Dante's Inferno - All Bosses With Cutscenes (Hellish | No Damage) [2K 60FPS]

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thank you stop [Music] excited Everlasting damnation for your sins but that's not possible the bishop assured us who sold out I will not let my sins damn idiot idiot [Music] I will redeem myself you are mine [Music] face your sins today foreign [Music] foreign [Music] okay impossible all right let me help you [Applause] thank you [Music] no please don't help me the bishop said our cause was holy holy had nothing to do with it after three years of the cold hatred with which that Savage War fed itself I longed for the warmth of my devoted Beatrice for the chance to redeem the past to start again [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] oh my God told him you would come from foreign I gave my word Beatrice [Music] okay okay [Music] [Music] [Music] one who loves Beatrice tell me where to find her I smell smelling your Twitter sniff again how dare you presume to speak with the judge of the Dead virtue means nothing to you I know exactly let me set it to you your faith was cast away damnation will be a clever reward your Beatrice will never be returned all right ready [Music] thank you well acquitted with your strategory foreign [Music] thank you I'm closer [Music] foreign Dante look what have I done do we have an arrangement I know Brute Gods release this one and a brother [Music] you Baroque your promise you don't know what it was like but she does know what it was like I showed her Beatrice don't I have no choice foreign [Music] my folks are mine but she doesn't deserve this I have to set things right give up the little [ __ ] Dante once this dirty business is complete and Lucifer's way home is reopened up hard in this play will seem so smooth I don't understand of course you don't you just gave up the keys to the kingdom and for what the tits of a slave damn you too late for that and now to give Lucifer that I mean uterus let me have him as you wish Anthony [Applause] yeah foreign laughs okay Anthony you said we would be together for all eternity Anthony it wasn't supposed to end like this we had a deal [Music] [Music] oh yeah [Applause] [Music] all right [ __ ] foreign oh wow [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign how will I feed my family that's not my problem I have friends to entertain me you think you're a better man than your father I think I am too much the same man as my father then turn back Towers Beatrice does not deserve this I will not go back without her and we'll find out who's the better man all right foreign [Music] foreign [Music] like me for myself [ __ ] I love my son go on use me as an excuse blame me for everything you're so full of greed and hate is that all you had to offer me I'm not responsible for the man you are and I will not be damned like you oh [Applause] my God why do you break me no pity Minnesota quits a body from which it has uprooted itself Minos judges it to the seventh circle there it sprouts shoots up like a sapling nobody only the pain [Music] for it is unjust that any Soul possessed that of which it has robbed itself but you don't belong here mother you died of the favor [Music] a heart just gave out from the field she was too fragile foreign I despised your father's cruelty but I was too weak to defy him and so I took my own life and you you learned his ways forgive me the fault is mine I have not the courage to protect you can you forgive me I should mother why did I lose everything [Music] men change some others become the man they once were the man they wish to be Beatrice was all I had why did I betray her too late for us son there is still time for her absolve me so belongs to you you must save Beatrice he is innocent [Music] innocent [Applause] [Music] Trace when you had your way with that girl you gave me to Lucifer she wagered her soul that you would be faithful her faith in you was very touching so I thought just the girl for me I owe this all to you my friend now let my power flow through your soul give in to our Union and together we will regain Paradise [Music] [Music] the faithful has lost her faith The Incorruptible has become corrupted the true innocent has given way to the sins of man like all the rest before I can deny me my rights [Applause] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] the Holy Land since when our Heretics was a Christian Life [Music] enough enough no it is not for us to decide the fate of these songs Souls knows that is why we fight they are not us fight with me Crusaders feel the blood of heathens there is no shame their souls have already lost Francisco my brother you you did this to me wait wait listen you don't deserve to be my sister's slave let alone her Lord now pay for what you have done let's go now you're nothing to me now nothing thank you foreign do it our Deeds were done in the name of God why is he forsaken Us in the name of God murder is only in the name of the murderer the demious Beatrice sister Beatrice stop this I have faced all my sins and I am ready to take you home all your sins I think not look into the ninth circle of hell look into the dark cold Realm of the traitors Jesus God in heaven who is responsible for this take care of my sister I am responsible hang him prepare to March tonight when the noble Saladin learns of this atrocity he will bring forth the forces of Hell creatures I will protect you you condemned my brother to death for your crime what is your answer for this treachery I give up on this journey my place is here in hell yours is in Paradise I am truly sorry for what I have done may you one day forgive me my cross dangerous [Music] you've done well Dante and though you may not understand it now you have saved much more than this innocent soul for your role in the ongoing battle is more important than you can possibly imagine I don't understand your Redemption is near wait I have to take care of her I have come this far trust me you will see her again [Music] [Music] emancipation [Applause] foreign [Music] foreign foreign foreign Ulysses the great Alexander Attila Lancelot only you possessed a soul black enough to free me I gave my soul to free Beatrice not you did you really think this was all about the girl she was the bait her soul is free now only you and I remain come for me holy Warrior damn fulfill your destiny Pizza foul human huh foul human foreign [Music] right yeah foul human ity dare assault me you we've done far worse than I I stood for my fellow angels for reason and Justice and then he made you in His image you you a flawed creation and I was to bow down to you for breaking the chains of judeca the results behold your ruin and Witness ing the Purgatory Paradise thank you remember the war in heaven remember the Rebellion laughs we shall all witness in the universe [Music] [Applause] foreign there's just one last Minor Detail with which I ought to make you familiar foreign [Music] you can't go anywhere not a single soul may lead this place it is forbidden by him [Music] I am so sick of you [Music] I will reclaim my rightful place in Paradise my path will be paved with the sins of man and yours Dante shall be the Bedrock of my return and all that is good shall be gone from the universe forever foreign Ted many Souls on this pilgrimage Souls that I have freed from this Inferno and together they now possess the power to free me [ __ ] mother Brothers we can use it together you and I friend just think what we could achieve I would rather not you with Beatrice together we will rule the Three Kingdoms of the afterlife it's not foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] Dante [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] hahaha [Music]
Channel: DarkPlayerBrett
Views: 1,827,762
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dante's inferno, dante's inferno all bosses, dante's inferno final boss, dante's inferno ending, dante's inferno all bosses no damage, dante's inferno all bosses with cutscenes, dante's inferno cleopatra boss, dante's inferno lucifer boss, dante's inferno death boss, dante's inferno king minos boss, dante's inferno boss list, dante's inferno cerberus boss, beatrice, dante's inferno hard mode, lets, play, walkthrough, playthrough, gameplay, darkplayerbrett, dark player, player brett
Id: 2F7uKIgjQHg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 12sec (2892 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 09 2022
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