Dangan Ronpa V3 All Closing Arguments English (SPOILERS)

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face it all began two days prior when monokuma gave us the additional motive the time limit added to this killing game triggered the crime after the announcement some of us decided to form groups to plan our next move I had my own plan to find the mastermind and someone offered to help me at the time I never would have imagined they would become the culprit to expose the mastermind the culprit and I set up hidden cameras in the library there was a hidden door in the library that showed signs of use we deduce that the mastermind would return there to let monokuma out the next day we asked me if she could modify some cameras for our trap [Music] we then went to the warehouse to gather the necessary materials all we needed were disposable cameras and a security sensor but the culprit found something else there the murder weapon that's right the shot football we put the cameras as well as the shot in their backpack [Music] then on the day the time limit would expire the day of the murder the culprit and I collected the modified cameras from you and visited the library [Music] once there we searched the room for ideal locations to place the cameras but even then the culprit was preparing the murder [Music] they began by removing the vent grate and laid it inside the air duct then they move the pile of books on top of the bookcase pretending to organize them [Music] after that they placed open encyclopedias on the final bookcase it appeared to knock us enough but it was actually a path for the murder weapon the culprit also tampered with a hidden camera linked to the security sensor I was responsible for setting up the other cameras but that one I didn't even notice their trick they use duct tape to keep the flash function on [Music] after the cameras were set the culprit and I climbed the stairs to the first-floor classroom we kept a lookout for the others and waited for the security sensor to go off [Music] during the stakeout we saw Kaito and six others go down to the basement bran taro was with them the first victim [Music] after watching that group into the game room that returned to the classroom with about 1 hour remaining the security receiver I was holding went off I assumed it was the mastermind so I ran out of the classroom to the library I was in such a hurry I left the culprit behind looking back on it now that was the last chance I had to stop the murder after I have left the culprit took the shot football out of their backpack and rolled it into the classroom vent this and the murder in motion rentaro had moved the bookcase triggering the receiver unbeknownst to him the trap had been sprung [Music] first the modified camera took a picture of RAM Tara with a flash on rentaro noticed the flash and approached the bookcase to inspect the camera the camera flash lured ran taro directly into the murder weapons path [Music] the shot the culprit tossed into the vent rolled through the air duct [Music] came out of the library's vet and kept rolling atop the bookcase opening the vent grate and organizing the books was all to create a path under normal circumstances the victim would have been alerted by the noise but the promotional video was masking the sound of the shot rolling [Music] the shot kept rolling did fellow rancheros head killing him instantly by the time we had entered the room the murder was complete I imagine seeing rancheros body the culprit probably thought the mastermind is dead the game is over now we can all go home but their wish didn't come true because ran taro wasn't the mastermind it was murder in an attempt to save all our lives that is the truth [Music] that's the truth behind your lies coyote ha Komatsu the ultimate pianist [Music] the victim's body was found this morning during Hema clothes underwater escape act when we saw the piranhas in the tank we've got a Miko's escaped failure of course it was all part of the Act heroes escape went perfectly [Music] but when Angie opened the curtain in front of the tank we saw Roma with piranhas swarming around him before any of us could react the piranhas devoured Ramona's body and all that was left for his bones and the handcuffs he was wearing that horrifying sight was the finishing touch on the culprits own twisted magic trick [Music] the culprit popu skated the time and place of the murder implicating he Nikko in the process in truth the crime began last night around 855 p.m. while preparing for the show in the gym the culprit had a chance to be alone [Music] it was then that the coppa used the ladder to reach the piranha tank and remove the glass lid to put inside the tank they used it as a partition to force the piranhas to one side of the tank [Music] next the culprit took the rope from the stage wing in the gym [Music] and use the ladder once more this time to climb up to the gyms window [Music] once there they open the window and tied one end of the rope to the window frame the rope was then thrown out the window toward the pool [Applause] [Music] these preparations were key for the culprits elaborate plan [Music] at nighttime past midnight the Cobra Astri OMA to meet at his lab [Music] all the pieces were in place the culprit was ready to murder [Music] first the corporate not Brianna I'll probably striking him from behind [Music] then they put the handcuffs from the shower room on Rihanna's wrists [Music] and shoved his head into the sink filled with water [Music] from the water and the pain of drowning Roma should have woken up and struggled the cult would anticipated his resistance which is why Rioja was handcuffed the struggle left scrapes on the cuffs and sea but in the end we all must account Ryoma was dead but the culprits plan had only just begun [Music] we remove the cable from the tennis net and hung it from the window facing the pool [Music] and then at the pool they connected the wire and the rope from the gym window they returned to the lab after picking up one last day [Music] the rubber inner tube that was in the pools tool shed [Music] once back in the lab the culprit pulled the cable bringing up the rope [Music] a cold until the rope was tied then tied it to the labs window frame and thus the gym and the lab windows were connected by a single row [Music] after making a hanger of sorts with another length of rope tied to the inner tube they hung the inner tube on the rope connecting the windows that's how the culprit created the ropeway that was used to move the body unimpressive premeditated murder but the culprit made two crucial mistakes [Music] the culprit got on the inner tube with real must body and slid toward the gym [Music] the difference between the windows they would have built the quite some speed to avoid crashing through the window the culprit used a break [Music] they use their own hand to grip the loaf then slow down that would have caused significant rope burning had the culprit not been wearing gloves [Music] but due to the friction part of a glove tore off and dropped in the pool [Music] regardless the culprit reached the window and put Wilma's body into the piranha tank the glass pane not only kept the piranhas in the body separated it also kept the piranhas so close together that they concealed the body [Music] after that all the culprit had to do was untie the rope and the energy but that's when they made their second mistake [Music] one end of the world came loose and the inner tube dropped into the pool [Music] and thus the culprit was forced to leave two key pieces of evidence the fabric and the inner tube they couldn't retrieve the evidence because of the rule against swimming at nighttime [Music] and that's the whole story am I wrong Kira Tojo the ultimate maid [Music] let's look back at the first murder it was late last night the culprit was in the empty room on the fourth floor the culprit was preparing the seance murder they had planned to use the floorboard as a seesaw they had to cut the crosspiece supporting it the plan was to make the same preparations for all three empty rooms head and this would divert suspicion away from the culprit and whoever picked a room to get the crosspieces they needed a sob I imagine they got one from the warehouse they were planning to cut the cross pieces in all three rooms [Music] however when the culprit was working on the middle room the unexpected happened Angie walked into that room and saw the culprit making their preparations she needed some fire for the ritual and had gone to the room for a candle at that point the culprit had not finished the setup and was just cutting cross pieces Angie might not have concluded that it was tied to some kind of murder plan but now that Angie had seen it the culprit couldn't use the seesaw trick any other person might have just given up but not our culprit [Music] the culprit took the floorboard there loosened and struck the unsuspecting Angie in the head [Music] [Applause] [Music] the culprit did not want to give up on their plan and had to improvise [Music] they wrap duct tape around Angie's injury to stop the bleeding [Music] then they picked up an unconscious body and carried her to a research lab [Music] while she was unconscious the culprit hurry to tie up this loose end [Music] but because they were in a hurry they made a crucial oversight they didn't notice the duct tape had peeled off and was under Angie's body without that evidence we may never have figured out the culprits trick [Music] carrying the supplies they needed the culprit returned to the ultimate art lab [Music] lock the front door from the inside [Music] and took out the katana they brought from their own lap [Music] the then stabbed Angie in the back of the neck finally killing her [Music] then to further confuse us the corporate attempted to make a locked room mystery first they used rope from the warehouse and hung four effigies upside down [Music] there were two reasons for this to overwhelm the room with an occult atmosphere and the other was the key to locking the room the culprit stuck the katana into coyotes effigy near the rear entrance [Music] and spun the effigy around to twist up the rope [Music] after enough turns the culprit let go and headed for the rear door [Music] [Applause] once released the effigy began spinning and the goldleaf katana with it [Music] the handle of the katana then hit the sliding lock locking the door a difficult trick but remember that the lock was so loose it moved that the slightest touch the culprit also would have had the opportunity to attempt it many times once complete the door was locked but the duct tape was left behind perhaps the culprit noticed it but by that point it was too late the room was sealed there was no way for them to get back inside [Music] yeah this morning we opened up the room and discovered Angie's body [Music] but the culprit wasn't finished they wanted one more murder to do that they manipulated us into performing this seance [Music] of the three of us the middle one was chosen for the sails I was invited by kokichi to take he bows place in the sails [Music] tanco volunteered to be the media but she never imagined it would get her kill to perform the seance the culprit claimed they needed something for 10 Goff [Music] a small stone that he Nico had brought from the courtyard tanka at the culprits request bowed her head until it was touching the stone that position was instrumental in making sure the murder went as planned [Music] next Kokichi and I placed the iron cage over ten Co in the middle of the Magic Circle the culprit then volunteered to drape the white cloth over the iron cage we didn't realize it at the time but that was a deliberate decision by the culprit [Music] they needed to set up a murder weapon that was used to kill Danko [Music] while we were covering the cage with a quad he secretly placed the sickle [Music] finally four of us place the wooden statue on top of the cage [Music] the culprit used a weight of the statue to keep the murder weapon in place [Music] after the preparations were complete we began to say us [Music] in complete darkness we each stood in one corner and sang the cage child saw [Music] when the sauna finished the soul of the Dead was supposed to enter the media but our culprit had another plan to commit a murder in the darkness right after we started singing the culprit began making their way toward 10 job it would have been quite difficult to do in total darkness but our culprit had a guy [Music] they used the lines of the Magic Circle drawn with salt the culprit felt for the salt and used it to guide them along and when the culprit reached the center of the circle they found the floorboard that had its crosspiece cut off the night before then lifted up their foot and stomped down hard on the floorboard [Music] the floorboard lifted up like a seesaw and pushed ankles body up toward the ceiling of the cage tengo a staff in the back of the neck by the sickle on the top of the cage she was killed right before our eyes and we didn't even see it [Music] after committing the crime the culprit followed the salt back to their corner [Music] finish the ritual and had us light the canvas we follow the culprits directions and remove the equipment used for the sails [Music] [Applause] and discover tangos body [Music] while we're all focused on the body the culprit picked up the sickle and dropped it under the floor through the hole in the corner of the room [Music] ironically the final step of the murder was unwittingly carried out by us the culprit had planned the murder so that we would unintentionally destroy some evidence that evidence was the Magic Circle that the culprit used to navigate in the dark [Music] however the culprit didn't know that Kibo had taken a picture he really saved us without that he wouldn't know what changes were made to the circle but now we know for certain and we know the culprit drew the magic circle [Music] korekiyo Xingu ji the ultimate anthropologist you're the culprit behind these murders [Music] the case began last night after being convinced by mu we all logged into the virtual world to log in you have to plug the memory and consciousness quartz into the device so we all plug those chords into our helmets and enter the virtual world [Music] but the culprit had accidentally plugged their quartz into the wrong ports because of this a connection error occurred between the culprits brain and their avatar as a result the culprit would forget everything that happened in the virtual world it's possible that this had an effect on their avatars personality as well [Music] because I I can't believe that someone so kind could commit murder but we had no idea this error even happened and so we all logged in one by one meanwhile new was the last to login she had modified the killing game simulator so she could accomplish a specific goal after me you confirmed we were all logged in she took out the bottle of poison and placed it on kokichi seat this was done to make it look like kokichi was killed by poison when we returned yes the reason you modified the simulator and brought us to the virtual world was to kill kokichi in the virtual world but make it look like he had died in the real world [Music] after we had all locked in you explained the world to us use the salon phone to lock out objects are unbreakable your avatars use all five senses she also explained the map of the virtual world in the mansions entrance hall but her explanation was intentionally false she wanted us to misunderstand the world however one of us was able to see through her scheme [Music] the very person you was trying to kill Kokichi kokichi was going to use news plan against her and plotted her murder but kokichi wouldn't do it himself he used a patsy to be the culprit in this case Kokichi was tight-lipped about the motive so I don't know why the culprit agreed but it seems as though right after logging in when Kokichi and the culprit went outside they were already working together to execute the murder [Music] eventually we met up with Kokichi and crossed the river to the chapel knew had a split up to try to find some secret of the outside world [Music] Kaito Kokichi Ganta tsumugi and I investigated the mansion while Maki Hibiki Boehm you investigated the chapel splitting us up was also part of news plan at the chapel you told Maki that she was going to look around outside she chased after our group while we were heading toward the mansion once she made sure we were across she dropped the bridge into the river this was to trick us into thinking that the river separated the mansion and Chapel at the time we thought nothing of it it was just another one of news pranks [Music] that's why we continued with the original plan to find the secret of the outside world we went to the mansion and split up to look for clues Kokichi searched the salon [Music] kaito searched the roof - movie search the dining room I searched the kitchen and finally the culprit searched outside the mansion around that time mu was headed for the wall that was on the side of the chapel she passed through the wall and headed for the mansion to kill kokichi you see the wall was a special law that nu had added herself this wall was programmed so that only objects could pass through and nu had changed her avatar settings from human to object that was the hidden route she prepared for herself she set up a wall that only she could pass through you headed toward the mansion but she was seen by tsumugi on the way [Music] when she entered the mansion she pulled out her cell phone she didn't tell us that there was another way to log out [Music] then she spoke a name into the phone which forced that person to log out it was Cato who was on a roof at the time the same roof where Kokichi and me were going to me by having Keiko searched the roof and then forcing him to log out she was making him look the most suspicious but her plan didn't go smoothly [Music] Kokichi was waiting on the roof with a colbrunn and the toilet paper used to kill Neal while Neil was distracted by kokichi the culprit snuck up from behind [Music] and use the toilet paper from the mansion's bathroom to strangle knew this was only possible because objects in the virtual world are unbreakable [Music] News avatar was strangled to death and the shock killed new in the real world after the murder Kokichi left the cleanup - the culprit and left the room he probably returned to the salon as soon as he could to avoid drawing suspicion the culprit then took the lattice from the storage room and placed use body on top along with a hammer in the cellphone [Music] we cook with heed the latus over the railing and forcefully slid it down the roof sloth [Music] with a body on top of it the lattice became a makeshift sled and flew off the roof it went through the wall that only objects can pass through before crashing into the chapel that was the crashing sound that kibo heard in the chapel and we heard in a mansion news/wall hid the fact that the mansion and chapel were actually right next to each other that's why tsumugi and I were able to hear the crash from the mansion as the final step the culprit had it then get off the roof because we were at the mansion they couldn't take the stairs or they'd be seen so to use the toilet paper again to escape from the rooftop they hung the toilet paper from the binoculars on the roof and used it like a rope to climb down [Music] once the culprit was safely on the ground they pulled at the toilet paper to retrieve it they would have returned it to the bathroom but they ran into us as we were leaving the mansion [Music] in a panic the Cobra tossed the toilet paper somewhere nearby [Music] without that one little mistake we might never have solved this case because the culprit doesn't remember [Music] this is the truth you've forgotten don't echo GU Hara the ultimate entomologist let's go over the trick that Kokichi and the culprit created together last night Kibo sahi Neko from the window of his lab she was carrying a black case and heading to the XSL hangar when she reached the hangar she handed the case to someone through the bathroom window that someone is the culprit of this case locked in the bathroom the culprit had asked Hemi code to bring them a certain weapon a disassembled crossbow from McKee's lab the culprit was going to use the crossbow to challenge kokichi to a fight [Music] some time passed and Monti made her way to the hangar she was going to the hangar to kill kokichi and saved the culprit trapped in the bathroom however the hangar had an electric barrier preventing her from entering fortunately for her she had an electro hammer to get around the barrier in a way she used her electro hammer to disable a Nexus off and climbed inside she knew XO sauce could bypass the barrier so she got inside one around that time the culprit and Kokichi began their confrontation while Kokichi was checking up on that the culprit ambushed him with a crossbow but the culprit didn't intend to kill Kikuchi they just wanted to disable that's why the culprit aim for cokie cheese right arm if they really wanted to kill him they would have shot him in his vitals co-teaching wheel from the arrow and a culprit jumped on him immediately he'd everyone Kokichi to have the chance to summon an ex assault with a remote [Music] while they were fighting something happened that cotton pulled off guard [Music] the shutter of the hangar open and an excess all stepped inside Kokichi was definitely not expecting an exercise to interrupt them he pulled out his remote in an attempt to control the exes song but Maki linked out of the cockpit and shot Kokichi with her crossbow the arrow hit Kokichi right in the back and it was no normal arrow the tip was covered in a lethal poison from my lab called strike nine poison the poison kills slowly it seems is that Mommy wanted Kokichi to confess before he died but even with poison in his veins Kokichi continued destroy his lies when she had had enough machi tried to finish him off with another poisoned arrow [Music] but this time mati was the one caught by surprise [Music] to keep machi from becoming the blackened the culprit used their body to shield Kikuchi the culprits left arm was struck by a poison arrow machi remembered that there was an antidote in my lab and immediately ran off to get it the strike nine poison is slowly circulated through their systems and would soon kill them both but in that desperate situation Kokichi thought up a clever lie he incorporated this unforeseen event into his plan to help him win the killing game or should I say help him defeat monokuma that was Koki G's true objective it's why he claimed to be the mastermind thinking fast Kokichi closed the shutter so that machi could not reenter the hangar the Skokie cheese final lie was set into motion when machi returned with the antidote she couldn't get back inside the hangar so she went around to the hangar bathroom and passed the antidote through the window but after the culprit was given the antidote Kokichi immediately snatched it Kokichi drank down all of the antidote while the culprit and machi watched in horror machi must have been panicking thinking the only antidote was now gone she believed that the culprit was going to die from her own poisoned era but it was all another one of pokey cheese lies he had only pretended to drink the antidote [Music] monkey tried desperately to break into the hangar even slashing the control panel but she couldn't get the shutter to open again defeated she had no choice but to leave after Maki had left Kokichi took out another weapon an electro bomb capable of disabling communication devices for hours poppy cheese plan was to use an electro bomb to knock out monokuma surveillance cameras that was why he commissioned me to make the bombs in the first place [Music] after detonating an electro bond Kokichi coerce the culprit in the drinking the antidote in exchange for the antidote Kokichi asked the culprit to cooperate with his plan [Music] Kokichi needed to work with a culprit to execute his final lie [Music] under normal circumstances the culprit would never have agreed to such a plan but because the culprit owed him for saving their life they agreed to coquรญ's request request is a generous turn it was more like blackmail in any case the two are now working together as accomplices in an insane plan there was a lot to prepare and not a lot of time they had to work fast if Kokichi died from a strike nine poison the whole plan would be ruined after fabricating the scene in the bathroom the culprit dragged Kokichi to the hydraulic press this is how the swipe pattern blood stain from the bathroom to the press was created Kokichi with the support of the culprit stood in front of the presses control panel the two of them were finally ready to execute the insane lie [Music] while kokichi was setting up the video camera near the hydraulic presses control panel the culprit laid face off inside the press draping their coat over their shoulders there Kokichi activated the press and the cameras record button at the same time [Music] but hydraulic press came down slowly all caught on tape for us to see normally the safety function would have triggered but the Elektra bomb had disabled it the press got lower and lower and just as the culprit disappeared from view Kokichi pressed the four stop button and the cameras pause button simultaneously the two didn't switch places and also switched roles the culprit and the victim the would-be victim became our culprit and started up the press and camera [Music] Kokichi hat saved the culprits life because his trick required their cooperation he wanted to win the killing game even if it meant dying himself and so Kokichi was crushed by the press and the whole thing was caught on video the culprits left sleeve was dangling from the press making us think he was the victim now along the culprit collected a video camera and tour the hydraulic presses power court so that it could never be raised again this would make it impossible for us to determine the identity of the crushed body but there was another reason the victim was killed in this way it pop you scared the cause of death making the case that much more difficult to solve this was all part of Koki G's plan to create a murder not even monokuma could figure out [Music] with the press disable the culprit returned to the bathroom to flush cokie cheese clothes finally they climbed inside of an X asada hi and waited with bated breath and here they are now in this trial pretending to be co-teaching they're trying to deceive monokuma in order to defeat the true mastermind and that's it that's cookie cheese unidentified culprit trick [Music] the culprit is in that exercise it's you isn't it Kaito more motor the ultimate astronaut with this new evidence let's look back at ran Taro's murder the night of the incident coyote and I were in the first floor classroom we were waiting for the mastermind to trigger the trap we said in the library around that time there were four people in the dining hall including a mastermind the mastermind was probably irritated that no murders have yet occurred after the motive was given they knew that coyote was planning something but the mastermind wanted some insurance they would take action if necessary the mastermind excused themselves in the dining hall and went to the bathroom and from there to the hidden room in the library that only the mastermind could enter [Music] and there they waited with less than an hour before the time limit expired rantarou moved the library's bookcase which set off the receiver I was holding it all happened the way we determined in the first trial except at the end I ran out of the room and coyote ruled the shock football into the air fast at the same time ran taro was lured by the flash of the hidden camera coyote said [Music] he unwittingly stepped right into the path of the shock [Music] [Music] the shot wheeled down the pack by a teammate and then [Music] fell right onto rotten Taro's head killing him instant or so we thought it turns out that was just what the mastermind wanted us to believe in reality Coyotes murder plan happened quite differently [Music] the shock football the coyote roll didn't actually hit rentaro you must have been surprised seeing the shot put ball drop out of nowhere like that but his feet was sealed the mastermind saw the Coyotes plan failed and stepped in to finish the job the mastermind jumped out of the hidden room and attacked ran taro from behind and in their hand the real murder weapon their own shot football [Music] rantarou wasn't killed by coyotes shine but by the masterminds the mastermind picked up coyote shot and left there shot good brawl at the scene [Music] they also looted the survivor perk mono path from rentaro squad those things in hand they retreated back into the hidden room I remember seeing the bookcase closing just as coyote and I got there the mastermind had probably just finished their crime [Music] and son the real truth was perfectly hidden from us we went to the class trial and reach the truth that coyote was the culprit but that truth had been twisted by the mastermind [Music] after the murder the mastermind left the stolen mano pad on the table in the hidden room and through coyotes shot football into the trash can little careless of him to not get rid of all the evidence but they probably believe no one would ever get into that room but we did their crime complete the mastermind went back through the hidden passageway the passageway led from the hidden room all the way to the girls bathroom on the first floor while the mastermind was pretending to use the girls bathroom they were actually using the hidden passageway that's how they moved around without being noticed anyone could have used the hidden passageway not just the people in the dining hall but looking at the survivors only you could possibly be the mastermind [Music] if I'm wrong please refute me please tell us you want a mastermind tsumugi Sheela Ghani the ultimate cosplayer [Music]
Channel: Collector Togami
Views: 1,595,153
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dangan Ronpa, shooties refuties, ding dong rupaul, dr3, dingdong rupal, dangan ronpa v3 killing harmony, danger grandpa, shooties refooties, danganronpa v3, dangan ronpa v3
Id: svkobJ8vajw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 40sec (3460 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 02 2017
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