Daniel Session10 Individual

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get over here and sit right down here with me for a second well I wish you could I may look calm but my insides are jumping up and down I think you're gonna be so glad you came today unless you've studied the 10th chapter of Daniel before it's safe to say you've never studied anything like it it's just a wild when was the last time I told you how much I love God he's so gloriously mysterious and so infinitely creative I happen to think he loves astonishing myth see what you think [Music] we are gonna have the ride of our lives ahead of us we're becoming aware of the time that surrounds us [Music] [Music] are you ready for Iran that's what I'm gonna ask you I think maybe I ask you that every single week but we're getting in a different kind of car in this particular chapter of Daniel in fact the new American commentary calls one of the segments out of this particular chapter that we're really going to rest on today one of the strangest accounts in the Bible now if you consider we've already seen some pretty strange occurrences you can imagine we are in for an encounter today Daniel chapter 10 we're going to be wondering when this is over what was happening in the heavenly is at the time that Daniel had this encounter and we're going to also wonder what is happening in the heavenlies now here's what I'm going to do I'm going to go ahead and read through the whole chapter now you're going to be studying parts of it in your daily assignment but in order to capture my context and it's not a long chapter thankfully I need to read the whole thing and then we'll settle on some parts of it I'll narrate as we go and it actually ends at the first verse of chapter 11 you'll see that it still we still need that one verse to understand what's happening in our chapter Daniel 10 let me just begin narrating as I read in the third year a Cyrus king of Persia now glanced back very quickly in 9 and you'll see that it begins within the first year of Darius son of Xerxes so the same rule so this tells us two years later in the third year of Cyrus king of Persia a revelation was given to Daniel who was called Belteshazzar it's message was true and it concerned a great war the understanding of the message came to him in a vision verse 2 at that time I Daniel mourned for three weeks I ate no choice food no meat a wine touched my lips and I used no lotions at all until the three weeks were over verse four on the 24th day of the first month as I was standing on the bank of the Great River the Tigris I looked up and there before me was a man dressed in linen I'm gonna ask you to be very visual as we read these passages today a man dressed in linen with a belt of the finest gold around his waist his body was like chrysolite his face like lightning his eyes like flaming torches his arms and legs like the gleam of burnished bronze and his voice like the sound of a multitude I Daniel was the only one who saw the vision the men with me did not see it but such terror overwhelmed them that they fled and hid themselves so I was left alone gazing at this great vision I had no strength left my face turned deathly pale and I was helpless then I heard him speaking and as I listened to him I fell into a deep sleep my face to the ground verse ten a hand touched me and sent me trembling on my hands and knees I want to stop here for just a moment and I want to tell you something to expect in one of your daily assignments and it's an important part I will build a case in your homework for the vision that daniel has just seen to beat Christ Jesus himself but you're gonna see why it becomes very problematic later in the chapter that it cannot still be him that there must be two different figures in the vision now is that possible absolutely and I want you to glance ahead for just a second to Daniel chapter 12 5 and 6 this is going to be part of the same revelation in other words what begins in chapter 10 continues all the way to chapter 12 so look at 5 and 6 then identity looked and there before me stood two others one on this bank of the river and one on the opposite bank one of them said to the man clothed in linen who is above the waters of the river how long will it be before these astonishing things are fulfilled see you're not going to want to miss I'll wrap up together because you can tell that that's already going to be extremely intriguing how many are in or implied in those two verses you've got a man in linen and then how many others to now go back with me to ten and I'm gonna show you why it's problematic that this is still Christ from this point forward see here's what I think happened that he sees and in the vision is there before him of the man in linen but that the one who comes in and gives the revelation is the second figure I'm just saying this is my interpretation and certainly not mine alone I stand with with scholars who believe this to be so because listen to this it says then I think this is where it took place I think he fell into a deep sleep my face to the ground it says now here's what I want you to do because this is very interesting if you'd like to write in your Bibles you might mark it it's something you're going to be looking at later in your homework but I want you to note all of Daniels postures in this chapter and in this encounter I want you to see where all he moves because the first thing we see he sees the vision it says in verse eight that his that those who were with him in verse seven fled so obviously they saw something frightening but they could not make it out now I've got to tell you why this encourages me it encourages me because God never gives anybody a second hand revelation of himself if we see Jesus Christ revealed to us afresh through his word I'm not talking about him showing up to us in this kind of a an appearance I'm talking about when we have a fresh revelation of God it's not an accident we just we didn't just get it because the person next to us dead if it wasn't meant for you you wouldn't have seen it does anybody just say amen to that because I love that I love knowing that if if I received it it was meant for me so some of you and this just drives me crazy and it's something I try to get across to you continually you're just thinking you're just part of a corporate mass of people that are seeking to know God a little bit but you're not really sure he knows that you individually are even alive yes he does and he has sought you out and if you've got a fresh reality of who he is he intended for you to not just the person sitting next to you get it cause I got it you didn't get it cause your Sunday school teacher got it you didn't get it cause my pastor don't got it you got it cuz you got it I gotta know that I gotta know that so it says he just stood there all alone gazing at this great vision he had no strength left my face turning deathly pale so we're gonna assume that he is standing shaking at this point verse 9 he heard him speaking and I saw listen him I fell into a deep sleep my face to the ground so now he's gone from standing probably shaking he's gone facedown and he's in a deep sleep this is when I believe the second figure comes in now just consider this with me verse 10 a hand touched me and set him trembling on his hands and knees and he said in verse 11 Daniel you are highly esteemed consider carefully the words I'm about to speak to you and stand up for I have now been sent to you see I'm wondering if this is the second figure saying now I'm in and now I'm gonna bring you this part of the revelation and when he said this to me I stood up trembling we've got another posture here we've gone from standing up to going face down coming to his hands and knees and now we've got him trembling and standing up again and it says in verse 12 then he continued do not be afraid Daniel since the first day that you set your mind to gain understanding and to humble yourself before your God your words were heard and I have come in response to them verse 13 but the Prince of the Persian Kingdom resisted me 21 days then Michael one of the chief Prince's came to help me because I was detained there with the king of Persia I cannot wait to study this with you this is today's lesson now I have come to explain to you what will happen to your people in the future for the vision concerns a time yet to come why can't this still be Christ why do we know that can't be Christ right there nobody's gonna detain him for five seconds no one can stand up to him we've been singing tonight before you all join us who is like the Lord no body nobody nobody's gonna hold him back it's not gonna happen so so at this point this has got to be an angel look with me as it says then in verse 15 while he was saying this to me I bowed with my face to the ground there he goes are you just picturing this on his face first he's op trembling those on to his face then he finally comes to his hands and knees because he's been touched by this time then he stands back up now he goes back down bounce down with his face toward the ground and he's speechless then one who looked like a man touched my lips and I opened my mouth and began to speak I said to the one standing before me I am overcome with anguish because of the vision my lord and I am helpless Daniel has seen such a vision whatever he hasn't encountered has so stricken him that obviously he is having an extremely difficult time pulling himself together and he says verse 17 how can I your servant talked with you my lord my strength is gone and I can hardly breathe you take my breath away I think about that first picture in Genesis where God forms the man from the very ground a planet Earth breathes a soul into him and I think you give us breath and the very sight of you would take it away no wonder we have to be immortal by the time we see him face to face because the sight would kill us it would absolutely kill us all right it says that in verse 18 again the one who looked like a man touched me and gave me strength verse 19 do not be afraid old man highly esteemed he said peace be strong now be strong I love this pull yourself together you're gonna live through this now go on with me as it says then what he spoke to me I was strengthened and said speak my lord since you have given me strength I love that I love that it'll give me strength to hear you give me strength to make out your words of instruction to me and then give me strength to obey them speak my lord since she was given me strength so he said I'm just gonna tell you this there are many many commentators who say that this whole portion there they call him Gabriel because there are so many similarities to the other I encounter but we're not going to do that and the reason why we're not going to is because it doesn't say for sure so I'm going to refer to him tonight as the speaking angel the one that God is using to deliver the revelation that will come in Chapter 11 and and partially in 12 but I want you to notice something so he said in verse 20 do you know why I have come to you I love this part because in 12 he said I have come to you to give you your words were heard and I've come in response to him in 14 it says I've come to explain to you what will happen to your people in the future and then he says in 20 do you know why I've come in other words buddy are we doing that well do you know why I'm here are you working with me because at this point he's had him in every conceivable posture and he just needs so Daniel are we dude are you with me are you with me here do you at least know why I've come and it says soon I will return to fight against the Prince of Persia and when I go the Prince of Greece will come but first I will tell you what is written in the book of truth and this parenthetical statement is so cool it says this and this will bring us also will bridge over to verse 1 of 11 no one supports me against them except Michael your Prince somebody say Michael then what did it call him your Prince Michael your prince and in the first year of Darius the Mede I took my stand to support and protect him alright I want you to go back to the middle portion of that chapter and I want you to remember with me your chapter rise because I taught you this one in advance so what I want to do with you very quickly I want to go back over those chapter ons we'll do it all the way to the very last one and then I want to highlight the one that represents this particular chapter would you say it with me please Daniel's book just a quick look Daniel one carried off to Babylon Daniel 2 nebs dream statue Daniel 3 from a fiery furnace freed Daniel for all humble Neb some more daniel 5 says the riding died Daniel six the Lions jaws fixed Daniel seven there's a judge in heaven Daniel 8 Antiochus spreads hate Daniel nine seventy sevens in time Daniel ten where's the angel been go on with me Daniel 11 a bile King succession Daniel 12 shine bright till all as well Daniel's done now didn't we have fun now what was Daniel 10 where's the angel been and so I ask you that let's look back at those couple of verses and I want to remind you of it it says your words were heard and I've come in responsive but the Prince of the Persian Kingdom resisted me 21 days then Michael one of the chief Prince's had to come and help me because I was detained there with the king of Persia and now I've come to explain to you in other words I've held up I meant to get here sooner what in the world is that can you even comprehend what is going on with that I supposed to be here 21 days ago but I got held up how can something like that happen this is point number one the drama we can see very likely pales in comparison to what we can't oh I want to be dogmatic enough to say it absolutely and positively does what I'd like to present to you today is the consummate drama King in case you have ever been called a drama queen and I've been called that maybe once or twice I'd like to say to you we have a drama King we have a drama king that he has set forth this amazing drama that is playing out throughout the course of the ages him knowing he knows full well exactly what the end will be but he means for it to be a nail-biter yes yes he does yes he means for it to be exciting yes he means for there to be the build-up of anticipation is he purposely causing some drama would you be surprised to know today that the answer to that is yes yes got a pretty exciting plan going here I want you to just think about this for a moment Wow in the world did God plan it in such a way that he would allow a mighty angel and this has to be among the top angels of God we're gonna talk about that in just a minute why would he allow one that he has sent on an errand to be detained for 21 days why I mean God could have just taken a deep breath exhaled and blown his opposition into oblivion why didn't he why didn't he because he was allowing the drama to play itself out listen if God just wanted to be the one doing everything he wouldn't have created us because he already was do you were assuming I'm saying I want to suggest something to you read something out of Psalm 80 you can sit tight the psalmist David said what is man that you are mindful of him the Son of man that you care for him you made him a little lower than the heavenly beings and you crowned him with glory and honor listen you made him ruler over the works of your hands you put everything under his feet did you hear that now among the head the heavenly ranks of hosts as well as with man he has sovereignly chosen to assign this thing we would call Dominion he has given us some level of authority underneath his rule and what he often tremendously enjoys it's seeing if we will step up and exercise it in Jesus mighty name it may be that this angel came and told on the other I'm getting a lot of flack over here obviously I need to go on this errand and you can see I'm getting held up here can you imagine that God might have said back to him what are you gonna do about it I mean I just blow him off the mat I knew that in heart man why don't you go flex the muscle I've given you and why don't you fight the thing out why don't you get a little sweat on your bride there are times that God sits to us you just stand back and sit down you are in my way and I'm gonna fight this battle for you and you just watch this now God is always the one fighting the battle he just said there are times I want to fight it for you and then there are times I want to fight it through you how old pits a muscle in your arm and I want you to get out there and I want you to wrestle this through exorcise the Dominion he says that I have given you does that make sense as he might find that confusing see I just think that's profound he sat right there now here's the deal about God he knew how it was going to turn out see that's where he has the panitch alright say for instance let's put it in parental terms because I'm trying to really reach with this and see how you and I can relate to some level here let me think from a parental point of view if for some reason I already knew exactly how a situation was ultimately going to turn out with one of my children I knew the end and I knew that the end was good but what I liked some things to be built in that child in the meantime as long as I know she is going to be victorious now push that over and try to understand it in divine terms he knew his angel was gonna win but he let him struggle to think through for 21 days why because he wanted him to exercise the muscle to do it and in all likelihood on planet Earth there was something that he believed needed the weight how is this amazing or what you see we have this notion in our minds that all the action is on planet Earth and the rest that's just kind of this invisible ghost town we do not get it we do not get it we do not get that what we're seeing is a shadow of the truth we're not even seeing the big thing because we don't have eyes to see it's not listen carefully it's not that it's invisible it's that it's invisible to us see some of us in here think it's just it's invisible I assure you it is a greater reality than what we can see I love the way that Johnny Erickson tada explains it in heaven your real home as she says that what we have coming would be akin to being a baby in her mother's womb thinking I just want to stay here this is good this is soft it's it's I'm getting everything I need and I'm just gonna stay right here no real life is out here real life is out there we've got this I believe that many have the attitude that well since our choices are heaven or hell my goodness we'd rather go to heaven but let's be frank the action will be over when we get there we don't have a clue we do not have a clue what is going on out there I wanted to bring all my Christian novels I am a rabid reader I love to read I'm always reading to something I've always got some kind of theology book going and I've got me some kind of Christian fiction going I love it I want to ask you when was the last time you read something that just blew your mind I mean a plot that you thought what kind of mind thinks of that how in the world who could twist and turn that that way and and they could come out that way who would have ever believed who doesn't love a mystery where do you think the love of mystery of adventure of excitement of drama of protagonist versus antagonist where do you think all of that originates what kind of a mind imagines and articulates something like the Lord of the Rings The Chronicles of Narnia and let's think more widely because we might reason well those were redeemed minds and I don't know about the rest of these but I'm just gonna pitch some out well what kind of mind spins a story like eighty where'd that come from The Wizard of Oz the neverending story Cinderella Beauty and the Beast v Incredibles minds of men created in the image of an extremely creative God you want to know where the concept for drama comes from meet the drama King better than fiction just fact and it is amazing we are told in our own dispensation of time in Ephesians chapter 6 I'm just gonna read it to you you sit tight and let this fit on you after what we've just seen in Daniel 10 finally be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes for our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against the rulers against the authorities against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms therefore put on the full armor of God what I want to suggest to you is that none of us have a clue what is going on over our heads no idea doesn't answer Terry we have no idea how this thing is struggling out in the heavenlies I cannot wait till the time comes this will be something wonderful to be preoccupied with for all of eternity when you and I are gonna find out what was really going on I can't wait I know we will because we will come into that knowledge and we will know as we've been known okay than I talked about this morning on our walk just the thought just floors me you should have seen my hair when I woke up this morning you had never Keith got it so cold in the room last night what I usually do is I usually turn off the fan the overhead fan I like one that makes noise Robin beside me but he goes to sleep with the overhead fan and then I tiptoe and I turn it off so last night was give me baby sis and don't turn off the fan tonight and so last night I slept with the covers up over my head and I must have slept like this with the cover because when I got up or tried to get up because my head was particularly heavy because all of my hair was straight have you have you seen Back to the Future you know that dude it was going straight back like this and it was just up in a peak up in the peak I knew I felt it I could barely lift my head so after I was struggling out I went and looked in the mirror and I thought have I seen a vision and I don't remember I think the answer was no [Applause] but the Lord was saying right now I think I'm seeing one and it needs a good brushing all right we need to settle some things real quickly or we think we know these answers but let's get it down for sure what our angels because our lesson is on angels and so as we say the word what is it what is the actual definition so I've gone to wayne grudem's systematic theology and I've gotten you a definition it says this and I'm quoting angels are created spiritual beings it's very important that we realize they are created beings they are not eternal they haven't always been they were created by God they're created spiritual beings with moral judgment that's important they can make moral judgment that's why there are fallen angels there they made a judgment they made a choice so there is they make moral judgment spiritual beings with moral judgment and high intelligence but without physical bodies and and if I may add to that a little bit for our understanding based on what we said a moment ago without physical bodies that you and I can see without physical bodies that you and I can see therefore when God sends a heavenly ambassador an angel to earth for an errand like when one appeared to Mary I would become the mother of Jesus at times when when he appeared he had to take on a form that God gave him because that would not necessarily have been his form in the heavenlies do you understand what I'm saying so picture it rather like that to our human vision a for for a man to be able to behold one God would have to give them a form that could be seen and simply said so that we're all clear here demons are simply evil angels we tend to say angels and demons actually demons are angels they are fallen evil angels what will here called fallen but they're evil angels that have made the moral choice to band with Satan who was the anointed cherub an anointed cherub before he made the decision based on his own pride ness desire to be God now that brings us to point number two I want you to see with me the Bible strongly conveys that there is a ranking a hierarchy among the angelic hosts you'll see that in a number of places so who is Michael because this is the first time that we're introduced to Michael now remember the Book of Daniel is the first time any angels are given names all right Michael enters the picture now look at the very end of his name you see that Al and what does that yell stand for that means God is somewhere in that name so the name Michael means who is like God for that first bullet point who is Michael first bullet point and angel his name means who is like God now why is that a critical thing to bring out because do you understand that we're going to be told that this this is one of the chief Prince's here this is a dude and yet the very mention of his name reminds anyone that hears it or receives it ain't nobody like God but at the top rank it is not a surprise that the top ranking angel that we know of in Scripture has a name that means but who's like God nobody it's like God so that's critical to us that next bullet point in 10 verse 13 I just mentioned in a moment ago and let's write it down it says that Michael was one of the chief Prince's I want you to jot that down on one of the chief Prince's so he's he's high in rank now I want you to look for just a moment look at that 1021 1021 but first I will tell you what is written in the book of truth no one supports me against it except Michael your prince your prince and it's not just talking about the Prince of Daniel it's talking about Daniel and representation of his people look ahead to 12:1 this is still the angel giving the revelation you'll see that in the weeks to come verse 1 of 12 says this at that time Michael the Great Prince who what who protects your people will arise the Great Prince who protects your people will arise I believe it's the in a S that says who stands guard over who stands got the guardian the one that stands guard so this is a very special Prince over the nation of Israel now here well because we're not stretching here Israel has its own angelic prince and his name is Michael now no telling how many other hosts join in in in the various activities and and errands that God gives them but we're told that this one is the top-ranking he is the great prince among the heavenly hosts over Israel doesn't mean don't get confused here he is not their God his very name means what who's like God see they're not confused here and we can't get confused either but the great prince among the angelic hosts Israel's Prince and Guardian this is so interesting I want you to go with me to a couple of places I want you to go to Jude and revelation and they're right next to each other you're going to the very end of your Bible and the one chapter book just before revelation Harper's Bible dictionary calls Michael the patron the angel of Israel I want to know what this role is all about it says but even the Ark Angel Michael so right here it's called the Archangel the Archangel Michael when he was disputing with the devil about the body of Moses did not dare to bring a slanderous accusation against him but said the Lord rebuke you I this is fascinating because who is Michael he's the chief Prince among the heavenly hosts over who over who over Israel so everything we see him do in Scripture somehow has to be associated with that nation it's somehow is something in their behalf and something for their good so here we're told that the devil and Michael had a big fight over the body of Moses now how bizarre is that I want you to sit tight and I am tell me that's not bizarre see there's nothing disrespectful about just saying it's bizarre it is absolutely bizarre wonderful but bizarre now you sit tight and I'm gonna read to you out of Deuteronomy what I'm gonna be reading to you out of is Deuteronomy 34 the very last chapter 5 through 7 and 10 through 12 get a load of this let me remind you what happens here in Deuteronomy 34 verse 5 it says this and Moses the servant of the Lord died there in Moab as the Lord had said he buried him in Moab who God buried Moses if you've never seen that before you need to know it's there because it's just that's just cool talk about making some funeral arrangements I mean just don't worry about it God will bury him God buried him in Moab and the valley opposite Beth Pilar but to this day no one knows where his grave is well in that strange hey God just decided you know what I'm gonna take this one myself you don't even need to know where this grave is why would that be listen to this part 7 Moses was 120 years old and he died yet his eyes were not weak nor his strength gone the Israelites grieve for Moses and the plains of Moab 30 days until the time of weeping and mourning was over listen to this part verse 10 since then no prophet has risen in Israel like Moses whom the Lord knew face to face who did all of those miraculous signs and wonders the Lord sent him to do in Egypt to Pharaoh and to all US officials and to the whole land for no one has ever shown the mighty power or perform the awesome deeds that Moses did in the sight of all Israel well sounds like somebody that could be worshipped to me but why do you think that Satan and Michael would dispute or have a fight over that body because I can tell you right now I think the inference I won't say it dogmatically but what I think is this because Satan wanted them to have that body so badly he could not see straight he could not see straight and listen if he wants to be worshipped but if he can't just be worship outright here's what he's after just get him not to worship God and see to even get us to worship a godly person is still not worshiping God that's still false worship that is a false god it is still a tremendous grievance that God will have and I mean he wanted them to have bones they could carry around make a shrine they could worship and God said to himself I think the inference says you know what they're not gonna have this body I'm not even gonna tell him where I'm burying it Oh Satan wanted it so bad he wanted it so bad because he felt he could thwart their worship if they'd worship a golden calf they'd sure worship the bones of Moses now I want you to see Revelation chapter 12 I just believe it is very very clear in the context when it describes the woman and it's a sign it's a great and wondrous sign appeared in heaven a woman clothed with the Sun verse 1 says with the moon under her feet in a crown of 12 stars on her head and she was pregnant and cried out in pain as she was about to give birth and another sign appeared in heaven an enormous red dragon with seven heads and ten horns and seven Crown's on his heads his tail swept a third of the stars out of heaven it says but look at it this way the dragon stood in front I'm halfway down that same verse the dragon stood in front of the woman who was about to give birth so that he might devour her child the moment it was born she gave birth to a son a male child who will rule all the nations with an iron scepter and her child was snatched up to God and to his throne now just in a nutshell I believe wholeheartedly this woman is Israel I really agree with that interpretation that the woman with those 12 stars has has got to be Israel and she births the Messiah that male child warned her as of course the the Christ child that is the Messiah and the enemy does everything he can to snatch that child out but then it says and of course very often you'll see an eschatology Orion in prophecy that it will skip from one period of time greatly to another and you certainly see that in this particular setting because it says the child was snatched up to God and to his throne what's that that's the Ascension that's the Ascension now we're gonna fast forward way forward where it says that the woman fled into a desert place prepared for her by God where she might be taken CAIR up for 1260 days now we already know what that period of time is that period of time is that time times and half the time in fact it says it in verse 14 it says the woman was given the two wings of a great eagle so that she might fly to the place prepared for her in the desert where she'd be taken care of for a time times and a half of time out of the Serpent's reach now what what is the prophecy telling us it's telling us that God during the time of greatest tribulation that God will make sure that he has protected a remnant that is established as the nation of Israel that he calls Israel that he will make sure his nation comes out of the time of greatest tribulation that a remnant that will be called the nation of Israel will come through there will be many many martyrs but he'll make absolutely sure that he brings that nation out intact now I want you to notice something that happens in the mean time it tells us it's going to tell us now what happened that led to the time of tribulation you notice that that it's in 14 and it's also in 6 so what happened that caused it look at this verse 7 and there was a war in heaven Michael and his angels fought against the dragon we already know that the dragon is who the dragon we're gonna see as the devil so Michael and his angels fought against the Dragon and the dragon and his angels fought back but he was not strong enough talking about the devil and they lost their place in heaven the great dragon was hurled down that ancient serpent called the devil or Satan who leads the whole world astray he was hurled to the earth and his angels with him and it says then if you'll notice it says in verse 10 then I heard a loud voice in heaven say now have come the salvation the power in the kingdom of our God and the authority of his Christ for the accuser of our brothers who accuses them before our God day and night has been hurled down they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death therefore rejoice you heavens and you who dwell in them but woe to the earth and the sea because the devil has gone down to you and he is filled with fury because he knows his time is short okay listen carefully now what we are reading that sounds like history what has already happened that portion that great struggle is almost entirely certainly eschatological in other words it has what's being described here has not happened yet oh they're been plenty of wars in the heavenlies but the one being described here is yet to come because it is what leads in to the great time of distress in the great tribulation now hear me out here the enemy because of the sovereign choice of God has the ability to come before the throne and just make accusation against us one reason why I like to repent very quickly of my sins when I know I've blown it if I've talked ugly or I thought ugly or I've been ugly I want to tell God before the enemy does because he's going to do it and he's gonna do it in such a way that's very accusatory you understand what I'm saying to you he accuses the Brethren day and night constantly it's just what what is allowed now don't don't misunderstand that Satan has no balance there will come a time when God goes I've heard the last word out of you now why is it remember that Michael always fights on behalf of who I mean that's his job so his fight with the devil had to do it had to it had to have to do with Israel herself that and because he's called the accuser of the Brethren I just wonder I just wonder if he just is gonna stand up there and one too many times go forget them forget them don't give you a thought it's never gonna can you imagine all the accusation all the slander and at some point God's gonna go move it now look back to Daniel chapter 10 it says in verse 13 but the Prince of the Persian Kingdom resisted me twenty-one days then Michael one of the chief Prince's came to help me because I was detained there with the king of Persia now why is this important because whatever he was detained there that had to do with Israel or Michael wouldn't have been the one sent on the errand so something here very much involved this nation I want you to hear a quote out of the new American commentary evidently the reason that Michael became involved and not another powerful angel was that Daniel was interceding for Israel a nation especially entrusted to Michaels care I just want you to try to grasp this with me that when you and I pray for Israel and when you and I pray for the Jewish people our prayers get attention every time but I want you to understand that if there are Aaron's run as a direct result of what we have prayed and interceded for I want you to try to comprehend with me that the one probably heading up the Aaron list it's Michael the guardian angel over Israel now that brings us to point number three I want you to notice with me and you've already seen it so let's just sit on in a second but the Prince of the Persian Kingdom resisted me twenty-one days who in heaven's name is that if you'll notice with me then in verse 20 it says soon I will return to fight against the Prince of Persia and when I go the Prince of Greece will come who in the world are these point number three is this these princes are rulers and authorities in the heavenly realms this is exactly what Ephesians six is talking about princess and rulers and authorities in the heavenly realms assigned to earthly empires and the human to govern them but do you understand the implications of this this is just huge the Prince of Persia and the Prince of ring he's not talking about their earthly rulers he's talking about the ones in the heavenlies that are assigned to them I want you to notice with me that angels can bear this kind of influence on people of human influence I want you to just understand the correspondence here what this chap is undoubtedly telling us is that angels can bear influence on humans I'm not making that up you and I studied a ton of doctoring together a ton of prophecy together but I'm just telling you that is one of the implications here and on a lesser level I'm going to tell you right now I believe that even on an individual level that we probably have the same kind of thing we're told in Hebrews chapter 1 and verse 14 that there are ministering angels that minister to the servants among the people of God I mean that's that's their job and I think it's also quite possible remember that anything God does the enemy attempts to counterfeit so I think it's quite possible that we've also had a sign to us whatever evil angel fits the bill but we're not going to get all wigged and why because God is for us because our God is forcing greater as he was in us than he who is in the world now stick with me here any princess opposing God's ambassadors could only be demonic so when he refers to the Prince of the Persian Kingdom resisting him for 21 days and then the Prince of Greece resisting him him having to go and fight against the Prince of grace he is talking about the demonic forces that are trying to bear influence over those particular heads of states in those countries now would you just and in those empires rather I want you to think the truth why Persia and why Greece why Persia and why Greece okay verse 1 of Daniel 11 in 11 verse 1 and in the first year Darius the Mede I took my stand to support and protect him who's he Tom and he saw that when he stood with Michael their prince something huge happened Michael had to be on the forefront working in the heavenlies during the first year of Darius reign that's the same as as Cyrus's reign why in the world was that so important I'm just gonna have you think in terms of a couple of different places Ezra chapter 1 remembered you and I've already learned why Azura's importantly Ezra is the documentation of the returning exiles and they came in several waves in over many many many years the exiles heading back to Jerusalem back to the Holy Land the land beautiful now if you'll think with me why was it there was such a big struggle the very first year the very first year was when Cyrus the Cyrus the head of all of the Persian Empire gave the decree for the Jewish people to be returned do you think there wasn't a fight over the top of their heads at that time so you see the prince in the heavenlies the evil ruler in the heavenlies I'm talking about among the Angels he was fighting with everything he had to make absolutely sure Cyrus did not let go of the people of Israel and let them return because he's trying to block the Messiah with everything he does he is trying to block the Messiah so that's why the first year I also want to remind you that in the same block of time in the person Empire that is when Queen Esther comes on the scene if you know anything about Queen Esther and her coming her becoming a queen under King Xerxes that is a Persian King do you remember that evil Haman if you know anything about this story what was he after the full extermination of the Jews this every bit of this wine the world was Michael fighting against them and this angel fighting against the princes over Persia because of the constant threat upon the lives of the Jewish people I also want you to think why why Greece why the Prince of Greece do you remember with me did you remember that Stern faced man of intrigue the one who will come and commit the ultimate sacrilege that we were told in Daniel chapter 8 what was given his prophecy is now history to us what is his name Antiochus the Great what Kingdom would he come out of the Grecian Empire the Seleucid dynasty what I want you to understand is to struggle in the heavenlies over these incredibly pivotal times elections Wars world conflicts if we only could comprehend that what we see is the tip of the iceberg of what is going on out there listen to this quote from the new American commentary it says this today Satan continues his attempts to sway earthly powers and he focuses his attention on nations of the world with the most influence was that tell you of course the other side is true to imagine his angelic host being assigned but an incredible thought let's make a last couple of points before we conclude point number four is based on verse 21 and what you look at it again it says but I will tell you what it's written in the book of truth no one supports me against them except Michael your prince and he's he said in the bursts just prior to that in verse 20 I want you to see 20 he said soon I will return to fight against the Prince of Persia and when I go the Prince of Greece will come notice with me that it said he had already fought against the Prince of Persia for 21 days and then he'd come and given the message and he was going right back and fighting him again now since Michael helped him I don't know if Michael got him in a headlock and this angel said could you just hold him here I'm gonna need to run an errand real quick and I'll be right back and when I come back I'm gonna take it back over it I don't know what's happening here but this is exactly says I've got to go back and you know really I'm gonna have to push off pretty soon um I have to finish this revelation I got a fight to go finish this is what's happening here somebody say is that bizarre I mean right here in Scripture right here in Daniel now I want you to see something Erin at this point I'm gonna make it a quote a direct quote from dr. Charles R Swindall he writes this these verses flash a sobering warning overcoming demonic forces is not a once for all matter while we're still living we got us some challenges going now there are times I do believe that God brings us through something shuts the door and that messes it but there are other times listen if Satan can't get anything new to work on you he's gonna come back with old you know he tires out for a while but don't think he wouldn't be back over an old matter don't think that for a second but see we think to ourselves I can't do it again because we think we're gonna fight the old battle with the old streets no we got new strengths new every morning new every morning okay I guess you noticed that reference to the book of truth in that wonderful it says but I will tell you in verse 21 what is written in the book of truth what is written in the book of truth what in the world is the book of truth what this is is the World Book Encyclopedia according to God see you're holding the inspired Word of God but it is it is completely truth but it's not the only truth that exists the truth also existed that that the seasons are going to come the Sun comes up it goes down history is going to go through certain events all of our entire future is already seen by God as but with his past written down history of humanity from beginning to end all historical matters the World Book Encyclopedia according to God that's the book of truth that's the book of truth let's make one last point together this one is so important I'm praying we get this one because if we get this one then then we can just rock with this lesson point number five is this God purposely entrusted this kind of encounter and information to someone like Daniel someone like Daniel let me say this to you you don't see somebody else in Scripture necessarily having this same kind of encounter this is Daniel here why am i making a big deal of that because Daniel is a man of the word Daniel is a man who uses his head Daniel is a man who is known for his godly wisdom and intelligence and his knowledge in other words he is a man who has a brain is anybody working with me because if we miss this part and we can all wait out we're no better than the three lots if they'd worship the bones of Moses if we get off I'm thinking I'm wondering about my angels today I wonder what my angels are doing if we got all wigged out in that can you imagine help me somebody give me some help today we cannot go there but what an enormous thought to someone who has a real live head on her shoulders God's been teaching us girls to use our brains then we don't check it at the door we are women of God's Word we want to know God's Word but to know that in the knowledge of God's Word that they're also wild wild things happening out in heaven well I mean that something that's something I got to take a story for reclose many many years ago in the old days when when I spoke I always stayed in people's homes I mean I slept with people's five-year-olds I've slept in a bed that I thought somebody wetness man and please Lord let it have been them and I just have had many many experiences these days I'm usually in a hotel room in those days but I remember one particular time that I was there with a with a co-worker way way way way way back when and we had gone to speak in a particular community and we were told oh you're gonna love where you're saying it's way out in a very remote place on a lake and surely it was and I mean it was just dark as could be somebody took us there and dropped us off press this woman live there by herself and I could tell she was just wonderful I know that she was and is I know that I know that we were so blessed to be there but she said to us now don't be afraid [Laughter] where are you telling us that well not I mean it didn't occur to us to be so why are you telling us not to be she says you do not need to worry about a thing I realized we're really far out here but she said my angels are right here well I'm thinking even then I was going I was a kind of to go could you give me a reference for that but I'm saying okay now wait okay all right Hebrews one but can be all right Psalm 31 okay all right all right I mean I think you're weird but I can I can go there I still go there and she says their names are John and Teresa I cannot go there I'm not going there I am NOT going there no no ah my eyes got this big and I can't later my coworker came down from her bedroom from it she just looked in my door for a second she said I just want you know I don't think I'm gonna be able to sleep let's leave our doors open she said I'm scared to death of John and Teresa but in the stinking world Don and Teresa now maybe so I don't know I do not know I do not know but it's same as the bizarre to me we are not you and I are gonna go trying to find out who our angels are amen well Daniel does not open he does not go and open up a nonprofit organization that he calls at this point meet your angel ministry no no the reason God entrusted this to Daniel was because he had a brain he thought with this was a man who used his head so he could be entrusted with this kind of Mon Boeing mission without him going off to lala land we're not going to lala land girls we're gonna believe there really are principalities there really is a struggle going over on over your head and it's more than you know is far more than we realize but if God wanted us to know exactly what it was now he would tell us we're gonna find out we'll know then if he want us to know what their names were he'd tell us now he doesn't because we will do one thing we will worship God alone and we'll be attentive to God alone God alone everything else secondary God alone the teachers of law asked Christ teacher what is the most important command I love the Lord your God with all your heart with all your soul with all your mind and with all your strength beloved if we are learning anything from the Book of Daniel we are learning that we are as equally called to love God with our minds as we are with our hearts do not lose your mind pray with me father we bless you we thank you Father that your kind of theology your way of living doesn't mean that to be people of heart we have to lose our minds to be people that grow in in the knowledge of Christ and the knowledge of Scripture we don't have to lose heart to gain a knowledgeable mind help us surely balance father it's one of the biggest challenges we have in the walk of faith as we grow in the knowledge of your word our feet are solid on the ground and our head it's right between our shoulders well we're here's what I want I don't know about them I'm that I happen to be the demonstrative con keep my feet solid on the ground keep my head on my shoulders and my hands lifted high I want to have a lot of heart but I want to be a woman who uses my hand fill it with your wisdom in the mighty name of Jesus amen well what did I tell you did it deliver on astonishment yep I think God loves it if you can't put scripture in the neat little box you sure can't with God in one that's just met him big God and that our minds be stretched and invigorated I'm having a blast with you dear run please don't quit on me I want every single one of us to make it across this finish line together you hang in there and let God speak
Channel: Joyce Ir
Views: 14,923
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Keywords: Beth Moore dvd
Id: yJUwlvWbZOI
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Length: 60min 10sec (3610 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 04 2018
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