GOD OF WAR 3 All Cutscenes Full Movie (2022) 4K ULTRA HD

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my brothers we were forged in Victory a victory that ended the Great War and brought forth the reign of Mount Olympus born from the depths of the underworld rooted in a river of Souls our Mountain emerged out of the chaos as it grew so too did the might of the Olympians he created a world of peace Prosperity a world that lives in the shadow and safety of my Mountain a mountain that has come to be the absolute measure of strength and power [Music] now on this day that power is to be tested for Mortal Kratos seeks to destroy all that I have wrought [Music] Brothers put aside the petty grievances that have splinted us for so long we'll Unite we will stand together and I will wipe out this plane we'll reimburse still prevail foreign [Music] [Music] views your son has returned I bring the destruction of Olympus the Titans will fail again foreign foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign foreign [Music] what's up foreign [Applause] disrespected the gods for the last time Kratos [Music] [ __ ] back [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] Zeus should have kept you where you belong [Music] no matter how many gods fall there will always be another to stand against you they will fall as well the death of Olympus means the death of us all then prepare for your death Poseidon done [Music] [Music] [Music] potatoes the death of Zeus is within our reach climb to my hand [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what will you do father you can no longer hide behind the skirts of Athena Athena is dead because of the rage that consumes you brittles what more will you destroy the hands of death could not defeat me this is a fate could not hold me and you will not see the end of this day I will have my revenge I took a child I will tolerate your insolence no more [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] I can hold on no longer if I help you we will both know even now you skate the destruction of Zeus is why you save me from Death I saved you all to serve the Titans do not deny me my refunds listen carefully Kratos you were a simple poor nothing more Zeus is no longer your concern this is our war not yours [Music] foreign I have died as a god having suffered the ultimate sacrifice I have been denied release I I will defeat Holiness I will have my revenge foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign we are not finished Zeus the gates of Hades have never held me death cannot hold those freedoms the thinner I have missed you Sparta hi I don't My Sacrifice to save Jesus has brought me to a higher existence you still appear to be an Olympian appearances can be deceiving so can the children of [Music] nothing my death came by your blame my blade was meant for Zeus be quick with your words as we speak the war for Olympus rages on and Mankind suffers let them suffer death of Zeus Ed all that matters Zeus will not fall as easily as theirs to destroy the king of the Gods you must seek the source of the strength the flame of Olympus you won't sacrifice yourself to save Zeus and now you seek to destroy him what is brought about this change I see truth [Music] perhaps these will earn back your trust these are the blades of Exile they will help guide you on your journey to the flame remember as long as Zeus Reigns there is no hope for mankind destroy the flame craters and the Very foundations of Olympus will crumble by the gods of Olympus and Order of Zeus we are the three judges face your final judgment mortal King ericus has found you wanting King radamanthus has found you Worthy it falls to me King minus to make the final decision your future is cloaked in Shadow the realm of the afterlife is not yet ready for you beyond that door awaits your destiny father calliope oh you are not my daughter no but I know who you are you know of me they said you would come [Music] Show Yourself Hades another one of your tricks as you 've taken face me coward leave me be I tell you I have paid the price calm yourself Smith God oh ghost of Sparta it is you well well I thought Zeus would have killed you by now I thought you would have escaped this cabin by now Zeus may have imprisoned me here but you are the reason I live in torment I did you no wrong Hephaestus I pursue only one Olympian well as long as it's only one Olympian I seek the flame of Olympus do you know of it for what purpose Spartan for the purpose I have chosen now tell me do you know of the flame all true children of Olympus know of it they've all come to respect its power but don't be fooled by its enticing glow neither God nor man can touch its lethal flame I only need to find it if you can find your way out of the underworld I'm sure you can find your way to the flame of Olympus you have been true Kratos how do you know of me you are the ghost of Sparta everyone knows who you are everyone is afraid of you there are reasons for that I'm not afraid of you it is good you're not afraid child fear is a heavy burden I'm not a child Kratos it does not matter what you are my concerns laid elsewhere Kratos please I need you to free me The Quest For Freedom is also ahead I cannot help [Music] make yourself at home this time you won't believe him for the pain you have wrought for us hey since have you committed against me oh that's right words what else can my brother a sign and now you're not forgotten that it was you but said my beautiful queen I will see you suffer as I have suffered your soul is mine [Music] foreign foreign foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] coitos can it be does this mean Lord Hades rules no longer the god of the underworld dead ah Hades deserve to suffer though I thought his death impossible though Olympians overestimate themselves interesting I want to keep that in mind Spartan you need the soul of a God to use a high period cake Kratos and that one has not been used for centuries I'm sure it's broken otherwise I would have seen my beautiful you know Kratos I wasn't always like this a monster I was once the most prized Craftsman in all of Olympus Zeus rewarded me with my marriage to the beautiful Aphrodite my mother Hera bragged my talent and today you killed Aries for the day my world was born for me that day Zeus became the feed you now know worst of all [Music] he took my beloved daughter Pandora by reason for living I spend my time here trying to recreate her I failed again and again she still lives partly I can feel it you can bring her back to me your child is not my concern but surely you can understand you were once a father too remember your purpose Kratos the Twilight is upon us his death is our only hope understand this Athena Zeus will die foreign foreign quickly you must help me help you yes child quickly I suffer greatly I tried to return to battle but without me you know I had no choice you must help me [Music] [Music] Kratos do I need nothing to you you were a means to an end Gaia nothing more because I must face the Titans must take down Olympus no this is my War not yours [Music] hello the glory of heliums foreign [Music] thank you Kratos I have not forgotten the debt I owe you and me now as you once saved me from Atlas and I promise pay you in full if you wish to repay me tell me where I can find a flame of Olympus Flame you will never defeat Zeus Spartan you will forfeit your life in trying of all the lives you should worry about Helios mine is not one of them feel the power of the Sun wait wait tell you that to destroy Zeus step into the flame to receive its power you lie Helios Hephaestus told me the flame kills all who touches and you believe him that freak has fallen from the Grace's Olympus that is exactly why I believe my death will not lead you to Zeus that is where you are wrong laughs foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] Kratos it's getting close I told you I cannot help you but you're the only one who can I know it I trust you whoa thank you [Music] foreign foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] look who it is creatives the ghost of Sparta the Fallen God the cursed mortal to catch a fly from the ass of Zeus it's not worth my time a coward's words Kratos you don't try to catch me because you know me you know you Kratos where are you off to today kill any family members lately oh that's right you're off to kill your fathers Zeus [Laughter] won't happen can't happen Kratos is on a Fool's errand again never never learn never never change Kratos the fool who killed his own blood Kratos the fool among Mortals and gods forever have a cursed forever ever doomed consumed by Vengeance to his last breath the Spartan lights the way to Dusty death hahaha Pandora's Box what is the meaning of this your eyes do not deceive you Kratos it is the same box you opened years ago the power to kill a God still rest inside I release those Powers when I killed Ares no trapped inside that box there is a stronger power it has been missing from the world it all began when Zeus triumphed over the Titans in the Great Wall s understood that the evils born from that battle if left free would destroy the world of man and gods to contain these evils Zeus commissioned Hephaestus to build a vessel strong enough to hold them feet free hate he locked them all away in the Box in hopes that they would never again infect his reign when you opened the box to kill Ares you drew from the forbidden palace [Music] after witnessing your Victory fear ripped Zeus but the flame is deadly how can I recover the Box with its namesake Kratos Dora destroying Flame the key to our revenge this will be difficult Sergeant a simple child will not trouble me Athena I hope you are right Ghost of Sparta you may have Brute Force but you lack speed hahaha you've been lucky in Battle Spartan and but your luck ends today all right [Music] life I will not be vested by a mortal I thought Spartans fought with honor and yet you seek to kill me when I have no way to defend myself not fair but you have your own sense of Honor right Kratos and what is that honor brought you nothing but nightmares of your today you may defeat me but in the end Kratos in the end you'll betray only yourself thank you [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] Bravo Bravo our hero has arrived Applause for another bastard child just in time for the final laugh Hera you look terrible there still wanting to kill my husband I suppose no I secret victims can't say that I blame you since you killed my son Aries fear of you consumes him his fears will not matter I'll drink to that Hera I seek the child Pandora that wretched little thing my son hephestus created well we can't have you do that my dear destroy him hello brother this is not between us isn't it you were always Zeus's favorites the air on Olympus affects your thinking Zeus think about it brother while I was stuck cleaning the audience Stables he chose you to destroy Ares well not convinced how about this while you're being crowned the God of War I was sent to find an Apple they called them labors ha perhaps he did allow me to kill the nemian lion but he made your name known amongst the people a fierce Warrior a killer made a hero a man made a God but this time brother this time I will destroy you call it my 13th and final labor soon I will become the god of war and claim the throne for myself we'll see about it [Music] I will try them oh [Music] my God thank you [Music] [Applause] Pandora Kratos I knew you'd come back tell me where you are I hear something he's close just tell me how to find you the Labyrinth find the Labyrinth help help Kratos Pandora what's happened where are you my son your title that matters you cannot possibly understand stay away from this this thing Zeus Zeus Aphrodite I knew you would return to me Kratos tell me as Aphrodite conquered another God of War question you should ask your wife I seek the Labyrinth I thought you sought only the flame what could you possibly wanted no stay away from her stay away from Pandora Kratos you are the reason C is in Deliverance the reason I live here in hell I have done you no wrong Hephaestus oh but you have Spartan you opened the box I did what had to be done clearly you don't understand the evils of the Great War could not easily be contained Forge the box and a power greater than the gods themselves the flame of Olympus is the raw metal took shape I realize the flame was the safest place to protect it the lock was set all that was needed was a key a way to retrieve the body created from the very heart of the flame the key took on a life of its own Pandora a child neither living nor dead I grew to love her Spartan and she grew to love me as her father when Zeus came to take the box I hit Pandora away I told him that storing the Box on the back of Kronos would be the safest place after all who could best the Titan I lied I did it to save my child surely you can understand that it was your Triumph using the box that revealed my deceit Deuce tortured me until I confessed the truth of my beloved Pandora leaving me alone in my torment yeah don't you understand if you take her to the flame understand this Smith God I will stop at nothing to destroy Zeus but if you you're right Spartan if it means the death of Zeus I'd be happy to help you perhaps yes yes of course we'll need the awful a stone with it I'll make you a weapon I have weapons ah but not like this this weapon will give you the retribution you so rightly deserve the stone rests in the pit of Tartarus bring it to me and I will help you enters [Music] [Music] tomb Kronos I know it was you who killed her Spartan who else could I live in torment because because after you took the box from Pandora's Temple Zeus was consumed with fear he banished me to the pics of toddlers I was tasked by the gods to kill Ares you killed is out of use Revolution finally comes to me spot [Music] s in my eyes true damn movie will suffer when my sight returns where did you go stuff I know that you are here somewhere Show Yourself Kratos foreign wow [Music] your faith is now is I will make you into a bloody state Bright House where'd you go show your true nature what's up why do you feed Kratos There Is No Escape thank you foreign foreign foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign you sent me to my death no no no calm yourself Kratos I knew you were up to the challenge I truly needed the Overflow Stone you'll see make it quick old man a weapons such as this can't be rushed hmm this will be worth the wait find weapons like no as I promise foreign [Music] oh my God [Music] my beautiful Pandora peace bear Pandora forgive me [Music] you I told him to kill you I told him the day you were born to kill you but he would not have it my stupid husband took pity and now look what you have wrought look at this look at it they're dying because of you everything is dying because of you the sun is gone the ocean swallowed the land disease infects what remains I am doing all I can to keep them alive but you your ruthless murdering of the Gods has caused all of this you think this Garden is not protected your brute strength may have vested Hercules but your simple mind will never find a way out I look forward to watching you die here as an old man you simple more how dare you challenge us you think you can just walk away we aren't finished what have you done what have you done to me you coward you destroy all your touch foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign thank you foreign who's that my son my beautiful Icarus you have the ice scorpion ice storm that is the secret of the labyrinth to escape it we must assemble it good good you you've already started I've seen the cubes moving into place now once inside you must use the gift to bore us it is the Catalyst that drives the Labyrinth you're not but but you what if what have you done with my child my boy where is my boy your son is dead Daedalus my boy my my child no no no [Music] I took the gift of Hades the Liquid Fire and the ice storm to create the power of the labyrinth create the power power to create power to dry the king of the Gods has forsaken me he said that if I built the Labyrinth I would see The Return of my son he said he he said that if I took the Liquid Fire and my boy oh my child foreign [Music] [Music] what has he done he he told me to never talk to you again told me if I did hurt you the way he hurt my father he told me he would kill you come I can show you the way thank you Kratos our journey is far from over Pandora by its end you I know I look it but I'm not a child Kratos I have seen many terrible things I'm not afraid I understand what lies ahead I saw Zeus torture my father I saw him beaten because of me should have helped him but I was afraid a Festus did what every father should do no it's all my fault I failed him because of fear fear is its own kind of darkness in that Darkness I heard what the God said about me he called me a monster words mean nothing perhaps but in their words I heard fear the fear of an ash-covered Warrior fear of you as the fear in the gods Rose mine was replaced by hope is from a weak Pandora Hope Is What Makes Us strong it is why we are here it's what we fight with in all else is lost foreign [Music] this is what hope delivers child you should learn that now [Music] foreign [Music] Kratos my father once told me it maintains the balance of power within Olympus [Music] break the chain to raise the Labyrinth wait here foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] Pandora Pandora it's all right Kratos remember your purpose Spartan remember why you have come so far know what you must do I will raise the Labyrinth I will take her where she belongs thank you [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] there it is I can see it Kratos in the darkness the fires of Hope will set us free Pandora no you know why I'm here you brought me here to do this I will find another way no Kratos there is no other way let me go no child I am not a child you're hurting me [Music] but I down Zeus your obsession with this this thing has become somewhat of a nuisance my son release the girl Zeus don't confuse this object this construction of investors with your own flesh and blood but perhaps you already have spotted your quest for Pandora your pathetic attempt for atonement from the family you slaughtered has caused nothing but havoc on Olympus look around at what you have done [Music] I see only what I have come to destroy taking pity on you has been my greatest mistake Kratos just as picking pity on this thing proved to be your greatest mistake there's nothing with her it has everything to do with hers put us down as you wish foreign all right [Music] [Music] stop our craters Do Not Mess her into the flame this is what I am meant to do you know that please hush Kratos you know you'd only wait don't listen to our greatest a once in your pathetic life don't fail don't fail her like you failed your family Andorra foreign [Music] empty after all you have sought after all you have sacrificed it ends and I love a stunning failure [Music] thank you [Music] foreign oh where else foreign [Music] upon has failed you guys perhaps you should have chosen the other one enough what's up foreign I will put an end to this chaos [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] hmm [Music] all right I [Applause] grew up [Applause] [Music] [Music] nothing the darkness lies as the fear in the gods Rose chlorine was replaced by hope power to kill God [Music] [Applause] Hope Is What Makes Us strong it is why we are here it's what we fight with when all else is lost us foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] gosh [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] have done well creators freed from the bondage of Olympus and cleansed in chaos mankind is now ready to hear my message look around you Athena the world stands in ruin what good is your message go if you must but first I insist you give me the power from inside the Box the box was empty that can't be true I can see it in your eyes you used my power to kill Zeus you still have it as we speak don't you understand [Music] when Zeus gathered all the evils and placed them in the box dreaded what would happen if it was opened again I've summoned the most powerful weapon in the world and I've placed it in the Box [Music] I told you it was empty Pandora was sacrificed in vain she died because of my need for vengeance you must be mistaken use my power to kill Zeus I saw you do unless foreign [Applause] ers is why he became so enraged and obsessed with your death he was consumed by the evil being I thought the power I placed in the Box was never released all these years I assumed you drew from the evils inside to destroy Ares but I was wrong the power you took from the box is mine from it you gained the strength that Zeus could never destroy a strength great enough to overcome fear locked deep inside of you Kratos remain buried trapped by your guilt the failures of your past when you killed Zeus you must have allowed something to awaken it what was it Kratos Hope Is What Makes Us strong it is why we are here it's what we fight with in all else is lost what was it Kratos all I remember but I have lost that is why you should give me the power I understand its true meaning and where it belongs I trust you to do the right thing Kratos you shouldn't owe me this Kratos oh you nothing I made you a god I sheltered you from the wrath of Olympus I delivered your revenge on soon it is dare strike me down again [Music] my vengeance ends now how could you stop you fool what have you done [Music] [Music] that was meant for me they will not know what to do with it you disappoint me Spartan [Music] [Music] foreign
Channel: GameClips
Views: 396,443
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: God Of War 3, God Of War 3 All Cutscenes, God Of War 3 Cutscenes, God Of War 3 Full Movie, God Of War 3 Movie, God Of War 3 All Cutscenes Movie, All Cutsenes, Kratos, Full Movie, 2022, 4K Ultra HD, HD
Id: tjokmKkTIA8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 54sec (5994 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 17 2022
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