Daniel Radcliffe first on Jonathan Ross (part 1)

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mr. Daniel Ross we done well then you're welcome to the show thank you very much and congratulations you're our youngest guest ever on the pole really you're 16 years I've achieved my fantastic I don't think I just have to be young I didn't have to do anything then everyone applauded I might be rubbish hang on you've got too much energy for me to prove to you that it's not past my bedtime well no I can see you yeah well obviously you're full of vim and vigor of life yeah when were you 16 wins your birthday July 23rd so you're now coming up for 16 and a half well yeah okay what can you do at 16 you can't do other wages you can't legally drive yet can you know 17 so Rupert Bob Ezrin is having his lessons in the moment well and are you a bit jealous fat no not at all I'm gonna be the worst driver in the world cuz my dad's a really bad driver I think I've got his genes rather than my mom's who's an amazing driver but my dad's terrible and all but I'll going down that road okay you are old enough that you could get married I believe if you wanted to with your parents consent I could I probably won't okay yet I mean hey play the fool a little bit look um you can't vote yet no you can't drink alcohol yet no so you've never tried alcohol no it's not actually a moral thing I just tried a sip of wine once I didn't like the taste very much I think it's something you get when you're about 18 and suddenly you start to like it I gotta try it cuz you know a lot of people do it so there must be something in it yeah I mean I don't I haven't yet and you don't I'm assuming you don't smoke still no good good that's sensible do you know any adult jokes and you believe him do you your eyes are quite large in quite large eye you look a bit like you could also have been in Lord of the Rings that the fellow has from that film okay yeah yours a lovely as well but something let me guess most polite guess um no I mean I've sort of grown up with him so I don't really notice Sasa yes Brennan's fantastic thank you hold on don't get him too excited never mind shouting Harry he isn't actually happy papa it's not real he's an actor oh look they were gonna look at that little more oh oh right yeah how do you would you give the Percival I was 11 Wham and oh god that's the first time when he showed it that I've actually seen the first film pretty much since I did it yeah yeah hang on baby watch it no I sort of was flicking through channels because there was nothing on and they were showing the first film and I was listening and I thought I still got up to adjust the sound on few it was a sigh voices haven't broken and so I was listening and it just sounded ridiculously high but it's so when you look back now that it looks so sweet because I've seen I've seen all the Harry Potter movies and I'm lucky enough to have seen the next one but you're now you're all proper grown-ups now yes and it is so weird now seeing that clip and seeing these sweet little kids I mean there's a photograph of you from the new movie what are you doing - Hermione they never issue that I'm being very very protective I think well that's the excuse I'm giving when you when you got the part it was a huge source of interest of people everyone was a curious to find out who would get to play Harry Potter because the books had already been remarkably successful the audition process I believe was quite long and quiet you know quite a big deal yeah how many people editions you don't have any people edition I have no idea it was it was in the thousands or but I think so yeah but I sort of was quite lucky cuz I sort of skipped a lot of that which is quite nice because I sort of came in about a month before we started filming or something you know ridiculously short time close to filming directly and so I was sort of cast at the eleventh hour so I'd only been to like four different and so that would that was a nice thing for you oh right yeah what did they ask you to do at the audition they are you - you know demonstrate how you would hold a wand or what you would do and you know presumably well no seriously because it's tough you got to do and it's got to look convincing you can't just you know so there's I imagine it's some sort of a wone based technique it's in the swish and flick thing Wingardium Leviosa um but um ya know I was in the elisions and I sort of I did I remember Chris Columbus who directed some sort of cracked an egg at one point and let the yolk go on script and I don't know gosh no I do what relevant to had to anything was he hungry um I don't know it's just I knew it Wow do you think he brought it in on purpose he Martin's to try and throw me and see how I reacted so he got an ego yeah and he was cracked it on the script and I get I'm sure there was a reason I think it was to do with it's a scene in the first one where we're in Hagrid's hut and they have the dragon egg it's something to do with that I don't know what looking back but then in the end I think it was partly out of desperation partly out of you know um it's being being being I don't know not an attention seeker but something along those lines and that I actually ended up doing the match of the day themes you know my sheets with my purse clapping my hands a bit like a primitive version of playing the spoons but I hang on I'm finding this toy quite hard to follow me we started with the audition on the one then there was an egg and then you're playing metal down your cheeks yes in exactly this actually happened this way or have you it was in that order have you been doing art recently and you accidentally breathed in the funeral no I dropped us this is true so can you still do the matches they think I don't know I mean I'm well I think we'd like to hear this the story is juicy is that with a livid and I feel try I'll try I'm not guaranteeing like a perfectly thing of it I mean like guarantee nika's not going to pop up after it's not going to be that good but if he did that would be great okay yeah oh thank us we're at the BBC what if he's in the building any years and thinks I'm late and when they would all in think you actually had magical powers yeah you do Maisie over the try okay here we go I wish I could cite was the first but David Attenborough same thing that's great I presume you're a football fan are you know it all makes perfect sense somewhere I I think I probably was at the time but I'm not anymore but Chris Thomas at the end of that something about the eggs nap um he said he said well if that doesn't get you depart nothing will and it did yeah so you think that was what's funny for you take a rolling saw that and thought that's my hair that's my hairy anyone if I match the day of these cheeks they're great fun books they were lovely yeah okay um now there were seven in total when it's completed yet six so far released okay I think I've read the first four I don't know finish the fifth and I got the top wing well don't what your voice breaking so do not be a great mode to share them to TV that is kinda your voice isn't gonna break in that speaker wise it's already time this is broken for this I think you can still get a bit deeper that would be good actually because I heard you know it's not I just be good to get deeper and taller would be good but um my mom's quite short and so I don't know if those genes you know but they're not good well you might still shoot that but you know as long as you you know so you feel comfortable in your skin I don't think it makes her a big dealing I know but I would like to be taller I know well we could you could possibly get you some big dreams or something very small person to stand them okay let's talk about when you're making a movie like any of the Harry Potter movies of course it's a great story with following the lead character how he's going through a great journey which we're very involved with but also one of the great films in the books in the films is the magic it's the special effects is what's going on and it just seems to get better with every film with every book she's a tremendous writer that connecting a tremendous imagination and this was a film I was most looking forward to he's got the big sequences where you and the other people in this trial Wizard championship yes have to take on dragons yeah but when you're filming all this of course and this I'm very much mistaken they don't actually have dragons here no because they're not mean dragons don't they're not real who talked how do you 16 who told you that it well no I just assumed it was book and instead of having a really cool terrifying dragon there there was a special effects man with a flamethrower is that all you get to that can be scary it was a finally know you know pretty cool so you find that and what about the scenes
Channel: LovesDanielRadcliffe
Views: 506,032
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Daniel, Radcliffe, Harry, Potter, Jonathan, Ross
Id: Qt05hKK6r1k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 36sec (576 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 26 2007
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