Crushed by a Backhoe - Rescue! | Coast Guard Alaska | Full Episode

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[Music] in alaska the coast guard is touching lives in more ways than one when a young man with a life-threatening illness wishes to visit his heroes air station kodiak pulls out all the stops and salute it's just amazing like man this is really where i want to be while out near cold bay the crew responds to a deadly chemical leak aboard a vessel you know that can affect your sight that can blind you that can even kill you and looks can be deceiving when a man is crushed by a backhoe in a remote village i don't know if he's got one broken rib if he's got 10 broken ribs the guy was in a lot of pain there's life man i got them in the sight alaskan wilderness a place where beauty is cloaked by danger here every day the highly trained men and women of the u.s coast guard risk their lives to save others america's deadliest waters are protected by coast guard alaska hey guys uh got a call from uh nan wallach just south of homer there's a gentleman a 53 year old male symptoms of a crushed chest he is on morphine right now for pain management uh we're going to transport him from none wildlife up to homer to meet life med which is the civilian life flight they're unable to get into nan wiley which is why we've been tasked to go up there let's go [Music] i'm lieutenant commander vincent jansen and i'm an 860 pilot here at air station kodiak you never know what's what you're going to get when that pager goes off when you hear that noise to think okay what's my day about to turn into you know luckily we're well trained you've got the experience you've got the equipment to adapt to whatever that pager is going to throw at you [Music] hi this is lieutenant kirk with the coast guard i'll be there at uh seven o'clock local time all right thank you very much bye i got a call about a 53 year old male he had reportedly been partially crushed by a tractor up there and uh so he's in obviously quite a bit of pain this is a fairly short range mission for us we got rain showers moving in and out reducing visibility the 860 crew shouldn't have any trouble getting in most of these village clinics are you know at best a physician's assistant but they have been able to administer pain medicine to him and he'll be obviously in much better care once we get him out to homer and he can get probably up to anchorage in this case the weather is bad enough that a civilian service is unable to make it into nanowire like we have limits that allow us to operate in harsher conditions and in this case it's necessary and that's why they called us through six d17 wanted you to know that the life med hilo is going to be at the homer airport and 3-0 mike over in the coast guard we're always planning for step five you know on step one but we have everything covered in between so we're trying to cover our boxes and that's just part of it planning ahead i don't want to put on a back forward if you stop breathing right but if i'm sitting up i should keep sitting up so if there's anything you think you need to do to the cabin you got a couple seconds to do it well obviously with any medivac we're worried about you know what what the condition of the patient is and what we can do with them um with this individual we were told he was more comfortable sitting up so i'm mainly thinking about how i need to get my cabin configured to accept the litter and the patient right down the middle looks foggy left looks good right looks good one approach is restricted by abrupt mountain face that's why life flight can't get in there when weather's below 5000 feet [Music] the approach into the airport is fairly uneventful first thing that we do once we have the wheels on deck is make sure everybody's safe make sure the aircraft is okay and now we're transitioning to you know where's the patient and what are we going to have to do to get the patient out of there as soon as possible apparently the patient's being held up at the local clinic so claude gets a ride uh in a pickup truck we're just basically sitting in the helicopter waiting to see what's happening we've got clawed on radio and we're just standing by for an update so you got some more feet on board no more feet no painkiller at all oh you got it all hey hello okay you guys hurt but the guy is is not laid out like your typical trauma patient so i said okay hey bud how you doing hurting bad rips her whole family's there okay we're gonna get you a higher level of care the best we can yeah he said he was requested about a minute i'm not gonna put him in the cease line cause they'll take me forever and he can't breathe i lay him down i could risk him to uh get some food as long as then i can't manage the helicopter i get a call from claud over the radio he's coming down the hill he's got the patient in the truck in the vicinity of the helicopter so we're walking him up we're taking frequent breaks to kind of let him just catch his breath the guy was in a lot of pain he'd been crushed by a backhoe i don't know if he's got one broken rib if he's got 10 broken ribs but he was pretty much a champion it'd be 50 yards at a time and he would stop and catch his breath and that's what i want i don't want prince getting more pain and i want to get him to care he's tough things got getting a helicopter and once he gets the helicopter to have me doing extra stuff to him it's not going to feel comfortable this guy's going to want to sit they have a good spot for him the first impression that you get is this gentleman he's been in a bad accident he's in a lot of pain he's actually doing a lot worse than i thought he was going to be doing and he definitely needs our services we loaded him into the aircraft and chose not to strap him in due to his injury um we didn't want to risk having him lean back because the most comfortable place for him and where he was able to breathe the best was leaning forward so we sat him down in my seat and left him there for the flight you guys are about 15 minutes out you're well enough as a paramedic you start your abc's airway breathing circulation you got all them covered you're gonna be okay let's try to make this guy's life as pleasant as possible for the 15 minutes he's going to be with us a little bit of o2 flowing for the patient he's satin pretty good just a little precautionary the flight from network to homer is just a quick one it's about eight to ten minutes favorable winds right across catchment bay and there's a big airport in homer and they know we're coming home prepared for pressure [Music] there's life man i got them in sight [Music] so the first person to approach the helicopter is the life flights emergency medical personnel she comes on the rotor arc takes a look at our patient which is great because he's right there in the flight mechanics just seat for about one to two minutes about probably about fourteen hundred and uh the most consciousness went to the hospital went to the yard well whatever they had there in this case the coast guard was the only option for this gentleman to essentially get pain relief from his lawful accident and i'm just really glad to be part of it glad to have been able to help uh get him to hire medical care that's good their litter is a raised backboard oh nice we are doing rescue we are taking a patient from an extreme situation and get them to somewhere that we can make them safe that's what the coast guard provides people i mean the guy got crushed and was tougher than i was next time i'm in pain maybe i'll think of him all right they're pretty clear good job guys we in the police sir please [Music] i'm gusty kaddish senior i'm from nanwalk alaska i've lived there for 54 years i was trying to get a bobcat ready with the backhoe attachment after i got all the attachments hooked up i guess i stepped on the lift lever for the backhoe attachment and the backhoe attachment crushed me against the back of the cab and after that i don't i don't remember i blacked out coast guard helicopter came in you know i just i'm just glad that somebody was there to get me out of the village into a hospital i had four fractured ribs on the right side three on the left and uh badly bruised lung on the right side and a small laceration to the liver the coast guard guys i'm you know my hat's off to them and i was really glad they were there [Music] the make-a-wish foundation contacted the coast guard about making a dream come true for braden hahn i have aplastic anemia which is a life-threatening illness don't have hills like this it's very long away from home except i feel right at home at the coast guard base [Music] catcher processor alaska tourists they had a refrigerator leak ammonia poisoning ammonia and high volume can be serious depending on how long the exposure was and how much was inhaled you know that could affect your sight i can blind you i can't even kill you depending on their exposure [Music] though i'm braden hahn and i'm from sussex county new jersey i am on my make-a-wish trip because i have aplastic anemia which is a life-threatening illness and the make-a-wish foundation told me that i could have a wish and so i'm here this is kind of tells the whole story of where you're at right now what we do we own all the search and rescue basically about this line where the canadian border is all the way to the west over 1100 1200 miles that's how big we are commander mark fiscal operations officer at air station kodiak when we got notified that braden wanted to be a coast guard pilot we wanted to open the doors and welcome braden in with open arms and his family and make sure that uh it was special for braden it's a two-day event we started with an overview of the operations that we do in kodiak and then he's going to go to the pool and work with the rescue swimmers just get a good feel for what they do get some pull work in have some fun [Applause] we want them to experience those things that these extraordinary enlisted folks do for us one two three all right after that what we'd like to do is have a tour for each airframe set up and braid no experience first hand with an individual pilot and learn what the pilots go through when they fly so we have the two pilots the flight engineer and then uh the one seat we stood on going up top that's that's where the radio operator sits so this is the mighty mh-16 this thing can go 300 miles offshore hover for half an hour hoist rescue do whatever and then make it 300 miles back this is the 365 dolphin helicopter that's what you're going to be flying in tomorrow this one you can look at more of like a sports car small fast it's more of a short range recovery helicopter getting to meet and work with my heroes up here in air station kodiak feels amazing and awesome it's very long away from home except i feel right at home at the coast guard [Music] base [Music] catcher processor alaska curious is that yellow dot right there 90 miles north of cobait they had a refrigerator leak ammonia poisoning throwing up ones on oxygen flight surgeons recommending medevac hs have been notified and they're planning to go with these guys my name is lieutenant randall black and i'm a c-130 pilot coast guard air station codiac once i got into work they told me that there was some kind of ammonia leak on a vessel out in bering sea and that three people were incapacitated due to the ammonia a65 was in the area on one of our cutters and they were the best asset to execute the rescue then you had us as well we will be taking the patients back to anchorage for further medical care we also want to check and make sure we got corman going with us so that they can receive medical care while we're in flight so i have a question for you guys what are the long-term effects of the biggest thing is the respiratory condition which plus i heard they were on oxygen have you heard anything differently i heard that yeah i'm hs1 amanda breeden being a recently qualified independent duty corpsman i'm not qualified to fly on the helicopter so i jumped at the opportunity to fly in the c-130 ammonia and high volume can be serious i mean if it's handled wrong can lead into a fatal situation the airway may close depending on how long the exposure was and how much was inhaled and then also you have to take into consideration skin contact eye contact long-term exposure without irrigation can also lead to blindness so we had to be aware of that as well and three quarter miles my snow overcast two thousand one hundred come one look at that cloud formation holy crap it's crazy it's right where the mountain [Music] we have is approaches you know one goes right into the wind which is better for us flight characteristics wise but the ceilings were too low that we couldn't shoot that approach obviously the chance to save a life we're going to take a little bit more of a risk now as you get used to the weather conditions up here you become a little bit more attuned to the weather not that you don't respect it but uh you get a little bit more used to it it is going to be kind of a bumpy ride all right just make sure everybody seat it back there seat belts we actually had 30 mile an hour winds on our tail which created a little bit more of a challenge with icy runways and snow conditions the one mile visibility the blowing snow the overcast and all this is coupled with the 39 tailwind so we're coming in faster which is going to heat up more runway and then you throw on the ice on that it takes a little bit more time to stop the aircraft [Music] okay guys everybody if you're once we arrived to cold bay we determined who was most critical and who needed the most care so he dived right in assisted with ivs and did a quick assessment on all three of the patients one was complaining of respiratory distress the other one was complaining of chest pain and then the other one our biggest concern with him was his blood pressure at the time from there we just treated as needed getting oxygen on them irrigation was another one one patient had pretty severe eye trauma which can lead to blindness [Music] just clear the clouds we've got a good tailwind so it took us about an hour and 15 minutes to get to uh anchorage there was some kind of ammonia leak on a uh vessel out in bering sea once we got there we unloaded three patients we've already coordinated uh with the ambulance in anchorage so as soon as we land they should be there waiting for us we can get the gentleman off the plane as soon as possible the patients were stable still in fairly critical condition i know one patient was coughing up fluids due to the ammonia ingestion another one had to continually have his eyes washed out one of the patients had pretty acute exposure to the face so our first level of treatment was irrigating his eyes and decreased the chances of any long-term damage to the eye the patient was acute respiratory distress we sat up position of comfort treated with oxygen the other one was comfortable laying down and so we allowed him to lay down and just continue to monitor his vitals in route to anchorage is about another hour and a half two hour flight they stay pretty stable the whole way which is our goal to keep them stable or have them improved when we transport to the ambulance i mean how often do we do this with three three guys i'm gonna have 14 live saves this year it was a great feeling to help them out you know mostly it's the helicopters who are getting you know face-to-face time with patients normally we're the ones high up above the helicopter circling them making sure they're all right but this time we were called on sense of satisfaction and gratitude that we were able to get it done and to help people that was pretty smooth so as soon as we land there's already an ambulance there waiting for us so that basically once we shut down the engines they're ready to get the patients off and get them over to the hospital [Music] i definitely have pride for the aviation mission specialists that go out and do that every single day personally it feels great coming home knowing that i made a difference i'd take any opportunity that came my way to fly on the c-130s again i absolutely would do it again [Music] the make-a-wish foundation contacted the coast guard about making a dream come true for braden hahn braden was suffering from an illness and it was his desire and his dream to be part of the coast guard get us away from the pier we wanted to allow him some exciting rewarding opportunities with our crews i'll try not to go back whenever you're ready just tell them take the lines off take the lines off my name is becky han i'm from frieden new jersey braden got to drive the boat that was a little crazy we were not expecting that faster a little faster we're just gonna keep going straight back in here and then we'll meet up with the at one zero one zero five course as we discussed before we're gonna start out with a trail line delivery of the rescue swimmer let's see what positive one roger i'm gonna take over from here jump back there and watch that we'll get into the rest consumers come down getting to drive the boat through the bay and having a helicopter be hovering over us was pretty cool i'm ast ii scott muscatel i'm a rescue swimmer here at air station kodiak i think it was really neat that braden showed an interest in the coast guard and coming to find out what we do i deployed out of the helicopter swam up to the boat got up on the boat and just talked to braden a little bit showed him what we would do in a real scenario braden's a kid in a pretty tough situation and to see him smile and to see the gratification on his face makes my job worthwhile i think braden had an incredible time seems like they'd keep one upping the last thing that they did and everything that he did just got better and better [Music] when we get on scene there's someone who has a heart attack my heart rate goes up a little bit because things can go wrong and there's only so much you can do all right sir we're ready to go on the back normally with a heart attack you want to have the heart rate in the 60s he was running in the 80s [Music] [Music] [Applause] my name is rob simpson i'm an aviation survival technician second class here at coast guard air station sitka the night before we'd had a medevac out of skagway and we were fully intending to fly home and end our duty day but we ended up diverted onto another case a cruise ship passenger who had reported heart attack symptoms roger we are altering our course lieutenant daniel thornton piloted air station sitka the cruise ship is in harbor there at huna and instead of us hoisting off of the cruise ship they're going to take the patient and put them on an ambulance and take them to the huna airport where we will meet them oh wow i think it was a pretty big gust of wind as soon as we left juno the weather started closing down on us and it stayed that way we were in and out of low visibility visibility up front you'll see the water okay all right i got the land off the right side you're well clear they're right i'm captain thomas white flight surgeon for air station sitka i am never totally at ease with a heart attack because you can have sudden complications [Music] ready for our approach i've got the runway inside [Music] when we get on scene there's someone who has a heart attack my heart rate goes up a little bit because things can go wrong and there's only so much you can do as an emt but having a doctor on board with his capabilities changes everything we want to make sure that he's in a position of comfort we don't want to increase his anxiety we don't want to cause him any pain which can worsen a heart attack all right see if i can pick up some weather the patient's wife was in the back of the ambulance we absolutely made the call to take her with especially with someone who's having a heart attack um if you put yourself in that situation you would want your loved one with you in the back of a noisy helicopter all right sarah we're ready to go on the back okay sounds good okay sir his heart rate was a little bit higher than i would have liked it normally with a heart attack you want to have the heart rate in the 60s he was running in the 80s sector juno rescue 6038 we have departed tuna with the patients and we are in rough you know at this time i thought it would be a good idea to administer a medication to slow his heart rate down we want to make sure that his heart is as relaxed as it can be about 20 minutes sir i am very much encouraged that the patient is conversant his blood pressure is fine he appears by all appearances to be stable [Music] ready for approach ready for our approach when we come on duty we certainly don't hope for anything bad to happen to anyone but we do do this job because we love it so so to have a day like this where we were able to help people that needed help that's professionally rewarding for sure we send the patient off on the medevac flight i have to step back just a little bit at that point and decompress from a very very busy prior 24 hours to be able to apply my own background my own knowledge in an exciting job that helps other people i have the best job in the world [Music] my name is lowell homburg and i'm from mary down florida when the doctor told me that i was having a heart attack first thing i was thinking about was if i was going to possibly die away from home my wife my kids we were so looking forward to this trip because i've always wanted to come to alaska how do you talk about my football let's do it when i saw that coast guard i knew i was in safe hands because they're always there if they're needed they'll go out of their way for people i had no worry after that i want to thank the coast guard for what they did out there i i'll remember you the rest of my life thank you [Music] what we'll do is we'll take off maureen fly through the busking pass come down into anton larson we'll go offshore show you what it's like to be in the offshore environment and back on into home plate lieutenant michael ross i'm the h65 standardization officer today we're taking out braden hahn this is part of his wish to be a search and rescue pilot so i've been fortunate enough to be selected to go out single pilot with uh braden all right go ahead and hop in have an amazing flight brayden has a rare disease called aplastic anemia and that qualified him to get a make-a-wish trip [Music] braden's wish is to be a helicopter pilot and the best way to do that is to get first-hand knowledge of what a pilot goes through and then have a conversation with the pilot as they fly along don't have hills like this new jersey dude sometimes if you were it was search and rescue the weather's bad you'd have to fly this low and lower to get through to your star case having that radar see i'm right there in the water breaking off to the left that's all the people fishing there's buffalo out the right side go ahead and turn that knob right here just a couple clicks at a time yep right there go ahead and turn it right feel it there how'd you like that man so i'll let you steer us covering the flight controls go ahead and steer us left being able to actually control the helicopter was just like man this is really where i want to be like in however so many years if i become a pilot this is what i want to be doing we'll come around to the right we'll go out to that island there should be some whales out there excuse me oh yeah you look off the point of the island here i see like spring coming out of the water oh yeah you can see them real good right there look how big they are away from the land it's a whole lot of nothing out there about ready for landing i really didn't want it to be over at all it's only been an hour which would be a long time for anyone else but for me it flew by in an instant how was that flight brady hey something to give you man this 865 alaska patrol will keep these coins on us so i want you to have this coin dude there you go thank you for your first flight at age 65 [Music] being able to fly brayden was a highlight of my uh career with 3000 plus flight hours this was uh right up there with the top one or two single uh events i asked him how he liked at the end he said it was a highlight of his childhood and i just wish him all the best appreciate it thank you when they landed and braden got out of the helicopter i could tell he was overwhelmed i'm sure over the next several days and probably years we'll still be hearing about it and little bits and pieces that he's just kind of saving for himself and savoring [Applause] [Music] this individual was having a stroke he was pretty lucky because we were literally minutes away having doors coming open [Music] closed captioning not available he just wanted anybody that could hear him on 16 and i responded my name is lieutenant nick haslam i'm one of the pilots air station kodiak it was a nice day we were out on a trainer the weather was beautiful clear skies we heard a distress call the vessel ruth m one of the crew members was having a stroke and this is over yeah roger how's the winner maybe what stroke symptoms he's experiencing tingling is faces face with numb smurf 10 minutes ago 10 minutes ago all right guys what do you think bill you're the expert he's got a thing on his face [Music] senate dj wright pilot air station kodiak so this individual was having a stroke he was pretty lucky because we were literally minutes away we're not looking very far away name and agent over but a similar episode a month ago it went very fast we flew direct to the location there were two vessels there the one that had his nets out was the vessel that had up to the individual we started talking to him trying to figure out what we're going to do okay roger i'm just trying to get this net in here is the face in the ambulatory mrs popper yes he is he's there he's just laying down roger we'll be standing by sir right here thank you we first got there we couldn't have hoisted the individual uh because the boat had all its nets out and there was no clear path to the vessel that's where the good sam came in yeah coast guard helicopter lady sandra lady sanders coast guard helicopter the patient is in my sand skip right now is trying to retrieve their net i think he's on the white boat now yep he's in the back of the boat there in the white boat now so do you think we still get a basket there brad yeah i can get it in there put it on top of the net like you're still gonna fail more you're my name is brad steinbach i'm amt-2 flight mechanic on the h-60s here in kodiak alaska i'm usually a firm believer of getting the swimmer down there first to assess the situation but the guy was mobile he was able to get in the basket all by himself another hoist would add on a couple more minutes this guy really needed to go up seven doors that stopped i don't know where they're gonna put it the crew members on the back of the boat they were gonna receive the trail line on their saints gift as soon as they saw the trail line lowering they kind of moved to the back of the boat where all the obstructions were at their net on board their boom their shackle was all in the way as i put it on the uh like we get it's the original four ten five i'm gonna hang out right here okay hold i felt confident enough to continue so i delivered the trail line to the crew members they pulled the trail line as i connected the hook to the basket and i delivered the basket right underneath the boom and they kind of set the basket off to the side on top of the net which kind of was the most stable platform for the guy to get into i don't think it's gonna be uh yeah put him right underneath that boot so he's gonna come off a little sideways roger so as i got the basket on deck trying to tell the pilot where to kind of move the helicopter to because they're dead in the water they're moving all sorts of directions the cable's coming down underneath the boom so just kind of looking around trying to manage the cable at the same time this hoist was a little more challenging than the usual the boat was dead in the water the big net on the back they didn't move the hoist off to the side for us it just kind of created a different hoisting area than usual just low cabin door bring it back once we hoisted the survivor on board we're going to take the survivor to cordova he can receive the best level of care [Music] just low cabin door bring a basket the original mayday was for a man having a stroke on a sainter boat the guy was mobile he was able to get in the basket all by himself all right jared just stuck with this bow tube just breathe my name is bill krohn i'm an aviation survival technician here at air station kodiak alaska we brought the survivor up uh immediately administered oxygen i checked for the smile test to see if there's any kind of facial drooping or the arms if there was any kind of instability after we got him on board it was a short flight back to cordova we figured that was the the best situation for him to get him immediate medical care um his symptoms almost right away seemed to be alleviated and all that seemed to stabilize after oxygen was administered are you comfortable that's compared to what you were feeling earlier would you say you're feeling a lot better now is there anything that you were doing on the boat that they did what you're feeling intensified or it's coming open [Music] the fact that we were there in a sufficient amount of time to get him there and hopefully alleviate any uh you know permanent damage it was really a nice feeling for us as a crew how's my tail looking it looks good on the right side pass it through 35 feet overall this is a pretty cool case to have out in cordova um a lot of fishermen out right now that are looking up to us to help them out if in a time of need okay jared could you walk all right take your next keys nice and slow all right buddy bill's going to head out with them outside kodiak right now we're on deck at the medical facility in cordova and we'll be taking off here in the next couple of minutes good work my name is jared nevilla i live in sebeka minnesota i spent just over five years active duty army another two years in the army national guard out of minnesota leading up to the day of the incident we'd been fishing for about two weeks straight i started getting a little lightheaded just just weird feeling though just something just to feel right in my head meanwhile i went up and talked to my captain and he was like you're having a stroke apparently i passed out on the cabin floor 31 years old and i'm happy a stroke which is whatever i guess it's life but i heard the coast guard is on the way to tell you the truth i felt relieved i guess to tell you truth otherwise it's a long ride by boat to get anywhere the air crew that came to rescue me they were they were professionals pure and simple i mean they are very good at what they do out there in seas that are 20 30 foot with people in the water rescuing them every fisherman out there and you feel like you have somebody watching over you at all times i got my appreciation 100. [Music] [Applause] [Music] good afternoon and welcome to the winging ceremony of braden hahn i knew they were going to be doing a ceremony i didn't know to what extent when i saw the men and women standing out there all lined up everybody in their dress uniforms it was just really unbelievable brayden today is your day i look over and i see your chest getting a little bit larger those shoulders being carried a little bit taller as you look at the wings that we present to you today that you earned i hope it renews your strength in any task that you seek to accomplish and i wish you the best of luck in all of your endeavors braden hahn front and center i charge you as you receive your wings of gold today with the responsibility the coast guard aviators have borne for over a century you must conduct yourself as a professional and with an unwavering commitment to our core values of honor respect and devotion to duty as a coast guard search and rescue aviator you must fully ensure that you are prepared to brave whatever storm may come your way do you accept the duties and responsibilities of a coast guard aviator thank you say it loud i do very well air station attention let it be known that on the 25th day of july in 2013 braden hahn has officially earned his honorary wings as a coast guard helicopter rescue pilot now senior chief mcdougall presenting braden with some wings i'm aviation machinist technician senior chief peter mcdougall and i'm the h60 leading chief at air station kodiak alaska getting your pilot's wings is the stuff that dreams are made of in braden's particular situation where he's got some real serious challenges ahead of him it's maybe a dream come true or the first step of it and hopefully one of these days everything turning out all right braden might uh actually get a chance to join us all right you're gonna grow into that one congratulations ladies and gentlemen i now present coast guard's newest aviator braden hahn and salute ready two [Applause] looking at this young man the courage that he shows day in and day out to persevere if you will and have a positive attitude was inspiring for all of us he to me represents our core values of what he's dealing with in his life and i think the ceremony as well as entire trip was probably as rewarding for us an experience as it was for braden the moment that they pins the wings on me will never be forgotten nice job buddy how does it feel a little nervous up there i could have never thought that they all could have been so into this and making my dream come true air station dismissed i wanted to know that when they left here it was a great experience for braden and that he really truly felt like he was not only a member of air station kodiak for those two specific days but for the rest of his life you
Channel: DangerTV
Views: 173,970
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: man crushed by backhoe, coast guard alaska, coast guard alaska season 3 episode 12, coast guard alaska full episode, full episode coast guard alaska season 3 episode 12, us coast guard, us coast guard alaska, united states coast guard, united states coast guard alaska, danger, dangertv, danger tv, Danger, DangerTV, Danger TV, dangertv coast guard, coast guard rescue, search & rescue, coast guard search & rescue, helicopter rescue, medivac, rescue, coast guard training, military, train
Id: f67S17MZbZ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 33sec (2553 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 29 2020
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