is okay it's all right   but I am very slow and I'm feeling it so making up  the ground is going to be very aligned on Sprint   and even Sprint is not going to help us catch  classes like the ranger if he has his bow put away   so it's kind of just uh yeah you gotta  really really time yourself well here I   almost forgot I had a crossbow you can  answer some of these calls to action sound like that might have hit him not too  sure but then he confirms it by eating so we   know he's back to full HP we try to jump  around the corner it does the same thing   we cannot land a swing with this arming sword  I see he's just juking all over the place   and look at that two arrows two arrows from the  starting recurve bow nearly took us down took us   down almost past half HP and I don't know where  this trap came from I don't know how I didn't hit   it but that right there would have been an entire  run over to a base kit Ranger not saying Ranger's   super overpowered or anything but even with  some solid items I mean I'm not talking amazing   items but I have some decent armor we are not  doing much to stop the damage from those arrows   if he had played that a little better maybe  hit a shot on the lead up I would have been   really struggling not to mention we just got super  lucky dodging a trap Dodge few more arrows here   luckily two hits of this arming sword takes  him down nicely but that had me worried I   was kind of expecting to not be hurt so badly  after that engagement and in the back of this   elfighter's mind he's starting to realize there  are weaknesses in this armor one of them being   movement speed and the fact that you need some  pretty decent sets to get good value out of it but for now we're still alive we still have our   second wind which is a huge Advantage  when we do get into a heavy engagement you get a mimic it's gonna  be rather annoying sometimes I also have to remember to swing twice the ironing  sword not rely so much on that third swing which   made it more challenging to kill that Ranger back to where we started we're gonna  head towards the middle of the zone not too interested in fighting that skeleton mage  we'll grab some of this loot make this worth it   I always forget it's one thing  I always forget when you take   damage from a ranger like you get hit  by arrows they end up in your inventory   the amount of times I've left a Lobby and I've  been like where the hell do these arrows come   from I didn't pick up any arrows and then I start  to realize oh it's because I'm fighting Rangers I will say using the arming sword  always feels nice such a clean weapon   I know whether Bonnet just laying  on the ground we will keep that maybe someday we'll get to level 10  we'll be able to sell some of this stuff thought I heard something underneath me but it's  just a fire trap I've never actually explored the   underbelly of the Ruins map I've also never  fought in the cockatoos which uh can I think   drop some okay stuff so perhaps that's the newer  a new thing to go to on this map and I don't see   very many people doing worm anymore but the rusty  key forward being no more from what I understand lots of old shoes lots of  junk lots of serious junk I feel like this map has been super fun like  I'm pretty impressed with Duo Q right now and   how enjoyable it's been a great place for this  elephant test out his skills and also don't feel   too overwhelmed by the amount of buffing  and stuff going on in these team tops a   single cleric or this card is much better than  teams running both if you feel like you have   to get through layers upon the layers upon  layers of Buffs and damage reduction spells   not to mention anyone in those teams is also  dealing a ton of damage with action speed Buffs   that most rival the adrenaline rush I was using  earlier so this is kind of a nice almost a nice   Level Playing Field for a solo player with some  solid skills I'm excited to keep playing this but   if I want to keep this fighter alive we do have to  be cautious because we hear drums close by sounds   like someone's throwing some arrows back and  forth so these guys could be fighting another team we are not going to get involved in this quite  yet we're once again going to be patient here   and skipping ahead a little bit we hear some  stuff still happening out here and I'm really   tempted to open this door and see what's going  on would be a bold decision perhaps a bad one I don't know if that hit it doesn't seem like  it did these guys don't even know I'm here yet   I think that one misses well just under his arm  we take two arrows which nearly half also so we   need to back off that is the situation we're  going to avoid for the time being we need to   get these L feet the heck out of there because  his bow is hurting a lot more than mine will be   and once again even with some okay  armor projectiles still freaking hurt   I'm guessing that guy has a blue or green  longbow it will be very likely that he does   they're not super expensive the damage  you can drop with them is pretty absurd Ripley at Bard Ranger comp it's a very interesting  one I'm super curious to see what everyone else is   running in Duo Cube speed and action speed on  the bow and the movement speed they would have   would be quite a fun time however a road could end  either of those players Journey extremely quickly   these guys kind of took off and you just look at  all the arrows that are sprayed across this wall   they were engaged with somebody else and I see  a longbow just took out players so they must   be fighting and I see them jumping across  we're gonna try to get some arrows on them   because that could be the Alpha  Team of this uh this Lobby   luckily for us we do get a portal  out of here in case we need it   and judging by how much that Arrow hurt I don't  think I'm going to get myself in a great situation   pushing into that team we're gonna clear the mobs  open the space up pop the portal and then you know   judge what we can do situation arises where  we can maybe make a play we're gonna try it I'm always super curious to see how these  final engagements go I don't want to miss   out on an opportunity to take out a group  of two players in my freshly Bound Armor   it's a type of Proving Ground this elf came  here for doesn't quite want to leave just yet everything went very quiet see there's one kill  with the Longbow but nothing else so far we hit   a trap and the hat that seriously scared the crap  into me look at that even just a trap does like   20 percent 20 hp that's crazy how much damage it  takes off the top if I had I still can't believe   I found that other one after I killed the guy  and this elf would have had a very short Journey see there's a skeleton under this Barrel is   kind of disappointing I just wanted to  get some quick lose and get move on so   20 gold not a terrible skeleton loose I want to  take another quick peek across this bridge just in   case just in case someone comes stumbling along  I really want to test out this crossbow again   I haven't been using crossbow enough to  get used to the projectile speed again   it is uh it is a tricky weapon to hit people with  when they're moving side to side the projectile   speed is so slow you might have hit that guy  but they're definitely coming the end of my   journey we're not going to let that happen see a  rogue up here of course sitting in the darkness   doesn't look like we hit either of these guys and  a blue halberd yeah and blue longbow damage from   that halberd alone would be enough to probably  crumple my guy unless I landed some blocks   and that blue Longbow was the reason why those  arrows were hurting so freaking much get weapon   damage probably a few other stab bonuses on there  this guy seems pretty Base Kit so we might have   been able to win against that fighter but I really  respect this Rogue for at least at least putting   a little bit of fear into this Ranger because look  at that half HP before the ranger could even react   wonder that portal wasn't there if that guy would  have stuck around and tried to finish that fight   we get some okay loot once again kind of a lot  of junk items we did get a kill on that Ranger   I think we're just gonna sell that  bonnet and see how much we profited once again I left with arrows not realizing it  as that Ranger did hit us but once again we have   probably enough gold for another Gamble maybe a  weapon upgrade or armor upgrade from the merchants   we'll do a quick check buy some meds first  just to make sure we have enough for those   and then see what we can find  I'm not too concerned truthfully   we have an okay set we just need like Minor  Details maybe a better Helmet or a pair of boots   that halbert's still sitting  there so interesting to me   I love the damage on that thing now it is so  solid I know blue one used to be 52 damage 52-55   and get them fairly cheap and the Adrenaline  Rush combination is just super exciting to me   but look we need to make some tough decisions here  I'm really tempted to roll gambeson it literally   has Gamba in the name so it must be a good idea  but I'm kind of struggling with my setup I'm not   sure that's the best route to take with the gear  I have and I'm always trying to move quickly as   a solo even though so far in Duos it has been  successful I'm worried about going into Howling   crypts with this setup we need to be mobile we  see we see a canvas in here green one for 50 gold   also interesting but the stats  just aren't quite good enough   nothing too exciting in The Woodsman as well I  was hoping for a better bow still curious with   this gambeson but we decide let's buy a helmet  maybe because that will be a nice upgrade is armit   an armor has something of value  to us and then go from there   and then we realize hmm maybe we  should be upgrading that round Shield   or I'm still stuck on like Amazon as you  just never know in the goblin Merchant can be   can be very giving sometimes sometimes  get Super Lucky and just strike gold   if I strike gold on that game this thing it could  completely change how this class and how much   movement speed I'll have some awesome upgrade to  my plate as I'm not a big fan of moving so slow   I don't need to be like a blue at least after  a lot of internal debate we decide to roll it   we get one additional magic damage and don't think  that applies to any of my anything at all in the   fighter class because I don't do any magic damage  so I'm pretty sure that only works if I'm dealing   magic damage correct me if I'm wrong that is a  tough decision as it drops our physical damage   reduction like 10 and next episode in this journey  we do make some changes eventually we get to fill   this Upstream of taking this gear isn't really  meant to be his own into howling crypts trying   to prove as people's wrong this is something he  can succeed with tune to that one I'll see you   guys next time thank you all I appreciate  you enjoy your time in the dungeon cheers foreign
Channel: WilsonsGame
Views: 34,228
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dark and Darker, Permadeath Solo, Solo Dark and Darker, Level 1 Elf Fighter Dark and Darker, Solo Fighter, Online, Dungeon Crawler, Dark and Darker Elf, Dark and Darker PVP, Solo Permadeath
Id: amzIdGKMV8g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 46sec (2266 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 04 2023
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