Dangerous Accident Rescue! | Coast Guard Alaska | Full Episode

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it's a series of first and lasts for the coast guard in Alaska in Kodiak a rescue swimmer fights the currents to rescue four people and a dog in his last search-and-rescue 35-knot winds we're having a significant impact on the raft itself there was increasing the distance that our swimmer had to move each time to get the next person in in Sitka it's a rescue swimmers first hoist to a cruise ship as he rushes to a stroke victim in Glacier Bay patient definitely needs to be taken to a higher level of care with any patient we have chances are it's one of the best days of their lives the best Alaskan wilderness a place where beauty is cloaked by danger here every day the highly trained men and women of the u.s. Coast Guard risk their lives to save others America's deadliest waters are protected by Coast Guard Alaska [Laughter] but the o5 we rap down look for for the vignette for cello an hour 50 minutes out Kajal is good copy State Troopers called they do not have an asset on scene it's gonna take about four hours he'll get down there so I think you're on your own lieutenant john pull up what's I got a call from a seafood processing plant relaying a mayday turn on channel 16 from the vessel ocean Viking the ocean Viking was sinking about 25 miles south of Chignik and they were getting into life raft with four people and a dog so the crew is launching here for you Kodiak they just got airborne it's about an hour and 15 minutes down to check Nick the weather is good enough today to support a straight line go over the top of the unit the island planica we know where we're going we've got four people and a dog in a raft they did they can be proved with up so do we be able to guess their position I love it my name is Jason Bunch from an ast one here at Air Station Kodiak we moved with purpose with people in the water or people on a raft we move with purpose on every launch but to be honest with you in the back of my mind I really thought that by the time we got about halfway there it would be picked up by another vessel it was actually a surprise when we got halfway across Shelikof Strait and realized it there was no other boats out there we were we were the only asset responding to that that Mayday call I'll probably look with it any idea about 25 pounds you guys have a survival 230 favorito I've got her you know if we actually do pick these to fly the wire I don't know how big the dog is but someone's gonna have to probably hang on to so it'll be tough buddy and a dog yeah lieutenant mark Seavey h-60 pilot Air Station Kodiak I think everyone in the crew had experience with hoisting animals before so we had discussed it briefly and basically said that if the dog was gonna come with us it would have to ride up in the basket with one of the people from the vessel the report of four people in a dog first off I'm a dog lover so it didn't really matter to me if there was one dog or three dogs the only thing is if it was heavy seas and you have a dog you might have your work cut out for you as far as getting them from the water to the basket you never know how the dog is gonna react in the water especially if it's a large dog 100-plus pounds a lab that's the first thing I think of as an Alaska lab well we're going to the peninsula now all right so we should probably start looking left we knew the winds were pretty strong so we expected to see them downwind so from about four miles out we were able to proceed directly to the raft all right you ready for approach just service approach to outdoor speech understand by your primary recipe device that's a radio lieutenant Scott Woodcock h-60 pilot at Air Station Kodiak once we sell the raft there was a consistent 35 knot wind out of the West so we immediately set up for an approach to the water you afterwards okay yeah he's like the plumber swimmer to the survivors are up 30 feet with this headline that'll be good at 30 the plan was to use Jason right away use the restroom because the water temperature is so cold we don't know if they got hurt coming out of the boat if the temperature got I'm about time we could get there better put the fur on the door for Lopez poor down I'm Jeff Broome I'm an aviation maintenance technician second class I just recently became a flight mechanic this is my first hoist encase put him in the water and he split murder the raft we backed off a little bit gave him a couple minutes and then waited for him to go ahead and direct us to come on in and start commencing the hoist first one out of the raft [Music] once we got on scene sea state was six feet maybe but it was the current that created some difficulty getting the survivors on board after the first voice we realized the rotor washed and the 35-knot winds we're having a significant impact on the raft itself as if moving further behind the helicopter it was increasing the distance that our swimmer had to move each time to get the next person on the second hoist to wrapped had gone probably about 300 yards in just a few moments so yeah it took me a little bit of time to get to the raft a second go-around okay basically we do it's gonna hold on to the best get a little bit drag closer to the ramp before you pull all the way up we adapted our technique and as we were bringing up the members the rescue swimmer would hold on to the basket we would then drag him closer to the raft and then as he let go in a closer position we would recover the basket with the person inside okay the pilots where I would have moved the helicopter back and right and kind of closed the gap so I didn't have to swim so far and then two capellini together back after that we went back out of the raft retrieve the third survivor came up textbook got him in the cabin got him seated and send a basket down for the fourth voice which is the captain in there dog okay dog the dog jumped right out of the raft it was a lab so we kind of expected that to happen so I just grabbed the owner and put him in a cross vest carry and then kind of stiff-armed the dog and handed them to the owner put the captain in the basket the dog on top of him told him to hang on to him and up they went [Music] dog got the dog come up uh stop okay dog and a pretty that that's the sinking for persons on board and a dog we were dealing with some pretty strong wage so each time we brought up the survivor we had a reposition the helicopter send the basket down for the fourth voice which is the captain and they're in there dog dog in the back dog in the back time to cabbage oh yeah I got it right now hop and bring Lucas out of cabin number inside the cabin once we got in the helicopter they all had their survival suits on they're all dry there was no medical attention necessary so I told him to just buckle in for the hour and a half plane ride back to Kodiak [Music] oh yeah it's always a treat to have a dog in the PAL copter everyone's usually smile when and petting them and just thinking wow this is kind of weird everybody was just super happy that we were able to recover him so easily that's our game that's a damn good what you waiting for you want the guys checked out for the relief [Music] anybody need to go to hospital no I think we're all good all right off we can can we get you all on the ambulance real quick we're gonna quick people and get out of here let you guys know got nowhere to go least you're here yeah my name is Eric baby I was a deckhand on the ocean Viking no so we were taking some waves to the side of the starboard side pretty hard so I got angle the boat towards that a little bit more and then about say 25 minutes afterwards I heard a alarm go off woke up the captain we went downstairs noticed that there was a water level rising pretty fast underneath the floorboards I ran back upstairs to go tell everybody what's happening go back downstairs and the water levels over the floorboards now about waist-deep so I start helping them muster get everything up to the muster station flares keeper survival suits and then I go and run onto the radio we're started for the made a distress call God you guys carry on so everybody's good yeah I turned the bilge pumps on and both of them I turn both them on and there's no way I ran upstairs to see the water was going over to us and that one back down so I'm like it's going it's nothing we could do yeah my name is John Dez I've been inspected everything was fine all the sea-chest got changed everything was like brand-new I never first saw anything ever being a problem when I left the engine room I already knew that was who I don't have the pumping capabilities to pump out that amount of water coming here well you guys had all the right stuff yeah at the time what we're so we're so worried it was gonna roll over you know oh my god we thought it was gonna roll over because it was sitting at the deck you know floated I mean just the house was kind of in the house and a stern or sticking up well you guys were prepared mostly people aren't prepared and it made everything easy you guys are safe you're healthy nothing bad become a bit as far as you know all the all hands involved this was the last case of my Coast Guard career to end 13 years here in Alaska is pretty awesome to pull four people in a dog out of the water that were really prepared with an a-plus aircrew you couldn't ask for anything better it really feels good and I'm pretty proud to have been a part of it all [Music] today we observe the retirement of Petty Officer Jason bunch and recognize over twenty years of honorable and faithful service to our nation I didn't want a big bells and whistles ceremony I just want something simple I came into the Coast Guard to be an aviation and to be a rescue swimmer so when I leave the Coast Guard I really want to just be surrounded by my fellow aviators and my family who supported me through this career Jason wanted to retire in his swimmer gear since that is when he spent most of his career wearing so I think it's really great he's getting the chance to do that well in Kodiak he earned qualifications in all three aircraft and valuable experience responding to many different kinds of emergencies from bear attacks two plane crashes two people in the water Jason epitomizes what it means to be an ast and that's the first and foremost but he really took pride in the fact of being a good survival technician well I don't really have anything else to say that hasn't already been said I want to thank my wife for just putting up with me and uh she was there with me the whole way so thank you baby thanks for everybody that came I appreciate you guys come and fly safe be safe when Coast Guard aircrew members retire they can request what they would like to do in Petty Officer bunch requested doing freefall deployment out of the back of the helicopter with his family and friends there so that they can see him do his last deployment I had anything to do over again I don't think I would change a thing I'm pretty happy with my Coast Guard career I think the Coast Guard for all the opportunities that he provided me [Music] my last deployment it was it felt good that was really when it hit me this this is really over hell's cool freak oh good show what'd you think of that buddy there was a male out in false paths as in pretty rough shape severe pain and they needed to get him out of that this four-wheeler accident wasn't just him kind of sliding and falling off it was a good thing that we actually took off and came for me and out of em for me the range is awesome it's my favorite way to blow off steam from work I noticed when I shoot I'm basically stress-free for about six months [Music] [Music] we're still getting all the information coming in but it looks like we have a 30 year old male it's an ATV accident one of the more isolated islands he's over in false past there is a ton improve runway there however we need to get a light flight into them and they can't land on that smaller runway lieutenant Starr probably I'm an h-60 aviator here in Kodiak Alaska the alarm went off at six o'clock in the morning and the Odeo broke in over the beeper saying that there was a male out in false pass that needed a medevac kid I was in pretty rough shape pretty messed up hip severe pain and they needed to get him out of there six there was no six video gear yep my name is lieutenant Jason bust men say I'm the Odeo today I received a call from district 17 and they wanted to stress that was not a time-sensitive case and the main reason they're stressing that was because of the pavlof volcano which is just to the north east false pass has been erupting for three to five days and volcanic ash is a very bad thing for a helicopter [Music] hey from ops he wants you guys to stay on deck momentarily until he gets in the upper a good tip just to look at the weather lieutenant David Wright h-60 pilot here at Air Station Kodiak they're ready and spinning got a call from the audio saying hey hold on I also wants to check the the volcano status I'm sure that there was no ash in the atmosphere where we would be transiting it's got the areas about why this is the path it's gonna take based on the current weather obviously I can't really ever tell because volcano could erupt like any minute but it doesn't look like there's any ash currently in the area a lot of people think it's just visibility that's restricted with an ash cloud and it's a factor of course however the volcanic ash is very caustic and the smaller parts of the plane especially in our turbine engines the blades will get it eaten up will lose power and obviously losing power when we need it to fly is a factor hey yeah we got some updated weather and everything else so you guys are clear to launch be advised you could get winds up of 35 knots [Music] so they'll pick the patient up in Falls past and transport to cold day for waiting transport to Guardian so start helo 6:06 time for takeoff from Kodiak both pass TPA is 10:45 name's Nathan Fela aviation maintenance technician second class I'm a flight mechanic here at Air Station Kodiak we had rolled low visibility the ceilings were below 300 feet so we're we're flying about 200 feet most the way out there and the visibility was horrible maybe 1/4 mile of that weather was pretty bad about 5 miles to the south of the air station at Cape shiney ACK we realized that the fog was starting there we didn't know where it ended and we were on instruments the whole way we'll be a false path 1945 zoonosis guys actually Tory isn't injured far as he [Music] we're getting closer false pass we start getting more information from the OTO so Venus Wimmer getting the cabin ready and so we're be able to fit that litter in there and or see your speed if you could do that took us about five hours to get on scene and once we got on scene we landed at the little airport there [Music] hey if you could back me up dude wake up man after that the alarm went off so it's o'clock in the morning there was a male out in false pass that needed a medevac he was in pretty rough shape I'm pretty messed up hip severe pain and they needed to get him out of there I got a four-wheeler and a truck coming right now down the road ast1 receipt arnica rescue swimmer Air Station Kodiak once we landed I got out ran over to the medical care when we walked up the ambulance they kept mine talons do not touch his legs at all he's very sensitive in a lot of pain so we brought a cow and made sure not to touch it legs on anything my first impression was okay this four-wheeler accident wasn't just him kind of sliding and falling off his right side and banged up his face had some blood on it still he was banged up pretty good so I knew that it was it was a good thing that we actually took off and came for him bo - for not much else I can do even though he was on morphine and still in pretty good pain did our basic checks on him and took off for cold Bay he'll be here he's got an injury to his right side you know it could be anything from his femur his hip his arm we don't know 100% of what's going on I can evaluate all I want but I don't have x-rays so I still have to just do the best I can and keep them as comfortable as can keep mobile alive as long as possible and get them to a hospital all the way back to get help what did it happen 350 this morning once we got to Cole Bay after the helicopter shut down we were able to pull him out of the aircraft and we swapped them over to the Guardians backward [Music] it was a good thing we ended up taking off he definitely needed to get to a higher level of care we were all kind of beat we're all kind of tired but it's definitely another time where you just you did your job and you're proud of it [Music] this case was pretty awesome a lot of planning went into it and a lot of our skills were tested and being able to help people when they need our help is really gratifying for me it's very fulfilling [Music] my name is Nick nevzorov and from King Cove Alaska and I'm a commercial fisherman I was riding my ATV on the road going to the boat harbour and there there's construction site company working there in the harbour and they had big steel beams out in the roadway and then clipped once with ATV after did x-ray and stuff or as a broken femur I could've died because there's a main artery right there for my leg would have just turned to a left or right you would have punctured that main artery oh it died about two minutes pretty lucky to be here thanks to the Coast Guard for me in there I probably wouldn't be here right now [Music] [Applause] today I brought out a Remington 700 and 308 that I've done some modifications to I brought out my Rock River two to three as well and hopefully we'll go out to 500 have some fun blow some things up today I brought out a Glock 19 I brought out a mp5 clone it's a copy of an H&K nine-millimeter it's a short-barreled rifle I'm pretty excited just in general to go shooting again because I noticed when I shoot I'm basically stress-free for about 6 marks [Music] I enjoy shooting a lot and I do like hunting but I only hunt for food when I hunt for food I also don't use a assault rifle I always use a bolt-action rifle basically make it as humane and as fast as possible on the animal it's a great thing my family and I live off all the meat that I get in the summer time we live off that we don't buy any meat in the stores it's all organic you can't get any more organic than Alaska up here is it it's amazing we shade get over here boom boom time so we have approximately seven pounds get seven pounds in there seven pounds of tannerite in an ammo can at 200 yards it's a reactive target doesn't do anything until you hit it with a really high velocity bullet it goes boom everybody ready yep firing you got it in case you were wondering oh that's a good time that was impressive that's a nice capper yeah that's pretty cool those nice the range is awesome it's my favorite way to blow off steam from work Mike's a big shooter and so is Rashid so when we get a chance to get together and come out here and just blow some things up it's really nice especially when you got weather like this you don't get too many days like this in Kodiak [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I have a updated position as 1319 writer the call came in was a fifty year old male with internal bleeding on his upper gastrointestinal system so we launched the 60 and the 1790 tank commander Tim Williams I'm a h-60 helicopter pilot Kodiak when the call came in is roughly middle of the day and the weather was good vessels a container ship located about 200 miles offshore Kodiak so typically in this long-range SAR case scenario if we had the c-130 launch with us our two aircraft launched out of here the 44 will hoist the patient and they'll be bringing back to Kodiak it should be a normal evolution but just be in Alaska everything always has its own take I'm HST Krystyna McRobert and I am a corpsman here at Kodiak Alaska preparing for a patient like this you just need to make sure you have the right kind of gear all the way out we were just organizing stuff and making sure that everybody gets the right information and it gets taken care of 82 Joshua Harris I'm a flight mechanic here at Air Station Kodiak the c-130 usually gets on-scene first obviously they're a lot faster so when they get there they'll start talking with the boat crew about hoist briefing and just getting the best laid plans laid out so that we can start the hoist as soon as we get there Roger be advised to during the night be welcomed with a sense of drowning and blood on the pillow and found blood and his face went to the bathroom vomited more blood he was found in bed complaining of pain in the stomach area all we knew that the guy had been vomiting the blood for quite a few hours so we need to go to a higher level of care get some tests done and get taken care of just under two hours transit to get on scene to see 130 to confirm the location of the vessel so that way we'd have to search for him [Music] once we're done with that beep all of the radio and then we'll actually voice your crew member have a deal we received a call if there was a individual on the motor vessel Costco Long Beach he was suffering from a upper GI bleed we're gonna hover over the bridge wait take a look see area once we're done with that so we'll actually hoist your crewmember hoping we could see that there was a decent hoisting platform there was some railing on either side of it so he had to be direct with your aim but it was better than I was expecting him in route so I was relieved to see it with the situation that we elected not to put the swimmer down the patient was ambulatory which means they can walk under their own power so to save time we just lowered the basket from Coast Guard helicopter we're ready to move in at this time so won't lower down the basket and the railing made the the hoist area just a little bit more narrow so we had to put the basket right down in the middle without snag it on the other side once that survivor climbs in the basket it's usually frightening for them that there's a lot of wind there's a lot of noise they're way above the ground level coming in the cabin that's the highest point of the job for me making eye contact with them and give them that reassuring grant of aid it's safe now you're good to go we're heading back hey Dylan because grant rescue happen we just want to express our thanks and hope our patient is okay their pleasure to come out help thank you all the best once the patient got in the helicopter it was just important to get his vitals see where he was that very funny I was scared I know how movie Oh here's the great great patient just sat there talked with us joked around with us I kept monitoring his vitals and he was doing good and being in good spirits once we get on scene we just landed right on the ramp EMS was there to meet us and they immediately took the patients the hospital anytime that you can go out and just pick somebody up off a boat get him back here much much faster than they would have been able to before and potentially save a life like that it's a really good feeling I'm always happy to be a part of her [Music] they are super they're coming back here rescue swimmer and then my name is Sonia Escamilla I'm an Operations Specialist third class petty officer here at Air Station Sitka right now we just got a phone call for a 24 year old female who was having stroke symptoms all the fire she's on a cruise ship right now in Glacier Bay it's a guaranteed hoist for us first choice that I do operationally for a case couple little things I got to think about for myself just remember in my training we have two flights I went out this morning they are calling back the six zero three four they're gonna pick up a rescue swimmer and then take off to Glacier Bay to pick up the patient with this specific taste we knew that she was my priority to get a higher level of care this is my first choice to a cruise ship medevacking someone off I'm looking forward to the challenges I might face and I plan on overcoming them generally consider taxes fuzzy I was excited when she walks up I'm obviously not a doctor seems like a ruby junk sense to have a still go underlying typically the weather at Southeast Alaska is very cloudy and it changes minute by minute you can never really predict what the weather is going to look like other than it's probably going to be my name's am t1 Chris Walker I'm a helicopter flight mechanic here at Air Station Sitka the rescue swimmer and the flight mechanic we begin to prepare ourselves by just backing each other up to get in the cabin ready so once we get there in the heat of the moment we're ready to go [Applause] [Applause] well in this case we were rather lucky as soon as we got around the corner up into Glacier Bay the world opened up it was a beautiful clear day so some of my apprehension went away because anytime you can see what you're doing all things are possible yeah that actually does look really nice we circled a cruise ship a couple times some personnel on the boat had marked out a spot on the deck we had a real good area to hoist do [Music] this will be my first operational hoist a lot of confidence in my flight mechanic and my aircrew we are responding to a medevac off a cruise ship up in Glacier Bay for a possible stroke patient this will be my first operational hoist I've got a lot of confidence in my flight mechanic and my aircrew appreciated [Music] [Music] once I was on deck I sent the hook back up to the helicopter with a trail line connected and from that point the flight mechanic hooked up the rescue litter once the D litter was on deck I just needed to go check on the patient Dave we'll go down and look at the patient and he'll evaluate what is the best way to get this person up in this case we needed to put this victim into a litter which stabilizes the patient and that way we can bring them into the helicopter and get them to medical attention quickly patient definitely needs to be taking a higher level of care placing it from a cruise ship is going to be a pretty high hoist I want to make sure that we're gonna have anything blowing around recovering the litter can be a little bit tricky it is long it's inflexible plus you of course you have a patient in there this girl she was to sling a hurt you know and got her settled made sure she was okay and then we turn around and move right back in for a pickup of the rest of summer [Music] with any patient we have chances are it's one of the worst days of their lives what we try and do is anything we can to keep them comfortable whether it be giving them a thumbs up putting headphones on them so that they're not having to listen to the loud helicopter because I'm gonna try and do what we can [Music] when you put the life pack on her and we're monitoring her vitals vitals are good she was a rock star so it was pretty easy just kind of sitting back and keeping an eye on her until we later did you know [Music] I'm gonna Tasha Beltre I'm from England I was working on the cruise ship in Alaska I had a migraine all afternoon and then I could feel the left side of my face droop and I ended up having a stroke and I'm going to rehab now and gonna try and make myself stronger my name is Julia Daughtry and my daughter's Natasha we were really pleased when they told us that you're gonna be airlifted because obviously that meant that you could get medical attention much quicker basically without them who knows she would not be enabled us now cause God was a lifesaver and without them she will be a probably will never really able to say or do enough for that but thank you very much [Music] this is my second tour here I was lucky enough to come back it's the peak of your profession I came up here to be professionally challenged and you are every day you're professionally challenged whether it's the weather the conditions of the patients the long enduring nights it is the Varsity of Coast Guard aviation we have the best air crews in the world in their stationed here at this Air Station this is the team I want to go into battle with these are the folks that I will risk my life in that of my crew into going into I couldn't be prouder to be here [Music]
Channel: DangerTV
Views: 87,154
Rating: 4.9000711 out of 5
Keywords: Dangerous Accident Rescue, Coast Guard Alaska, Full Episode, coast guard alaska full episode, coast guard alaska season 3 episode 9, full episode of coast guard alaska season 3, full episode of coast guard alaska, full episode of coast guard alaska season 3 episode 9, us coast guard, us coast guard alaska, united states coast guard, united states coast guard alaska, danger, dangertv, danger tv, Danger, DangerTV, Danger TV, dangertv coast guard, search & rescue, coast guard rescue
Id: Bmqvk-IpUHE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 33sec (2553 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 24 2020
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