GOD OF WAR Kratos Kills All Gods Of Olympus 4K 60FPS

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I [Music] hello cros what's wrong you seem confused katos having trouble remembering our special time [Applause] together but then again we were rudely interrupted by my sister electo was never won from manners not to worry I am quite skilled at teaching respect for what you've taken I owe you that is that the best you can offer your rage means [Music] nothing he is mine I will take care of this you have caused me pain for the last time Spartan [Music] w h [Music] wow St focusing only on the task ahead Kratos struggled to remember the weeks prior to his imprisonment to the time when he set out to break his bond with Aries the God of War you leave an Army in disarray return to US general lead us to Victory you do not exist you are of my mind Return To Your Roots return to who you are [Music] Spartan we only mean to bring you home my home is in spart sister show him what Sparta does to a [Music] traitor may you will pay come defeat [Music] this [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come my lovely if pain is what he shows up that pain is what he shall [Music] receive [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] a enough it is time trors return to your rightful place perhaps if you serve your purpose well you will even end up on Olympus one day I will never serve Aries [Laughter] again your methods fail us MC I will take care of him you will return death first I should have done this a long time ago orcos this is what you align with Spartan this time you will fail what have you done done you perect weakling find them you will never reach the lantern [Music] Spartan [Music] in time you will forget all that you have lost can be yours once again if this is what keeps you in service to Lord Aries then this is what you shall have it it is not real I can be your reality the hard part is over Spartan you have committed the ultimate sacrifice offer yourself to us completely and you shall live in Blissful illusion never then let death be your reality what is the meaning of this you have made a poor choice spart [Music] a simple trinket will not defeat us [Music] sister [Music] you defy me you are but a [Music] mortal you should have taken our offer greato now you will pay for that mistake I am the queen of the f wores [Music] now [Music] [Music] w [Applause] h [Music] w [Music] a [Music] w [Music] [Applause] o [Music] you shame Sparta oath break [Music] you are not fit to be called a smartan I lost everything because of [Music] [Applause] [Music] you they were not there by chance kattos you think you want truth but truth will only bring you [Applause] [Music] pain my death will not free you from this madness oh [Music] [Music] I would not have been strong enough to choose your path Spartan poros I would have taken what my mother's offered I would rather live in truth I fear you may come to regret those words Lord Aries still holds your bond this cannot be before you killed them my mother's once again made me your earthkeeper for you to be free I must die by your hand I do not understand turned if you do not release me my father will retain power over you but even worse I will live in Eternal torture I have spilled enough innocent blood there is no other way Spartan destroy the oath kill Aries have your [Music] revenge I was never the warrior my father wanted me to be please all I ask give me an honorable [Music] death with the death of oros the Blood Oath to Aries was finally broken and the painful truth rushed back to kratos's mind the truth of the murder he committed the slaughter of his wife and child the Carnage forged from his Relentless ambition surfaced in perfect clarity and became the visions that would haunt him all of his [Music] [Music] days now free of the furi's madness but still tortured by the truth of his past katos left the only home he'd ever known and set out to un do all that he had WR katos had traversed the desert of lost souls bested the deadly traps of Pandora's Temple and escaped Hades itself there was but one task left Zeus do you see now what you're say can do you cast your favor on Athena but her city lies in Ruins before me and now even Pandora's Box is mine would you have me use it against Olympus itself katos returned even from the underworld is this the best you can do father you send a broken mortal to defeat me the god of [Music] war after thousands of years Pandora's Box was finally opened the power of the Gods Unleashed you are still just a mortal every bit as weak as the day you beg me to save your life I am not the same man you found that day the monster you've created has returned to kill you you have no idea what a true monster is katos you're finally lesson is at hand remember katos it was I who saved you in your time of greatest need I haven't forgotten Aries I remember how you saved me that night I was trying to make you a great warrior you succeeded [Music] katos had done me impossible Immortal defeating a god Aries was no more the city had been saved and would Thrive again why do you sacrifice yourself to save Olympus I do not seek to destroy Olympus only Zeus Zeus is Olympus he brought this to himself because of fear katos a fear felt by his father Kronos a fear that wrought the Great War a fear that drove Zeus to kill you his own son his son just as Zeus was compelled to destroy his father Cronos you are compelled to do the same no son should destroy his own father no I have no father God after God will deny you kattos they will protect Zeus Zeus must live so that Olympus will prevail if all on Olympus will deny me my Vengeance then all on Olympus will die I have lived in the shadow of the Gods for long enough the time of the Gods has come to an end remember cratus you have the power to control time [Music] itself you challenge me marel a God of Olympus a true warrior does not hide Poseidon leave the sea and face me you have disrespected the gods for the last time katos [Music] a [Music] Zeus should have kept you where you belong no matter how many gods fall there will always be another to stand against you they will fall as well the death of Olympus means the death of us all then prepare for your death Poseidon [Music] we [Music] die [Music] it's katos the death of Zeus is within our reach climb to my hand great so glad you could go out sometime for us you know we need it I sense some bad blood between us craters oh all memories they're overwhelming really let's see how many sins have you committed against me oh that's right you murdered my niece Saina and what else what else and you killed my brother posidon and I have not forgotten that it was you butchered my beautiful queen I will see you suffer as I have suffered your soul is [Music] mine your pain is [Music] my a [Music] h [Applause] [Music] I [Applause] beh hold the glory of Helios [Music] katos I have not forgotten the debt I owe you save me now as you once saved me from atmas and I promise to repay you in full if you wish to repay me tell me where I can find the flame of Olympus the flame you will never defeat Zeus Spartan you will forfeit your life in trying of all the lives you should worry about Helios mine is not one of them feel the power of the sun wait wait I can tell you that to do destroy Zeus you must step into the flame to receive its power you lie Helios aestus told me the flame kills all who touch it and you believe him that freak has fallen from The Graces of Olympus that is exactly why I believe him my death will not lead you to Zeus that is where you are wrong [Applause] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] katos it's getting close I told you I cannot help you but you're the only one who can I know it I trust you you shouldn't look who it is katos the ghost of Sparta the Fallen God the cursed mortal to catch a fly from the ass of Zeus is not worth my time her a coward's words katos you don't try to catch me because you know you can't katos where are you off to today kill any family members lately oh that's right you're off to kill your father [Music] Ze won't happen can't happen katos is on a Fool's errand again never never learn never never change cratos the fool who killed his own blood katos the fool among Mortals and gods forever ever cursed forever ever doomed consumed by Vengeance to his last breath the sparton lights the way to Dusty death you've been lucky in Battle Spartan but your luck ends today I thought Spartans fought with honor and yet you seek to kill me when I have no way to defend myself not fair but you have your own sense of Honor right katos and what has that honor brought you nothing but nightmares of your today you may defeat me but in the end katos in the end you'll betray only yourself [Music] [Music] [Music] bravo bravo our hero has arrived Applause for another bastard child of Zeus just in time for the Final Act Hera you look terrible dear still wanting to kill my husband I suppose you know I seek revenge on S can't say that I blame you since you killed my son Aries fear of you consumes him his fears will not matter is dead I'll drink to that Hera I seek the child Pandora Pandora that wretched little thing my son hephestus created well we can't have you do that my dear destroy him hello brother this is not between us Hercules isn't it you were always Zeus's favorite the air on Olympus affects your thinking brother Zeus has no fa think about it brother while I was stuck cleaning the aian Stables he chose you to destroy Aries well not convinced how about this while you being crowned the God of War I was sent to find an Apple they called them labors ha perhaps he did allow me to kill the nimian lion but he made your name known amongst the people a fierce Warrior a killer made a hero a man made a God but this time brother this time I will destroy you call it my 13th and final labor soon I will become the god of war and claim the throne for myself you Olympian yet their reign is ended we'll see about that [Music] a [Music] he [Music] the murderer of Gia enters my tomb Kronos I know it was you who killed her Spartan who else could I live in torment because of you after you took the box from Pandora's Temple Zeus was consumed with fear he banished me to the P of torturous I was tasked by the gods to kill Aries you killed Aries out of your need for vengeance but this time retribution finally comes to me [Music] Spartan fros your death will not Chon in my eyes Dam mortal you will suffer when my sight be there you are your fate is now in my hands I will make you into a bloody state right where where you go by hiding you show your true nature to why do you flee ketos There Is No Escape I know where are you trust me you will be more unpleasant for me oh [Music] you have what you came for let me be oh These [Music] Chains I should have expected this from a card of a coward who kills his own k greator no [Music] [Music] [Music] a katos you sent me to my death no no no calm yourself katos I knew you were up to the challenge I truly needed the oo Stone you'll see make it quick old man a weapon such as this can't be rushed this will be worth the wait a fine weapon like no other as I promise here is your retribution a [Music] my beautiful Pandora peace spare Pandora forgive me [Music] you I told him to kill you I told him the day you were born to kill you but he would not have it my stupid husband took pity and now look what you have rock look at this look at it they're dying because of you everything is dying because of you the sun is gone the ocean swallow the land disease infects what remains I am doing all I can to keep them alive but you your ruthless murdering of the Gods has caused all of this you think this Garden is not protected your brute strength may have bested Hercules but your simple mind will never find a way out I look forward to watching you die here as an old man you simple Mor how dare you challenge us you think you can just walk away we aren't finished what have you done what have you done to me you you coward you destroy all you touch good luck with that little you call [Music] [Music] Pandora [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] there it is I can see it katos in the darkness the fires of Hope will set us free Pandora no you know why I'm here you brought me here to do this I will find another way no cratos there is no other way let me go no child I am not a child you're hurting [Music] me katos help put it down Zeus your obsession with this this thing has become somewhat of a new nuisance my son release the girl Zeus don't confuse this object this construction of aestus with your own flesh and blood but perhaps you already have sparten your quest for Pandora your pathetic attempt for atonement from the family you slaughtered has caused nothing but havoc on Olympus look around at what you have done [Music] I see only what I have come to destroy taking pity on you has been my greatest mistake cros just as taking pity on this thing will prove to be your greatest mistake this has nothing to do with her it has everything to do with her put her down as you wish [Music] h [Music] [Music] pendora Pandora no stop her crus do not let her into the flame this is what I am meant to do you know that please hush cratos you know this is the only way don't listen to Aus now once in your pathetic life don't fail don't fail her like you failed your family a [Music] Pandora [Music] the power to kill a [Music] god empty after all you have sought after all all you have sacrificed it ends in another stunning [Music] failure such chaos I will have much to do after I kill you face me far it is time to end this yes my son it is time the rain of Olympus ends now you live my world it bleeds because of you I never s your deaths SP yet you have left me no choice you are porn has failed you g perhaps you should have chosen the other one enough father and son will die together a great I you put an end to this [Applause] [Music] chaos [Music] I just bre you [Music] [Music] a [Music] h [Music] St I grow weary [Applause] My and I will be your end let fear [Music] inside nothing the darkness lies ahead C power to kill a [Music] god Hope Is What Makes Us strong it is why we are here it is what we fight with when all else is lost [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] he [Music] a [Music] you have done well katos freed from the bondage of Olympus and cleansed in chaos mankind is now ready to hear my message look around you Athena the world stands in ruin what good is your message go if you must but first I insist you give me the power from inside the Box the Box was empty that can't be true I can see it in your eyes you used my power to kill Zeus you still have it as we speak don't you [Music] understand when Zeus gathered all the evils and placed them in the box I dreaded what would happen if it was opened again and so I summoned the most powerful weapon in the world and I placed it in the [Music] Box I told you it was empty pandor was sacrificed in vain she died because of my need for vengeance you must be mistaken you used my power to K Zeus I saw you do it unless of course when you open the box you release the evils to the gods infected them changed [Applause] them Zeus himself felt prey to the dark evil this is why he became so enraged and obsessed with your death he was consumed by the evil fear I thought the power I placed in the Box was never released all these years I assumed you drew from the evils inside to destroy Aries but I was wrong the power you took from the box is mine from it you gained the strength that Zeus could never destroy a strength great enough to overcome fear locked deep inside of you katos it has remained buried trapped by your guilt and the failures of your past when you killed Zeus you must have allowed something to awaken him what was it katos Hope Is What Makes Us strong it is why we are here it is what we fight with when all else is lost what was it kattos all I remember is what I have lost that is why you should give me the power I understand its true meaning and where it belongs I trust you to do the right thing cratos you shouldn't you you owe me this katos I owe you nothing I made you a God I sheltered you from the wrath of Olympus I delivered you revenge on Su it is over Athena you would dare strike me down again my Vengeance ends now how could you you fool what have you [Music] done no that was meant for me they will not know what to do with [Music] it you disappoint me Spartan [Music] is
Channel: GameClips
Views: 1,011,572
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: God Of War, God Of War PS5, Kratos, PS5, Kratos Kills All Gods Of Olympus, Kratos Kills All Gods, God Of War Kratos Vs All Gods Of Olympus, God Of War Kratos Kills All Gods Of Olympus, God Of War Kratos Kills All Gods, Kratos Vs All Gods, Zeus, Cronos, Hades, Gods Of Olympus, 4K, 4K Ultra HD, HD
Id: T25QC8FlVyE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 50sec (4730 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 17 2023
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