Mufti Menk - Comparing with Others - 2019

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levena in victory lane he alibied akela he taught amma in no Lube assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh bismillah r-rahman r-rahim al-hamdu lillah wa salatu wa salam o allah rasool allah wa ala aalihi wa sahbihi ajma'in my brothers and sisters people have a bad habit of comparing themselves to others and allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala has actually told us that he has favoured each one of us in a unique way you don't know what Allah has taken away from another and given them something you're looking at perhaps if the same was taken away from you you wouldn't even cope and you wouldn't manage this is why in Surat Annisa while Adam and no man fumble along he become ala bama don't wish for and don't yearn for that which Allah has blessed some above others Allah made you a male alhamdulillah Allah made you a female alhamdulillah Allah has given you and hamdulillah Allah has taken away from you a few things alhamdulillah praise Allah upon all conditions the minute you look at someone else and you start wishing for what they have your contentment is diminished automatically because you are not happy rather concentrate on what Allah has bestowed upon you what he has given you and you won't go wrong you know you will have to adjust your life based on what Allah has given you some people have a lot but they lack sleep some people have very little but they sleep well some people Subhan Allah they eat with just a few dollars or pounds and others eat worth a lot but you might find the more nutritious food might be that which less money was paid towards may allah subhanahu wa ta'ala grant us an understanding my brothers my sisters if you look carefully at this piece of advice which is taken from the Quran Surat Annisa Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala has helped us fine-tune our thinking we will become content when we realize we have been gifted in order to realize the gift you're going to have to do a lot of thinking you're going to have to understand make do with what Allah has given you not everyone is the same and everyone has been tested with different tests so let's take heed inshaallah or that particular verse then I'd like to go to verse number 36 of Surat Annisa and the following verses these verses are actually so powerful they have in them advice and this advice if we were to adopt it I promise you we would achieve contentment happiness and success listen to what allah says wahdahu la sharika be shy my Lida NESN he starts the verse by saying worship Allah alone and don't associate partners with him in worship and be kind to your parents kindness to your parents subhanAllah we start off with the worshipping of Allah we move on to kindness towards parents what is the connection Allah is the creator and in order to bring us into existence he used a means that he chose we didn't choose those were our parents so even if your parents are strange in their behavior and wrong and absurd and even if they're criminals we need to offer a little bit of kindness to them we need we need not obey their instructions when they are wrong but we must be kind to them Allah has never said follow blindly what your parents say many parents sometimes abuse their children by blackmailing them religiously saying I'm your parent Allah instructs you to obey me so you shall do as I say if you have that attitude you will lose contentment and so will your children so don't do that you don't have the right to instruct your children beyond the capacity Allah has given you they have freedom to to a certain extent you need to understand this you cannot impose whatever you want upon your children claiming that they have to listen to you Allah said they have to be kind to you they have to be respectful to a certain extent but they do not obey you the way they don't have to obey you especially when it comes to the transgression of allah subhanahu wata'ala or when it comes to their rights one quick example is to impose on your children your choice of whom they should marry that is prohibited in Islam they need to be happy they need to want what you might have suggested to them or they might want something else we need to remember this if you want to lose your contentment in your happiness and you want to lose your sleep then you begin to impose upon people that which you are not allowed to impose such as what I've just mentioned now regarding marriage it's a very important point that's why I spent a moment speaking about it do you want happiness learn to communicate learn to be kind to your parents then Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala says be kind to your relatives what we will Poobah be kind to your relatives remember to do asan to your relatives be kind to your relatives who else the orphans wow we spoke about the orphans previously and here Allah mentions it again in Surat Annisa as well as the misaki those who are poor be kind to them don't rebuke them if you want contentment a beggar is asking you something you can either respectfully walk away you can you can give them something through kindness for the sake of Allah but don't rebuke them don't abuse them don't hurt their feelings may Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala grant us contentment you're searching for contentment don't cause harm to others if you're causing harm to others you will not achieve any contentment then Allah says your neighbors no matter who your neighbors are even if they're those who are travelling with you those who are perhaps living next to you those who work with you all these are people you interact with they're considered different types of neighbors even those in a mode of transport that might be seated next to you they're considered your neighbors don't hurt them don't harm them neither with a foul smell nor with smoke that is going in their direction nor with anything that is verbally abusive or in any other way if you if you are careful of this Allah will grant you the contentment that you are so desperately searching for and every one of us then Allah says web anis sabili a blue Sabeel is a person of a V path you know whether whether it is a homeless person even if it is a person who's just out of their own homes and they are traveling all these you need to be kind two people in a nutshell Allah says in Allah Allah you're him oh man can I'm of telling for who Allah does not like those who are arrogant those who are haughty those who are proud and filled with pride work on you on these habits eradicate them and you will definitely achieve contentment we move on to verse number 38 of the same surah surah - Nisa and Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala tells us regarding spending Allah says that you should be spending listen to the vessel what Lavina fiyaquun' I'm hungry and I see what you mean I've been lying he well-meaning young kid Allah says those who spend their wealth so on one hand a lot is speaking about spending wealth and I'm sure we've heard about giving the orphans moment ago among moments ago giving the poor giving those in need with kindness and then Allah says what's your intention when you're giving if you are to give and your intention is to be a show-off then we have another problem so look at the balance a light striking on one hand he tells us that you must give and you must be kind and on the other hand he says hang on don't spoil your intention don't do it to show people do it for our sake so in this verse Allah says those who have spent in order to show off and they don't believe in Allah nor in the last day they stand to lose they will not achieve contentment because it will never be enough you're trying to please people people will laugh at you you please Allah Allah will reward you it's amazing if you please people you have spent a million there will come another person who will spend 10 million yours is dwarfed but when you spent it for the sake of Allah the small bit that you might have spent holds a lot of value in the eyes of allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala so Allah is warning us to say don't allow yourself to be spoiled with intention such that you are starting to show off always go back to your intention clarify purify it straighten it and it should be for the sake of Allah you will be so happy when the people have acknowledged you or not becomes irrelevant if someone says oh thank you jazakallah khair may allah reward you hamdulillah we're happy that they made a dua for us they supplicated for us but if that doesn't come we did not do the kindness because we felt they deserved the kindness but we did the kindness because we know Allah loves those who do kindness or who engage in kindness remember that I repeat this we engage in kindness because we know Allah loves those who are kind we don't engage in kindness because we deserve because we think the ones whom we are being kind to deserve it if you were only kind to those whom you thought deserved the kindness the world would never become a better place but if you if you are kind to everyone because you know that's what makes Allah happy then definitely you will achieve contentment and you will contribute towards the betterment of the entire globe may allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala grant us contentment then i want to move on to verse number 45 of the surah where allah speaks about how to handle enemies well mo be an Akuma kafir bin him early young I've been lying in a sling indeed Allah is aware of your enemies and he is sufficient as a protector and he is sufficient as a helper this beautiful verse acts as a supplication as well if you repeat it subhanAllah the contentment you will achieve if you believe in it there is even greater contentment if you know that Allah is more aware of your enemies then they are themselves that's powerful Allah knows them better than they know themselves subhanAllah so Allah knows your enemies better than you do but Allah knows them better than they do which means he knows everything about them more detailed and they know a lot if initely knows if you believe in your convinced that Allah is in control and he knows and then you believe that he is enough for me kafa billahi wa liyan allah is sufficient as a to kafa billahi Nasir and Allah is sufficient as a helper you will achieve contentment you will sleep at night you will sleep at night a sound sleep because you know Allah is the one who's going to take care of me with us you have a small enemy you have someone who dislikes you you lose sleep because your conviction and faith in Allah is so weak don't you believe Allah is gonna protect you Allah will not allow to happen anything that is not written against you and if it were written it will happen even if you were the most protected person by others but if Allah is your protector subhanAllah there is nothing more that you want so remember that my beloved brothers and sisters another verse that we need to go into also very briefly is when Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala speaks about the trust that we're supposed to be fulfilling listen to what Allah says verse number 58 of Surat Annisa in Allah more come to a duel a manatee illa Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala says he has instructed you to fulfil and to give the trust to whom it belongs to fulfill the trust right to the end don't break your trust and inshallah you will achieve contentment may Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala make us honest people Akula Kohli hatha was allah allahu wa sallim wa barik ala nabina [Music] be victory lane he alibied akela he taught amma in nirupa Luba [Music] [Music]
Channel: Eman Channel
Views: 110,998
Rating: 4.9292035 out of 5
Keywords: Islam, muslim, motivational Video, Mufti Menk, Islamic Reminders, Powerful Reminder, Mufti Menk Channel, joys of life, feeling happy, mufti ismail menk, mufti menk reminders, mufti menk lecture, mufti, nouman ali khan, nouman ali khan ramadan 2019, mufti menk wife, mufti menk funny, mufti menk dua, mufti menk parents, mufti menk death, ramadan, ramadhan, ramadan 2019, ramadhan 2019, mufti ramadan, mufti menk 2019, Mufti ismail menk 2019, ramadan reminders, quran
Id: ymrgCARqJp4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 4sec (784 seconds)
Published: Sat May 11 2019
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