Penn and Teller: Fool Us // Nick Paul - "We loved that act!"

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foreign I'm originally from the suburbs of Detroit I come from a weird family I'm a magician my brother's a comedian my dad's a ventriloquist so we just find new and exciting ways of disappointing my mom doing magic professionally for over 20 years I've been good for three of them a lot of what I do is a mix of Silent Comedy and Magic but I'll be doing a lot of talking today my wife is a performer as well she helps me write a lot of material for the show she often performs with me too she's the teller in a relationship the smart one and as we tape this we're actually celebrating our eight year wedding anniversary so instead of flowers I took her to a magic show I'm excited to be here on pen and Teller fool us I've been trying to get on the show for a very long time so no pressure do I think I can fool them absolutely not please welcome one wild wizard Nick Paul yeah we're doing it guys we're doing hi how are you my name is Nick Paul I'm going to show you some magical tricks this is exciting uh Allison would you mind help me out I know you've never done this before Allison ladies and gentlemen [Applause] me too part-time vegetarian so I'm excited to be part of this all animal version of fool us very fun uh to get in a moment together we're going to choose an animal but first I need a name what would be like the perfect name for a pet any name in the entire world George sure George Curious I like it that's fun so George is the name of our animal for today but we need to get one completely at random so what I did I went on the world wide web information Super Highway and I got a list of 99 different animals here a list o animals put them in my notepad app uh you can see we got a whole bunch here we got Ox cat chimpanzee uh thorny devil what's that I don't know sounds very dangerous though so about 99 different animals will bring that up to the top here Allison I'm okay I'm going to have you hold on to that so everybody can see it but I can't mess with it in any way shape or form uh let's get a number at random tell her could you give me a single digit number that is a seven cool I had to think about that uh and if you don't mind give me a single digit number seven seven so 77 right is that number okay with you sure if you don't mind scroll down to 77 I don't want to look but as you're scrolling make sure all those animals are different that's very important once you get to 77 let me know say yes almost it's a lot of animals I know okay yes cool and what's the don't say 77 out loud but what's the the animal above it groundhog groundhog excellent and what's the animal below 77 mayor okay good so do me a favor lock 77 inside your brain once you got it don't forget it you can close up my telephone put it in your pocket got it great good keep it for safe if this doesn't go well I'm gonna need that for a ride home okay that's important um now what's pretty neat is before the show I actually took a photo of an animal place it right there would you be impressed if you saw your animal on the other side of that photo yes pretty cool right yeah now um I don't want to give you any hints but I hope I fetched the right answer it's the leashed I can do if I get it wrong I'm not going to roll over this joke's kill on cruise ships all right um I was thinking of a dog yay yes or no Allison were you thinking of a dog no right now you weren't thinking of a dog that's probably why your jokes bombed it's not like my mom right now I'm sorry um all right this is a bummer um what was the end we had like 99 different animals we got we got the numbers from Penn and Teller what was the uh the animal that you looked at Lobster [Music] Lobster yeah what a fun pet that would be exciting exhilarating to take walks with great with melted butter but unfortunately not the animal that you chose not the prediction I made um this is okay that's okay um why do we compromise you wanted a lobster I wanted a dog how about we do this how about a dog in a lobster costume hey look at that dances too and we have a special guest it is oh thank you so much everybody say hi George he's here oh my goodness no he made it uh he traveled quite a distance all the way from stage right to be here do you want to see his big trick yeah yeah you guys want to see his big trick okay hold on to him he's excited I have a whole bunch of different uh choices here he brought a whole bunch of different choices whatever you choose George will give you um what would you like a through f um what should we choose let's choose d d all right do you want to change your mind no go into easy all right let's see it's exciting whatever you choose George will give you um oh this is fun it's a treat all right those were the other options uh I think I have a treat here oh we got a whole bag of treats here let's get an exciting one here we go here I don't know my hands there let's get this here fun and um I don't know if you know this Allison but it's a secret in the canine community that dog treats have kind of Fortunes in them did you know that no it's pretty neat now um Allison could you put your hands like this yes yes get one free hand there I'm gonna break the street in half and we're gonna see what your fortune is today I guess right oh yeah right there that's really in there okay look at that let's see please don't eat it George your fortune today says George says that was one shell of a trick [Applause] this is my favorite trick ever oh thank you that means so much I've got a really hard question so I have your dog and your phone if I'm only gonna give you one back I forgot you had my phone which one are you gonna ask for I have iCloud so I can get another phone so you say you come from a family of performers was your childhood just crazy it was kind of weird my dad's best friend was a clown and a magician and so that's how how I kind of got into magic and so I didn't realize that was strange until like my mid-20s you know not everybody has that job great childhood pretty good yeah and I understand you're writing a book yeah it's about being an extroverted performer but kind of quiet off stage and you know letting people know that's okay you know it's okay to be a little bit Shire and stuff okay Nick let's see if pen and Teller will throw you a bone and a truth oh I like that hey Nick uh teller wants to wear the lobster suit I don't think fit in it but he really really wants it we're rethinking our whole decision to wear three-piece suits thinking we should wear Lobster suits and a very good act that you did and he also had uh had someone helping you he had an accomplice I mean of course I mean George and uh did a wonderful job and George is a very good name for the for the dog and that was a very good prediction there and the dogs clearly here if it's free will right the dog is not forced to be here no no because sometimes with animals you worry they they're here against their will but not but not George and that was a uh it's a really good act a really good prediction you made Allison so happy who could be happier than someone holding a dog in a lobster suit and the answer comes back it would be teller himself in a lobster suit would be very very happy he is coveting George's Lobster suit but I'll tell you we love that act uh we love to want to give you a hug because you just killed with it and I think uh I think George may have picked up some of the cues that we do not think you fooled us that Paul and George well what do you think Nick did you fool them oh they're very smart men I did not fool them oh and I guess I have to give you your dog back yeah and my phone [Applause]
Channel: Nick Paul
Views: 303,788
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 2FJ-TGWPr74
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 46sec (526 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 20 2023
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