Daniel K from Uruguay amazes Penn & Teller in Fool Us

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Habla mejor inglés el verdulero de mi barrio y eso que Daniel K fue a la UM y todo. Igual el truco fue bueno.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/JPHierophant 📅︎︎ Sep 06 2020 🗫︎ replies

Difícil engañar a Penn & Teller, pero lo importante es el show.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/NaBUru38 📅︎︎ Sep 06 2020 🗫︎ replies

La tipa de How i met your mother* para los govirs dulces como io.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Sep 06 2020 🗫︎ replies

Bueno no es el mejor hablando inglés (yo no soy bueno) pero la cosa que estuvo bueno. La competencia consiste si mal no recuerdo cuando hace unos años miraba el show, en hacer un truco que ellos no sepan como lo hiciste para avanzar. Hizo un buen papel.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/gustavo-mnz 📅︎︎ Sep 06 2020 🗫︎ replies

El mago daniel en un programa yankee?? Esto debe ser lo más random que vi en el año, wtf...

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/MFEG 📅︎︎ Sep 07 2020 🗫︎ replies

Llegue a tener de hobby hacer magia y ver a un Uruguayo en ese esenario fue espectacular.

Porque todo el show fue algo que impresionante sin saber hablar ingles, mis respeto a Daniel K y capaz que alguna vez podra engaar Penn and teller

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Elbolita98 📅︎︎ Sep 08 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] all right and tell her the heat is on because it's time to meet our first potential fooler uruguay is a small country in south america it's a small country but a big heart there aren't a lot of professional magicians i've been doing magic like 30 years i started when i was 10 years old the first trick i learned my father teach me he was an amateur magician we started to watch magic television shows we bought a vcr and we watch and record the magician and then we look in slow motion and try to find where is the trick and take notes and then i try to repeat people forgive a mistake but don't forgive when a show is boring i live in the moment so i don't know what will happen tonight but i do know it will not be boring all the way from uruguay here is daniel k thank you hola your spanish is better than my english it's a pleasure to be with all of you and to have parental in front of me i hope you enjoy my act as you can see my english is not so good so if you don't understand something please ask me the problem is that i don't know if i can understand you yes but you ask me if you want you sir what's your name manuel if i ask you to name a famous magician not me another one name one houdini houdini perfect houdini was a great escapist artist in all escape er we have to risk i go live today i don't want to risk mine you will risk your life for everyone come with me please i'll let vegas run on the plows thanks your name say manuel manuel perfecto okay manuel i have this one do you know what is this fanca it's like handcuffed but just for your thumb today i will try to perform an escape and to prove that is real i do that i want to prove with you give me your thumb have you been coughed again no don't say no answer too many people look at you you try to take out it's impossible impossible you don't believe this i bought this handkerchief in my country and the people that they told me that belong to harry houdini it got his initial j j only have to do this i have to count to three one two three not only did he take them off but he put them back on quickly let me try again one two three he's improvising he's performing the fingers that change color first they go red then black and then they fall off let me take out it is impossible right right manuel i said free please manuel take this take this the key will be in my pocket is something's wrong alison can you help me i guess count with me please thanks also if something's wrong please take this the key and set me free yes okay houdini loved the escape act but not many people know that he loved the card tricks not many people know that i saw in wikipedia today i will try to do two things at the same time try to skype and try to find a card that you will choose alison say stop wherever you want stop stop take the car look the car show everyone manuel is part of everyone shout to him remember yes alison ah yes put the card wherever you want say stop stop put the car here please oh i already put it in i ruined it [Music] let's do it only the escape things yes usually don't like the cartridge forget the cartridge give me this forget no they need open extend your hand stand your hand i will do this i will do this only the escape things it's the same but it's easier please fast my thumb tightly don't worry about my life do you remember the car yes i'm thinking that this is full ass i will try to fool you i will try to take out the sandcast and find the car two things at the same time which is impossible what i know but i am a professional i really do three things try to speak in english too okay cover with the handkerchief yes and take the deck of cards but wait take out the handkerchief take out i will try to find but i am hung up please cover be careful with this i don't want that to look good i want to give you the key because i don't want to using he used the key where is the key he is the key she's for you i will try to find the card in a blink of an eye it's all ready did you feel anything i didn't what's a pity please eliza open the box take everything that is inside and show what what this is show with you this handcuff if you want you've got the sandcap what is in my finger please take a card [Applause] what was your card six of hearts i can't believe it because this is six of course ladies and gentlemen alison i'm manuel thank you so much manuel thank you for helping me be careful with the steps thank you so much that was insane thank you i didn't feel anything that was amazing thank you so much oh and so enjoyable even if it hadn't been so astonishing i don't understand anything that you say that's i think that you are saying a lot of things good things about it i like it it must be so proud of you in uruguay am i saying that right yes yes uruguay yes it's true uruguay perfect yeah and have you always wanted to do magic yes since i was a boy always i was a boy i'm glad you're claire yes okay but when i was a boy yes your english is better than me uh but first i want to do a detective detective detective yes and then i found the magic and it's my passion i'm glad you switched cause i feel like you're too funny to be a detective maybe maybe okay let's find out if you fooled penn teller let's boys daniel the first thing very first thing i said to tala when i turned to him was that's a perfect routine thank you so much it's an absolutely perfect routine uh it has the most important thing in magic which is the ending is completely a surprise and then totally inevitable i mean we watch magicians work you may not know what they're doing but you know they're doing something there's not a moment in your routine where you think he's doing something there's no telegraphing your acting is superb perfect all the way through this is something that i don't usually do because even though we love showing magicians on tv i must tell you that i do feel the competition uh and i do want to win this is a very rare case where we think we figured it out and we so hope we are wrong because i want you to have fooled us you might notice i'm not speaking at all in code this act is so perfect i don't want to give the slightest little crack in it i don't want anybody at home to go oh i know what he means now i know what he did now i want this to just live on as a jewel and perfect but we got to play the game so teller has written down okay how you did it he will show you and please please have us be raw i really hope they're wrong oh damn it that's right damn it that's so good thank you no but thank you so much tell her thank you fan thank you so much thank you
Channel: Daniel K
Views: 1,371,295
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #danielk, #foolus, #pennandteller
Id: GP1C1nx7Sqo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 14sec (554 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 01 2020
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