Krysten Ritter: "They Thought I Was a Runaway"

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when I became a model it's not like the world that you see now with like red carpets and fashion shows it wasn't like that it was like that was a little kid I mean I think of it almost like this spaceship thing where you know it comes down and sucks you out of your small town and drops you in New York City it's pretty much yeah it's a different world so it was so cool though I'm so grateful because it got me out of a situation where I would have probably gotten into trouble because also well because I was like living in my own little world and like bored and didn't know what to do with myself and didn't have like a thing it was mine I was passionate about I didn't have like a place to direct my energy when you're a teenager and it's come to coming time you to like choose where you want to go to college and choose what you want to do for the rest of your life if you don't know I think that's a skit that can be a really scary dangerous place to be when you were going to New York and you were in high school yeah would you travel there alone yeah so I would take um was it a train or was a plane he would take a bus to me I was taking the bus to the Mart's Trailways bus they left at like 5:00 in the morning could get there it depends it's a venden on the route but I could get there in about three hours to Port Authority that must be a little bit crazy yeah 13 you're on a bus yeah and you just showed up in Port Authority yeah ready to go to my modeling job one time the imported aura tea I don't know if it was like the police or whatever they stopped me they thought I was a runaway really no really I'm just here for work they'd like call my parents and get it was all this all this and then would you stay in New York like would they put you up and yes so if I had to stay over I would say at the models apartment okay but more often than not like when I was still in high school I would go up for the day and come back at night so what's it like six hours traveling yeah that's a but but even crazier is like all your friends are in high school yeah and they're studying for their geometry test or whatever and you're in a models apartment in New York yeah like did it change your perspective immediately on your high school yeah so I think it was the summer maybe even for 11th grade or maybe tenth I'm not sure I was sent to Japan oh really I lived by myself with one other girl in an apartment I had like really fancy dinners and sushi and to nightclubs and was working I went to go seize every day and if I wasn't doing goatees I had a job I had my little map and I got there by myself and you I had to grow up so fast I can imagine then going back like oh now I'm just like not really an adult anymore I was for three months and now I'm going back to school you had a funny quote um I think it was a podcast and you said that modeling taught you resilience because you just get on yeah I think every you know everything prepares you for what's coming next yeah and modeling for sure made me um have thick skin and not take things personally you're reduced to like how you look I would be like Oh her thighs well whatever their thighs could be a little thinner for runway okay well that's work that's business stuff I never like well they don't like me like right I was exposed so young it which is like a part of it I didn't show up and was like all this way hurts my feelings I just shut up like oh that's how it is okay that's kind of rolling within and growing along with it yeah but it made me have a great work ethic um it made me take everything really seriously work hard also I got audited and I was 18 years old so you did yeah so I had to learn about money learn how to like I did it kid yeah well they were it was like a year that they were just kind of cracking down on like people that were got 1099s in New York right and what happens is like the agency pays you your check after like all they take out all their expenses for all your pictures now your book and your models apartment and then you get like nothing you get twenty bucks no yeah nothing and you're like whoa your 1099 says you made this much and so I got audited it was fine nothing bad happened but I was like oh my god so I had to get in there and like understand sit with an accountant and like figured out what was going on and I didn't know anything at that time I'm a kid so it taught me a lot about about like taxes boring stuff yeah but it sounds like you created your own life lessons like yeah it sound like you had parents that sad you down sit here's how you do actually totally ran into it yeah exactly so at the time it was so scary but I'm so grateful you know I don't have a this manager I do everything myself did you have money as a kid growing up no not even close I think if you don't have money you never sit your kids down and teach them how to manage money exactly what you sort of counterintuitive like it seems like that would be a good thing to do right well I did learn valuable lessons like waste not want not yeah we don't have like there's not a whole bunch of this and every penny saved you know is it penny earned and I really understood the value of working hard and to make to have money to tithe if you want to buy things I never I didn't get handed anything um but you know I always had a fear that if I when I got to New York if I ran out of money I would be so screwed I would be on the side of the road there was nobody to help me you couldn't call home no I can't call home and ask for anything they don't have it you know there was nobody that I could have could have called if I got into trouble so the option was don't get into trouble
Channel: theoffcamerashow
Views: 541,344
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Off Camera, Sam Jones, Krysten Ritter, modeling, models, small town, kid, acting, rural, bored, teenager, college, choices, New York, runaway, parents, adult, high school, travel, friends, summer, Japan, sushi, nightclub, job, maps, childhood, quote, prepare, thick skin, runway, like me, hard work, audited, money, scary, grateful, waste not, want not, fear, don't get, no help, model, apartment, business, manager, Jessica Jones, Netflix, Marvel, lessons, hurt, feelings, penny, saved, earned, trouble
Id: emsWoSoFnC4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 45sec (345 seconds)
Published: Fri May 20 2016
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