Daniel Week 9

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let's pray father thank you so much for tonight thank you that you are teaching us you really are thank you you are transforming us your word is so alive it is active its sharp it cuts and I'm so glad while it cuts some things away it puts us back together you know how to do surgery like no other physician you know exactly what each one of us need father we ask you tonight by the power of your Holy Spirit what you please open up our understanding our minds transform our minds and our hearts help us to hear what the Spirit of the Lord is saying to each and every one of us we just don't want to be the same and even on right now we have written on paper on this table our Lions Den or our fiery furnace we just know you know exactly what it is but we want it before us because we want to remember that our God is greater our God is stronger our God is higher than any other and that there is absolutely nothing too hard for our God we thank you Lord speak now Lord please we need to hear from you in Jesus name Amen all right so open to session six on the session six tonight and open your Bible to Daniel Daniel chapter six and so the chapter six opens up with another situation another crisis daniel has once again been promoted and we're going to see though there is a new administration some things are going to seem very repetitive that Daniel has experienced in his many years of being in Babylon about this time that we're about to read chapter six how old is Daniel he's in his early eighties good we're doing work he's in it Daniel's been there a long time age 15 he says that he gets to Babylon around the age of 15 and he is now 80 around the early 80s and he's still standing firm in the faith and I love what one of our leaders tonight said in prayer if Daniel can do it we can do it too can't we do you are you all okay if Daniel did it can't we do it we can we can he wasn't defiled by the culture that he lived in so let's start off reading in chapter 6 it says it seemed good to Darius to a point 120 set traps over the kingdom that they should be in charge of the whole kingdom and over them three commissioners of whom Daniel was one that feeds satraps might be accountable to them and that the king might not suffer loss then this Daniel began distinguishing himself among the commissioners and satraps because he possessed an extraordinary spirit and the King planned to appoint him over the entire kingdom then the commissioners and the satraps began trying to find a ground of accusation against Daniel in regard to government affairs but they cannot find no ground of accusation or evidence of corruption and as much as he was faithful and no negligence or corruption was to be found in him then these men said we shall not find any ground of accusation against this Daniel unless we find it against him in regard to the law of his God then these commissioners and satraps came by agreement to the King and spoke to him as follows King Darius live forever all the commissioners of the kingdom and the prefix and the satraps the high officials and the governors have consulted together that the King should establish a statute and enforce an injunction that anyone who makes a petition to any god or man besides you O King for thirty days shall be cast into the Lions King den now O King established the injunction and signed the document so that it may not be changed according to the law the Metis and the Persians which may not be revoked therefore King Darius signed the document that is the injunction now when Daniel knew that the document was signed he entered his house now in his Ruth chamber he had windows open towards Jerusalem and he continued kneeling on his knees three times a day praying and giving thanks before his God as he had been doing previously I want to start right there I love this he kneeled before his God and he prayed giving thanks before his God as he had been doing previously you got that as he had been doing previously verse three go back and look at verse three and we're going to go through this some of this very slowly and pick up as we go verse three daniel is distinguished amongst them as different he's different he is distinguished as how did he put it in verse three distinguishing himself among the commissioners and the side traps because he possess what kind of spirit he possessed an extra ordinary kind of spirit now do you see something happening to Daniel that has happened to Daniel before he has people who are once again jealous of him and so what they do is they start trying to look out for ways to entangle him and something find a way to catch him in something by which they could bring an accusation they could bring a charge against Daniel because Daniel has now it be previously he knew he had been promoted in Chapter three and then when you go to four and five somewhere along in there with Belshazzar and and the other four Kings that had been there after Nebuchadnezzar death Daniel had lost him being in this this limelight he was not out in the front and so he was in obscurity and now once again because he has interpreted Belshazzar's dream and been promoted again now he's out on the front line again and so here he is on the front line again promoted to a place of position because of what God is doing one of the main things is Daniel's that God is what he's sovereign and so here he is in a position again because what God is doing in this particular in these people's lives and he has a position and he has guys who were looking at him it's a new administration remember it's a hundred and twenty new people right but it's the same spirit don't you find that interesting new people but the same attitude it's the same spirit here it is they start looking for a way because Daniels been promoted to a place that perhaps they think they deserve and so they're looking for a way to trap him when they look at Daniel they can find absolutely nothing to trap him about they can't find anything it says that he there was no corruption in him and he wasn't negligent let's just talk about that in that just absolutely wonderful about Daniel here it is do you just admire him and here it is he is in all the places where he could have been defiled but he's not defile they're searching high and low to find something wrong about him and they cannot find anywhere in his job where he's corrupt or he is negligent may that be us even that beautiful of your boss could say there is no negligence or corruption in you at all that you are a woman of integrity at work will not just be absolutely fantastic well they can find absolutely nothing with Daniel in regards to government affair so they've realized what we've got to do now we've got to find something in relation to his god and let me thank you Lord you need to you and I need to understand this when we are women that are really trying to live for the Lord and and there are some women in here I believe with all my heart that there is no corruption and no negligence in you as far as you serving the Lord and trying to do what is honorable to the Lord on your job and in your life I believe that I know that's the truth in this room I know it I believe that but here's the other thing don't you think for a moment that the enemy of our soul watches that about you as well and just as these people had to try and find some accusation as it relates to his relationship with his God but you and I have an enemy that tries to come after us and accuse us concerning our God for some of you it's even at your work you're too religious you love Jesus too much you do nothing you're always talking about the Lord for some it's just the stance that you take as a godly woman you and I will have the same thing happen to us and so what do they do they go after Daniel but what does Daniel do come on now we're gonna get on a roll here what does he do he doesn't change and Daniel does what it says he has previously done I love this let's just stay here for a moment Daniel prays Daniel does what we all need to take this lesson tonight Daniel goes and he prays he does what he has previously done what has always been his way of living you find him in chapter 1 when he doesn't take the Kings food and when the king has the dream in chapter 2 and he's gonna kill everybody what does Daniel and his friends do it's his custom to pray that's what he does when Daniel gets in trouble he prays when Daniel needs wisdom he prays when Daniel needs an answer from the Lord he prays he and his friends would pray well we're gonna talk about this just for a moment tonight what happens when you and I are in trouble when you and I have vacate a situation in our life when you and I need an answer from the Lord when we need wisdom what do we do do we pray well let's just say what are you said of course we do let's see do we all is that what we do of course we know now how many of us know that's of course what we should do but let's get to the nitty-gritty of this tonight because this lesson I it got to me because you know what I had to think how many times am I in that situation I don't immediately drop and pray well we want to talk about what happens when we don't and why we just may not pray well when we get in those situations we can do a whole lot of things the first thing we do we can panic when we get in these situations in the heat of the battle we can panic so leave those rights there for a moment we can panic and here's what happened when you and I get into a situation and we panic what do you think is gonna happen when you and I get in trouble and we panic we're gonna do the wrong thing we're gonna do the wrong thing because we're gonna panic and we're gonna pretty much just operate off of what we think we should do we're gonna pretty much just operate out of out of flesh we're gonna operate out of fear we're not going to do the godly thing when we panic anybody ever panic and you don't do the right thing and so Daniels gonna teach us something tonight about prayer because when we panic we're gonna do the wrong thing but here's the next thing we do when when we become paralyzed we can do we can become paralyzed - we can get to the point that the situation is so overwhelming you got that fiery furnace and you you got that Lions Den written down on your on that nice little tablecloth for you tonight and we can get paralyzed as well and when we get paralyzed what do we do you got it we do absolutely nothing and then I've heard people say this before we get in the situation and we decide to do absolutely nothing we just say well God's got it don't we guys got it does that mean that we don't do anything don't you think that's a cop-out that's just trying to just throw a caution to the wind or whatever God's gonna do what God wants to do we become paralyzed and we do absolutely nothing but here's the next thing that you and I can do we can pray we can pray because when we pray we will do the power thing when you and I pray we're gonna do the power thing we're gonna do what's our 'full because when you and I pray and we ask the Lord God you know I'm in this situation God you know this is going on I need your wisdom I need your guidance I need you to help me I don't know what I should do I don't know what's best I don't see the big picture would you please tell me how you want me to handle this situation would you please tell me how to respond I don't want to do the wrong thing I don't want to make the wrong move I want to bring glory and honor to your name I want the best result for my life and for those around me I want to see your hand in my life we will do the power thing then don't you agree but but here Daniel always prayed he was a man of Prayer as we saw in Chapter two so here's the next thing as we talk about prayer I want you to see this like Daniel we want to practice a holy habit long enough that it becomes now this is good we need a holy habit and we got to practice it long enough that it becomes the old pattern prayer I'll be honest it's hard work can we just talk for a minute some of you and here is just you're just natural you have been given the gift of intercession and you love to pray I'm gonna make everybody feel a little bit more comfortable cuz we're tense talking about prayer because now we're going like how many times did I prayed I prayed three times a break the time to do how long do I stay down there and pray how long do you know this isn't about religion this is about the heart of the matter this is what it's really about our attitude of prayer that it becomes a holy habit and it is its heart is discipline sometimes you can get on your knees to pray have you ever gotten on your knees to pray or you started praying and before you know you're gone somewhere else completely in your hair come on be honest has it ever happened to you because it just it takes discipline but we have a God who is wonderful who is listening to us who knows what we struggle with and how we may struggle in the discipline of prayer and he's there to help us it is the heart of the matter of when we get there we can call on the name of the Lord and if we're doing it all the time whether it's short prayers or long prayers or whatever kind of prayer but we have this relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ we are going to be women of Prayer and for some people it may be three minutes for some it may be 20 and for some it may be an hour but the whole attitude is prayer and you and I've got to do it long enough to where it becomes our holy habit and it replaces what's old so what am I talking about what's Oh some of our typical ways of responding maybe to respond in fear for some of us to respond in rage when something happens we get rage and for some of us when something happens we start saying words that we shouldn't say and for some of us say we began to have a pity party and we become bitter and we're gonna talk about these but but here it is the thing is that you and I have got to get a holy habit it's just got a Daniel did it three times a day for a reason he was living in Babylon and he knew without the power of God in his life he would get defile if you and I don't want to be women that get this out and Babylon we're gonna have to pray cuz we're in it every single day are you with me tonight we're gonna have to be praying women we're gonna have to explore I need your power I need your strength I need your help it's got to become our holy holy habit it has to become a holy habit the you and I are spiritually minded and not carnal minded Philippians 4:6 and 7 I want you to read that with me go there for a moment I was going to read it to you but I want you to read it with me Philippians 4 4 6 and 7 be anxious for nothing but in everything by what come on say it out loud by what by prayer and supplication with Thanksgiving let what wait a minute we're gonna read that together because we're gonna get through this prayer scene tonight because some of us I get the Lord wants us to pray yes he's going to do what God wants to do but you and I through the power of prayer we get a revelation of who he is we in our relationship with him we see his power we get closer to him we get to hear from him it is this relationship that he wants us to have and so prayer is the connection that he uses to get us there and so let's read this together come on be anxious for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication with Thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God what's the next verse and the peace of God which surpasses all comprehension will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus so he says now listen you don't have to be anxious for nothing you and I don't have to be anxious so when we're anxious we're choosing to be anxious because we're not using the power of prayer by which he says you let your requests be made known to God and when we let our requests be made known to God the peace of God which surpasses all understanding is gonna do what guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus so he says we don't have to be anxious so you and I have got to replace this holy habit because God I want you to listen as God works in our lives in response to prayer is an ongoing eternal design instead of many isolated plans God's will flows through our circumstances so I want you to see this because this is how so many of us live our lives come here help me minute for for a minute now I want you you got that that fiery furnace or that lion's den written on that paper right we studied this some of you may remember some of this from when we did live a praying life now think about that situation and some of you got maybe more than one written down some to some a whole list but I want you to give this I want you to think about because this is how we live our life this is your circumstance and then this is another one go down just look and then this is another circumstance now I want you to think about yourself and you're asking God to answer your prayer how many of you asking God to answer some pretty night I got some stuff I want him to answer but this is our circumstance and this is how we think about life we think about life in terms of our circumstance so it's kind of like if your prayer focus is Lord fix this but God provides for your need in another way you and I'll say God didn't answer our prayer it's kind of like the person I'll use a simple example that says Lord you know what I need transportation to get to work and God allows a co-worker to say where you live are you in carpool with me every day just give me gas money let me help on the gas I'll take you out pick you up take you home and that person comes like say God you didn't answer my prayer I wanted a car but the need was transportation come on I want you to get this is a serious business tonight because here's that here's a way that the enemy has been really playing with the whole lot of our mind we've been saying God didn't answer our prayer oh but yes he did oh yes he did he did answer the problem with us is that I get in my head how I need him the answer that's when you and I get in trouble because we start telling God and we get our theology all wrong as if God is some type of church in bang put a nickel in and you get a bubblegum he is not no I want you to get your theology right tonight because he is not a God that you tell him what to do I don't care what name it claim it gospel you had her before it is not the gospel of Jesus Christ you don't name it and claim it you do not tell the God of the universe what to do concerning your life he is your Creator you don't tell him what to do he tells us what to do he said you make the requests known I will give you the peace of God that surpasses all understanding you may not understand how I'm gonna do it I don't even have to tell you how I'm gonna do it I don't have to tell you when I'm gonna work it out you just gotta trust me but what we do is we have that situation and we're saying God if you don't answer it like this then you really didn't answer my prayer you really didn't god I I asked you to come through for men and save my loved one to get them out of trouble and perhaps they sitting somewhere now that looks like they're in trouble but it's God's protection for their life until the time of salvation you saying God I don't I don't want to be lonely I don't want to be single all my life well that may not be his plan for you to be single but my God in heaven He is God and you sure don't have to be lonely because he is the husband for you as well he's everything that we need he is some of us have jobs were not even grateful for we're not even saying God thank you for what I do have we're sitting up saying wish I had a better one this one just doesn't pay enough but you could be without Daniel happens prayer thing right cause we're gonna look at him and this Lions Den in just a second he had already prayed he had prayed in his he had a resolve this worth that we love he had a resolve that you know what I don't know how you're going to do what you're going to do if you do if you don't I will serve you I trust you I'm gonna do what's right and so we live life like this and what happens is we got our circumstances separated and what God says no how I look at your life say come just come up next each other how I look at your life is like this you separate in your life I'm looking at it as all one it's one because this circumstance that you're in right now is a setup for the next one and this one is connected to this one so that the will of God might be done in our lives don't you think for a moment that when Daniel was in trouble that he didn't look back over his 80 years and see other places that him saying no to the King's food only gave him power for the next situation power for the next situation and every time he saw the power of God you can't live your life separate God looks at it as one big life one big circumstance that his glory would be manifested in our life thank you ladies I this this blessed me because you and I can I have this mind of defeat like our God is not for us Daniel knew his God was for him now I want you to read let's read the rest of Daniel chapter 6 a weekend we can wrap this up it says here it is now the king has signed the document verse 10 now Daniel knew that the document was signed don't you just love that wait a minute look at your Bible good you need to underline that Daniel knew that it had been signed he entered his house he went to the roof he cold looked up toward Jerusalem he began to pray give him thanks as he had previously done verse 11 says then these men came by agreement and found Daniel praying making petitioners supplication before his god then they approached and spoke before the king about the Kings injunction did you not sign an injunction that any man who makes a petition to any God a man besides you O king for thirty days is to be cast into the lion's den the King answered and said the statement is true according to the law of the Medes and the Persians which may not be revoked then they answered and spoke before the King Daniel is the one of the excise from Judah pays no attention to your king or to the injunction which you have signed but keeps making his petition how many times three times a day then as soon as the King heard this statement he was deeply distressed and set his mind on delivering Daniel and even until sunset he kept exerting himself to rescue him don't you just love that then these men came by agreement to the king and said to the king recognize o king that it is a law of the Medes and the Persians that no injunction or statue which the king establishes may be change then the King gave orders and Daniel was brought in and cast into the lion's den the King spoke and said to Daniel your God whom you constantly serve will himself deliver you and a stone and a stone was brought and laid over the mouth of the den and the King sealed it with his own signet ring and the Signet rings of his Nobles so that nothing might be changed in regard to Daniel then the king went off to his palace and spent the night fasting isn't that something the king fasting and no one attainment was brought before him and his sleep fled from him then the king arose with the dawn at the break of day don't you just love it that the king is excited I need to see if Daniel is still alive he's hopeful the king would break of day and win in haste to the Lions dinner when he had come near the den to Daniel he cried out with a troubled voice the King spoke and said to Daniel Daniel servant of the Living God has your God whom you what come on say that out you what you constantly serve been able to deliver you from the Lions then Daniel spoke to the king o King live forever my God sent his angel and shut the lion's mouth and they have not harmed me in as much as I was found innocent before him and also towards you O king I have committed no crime then the king was very pleased and gave orders for Daniel to be taken out of the den so Daniel was taken up out of the den and no injury whatever we're gonna talk about that no injury was found on him because he had did what he trusted in his god the king then gave orders and they brought those men who had maliciously accused Daniel and they cast them their children and their wives into the lion's den and they had not reached the bottom of the dam before the Lions overpowered them and crushed all their bones then Darius the King wrote to all the peoples nations and men of every language who were living in all of the lamb may your peace abound I make a decree that in all dominion of my kingdom men are to fear and tremble before the god of Daniel for he is the Living God and enduring forever and his kingdom is one which will not be destroyed and his Dominion will be forever he delivers and rescues perform signs and wonders in heaven and on earth who has also delivered Daniel from the power of the lion so this Daniel enjoyed success in the reign of Darius and in the reign of Cyrus the Persian listen don't you just absolutely love this here it is he gets thrown into the Lions Den now I want you to see a picture of a lion as we wrap this up when you see a lion I there's some things you need to understand this was not Simba this was not some bye know we've gone and we've seen the Lion King and we think it's like a little cute little perch said this was not Simba when you talk about a lion I'm talking about a lot of huge lion lions aren't look listen to Lions the roar of a lion can be heard for five miles away that's the symbol that that's not what I'm talking about that's a lion this is what Daniel was up against I keep keep showing the pictures of lions look the male lion can grow up to 10 feet and lift and usually weighs around 330 to 550 pounds that's what Daniel was in are you getting this the part of the problem with us reading Daniel look at that part of us reading the problem with Daniel the problem of reading Daniel and the Lions then and so many of us who grew up in church we had it in children's church and it was his cute Daniel was in the lion's den no it was real lions in there they were hungry lions in there do you get back this is absolutely real he's in there and he not only did they just put him in the Lions Den they rolled the stone in front of the den no xscape for him can you imagine Daniel sitting in a lion's den Lions around him and him sitting there and you've got a lion that may be that big standing next to you 1 2 3 4 them jokers around you you're gone in no time but don't you remember that was another stone that was rolled come on ladies there was another stone that was rolled and they had said he wouldn't get up either but he did get up he got off that stone couldn't hold back our Savior and that same Savior was able to deliver that God delivered Daniel out of the lion's den here it is the King anxiously gets up Daniel are you alive he says o king live forever there is an angel that showed up in the den God sent the angel to deliver Daniel to keep the Lions away now get this you just read it that when the King realized that Daniel was alive and brought him out those who had conspired against him and accused him not only did they get thrown into the furnace they got thrown in everybody in their family got thrown in children everybody and this was done back in those times because they wanted to make sure there was no family line left for revenge they took care of everybody Daniel comes out look I want it I want to leave this with you we're gonna wrap on this point this is absolutely beautiful because first Peter 5 an 8 tells us something that you and I need to consciously remember we're gonna wrap up on these bits one point these next four minutes together I hope this is encouraging you first Peter five and eight be of sober spirit watchful be on alert watch out now your adversary each one we have one the devil prowls around like a roaring lion seeking someone to devour in Ephesians chapter 6 we have read and those you need to read it tonight you need to read it over and over again it talks about the armor of God and it is all put on we have the helmet of salvation the breastplate of righteousness we have our shoes the gospel of peace we have the shield of faith but there is only one weapon that you and I get out of that that's offensive what is it come on say it out loud you got the word the sword of the Spirit he said but now you need to take up the soul you have the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God and I'm gonna tell you this ladies listen to me and I'm passionate about this you and I we have to know the word that's your sword that's what you fight with look whatever it whatever is in you when it's that time for you to pray whatever is in you is coming out so if it's fear if it's rage if it's anger if it's bitterness you're not going all of a sudden at that point in the heat become a prayer warrior you're not gonna all of a sudden at that point in the heat start really being a Bible quote you got the Word of God that you opened up your mouth and you speak and declare the word of God over your life your children your family open up your mouth but that's not the time for you to be opened up in my sense somewhere it said it's say something like that we're too relaxed you and I have the word it says you we have the word of God John 8:31 32 speaks about holding fast to the truth of the word of God you got a holdfast to it because you and I just like Daniel came out of this Dan unhurt and unharmed I want to ask you do you believe you and I that Dan that you wrote that that thing that you wrote that we referred in Chapter three about about you can be delivered from delivered through delivered by and do you believe the power of prayer is able I'm asking you now and this ain't no joke I want to know do you believe that your God is sufficient and we're labeled that there is absolutely nothing too hard for him that child that marriage that job that person that situation your health there is this absolutely nothing too hard for I God do you really believe that because you and I can come out unhurt come on ladies can we just spend one minute right there I want to milk this we'll follow this wolf do you believe we can come out unhurt some of us don't believe we can come out on her we can come out on her I've experienced it we may feel like while we're in the batter like we're beating up and battered but we come out unhurt we come out and there is this residue this this this glow of the holy spirit that has covered us and we're better off because of what we've walked through come on anybody ever experience that Daniel Daniel walked out unhurt I know some testimonies in here that have just walked out on her you and I can walk out on her we can emerge from this situation unhurt let me give me one minute because I I want us to see this as we wrap I just want you to take this point that we can this is where I want to deal with that influence just can you give me two minutes the last point says to see a worldly Darius impressed by our guy we get to see a worldly Darius become impressed by our guy you see had not Daniel was delivered through the fire each one of us are gonna experience one of those at a time in our life delivered from delivered through and then that's gonna be a delivered by but you and I need to remember if we hadn't experienced that one we wouldn't have these glorious intense encounters with God and so with every encounter that we have I just want to pray this for us tonight you and I have influenced so what are you doing with it he influenced Darius so much that he ran to see if he was still alive he wanted Daniel I I want to ask you what are you doing with your influence what are you doing with it you got people all around you I have people all around me all day how influential am I you're a woman of influence do you know that you know how just influential we are you don't know who's sitting at the table with you right now that you're influencing you have no clue you don't know how you influence your children every day how they're watching you your behavior the people at your workplace I want to ask you what do you do with your influence young ladies we're supposed to influence the world not the world influence us I told someone earlier today we're supposed to be the light Walgreens this next door you can go and buy every light bulb you want to it will not come on until you what till you plug it in you got to turn it on we're just not lights just by accident you and I gotta turn the light on that's what we're supposed to do Daniel did it by God just think they used that woman in that commercial like a devil that you saw don't let them use US influence for the glory of God father thank you tonight for the influence of Daniel darius was influenced and came out saying the god of Daniel here's God God that Daniel always served he never doubted and that fiery furnace that we have written on that piece of paper for some of us our faith will get a boost for some of us our faith is going to be refined and then there just comes a time where you just deliver us straight on into glory but we don't have to fear that because we can rejoice we know where we're going we're not gonna be anxious we know that you do answer prayers and we can boldly acts so father right now I just every sister that's written that wrote something down I just pray that you would speak to her heart and let her know she can boldly ask you and that you have looked at the big picture of her life you have great plans for her your good we will not believe the lie the enemy that you're not good you are good and you will shut the lion's mouth we will see you rescue us and we'll give all the glory and the honor and praise we shout out like Daniel you are the one true Living God and our God is well able in Jesus name Amen you
Channel: Live With Intention
Views: 369
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: #taraowens, #womensministry, #church, #christian, #sermons, Daniel, Bible, Bible Study, Biblical Teaching, Biblical Application, Live With Intention, Beth Moore, Christine Caine, TD Jakes, Tim Keller
Id: iFvgrjBxGro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 12sec (2652 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 12 2019
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