Wes Hampton Interview - On the Couch With Fouch | Christian Music Artist |

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good evening and welcome to on the couch with pouch today I have West Hampton of the Gaither Vocal Base you do he was kind enough to you know be with us today and unfortunately we were not able to find a couch in a quiet place we are at the Opryland Hotel in Cheers and we are in chairs and we're here for legacy 5s New Year's Eve celebration and Wes is singing for us today we also have Larnell and Eric's there tonight honored southern raised is with us tonight the voices of Lee's tomorrow is triumphant quartet and we just had the whole Jubilee gang here last night so we've had a great time at the pen buddy - buddy green tonight in everybody green I don't know is he I heard the buttress cover I love what is a loco right buddies on this one Tim Lovelace was supposed to be here but regards to his family prayers going out to them he lost his mother this last week so he wasn't able to be here so maybe buddy is taking Tim's place I think so maybe that's what it is thanks for coming buddy we appreciate it so Wes um when you agreed to do the interview you know me on I'm sure you're not familiar with what we do I just submit questions or I actually just put on social media that we're going to interview somebody and people submit all the questions that they want to know and then I I press select several questions from people and then I tell who they are and what question that they had and then that way they can come back and see if their question got answered or not that's great we had probably with Facebook and Twitter there was probably about 25 to 30 questions over you and so we're not going to get to all of them but we'll get to some of them okay sounds good but the first thing I want to do is for those who don't know your story it's just a shortened verb I don't know everyone's testimony everyone's story can be several minutes long but just like a shortened version okay where you came from you got in the gospel okay I grew up my parents listen to Darnell Harris Steve green Michael English and I felt up that music I was a kid and grew up seeing it and I was pretty shy as a kid as for our seniors I didn't really just sing much I would like to see and I got induct to high school and then I started really getting a little more brave as far as actually trying to sing in public and then I got a quartet a buddy's a quartet in high school and then that carried over into college I joined another quartet at Rebekah Nazarene University where I went to school and then I went on after my wife and I were married in 98 I went on Stafford Church in Birmingham but we still live and I got a call to send in some stuff to Bill Gaither a friend of ours has known bill for years and she still lives in India and she said hey you know David Phelps is leaving I can get some stuff to bill if you want to I said I absolutely yeah not thinking anything you didn't come over and then we get a call a few days later from guy Penrod I'm answer Marco because I don't know where was so I totally screamed the called and answered take the voicemail find out this guy that led to a seven-week audition I mean or the guy's house MIT as all his kids and his wife and the very end of that was the final milligram per se in New York City and then a very long we later we have a coffin bill to join the room so bombs it's crazy and that was in 2005 2005 so it's almost actors you go wow you know that I didn't know that and didn't even realize it had been nine years ago yeah it's really wild so you know we here we are with three more kids it's just it's flown by still doing the same thing it was just still the same thing that's awesome absolutely that's also that's a great story yeah that's really cool because I've had more time I go into details well I mean I wasn't even pursuing it it just it really felt in letters right and there's something that I always wanted to do but I never thought I'd open the door for time so when God moves and those of you who know me joining legacy five year and a half ago when God moves you someplace you go and he works out all the details and it all works out the way that he wants it to work out yep it'll all be good it's been great so that's cool great story we did have several people that asked not I'm not going to name any people individually on this question because several of you asked about West's vocal coach so along with you know you're getting in with starting singing with the Gaither Vocal Band remind me the name of your vocal coach was it so just saying his name is Brett okay and I have never met Brett up until probably ten years ago and I can't actually remember how I even and how it came about that I met him but he actually ended up coming to our church to do a masterclass a vocal masterclass so I met him there and I did one session with without wow this guy's really great so I did one session with them and I think and all I've only done like three sessions with it and I have it unfortunately I haven't met with him in years but he's is fantastic there's so many different approaches to see technique where he does what's called speech level singing which really works for me in a David Phelps and I actually talked about this two weeks ago and he uses aspects of this and then of his formal you know I came over the actual name of it is the operatic training of that he had in school and how but those can really complement each other definitely want to style the music person so it's it's a really cool way to uh to give your voice longevity to this your innate longevity we do what we do absolutely especially tenors yes tear tear singers yes device because it's um aghast when we look at their content singers sang this right incisors nice singers you know we we have longevity in our voices get it all day thank you Oak Ridge and more mature as we get older you know so we all have to really worry about Tennessee fragile fragile beings they are temperamental except of course yeah so I hope that gives you guys a little background on mr. Manning and a little bit of what he teaches maybe if you're looking for that you can google woman yeah he's really great very expensive but it's about any time an associate great there you go all right so let's get to some of the individual questions okay and these are most are out with some Facebook questions Vanessa Froelich and I hope I pronounced that correctly I apologize that's that's wrong she wants to know who is and what or was your greatest inspiration to sing gospel music that would be Steve green he's though he's the one that my parents always went to he was in town I grew up outside of Memphis okay so he came to Memphis a lot Bellevue Baptist and I think center center something Baptist same point members that that's enough for me Center Church central church they're too simple Church in Memphis and he always come there and every year we had we would seem like a couple times a year so he's definitely the reason why I got involved music there you go Vanessa oh that tickled your fancy mr. green Steve and on honestly Larnell just seemed to maggots as well he's doing sound shake now he's just he's in his 60s he's a freak and he still he said they're here see he's just like yeah I was listening to him I was amazed I've never really heard him besides videos so he's so good was awesome Donna wines is the next person thank you for submitting your question she wants to know and once again probably a brief version of this one what's it like to work with Bill Gaither oh not that you don't ever get I've never been asked that question I'm just kidding a bill is very diplomatic he loves to get everybody's okay which really surprised me about Bill cuz I thought he was kind of God okay this is how it is deal with it right and he's not like that at all especially like in the court process he loves to know what do you think what do you think what do you think and we kind of so it is very cool how he gives everybody a fair chance is everybody on voice process so those pretty late that when it comes to rehearsal time he's serious yeah that's concentrate get focused let's sing comes cos of Tom obviously let's get was that same serious and he's a teacher so he always would not always but often times to come out with boys tonight wasn't a it's good it was really good but he expects expect an a-plus every night which I guess if I had the group might expect a place I my grief is go down so sure he expects our best which I want to which pushes us more and hopefully maybe happy to give your best we are and it hopefully makes us matter what we do because we're being pushed so so much in a healthy way to to road come stronger and also to work as a team you know you know is a quartet group scene is such a team effort we've got three going this way one go this way or however me to go on my way and one the other it just it doesn't work right initiative doesn't work you know I and this is kind of a side note to what you were just saying about team you know you have people ask you like especially bass singers asked me specifically you know I want to get into singing I want to do this but I can't sing that low or I can't sing as low as so-and-so or I don't have the type of voice of so and so now always just tell them look and find people that you sing well with yes because when people sit out there and when they attend your concert they are looking for that group sound not necessarily just one person but if the whole quartet sounds bad then hey guys hello hello on the couch without here welcome in other words Scott Howard and Kelly Howard thanks for joining us so so I just you know I just remind them it's about the blend of the guys you're singing with yeah it doesn't matter how low or how high you can seeing necessarily don't focus on that but focus on blending with the guys no because you want to overall price out of the Union exactly and how it works and different you know that's why we have different groups is different completely different sounds very different ranges because Bill's not this you know super low race but he's a great base for what he does right I won't want to see with any other base for the boulder man he's to scale it right that actually leads me to another question who'd up someone I can't remember who was it asking but who's your favorite Basinger gosh you said you would want to sing with any other basic besides being a through Oh I honestly honestly I really can't answer that fairly because just like asking my favorite tenor is because fair enough I love David Phelps but also though Steve green I love them for completely different reasons also love Lionel Harris so what one is not better than the other I'm sorry there's none give your question each one has different strengths y'all met Matt felt he's really good see you later great every time my questions ass I'm always the person email ago growing up growing up my favorite basement growing up was Tehran he's awesome he's because I heard don't sit down thought man it was his face because it wasn't like it was this clear base you can understand what he was saying amazing clear low clear little ice and ice is kind of crispy and it was this awesome so right deathly growing up and he was my favorite sure hey you probably the next question comes from Jeffrey Reynolds and you probably I'm sure you can't answer the question but he just wants to know where the process he wanted to know more in-depth details on the new members of a local man but since we're not going to get into that I just want to ask you where the process is okay and just what I can tell we've met with many people many guys and actually had a couple of inquiries from women which was interesting and uh but no it'll definitely be man yes yeah no you know one on the boss book and yeah Mississippi were a little odd um but we're in the process are actually going to make module next week to top through some guys and hopefully listen to some more guys and see for the best videos so we're getting very close I think girls wanting to make a decision before the end of this month so I think it's necessary okay I hope me but I think month of January probably sometime within this month here's ice build excited in was to move maybe it's everywhere you never know so these next couple questions are questions that were submitted in but this is just kind of like one answer questions okay so what's your favorite album you recorded with the game to go commander I would say either be give it away my very first one Dysport for obvious reasons is my very first thing every writer and I think it's a really great record and when the next one with your love and life that I might actually like that a little bit a bit big anyway so I guess I choose one private level there you go your favorite song to sing I'm solo - you know what I love he'll come on Calvary okay that's a great sinner saved by grace above those probably not tough like if you said we have to do these three songs every night I'm self-care crystal you're not I love to sing a little as much as well I'm pretty much a nice all the features me I love myself but I'm kidding okay so we're going to switch gears a little bit okay we just got a few more questions okay your favorite thing to cook my wife's a woman well yeah he keeps looking over your Swiss watch everything you know what I love to do fraud Rises sounds simple which it is simple but you put anything in it you can and I had this really awesome rule at all it's just really amazing and it's just fine to cook with and it is messy but yeah I don't care what I'm cooking because I know it's McGrane you put a lot of garlic low vis the reason I ask that is because there was actually several questions from people about something of with something to do with you cooking and I I guess this is a part of you I I don't know which I don't know you that well but I guess cooking is a part makeup party when he entered our first Mary I didn't cook at all that girl wasn't interested and all and I started watching that Food Network and it was rely on us so you know sometimes hey watch well I've watched eternal QVC and 30 minutes later I think your mind am I still watching right QVC time for me right now you know you met my son he's a your have it's like when he goes down for a nap and you come back out in the living room and you sit down and you're still watching Disney Junior 20 minutes later yes because you're just trying to catch up like oh my gosh what is Bruce Turon Chuggington going to do yes so what what is he just depends on a circumstance I don't know so I love to cook that and I love to which I was horrible at first but any kind of baking stuff I think I've got pretty good my banks are I really enjoyed baking yes so that's a very masculine answer um thank you and okay so on that a Twitter question from Brandon leach he's been worship leader okay search hey Brandon thanks for submitting your question and he just wants to know how I mean his question was how did you learn to cook so well so I guess watching the Food Network yeah my mom my mother was a great cook she still is she's still here she's still a great cook she just doesn't I'm obviously not mad same household as her oh so I'll get her cookie very often except for the Thanksgiving or Christmas right but I learned some stuff real moms well she was he loved to cook through networking mama yeah and well I don't even know from your wife is he a good cook he's an awesome she says he's awesome but sometimes his goodness sometimes I've had a model device we got the fried rice down but a couple of things have been pretty mad well I think everyone has a bummer but that's how you learn right hey got a kids only boys is dad a good cook okay boys your wife like it so there you go I mean you can't get any better approval in your own family and Brandon leach thanks for the question I was a great worship leader speaking of your family just real quick let everybody know how many kids you have smoked earlier okay for boys nine seven five three and our three-year-old study turns four on Jade where the fifth happy almost birthday he doesn't understand your wife didn't your wife have been married for 15 years okay various this past August 15 years and just one more question these are actually from Twitter hello welcome to on the couch without appreciate you coming today that's actually grant Howard Scott Kelly's son uh Marilyn Tomlin would like to know do you and your wife sing together and do any of your kids sing okay my wife and I actually attended we were coming home from singing at a waiting when I got the call from God so we should seem together a lot do we do a ton of weddings and she and I were seeing some a church as well but recently now we don't see us together you know unfortunately rasili she's a great singer she's an alto elementos and then our kids actually do you see we're I'm learning I'm learning I'm learning to teach them teach to learn harmonies I said I stay can all match pitch thank goodness but we're still working on the harmony stuff but they were actually singing actually in the ring this morning they were singing along with the TV's it was great talking great they're drawn page it sounds good very cool so I hope Marilyn I hope that is the answer you were I don't know if you were really looking for a specific answer but that lets you know the question the answer to your question she didn't answer Scott Godsey wants to know and this is a real quick one choose one person out of the three that you would want to sing a duet with Frank Sinatra Elvis Presley or Kevin Williams Kevin Williams okay Oh who is the second so not terrific Sinatra Elvis Presley or Kevin Williams okay I might I might get some haters for this but I never really liked Elvis's voice I grew about I grew up outside of Memphis yeah so that's that's my territory but uh Sinatra scream pretty amazing that ever pretty cool to see who it was Sinatra yellow pink again I got I would love to do nothing like not like bass singers do duets would that be kind of need to do a song a song like that absolutely you know it's time for the pouch zone all right you have a certain unspecified amount of time to answer the questions and if you don't get them in in the specified amount of time then we go on to the next question and they're all Christmas themed because you know we just want to remind you that Jesus is the reason for the season but we always have a wonderful time at Christmas here we go okay when we're Christmas trees first sold in the US nine why is Rudolph's nose red time what was the first state to recognize Christmas Mississippi woof how long does it take for Santa to get to Liechtenstein two minutes and lastly is Christmas the most wonderful time of the year horses are you glad you're done with the Palpa stuff yes I am excellent the answers to those questions are you're actually closed Liechtenstein two minutes 27 seconds I made that part of Alabama was the first state to recognize Christmas hosting any and I don't have any idea right why Rudolph's nose is red and lastly Christmas trees were first sold in the u.s. in the year 1850 so thanks for joining me on the couch today appreciate your time thank you so much let's do it again all right we'll see you next time on the couch with pouch where the
Channel: Matthew Fouch
Views: 50,543
Rating: 4.9212599 out of 5
Keywords: Wes Hampton, Matt fouch, On the couch with fouch, gaither vocal band, bill gaither, matthew fouch, fouch, legacy five, wes, hampton, couch, gaither, Bill Gaither (Musical Artist), Gaither Vocal Band (Musical Artist), gaither vocal, Wes Hampton (Musical Artist), low bass singer, bass singer, high tenor singer, tenor singer, Gospel Music (Musical Genre), Southern Gospel (Musical Genre), southern gospel quartet, christian music artist, interview
Id: tUrufxA8N9s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 56sec (1256 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 25 2014
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