Swimmers in the Water! | Coast Guard Alaska | Full Episode

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on the frigid Alaskan waters at birth I forgot kept door time is of the essence when a man is having a heart attack can't walk labored breathing I'm not there to get the tender care I'm never to get emergency spooky spooby get him out of there in Chignik the team must rush to save a violently injured fisherman before it's too late we really had no idea how much blood the gentleman lost but it's something that we're keeping in the back of our minds as we transit out there and in the Gulf of Alaska a vessel adrift and taking on water has no way to communicate their perilous position the vast Alaskan wilderness a place where beauty is cloaked by danger here every day 350 highly trained men and women risk their lives to save others America's deadliest waters are protected by Coast Guard Alaska [Music] I was sitting in his control talking about SAR cases and all the good things that go along with them and also and the SAR alarm goes off the information were passed down right away it was a heart attack victim located on a st. her boat that's pretty much all the information I heard there was a medevac for a male who had had a heart attack on a fishing vessel so I started getting my gear putting on my dry suit making sure I had all my ACLs which is advanced cardio life support equipment Mars also which is our monitoring unit plenty of pads in case we had a shotgun met the crew that I was flying with a s-21 Morrissey was with me who is a paramedic saws good to know that we had a good strong medical team in the back [Music] ternoon 48 48 supply plants number 45 we're kind of new quarters openness the point 26 [Music] you guys ready for attack yes they go yeah take off it seems like a pretty serious case the patient is cold left side the body is going pretty numb right now it seems to be progressively getting worse so this one's a real race against time to get them to high alert okay as far as the weather condition on scene the seas are pretty rough because the boat is trying to anchor themselves around an island to get into a little bit of shelter obviously we don't have a eyes on it yet it's probably a little rough ride for them right now I'm sure they're trying to help this Joe as much as they can so you know imagine trying to give some type of care CPR or something nice and that's what they're doing but and again rocked around while you're doing it I'm sure it's a challenge and not very comfortable for those men on that on that official vessel all right Phyllis get her on the same sheet of music 48 year-old male heart attacks benchers the name of the vessel you know possible litter hoist with Caroline we think about that think about how you're gonna have to you know put every stuff around the cabin we're pretty well set officer for opener or sign Brad yeah there's a background plus we'll get rid of a huge chunk of space when we put you on the deck pull a lot of torque now just trying to get there have any questions what we're doing how we're doing no questions with that before we get on scene there's a lot that's happening in the back the HS and the rescue swimmers are trying to organize and get their selves ready for the patients we brought in the cabin they're getting IV set up they're organizing it the way it should be so they have enough work on the back I just use the litter sir walks be so much easier but the soft side of the basket we're set up up here please step for us to for transport I'll take your quick sir all right do you think that's what's best I grabbed you covered a story about that buddy yeah Hosting platform later some strata patient stop copy Roger Roger two boats are tied up so just let me know what you thought you're gonna land the swimmer on or fling the boom to accommodate all around what do you think law does the boat is currently on the left the back of that yeah there's not any sense all the back of that way pills on top of the fat pile yeah it looks like it has a little flat floor on it so we got on scene there were two commercial fishing vessels which had a smaller vessel in tow so there are four boats roped together so we orbited the vessel did a brief with the captain we're gonna go ahead and put our swimmer down on the budget so this inner boat by weight the boots at the port side over lemon or do you have door speed your doors coming over all right so much food a visual approach to the sister they were booming rigs and gear and nets on the back of the vessels we had a captain moved those booms out of the way to clear the hoisting area we made a decision to a direct deployment of Claude to the smaller vessel in tow behind the commercial fishing special rescue centers complete breaker want harness to pull another super stood folks to make for a super super ready we're gonna hoist her at first sight so we close the up door okay Cooper so to complete going down as I'm bringing him down the boats are anchored so the rotor wash from the helicopter decides to kind of move the boat wherever it wants to go in the live their boat on the back he's even moving even more and that's the spot that we decided to hoist to do right this boat with him so just kind of trying to land the swimmer on that little boat was a little difficult we kind of had a time that just right as the boat he's kind of swinging back to drop him on it so it made it quite difficult but yeah made it through it he got on the bow give us a thumbs up he was good to go and made his way to the patient's inside the boat so they dropped me in this big old bathtub of a person a nurse gift and I climb over Annette's gets in a patient so my first assessment was guys obviously can't walk sitting down labored breathing it's not showing true signs of a heart attack but doesn't lose light out you know first thing you say is what's going on well I'm got numbness my left side so I'm thinking stroke I'm like okay could be stroke Amin I'm honest I'm not there to get definitive care I'm here to get emergency sweeping school I had one of the guys on the boat retrieved a trail line same spot that we dropped to rescue some rough on kind of guide the litter into the spot where we needed it is on the boat they set him up on top of the nets which closer to the booms and all the antennas and everything kind of made me a little bit more nervous [Music] the four four we're gonna put the litter here into the vent here we got on scene we had a patient with suspected heart attack possible stroke 220 miles southwest of Kodiak we got the litter ready and we did a trial on deployment of the litter to stern of the commercial fishing vessel that is on the boat they set him up on top of the nets which were closer to the booms and all the antennas and everything kind of made me a little bit more nervous but just had to be more cautious about your surroundings and lifted him up fiber coming up well cabin door forgive me say Kevin [Applause] pop [Applause] all right we're doing harness recovery applause okay we complete the next step in this evolution was to get our rescue swimmer off the santur I'm just gonna drop the rescue hook down and pick him up in the same spot we flipped him off [Applause] [Music] good work you know once they've recovered me back off the fishing boat we start patient care together me in days what for you pal [Music] [Music] got the gentlemen stripped down had to cut through few layers to expose his chest put on some defibrillator pads just in case that you know he he did have another heart attack where we had to shock him as we were putting the pads on monitoring his heart I also started a large-bore IV in his left and a cubital area with a 16 gauge needle and just started a fluid replenishment cuz he he said he was a little bit dehydrated hadn't been drinking a whole lot of water in the transport pretty much the only thing he was complaining about his left-sided neck pain and numbness we did not check to make sure that he was not having a stroke after that we just monitored gave him fluids and then we landed load of Atlantic [Music] go ahead pop poll there about five minutes out with the live fire but apparently this guy's family is back there so we come into four I didn't that's all I get a pickup truck ambulance rule analyst I'm saying I'm like okay I'm gonna go find out what we can do here for this patient make his life better of course to transport a patient over to the awaiting ambulance which is a good call because I guess this guy related to half of town and it was kind of cool if the family could be at ease and see the patient you know getting good care she's got three competent people that are working on them you know they need to see that you know somebody's hurt they need to see that we're doing as we can for [Music] it's just total crew effort you know trying to get everything just as soon as we can to make sure we're getting this guy the best patient care we possibly can he's in great hands he's got a life like Guardian there's New Zealand Dave gave a good pass down on what the patient still hand him off and away we go we were able to leave the area knowing that he was gonna be taken care of pretty well just had a sigh of relief that everything went well and so other revolutions do the same you know alright PD so we got 45 and we got your 410 okay what's the rules um treaty everything is it's loaded and why and pointed downrange I don't want to get shot today all right make a deal yes mom taught me insurance agents or anything Claude Morrissey ast1 US Coast Guard Kodiak right here Salone Creek take my barren log as a Goomba back from Jersey as a cop SWAT team guys show mine I do things up in Alaska holy I just read qualified last week and give me a break I'm from New Jersey Mansfield this is two Me's I've never seen mountains like this ever in my life so it's it's awesome did a lot of salmon fishing got to see the hangers the the helicopters and stuff it's a great experience spending some time with my nieces and nephews you know never get enough of that now look down here and you put that that bead right on the orange over there look Uncle Roberts is small arms instructor from Marine Corps as a police officer in New Jersey I'm a firearms instructor we'll get there you have to put your cheek on on the gun somewhere so you can see the bead all right [Music] there you go Nick come on my name is Nick Gilmore ast1 a rescue swimmer in the Coast Guard look you want to show your gun at the beginning of each year just your scope to get knocked off and it's a good idea to shoot before you go out and into the woods and miss a big one ready yeah yeah even loaded oh man you ready yeah all right there you go honey money good [Music] time to shoot skeet school Oh about a hot streak you do a gut just a good day to come out shoot unwind you you know everything from flying just our cases to people yelling at you in supply it's all good just way to just get back get grounded again ready last top go ahead pull it's missing on national TV we got a call from district 17 that they had a 54 year old male with a severed finger tastes like this there's always that potential for an individual to go into shock as well we didn't know how much blood was lost nonetheless we do our best to get there as fast as we can have target tonight going down [Music] [Music] I'm the MTC chief Shan ranked been stationed here for a year I was stationed here before I came back and today we're having uh one of our cook-off challenges that I arranged here at Air Station Kodiak this time it happens to be a chili cook-off chili really listen trial builder we all gonna talk eat food have a good time [Music] she done eat that bad he's a pretty cool [Music] it's the killing chili cook-off is painful man I'm burning up and looking I'm sweating like a nevermind if you need some paint removed from your car I highly recommend this to faulty stuff right here coughs like this is a great way to build morale it's a great way to to interact with see that guy so we don't get to see on a daily basis c-130 guys we're over eight or six and five sides so it's really cool third place good body mousse chili [Applause] another round you guys gotta be kidding me the paint remover Corpus Christi chipotle chili [Applause] don't get a chance to get everybody together so it's kind of nice especially in the middle of the workday if we can do something like this it's really just a morale event but it's a great opportunity to get together and have a little fun in the shame the shame that I have to give this to my nemesis but he does work hard so congratulations I think about this time last year we actually started in this was the first one we did two-time defending champion booth so yeah we did it because it's nice on a like you know Friday get out early have some people come to get together and talk and you know it's good food good fun it's just I like hanging out with other coasties feed them good chili right [Music] hey guys take a quick step here just make sure all the same sheet of music I got it guys sever a finger 54 old male about 200 miles west a year so it's not exact around the corner approximately 3 o'clock this morning we got a call from district 17 that they had a fifty four-year-old male on the fishing vessel Providence with a severed finger possibly going into shock playing this for the age sixty to go out and conduct the hoist of the patient that bring him back here and they have a surgeon standing by to hopefully reattach the finger you know just make sure we're taking things nice and slow talking about everything anything that's concerned you brick please bring it up but uh slow is smooth smooth fast I'd like to say so uh got any questions concerns before we go do walk around get this thing cranked up no all right let's do it here is Air Station Kodiak the patient is on the fishing vessel flying ocean down here near town Cove picnic and they're heading eastbound toward Kodiak at their best speed so that the helicopter can meet them and the shortest distance possible in a case like this you know you're going on seeing someone you know is either missing or could potentially lose part of a limb we really try to get there and deliver the level of care as quickly as we can and Cristiano already in the back man Roger it can be challenging in the remote areas such as Alaska but nonetheless we do our best to get there as fast as we can again point doctor that have targets tonight probably going down tastes like this there's always that potential for an individual to go into shock as well there's something from engine failure of power failures and are taking on water over their Stern it's bad news so time is critical for us [Music] pagers woke us up proximately quarter to four in the morning from our slumber less than two hour flight to the location which is the sustaining of Chignik Bay a little more than halfway between Kodiak and Sand Point we were told prior to takeoff that it it was a medevac off with a fishing vessel severed finger and that's all all the information we had it's imperative that we get there as quickly as we can survivor a chance of retaining that and then second currents Coast Guard 6:04 for auntie at this time with the flying ocean set up to conduct the delivery of our home our queue the vessel will recover yeah the gentleman on the way out we had a bit of a lengthy transit it was about an hour and a half two hour transit to get out to the vessel so getting all my gear prepped preparing for anything don't really know the exact situation I'm gonna be getting into this was a case where there wasn't a corpsman available so it was just gonna be me in the cabin administering all the medical care to the patients yeah my direction is that he's coming back here they've got a hand surgeon standing by to attempt to reattach Suzi arise tastes like this there's always that potential for individual to go into shock is well we didn't know how much blood was lost we just know we had a severed finger at the time but we really had no idea how much blood the gentleman lost during the case and whether or not shock was even an issue at the point but it's something that we're keeping in the back of her mind system transit out there at door speed sir hey Roger that door speed man go ahead I'll do that doors don't open doors open doors latch all right the first thing is gonna be a delivery of the former to the deck prompt 50 any questions no but once we got on scene we noticed first thing that the boat was a little smaller than what we were expecting and the hoisting platform was again kind of cramped to the door remember we also didn't know this situation as far as his finger went if it was completely severed or if it was if it was still on still on the joint so we decided at that point it would be best to send me down we can point to that half target tonight are we going down starting below the cabin so we're to both the stern of the vessel hole numbers going down the biggest fear with the boat rocking and the amount equipment they have on board that I get slung in the into something into a boom or into a pile of pots or mats whole whole frames and we're back up easy right easy forward right easy right home numbers going down swimmers on deck swimmer has disconnected clear up back left hook they lower me down the gentleman was actually waiting outside of one of the hatches for me we went inside to to kind of get clear the noise from the helicopter swimmer survivor making their way towards baskets survivors walking survivors getting inside the basket survivors inside the basket I had to rape a pickup copy in that whole position he's this you know and a lot of pain you know at that point I didn't I didn't bother to look at his finger I didn't I didn't want to really mess with it until we got back up into the plane and I had my EMT kit available bats coming up back cleared the vessel trail I'm still on deck basket coming up fastest below the cabin Disney basket [Music] bastards outside the cabin bringing basket inside the cabin everything was smooth as far as the voice went the flight mech did a great job and the pilots did of getting them up around any obstacles back to bed cabin point complete the boys turn out great very expeditious it was 12 minutes from the time we've got Steve on board a rescue swimmer until we had him back on board a helicopter with the survivor swimmer is inside the door please Roger dad real nice job Christian yeah we'll go rest go check out part 3 in start getting out of here once I got back up to the cabin at that point I guess that he was very coherent he he didn't need a whole lot of attention besides the fact that I was a little worried about the dishrag he had around his finger so I removed the dishrag it was a lot of damage to his finger and I put a sterile dressing on it and this kind of kept it elevated until we got back to Kodiak all right guys real nice job and the boys here got it about two hours till we get back to Kodiak Christian how's our uh survivor doing Steve did a good job of wrapping him up but he's obviously in some pain but he's with it that's good then it's definitely good feeling to help these guys out at the end of most of these cases the individual usually thanks you and apologizes for you having to come out but you know that's the apology isn't even necessary out so we're here for it's our job to go out and help these guys out when they get in trouble [Music] it was huge to know that we've made a difference in this gentleman's life another thing we knew too is that he was from Kodiak so a local guy that depends on being able to use his hands it's huge to know that they were able to help him keep doing that that work and keep going out there and fishing and risking his life to put food in his family's table so it's huge to know we helped him out [Music] [Music] my name is attend Jim Cooley I'm an h-60 helicopter pilot so the three other guys that I've been playing music with rob lefty and Scott all work in different communities well Scott is a fellow h-60 helicopter pilot like myself the other guys working the c-130 and 865 community [Music] at work Scott Wilkerson is an extremely professional aviator great officer great pilot so it was kind of a surprise to us all to find out how much of a rock star he is behind the KITT find it very relaxing I think it's a kind of a team-building exercise outside of work you know when you know you have other folks that really enjoy playing music and you kind of have that one thing in common we can get together just really have a good time else at work and really come up with stuff that creatively it's it's a lot of fun and it is a big stress [Music] my job flying helicopters in the Coast Guard at times can be very stressful and music to me is is important because it just uses a dramatically different part of my brain which does does kind of push the reset button at the end of the day [Music] we got one song in the bank many to go and maybe hole play our first gig here in Kodiak got a call requesting a helicopter for a 26-foot pleasure craft there's nothing from engine failure power failure and our taking on water over their Stern [Music] [Applause] if they go in this water with the temperatures as cold as they are it's bad news so time is critical for us [Music] the last report I had is they said there were three or four miles offshore if you guys just follow the shoreline northbound you should go see them and also yeah ast Alaska State Troopers and helicopters are gonna be launching at this time I'm waiting for an updated position and in situation I don't have any putting more to stop the tide Dave Colburn ODL about 45 minutes ago now we got a call from a sector Anchorage requesting a helicopter for a 26-foot pleasure craft the pleasure craft misbehaving was taking on water and vicinity of Cook Inlet about halfway between Homer and a keen eye there's something from engine failure power failure and they have no comms other than a cell phone right now and are taking on water over their Stern if the plush craft does go down I'm guessing that they don't have immersion suits on board and if they go in this water with the temperatures as cold as they are it's bad news so time is critical for us I'm lieutenant Vince Jansen I'm an h-60 tango helicopter pilot here at Air Station Kodiak well in this case we've got some limited details because we don't actually have good communications with the vessel the initial communications have just come in on by a cellphone but luckily this is an interagency case that we've already got help from the Alaska State Troopers and a Coast Guard c-130 that's already airborne is also going to be the one of the first assets on-scene before we arrive [Applause] [Music] [Applause] my name is bill Coleman I'm a flight mechanic here in Kodiak Alaska there's always a lot of uncertainty when you hear your vessel taking on water it could be that by the time we get in the air that those people are already in the water the amount of time you can survive in the water here in Alaska is very short [Music] we're the third acid to arrive on scene but once we had getting communications with the Alaska state trooper helicopter we asked them to sidestep to give us room to come in on top of the the vessel and have a really good look to see what's going on what the conditions of the folks on board are and really just to give them some initial survival instructions in case their situation gets worse right off the bat [Music] there now we're in Travis's [Music] right now first thing we need to do is get a drop radio down to them so we can get communications going and get a real good grasp on what's going on [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] after we delivered the drop radio to the folks on the misbehave and they come right up on channel two one and they're talking to us saying hey we've gotten three people on board and I've got a cell phone call into I believe some family members with a boat up in the Kenai Area who are willing to come out and possibly take the fairly small boat relative to the Seas it had started to build pretty good and kind of put you in a scary situation that really if things start to get any worse they could flip over at any time and up in the water 40 seconds we have the other vessel coming sometimes the hardest thing to do is nothing at all and in this case even though if the situation is essentially under control I'm not really willing to leave so I know that the misbehavin and her crew are going to be safe [Music] so now that we're on scene we've come over the top of the vessel and we see there's three persons on board and actually a tanker right now approximately one mile off the coast approximately three miles south of Kenai [Applause] initially there's no other vessels in the area to render any kind of assistance although they saying hey I've got a cell phone call in to boat up in the Kenai Area who are willing to come out and possibly take the misbehaving [Applause] [Applause] evolutions are inherently tricky because you've got two vessels of different capabilities able to take on sea states of different sizes and of course the misbehavin is is at this point is damaged so any kind of change in speeds courses might make the situation worse the good sam throws over a towline the vessel in distress ties up the towline and away they go [Music] given the amount of training that the Coast Guard puts the air crews through to do these rescues sometimes the hardest thing to do is nothing at all and in this case we're able to have our equipment ready to go who need to deliver it and really just help out by staying on scene [Music] [Music] we stayed until they were good and safe what was cool is we rarely get to meet the people that are on the other end of us our keys and because we lowered that radio the guys being gentlemen that they are we're like hey we want to return this radio can can we meet you at the airport and show enough they showed up with the radio and it was great we actually got to look these guys in the eye shake their hand it was one of those moments that then you get to like really appreciate the job that you're doing because we're huge waves a funny show paralyzed [Music] it's all this for two thousand twelve minutes to 222nd birthday of the u.s. Coast Guard focus focus nice nice nice see I'm sure you try got over at 3 o'clock there was all sorts of events not only different coach teams but also for spouses friends in the Coast Guard but what we were all looking forward to is the special guests they it's Apple pound mark amadeo he's our only four-star Admiral in the US Coast Guard is the chief of the Coast Guard he's in charge all right folks want to gather round we have the Commandant of the Coast Guard here to help us celebrate the 222nd birthday of the Coast Guard Admiral good afternoon shipmates everybody is my wife Linda [Music] I tell you the Washington is a long way from Kodiak so it's good to come out here and lay eyes on things occasionally to make sure that we're providing what we can you know the Coast Guard's hard-pressed in a lot of ways and we're doing the best we can to provide the best services for you out here because you deserve it you do an awful lot of hard work for our country and there's no more dangerous and challenging environment than the Gulf of Alaska the Bering Sea and the Arctic so that's why we've made it a point to come back out here because we know the challenges that all be facing so I couldn't be more proud of all of you happy coast guard birthday semper paratus and thanks for having us here tonight thank you [Applause] I've come up to Kodiak into Alaska for the last three years and I thought it was important because of all the increased activities that we have going on in the Arctic in particular that I get back out here and refresh myself and gain a better appreciation for the geography and the challenges that my people are facing out here people within the lower 48 just don't have an appreciation for the distance and the scale and the magnitude up here so I'm kind of proud of my men and women they could have chosen easier paths to take but they chose to raise their hand and swear to support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America and then put on the uniform of their country so I'm deeply appreciative I love the Coast Guard and if you love the Coast Guard you got to love Coast Guard people [Music]
Channel: DANGER TV
Views: 55,750
Rating: 4.9111109 out of 5
Keywords: swimmers in the water, coast guard alaska, coast guard swimmers, coast guard alaska full episode, coast guard alaska season 2 episode 9, coast guard alaska season 2, coast guard alaska episode 9, us coast guard, us coast guard swimmer, coast guard rescue, coast guard swimmer to the rescue, coast guard swimmer rescue, danger, dangertv, danger tv, Danger, DangerTV, Danger TV, united states coast guard, air station kodiak, kodiak alaska, Alaska, Kodiak, Kodiak Alaska, coast guard
Id: n5M3BaIXs4Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 33sec (2553 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 04 2020
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