Dandelion Dead 1994 Episode 1

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we're waiting yes they're there in the moment my father always used to say there's murder one can hardly expect punctuality from the servants if one fails to observe it oneself I got you fresh put a tea mr. Armstrong thank you it is how are you doing anyway out in the garden at this hour oh just trying Davis's new resume what for the dandelions don't you think is becoming rather absurd this obsession of yours well they ruin alone my dear week on it and do that Conte let them win Kelly habit yes yes dear you haven't forgotten about this evening no no of course I'm what are we having a fresh salmon from belches Oh jolly good jolly good and how many will be here only Griffith Griffith of course yes you forgot to invite him didn't you no course not it's coming at eight o'clock then possibly forget anything so important don't lie to me how about your time Bertie [Music] [Applause] [Music] morning major OnStar good morning Phillips be a good chap and get me some Griffin's on the telephone yes I'm strong what can I do for you just wanted to make sure you knew what time to come this evening this evening I'm sorry I'm strong I don't know what you're talking about hey you say I knew you forget old chap that I'd invited you to dinner wait no no when did you invite me last weekend in court after the drunken Disorderlies um well I suppose excellent 8 o'clock sharp then you know the stickler for punctuality mrs. Armstrong is indeed don't like the mr. Williams to see Roger Williams which Williams Williams ran air filters around miracles in the Old Testament but mr. Williams from none bursts made you know wouldn't top what Seawind inquiring about the progress on his leaves oh yes yes yes and what produces a I don't know a mage I put the papers on your desk last week oh good god man what why didn't you remind me I've major Armstrong when I last that occasion true to speak to you major you did promise to try to attempt to what that's what minimize the references to the almighty in your speech major undertaking therein of his name in vain well blasphemy major yes I'm terribly sorry for endeavor not to her offend your sensibilities in future right now please Stan Williams in which yes major things other signing rather frantic is due yeah should be night that all day thank heavens we don't do this sort of thing too often it seems to me that mr. David Lloyd George has at last been proved not only a philandering reprobate but also a veritable wolf in sheep's clothing a Bolshevik lurking behind the respectable cloak of liberalism I think that's going a bit far Griffis he did win the war for is it sir my opinion I believe your solutely right mr. Griffiths furthermore his financial policies have been an unmitigated disaster he alone is responsible for the slump in trade which is a freak thing at all you know what his problem is Armstrong wine and women since you have a cold hermit I'll leave you men to your talk coffee will be served in the drawing room in 20 minutes formidable woman your good wife had time to reflect on the proposal I have makes financial sense women in many ways a separate practices we're both slowly bleeding to death as when we'd flourish hmm your sound very certain over with one office cinder one set of staff our costs would be harmed and you could retire with a hefty lump sum and a share of the profits which I think would be considerable you make it sound very attractive good I'm sure you've made that the right time but I've decided to turn your proposal down but I'm not going to throw in the towel just yet I've nursed this practice for 43 years and if anybody's going to the wall it's not going to be Robert Griffiths no Armstrong I'm going to fight I mean you're not well man you had a stroke last winter I know that only two well somebody else will be doing the fighting for me you see I've taken on a new man [Music] Martin yeah the opposition I'm sound strong the moustache does he like he's amiable enough full of bonhomie and hail-fellow-well-met he's well-liked which is why his practices arrived his affability covers a multitude of sins oh the laziest professional man I've ever had dealings with it wasn't always so but since the war I see he has a rather hangdog your where do you meet his wife [Music] new man wait until they're bankrupt and then gobble us up really you must blessed are they that hear the word of God and keep it and when people book either thick together he said to them this is an evil generation no man when they have lighted a candle put it in a secret place neither under a bushel but on a candlestick that they come in may see the light the life of the body is the eye therefore when thine eyes single thy whole body is full of light that when thine eye is evil thy body is full of darkness [Music] you must be yes and it Armstrong habitats possible man please major settling in yes thank you wait you logic a temperance hotel Oh the temperance it's where you've had much chance to meet them here no pleasure yet to come yeah well that's the doctor Oh sound good doctor hink spends one day we caring for the second guy in the rest of it shooting riding and fishing and that's the young that's the Davis family he's the chemist see though Iran likes to be called the pharmacist due the fact but purveyors of French letters and quite medicines like himself don't have the same sort of professional standing as you mean hings you seem to have a rather jaundiced view of the community you serve mr. Armstrong do you think that Martin this is my eldest there my fair lady out on it something you wanted it's mother she a miss Abbott actress to go home oh ah very good roast beef must be burning I suppose well jolly nice to meet you mr. mark our friend then yes what do you make of in amusing in some ways appalling and others wait little man quite week let's go up under the bluff after lunch brother complex what's doing all right good idea mr. much bought flowers should've been a botanist not a born your sister yes I should have liked that your grandfather however another ideas know what I do love plants it's true except for dandelions except for taksaka Matheson aureus vandalized [Music] swales beautiful fight the quilt or mother's birth isn't love it it feels like standing on the edge of the world [Music] first he's a count no major these are these quality figures they copyright I thought you said you check I did major more than once couldn't this the practices net income for the last quarter was I hadn't even four pounds five shillings and fourpence yes major that's appalling and the papers for the militia state major I put them on your desk mr. Hancock telephoned major about the sale he said he was put in the matter into the ends of another solicitor he asked me to send the papers to him him mr. Martin major I see [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I see why income generation crystals either covered in the Jesus gave fat not just me everybody please just not bracket five you country come back four years later what are you fine a land fit for Heroes miles than fit for bank managers moneylenders and solicitors strong you're a pal always have been we had some good times join the show didn't me you especially in the camper Bournemouth if I remember rightly now for you guys show judo be the soul of discretion yes I know you not many good times around now are there no I know it has to be them but it's not gonna be easy for me I can tell you I've lived all my life yeah yes if I do decide so um could you see your way to letting me have another couple of hundred I haven't got a couple day your fans all need you'll handle the sale of course I'll get an auctioneer make evaluation did you know about the darker Wendy Davis shop and asked for a French letter David said sadly sir we can play Portland Cass or should I put it on your bill [Laughter] dr. Hanks Oh Martin Griffiths is man I knocked but there was no answer oh sorry just getting ready for me round so I come back no no come in and I'll have a look at you you had more than one operation yes one for reconnaissance and three to rearrange the landscape well that's jolly good I don't fall well what it looks like and you're feeling all right in yourself if that's medical code for am I still suffering from shellshock no I'm not I sometimes have difficulty sleeping well I can do something about that at least which hospital in a Maui the Royal Masonic good dress make your prescription one tablet so I go to bed thank you why don't you also visit it's quite a sociable little lodge ah yes maybe I well good afternoon no mr. Martin isn't nervous right how can I help you uh to pass this I mean please certainly feasible but you're doing nothing I'll take those through but here you are then the doctor sold you when to take them yes yes he house do you want them then oh sorry do you know what comes next you pay for them sorry goodbye there mr. Martin sorry goodbye sweet dreams [Music] brother worden there is an alarm who is there a brother who seeks admission a brother seeks admission what are you laughing at father some planks on his feet yes no it wasn't the most elegant of skiers no 1986 was the year we got married come on Chad time for bed no you were one of us Marcus you rather an unlikely brother yourself I'm strong where's Lister a small town can't afford the other way as I'm sure you know don't you learn Japanese 41 depth you're mrs. Holmes I would like to meet you thank you most kind of you going to bed I wasn't really very tired you haven't drawn the cut leave them sometimes I like to see the night good how was your Lodge meeting Oh as ever the good men of hey not content and what is the cause of their discontent you are the increasing slackness business of course it was so much better when the war was all mmm of dying like flies well I'm sorry to say you're not far wrong always profit without in misery a habit it's a little harsh my dear always was one of my failings happy days long time ago please happen not now but just what does that have a little talk about how you brought those happy days to an end Catherine please please I'm sorry yeah but I have to be up early the chimney sweep is coming what time would you like it is to wake you Catherine please you listen to me just five minutes no good Nigel [Music] [Music] why you have to invite him well simply trying to be soon button sorry I kept you waiting no matter your daughter looked after me Oh Helena yes she's such a good girl isn't she yes she's waiting for me to play tennis it's a cup tournament next week indeed I play a little myself oh do you really how do you manage with the rme with my luck it's not such a great disability I don't need to run around much oh well won't you sit down Catherine oh mrs. Armstrong will be along presently yes it's tell you the truth my wife hasn't been at all well lately oh there you are I don't think you've met mr. Martin Marlon this is mrs. Armstrong good afternoon good afternoon how about a bear I speak to you for a moment I have never seen anything like it in my life what how dare he come into my house and insult me I'm socially sorry Oh surely you must have noticed the man is improperly dressed it's barium flannels my sports jacket Oh Kathryn I don't think he's I well not to show hospitality to such a man in a thirty why did you so well with the front knee rule for a short time in in eighteen the rest of the wall back here I was a stop I was it adjutant moving around from Camp to camp in Dorset and Wiltshire yes we had some famous times probably the best of my life I say started the cap didn't finish the major and you I went through the whole lot of private a permit well why didn't you um because I came to the conclusion very early on there only cretinous got commissioned net bother oath sweeping generalization it was the half brain decision of one of the breed that got me this three months before the thing finished well in my experience your experience is obviously very different from mine what do you mean by that simply that not all of us spent the war in Bournemouth playing cricket with our brother offices sorry mega david fincher targets in 10 seconds forget your head down man good [Applause] cover days when the men think you're not too gentlemen I'm their king I said I'll take the biggest fan that you've got [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh I was waiting for you wait yes sir I'd like to speak to you oh please please fair but not now sit down I there's something I have to say yesterday I was going please don't be such an old fusspot I've been drinking yes yes whiskey port wine it's looking to find the man is a loop not in the house Herbert no I cannot I've had such a bloody good time Catherine god I've loved and you know I have laughed Cathy because the smartest stories of the territorials nest is the only gratification I've ever likely to get you disgust and if there was ever an unnecessary statement Catherine that was it what I wanted to say was yesterday I was going through the accounts and I found a payment of 200 pounds to that man born I simply cannot understand why you've lent him more money come true you've got to get it back it's my business cash I'm afraid it is not Oh would you mind telling me why because you know damn well that money belongs to me your endless failures are eating up my income you can't run away from [Music] [Applause] [Music] married [Music] good morning Wilks morning Vijay how's it looking order coming on like nobody's business and the petunias are getting away nice davis's mixture hasn't had a great deal of effect on these wretched dandelions as it never reckoned it would sure my old dad used to swear by arsenic really make a hole right down to the roots put a pinch or two of the powder onto them that'll do the trick rage enough a snake hey where's your arms good after mind what did you say to her your precious daughter what did you say to her she is wicked dirty minded and wicked just like you going to tell me now think I can guess anyway I need to know things happening to me frightened I need to know gotcha now look look at the time they'll have started when they your mother cheat your mother's she's similar she's changed changed so much is it because of me [Music] [Applause] [Music] games from Martin mr. Martin leads five games to one second set and buy one set to love game - mr. Roth [Applause] [Music] well I think I'm Vic to it Martin how strong are you getting on not too bad jolly good yeah oh yeah right Oh Dingaan caught yes yes [Music] [Applause] 15-love [Music] yeah cook says dinner's ready mrs. Armstrong [Music] game and percents with Martin six games to two [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Catherine the dinner is ready yes it was actually ready half an hour ago and furthermore it's Saturday I'm Saturday as you well know it's your birth not the waters piping hot shall we go yes come along [Music] you're magic yes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's fun it is to be and how can I help you yes I'd like to buy some fast Nick a snip for the dandelions you know whoops put me on to it we have a lot of success with your air with your mixture I'm afraid not much at all oh yes that should do the job and I'll collect it on my way home and have to put it in the poisons book you know yeah that's all right winter put it on my bill [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this matter did not feeling well just tired very tired tinnitus is bad what you should do you should see Kings I think I'll go and get my cocoa too bad I'll do it let's say I don't make it a no and bring it on up to you thank you so no I'm not the mood [Music] [Music] [Music] it took a long time watching the catalyst Pat suggested swim I couldn't know in my stomach well I say good night night ever get money back from that man born yet she'll be up very early in the morning I'm off to London on business remember [Music] be with you in a moment poor wandering one take heart of grace I'm sorry to have kept you waiting all right I was I was listening to singing oh you have a very pleasant voice pleasant well pretty huh why thank you I do like it don't you yeah sorry like what Gilbert and Sullivan of course sorry it's all right do you what like Gilbert and Sullivan well not I mean yes I suppose you'll be going to see the Pirates of Penzance then one at the Little Theatre the hay plays a part you know next week oh well I might I'm going I'm yes next wouldn't stay well perhaps yes we would go together that would be pleasant good I'll see you there and I'll see you oh by the way um did you want anything no not really [Music] I'm sorry the train was delayed getting that you wouldn't come oh I was terribly anxious that you wouldn't wait what Commerce I know I know was made figure Oh help I am fine just fine no mama about the same a little irritable sometimes time your shoes well have some lunch I rather like it yes I think perhaps I rather a malicious person and life in a small town doesn't suit me no sister life isn't a few minutes and there's nothing small about bholenath my day in fact in comparison to Heiser friend of all New York you enjoyed your time yes I did where did you enjoy it over see concerts idea the grand happiness at Ford cottage one or two blissfully happy nights Mary remember our agreement Jesus we can never be together [Music] know that so sorry don't you see Happy Days condom can never come again they think so I trained or perhaps you could catch a later on oh I'm sorry yeah but I'm a scanner well I'd really like to see you again would you it doesn't seem to make you very happy oh I'm sorry I'm so enjoying no please it's for the best I shall be able to bear it easier for me so we could meet up again from time to time what wait afternoons in dingy hotels in Bloomsbury it's too good for me and no good for you I'm sorry goodbye Maria [Music] and the lawn [Music] time you in your bed come on to stay up to see you show you would be on goodness sake Elinor as I say the father that want to be bothered [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I didn't hear you come back it wouldn't be disturbing me well the way I've been sleeping lately oh maybe this habit to get off so usual I couldn't I just couldn't my insides are churning over really oh I'll just leave it there then it's a made with the half milk just the way you like it Oh be careful so how was your trip fine just fine oh by the way that awful man Martin telephone this evening oh did he what did he want an important matter of business yes I said you're available for consultation during normal business hours I did daresay you told him hmm I most certainly did oh it's so special it's so so sweet how much did you put in it oh just just your usual want one heaped yes I am I find him rather a pushy character isn't he you get nowhere he pushes me around no not not many people do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] no it's just an attack of the usual few hours in bed she'll be right as rain nothing to worry about now who's for breakfast still not eating Zippity that's all that woman she's a martyr to indigestion well I think you should try and get some sleep oh sorry no I mean yes you enjoy it oh yes it was lovely didn't you yes yes I'm glad something wrong no this is where I live Oh what's the matter nothing it's just you make me smile I'm glad you derive so much amusement for my company oh don't be angry I didn't mean to upset you I'm sorry I just meant I'm a bloody fool I like being with you that's all I meant I must go now I know I just see you again Constance all right as long as you call me Connie [Music] [Music] about you twitching the curtain just now hi heard voices I was just single they've been after that's all of course did you have a nice time he plays a hardly D'Oyly carte neither but yes I had a nice time with your mr. Martin he's not my mr. Martin as you so quaintly wouldn't mother not yet anyway my dear do you think do you think he's what quite right for you use a professional man with a good position which is in his favor but it seems rather odd chap to me it's a cold fish you should fit in very well round here then girl your mother and I are only thinking of your welfare so am I it's obviously escaped your notice that the stock of eligible men in this town is nil the war saw to that Oswald is thoughtful and kind and he'll soon have his own practice don't you see I'm 27 years old I don't want to be a dried-up old spinster with only the scriptures for comfort I want a home of my own I I want to be married I want a man how long should be like this quiet like this just thus morning but the earth the biliousness she's had for a couple of days hmm should have called me sooner you didn't a bad way what you think it is not sure but it's more than just a bilious attack Armstrong oh I see she consulted me in the spring about pains in her right arm and shoulder she thought it was rheumatism but I'd diagnosed it as brachial nerve writers Oh inflammation of the nerves cause of which can sometimes be functional rather not organic don't quite understand mental rather than physical oh I see I'll come back tomorrow again no food this liquids been drugs for the past year now any deterioration any at all just let me know oh well I don't worry I'm strong [Music] major Armstrong major Armstrong mr. Martin wants you to telephone urgent he said tried a few times yesterday if you remember [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] aving Armstrong I'm sorry I didn't mean to start yes sir listen you should have been notified I've been instructed to act for the purchases of Bella newest by your man Vaughn there are a number of things we need a set yes brother lot of my mind at the moment be in touch yes well that's not wrong about time waits for no man yes I'm endeavour to remember there [Music] [Music] you look very happy so because you've seen mr. Armstrong or seeing me [Music] [Music] [Music] no no so much rather confirms my first diagnosis the mind is clearly affected whatever good to do I get a second opinion yeah she close relatives oh yes Bessie her sister in Devon Telegraph her to come and a friend you hopeless rain why you need some sound advice just to just save us sorry what for dad I've lived a most unchristian life oh I'm sure that's not true I am oh yes I just said that back thank you [Music] see Martha the other doctors seen Ellen and Bess has just arrived oh good jinkx wants to talk to you right I think I'd like you to be there Arthur Betty yes oh yeah but come on busy do we to do Hinks I think there's only one appropriate course dr. Jain agreed and once that she must have complete rest and care of a very special kind yes in a place where she can have birth a special place yeah no I won't have I put another side I had barnwood in my new cluster a private institution the medical cares first class yeah won't have it it's a dreadful thing Herbert I know but think for a moment it's just not safe here not for her not for you most especially not for the children busy it does seem to be for the best Herbert it's not necessarily a life sentence you know his chance she might recover in a quiet place the care and attention very well if there's no alternative [Music] find acceptance [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] haven't seen you for a day or two plus of course how is mrs. Armstrong these days this episode you know I'm glad the same really how long has it been now well two months such a long time you must feel it being on your own I do I do I know what it's like being on your own oh yes I get lonely sometimes so do I [Music] see you again well I'm not sure I shall have to consult with my social diary yes actually I have an invitation for you oh one another would like you to come to tea Oh what next Wednesday 4:30 if you if I'm not I shall make myself so what now what do you see more most is apprehensive about this event as my mother doc Armstrong who's out with him mrs. flesh Widow of this parish and barmaid at the three tons rather an unlikely client mrs. Fletcher's reputation is rather soiled you think huh I think you'll mr. Armstrong has been giving mrs. flesh something other than legal advice Connie [Music] quite understand you see that the last time I was here I know her condition did remain more or less unchanged for two months after the attack reached its peak we had no reason to expect such a sudden and rapid improvement but it is not without precedent yes it's such a shock it's a surprise you made the common mistake of presuming that once a patient enters this place he or she will never leave it except in a box that is not the case not the case at all she would you make a full recovery then I'd rather think she might and at the present rate of recovery she might be back at home with you in a matter of weeks good no no there's excellent news doc I'm pleased to be the bare earth good day major I'm strong good day doctor thank you very much indeed well yes you look so I know I feel it too yes I know what you're thinking but it can't last but I think it will oh I really think it will [Music] I think it's rather premature Armstrong don't you what do you see I think it'll be rather good father and I must say she thinks up to what you discussed it with her what was she raised it said it was her idea she misses her children dreadfully well of course it's possible it might aid recovery but it's a risk do you hope she's desperate to come I don't think said that and I must say I wanted to come home - all right now George returns in but I have to say it against my better judgment I'll know I had been well of course right well um well I'm yeah yeah fine I must consult you wanna see how delicate they're told her I was right about him didn't I no prescription right oh yes by the way Davison just need a little more arsenic to the gun very effective indeed very effective it didn't take quite enough noise you how much to want you Oh couple of bounces I'll get it does mrs. Armstrong coming home I hear yes that's right that'll be nice yes yes it will [Music] [Music] nothing he said well never felt [Music] [Music] I'm a bit rusty now they spread mrs. Davis Thank You mr. Martin please call me Oswald mrs. Davis excuse me I'll get a cloth [Music] ha you're home early while I was anxious to see how you were that's very kind so oh I'm fine I just seem to get tired more quickly that's all oh well of course no little take time winded yeah Pearson does seem to have got rather far behind with his arithmetic I think I might give him a lesson later good good almost forgot just need your signature on this carefully what is it for oh it's just a document for the insurance there's only one page here what where is the rest of it Catherine but I'd never sign anything until I read it all of it I mean it's it's simply not right god sake Catherine know things have been difficult enough without you I'm so terribly sorry have it be trusted oh dear please forgive me I'm sorry habit please don't go I think I just don't need Ennis to witness it you see I'm teal be ready shortly I've got you some nice sir cuffs for Jenny I'm not sure that I feel like it Oh remember what Hank said must-eat do you good oh yes yes of course he wasn't that bad it was a disaster listen to me I don't give a fig for what my parents think I shall do what I please with whom I please and you please me Oswald Martin do you understand I think I love you Connie what you means think Hey [Music] Pearson come on in I finished close the door yeah good boy take my tray for me that's right just put it on there i'ma stay tuned them up we'll start with your tables top the twos once 2 is 2 [Music] [Music] [Music] that's the best way running it's alright exactly as I feared she's relapsed but she's much worse than before I'm so sorry Inc was meant for the best but it's too late for that now I have to tell you Armstrong I think she's in very grave danger it's all right in there I'll take it yes this is my birthday pep I was going to wish her many happy returns when Miss Havisham lifted her stick and stabbed at the pile of cobwebs on the table on this day of the year and before you were born this Heath decay was bought here isn't I have worn away together Yes Mother whether you're not going to die nice hot drink for you probably just more tomorrow father shall go before the days out there's nothing I can do I'm sorry [Music] [Music] I'm so sorry Catherine the nurses settled you know they have to go to the office telephone if you need me yes of course major [Music] [Music] [Music] yes yes I see [Music] I shall be home presently it's quite all right thank you very much [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music]
Channel: Amazing British Crime Drama
Views: 496,794
Rating: 4.7612691 out of 5
Id: vSTYLkhg4aY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 103min 39sec (6219 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 19 2019
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