Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls - True Ending and Epilogue {English, Full 1080p HD}

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[Music] huh you're kidding me Monica lost that's right now be a good little girl and just give up there's no way I'd kill you of course not but you don't hand over that controller it will not be pleasant [Music] Monica's plan fail that's enough just hurry up and hand it over or I swear I will spank you good if I break this the monaco must stop and the brainwashing helmets will deactivate right and then this uprising will be over but that was well it was kind of easy is it really okay ramen broth and climaxes should always be light or would you prefer an ending that has us getting beaten up and thrown from one despair to another just like your older brother I don't want that but well you're forgetting the real happy ending comes after we rescue master so let's hurry up and end this um it's really okay to break this great it's obviously okay you can stop them on Akuma's and the brainwash gets lifted right [Music] [Music] well what are you doing sorry something is concerning me concerning you concerning you concerning or disconcerting could it be that maybe you want to be Monica's ally at the last minute so your husband no need to hesitate just break the controller end this already you you're right you why are you here don't don't break the controller [Music] huh I didn't know breaking the controller would also in the brainwashing that would be bad if it's just the monokuma that's fine we lose all the friends we made what friends you brainwash them all tickles right don't break that controller if you don't come I promise I'll kill all of the adults and build paradise traitor good ha why are you saying such mean things we're friends [Music] no we're not you're just a trainer who cares our own friends [Music] it's just forgiving sir get together again what's going on just let those idiots bite hurry up and break the controller why hope you really think there's hope for you guys miss come on Mikey please listen to Monica's request to [Music] please make the right choice if you don't choose right you're gonna replace moment over and over so make the correct choice to end this properly what choice [Music] komaru what happened huh you're not gonna break it that's weird why not didn't you want to stop those crazy kid didn't you want to be the heroine of this dirty lame penal colony didn't you want to be everyone's hope just like your brother are you sure if you don't break the controller now this will just repeat over and over hold on a second this is backwards why do you suddenly want her to destroy the controller give it up watch the controller get destroyed toko what should I do I will leave that decision to you however because I'm leaving it to you I will share the responsibility as well so just do what you think is best what I think is best [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I don't think it's a good idea to break it at least not right now that's right good thank you big set thank you so much for not breaking Monica's special controller geez which side are you on it would be such a bummer at the end credit started rolling before all the cast was here cast she'll be here soon probably running down the hallway Raymond found you Monica just like Monica said although we do have a sibling connection after all you why are you here big brother came to save Monica right you're being so mean everybody's bullying Monica Monica's getting picked on by the kids and the adults big brother Monica don't tell me that's what you're actually here for don't be an idiot who the hell's gonna save you brother stop calling me that not my sister you're just the old man's mistake I didn't watch you around I never thought of you as family you're no child you're a brat who never learned her place and now it's biting you in the ass it's over Monica I'm finishing this now mister hi cheat so that's the controller for the monokuma huh what are you doing hurry up and destroy it end this nightmare already I won't be able to inflict despair on the world how crazy aren't you now hurry hurry and destroy it I know destroy it destroy it tomorrow what's going on [Music] [Music] [Music] ha I'm glad you understood us what is this why are you siding with those brats I'm not siding with them or anything did you forget what they did if that's the case then shut up and listen amazing a big horse of destroyed these dry peas dry who's this all this time the people outside we're watching they saw you defeat Monica's robots you did this didn't you you're filming all of this Monica has no idea they're still watching they're waiting for you to destroy that controller everyone expects from you they're waiting for you to wake them up from this nightmare you showed us hope we were able to finally stand up to those brats because of your speech that's why I'm even here that's why I'm not afraid of these kids anymore [Music] it's all thanks to you you are hope itself to us but if you still can't make up your mind I'll just have to help you choose [Music] tell them what you've done everything the whole truth then there's no way they'd side with you everything the reason why you want to successor everything tell them the truth I'll make sure you regret it [Music] it all started when I was still attending the hopes Peak Academy Elementary School Monica did a little prank to convince the Warriors of Hope to commit suicide wait what that was a prank oh of course Monica didn't intend to end her own life at all but you all took it so seriously under Eldon Monica met big sis Junko with the most miraculous timing [Music] the moment Monica saw her Monica understood big sis Junko is light itself that will shine down on Monica's boring little world it's a miracle thank you God at least at the time I thought it was a miracle but later learned it was inevitable she came into my life just to take advantage of me hey good for image hi then Monica was already a chief executive at Toa groups robotics branch Oh Big Brother I'm sorry about that wasn't it painful to watch your little sister surpass you and I'm also sorry to you Kodaka you didn't want to hear that little truth did you big sis Junko only cared about Monica the other warriors of Hope were just bonuses [Music] what are you talking about there's no way someone would love you your own parents didn't even love you no just keep talking oh stop big brother at first big sis Junko was looking for a corporation that could mass-produce machines so that she could use them for the tragedy that's why to meet her expectations Monica started making all that mr. Monica knows [Music] concentrating all of the resources of telling groups robotics branch just what was everyone else at TOA doing why did no one stop you I lied to Papa and Big Brother I told him I was building robots that could be domestic helpers and emergency aid workers and the adults actually bought that story no it's more like we turned a blind eye she was the outsider in our family but she's tenacious with a genius intellect as long as she kept turning Toa group money we let her do whatever she wanted this brat took advantage of her position and started mass-producing these monsters on her own I didn't know what the machines were even for so as usual I let her be but I did think they had a weird design and thanks to that Monica made big sis jingles so happy she started using them for the incident that's what helped the incident get bigger and bigger that's when the old man finally realized what was up when he tried to stop you stop producing the mana kumo anyway right if we stopped fixes jinsol would reveal the whole thing she would make it known that TOA group fills all those murder machines [Music] and if she did that taller groups finished Monica are you threatening me [Music] [Music] little [ __ ] sold us the idea of making a weapon to fight them on Akuma's you made them and then you sold the weapons to fight against them as well the more out of hand the situation got the more profitable TOA became [Music] we didn't have a choice we were in too deep if we went against the despair group they reveal what Monica did under tOA's name then Toa makes enemies with both forces we'd be shunned go extinct anyways tell a group did the right thing and chose to coexist with the despair and to the public they look like heroes fighting against the incidents but behind the scenes they were working for both sides the reason that air purifier they developed was so effective was because they were part of the cause in the first place that's why the incident didn't hit them as hard those idiot adults didn't know that so they worshiped oh look like they were saviors [Music] you better not blame this all on me by the end even papa was into it he supported the incident for money and honor he ended up being a patron of big sis Junko Sauer group Chico and a chimas patron so that's why you distanced yourself from future foundation you didn't want to get found out no matter how rotten it is Toa group is still my legacy I want to protect it but the good times have to end eventually just when things were gonna get much much more fun big sis jingles died all thanks to your brother mr. Kumar yogi since then Future Foundation gained power and big sis's influence got weaker and weaker come on ik a tried her best to rebuild it by any means necessary but Papa just said it's over and gave up like all the fickle wishy-washy adults do Papa betrayed big sis no matter what Monica said Papa just wouldn't listen anymore you couldn't forgive him for that could you that's why you targeted this city that's what you told us right all we gotta do is fulfill the hopeful dream big sis Junko gave us [Music] you shouldn't give up you can't abandon hope we need to build a paradise and take revenge against the adults who betrayed us [Music] Monica is so grateful to the warriors of hope adults are dirty demons who killed big sis you guys killed him off so well for me it was so happy it was just as I thought kids are so simple-minded the truth is Monica didn't really care about things like revenge and paradise [Music] succeeding big sis's we'll was far more important doesn't wanna Shima's legacy then so that's how you came to the brilliant conclusion that you should become the successor and in order to become the successor what exactly did you do [Music] big sis used to say all the time that she wanted to paint the world with despair if someone could do that don't you think they would make the best successor ever [Music] what do you mean war Oh pausing one if a war breaks out the world topples back into despair right whar what are you talking about brat you're bluffing you're trying to trick us again aren't you you've got some ulterior motive [Music] if you think so why don't you just break that controller Mescalero have break the controller inside a wood wait why would a War break out if this controller is destroyed I told you she's bluffing she's just using reverse psychology I told you to tell the truth let's peel more of your lies nothing this no more talk destroy that controller right now hey hey what are you doing don't tell me you seriously trust what this kid said [Music] [Music] [Music] but wait no I can't break it yet so you're taking this little brats word over mine what a while ago Monica and curl kuma were having a secret talk i was listening in what are you talking about get to the point at the time I thought they were kidding but maybe they weren't if that's the case this is very bad what are you talking about the monocle the heads the kids are wearing their link to the monocle miss power source explode explode if you destroy the controller the monaco must stop come on an exploding helmet you expect us to believe that made-up [ __ ] you know Monica would totally pull something like that she betrayed the warriors of hope do it without even feeling guilty about it so mean code uncle making me out to be the bad guy Monica doesn't want the controller to be destroyed [ __ ] the rift in the group now uh well if your post line you need to get your story straight no I'm serious I wrote it that's enough destroy that thing already [Music] Hey what are you doing why aren't you destroying it because the children might die if I do they're bluffing I've been trying to tell you but even if there's a small chance they're not I can't do it kids wearing those helmets they're just being brainwashed this is their fault [Music] not everyone involved was doing this of their own will brainwashing are you serious that cares about that huh after all this that excuses not gonna fly even if they all died they had it coming you've seen what they did to us they deserve it you can't be serious you're just blinded by revenge maybe I am that might not be after what they did to us not even the harshest revenge is enough to make me forget what I bit through listen listen outside the screams of the adults the ones who lost everything our loved ones were butchered by those little brats he took everything from us but you were the one who told us to stand and fight right it's because of your speech that we're even here right now if you really are our ally then finish this you boy you're our hope please don't betray us destroyed the controller please please just end this for us we just want it to be over hold on a minute you can't fool me me no idiot you I'm talking to you are you talking to Monica I get it now what you meant by war you're trying to start a war between TOA city and future foundation [Music] what what would future foundations do when they found out think the adults who survived were behind it [Music] and then they find out Toa group was involved with manufacturing the monokuma 's from that evidence I'm guessing future foundation would think the adults were remnants of despair and if that happens future foundation would crush this town immediately that's the idea isn't it that's not quite it cuz it was just done with the war between TOA and future foundation huh future foundation isn't the only one who'd see the adults as remnants of despair the true remnants of despair that are spread all over the world they learn about the war Intelli city and they come charging in TOA city would become the heart of a resurgence of the despair that mixes jus Galactus worthy of the name of Junko Enoshima wouldn't you agree are you serious with this she can't be she's bluffing anyway even if it were true all you'd have to do is explain the situation to Future Foundation right in your wid them right toko when you could straighten this all out easily hmm I don't know because the city shares a past with the incidents they won't take any chances the moment they see the headless bodies of children in the streets it's over [Music] they wouldn't even care about their hostage or miss Coco's testimony don't you think what child victims have quite an impact on people it's just like I said from the beginning pitiful children are the most powerful so that was your plan you need the adults to take revenge so they will cause more child victims you chose adults with no children because you thought they'd kill the kids with no remorse adults with no children wouldn't have a single bit of mercy would they wait then we were you were sorted and kept the life you used komaru to incite the adults to take revenge against the kids didn't you Monica may have helped things along but Miss kumaris transformation was a wrongdoing that delicate little girl maturing growing to overcome the despair as hope itself you even grew to care about this town wanting to save it becoming the hope for the adults [Music] but even so you know hope isn't always a good thing at times hope can be a terrible burden it can be a drive to hurt others just like now what did you think would happen if you gave people who watch their loved ones die hope did you think they don't be positive working together nice and peacefully of course not they will turn into demons demons who live for revenge [Applause] to kill [Music] oh why it's because they've been waiting for you to destroy that controller for so long [Music] what those people out there don't care whether or not the heads of the children are going to explode rather they sound pretty excited about it don't you think [Music] that's the son of people who have completely transformed into demons and this is all your fault exes it's because you start up the adult it's your hope that turned them into demons you know so that miss come R&I Aggie what are you talking about it's not Camaros fault it's yours wait listen to what she's saying if what she said is true then she should have wanted to destroy the controller right away she could have just destroyed the damn thing herself then she would have her war no that wouldn't do that would not be worthy of the successor now wouldn't she can stand she stood Monika's stood up that's not important right now [Music] just the city but the whole world how could this happen so anyways what are you gonna do how are you gonna end this are you gonna kill the children and play the savior or are you gonna spare the children's lives and let them keep slaughtering the adults who dies that is your choice there's no way to save both one side has to die and ye are going to kill them you made your final choice the final choice you can make as kumara Iggy choose wisely [Music] [Music] no no it's impossible I I can't break it no you're gonna break it all right Monica no huh you're gonna destroy the controller and then the children's heads are gonna explode and that's when the war begins and the successor the new splendid symbol of despair will be born you don't know that [Music] [Music] [Music] what did I ever say that Monica wanted to be the successor huh Monica's not the one who's going to be the successor it's gonna be miss Kamara Nagi Oh paint the world with despair that's what big sis Junko always used to say you know and what could be more despair inducing than having Makoto naegi sister be the successor so the one who's gonna murder all these kids has to be Mescalero herself oh [Music] don't worry it's not hard all you have to do is destroy the controller I've already prepared cameras so that the moment is recorded and sent to future foundations with Monica's video message as a bonus bed Monica already declared that miss kumara Nagi will succeed the legacy of pixies Jew girl like I said don't listen to her she's just trying to keep you from destroying it big brother just been saying that over and over the Datsun like change you shitty little brat enough give me the controller I'll destroy it myself if we do have the children will die what else are we supposed to do we have to end this massacre what about all the adults who died we just going to forget about them [Music] don't go dragging us into your revenge Chamorro has nothing to do with this [Music] that's right there's no reason to kill them you don't have to be a part of this one fit no need no reason no relation that's the difference between Big Brother and misko Mario this isn't personal for her but I knew that might be a problem so Monica made sure to make a special request to get Mescalero to launch revenge I needed help from your parents you come on over here let's open the gates of Hell with Monica you too mom and dad the climax is gonna start soon your child will be born again as the successor to Junko Enoshima [Music] [Laughter] what what do you mean revenge are you ready for this take a potty break get a list of insults ready for Monica have you mentally prepared yourself to surrender to despair unable to suppress the urge to kill then I'll show you what your bodies again you don't have to show them you know I'm already well aware how terrible you are after all this you're still showing off killing adults how crazy are you she probably wrote the message on the floor with her dying breath but when she collapsed the blood stuck that's how those letters ended up on her skirt [Applause] Oh Marco did you notice she wrote the names of her children before she died you have such loving parents I'm jealous family of us it sounds so nice something I've never felt my whole life it's just a line [Music] those bodies no it couldn't be there's no way normally a dying message is something like driving the killer's name oh that's not a very convincing argument at all you can't refute me like that you hate me don't you you hate me right I played with the bodies of your family like toys and now you want to kill me right well I'm not so sure about that you said your parents are missing right hey what are you showing it to you right now like this that means it's got to be true without a doubt no are you gonna just forget the fact that this [ __ ] murdered your own parents shame on you [Music] you can't think of them as children they're not anymore they're the ones where demons destroy that controller and finish it kill them all not just for your sake or your parents sake but for everyone who was martyred hold on we can't just do something like that it it's fine tomorrow you want me to destroy it that much I'll do it I said hold on calm down and think carefully shut up cares anymore no matter what happens to adults no matter what happens to children no matter what happens to this town no matter what happens to the world I don't give a damn anymore why don't you come aru [Music] I'm sorry I I can't become like Mikoto this is all determined from the very start the hope you felt was just for the sake of making you feel the worst kind of despair I knew from the beginning that you would fall into despair [Music] you [Music] [Music] outsiders have no business interrupting us I'm not an outsider we're friends stop shouting nonsense just hand that over no I won't give it to you I need to protect this controller I need to for Kimura sake what are you talking about she was going to destroy it that's not how she really feels I'm sure she's actually thinking them but she doesn't want to do it huh how the hell could you possibly know that [Music] huh I've been told you want the type to interfere that's why I chose you to take on the role of his color when it appears that the information mr. Suri provided was false [Music] that's right it's the key to the room where mr. byakuya togami hey blossom sorry hey you want to trade this key for that controller if you do you can go home with mr. byakuya Toby telling me to choose between Kamara and master choice fine hand over master's key I knew you'd do it now why don't you just hand me that controller I know not gonna happen because I'm taking Camaro home with me as well what are you saying you gotta make a choice that's the rule huh who cares about your damn rules you want me to make a choice there's no way I could ever make that choice I wouldn't choose one and leave me on their behind both are both are important to me that's just unreasonable enough already just I'll crush it do you want me to hurt you even more that means nothing to me I'm sure you don't understand this is your plenty of disposable friends but I finally made a friend in komaru and I'm not going to hurt my friend so he'll never hand it over to shut up in order to keep the kids under control and end this nightmare this is the only way why is it moving has no idea the only one to the control BIGBANG Monaco you are the ones who found it Oh these you that hurts what yeah you hit me my hand hurts but that's not the only thing that hurts this is the first time I've ever slapped someone in the face see what you made me do come on hit me back why isn't it obvious it makes us even I've never had a friend so I I don't know what to do in situations like this so just for now if you hit me we're square right so hit me fine that was pretty strong jeez you're right you're right my hand hurts that's not the only thing that hurts yeah we're the same if you can't do something on your own all I have to do is help you if I can't do something on my own all you have to do is help me helping each other that's the advantage of working together right yeah and just so you know I won't comfort you or pity you I'm not good at that stuff and we still don't know if if those were really your parents we can't be distracted by the stuff that doesn't make sense focus on what's happening now what do you want to do right now have you decided yeah I have I want to protect both I'm not gonna play her sick little game I'm going to save the adults and the children greedy girl can't say I don't approve [Music] [Music] that thing looks like it's targeting us or maybe it's aiming for the controller what should we do fight I'll fight I've decided I'll fight to protect everyone toko will you help me isn't it obvious it's normal for friends to help each other [Music] tomorrow komaru and i are not alone as long as there are friends who help each other there's no I found it I finally found hope I hope to call my own right tomorrow yeah me too [Music] [Music] Oh lives on [Music] [Music] you you gotta me [Music] [Applause] you're kidding me no big thing monokuma is our hope and now it's over it's not over yet nothing's finished yet just it's just delaying the inevitable the children are still brainwashed the adults still want revenge in fact they're even more angry now having their hope killed like that so nothing's changed this isn't a happy ending or a sad one this isn't hope or despair nothing has changed [Music] so are you gonna kill Monica take a little revenge for yourself it's just fine if Monica is killed by Makoto naegi sister that should be enough to spare give me the key to Bianchi is room huh hand it over at this point is suppose I have to compromise but no more hostage future foundation will come and the remnants of despair will follow maybe it's not going exactly to plan but maybe a small-scale war will start I'll compromise Monica has to be an adult sometimes after all [Music] but this really has nothing to do with you - does it this town is planet they don't matter to you - you just want your happy ending you're not even letting me have a small taste of despair yak all you want let's go komaru Monaco miscalculated I overestimated you so I guess Monica was not the only one you saw too highly of yourself as well Monica tried to imitate big sis Junko you tried to imitate your brother but in the end we both failed neither of us could live up to expectations there's no way I could imitate him and no way I'd want to I am NOT my brother Makoto is Makoto and I am me don't mess with me blending without hope or despair Monica will definitely [Music] hey Coco I better not hear you beg for your life just because your plan didn't work huh you must have noticed by now I was acting this whole time but even now I love you lots even though you betrayed me my feelings haven't changed so it'd be great if you could die in a totally adorbs death bye-bye forever big brother don't you want to take your revenge on Monica don't you wanna kill Monica you wanted to satisfied with this right you weren't just gonna walk away I don't want it to end like this either if I let it end like this hope despair I don't care anymore [Music] so this is what the spirit feels like [Laughter] whatever it is there's really no point worrying about it now more importantly we need to save master and get out of here right away hmm you what happened I know I can save both the adults and the children well we can chat about it after we get out of this damn town once and for all toko ie I'm staying in this town [Applause] I I finally realize you actually make me angry and happy each time you have more influence over me than anyone let's be together for the rest of our lives grow old together die together for now read apart take off towards our future [Music] [Applause] [Music] you you [Music] huh oh you're awake you were lucky you would surely have perished if I wasn't there to save you why I changed my mind and decided to stay in this town a while longer and while I'm here I figured I should see this through to the very end that's not what I meant oh you mean why I saved you because I'm the same as you I disappointed with endings that waver between despair and hope I wish a real war had started if it did I know a brilliant Hope would have been born that is why I allowed myself to be captured after all so you did it but you aren't finished yet right nothing has really changed since you began so I need you to continue working hard so that a splendid hope may be born you have tasted the bitter despair of having your meticulous plan fall apart around you so I know you can do it really which side are you on does it even matter anyway why don't you be the successor for now if that is your intention I will lend you a hand if my schedule has it of course there is somewhere I need to be later what do you mean I shall raise you to be her copy one even more realistic in the real one someone like me who both hates and loves her more than anyone else I should be able to make you more like her than even she herself must you're talking too loud they'll hear you they can hear all they [ __ ] want a bunch of chumps teaming up together makes him suck even more the plan is flawed and beginning trying to create a successor while the original still exists I know this was kind of my idea but kids sure are stupid idiots not just the kids the adults are idiots - just just pushing them a teeny bit I hit them spinning around in the palms of my hands despite how you look you sure are wicked inside even if the outside swiped the insights pitch black you will rise fall with something I may be wicked but you are too after all we are no not we maybe I maybe [Music] they're pretty much the same white despair black Oh in the end it's neither one but I guess that works too I mean I didn't really give a damn about this town from the beginning to the fact that those guys will take an interest in this place will yield a much more fruitful harvest hey don't you think so personally I think they did a pretty good job for a group of kids hey hey don't you think so thanks to them the preparations are nearly complete laying the foundations for the final match it's so noisy for ya I see you stuff out such emotions or perhaps you're forcing yourself to feel something in a situation like this anyway I leave the rest to you I hope you can at least have a little fun I hope the future is going to be one you can't predict I was waiting to hear from you I'm so relieved I'm glad you're safe byakuya well safe enough I suppose are you outside Toa city you must be if this connection is secure right yeah I used the secret passageway under the shrine the captives are safe thanks to the relative of that idiot we know so well I'll introduce you to her later she's much more talented and useful than he is what's your position I'll send rescue right away before you do there's something you need to know huh kamar unagi and Tocco fou kala are not with me not with you why I'll let her explain she asked that I send you this message it might be garbled a bit but it'll do um can you see me Makoto you're surprised that I'm not leaving right sorry for making you worry there's a lot I want to say but first let me explain why I'm not there [Music] this time your mother have you wanted to go home oh come on I was not bawling don't make things up geez why why are you bringing up something like that do you feel responsible for their revenge that wasn't your fault you can't feel bad about that not even a little [Music] that's not it it doesn't matter whose fault it is this is my decision then why are you doing this didn't you want to get out of this place and live a normal peaceful life but now you want to stay here that's like the complete opposite you're right you it's not because you feel despair no of course not I don't want to get slapped again then why even I'm not totally sure but earlier when I said how I want to save both to all the scary feelings and hesitation I felt we're gone even though the odds were against us for some reason I felt courage I think it's because I was confident that that was what I needed to do but what would happen if I leave this town with you and byakuya what would happen if future foundation came here to suppress the riot and uncover the secret and then what would happen if the remnants of hope or to find this place it would turn into a war just like Monica said so you're saying you're going to be this town's hostage in place of master until now I kept relying on you and I never really got to make decisions on my own but I was like that even before I met you I used to give up all the time but the decision to save everyone was one I made on my own of course I'm scared I'm worried but despite that I've made up my mind I won't give up until the very end I'll make sure I protect both idiot you're awfully optimistic after all this [Music] seriously what are you thinking you're just like your brother sometimes no I think I got it from you me you were with me all this time if I have changed it's your influence toko for now I'm going to be fine this is much better than imprisoned life regardless so don't worry about me go back with byakuya you two are the only ones who can persuade future foundation not to interfere here [Music] so please don't be mad what of course I'm mad geez why do I have to stay behind in a town like this I oh no you misunderstood I meant I'm the one who's gonna stay here if you're going to stay there's no way I can leave I decided to be with you to remember toko do you really think some brother complex girl like you can be masters substitute in a hostage trade you and I are barely enough for one master byakuya so I'll stay with you that's the decision I made no complaining but you said you wanted to go home with byakuya I don't need your concern mister and I are rock-solid even if we're apart our feelings towards each other will never change yes that's correct it's true what you said even if we're apart my feelings of disgust toward you will never change master so the reason I've decided to stay isn't because someone forced me to it's a choice I made myself but I know that I can't just expect things to change right away just because I'm staying I know that I can't become real hope like you so I'm going to wait I'm going to wait for the day you guys defeat the remnants of despair and come home safe but you don't have to rush or anything okay I'll wait until the day you come to pick me up I have the gun mr. byakuya gave me and I have my reliable friend toko and about mom and dad I didn't find anything I went to the torture room later but it was empty film that girl forced me to watch must have been recorded earlier or faked that means there's the chance they're alive and well somewhere right maybe even somewhere in this city that's what I choose to believe okay sorry this video is getting pretty long I guess I should wrap it up the next time you see me I might be so grown up you don't even recognize me just like how surprised I was when I saw you see you later Makoto so that's the situation I thought all your sister was good for was cowering in fear but there you have it seriously well she surprised me before hey Mikoto you know what we have to do right we have to stop this idiotic war and return here to retrieve them we wouldn't want to betray their expectations yeah you're right I've made up my mind byakuya if a situation like this ever happens again no matter how dangerous the trap I'm jumping right in so I can end it properly with my own two hands hearing you say that reminds me of what you've said back at the academy huh hope keeps going huh fine I'll partner with you for just a little while at least until I've repaid the debt I owe to Toco and your sister yeah [Music] you all right then hey you are ready yet don't shout so early in the morning you're not really a morning person are you are you secretly staying up late without me thanks to your Jimmy likes and snoring I can't get a good night's sleep I am so not snoring but it's true I might toss and turn while I'm asleep and it wasn't just snoring you were talking in your sleep sing please definitely lies and if you want to get a good night's sleep why don't you go sleep in your own bed we're in a hotel there's plenty of other rooms don't be an idiot what happens if a ghost shows up oh so you're into a cold stuff now well you really did get possessed right so ghosts do exist right well I guess that's just one more thing you're afraid of now it's all your fault [Music] come on let's go we don't keep a watchful eye these people are gonna start fighting again no time to slack off well okay you're the one who woke up late [Music] you you you you you you
Channel: R3D Gaming
Views: 781,051
Rating: 4.8577199 out of 5
Keywords: Danganronpa Another Episode Ultra Despair Girls Ending, danganronpa ending, danganronpa ultra despair girls ending, ultra despair girls ending, danganronpa another episode ending, danganronpa another episode, danganronpa another episode true ending, break the controller danganronpa, danganronpa, ultra despair girls, danganronpa another episode endings, danganronpa despair girls, danganronpa good ending, danganronpa true ending, danganronpa despair girls ending
Id: rccXETkEqp4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 6sec (5766 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 24 2015
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