Alice: Madness Returns - All Bosses (With Cutscenes) [4K 60FPS]

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[Music] [Music] oh what h a of course you're not an impressario you're a killer The Mastermind of a criminal Enterprise this world is not so either or Alice and I've done your bidding you did a few errands got your hands dirty big deal the show dracul Ates the crowd shame you'll miss it you need to deal with these sailors it's your time time time the time has come to talk of ships and uh and and vegetables and royalty and uh and where the pigs have wings and so on enough of that walrus you start willing about there being too much sand on the beach I'll have you a blubber for breakfast shame on you Carpenter you made a promise I had no choice one can't always do as one would like I'd have thought you'd know that by now [Music] a ha w he [Music] [Music] up got [Music] fire help w [Music] yeah where [Music] [Music] a [Music] a w I'm an idiot Don keyote had a better chance with his windmills and without risk of decapitation a exit is no less so for being hasty [Music] w r w ignore her pledge to decapitate Intruders only at or be afraid [Music] now br yeah watch look for the queen but remember she also has eyes for you better oh a reflection sometimes exposes more reality than the object it eoes [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] what a our little flesh move that hurt let us be no need to go further oh oh please go away unwelcome visitor return from whence you came cease and desist I was expecting someone else you don't know your own mind it's nearly a complete stranger what you claim not to know is nearly what you've denied you've captured your vagrant memories what are you doing with them you once rejected my attempts to control Our Lives forcefully but now you allowed another to succeed in my role I won't miss your tentacles you would prefer the hot stinking breath and unyielding attention of a potent unreasoning unfeeling Hellraiser I don't think so can you give me more than a warning caterpillar said you might help I'd need a better reason to respond than what's currently on offer if you don't we're all doomed not doomed forgotten I may survive here but you're finished you see the pattern of Destruction I know you do train is trying to destroy all evidence of your past and especially the fire now who would want that who benefits from your Madness the destruction of Wonderland and is the destruction of me indeed and vice versa I've set it in motion I can derail it this is good for me I'm not insult I didn't kill my family I am fine I'm not mad I'm innocent I I mean not guilty what's happening what are you doing the train must be stopped but there's more to do your view conceals a tragedy the whole truth you claim to see eludes you because you won't look at what's around you there is no method in this madness my professional opinion Madness is often a treatable disease though perhaps not in this case Authority must be obeyed or it must be overthrown cruel to be kind that's my technique as they say but she's as mad as a hat or poor de worst is over and over and over forget it Alice forget [Music] it work is Paradise fight the good fight where until you expire substantial rewards in heaven it is nebor that to receive nebor a en no let going try to wake no bad dream a blasted good night I recall leaving you in a decrepit condition not in pieces it's you what's happened here you've lost your hat and some parts are missing missing indeed though things being what they are I barely Miss they're missing as what happened you should know that better than I it's your place after all I know my place when did you ever know your place or how to keep it now what's going on that's going on and rounded up and down into my ears and my eyes not my nostrils down my Galla and whing in my cat Papa was exceedingly fond of trains I don't like them much you won't like this one at all nothing like when mock turtle was in charge of the Looking Glass Line This railroads are bloody shambles the stink is ferocious light blinding noise H quite T I get the idea a bad train is upside down Alex inmates run the Asylum no thanks at worst of all I'm left te tragic if I do help will you help me in return cross my heart if I had one find my limbs and toss them into the shoot machines will do the rest be on your way now that's a good girl best way out is through the COC face your presence here is unwelcome we have a mission to complete and you are an intolerable annoyance some like it thought but no one likes it this [Music] yeah yeah I've got the arms you need well strictly speaking the hatter needs them well it really doesn't matter I'm going to crush you [Music] oh he [Music] take that then the path less travel is now in impossible to negotiate you can't reach me no not at [Music] [Music] all [Music] no you a temporary setback a minor hindrance a trivial impediment I'll just move along I'll deal with you later Alice you'll never stop our grand plan [Music] he [Music] your doggy persistence will be rewarded with pain I told you to cease and assist but my warning goes unheeded so without regret you're about to feel like a lobster who's being tushed into the Boiling Pot [Music] is [Music] [Music] aha that's you I can feel itting Bast my fine FEA friends don't stop [Music] [Music] now [Music] p w a [Music] w w what don't you dare stop keep running your short me [Music] d [Music] what [Music] he no stop that's enough now now stop you running You Bing EGS you think that can stop us the M trifle I'll be leaving now never catch me don't even try [Music] [Music] oh [Music] I finished my work and you're complete Hatter now what about this damnable train I feel like a new man or whatever I am I feel like an unsprung spring like an uncorroded gear like an unish bit of metal that sticks in your eye answer me Hatter I'm suffering and changes here are a cause or there a reflection or the effect what's going on what are the new rules the law is just just a whisper away away whom to wonder wonder who who knows how to measure rules with a ruler cruel rules idiot I should have left you in bits come the least you can do is help me discover what's going on [Music] we found the source of the shaking but are those two quaking what are they up to you'll never stop us silly Hatter and Alice it's left you're too late insolence the arrogance the excr table manners they are destroyers of Wonderland defilers denuders der Rangers delightful they actually create that infernal train to destroy Wonderland what does that matter they deserve to die put me down this instant enough talk battle time [Music] Missy abandon false hope forget the past the damage is done let the Madness begin resume the [Music] FY oh [Music] no oh my precious domain and the guests all I really wanted was another tea party please Hatter you promised where is that train going what's its purpose tell me now there's no time for whatever it is you want to talk about it's time for tea talk treat with Turtle he ran the Looking Glass line come on you lot we can still be friends I got a finding drink drink my memories are shattered I'm trying to collect the pieces and I now believe the train impedes me you must help me you promised ask the one who helps them what else themselves whoever that is very picky he deserved to die and I'm about to drown in tea in [Music] ignorance [Music] the unstable are more than merely mad they have other parts the do maker will deprive them of what remains of their deranged Souls they need care I know their pain I would assist but is sanity required for the job a limited quantity you're not mad enough to be rejected you like them of them in a way but not them I should say not us for I'm them but you're on your way the way is clearly marked I believe I know that way and I'd rather not travel further along it he's here you diwi get [Music] inside [Music] a huh [Music] oh [Music] sh [Music] [Music] all [Music] [Music] am I not the most wretched and selfish of Fortune's fools oblivious I live in a training ground for prostitutes my mentor is an abuser and purveyor I've been complicit with my sister's murderer and the killer of my family as he corrupted my mind I sought relief from my pain and you turned me away from the truth you are almost there almost free from what you fear you could have been cured you could have forgotten abandon the memory of my family they are dead and you should be too you mis begotten Abomination murderer you blood sucking parasite the damage you've done to Children the abuse I provide a service in the great and awful Metropolis appetites of All Sorts must be gratified my family my mind the infernal train the train is your invention your defense I merely set it schedule and iate the train is coming with its shiny CS with comfy seats we of stars so hush my little ones have no fear the Man in the Moon is the engine ear I'll stop that train if it's the last thing I do as you wish it will [Music] be you're lust and where your body is your mind will follow perhaps it's already there [Music] you oozing sore of depravity children wearing their names around their necks as if they're breeding Lifest a declaration of their pedigree you could use one they're proud to display their Providence you brute they can't remember who they are or where they're from how many Minds have you twisted into forgetfulness not enough yours would have been a Triumph still you're an insane wreck my work is done [Music] [Music] Hatter I must stop this infernal train and the evil force that drives it everything's a nail is it Miss Hammerhead first it was all search freed with gear and fragmented memories now it's the train never time for Team are your brains on holiday we are ruined now we're all mad here and that's a good excuse for going to hell in the teapot but not for forgetting what your sens is so forgetting is just forgetting except when it's not then they call it something else I'd like to forget what you did I've tried but I can't you've used me and abused me but you will not destroy me no the damage is done the old Alice and her Wonderland Retreat are demolished you can't even recognize what's happened and you're powerless to change it or move against me I've made certain of that come to receive your punishment then I know I'm guilty of something but punishment never suits the victims of the crime abuse is a crime the strong visit on the weak you're right abusers are insufficiently punished for the damage they do those who witness abuse without seeking retribution for the harm pay a penalty your own pain mitigates your failure to ACT earlier but you may not yet have paid enough for witnessing the pain of others you corrupted my memories but you failed to make me forget I could have made you into a tasty bit clients out the door waiting for a piece from a raving delusional Beauty with no memory of the past or no sense of the future but you wouldn't forget you insisted on holding on to your fantasies you're mad like your sister don't speak speak of her you didn't know her your sister was a tease pretended to despise me she ain't got what she wanted in the end my Lizzy what is this Train's destination Madness and destruction you shouldn't ask questions you know the answer to it's not polite and that noise wasn't Lizzy talking in her sleep oh no poy and there are no centers in Oxford make your survival mean something or we are all [Music] doomed [Music] [Music] hide in your shadow the past must be paid [Music] [Music] for a significant the cost of forgetting is [Music] high [Music] get yeah make believe Aventure an effectual p get contender [Music] I'll see you charged in prison some halfwit Bruiser will make you his sweetheart and then you'll hang indeed a hysterical woman former lunatic roaring outrageous accusations against a respectable social architect and scientist my God Alice who would believe you I scarcely believe it myself you monstrous creature such evil will be punished by whom by what psychotic silly [ __ ] your Madness will be punished now leave I'm expecting your [Music] replacement [Music] [Music] oh [Music] get ah Alice we can't go home again no surprise really only a very few find the way and most of them don't recognize it when they do delusions to Die Hard Only The Savage regard the endurance of pain as the measure of worth forgetting pain is convenient remembering it agonizing but recovering the truth is worth the suffering and our Wonderland though damaged is safe in memory for [Music] now
Channel: DarkPlayerBrett
Views: 229,887
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alice madness returns, alice madness returns all bosses, alice madness returns all boss fight no damage, alice madness returns final boss, alice madness returns all bosses with cutscenes, alice madness returns all dresses, alice madness returns dollmaker boss, alice madness returns ending, alice madness returns 4k 60fps, female protagonist, spicy horse games studio, darkplayerbrett, dark player, player brett
Id: XraqeWviars
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 24sec (3984 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 28 2023
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