Karlye Hopper Interview - Fouch & Friends (Replay)

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in the future now it's time for the interview with carly hey guys thank you so much for being with me today this is fouch and friends i'm talking with carly hopper of the hoppers thank you so much for your time today carly well hey you're so welcome hey we were just talking off camera before we started about real estate you asked about my new uh career uh that i'm jumping in full time i've been doing it for a month it's going well for those of you that are following that journey it's going well but you also have had a unique real estate journey since march and we were talking about that and i think this is something that folks would love to know about you so talk a little bit about what you've done in real estate since march well i guess it kind of started in july of last year because i bought this house um a foreclosure and it was just kind of in shambles and so like me and my friend we completely redid the place from the stud like i learned how to lay tile and put up cabinets and backsplashes and floor and everything so then in as soon as we came off the road you know like our last date was march 14th and it was like time to go home and we have been home ever since well i guess we've done a few dates but we'll get to that later um we came home and my aunt and uncle who have been at the coast for at least 15 years um due to his health he kind of got um he's gotten a lot better and so he's been able to move inward and has taken a church just to maybe 20 miles from me and they bought a house and it didn't need quite the work that this one did but oh my gosh my aunt decided she didn't like any of the cabinets in this gorgeous house and she decided that we needed to repaint all of them which was fine you know we thought we'll find a cabinet person you know so we took out 40 some cabinets from this house and i was you know the sander girl and the spray girl and but then they weren't fine that way um so i had to get a a brush about no smaller much smaller than this pen and go into each little ridge in detail for 40 some cabinets and then all along the pieces that you don't remove from the house you know and make them all match and it's a little tiny fine brown soft line that can't go anywhere but you know just where you need it and then spray with glaze so i was this way by the end of that so okay so you've done cabinets you've done drywall you've done tons of painting you've done trim work tile work um and and other stuff i'm i'm sure what has been well two things i want to know one where have you learned all all of your skills is it youtube or have you been you're okay so youtube uh so you got your degree in home remodel from youtube and and then what has been the most fun part of the rehab that you have enjoyed the most okay so i also dug a pond um for my ducks the ducks yeah and i was gonna take you out there but it is raining actual cats and dogs um like full-on gushes um and they're they're out there under my sheds i'm in between we're on our third duck house like our duck condominium because we go harder we go home okay right but it's two by fourteen it's a big one with a sprinkler and lights so for folks watching that don't know what we're talking about when i did the interview with your mother um back in probably april or may right at the beginning of this you guys had that she had just gotten some chicks and ducks right and you guys were talking about having to build them a home they're okay and so there they are this is what they look like now four months later yes wow and so you i have six different breeds too so so you uh have been building them a multi-use multi-level home condominium suite with in-ground pool and full-on and i i'm one of those like spoiled duck mommies kind of thing um i i make them a party bowl so that's that includes frozen peas watermelon lettuce they love sweet potatoes they're big on that sometimes they're cooked sometimes they're not and they have one basket or bucket full of that with cold water and then of course they have the grain i'm looking into finding someone to supply me minnows to put in the pond so they can die for them um that makes sense right we got you uh if anybody is watching this and saying she's gone too far yes i have i hope it makes you do crazy things guys they honestly when this first happened we were all so scared and you know everybody has that one cop friend who's like they're gonna implement martial law people will be fighting over bread and i thought what are we gonna do and then i got ducks and i smile all the time now oh ducks okay so let's get off the ducks for a minute okay you can tell your wife about that because i know she likes ducks that's right because when we did the interview with your mom i even mentioned then one of the first things my wife asked was can we get some chicks and get like a chicken coop and everything so far i've been able to stand strong and we haven't got gotten the chicks and the chicken cookies but you guys have jumped in with both feet on that and with home remodeling but in addition to that what in the world has been going on with the music that the hoppers do music okay so probably the most interesting thing has been a couple years ago maybe a year ago or so my uncle takes my grandparents to experience these musicians who started at the same time they did but are not in gospel they are of the secular world just so they can dip their feet in that sort of thing and see a production that's different and um my grandmother saw paul mccartney of the beatles and for the the very first time in her life heard the song let it be now um that some people may think oh is this as my grandmother once said to reggie and lady love smith is that a gospel song and the answer is no but the whole song is about paul's mother who comes to him in dreams that was a true story and that's why he wrote the song and my grandmother's mother was also named mary and ever since she was a little girl um her grandmother would tell her just let it be connie you and women need to stop the fighting and let it be and um she said after she passed she started having dreams about her and that was always the main focus of her dream was whatever you're doing whatever you're dealing with you have to just let it be and let god most importantly and after she heard that song she immediately looked at michael and said i'm gonna sing that so here we are and that was probably the coolest thing we got to do in quarantine was from and we didn't use our studio we sang everything um miked in my grandparents living room which the big if anybody seen the videos there's a big stone fireplace there and those stones came from a rock vein where everything has a story okay um yes we're figuring that out right it came from the rock thing um on the farm which was like where my grandparents like their homes were built from the same rock vein the original cabin was built around that stone fireplace is pretty cool so it created a really nice sound for us to be able just to record it out in the open there in the living room and that's what we did so yeah so folks can check out let it be i i believe i saw the video was really on our copper's facebook yeah it's also on youtube now um and it's available for download it will be on our forthcoming album which we start working on tomorrow all right and i'm sure you're excited about that hey finally some new music right that's right speaking of new music it just made me think of just the rich heritage of the hoppers the many decades of great music what does it mean to you as the next generation of singing hoppers to be coming coming up um now having been singing with them full time on the stage for several years now you know put that into perspective a little bit of of you carrying on that tradition of great music um i've always had you know great respect for my family and for what they've done all these years and i think for a long time that was the main thing that had me doing what i was doing um i came into this to aid grandmother because she was ill and you know they needed somebody to sing and um probably just within the last few years of my being in this did i realize that can't be what sustained you not to be contradictory to what we're talking about but um i finally actually just this past weekend we were at silver dollar city we did two of those you know had to split the big old shows apart because of the the coveted situation and and social distancing and that first show first concert first ministral meeting there um it was like despite it being all those people all the way up you know i guess probably thousands of feet love us every single person was like weeping and crying and like this and i didn't get that for a long time but i finally i looked at my dad on stage and i was like this is why i'm still here this is why i'm still doing this because i felt it i felt it from there to right here yeah that's awesome and that that moment i'm sure will stick with you for a long time because when when it's no longer just hey i'm just helping out the family or i'm just i'm just kind of doing it just to be you know i did it because i was proud and i did it because i wanted to help but now even obviously not just the other day but the last couple of years it finally clicked with me why they started yeah taking ownership of it for you and then connecting it to this is this is not just my grandparents ministry my parents ministry this is now my ministry and i'm you know thrilled to be a part of it i love that what you know what song that you guys sing night in and night out on a regular touring schedule um is is the most i don't want to say most personal but most enjoyable song for you to sing i hate to pick something that everybody knows because you know that's pretty obvious but jerusalem connects with everybody yeah and that's when i completely like let everything down and it becomes a full moment for like i said from here to those thousands of feet all the way up at the very top of something like echo hollow um but additionally it was an older song but my mother started singing it again and um i lost a friend to suicide uh when i was 17 and she started singing a song called he didn't just carry the cross he carried me and she used to tell the story about him when she would sing this song and so now that my grandmother isn't the one that's singing it and it's me with her and my uncle and my dad and um maybe i'm biased obviously i'm biased but something about like that family harmony and i get to be a part of it and that song has always meant something to me i kind of give it from the gut and um that really means something deep deep down yeah i love it when a song connects with and i've said this before during different interviews it's it's easy to like memorize the songs and and get into like night after night just repetition singing the song whenever it's called and but you know it's it's always great to have a song that comes along um that regardless of how many times you sing it wherever you're at wherever it's at in the program all that it doesn't matter it hits you in the gut like every time because it just it's just a great reminder on a personal level you know however that song is speaking to you it's a great reminder on that personal level and a great way to continue to connect with with our lord you know our personal savior through that song and however it's speaking to us and it's a great reminder that that's what songs do every night for folks sitting in the crowd that's the thing that's why they come because there is music that you do songs that you sing that speak to them on that level when they hear that song and that's the a great reminder again of why we do what we do and why we keep doing what we're doing why we spend the time money effort into do you know continuing to tour and sing and then record new music that you hope that it continues to reach more people and um just a just a great reminder that i love it when a song punches me in the gut and that girl who's like your age in the audience or in your case someone different um right and she's tearing up at the same moment that you did the first time you heard it or first time it hit you and you're like i wonder if she's going through what i did or something similar and then you end up getting to talk to that person anyway it's a lot for for me that's great carly i've enjoyed talking with you today i know the folks have enjoyed hearing from you uh give us as i ask everybody else at the end give us the socials where folks can connect with you and the hoppers all right you can go to twitter and follow hopper's music you can follow me at carly hopper you can follow my father c dean hopper um you can go to facebook hopper's music or hopper's official there and then of course on instagram it's hopper's music as well and i am carly hopper on there cool well i have appreciated uh you giving up your time and it's been a good chat i've learned about ducks home remodeling let it be the story behind behind that one and so much more and it's been fun so much well thank you for uh listening in my ramblings and all that jazz it's been fun i appreciate you guys watching the fountain friends and
Channel: Matthew Fouch
Views: 857
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: PzNEftq5ygE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 40sec (1060 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 06 2021
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