Danganronpa V3 - Part 1 - Killing Harmony

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hello everyone and welcome to danganronpa v3 killing harmony that's right the day has finally arrived we're gonna be playing this game on the channel and i cannot even put into words how excited i am since i played the first game one year ago i have been physically incapable of shutting up about this series i love it so god dang munch and the idea that i'm gonna be able to just re-experience that all over again with a brand new killing game oh man the wait has been unbearable but uh just like before this is a completely blind playthrough i have yet to be spoiled i hope it can stay that way and well there isn't anything else left to say other than that uh yeah i'm probably gonna be dumb again so i'm gonna leave the difficulty where it's at all right let's get to it and start the next game in the series nothing no light no sound no form no voice no knowledge of who i am who i am who am i oh my god what's up with a series in amnesia i extend a hand and that belongs to no one to take hold of my existence oh this is me hey there my name is hello i just remembered who i am uh it's nice to meet you nice to meet you oh god that's creepy what the heck um yeah i'm the protagonist of this crazy story okay right on i guess here we go uh ultimate revival not starting in typical series fashion but hey that's exciting i guess um man i've never had to do a female protagonist before this could be tricky but i'll try my best i stumbled out of the locker in a daze as soon as i did i fell on the floor i couldn't even brace her impact as blinding pain suddenly rushed through my head a poor thing god dang the first step she takes is she smacks on the floor but thanks to that pain i went from days to annoyed real quick where am i what is this place i rub my throbbing forehead yeah this is definitely gonna leave a bump i looked around oh god a classroom my worst nightmare i'm back in school yeah this is a classroom all right but i don't recognize it am i what am i doing here huh guess we're gonna find that out uh now this is a dream i just have to pinch myself right what was that pinching sound effect so i pinched my cheek but all i did was make my head hurt in two places instead of one uh okay hold on a sec let's just stay calm and think this through confused as i was i try to remember how i ended up here ah but no matter how hard i tried in the end i just couldn't oh that's not good whoa suddenly the locker next to mine started swaying and shaking making all kinds of noise oh god as i fearfully turned around the locker door slowly opened and uh hi oh boy he came stumbling out oh my god all right there dude a normal boy dressed in a school uniform in fact he might be a high school student too he looked bewildered and when he slowly lifted his head hey hey there i guess he's out of backup you're screaming like that he screamed as if he'd just seen a monster fell on his button scooted back it's just a girl bro chill who are you are you with those other guys what other guys the people who kidnap me kidnapped wait where am i what are you gonna do to me hey hold on i firmly gripped his shoulder what's your name i don't why are you touching me uh huh i'm shuichi sahara i'm kaieri akamatsu now listen to me shuichi shut up you're not the only one who's confused right now sorry after making him shut up by force i've retraced my steps again okay that's right i was kidnapped too oh my god i was walking my usual route to school when all of a sudden someone shoved me into a car jesus that's dark what the heck i shouted for help but no one came to rescue me it's really hard to take this scene seriously when this guy's like really toned buttocks is like right in your face everyone pretended like nothing happened it made me think how rotten the world is god that's creepy and then uh i lost consciousness i think that's kind of just a fear everyone has god dang i'm sorry that happened and when i woke up i was inside that locker huh same with me were we kidnapped by the same people probably it seems like it but why me probably because your hair is like that typical dung and rompa protagonist my family's not rich i'm no one special i'm just a normal high school girl there's no reason to kidnap me okay me either i'm just a regular guy i doubt that completely actually this is a school right why do they take us to a school i wonder why it's probably just pretending to be a school um hey there i'm sure you're confused right now you're thinking where am i yeah why i can't explain that but i can give basic explanation about the controls cool uh i already probably know all this crap up wait that's actually a new thing to smack around objects who knows you might find something amazing you can also press that to return objects to the original position so relax however not every object can move thank you for understanding press that investigate stuff got it but if you forget anything you can press that weird symbol okay investigate this place thoroughly that's how you progress the story you know all right i can do that first thing i want to like mess around with is this actually that didn't work we only interact with like certain things let's check out the blackboard which is totally green by the way this is like this is such a weird vibe from like the first two games this is i mean obviously the production quality is like way up there but like i don't know this is i was really like happy to like jump into this but now i'm getting some weird vibes that's a blackboard right every classroom has one but this blackboard is also an lcd screen that's something you don't see every day yeah or at all all right let's um oh my gosh the cursor is so stinking slow is there is there a way to make that faster i don't know whatever let's uh check out this monitor this is a monitor nothing being displayed right now seriously the what is it it really seems out of place here yeah but like for donald rampa though it almost seems as if it is in place because what they don't look at these windows bro like this is all really familiar the outside of the windows covered in greenery and barbed wire why are the school windows covered in barbed wire yeah that's probably not a good thing so uh hey there buddy he looks really boring i don't know not your typical character especially compared to kaede i hope i'm saying everyone's names right god i'm so dumb anyway let's just stay calm and think i'm sorry i shouted to you earlier uh no it's okay i kind of liked it actually i i shouldn't have yelled at you either anyway this place is weird you don't think we got caught up in something bad do you yeah most likely something bad what's going on what have we gotten ourselves into uh i don't god dang no but where am i why was i kidnapped who kidnapped me i don't understand this at all but it doesn't matter at least for now hey let's just get out of here as fast as we can and find some help yeah good idea i guess we ran as fast as we could to the classroom door and open it with all our strength but then oh god oh hey there oh yeah hello what the monster yeah this guy got told the best knockout joke in the world this is bad we need to get out of here oh god run okay wait wait wait wait jesus christ this is so messed up run run why is that holy crap what 3d what the crud um kaity over here uh okay can i run like i can in the other okay yeah you can oh my god run kayady oh my god okay did we make it are we good i guess so holy crap dude that transition's sick um oh my god we're behind it now oh my god this is so weird what the okay uh up the stairs maybe no okay not up the stairs oh my god this is so this is like really really weird what the car is that thing oh my another one what the crap don't go that way over here okay okay i i trust you uh i guess wait what what the crap this is so sick and different like i like it though but like i'm on it like the edge of my seat i thought i knew what was coming oh my god what the i guess the mono beast got an upgrade uh she's just like a robot that wants to kill me oh geez what are those things i don't care to find out frankly oh my god just run just run wait are we even running i don't feel like we are whatever stinking if we can go faster i'll figure it out later let's just head to the gym uh as we frantically dove toward the door we saw something we never expected to see oh more people have arrived holy crap did you all get chased by that monster too uh yeah oh yeah what are they what do they want with us dang these guys look cool as crap y'all that's i don't supposed to be terrified but oh my gosh do you want me to check on what's happening yeah if you you you'd be a dog it's too dangerous out there it's likely that monster still lurks nearby wait i shout at the top of my lungs who are you guys and why am i here god have you not played the other games girl make 16. what i'm talking about us there are 16 of us all high schoolers yeah what do you think that means that we're about to you know do i really have to say it we've been we've been through this before y'all like 16 high schoolers yeah hi there though it's nice to meet you all dude they look so cool holy crap all right didn't answer your question my name is rantaro mommy hi there i'm sorry bud let's leave it at that for now what um okay anyway why does it matter if there are 16 of us there might be more coming nah i think this is all of us this is what i think it is anyway oh crap oh my god she's anyway if this is what you think it is god she is vulgar it was at that moment and that no voice suddenly echoed throughout the gym quiet everyone shimmy down shimmy down no no it's simmer down what what who's that where are they oh my god okay that is i don't know how you got in here unnoticed but yeah i think i'd have that same reaction oh my god they're so ugly in 3d serious dang it there are more monsters we're surrounded these aren't monsters they're excised highly mobile bipedal weapon platforms weapons shouldn't we take them for a spin by killing one of them [Music] wait a minute it wouldn't be any fun picking on playing good for nothing commoners you're right we should at least think of an interesting way to kill you maybe i'll pick you up and squeeze you till your guts come gusting out out like toothpaste please not like toothpaste i wait someone have a girl voice i just imagine it i can't handle gold then what if we start peeling off their limbs one by one like string cheese please don't like street sheets either that's my other phobia oh my god wait we can't kill them with the axials huh according to the schedule the x seals aren't supposed to show up until later what are you saying but we're the x deals right now so we are oh so we are we screwed up we're not supposed to be in the exiles for our first appearance wait in the exiles and i told you we should have read the scripts no you didn't well why didn't we just get out of there smacks it shouldn't be too late for that okay yeah let's do that okay ready one of these stinking transformers bro kid it's too early in the morning for this it's like two feet tall ah hey there so we're out of the exiles now we're not scary anymore right right right his desperation is strangely terrifying you punks better brace yourselves oh he's just outright terrifying i'm a messenger from hell from the depths of hell here to drag you down to hell no no no mono kid you're saying hell too much it's ruining the hellish impact what that what's hellish me hey what's up with these stuffed animals how are they moving i have no idea removing stuffed animals that guy does not deserve like i should not have that deep of a voice on top of that it seems they're calling themselves the mono cups moving stuffed animals mana cubs wait you guys call yourself the mono cubs is that a problem don't bother asking monodom he only talks to close friends the years of abuse have really done a number on his heart that's so sad isn't that right monodom are you know his close friend monodum you won't even open your heart to me uh looks like i was right this is exactly what i thought it was who's behind all this by the ridiculous theatrics shut up yo just enjoy the show don't think too hard oh you reacted way too normally to this it's boring we've kind of done this before though uh actually don't they're close seem kind of boring too wait a minute you think maybe they haven't been given their first memory yet that should have happened before they woke up hey answer my question if you guys are the mono cubs then hey who the heck are you punks that's our line wait we don't know each other what do you mean we're just wondering do yous guys have ultimate talents or anything like that ultimate talents i don't have one i have a skill that i devoted myself to but i wouldn't call it an ultimate talent me neither i i don't have anything like that yeah it's same here i knew it they got in their first memories yet mono mono fanny weren't you in charge of that uh it was monofin is that you say it what just goes to sleep she's sleeping does she seem really tired of you guys she's obviously faking it i don't know you're screaming pretty loud even if she's faking she looks so peaceful let's whisper so we don't wake her up if you say so um anyway if you guys are really the mono cubs then don't worry about us the real issue is use well issue that putting mildly it's actually a huge problem you all have forgotten your talents become generic high school students uh forgotten what see according to the backstory there's the ultimate hunt going on you've all lost your memories and become different people because of the ultimate hunt what what are you talking about i swear if there's one more unanswered question well if you're current state it's pretty much pointless to talk to you guys about this the first thing we need you guys to do is remember your true selves yeah you need to reclaim your sealed talents by regaining your memories what the you awake already why i don't get it what are these sealed talents you're talking about how are we supposed to talk when you keep asking so many freaking questions yeah we're not some swift-footed singer who's landing another future ex-boyfriend what does that even mean what what thank god he isn't talking to let's do this already no one wants to watch a bunch of generic high school wieners first we'll update your wardrobes you guys will call cute spiffy i'm down with that i guess uh close she's like oh god what what is this nonsense um a magical girl transformation sequence you gotta be kidding me okay i guess that's cool the costumes look pretty neat oh wow she actually looks really cool and she has a little backpack i don't think she's too thrilled about it though uh just had to zoom in on her chest oh gosh what the crud happened what happened to that dude uh you see what i was pointing to but it doesn't matter i pointed out uh what am i wearing looking good now you look more like ultimates uh ultimates really so next up the memory y'all's loss i've been waiting for heck yeah get ready once the seal is broken we'll be in the domain of the killing game right now killing game now then after the flashback light helps you remember your amazing talents this amazing story will begin for real this time cool all right let's uh learn about our talents jesus what what the crud oh my god what okay do you want to say it's just like see she totally just said now i understand moment and that's just like hey wanna save your game i don't know what that just made me laugh i guess but uh yeah ultimate revival is done i guess now it's on to chapter one kai 80 what the what is up when these lockers girl what the uh what the dump we're back here i stumbled out of the locker in a daze and as soon as i did i fell on the floor god damn what okay what is up with you and falling down god damn i can't embrace your impact as blinding pain suddenly rush through my head okay wait where am i what is this pl you've already been in here this is definitely gonna leave a lump why is it just repeating a classroom you've already seen that what the dump is happening did i i know i didn't screw anything up what is going on here let's have to pinch my cheek yeah we we've seen all this what is what the dump all right now mr dude is gonna pop out yeah a boy came stumbling out you know this costume didn't change at all that's kind of weird no more boy dressed in a school uniform in fact he might be a high school student yes we've established this guy come on oh it looks a little different now what's up how rude don't freak out at me like i'm some sort of monster sorry i'm sorry too okay i just have no idea what's going on yeah but all the more reason why we need to stay calm oh jim nepeti number one by eric satie yeah that's right try to imagine that sorrowful melody filling your head and soothing your heart what the i don't think that's the melody we were searching for uh hey guys what's up uh it's terrifying again a teddy bear no it's a monster you can freak out about this i think she was talking to you i don't think i don't think she was talking to you that's so mean you humans are the real monsters for calling us monsters although if we are monsters at least for pretty monsters i agree i'm glad i was born with these looks i definitely won the the genetic lottery what are they why are they talking aren't they just stuffed animals we're not mono cubs we're the stuffed animal i think you mix yeah you mix your lines monacad you're saying your lines backwards no stuffed animals awesome oh geez it's even worse now uh mono cubs oh you've heard of us no of course not i've never even seen walking talking animals as soon as i said that the mono cub things started looking at each other and it worked i mean we're just looking it's like stinking right chest hair oh i mean we're there for a second he's just chilling okay worried about what i don't understand what's going on all right then let's tackle each issue one at a time you're so reliable monotaro he's like a sixth grader helping out a fifth grader which means we should keep our expectations reasonable well well that's your question i have loads of questions but for starters where are we this looks like a school okay so this place is uh called the ultimate academy for gifted juveniles ultimate academy fillet ultimate academy never heard of a school like that what of course you haven't this school's made for you 16 cretins 16. yeah there's 16 ultimates to this school ultimates you know the ultimates are all right the government scouts them through this program called the ultimate initiative ultimate basically means you're particularly prodigious and a particular talent basically the ultimate initiative exists to cultivate town through the country promising students are eligible to receive all kinds of special handouts like free school tuition voting privileges eligibility run for elected office we even got grant money too right that's right students chosen by the ultimate initiative are known as the ultimates all right i got it heck yeah students would do anything for the honor being chosen in ultimate i i don't need the explanation i already know because i'm an ultimate too what was that in the script what that means you gotta remember this time so don't forget anymore yeah forgetting about your ultimate talent is such a waste what do you mean forgetting why you're yapping and get started already get started with what why exploring this academy of course also you should introduce yourself to the other ultimates because you guys are all gonna do an activity together later i hope it's uh making hand turkeys awesome i've got a razor right now that sounds disgusting well then uh i missed them already they left but i still have so many questions yeah me too hey this isn't a dream right no but i wish it was oh her face looks so sad there anyway we have to find a way out of here but they said there are 16 ultimate students here does that mean he's one too most likely hi there uh dude chuichi i think that's how you say he hasn't even said his name out loud yet i don't think i could barely hear it but uh are you an ultimate student too okay yeah well then i'm shiichi sahara [Music] i'm sorry i can't hear you over the loudest music in the world he's the ultimate wait that means thinking this time like the kyoko the game's a dude and the makoto is the girl that's sick you're a detective that's amazing i don't have the credentials to call myself a detective yet i just happen to solve a case that i came across and now people call me that oh he's blushing not many people can just happen to solve a case you should be proud of that oh yeah my name is i'm the ultimate pianist nice to meet you oh she's so she sounds really familiar i don't know from where though huh ultimate pianist get your head out of the gutter shuishi it's not what you think no one calls me the ultimate pianist usually just piano freak uh why ever since i was a child i would play the piano whenever i got bored that babies don't have that much hair what the dumb hair were even times i played the piano so much that i would forget to eat and sleep eventually i won trophies from concerts and people started praising me oh look at her all right hey at least you're good at something coyote that's how you got your ultimate title and that's way more impressive than me i suck by comparison that's all i'm good for really but that's still a tangible skill what what the dumb that's you know that takes something right this is my first time meeting another ultimate student ultimates are scattered all over the country they're difficult to find even so there's 16 ultimate students gathered here now why is everyone here were we kidnapped yes if so then is some organization out there trying to kidnap all the ultimates uh about that i don't remember you don't remember i've been trying to remember it but i can no matter how hard i try i have no idea how i got here i woke up i was in that locker i don't know how i got there it's like the memory just fell out of my head uh-huh same here no huh i can't remember anything you know i'm trying to hard to remember uh what the crud so we're all brainwashed what happened are you okay what's wrong i'm fine i just got a headache that's all can't be a coincidence that we both don't remember what happened to us i'm sure it's nothing to worry about probably not a big deal i beg to differ what the crud we're confused we just need to relax is all oh let's imagine maurice ruffles sonatine what is that music i don't really know much about music the game's called killing harmony you don't know anything about music that's unfortunate let me get out of here i'll share with you all right but first let's look for a way out if there are other ultimate students here we should talk to them too at least one of them has to know something yeah good idea obtain friendship fragment uh that's not familiar at all anyway let's press the beat button and get the dumb out of here whoa i can't meet too uh man i say this every time but like my favorite part of these games is actually just meeting the new characters along the way it's so like it reminds me the first day of like you know my actual days in high school and you can't really do that anymore as i'm an adult but you know it's nostalgic in a way but uh even though it's a hallway there sure are a lot of plants growing around here and the air appears heavy oppressively heavy is it forcing you to recall your fears smothering you in anxiety okay coyote they just flowers right this is just a school right what kind of school makes you feel like this i don't know huh what's the matter is it the plants i know they're evil aren't they uh i just felt something with pocket in my uniform when i looked remember i found this some kind of mini tablet computer oh maybe i have one too i knew my backpack felt heavier uh yeah the word mono pads written on it when did this get my backpack my name was displayed when i booted it up like a student handbook i don't know what it could be used for i don't think we should throw it away kiara is like about to spike it into the ground oh oh oh we should keep it um okay let's just hold on to them for now i agree [Music] just like imagine look the screen's already cracked yeah i'll take good care of mine puts it back in her backpack congratulations you you you can use the monopad sick press the x button and get tons of game info stuff like report card in the map if you got a sharp eye you'll have already noticed getting close to your fellow students report card will be updated with their content okay since you are now acquaintances with mr sahara his info has been added sick you've also already noticed you can level up by performing actions yeah i wish that sinking did something that's kind of like a problem in these games there are lots of ski oh wait crap i didn't read that my bad maybe that's tied to our levels now don't know my bad if you want skills make friends strengthen your bonds will do be sure test out all the skills there's more info things to tell you you can save and load the game oh heck yeah my favorite part well then off you go find your classmates you got it but uh before i do anything let's check this out oh my gosh this looks really fancy i gotta mess with these sound settings good god the defaults were absolutely terrible hopefully now that's a little oh my god look at the stinking mini mat what the dump what's this room is this for caied is this her room wait a minute is this the music room well it has a you know piano on it it won't open this room does look like it was made for me what the dumb oh my god that scared the crap out of me actually uh hey y'all that that is not a good slogan it's not getting any cuter they're here again what do you think this place is check out all this fancy schmancy riding seems like a place for eggheads there's a single word written on what it's isn't this an ultimate research lab i'm stupid the heck why would you tell them we're trying to make it all dramatic i'm see i'm sorry uh what's why is my ear bleeding what's an ultimate research lab we want you guys to keep honing your ultimate talents so we set these rooms for you this is an ultimate penis lab but we set up labs for the other ultimates too of course most of them are still hidden though by the way the reason this research lab still locked is because we're still setting up everything sorry we're all hustled to get it all ready just wipe your asses and wait uh okay that's a good advice and all but don't you mean to hold your horses yeah monokit is such a dummy what are you laughing at i'll bully you like i bully monodom poor guy okay i guess this is a room we'll come back to you later it seems like the music room i guess that's an ultimate lap do you think there really are other rooms like this for everyone well unless they're just playing online to everybody i guess so yeah i wonder about that too anyway this was the music room you know i really wanted to play the piano oh well i can play as much piano as i want when i escape this place true so let's get to that i suppose and uh see what the dump else there is to do here i want to stink in like i don't i don't know how to describe what the dump i just saw but i thought like that dragon was her like second head holy crap that scared the crap out of me good god hi there man she is really let's just say they they did a good job on the character design i mean hey dang hey you're an ultimate student right can we talk um did she not hear me okay then uh hey hello um she can't hear me maybe she's a really detailed mannequin no i don't think that's the case dang you really are the ultimate detective suicide you never know we already saw a moving teddy bear true but i mean look at her like as i said that i poked her cheek what i felt her skin squished beneath my fingertip um poking her doesn't seem to work either maybe she's just a doll she looks so real try it chewichi poke poke no thanks just do it it seems so fun so grabbed his hand to make him poke her other cheek um i never thought i'd be poked from both sides how truly unexpected oh my god a girl she wasn't a mannequin i knew that wait but if if you knew that why'd you make me poke her because she wasn't responding god dang she's pretty cute though but definitely not a mannequin i feel kind of weird saying that because our protagonist is a girl and we don't know if caied likes girls or not so i should not assume but i cannot help myself i am who i am anyway i didn't mean any harm i was just deep in thought so i thought i'd just ignore you you'd go somewhere else you were ignoring us isn't that a bit rude but isn't it rude just force someone to talk when they don't once you got me there oh it's fine i feel like talking now all right now let's talk what do you want to start with oh my god she's so cute my favorite dory mom episode is number 53 the one with security cameras in target practice you know but uh before you talk about that can you tell us your name my name is timogi shirogani i'm the ultimate cosplayer oh all right heck yeah her voice is uh really cute so you're a cosplayer huh you're surprised i get that a lot since i'm so plain i didn't say that hold up what i mean it sort of makes sense you have this strange almost sexy aura about you oh crap i bet it's because you got people ogling you all your curves on a daily basis huh uh caillou what the you sound like a creepy old man normally i don't really like people looking at me like that actually i just like making cosplay i'm fine with others wearing them but lately more cosplayers are putting themselves before their characters oh my god i'm just gonna zoom in um i'd rather wear my outfits myself with love than give them to people like that wow you're pretty intense because you do get a room it makes me happy when i get to show people the outfits i've made and thanks to my sponsors i get to use materials that are just plain expensive of course the ultimate cosplayer would have sponsors it's not a big deal people just crowd around me like i'm a panda at the zoo that's so amazing you're pretty much the celebrity you know hey uh it's all right if i ask you something early i'm just so distracted i'm asking this girl in a panda suit earlier you looked as if you were thinking hard about something what was it yeah oh yeah we need to ask her that nice job shuichi that bronze statue over there i'm just playing curious about it yeah with the dumps up with this thing it looks really out of place it almost seems like it's floating right doesn't look pretty out of place now that you mention it you're right it sort of bothers me too like it's 3d and we're all 2d hmm this is a school right but everything here is so weird isn't it the trees and grass growing inside i can't find any exits it seems like we're the only people here actually are we gonna be okay are we gonna be able to get out i don't have the answer to that but um just hang in there okay i always have hope gaiety what's wrong that frightened look on her face was sort of sexy what the this again i'm just kidding no i'm not well it's not a big deal our present situation is made our main concern once it's over we'll be good and tandy you're pretty optimistic hiate well people do say i'm carefree worrying won't get you anywhere you know it's better just to be carefree i guess so being all depressed won't help anything so let's try and find a way out yeah obtain frenchmen forever sick i mean we haven't seen the other girls yet i'm just saying miss uh sumigi here i like it anyway stinking let's uh carry on i guess uh downstairs i suppose man i feel like i just had this really weird feeling like what like something super bad is about to happen i know we're playing donghan rampa so that should be like a dull moment but like it's kind of like when you study really hard for a goddamn test and then like they slam the paper down and you don't recognize any of the like problems that's kind of what i feel right now i don't know if that's anxiety stress or just some combination of the two but uh hi there what's up i was just complaining about tests wouldn't i haven't take one in like a year uh oh hey there you guys got kidnapped too well you both look all right that's good situation could be better though uh yeah for real yeah totally hey let me ask you something you guys remember how you got here um if you're asking us then you don't remember either do you actually you're the same way too huh you don't remember anything do you i guess that means everyone here is the same everyone no i asked the others too they all said they don't remember slithers don't remember either well that sucks but saves us a lot of questioning it's like we all have amnesia or something but but that's not normal if everyone has amnesia um well i guess we're all in a pretty abnormal situation then huh [Music] why that's not true wait amnesia's a stretch we probably just confused i'm sure we'll remember eventually norm it could be group hypnosis maybe brainwashing okay this guy's creepy in any case hope we remember soon that's a shame otherwise i'll end up the outcast what what outcasts what do you mean how should i put this to tell you the truth how i got here that's the only thing i don't remember oh my god don't tell me okay i thought i forgot his name too uh so i forgot my own talent wait what what you got me hot to me 2.0 i'm in trouble i know it must have been some kind of ultimate i just don't remember it is is that true yeah of course it is but then again i don't remember i don't blame you for not believing me i never told you my name did i it's not like i already told you but then i forgot i did right uh you haven't told me your name yet my name is rantaro omami i can't remember my ultimate talent at the moment but i promise i'm not a bad guy nice to meet you hmm this is weird uh at least his name is the same as when we first met him what was that what the dumb huh i guess we're supposed to forget about it i don't know for some reason for someone who can't remember his talent he doesn't seem too shaken up about it is it weird that i'm not really bothered by the fact that i don't remember my talent huh looking forward to it you know actually kind of looking forward to finding out i wonder what ultimate i am anyway be nice if we could get along we're not going anywhere for a while stop that we'll escape soon you really think it's going to be that easy what do you mean nothing just a feeling anyway don't worry about it all right this guy is scary i thought it would be a pretty chill guy to talk to but i have no idea what's going through his head right now yeah i think he knows more about this situation than he's letting on [Music] getting certain vibes from this guy right here like he's two characters from the second game fused into one okay whatever i can't judge him until he's actually done anything bad so let's uh check out these other uh crap that's the wrong guiding button sorry let's uh try that yeah so this one is a money icon that's just the store which we don't have coins for yet so let's uh check out this warehouse because why not maybe there'll be a snake oh yeah there's another student here is this a warehouse it's pretty big yeah huge holy crap you know what's also huge uh nothing um anyway i'm not going to finish that sentence where the heck is it saw a conspicuous girl rummaging through a shell filled with different chemicals hey what are you looking for don't sneak up on me i literally just met you and you're calling me a uh bat hey i'm sorry if we surprised you you shouldn't have talked to kayetti like hey crotch rod you're staring at my i was not what what help yourself a guy like you can only dream elena in a big boot hottie like me go on get yourself a good eyeful i wasn't staring my eyes just happened to look fair oh my god eyes just happen to look there oh my hand just happened to grope her what did you just call it it can identify pervs on site and you're definitely an epping perv that's why you wear that hat right to hide your skeevy eyes that's why you wear those pants right that's your nasty crotch everyone wears pants what is up with you everyone knows that only pervs wear hats that's not true i mean i don't have a hat but uh i'm just not gonna finish that sentence anyway dude she was just like don't ever talk about my head like that or it's the last mistake you'll make stop it oh crap really is like that leave me alone i can wear a hat if i want to crab dude what what is up with you what what the heck are you getting ticked off of me for tell the world you're sorry if you certainly mean to losing motivation that loss will be felt across the whole world hey your vulgar language is uncalled for it just who are you anyway seriously you don't know who i am i'm the gorgeous girl genius whose good looks and golden brain will go down in history i'm the one the only the legendary ultimate inventor herself neweyruma nice to meet you uh i cannot tell that from your outfit lady uh i guess she does have goggles but i've never heard of you so what kind of things do you invent i make all kinds of gadgets ones that lets you type while you sleep read while you sleep everyone wants to let you eat while you why are they all about sleeping why does everything involve sleeping i was inspired after i realized how much time people just waste on sleep she's got a point no this one time i invented these really stupid eye drop contact lenses as a gag i dropped contact lenses what really that's your invention some of my friends wear them your friends sound like total plebs that invention was nothing it doesn't make you more productive while you sleep so it's a failure just like you two i signed the patent rights over to some company never looked back that seems like a waste it's way better than do stuff while your sleep inventions yeah it sounds really cool actually by the way if i'm understanding how it works what were you looking for earlier you sounded pretty desperate to find it are you an idiot it's a it's in a situation like this i gotta find some meds huh wait are you like yeah are you sick are you hurt medicine no idiot i need strong meds because i want to trip my my balls off oh god what i just want to set my mind free and forget all about this cruddy situation wait what you can't use drugs to get high you definitely shouldn't do that you're in high school oh my god this girl's gonna be a handful what the heck my genius can't be constrained by the wisdom of the masses besides this place probably doesn't even have the crap i need to get loosey-goosey so are we cool oh my god why did you say that i'm getting flashbacks are you done getting mad at me uh say there's a fine line between genius and aunt insanity he's definitely beyond insane yeah legit god uh good luck with that of course shuichi my hat is not meant for perverts i what's up with him it's been a while since muay uh is how you say mew i don't just does not like to talk about it i don't know hang in there buddy like i don't think you're a pervert i think you're a cool guy i mean i don't think you're much anything but you're not a tool like her uh maybe he doesn't like when people talk about his hat yeah maybe he wears it for maybe he's like double d from ed and eddie she wish you what's under your hat i can never show anyone why it's my curse to bear what cause that's totally eddie and eddie's ding a dialogue anyway singing let's head inside the dining hall and find something to eat yeah oh my god there's so much gr grass what the is this the dining hall yeah it doesn't look like it though that dining hall definitely makes this place feel more like a school this place is called the ultimate juvenile yeah yeah i doubt it's anything like a typical school aha please please be like actually of age i don't whatever singing hi there what's up uh oh god hi uh i'm yelling so i can build up my spirit energy don't you know you can unlock your brain's full potential by yelling to build up spirit energy i don't think that's correct i've heard that pro athletes do that supposed to help you focus i must be prepared for combat at all times just in case someone tries to attack me i will protect myself with neo aikido um aikido that then you're oh yes i'm tango chabashira yeah the ultimate aikido master you have the same voice as a bookie what you're literally just a pokey i always imagine aikido masters would be huge burly guys but you're so cute oh gosh critical attack cute stop it i'm not cute my face crinkles when i suck down a shake when i wet my face my eyelids turn inside out uh that's still you know that's just that's not a big deal what i see but i think you're cute you're right shuichi what are you roping him in for oh right what what the dump is that face what's the matter your face looks really intense now i don't like to be praised what the dump is wrong with you degenerate males you mean men are you uncomfortable around them hit the wrong button it's a way bigger problem than just being uncomfortable if any degenerates try to touch me my reflexes or grab them and throw them across the room you're right that's a way bigger problem than just being comfortable around men ah by the way what is the neo aikido you mentioned so i can change the subject and not get killed uh aikido is an original form of aikido now my master and i completely made up ourselves so your aikido is all self-taught god dang that is impressive cause that's one of the most like you know difficult martial arts so i guess she's like the ultimate not martial artist per se but she's really good at aikido sick i guess hi there what's up with you uh so are we stuck here yeah that's what it looks like but don't be scared i'm sure we'll find find a way out of this place in a jiffy i'm not scared it's just a pain uh something like this won't make me panic because i'm a mage what a mage that's right i haven't told you guys yet prepare to be a maze fall to your knees i am himiko ultimate mage that's not that's not real what you guys don't believe me god dang it but i'm officially called the ultimate magician here we go that's a little better himiko uh so you're a magician you should have said that from the start i mean it makes sense though since magic doesn't exist crap magic does exist because i'm a mage you're you're just a magician right no only on paper i'm known as a magician but that's just a ruse i'm actually a mage huh just a ruse what i don't know to a believer or not donald trump is pretty crazy like anyway you guys might not know them but there's a group called the magic castle and known as the hall of magicians that's where the world's magic lovers gather now as the youngest persons ever win their magician of the year award that's pretty cool it's all a ruse they're keeping my magic a secret by disguising it as tricks because of this ruse i became famous all over the world for performing magic or tricks but i'm not a magician i'm a mage nobody believes me there there don't be sad hey well you could show us your magic then we would believe you that's right oh yeah help us out with your magic you got teleport teleport or is it on cool now like take us back to where we're originally magic is an all-powerful i can only do so much i see then what can you do you're right i can choose the card you picked pull out coins and release doves that is literally just a magic tricks what if i get serious i can even saw someone in half that these are just ordinary magic tricks legit what okay she um she's literally just a liar like maybe she is like actually a magician though i don't i guess we'll find out as the story continues like is this your card shuichi no it isn't himiko chapter five is this your cut no is this it yes all right you got it i'm the ultimate magician like is that what's gonna happen i guess this doesn't open let's come back somewhere else okay sweet so we can't go inside the school store yet i kind of figured as much well legit where the dump are all the dudes aha if there's degenerate males to be found they must be inside here hmm this is the boy's bathroom right yeah i can't go in there not even in this situation so itchy do it do my bidding roger dodger if you want i could go look huh i'm not that curious about what's in there remember well this is an unusual building anything could be in there wait here a minute literally a minute uh well that should be she opened the door and walked inside cool it's just a normal bathroom nothing out of the ordinary no one was inside hmm that scared me maybe detective live for these live for these kind of scary situations like investigating a bathroom yeah i don't i don't know about that you sure there's no secret passages in there should we cheat why is this blocked off what the dump singing this is kind of cool though i like how we're um kind of just like simultaneously investigating this area and also like talking to like the new students that is cool i like that let's uh try this classroom is there anyone inside here i guess we'll find out there probably is yeah dudes what up here's the bros wait for me what please stop stop don't come any closer what the heck is this dude the boy white is chasing the other boy in funny clothes what's happening here i do not know but uh what's up how you doing oh my gosh i gotta use the mouse dude i don't know why the sinking controls are so like a skewed right now hi there what's up come on wait up let me touch your body a little i've always wanted to be friends with a robot a robot what is it i guess he is a robot are you another robophobe no i have a record recording function if you make any robophobic remarks i will see you in court you're a robot are you for real as a robot or like the other girl who's like not really uh are you one of the mono cubs oh god do not compare me to those toys i am not just any old robot i am k1b0 the ultimate robot but please address me as kibo yo you got it dude singing played other games where there's just been robot characters so this is uh not really that alarming but he's got the hair thing though which kind of rhymes with hajime so i like him what's up that's not fair you can't be the only one who gets to show off i'll introduce myself too go ahead i'm kokichioma the ultimate supreme leader what that is not that is not a thing what a robot in a supremely that's not a career path like i don't i guess neither is a robot but so you're a dictator is that what you're saying neither of them make any sense by the way i learned the hard way that a robot's breath smells like gasoline my breath does not smell like gasoline i am powered by electricity i'm just kidding you're not funny i think he's funny of course you don't think i'm funny robots can't understand human humor to begin with don't mock me i studied the complete history of stand-up comedy from dane cook to tosh.now i know it all i don't think you should have watched stand-up comedy or you should have just watched it instead of studying it and you probably shouldn't watch josh point out plus i have the appearance of a robot but i am a high school student just like you you're a high school student yeah i was created by professor iada i forget the leading author authority in the field of robotics he installed me with a strong ai capable of learning and maturing like a human brain that's why at the time of my creation i didn't know anything i was like a baby but that's interesting huh the professor raised me like i was his own child he taught me so many things until finally he enrolled me in high school and now i stand here before you all see i'm just like everyone else hey the robots have dicks do not ask ridiculous questions i only ask because your backstory is pretty flaccid for a robot this guy what the heck well i can see how being a robot might be enough to be called the ultimate robot hey kokichi i don't really understand your ultimate supreme leader talent oh i'm just the supreme leader of an evil secret organization that's all huh what i gotta say it's pretty impressive my organization has over 10 000 members seriously the supreme leader of an evil secret organization that's kind of a stretch even for this franchise good god because i'm a liar oh who knows i'm a liar after all huh so you were just lying it's true well i am the supreme leader of an evil secret organization that part was true so you were lying or not i'm not telling you hey by the way what is the name of that organization it's a secret you know because it's a secret organization i've never heard of such a large secret organization like that maybe it's just lying it's made all scrap up he's the ultimate 7-eleven custodian like of course you haven't because it's a secret organization i also have a super hot model girlfriend but she goes to another hospice academy you don't know about her everything he said so far sounded like a lie so that's gotta be a lie too right just leave him alone everything he has been saying has been a lie he is far more suspicious person than i am that's for sure of course you're not a suspicious person because robots aren't people silly you robophobe oh you mad are you gonna hit me with a rocket punch i do not have that function why is he staring at his hand oh man you're boring what a weird boy it's like a mischievous little kid yeah legit it's no time to be joking around unless he really is an evil supreme leader i highly doubt it what the crud this guy what the heck is he the dialogue in this game is a little more uh rated m this time around though good god i'm disappointed who creates a robot without a rocket punch why do you even exist all right good god these are your students him him and the stinking inventor girl good god there's stairs here looks like i can go down to the basement up what should we do shuichi you want to head down i don't know the basement might be dangerous this place is full of mysteries no it's for steve with caution with you at the front okay uh i'm in the front i see uh hesitation should we cheat away we carefully made our way down the stairs cool i mean what's the worst that could happen they're not going to kill us in the first thinking this place looks really dangerous oh god i regret saying that it doesn't look very dangerous to me open your eyes kayety really well some dangers are hidden where you can't see schwichi you have quite the imagination don't you i just think you're not considering how dangerous this is yeah maybe man we should look around the basement too what all right all right here we go there might be an exit but we should be careful okay yeah you're right all right let's uh let's go this place is weird oh game room heck yeah let's go play yo sick it's thinking oh wow these type of games huh oh my god who the heck are you it looks like a game room but this is a school right is it normal for a school to have its own game room i mean if you're super rich i guess it's certainly strange yeah legit i mean we had like ddr in like one of my like gym classes one time but like it wasn't even a machine it was just the mats um hello there are you lost sheesh what a strange place wait are you smoking whenever we were trapped here didn't expect to have a game room are we really trapped in here there must be an exit right we've still got a ways to go isn't that what you guys are walking around looking for and figure it out yourself okay however we may be trapped that's pretty cool here compared to prison anyway what prison but you're an ultimate student aren't you it's an old story ryoma hoshi the man called the ultimate tennis pro no longer exists on nothing more than his empty shell uh um this may sound rude but how can you play tennis if you're so small like you gotta whatever uh ryoma hoshi really i've seen you in the newspaper the tennis prodigy who single-handedly took down a mafia huh what you you took down a mafia by yourself i remember correctly the paper said he shot them through the head with his tennis skills in an iron ball what the heck that's not even you have to be so god dang strong to do that what really so you know that much already well what do you think of the loser before you who used his talent to kill jesus why would you throw your way your future like that so i don't need any future anymore but why not it's nothing it's not like me to talk so much more importantly anyway i'm warning you it's dangerous to walk up to a killer like me he said that and turned his back to us okay ryoma nice to meet you dude what the crud there's a list when people give you warnings i won't say it again okay okay i i i i hear you're lying clear boss i'm pissing out god dang like just imagine him running down a stinking hallway with a racket in the dark like that's scary like what if you just appeared like i don't know there's just something like as a kid i was very terrified of not really short people but just like you know what i'm saying is the two little girls from the shining still scare the crap out of me i saw that in a like a movie theater one time i don't know it was scary okay what's wrong stores barely opens a crack why is it built so poorly nothing we can do about it let's search somewhere else okay i guess we'll look around here hopefully we won't find another goddamn murderer jeez the dudes are giving me weird vibes in this game oh thank god oh my god dude this this girl right here holy crap that's uh what is up with me in twin tails jesus anyway a lot of books yeah is this the library you're right there are books all over the place it doesn't seem very organized does that bother you are you a neat freak chewichi i'm just i was wondering if someone was using it before us someone uh no it's nothing let's just investigate for now all right i see what you're saying shuichi don't worry i'm investigating the heck out of this oh my gosh dude hey man i'm building my tier list in my head which is awful because like you know we hardly know these people but man this girl are you an ultimate student too okay yeah that's right um are you the ultimate linguist because your conversation skills are amazing that's that's it and she doesn't talk much hi i'm kaye akamatsu i'm the ultimate pianist i'm shuichi sahara i'm the ultimate detective i suppose please not suppose you are the ultimate detective okay get it together yeah you're right and this is the part where you say who you are if you would like to uh what about you ultimate child caregiver wha what i mean i guess it fits kinda uh ultimate child caregiver huh but she's kind of like you know intimidating uh surprised i don't look like someone who like kids do i uh i wouldn't say that necessarily that's right well you'd be right i don't like kids that much but you're the ultimate child caregiver then children must like you a lot right i don't care kids are weird they come to me on their own i'm not that good at taking care of them i'm not that friendly either but they say kids are very intuitive if they like you that much then you probably tell how loving you really are maki yeah i don't think she agrees yeah that must be it you've chosen a perfect career for yourself that's wrong it wasn't my choice to begin with uh what do you mean by that oh she's so god thank you nothing it's just i grew up in an orphanage oh my god i got saddled with helping out a lot orphanage i see um by the way do you know anything about the mono cubs yeah that's right something's got to be controlling them right any idea who it might be like i'd know how would i know uh fair point just wanted to ask gosh uh the mona cubs are definitely involved in our situation hey boy detective shouldn't you have figured out what's going on already let's put a lot of stress on me lady geez this guy here well he's detective not a god you can't know everything yeah not yet i mean who cares about some stuffed animals escaping this place is way more important seriously you think we can escape abducting ultimates from across the country require massive resources and planning what makes you think a group capable of that well let us just walk out of here um that's not true if they won't end this then we will i know we can do it if we work together work together with strangers you're a naive fool if you think you can end this so easily uh she kind of has a point like if you use reasoning but like at the same time we kind of oh she's peaced out conversation finished she quickly headed out of the library oh man i don't i don't i don't know how to feel about her she's kind of all over the place that was kind of odd she didn't seem like the ultimate caregiver geez well you know people are more complex than you meet him at first glance geez don't say that but like legit in this game like compared to the others you can't like you literally can't like judge the people based on their like appearances like for example like i don't know i guess nagito from danganronpa 2. you just like his character design was all over the place you had no clue what like his like ability was and what he was all about but like especially in this game like except except for kaye like you can't really tell people's like abilities just from like their normal clothing which i really like i'm also super lost oh wait this is open now i can go through here before it's like the iron gate opened someone open it for us let's check it out sick hopefully it wasn't one of the mono cubs oh hello this is the entrance hall right chewichi this must be the entrance hall don't you think uh yeah it kind of looks like it i suppose so which means yes it's right there sick how do we open that door this must be the entrance if we walk through it we can escape this place right i don't think we should open the doors carelessly could be a trap oh yeah what hi uh worrying about that isn't necessary i have already examined the doors yes you wonder who is this yes i shall make that clear first my name is karekio shinguchi i am called the ultimate anthropologist uh okay like i was literally just saying could you figure that out by his clothing what the what are you wearing what curriculum anthropologist uh please call me keo as for anthropology would you like a simple explanation sure because yeah that could mean a lot of things studies customs legends folklore tales songs and much more they may even be customs in your daily life the origins of which you do not know for example certain aspects of birthday or new year celebrations anthropology sheds light on traditions and customs such as these through rigorous analysis in study that examined the thought behind culture faith and customs okay yeah i kind of knew that but i sort of get it but not really it sounds like a lot of fun though it does not it sounds like a lot of studying well of course it's fun it is a study focused on humanity oh god what i believe that human beings are creatures who possess infinite beauty okay let's go sweetie i find all aspects of humanity even the ugly parts to be beautiful so you're saying like poop is beautiful like what our present situation is rather intriguing what beauty will i be able to witness here people are wonderful this guy looks like a creep acts like a creep is a creep all checks out this piece turns out he has one too yeah anyway we go outside if we just go through the store right you should find the answers to such questions on your own the moment your hopes are shattered that too may be beautiful shattered what does he mean by that probably that yeah we can't actually escape throughout that door bummer but it would uh be a shame not to at least try let's give it a shot let's go okay it's just like you're sucking on it bars determined as i was i couldn't just or i just couldn't muster the courage to take the first step forward but to be honest i was scared because what if beyond this is just that's wrong oh jeez this isn't like me just because i'm scared doesn't mean i'm gonna run i gotta move forward are you okay you're being pretty optimistic for danganronpa hero don't worry about it let's go shuichi yeah i mean what's the worst i could have we're already in here we don't know where the dump we're going let's just do it i psyched myself up and you found strength walk boldly toward the doors upon opening the doors we were immediately greeted by blue skies bright sunlight gentle wind and what the heck a cage a wall what is going on where are huh both words were accurate what stood before us was both cage and wall either way the enormous walls struck a terrifying cord yet what what the dump uh they were near sight of imposing presence was enough to send waves of panic through me no matter where we looked ahead behind above or all around the cage surrounded the entire school what is this we're trapped what's going on well there goes that figured it wasn't gonna be that easy not you again god dang it hopefully you have an explanation i doubt they're gonna explain what surprised about that cage huh i totally understand how you feel the first time i saw it my teeth and fingernails fell out you don't have fingernails that's not a healthy way to react to a surprise but it's so awesomely huge i'm gonna see what's called the end wall and wall that's right normally walls are erected to separate two places right but that wall is different it represents the end of the world huh what are you talking about but were we talking about i don't remember nothing there was someone talking was i talking i don't hear anything this is creepy uh stop laughing and explain yourself there's nothing to explain this is simply how it is so please don't bother you can't get out of here the wall has no entrance or exits and it can't be climbed or demolished an ultimate could probably climb it part way but most of the time it's impossible but they could sort of climb it huh all right we need to find the ultimate rock climber stat uh it took a deep breath and shout out the wall as loud as i could someone help me oh my god please help us oh gosh someone anyone please help us we're trapped inside a huge cage it really sucks i shot as loud as i could but for all my shouting there was no response yeah i figured please stop you're hurting your throat yeah no kidding you scream all you like no one can hear you anyway no one can hear us hey what do you mean what do you mean no one can hear us answer please say something hey one of you just answer damn it god dang it monodom is ignoring them excellently because he refuses to open his heart you can thank my fearsome bullying for making that happen i'm not gonna thank you for that that's really scummy now now let's all get along dumbass shut up we're the monacos we need to get tough and whatnot what these things just give me such a headache but at the same time i'm like all right i've been there done that singing animal mascots yeah this is kind of normal but it's not normal what is this what things the school what is all this you idiots have to use your legs hands and eyes to find that out for yourselves but please watch your step while you explore the school is still under construction yeah no kidding under construction walk around uh it was true some areas it seems as if they were still under construction so yeah all the grass and stuff this place is not well maintained looks like they're still building some sort of facilities here okay are they in the middle of building the school no i don't think so it seems more like they're renovating an abandoned school oh either way the construction will finish soon once we set the x seals on autopilot x seals yeah the robots one's part of a biker gang the axials now work construction support their wives and kids oh do robots really need that kind of backstory their steering wheels are leopard print and their dashboards are lined with arcade prizes you stupid uh cool uh seriously knock it up guys they sound like douchebags backstories like those i think i think i think working to feed your family is a good what uh can robots have family i don't know let's ask kibo and there they go again more importantly it's what they said really true we can't escape we can't get over that wall no one's coming to rescue us yeah but i'm kind of used to this scenario but if i give up now then what i slapped both my cheeks the ones on my head and as my face grew warm i could feel my determination returning hey shuichi let's go see if we can find a way out homie gave up oh my god i'm gonna die here y'all i slapped him upside the head just firm enough to get his attention wow what that's not cool mr wichi i'm not great at motivating others but we can't give up just because of a wall we came in somewhere so there has to be an exit we may not be able to escape now but we'll do it eventually somehow everyone just has to cooperate if we all want to get out of here yeah that's right it's too early to give up it's too early yeah so oh there's a dude over there are you the ultimate rock climber we really need some help uh what the heck are you um look legit look at this dude what is he i couldn't tell you the ultimate like uh card shark how do they even how they even make this big wall anyway seriously i just don't get it hey i wonder what will happen now if we can't escape then why are you complaining huh listen up go ahead complaining and grumbling or it'll turn into a habit besides his cage is nothing compared to the vastness of the universe okay you're the ultimate astronaut the universe got it oops i don't introduce myself yet my bad i'm kaito momota luminary of the stars even crying children adore the ultimate astronaut especially crying children only crying children it's getting kind of weird how about it i'm an astronaut and isn't that cool uh yeah i've never been to space so i don't know much about it well of course not just anyone can go up there i may be an astronaut but i'm actually still in training oh so you haven't yet yeah you're just a trainee you haven't been up there either but i'm the first teenager to ever pass the exam i normally you need a college degree to even take the exam then how did you take the exam what i had a friend who was pretty crafty so adam ford some stuff for me and hey you know that's illegal yeah end up getting caught that was a pretty deep crap but the people up top decided they liked me and let me in anyway of course i aced the exam too well that helped that's reckless sometimes you gotta be a little reckless to make your dreams a reality no way i could wait till after college i'm gonna get to space as fast as i can but you sure have a lot of energy man yeah everyone telling me i was impossible i never gave up not for a moment that's because limits don't exist unless you set them yourselves that's a good mentality i must say there are no walls you can't get over except that one over there we're screwed the same goes for that one yeah so you have any idea how to get past it none whatsoever that's not the problem okay uh no that is the problem jesus guy sure talks a big game yeah legit but uh he seems cool i like him he's at least not no he looks pretty stinking mad right there i don't know he he doesn't strike me as a bad dude that's all i'm saying especially compared to you know all the what the a bird cage what the cru this place is huge my god this is awesome what the what is this thing this one ninja that mask reminds me of somebody though huh anyway second let me run past you bro oh gosh damn you're huge my god what gym do you go to bro oh man he looks a little scary though this guy looks scary he's so big and muscular just look at his expression too jesus um excuse me oh thank you oh oh thank you huh thank you sorry uh sorry for scaring um going to scary looking most people not want to talk to gonza when meeting for first time because going to gentlemen why is the guy talking like tarzan going to say thank you thank you for talking to konta thank you for being so polite he looks scary but he doesn't seem very scary at all oh right gauntan need to make introduction um gonta's name is gonta gokuhara gonta's talent is ultimate entomologist gonto want to become gentlemen becoming true gentlemen going to go yo bro same what the uh ultimate entomologist i guess that's what is like it's not a purse but i guess that's what that's all about konta that's really a cute name he just wants everybody on the stick oh god he's blushing really thank you oh you're actually pretty nice silly me for being so scared at first going to scary looking huh i don't think so it's just first your expression was not the uh most kind let's just say that but you know that's okay that's not what i know no it's okay go too used to it going to called scary since she was kid since you're a kid huh bigger than other kids others kids scared of gonta so kid going to play alone that how gonta came to like bugs but when goans are really focused and easy to lose track one day gonza go to force to find bugs end up lost that sounds rough were they able to were you able to find your way out yeah took 10 years oh my god 10 years what but going to fine new family take care of ganta i see i'm glad they're nice people oh not peoples wolves huh you're raised by wolves but they were really nice wolves like super nice ghost of forest family going to learn to speak bug and animal as thanks don't i want to show forest family what great gentleman gonta is i guess that explains the suit and tie how's becoming a gentleman gonna do that for them uh this place strange huh lots of plants but no bugs really i suppose it's understandable that there are no animals but no insects at all well not even one bug i mean you like bugs too uh oh my god what the hey what's your favorite bug what do you like about them uh no i i wasn't that i i wasn't saying i like bugs or anything i just then you hate bugs no you hate bugs that's not true you don't hate bugs you love them right shuichi please say that you will die here okay of course i do i i love him bugs yum yum okay not good no bad person like bugs okay it's getting scary that was scary i thought you were gonna die honestly i can't stand bugs either but i might be the best to hide that yeah i love bugs am i going to just don't like he has a very good good reason to like bugs i guess god all right let's uh check out this bird cage i guess this is really peculiar i can't stop playing dude this is all goddamn fun shrine of judgment oh god that sounds terrible what the he's still my beating heart holy crap what what goddess is this john they're toony yay how are you my name is angie yonaga i'm the ultimate artist oh my god i can't handle this you're pretty comma cheerful she's a bit too happy considering the situation we're in right now hush she's precious there's no reason to carry bad thoughts with you you gotta live every day like it's bright cheery and fun so says atua atua what the god of my island atua is always with me speaking to me with his divine voice oh she's certainly devout uh do you specialize in paintings or sculpture i do both i paint paintings and sculpt sculptures but tattoo are the one who makes the art i merely offer my body as his vessel how divine uh i i see that's interesting if you don't mind can you show me some of your artwork of course of course of course in return will you make an offering uh an offering every monday and wednesday morning on my island a truck comes to collect offerings that sounds probably similar to putting out the trash pickup don't worry don't worry when i say offering i just mean a pint or two of your blood um that's kind of a deal breaker that sounds really suspicious don't worry um i'm a bit of anemic so i'll pass so what about you then me boy's blood is also acceptable offering come on come on it won't hurt one bit i'm not giving you my blood lady wait a minute don't run off she's so cute but she's so creepy this girl's so weird god dang all right i like the cosplayer and the caregiver a little more but like i don't know what's up with me an artist every girl i liked back in high school like high school middle school is also like really into big art so maybe that's why i don't know stinking whatever uh i'm terrified let's uh let's save investigating the other crap for a little bit later i guess we have other stuff to get to i mean oh my gosh this school's just well it's not even just the school this place is huge man like what what the dump is going on here oh we can't get over there right now all right well back to uh the dorms what the why are the dorms separate from well i guess that's kind of common actually but uh what the heck this place is giant this building is round and there's a lot of smaller rooms inside oh my god oh wait they have new catchphrase why hello bear sorry to intrude why are you so polite what was it this time what do you mean by intruding this your home you jerk we finished getting up the showers now you gotta pee now you can go pee i don't pee in showers why do they just use the toilets even for number two you mean you go number two in the shower oh that's gross yeah legit goodbye i guess uh um what do you mean our home could it be they mean for us to live here so there are 16 doors perhaps a room for each of us stop it stop it that's just stupid shuichi i'm sorry i don't plan on staying here long enough to need a room yeah legit um but hi there uh pleasure to meet you hi i failed to see their objective what do you mean uh so why is there a spider web on your boob is that like cracked glass i don't get it uh if they're holding us to ransom a large facility such as this would be necessary oh wait that's her talking furthermore i gather they would rather care for us than hurt us in light of this i fail to see the true objective of the culprits responsible for kidnapping us uh-huh i never thought of about like that well it's obvious what we have to do here meant to be killing each other right like what why would our kidnappers go to all this trouble 16 ultimate students have been gathered here but why what's the reason excuse me pardon me i have not introduced myself yet i am kirumi toto the ultimate maid please let me know if you require my service uh got it i i think we'll be good uh for the most part the ultimate maid sounds like a really cool talent it doesn't like you're just good at cleaning and take care of people uh i've heard of kirimitocho an ultimate with incredible intellect and strength working as a private maid okay that sounds way cooler what i heard that her work is so perfect she can complete any requests given to her huh uh all right bust down that wall you got it she's that amazing i do not agree please you are exaggerating i will not complete any request that is asked of me i received a request to annihilate a rival nation but it was impossible i rejected it oh but being requested to do that is pretty impressive on it so who are you a made for what's true i also heard that she's been hired as a bodyguard to several foreign dignitaries i have only been employed as a maid not a bodyguard but you've been hired by so many important people you're like a super maid moving on what do you intend to do now [Music] that's a tough question what should we do um what would you do kurumi i do not agree i hold no opinions or desires of which to speak god you sound more robot than stinking kibo dude what the dump uh as a maid my only desire is to fulfill the desires of others that sounds really sad so please think about what you desire for yourself and what you desire from me no matter the situation no matter what happens i'm here to serve everyone uh that sounds awful like you're going to be a tool for murder very soon what she's more concerned for others she is the ultimate mate after all even in a situation like this yeah all right so how many sinking people do we have on a guess you want to go clean oh god huh well what was that bell guy eddie look the monitor it's hd oh my god look at him is he gonna stay silent for the whole game you bastards catch away now everyone make your way to the gym please the opening ceremony can finally begin we finally finished our preparations you didn't realize you just read your lines backwards don't you no i didn't realize that very well all right cool i guess we gotta head to the gym now opening ceremony coyote what should we do um what should we do go of course everyone else is probably doing the same thing you're right true but i'm a little worried about this i'm not a little worried i'm very worried yeah legit dude what's gonna happen in that sinking i guess we did meet all the students i wasn't even like counting i did kind of want to check the report card though all right we're gonna do that before sinking heading over there all right kaye kamatsu likes piano keys and bicycles he dislikes bicycles gotcha kibo 5'3 i think kaye is kind of tall then she's taller than makoto bruh just likes vending machines gotcha likes straw ropes okay dislikes air conditioning who dislikes air conditioning also what's up with that creepy mask with the dump kokichi omar he's so tiny likes carbonated drinks dislikes pig feet okay uh dislikes bananas bro i love bananas dang he's six six bro in 207 dang he must work out or well i guess he doesn't have to work out he lived in a forest grantaro umami dislikes exterior what extraterrestrial is he the ultimate alien what the crud this is weird uh goddamn all right we'll check the rest of these in a little bit i just want to see singing 5-1 only 90 pounds what the dumb likes avocados dislike humidity well considering i live in the most human place in the world i think i guess me and angie are never meant to be i could just move uh dang dislikes uh disorderly cues i relate to that so hard if a line is like not a line it bugs me to death like you know people just like anyway likes morning lake shores dislikes winter lake shores uh-huh uh like small spaces the ocean dislikes taking days off honey you need a day off like i want to talk okay whatever thinking let's uh head to the gym i guess that's right monokuma has not showed up he's gonna show up right now right like he's in this game that would be so goddamn troll if one of my favorite well i guess he is he my favorite no i'd say hajime is my favorite but that could change as this is a brand new game and all but uh yeah all right my uh kind of anxiety is kind of simmered down a bit i guess like i don't know i just felt like i was like basically hanging on like the edge of a cliff and it was about to like make me fall down i don't know how to describe it but like something weird is happening and i guess the gym is not that way all right i guess we'll go in this direction it's the only place we haven't really investigated yet uh end of hallway oh is this open though i guess all right it's sick so uh we're almost there this is not okay that's like a mystery like area i guess we'll just go to the gym right now i want to keep exploring but like legit this school is massive hospice academy also got a way bigger budget man for real but uh here we go time to see what's inside the gym more robots probably hey it's all the students what's up how y'all doing all 16 of us gathered tasty it's pretty spectacular seeing all 16 of us ultimates gather together you may not be able to be so easy going for much longer in this situation instead you're thinking about can't do that voice the whole game so eventually tsumigi stopped thinking okay thanks for sharing what's gonna happen to us i bet it'll be a big pain what are you looking at uh um himiko you can use your amazing powers right you're a psychic and stuff right it's magic i'm not psychic i'm a mage [Music] that's amazing i definitely want to incorporate that into neo aikido perform magic while punching hey what sort of training do you undergo to gain your awesome powers talking about it's too tiring um you're pretty lazy please wait pardon me but we need to be on guard we do not know if and when danger will strike uh good point don't say that i'm so scared i don't know what to do it'll be okay there is no need to worry a tour will protect us that's a relief is your brain full of weeds or something i'll whack them out with that skull of yours don't worry about it just leave it at me and those teddy bears show themselves again i'll kick all their butts what that what's wrong what's wrong see listen hear that oh god i think i hear it it sounds like an engine from a robot anime right on cue the giant mech suits oh my god this is really familiar huh yeah yeah that's that's your slogan again like this is so repetitive what is going on where could she forgotten everyone behind gonta what the heck are these monsters so cool they're axials highly mobile bipedal weapon platforms they got lots of hometown pride too what are you saying can't keep track of those backstories oh my god whatever they are they better kill off the odigos and save me for laughs run himiko why are you concerned about me all of a sudden by the way it's too early to start shipping didn't someone say they would kick all their butts what the heck nobody told me about these it's okay all right chill out no need to panic we're probably not in any danger if they wanted to kill us they'd have done it by now he's got a point with that rontaro casually walked up to the exiles so what do you want from us you clearly want something that's what the guns are for right let me guess they're going to force us to do something and if we don't we get hurt that means well you have our attention so what do you want and that's that well aren't you a wise guy i'll start us off listen up here's what we want you punks to do go on my heart's going 100 miles per hour i'm gonna see it you ready yes well the heck yeah here it is it's a killing game monodom what monodub how dare you upstage me wait a second what did you say if i heard him correctly it's a killing game a killing game ah he said it again god dang it monotone i'm gonna crush you with this exhale come on we don't have to fight amongst ourselves okay yeah if you don't stop fighting i'm gonna crush you this exile you too monotaro if this is what it's come to then i'll crush the four of you with this your exhale hey are you including me oh it's more appropriate for us to be hostile towards each other why is that what you want to go jabroni who you calling jabroni you guys are supposed to be the mastermind's minions and you're fighting amongst each other what the what'd you say jabroni stop saying go down anytime jabroni check yourself before you wreck yourself okay seriously are they gonna get it on right in front of us get your head out of the gut or what the don't worry is watching over us i severely doubt that in a situation like this is he just going to watch who are you talking about either way it's too dangerous we need to get out of here or else oh my god what my cute little cups you gotta knock off this awful fighting there he is baby daddy where are you i can't i'm not gonna say that i got neighbors yo stop make me say daddy what at that moment the lights in the gymnasium suddenly shut off god danganronpa
Channel: JohneAwesome
Views: 721,907
Rating: 4.9441714 out of 5
Keywords: JohneAwesome, danganronpa v3, johneawesome danganronpa, danganronpa v3 part 1, danganronpa v3 killing harmony, danganronpa v3 killing harmony walkthrough, danganronpa 3 blind
Id: Rj-rNamRgxY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 107min 11sec (6431 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 18 2018
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