David Corsaro Fooling Penn and Teller on "Fool Us"

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[Music] foreign [Applause] cards are never used for blackjack let's see if a foolish trophy is in the cards for our next magician when my son Matthew was one year old he was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes and that opens up your eyes quite a bit Ten Years Later he's doing great but I still try to use my magic to help raise money and spread awareness of type 1 diabetes through different foundations oh my God people ask me if I can support a family of four on a magician's salary well they don't say it like that they say oh you're a magician do you have a real job and I do have a real job I'm in Show Business magic is the show and marketing is my business magic and marketing have a lot in common in both cases I'm using psychology to try to get people to do what I want tonight I'm going to be using a very powerful psychological technique let's see if it works on Penn and Teller [Music] joined by Penn and Teller here's David corsaro thank you you know as a magician I'm constantly looking for new ways to influence what people say and what they do and recently my research has led me to you guessed it Ivan Pavlov now hopefully for some of you that name rings a bell Let Me Explain If you believe the saying that you can't teach an old dog new tricks then Ivan Pavlov was one of the greatest magic teachers of all time because he discovered that you could train a dog to salivate just by ringing a bell that's right every time he rang a bell his dog drooled so tonight I'm gonna try to apply that same scientific technique to the Great Danes of Magic Pen and Teller but not to make you drool but hopefully to make you fool let me explain it's part of my journey to try to fool Penn and Teller I decided to study all of the foolers from the past and see if there was a common denominator of things that successfully fooled Penn and Teller and things that didn't fool them I even went back and watched all of the past episodes of fool us and made a list of the words and phrases that Penn had used most often every time he was describing a successful Fuller now you can see the words come in all different shapes and sizes good creative confident comfortable smart strong powerful cool clever unique exciting I even put the word that teller used most often so Penn teller Allison if the three of you would please indulge me for a moment just pick the word that you think all successful foolers should be pen what do you think powerful powerful powerful okay tell her you want to just point to one laughs clever powerful and clever Allison can I point to teller's work you can't wait to tell his word do you want to just do a teller's word uh I'll do creative it's up to you okay powerful clever and creative yes powerful clever and creative perfect let me just actually erase all of these words so that nobody changes their mind or gets confused or anything like that oh um a little David crusaro subliminal messaging doesn't hurt either but see there's actually another message that you created uh there's a message hidden inside this deck of cards let me spell it out for you literally your word was powerful p-o-w-e-r-f-u-l your word was clever c-l-e-v-e-r and your word was create creative c r e a t i v e now I should point out this is not a card trick because this is not a regular deck of cards this deck of cards actually contains the names of everybody who's ever fooled pen and Teller we've got Paul Gartner Boris Wilde Chris K part Helen Coughlin David Roth Helen Coughlin again Helen Coughlin while she's in here a lot um Sean Parker but after doing all that and spelling those names out we have all the people who have fooled Penn and Teller and after we use the attributes that you selected we ended up on this person not this one who was Doc Dixon but this one and if all of my pavlovian tomfoolery were hopefully we can add my name David crusaro to the list thank you very much guys appreciate it thank you thank you everyone [Applause] um thank you very much I appreciate it what does it mean to you to be here tonight I wanted to just come out here with something fun and also something that sort of pays homage to all the past foolers definitely and have you really watched every single episode I did I literally transcribed every single thing pen had said and kept a tally sheet of everything uh if you ever want some of your statistics as well I might have those as well I think the easier the trick is the harder it is for them to figure out because they are so smart that they go to like okay so they moved the planet into did in the history and and then they're like no it was my Watch Planet moving was one of the ways I was going to consider doing this but I would actually agree with you that if the method behind your trick is extraordinarily clever yeah then you almost have to come up with another way to maybe perhaps lead them down that path all right David let's see if you're pavlovian techniques earned you a trophy hey David nice trick thank you I like uh pavlovian ideas that's very good you've always got our attention we do a joke about Helen Coughlin fooling us all the time in another two seasons you'll be able to do that whole trick with just her name just her name yeah yeah nobody else's name really really good we did not see you uh doing any uh any card moves at all we were burning you absolutely burning you and we didn't see any seconds or bottoms or anything going on there so we had to go down another road which is that list of words that so nicely spells out your name when erasing uh we couldn't help but notice that many of those have the um the same uh the same number of letters and we think maybe you got a little bit lucky like I picked a longer word than teller picked a a medium word and you were right there for Allison and that maybe if Taylor had picked a longer word too you would have had to push Allison onto one of the shorter words but I think it all went really smoothly we all came out kind of in the middle we didn't have time to work out the number of letters on everything but we think that the trick is not in the card handling but rather in the psychological handling of the words there are we uh do you want more are we close enough do you think that we we've got the basic idea um David does he know how you did your trick he doesn't know how I did the trick it's not in the the words at all don't go don't bust me in the specifics it's not in the number of it's it's in the card handlers we start bringing the bill yeah so we're bringing the boat congratulations thank you so much just got dunked on we'll give him the timeout to adjust their game plan come back for more fool us [Applause]
Channel: David Corsaro
Views: 419,465
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Id: 1FQ64wx-lec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 23sec (503 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 26 2022
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