Daniel Radcliffe Explains His Intentions and the Reaction to Performing in Equus

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well I wanted to ask you about Equus because oh yeah that was such a crazy left turn from expectation that even back what had happened I remember thinking well that he's clearly trying to go as far in the other direction yeah to the point where I mean I thought it was a very brave and bold thing in theory to say I'm going to test myself in a completely different arena and take on this dark psychological weird role that is so different than what I'm doing yeah totally I mean yeah I again I had the moment like there was a headline printed very very early on in like walking when we were in rehearsals and was talking about me doing the play and it was like he was in the express or something it was just like crash bang what's that the sound of a promising career coming to a grinding halt which was there you know a some version of what was gonna happen when I did that course and I remember like looking around the room and looking at like Thea Sharrock who've just moved on from being the artistic director of big of a theater in London and John Napier and David Hersey in these amazing crew and Richard Griffiths I'm currently a lot of other really good people are screwing up too so that's like that you know we'll see and and yeah I I think I knew that like for my first thing on stage I couldn't do something that was kind of half plate it wasn't much to get from like as far away from Potter as possible as much as to show that like I was in it for like the right reasons I guess I'm wanting to really test myself because if you do so if you if I done some just like nice quaint English play people would have still been like well you're already showing us anything different and then and I have had directors say to me sense that even if they didn't like see it at the time that was knowing that that had happened kind of put me on their radar or somebody that it was obviously willing to you know try stuff did you have any of that where people would like try to throw you off your game or we had some people like wolf-whistle when me and Joe in London or me and Anna in New York got naked so there was that but there was one group of girls in New York who cuz on Equus we had on stage seating as well but it was raised so it was like sort of Oh surgical examination sort of theater seating and I never left the stage I once I walked on I even if I wasn't in the scene I just go to the there was like a clock in the corner and I would sort of just lie on it will sit on it and these three girls who started talking to me like while the scene is going on next to me these three girls dan dan dan up here and just like whispering me fully entire first act and I eventually I think I gave him a couple of like scowling looks and then that doing but that's the thing it was coming out if they weren't trying to put me off it was coming up with genuine like hopes we can just talk to him oh you can't then I did also what I in the play I just did a phone went off which is a very common thing that row but it went off in the middle of Bobby Cannavale II has a speech about his his characters dying mother and girls just want to have fun was the ring time just like popped up at the I feel like the critical emotional moment of the play out of the speech when the theatre was silent and this phone was like in the second row it could not have been louder if it'd been onstage with us and it was just like I fully just winced eyed Bobby just stayed the course magnificently did not bat an eyelid did not throw I'm sure I made a face and almost turned out I completely was lay out of character for a second okay there lies the difference between film and theatre and that anything can happen yeah I guy I think when I was watching that thing at you and JK Rowling she said the night she watched you necklace that did happen someone threw an owl on this get someone to an island state the night she was there and I'm so embarrassed and then she came back afterwards and made a joke that she had thrown it which was she sort of diffused the situation very because I was quite embarrassed about it that it happened when she was there because it never happened any other time no one ever threw an owl at me and all the time on stage just when Jo Rowling was there for the night hey folks thanks for watching if you like what you just saw then why not subscribe click right here for lots more off camera and if you want to see the hour-long version of these conversations I'm gonna give you the secret link here it is off camera comm check it out [Music]
Channel: theoffcamerashow
Views: 140,354
Rating: 4.9832315 out of 5
Keywords: Off Camera, Sam Jones, Daniel Radcliffe, talk, show, interview, conversation, tv, television, movie, film, cinema, theater, stage, perform, act, entertain, Harry Potter, Swiss Army Man, Equus, Miracle Workers, A Young Doctor's Notebook, Kill Your Darlings, The Woman in Black, crazy, change, different, challenge, weird, critic, career, industry, London, thea sharrock, director, john napier, richard griffiths, try, naked, New York, crowd, phone, girls just wanna to have fun, character, JK Rowling, owl, embarrased
Id: 1DE3mKncHUA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 33sec (273 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 20 2019
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