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[Music] [Music] - painless reach up there like this hesitate right mr. Conway [Music] like that India its Grandin splendid the only trouble is it will attract a squat abeyance till all hours what's the window for Christmas but for the birds knows that anyway you were clever less don't give me a Blarney father I'm not a clever lad if I were I wouldn't be here I thought you liked looking after the shop so Magnus well you know what I think dawn says you ought to be married Aggie your own good why you turn up your nose at a perfectly presentable man like Henry stole with I'll never know father Henry stole this 45 he's a day courses in the wholesale business we might get a tiger nuts cheaper cheeky monkey anyway the time comes I'll do my own choose and thank you very much offer you [Music] [Music] [Music] what are you looking at stand there with your mouth open mr. price your mother but I was thinking about you and father in the shops and life and wondering whether it was all worthwhile well this is my room isn't it Oh mother that's too much I stand for hours at that store cooking decent meals for you and then you won't eat your skin and born girl look at your sister she's all fit some boss just he's putting on weird mother on it's no wonder hmm Jessie's a very pretty girl yes she is and I'm not go on to see it I'm not seeing your plane it's your attitude to men Agnes you're not getting any younger and an old woman of 22 has no right to be choosy at it why do you want a prince to come along and sweep you off your feet all that one mother is to eat my meat in peace and get back to him for the shop it's Father's club night you don't know anything do you well god help you when you find out [Music] [Music] Charlie yes this is it sure good evening good evening I'll be with you in a moment oh you don't want to spend all your money in a coconut slice it's coconut chips I could have a ton of those Edith very well APIs please don't be what's next come on Bobby make up your mind there's this lady and gentleman went to be served Cindy taffy tennis hip [Music] [Music] you've never weird it because if I Hardware did Bobby you wouldn't have half as much as I put in that bag check that load and get yourselves away Merry Christmas Merry Christmas [Music] no after deal with that every Friday night it's what can I do for you well my father brought me to this shop many years ago a Christmas time to he'd really come to buy cigars next door but I saw the sugar mice in the window and he couldn't get me away until he came in and bought some they were sugar cats - but it's the sugar mice the old ones love I have three children of my own now and I thought some sugar mice would be a nice surprise for them on the Christmas tree sure it would how many would you like it doesn't thank you I'm so pleased we came thank you goodbye only change thank you goodnight Merry Christmas yes merry Christmas to you too when to the sessions of sweet silent thought as someone of remembrance of things past I sigh the lack of many a thing I sought and with old woes new wail my dear times waste then can I drown an eye unused to flow for precious friends hid in deaths dateless night sweet silent thought it isn't even 9:00 yet no it isn't and who said you could close it before 9:00 eyes there's nobody a boat it's too cold you should always wait in case someone turns over the death knock give me that go on no they didn't throw me out of the club miss that shot what's driving like same except you county types popped in [Music] where is that order for tomorrow did you make it up for me sherbet dips I shouldn't need any more sherbet dips we're down to one box three dozen candy Rock assorted I hope you can sell them two boxes licorice allsorts out of set three if there's so much wrong with that list why don't you just make one yourself no no that's no way to talk to your father what's good idea I'm in the shop more than you or anyone I know what goes and what doesn't either trust me or get someone else I'll do it better I've had about enough no no Aggie don't say you'd walk I'll tell me how would I manage where would you go anyway if you don't intend to go to another man's house oh that's why you think you've got me here for good what would you do what could you do nothing and that's run a business for someone else did not do that you'd never do that to your father Angus where the devil have you been Jesse okie asked us to go and take some towels over the guest house that was a damn silly thing to do you know what happens in that yard and the drunks and TAS get going are you miss get up them stairs don't you ever go out at night by yourself again do you hear me go on you know that yard no again the scum of the air fine way to treat your sister for God's sake father shut up you do that just once father and they'll be one less for breakfast tomorrow [Music] IKEA's I'm sorry I'm really sorry I couldn't think of anything else to say who were you with Robbie and father would go berserk if he knew there are rough lots probably snows and they're not all bad quite nice once you talk to them yes you're the one father really cares about he's paying for your education and you're running around with people like that okey I'll never make a secretary I'm just not interested I slip out during the dinner break and don't call back probably and I just stroll about as long as that's all you do just you must be careful Robbie's young he hasn't got into their ways yet you promised not to see him just for a little while there's no chance of that I love Maggie and he loves me [Music] [Music] [Music] and I'll tell them why you drove me to look for a bit of warmth and comfort because there was none in this room or in this bed oh one good reason you forced yourself on me he's a nasty word for that and why would a man have to force himself on his own wife because he's a cold selfish [ __ ] and that's what you are Alice and a vey mean silly [ __ ] to my woman is worth 10 of you she's good to me and to a number of others you fool she's a [ __ ] could I what don't get too worked up my lad you might have won even a tax and if you do I tell you now I'll spend every penny of leave behind you Harlan join yourself at lust you shouldn't have said that Alice you've just made a terrible mistake and I've never hated you more than I do or this minute [Music] [Music] [Music] mr. Conway amante just just [Music] one a nun he took summers off course it will about month I have a business meeting this morning you'll have to stand in for me here very well what about nuns pay rise no no well I tell her she's been put up to ten shillings nine and six 10 shillings I'll tell Maggie a man doin her job would get 15 shillings a man has more calls on his purse have you joined the suffragettes no but I might we're not starting that you got the usual half-crown this has got to stop I made a mistake last night that I should never have raised my hand here it's not like you to hold a grudge it's got nothing to do with that it's purely and simply nuns Christmas box two and six well gee change there isn't any you spend the left Merry Christmas fixed and here's the Christmas Box five shillings Oh Thomas five shillings this time' girl makes such a difference when you go home tonight I'll give you some marshmallows and butter for your mother in the family oh thank you [Music] hello sir [Music] but you worked in the sweet shop I do we own both shops I served you and your wife the other even though she's not my wife she's my sister how can I help you um did I happen to see a box of Havana cigars in the window the exception Alice I said dummies I'm afraid my father generally deals with these things I expect him back at any moment I'll take a look though thank you [Music] but the cheaper brand Exceptionalist gee Cass I'm sure they'll do very well yes I'll take a box please and some cigarettes do you happen to have gold tip we do oh good my brother's favorites um six packets please no my sister do you have any ladies cigarettes ladies what what is it it's just that most of the ladies who come in here ask her to back off or their pipes so which do you prefer sweets or tobacco so what else you want to do well or has ever asked me that before I suppose I'd like to get out see the world are you want to travel have you traveled yes yes a bit high I travel and then I write about my travels you're a writer I love readin did I get one of your books from the library well it's only in a very small way I have a column in the local paper father I'm glad you're here this gentleman needed better advice on cigars and I could give him I'm afraid not at all the young lady recommended the exceptional is chicas ah well now there you have a very good cigar sir yes do you know they are one of the most popular brands sold by Harrods of London I assume you know Erin's of London yes naturally I've been associated with Arabs of London for many years so oh yes many years how interesting he excuse me thank you thank you very much for your help can I get you anything else sir no I think that's everything um what do I owe you [Music] [Music] [Music] hello mother I'm so glad all the family are here for Christmas reg congratulations on your promotion hello father what have you found Nessie's favorite champagne oddness is here for Christmas will you have another drink father what say you my dear I think we should go to bed and leave the children to themselves hello good soldier he's a baby superior officer why does that husband of yours never seem to spend Christmas with its doors I can't bear to leave his precious stables for even a few days he might prefer horses to humans Oh Lord he should have married Isabel Pickering I thought you were supposed to be doing that ha ha mother's been talking you again if Isabel Pickering had to choose between a morning on horseback in a morning with me the horse would win hands down what so you'll spend the rest of your life devoted to your art writing rhapsodic prose on English architecture in other words a small column in a local paper it's a start and I'm proud of you both of you for doing something with your lives it's so nice being here together again I should go to bed what's wrong you don't sound at all happy charlie I've been married five years and pregnant five times five the other two and miscarriages Dawson's a breeder don't say that why shouldn't she it's the truth if it is not a cruel man he's just thoughtless like most men Charlie Reggie the sweets are supposed to be for the children oh sorry I went back to that sweet shop and in the tobacconist next door I'm at that same young girl you know the nice woman you know who served us doc you know her that's very do you understand I think so it's very simple her father owns both the shops and she was just helping out in the tobacconist for him do I sense a hint of romancin yeah oh good heavens no Elaine is our little brother about to fall in love with a shop girl she is not a shop girl her father owns both the shops and she works in both of them hmm Dudley a shop girl fight it out among yourselves good night do tomorrow [Music] why else [Music] what are y'all done for don't take me afternoon off whoa making your own arrangements now are you Yes Mother and not before time will you believe in them short-handed well it wouldn't do you any harm to take a turn in the shop now and then I beg your pardon I was not brought up to be a shop girl no but you don't mind if your daughter is well have something to eat before you go Agnes [Music] and it isn't a hats isn't it beautiful Oh is where would I wear it in the city have the dogs after me you'd have the men after you thing I wear you mean because it isn't drag it doesn't have to be grey or dark blue or brown Agnes you don't appreciate yourself you've got lovely hair and such a fine figure mothers always telling me how skinny I am Agnes yes slim the perfect figure for lovely clothes like these come come on try it on it's lovely Agnes you know one of our customers loves hats she's married to a wealthy man but she's only alive so much for her clothes and her taste is so extravagant she's always getting herself into debt so sometimes she lets us have one of her gowns it's only been worn once or twice the Genki don't like to be seen in the same thing through them so we can let you have it quite cheaply three pounds you must have attacked this well good sell it ten times over but we don't want to it's made for you won't you take it dear yes yes I will [Music] [Applause] [Music] Jess what are you doing here what we have got to talk to you have it wrong don't fight say whose side you wanna stop DeLorean and yo bugger off Merry Christmas ya know is that fancy piece I saw you're talking to yeah I think you got a customer more [Music] you bought half of Paris let's get you inside infant you know nothing at all about women they've been working away behind the scenes for centuries but now now coming to the fore mark my words nephew hey yourself you be quiet you Grace has been the power behind your throne for many years well you would away playing toy soldiers who looked after your estate women all over the country all over the world have been doing the same and yet look at this child made to produce children every year like piglets mr. Fairley no other contribution she can make art here here aren't missing but what you propose I do about it make a stand gal make a stand give the blighter an ultimatum say no necie really the sooner you get back to Paris Ness here the better go very well you old stiff neck I shall leave tomorrow no we need you here our Nessie to take the starch out of us yes stop traipsing around Europe and come here and settle with us in England no no how boring safe enough though for the time being it'll never happen just watch the Kaiser very ambitious just let him try a father exactly men must do their duty that's cruel nonsense grace what do you think they've been training you for brass band concerts in the park war my boy war this is not my idea of dinner table conversation [Music] Nonnie to ask who you've been with a key in at the club again have we father go on upstairs our local we don't talk anymore Aggie nobody talks to me anymore well I'm off to bed dream of your shop girl rich I told you we're a funny apparently not especially no most people seem to spend their lives looking for something somebody love marry but we don't seem to have any real interesting women certainly often marriage anyway Tosh is it you're planning to wander around Europe scribbling [ __ ] on her ergo but you Reginald farrier not interested in women no I've known if you're willing you know you'd like some of them but love perhaps I'm not capable living there will be someone somewhere maybe not for me I often think for you certainly I've asked you repeatedly to knock Alice it's Christmas I brought some champagne let's try let's just try to be civil to each other for one day in the year is that the stuff you drink with her no thank you find Christmas spirit in this house are ye will you have a Christmas drink with me yes good a Merry Christmas oh yes the what a Merry Christmas [Music] what's wrong I need to talk to you okey he quarreled with that boy no I'm pregnant God Jesse how could you be so you oh I get to one school I had to tell you it's keep to myself why didn't I guess you've been sick in the mornings that's a wonder mother didn't notice father in does Robbie know yes he's gone away to try and make some money so we can get married well that's the last you'll see of him no it's not you know nothing about you come back and know he will well don't know it depends jobs are gone we're still nothing for the time being less uptight you try to act normal right [Music] oh good I was just about to remind you don't need reminding mother and do everything that's required of me I hope you do what you bid to do how did you get free board and lodging thank you mother makes my position very clear the sadness there's a gentleman he had to see you [Music] I thought you might like to borrow this madame bovary I've read it but thank you for the thought wonderful smother told me yes that's our factory well we call it our factory it's very small you make all your own sweets quite a big business you have this my Norris and we own this guest as well oh please let me we'll meet again I hope I'd like to I must get on yes yes of course [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] sighs sorry Phyllis I'll see Jessie you ought to be ashamed of yourself do you know what you've done on my sister I reckon add to this and I know what she's done to me oh and what's that she's Jessie's meetly think about bettering myself that's why I want to marry you miss not just one do I mean do oh do you now and have you thought about what my father might say I I know we won't consider me your kind but not of a wrong kind good look after her any better than our will I made that promise to you no miss will you tell her I'm back I'll wait here for her not tonight if I don't speed or tonight on the quiet and only come to the shop tomorrow put it plainly to a father you mustn't do that well then I'm not keep alone miss I just wanted to reassure awake then I'm back wait there I'll try but don't keep along and for goodness sake keep out of sight [Music] this time stays in the order me it's not the mayor of New Castle now make it quick it's nearly 9:00 and father's always up at five past [Music] lock the front door lock the back door turn the lights off nagi was wondering where you were just come up from the storeroom it's called out isn't it where's Jessie in a room Aggie very little escapes you have you noticed any difference in our Jessie of late sort of difference if I knew I wouldn't be asking you would her I think she's worried about something Jesse gets Restless for the stuck at that school Jessie Jessie Mary she said she was there [Music] come on what's going on where is she thought she was in her room oh yeah [Music] yup-yup steps newly a hand on her mister it'll be the last thing you do I God wanted us come from the king watch it I do wanna hurt you miss if you couldn't be like that again [Music] [Applause] oh dear God [Music] Oh nurse is he alright it may take some while but yes he should be alright it's all good whatever hit have made a long cut to his head but it didn't go too deep he's a very lucky young man thank you which way to Rosamund Street rosemon Street I know down the hill just on the left you can't miss it thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] hi what do you want you don't know me but I've got some bad news about Robbie you better call me [Music] who are you what do you want my name is Conway Agnes Conway and your son Robbie has been seen my sister clandestinely what she means on the quiet Marv I know what you means you're clever bugger go on go on do a need to God I'm lazy that young takes put a fancy piece in the family way well it's more than either a u2 hoax I've ever done what they're gonna do about it they want to get married oh do they wait till are see him I'm afraid is in the hospital my father went for him I'll get myself to the hospital you shall make sure she gets home safely no I'm quite capable to find him your own way home thank you thank you what's tomorrow yeah does he see you [Music] not open the door [Music] father is locked me out that's wicked Aggie I'm sorry you're always sorry afterward it's Jessie she's locked herself in a room she thinks I killed that young fella so you won't even speak to me do you want to know why because she loves Robin I'm just gonna have his baby God Almighty how could she do this to me you'll have to speak to her Aggie please I speak to a father but don't think it's for you Jess it's me Robbie's all right you know come on love we've got a talk he's all right he's fine but they know you've got a fearsome well well know something the car just let things drift on jessie has to go you can't throw me out course they're not what you can't stay here the whole streeter know soon get on with it woman Magnus I want you to go and visit cousin Mary in Durham Jessie can stay with her until her time comes and after that well Larry hasn't any children of her own she can bring the child up that all sounds very neat and it just happened will it mother when I go not you our notice but when I go and ask her nicely this is the cousin Mary who hasn't spoken to us for 12 years Agnes I'm trying to be helpful have you got any better suggestions cousin Mary's our only chance no but God's sake woman just shut it Aggie do it just bloody do it [Music] [Music] [Music] closer with you I almost didn't recognize it [Music] so have you friends and done no I'm too busy my mother's cousin haven't seen her since I was 12 after all this time she must be looking forward to seeing you I wish our oh sure I know your last name is Conroy from the shop but the house your first Agnes call me Charles Faria and you're a writer on architecture Rome and Florence and so on have all been done before so I'm concentrating on England Newcastle has some fine buildings that says Durham I'm starting with the Cathedral you know all of that of course what is it what's wrong it's my sister did I say that you can't possibly be interested but I am can I help it's too late damage is done I see it's gone away how long will your meeting with your relative last no idea she may throw me out immediately I understand they're moneyed people ah money people my brother is coming up from his regiment down south I'll be at the Cathedral having a look at the Galilee Chapel where to meet there at 4 o'clock now would you join us for tea oh thank you but no no I don't think so why not not it's this dress isn't it why it's not my dress it's secondhand it was made for someone wealthy who knows about foreign countries and cathedrals and such and I feel a complete fraud I think you're the most honest person I have ever met don't you mean no I don't mean blunt I mean honest most girls would have made up some story please miss Conway let me say one thing you were made for such clothes and they for you now please promise you'll be on the bridge at 4 o'clock I promise I shall try to be [Music] laughter park here miss the dune Lake was grown up the drives blocks the carriages coming out very loud [Music] so you're Miss Middleton no I don't light and you've coming the wrong way here better get on with it that is the path to the church hall I shall meet you there in a few minutes well get on your way I'm not Miss Middleton but whoever she is she has my deepest sympathy good day [Music] well that was short and sweet well it was short back to town please fool up the witness their courage is coming down and they always go before public cab [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] let's go right down here Galilee Chapel must've moved no I finished early and I've never been able to resist the river so he's a relative going to help no she's not can you tell me what happened word for word [Music] did you really make the cab go first you're shocked aren't you no nonsense I'm not shocked I think you would have expected the cabbie to give away my parents would have certainly but not me so what will you do now about your sister I don't know our Father has such a terrible temper he attacked him he almost killed the young man in question Oh with a shovel my god it's the young man really that bad no I don't think so well if they really care about each other why don't they just go away and get married on the quiet summer where your father can't get at them that's what I thought but it's not so easy yes it is they can get a special license is that a license to marry you get it at the registry office takes a week or two to come through but there's her age she'd have to have your parents consent out of the question if father were even asked but he doesn't need to be asked all it requires is two signatures on the form any two will do once it's done it's legal your father can't do anything about it it can be done how it's done doesn't really matter it does matter it may not seem important to you but there's as big a difference between robbief Elton's way of life and ours as there is between yours and mine don't say that please don't ever say that I'm the daughter of a shopkeeper so if you'll excuse me mr. fari oh no I will not excuse you we let's go reg waits for no man for a lady yes but for no man even his brother [Music] rich charlie Magnus my brother Reginald Rachel Miss Agnes Conway I'm delighted to meet you miss call me Charles told me all about you no I haven't I don't even know about miss comer yet and what have you heard about the family we're quite an eccentric Lord you'd like our sister Elaine but you met her didn't you miss Conway she bought some sweets I believe they do stop talking miss Conway has hardly been able to get a word in I'm sorry I'm sorry miss Cohen no don't be I've learned a lot about you in the last half hour oh dear and what's your verdict may I ask you're a soldier a captain you are a very smart uniform if Sam Browne belt is impeccable and I wonder who cleans your buttons this morning you didn't expect that did you so who did clean your buttons this morning my Batman of course you'd like to tell me I should clean my own buttons wouldn't you miss Conway no I'm sure you'd make a mess of him no there you're quite wrong our father was a military man he made us clean our own boots tindy all of them best boots riding boots the lot I did the lot didn't I Charles clean your own boots you never did a thing if you could get the servants to do it for you I hope you realize what you've done miss Coleman you've divided this family my brother who was always on my side has turned against me he was suffragettes no I'm not I haven't the nerve no that's not true I have I just do it my own way no point in being open with men [Music] [Music] that's a skeptical young lady you probably won't believe me when I say this is the most pleasant afternoon I spent in a long time I've enjoyed this afternoon as well for short time I stepped into another world goodbye miss coming so when can I see you again it's been a lovely afternoon please let's just leave it there why it was all set by the river wasn't it no it was not I'll call on you soon no don't do that the way things are at home thank you goodbye now you're going to say what do you think I'm not doesn't matter what anybody else thinks that's what I think bad as that no as good as that careful she could pass any test I'm sure but she still works in a shop father might say yes in a pinch but you know mother seemed put a battle on your hands report please what about you you sorted out your little problem some women cling like me cheese remember that [Music] don't you miss that's right down here [Music] do we [Music] well well look what the winds blew on in have you come to see if he's dead or alive I've come to talk to him talk to him he's in there now his head still even like blazes thanks to you and your lot now miss if you've come to ask my boy to give up your sister not a chance she's Korean he's been and he wants to Maria and as for that bugger of a father of yours he'd have ended up in hospital two of the morgue if my lads that had their way more I said it's my business nobody else's I well would you like a cup of tea yes I would thank you please sit down you look awful it's getting better I'm so sorry for what happened it's all my how is she she's tired of being a prisoner in a room Robbie are you sure about Marian Jess of course I am then I've got a proposition to make apparently you can get a special license the only catch is were needing my parents signatures on it well at least somebody's signatures do you understand oh I understand mee-mah writes a good hand well if you can arrange that side of things I can get Jesse out of the house ma we can do it Miss Agnes has got it all fixed got what fixed we need a special license or something but Mia Jesse can get married you know you've got to take her well away where father can't find her and you'll need money I've got a big foot by and as long as it's a port I can always get work you know you're alright you don't take after that bloody old maniac for a start thanks miss you've given me a new life I couldn't see any way out you're not going I've got this foreign tea you know send it straight off the board straight off the board hi [Music] [Music] long enough I'm closing early this evening and there you have it I'm losing money because my little Jessie plays are one of the scum from the keys you have the nerve to pass judgment when for years you've been keeping that woman of yours so what did you say well first yes to speak to her husband then tomorrow they'll even for a week's holiday she said she'd write but it may not be until they get back I'll write to her no don't do that she's very touchy about you talking about me she's not overfond of you or you we do anything hasty she's likely to wipe my hands of the whole thing we're just to leave it a week or so which won't make that much difference will it anyway I'm tired it's been a long day come in she wanna take me [Music] I can forget cousin Mary but I've been to see Robbie Robbie you've been to fair house and we're gonna get you out of here and get you married well you have always put Jessie first and look where it's got us all right Maggie's the one and he's a strong woman she's worth 10 of Jesse I see that now yes but you're not a chance your will though have you my will is my business [Music] [Music] [Music] see you was all that whispering about gossip mr. Conway just ladies gossip it's tomorrow 11:00 Jessie needs to meet him at ten past mother doesn't cotton on rocky so scared are you sure everything I'll be all right yes don't worry everything's arranged he's gonna meet you there to half past 11:00 mother you leave mother to me I shoulda taken your topcoat out so much it makes you look more far gone than you are it's not just the court I'm taping the whole wardrobe [Music] we'll need some money [Music] well that won't be much use for the thing she needs [Music] you keep your eyes open oh you know what for [Music] there you go madam don't think much of these first doctor sounds nice oh I feel see what I think I have to go ladies where is it it's through there I think Punk sake what do you think of this one four pounds four pounds that's ridiculous is neither shape none me [Music] these are sweet let's get the dress fixed first that Jessie go on look mother I'm not following her to the ladies Jessie Jessie where is she mother listen what is it what's she done Jessie now we've got to go home and tell her what she's done Oh boaty / oh no happiness he doesn't give toppings for you or me it's always her and you know why do you want to know why not a mother you're not her sister she's the daughter of his [ __ ] that's not true it's true she's just behaving like that [ __ ] of a mother Jessie's in love love she's reverting to go out of his mom there's a tea shop let's go and have a cup of joe whatever Tommy / home he'll not get a pack [Music] no it wasn't his club night lady there was his first early on she died having his child and he brought that baby home and he didn't ask me he ordered me to bring it up as my own but you're the only one that's mine Agnes and somehow we've never really hit it off oh it's my fault it's all my fault I've just lived so long with bitterness I'm sorry only I had known I was frightened just now frightened but what'd he do what do you say about his precious little Jesse running off with a fountain but now I think I'll enjoy telling him they're at the registry office they're probably married by now and you helped fix it up [Music] [Music] I don't feel like T let's get home and break the happy news to him come over treat ourselves to a cab gun gun where's Jessie where's he taking her we don't know she's don't at them hasn't she now that's come by the keys oh oh no she'll not do this to me I'll just stop this before it starts what does he think he can do Magnus he's got a gun a gun a revolver he keeps it upstairs [Music] not here are they Robin Jessie miss well we speak to your mother he's coming here he's got a gun your father he's convinced her here aren't you gonna lock the door oh no there'll be no unlock many bloody doors yeah I he's no block one good punch he'll go down you've got to get near a fella before you can knock him down and if he's got a gun you could go down first but mine doesn't know where we live well he's just gonna ask any cop II like the whole bloody militia know where we live and the Durham light infantry I shouldn't wonder and the police yeah anis father not here please try to understand Oh you know the only one I trusted and you betrayed me look it wasn't us he just collapsed he brought the gun around yeah all right lass it just grazed you the doc just come in what's happening yeah dad's had a heart attack but he's all right sorry love he's dead how wish I could feel sad but I can't he was such a mean man your father well there you search yourself we've had enough bitterness we can make a good life for ourselves from now on ma you come you'll be quite a wealthy woman Agnes I was frightened he leave the whole lot to Jessie but he must have changed as well just in the last week Jessie deserved to be cut out but cutting me out too that was me you know I'm gonna look after you you were there when I saw the solicitor it could buy a house live anywhere you like thanks Aggie I don't want to buy a house I'd like us just to go on as we Oh [Music] Agnes Agnes [Music] I've been down in Colchester with reg Alain saw it in the paper I'm sorry come down you could have been killed and it's all my fault your fault how I told you how to help Jesse it does matter Agnes's you must know my true feelings mr. Ferriero it's nice to see you yes I must take mr. Ferriero to the parlor I'll make some tea thank you mrs. Conway I'm a working man now I have a new contract for the magazine I write regularly unpaid regularly different as you think really will you carry on working in their shops I have to my father left me everything it's tied me here this is my mother's home I'm all she has Oh oh yeah I'm sorry look at me I like you I like you very much but does your family can't you guess why I went to Calista to talk to reg I want to marry you [Music] Aggie I came as soon as I heard he nearly killed ya know but he didn't Jesse this is Charles Faria I've heard a great deal about you Jessie and you must be Robbie pleased to meet you sir and I promise we'll be together [Music] no you can't what's going on I was just asking if Robbie and I could stay in the guest house until he found a job I've said no and I mean no have you and that on my doorstep not like brother that's enough don't waste your breath Aggie she's only behaving the way she always does she's never been a mother to me and you know why cuz you're not my daughter mother shut up you were adopted he forced you on me got this your mother was his [ __ ] so when you behave like a [ __ ] Jesse went away good at front towards speak to her like that don't worry Robbie I've always known she's never loved me I've never felt like a daughter no I know why but we're still sisters aren't we lucky a half sisters oh no is that woman out of plenty of others besides you bother can't you control yourself of course we are Jesse and of course you can stay in the guest house we don't mean to sponge on you miss we'll pay rent like anyone else you don't need to until you find a job I'll go and get the linen well obviously I haven't got a choice as it's not my house anymore [Music] so there it is I hope I shall have your blessing but I will marry her anyway [Music] if those are your true feelings bye boy naturally you must act thank you Father I'm sure you'll like her thank you mother [Music] a shopgirl in the family oh no no thank you this must be stopped [Music] yes of course my dear [Music] reg I caught the first trade your note sounded urgent great that will do child tell cook mr. Reginald here was a watching yes ma'am what is it what happened it's Charles he's behaving very foolishly some girl some shop girl he says he wants to marry her and she got me up here because of that you're the only one who's met this person Helen saw her talk to her by five Suites you were parented took T with her I hope none of our friends saw you with some awful little shop assistant she's not in the least bit awful she's a highly intelligent young lady very presentable very presentable indeed you seem to have been impressed too yes because she didn't talk about horses dresses or about how boring it is to live in the north you were impressed I was and I can understand how Charles fields would you like her as a sister-in-law I haven't given it a thought really I hope Charles wasn't serious because I could see obstacles ahead obviously I was right you do know that young person was recently involved in some vulgar scandal yes her father objected to his other daughter knowing beneath her thank you but the kind of action he took Shirley says something about the family says something about him either way one result is that Agnes Conway has inherited the whole business far from being a shop girl now that she's quite a rich woman owning a shop what's one much higher up the social scale reg you're close to Charles what shall we do don't alienate him father if he marries her and you don't accept her you've seen the last of him and you don't want that do you I'd say go to see her I'll have her here out of the question mother she's a pretty strong minded young lady if she feels his famiiy looked down on her she's quite proud enough to turn Charles down at come in Charlie it's me mother will resort to reclining on the sofa be warned she's won many battles from that sofa it's high time our parents moved out of the last century that would take an earthquake to do it mother especially poor dear mother a place for everyone and everyone very rigidly in that place well I won't change till I met Agnes I never felt at home with women I know this was that ridiculous to you but I want to be with her every minute but are you prepared to be estranged from the family I can't see that they'll ever accept her yeah would I be estranged from you what do you think then would you do something for me you're going back tomorrow yes would you call on Agnes let her know you're with us I'm sure it will help though no daddy no I don't really know her but you do you met her and I felt you liked her reg why not she knows she senses their feelings and she's so strong and stubborn I'm scared I'll lose her please [Music] it's just the heavy work at first but if you want to learn Tommy is the one to teach you now the money's not much but it's something to let the vacancy on the docs talk to you beggars can't be choosers I'll take it thank you when do I start whenever you want thank you hello captain Faria I hope I'm not intruding oh not at all are you looking for a job store depends what you pay captain this is mr. Tommy grant our sugar boiler how do you do Johnny he's a video and this is Robby Felton my brother-in-law Robby glad to meet you sir if you'd like to come through quite a factory you've got here yes and I'm glad you've seen Who I am and what I do it's quite evident why you're here captain to plead for Charles absolutely not my brother complete for himself and to put a word in for the family warning me off about the family I must be honest in any case it would be useless to be anything else with you not a compliment my parents live in a different age they still believe in God given privileges you understand yes and I understand that were her to marry Charles he'd be cut off from his family from his parents yes not from the rest of us I don't think you should underestimate Charles either he didn't just refuse to go into the army he turned down Oxford - then he travelled alone around Europe educating himself and the things he loves an experience by the way that enabled him to meet and get on with all kinds of different people I know that I really only came to ask one thing do you love Charles deeply I mean the way he loves you yes I do then you must simply ignore all the obstacles I can find my own way out [Music] who was that the brother came to put you off did he know it was quite sympathetic and I made up my mind the colonel and his wife can be as hostile as the please I'm gonna marry their son I was thinking of leaving home mother going abroad again that's a very good idea no mother I mean to take lodgings in town but you have a perfectly good home here I want to be independent Oh Charlie how will you manage no servants to cook for you clean for you I spent two years wandering around Europe on my own staying in cheap hotels I survived I'm sure I'll survive here would you do me one favor would you meet Agnes talk turf only for a few minutes I'm sure then you'll know do you know being the kind of person she is she would take that as an acceptance she's not that kind of person she wouldn't [Music] this is it stamp it's fine it's not been sleeping in these sheets yes of course Charles I'll send nan along with some clean dry linen you not to spend another night in no shades perfectly adequate so why is he living in a place like that says it's to be near me I think he takes pride in showing us simply you can live gotta get him out of there Aggie I know that but he won't listen that's stupid that's the trouble with men mommy [Music] is it right Steve I'm helping it upstairs [Music] I'm afraid this young man has pneumonia nobody will you get a cup so we can send to his parents grace if it's pneumonia we have to go oh people of her class always exaggerate no control I'm sure he can't be that bad we won't know unless we see him well if you feel concerned you go I shan't Nantz says his father's here colonel Faria right but she says he's not in uniform [Applause] good afternoon mr. Faria I'm Agnes Conway how did you expect you've been wondering why your son is in my house yes I had well he was visiting when he collapsed you do know we have an understanding Oh what kind of understanding Charles has asked me to marry him and have you accepted yes I knew they'd be objections and the fact that your wife isn't here suggests I was right my wife is not at all well herself you like to come this way thank you mr. fari this is my mother how'd you talk Charles [Music] Charles can you hear me with your father I've got a message to him I promise I [Music] think he should be in his own home where he can get proper mercy your son has a temperature of a hundred and four take him oh my all means if you want to feel alone your hands should be taken by ambulance well the responsibility would be yours what is the name of the doctor who attended him dr. bailey's only three streets away we can give you the address thank you I will take his opinion you do that [Music] young creature dared to say such things to you she spoke intelligence yeah like an educated and sensible woman and she gave me no quarter grace I think I must telegraph reg and d'Alene no he can't be as bad as that in such a short time pneumonia can develop very rapidly he was quite delirious I think my dear you must see him you can't ask such a thing you have got to bring him home that's impossible the doctor was most emphatic Charles was not be moved well perhaps you should Telegraph Reginald asked him what do you think for God's sake woman why can't you take my word for it Charles is seriously ill can't you get that through your head this girl has done I've never heard you use that tone Ian to the servants a dreadful dreadful that you should speak to me this way don't you forget yourself for once our son may be dying [Music] [Music] [Music] my sister will be with you in a moment please sit down mr. mrs. Farr you she'sshe afternoon good afternoon miss Conway this is my wife afternoon mrs. berry I'm glad you were well enough to come house II it's quite a no but the doctor expects the worst after midnight probably in the early hours of the morning we honor a guest house nearby you're very welcome to stay the night I hope that will not be necessary but I shall decide what is to be done after I have seen my son mrs. Faria Charles is very ill I don't want him upset if you'd like to follow me [Music] Charles Charles its mama [Music] Oh jesse-san Giovanni I think my son should have a nurse a trained nurse well the doctor did a show us what can't manage and when we need more help my daughter here and my son-in-law will take their turn yes mother would be glad to you know there's no real nursing to be done he just needs keeping cool and comfortable [Music] mother oh come on Agnes there must be strong for his sake then happens to him mother will never marry anyone else no never is a long time was a long long time [Music] [Music] [Music] agnus all right I'm so glad you're here how is he we think he's over the worst oh thank God I came as quickly as I could while my mother and father still here they're in the guest house sister asleep you do with some sleep yourself thanks to Aggie she did everything for me she's a great girl you're very lucky I know I'm going to marry her as soon as possible Charlie you're in no state getting married you just had your monia it'll be weeks maybe months can't wait that long have you got a good doctor very good no I'm sure he'll advise you to wait there's more to marriage than the ceremony I'm going to need all your strength voice of experience huh so when you going back this afternoon it's looking very serious rumors more than rumors troubles unavoidable now take care of yourself charlie there's nobody in all this world I like more than you you know that get your strength back and then then I'll be your best man doctor I couldn't talk in front of Charles what's going on his parents are making arrangements and telling me nothing they've booked him into the sanatorium in Wooley it'll be there some weeks if not months he will recover though it's too early to say he's young with tuberculosis it depends on your Constitution we're hoping to get married well that could still happen given time kiss me I think you should stay with me tonight [Music] oh say it's Colonel nah hey thanks Charles said you'd been called back to your regiment thank you yes it's only a desk job Timofey it all called up even the horses that's why I've got this it's very impressive my wife thinks it'll take some getting used to her she'd be in here today for child's sake but she's not at all well well uh bumpy's you at visiting time some Dan thank you for all you've done [Music] don't worry Agnes you'll get well again [Music] [Music] there's a doctor [Music] rubbie it's a girl I'll be alright beautiful well politicians have got the war they wanted hmm men like reg will go and fight it for them I was fit I'd have been a conscientious objector I would have supported new and you Aggie of course I would takes courage to stand up for what you believe in don't get yourself upset gotta go but you've only been here a minute been here an hour and two want to bump into your mother [Music] [Music] I didn't tell your Nan's give Nana notice she says she can get more money working in a munitions factory oh no no busy downstairs either war almost every family around here is lost somebody but they're rolling in money joy what was that for I've just seen the doctor all it's has shown improvement so within six weeks you can come home and then whenever we want to we can get nice [Music] hello Agnes [Music] I'm sorry would you rather sleep it's very comfortable here I can see what Charles means about this room I don't know how you have your tea oh just as it comes thank you this time tomorrow you'll be one other family are you afraid should I be thank you you do know our parents won't be there don't you yes I do not fathers got leave and mother feels they need a holiday sir reg I'm worried about you you're wondering about what's happened to me aren't you the war that's what's happened bloody bloody war would you prefer a whiskey hmm please the complacency in England about what's going on over there thank you I shouldn't do this to you I can't talk to the family Charlie's been ill and I just hold it all inside until tell me you can say anything you want don't misunderstand me we we put up with the rats in the trenches the corpse is surfacing out of the mud and your feet we know it's not a picnic it's a war I come from a long line of fighters six generations of them all army men of course shooting to kill is part of the training for every man that wears a uniform what's going on over there isn't ordinary killing it's slaughterhouse killing so massacre it's a pointless bloody massacre so sorry Agnes no I'm glad you said it and I heard it do you know the Psalms do you by any chance know the thirty-second son no I only know the Lord is my shepherd Chaffin our unit seems to know the more recites that the oldest moments there are some lines in the 32nd so on I never realized the beauty of them thou art my hiding place [Music] thou shall preserve me from trouble I shall encompass me about with songs of deliverance [Music] that's what you've been to me tonight Magnus my hiding place I'll see you in the morning [Music] [Music] how far is it to this magical place it's far away in the wild as I forget you are a very special woman how do you feel full of love you mean never better honestly never better [Music] yes who is it yes McCann there are two policemen to see you sir they say it's quite urgent right look at us just having breakfast is almost time for lunch that must be why I'm so hungry [Music] the car just left the road down a steep Bank all three of them it's my fault this silly they wouldn't have gone on this bloody holiday if I hadn't got married [Music] hey woman God forgive me for saying it but you'd think she'd done it on purpose to spite you well she's gone now I guess thank you pardon mrs. Conway will you go down and take a turn the shop Jessie could do with a bit of a break she's a bit upset I'll be down in a moment mother serving in the shop well somebody has to haven't there what's Jessie upset about he wants to join up do his bit I just think it's right for me to you know anyway conscriptions coming in and I'd rather choose to go to be made to go and you never live that down we'll miss you Ruby [Music] mrs. Mitcham can you show mrs. farrier to her room please yes ma'am I'll come up - I need a rest Annie Rose I'm so pleased to see you Elaine thought you'd be tuning your time register she's doing amazing work in France she's an extraordinary woman I've never thanked you Elaine we're going to shop that night bringing jobs to me that's another reason why I came today to welcome you and I'm sure everyone else will too you're not to take any nonsense from anyone let me manage anyway if you're sure reg do you want us to run the place for the time being absolutely sure you know Elaine is quite incredible so near her time yes the irony mother and father dying and any day now a new life more fodder for the next war for God's sake keep your conscientious objections to yourself would you Charles some of us are actually fighting in this war Reggie there's no cause of fuel to speak to your brother like you're just as bad rushing around the field hospitals playing the angel of mercy I do my damnedest to help these poor fellows in the few days or hours they have left if it gives them a little comfort I shall play the angel of mercy to the hilt I'm sorry I'm sorry hon Missy hmm we all have a drink good idea don't ring I'll I'll go that was thoughtless of me he's in a bad way yes he is I just wish he could be wounded and soon just enough to get him out of it before he cracks [Music] [Music] [Music] I don't understand the order you've had the briefing for tomorrow are you shaving in the middle of the afternoon if we're going off at dawn I'd never get it done in time I'll keep you logic you'll have to shave again by then you British officer going into action unshaven Oh Polly Pretty Polly you're a disgrace what was the order laughs down upon its might have come here I'm shaving come in here right stand in the corner now advance on me and don't get shot right I don't understand [Music] stop sorry oh god I'm sorry the cigarette I must write some matters so much dude funny I ran out of things to say yes but you must they may be your last dreaming again is she very beautiful first time I saw her she was near a cathedral the sun shining on her face she chipped me about my bright shining buttons and from that moment I was gone and never mentioned it are you engaged on the quiet no she married someone else I'm sorry what was all that about with the gun the order to be passed on to all officers and men old phrase that officers and men like to separate species aren't officers men certainly not we are young gods come down from Olympus we are indestructible warriors infallible and when we go into action we wipe the floor with the enemy as the generals always say we will except that we don't not always and if we do as this order says for God's sake tell me what the order is Polly when I said advance and don't get killed if you'd had the space you'd have run you'd have dodged and weaved we all do it because a moving target gives us a better chance but the order for tomorrow is walk whim stall walk slowly towards the enemy lines I asked why new strategy sometimes I think they're as mad as we are [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh my son thanks for coming it's Robbie he's been posted missing well lost our Jimmy and now this what happened Robbie ship went down somewhere off the coast of Scotland there's not a trace sorry sorry Hugh and I think how I used to feel about Robbie but since we've heard I've cried as much as Jesse has he was a good lad Robbie a good lad that's the first time I've heard you say his name oh are you staying for dinner no I told shows up get back how is Charles he seems fine it's funny now is in charge he loves it there the way talks about the future it says the way there for good and we're not Reggie sure to come back I wish I could say the same about Robbie but Jesse's sick Madame thank goodness you're home the telegram mom about mr. etches or doesn't say to mom he's being wounded I'm asleep him rest yes he's wounded there's nothing you can do [Music] I knew Charles would be very upset he and Reggie is so close unfortunately he hasn't heard the whole of it yet in my opinion it's a very good thing that that nice young husband of yours is not in the best of health you mean Alisa can't go rushing down a doula hmm Reggie's mentally so unhinged he'd hardly no child anyway is it so bad I want to tell you about Reggie but I'm so worried about Charles in any case it would be better if you heard it from the doctor an Essie please come and talk to me won't listen to me yes of course dear on the very first day of that offensive Reginald was caught in a terrible explosion he has lost his right arm Oh God and that's not all I'm afraid he also has very serious burns to his face oh no not his face honest II want to see you cause he does I'm his brother he has had a complete mental and physical collapse now in a few weeks they will transfer him to a hospital near here and you can visit him then not before and only Charles only if he wants to see you [Music] we shouldn't be doing this Aggie he's my brother [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] register [Music] Agnes ensel of [Music] she'll be in to see you what is it don't ask me let's just go Charley Robbie's been found he made it to the Isle of Skye all these weeks and he's still alive that's good news I wish I could say the same about reg [Music] I've come to see captain Faria I understand he's in room 102 just down Carlos thank you I'll wait here I know he wants to see you he just doesn't want you to see him the way he is I know [Music] oh yeah this looks like an all this charlie it is an office for the last few months I've been able to help some of the other patients with their various legal and personal problems well that's good yes the hospital board have asked me to make it a full-time job of course I'll have to live here which is perfect fine for how long Charlie I I see no need to leave what's this no absolutely not Brooke Hall is yours you can't just hand it over to me I don't want it I have grandfather's money and my army pension I want to be here you and Agnes are having on the stage aren't you the point we're merely looking after it until you're ready to come home Charlie I'm here for life long before you you haven't had an attack in ages no but if I do I've already discussed it with Elaine the house and estate go to Agnes Oh can't sign his life away without discussing it [Music] [Applause] [Music] I know [Music] why did you bring her here red she has always come with me come in satisfied it was unfair of you to keep me away now you know why no what Evers happened to you is still the same person I'm not I'm bloody well not very well you've changed anyone would but we haven't and we wants you back at the hall Charlie Agnes please understand here I'm of some use to people which I can never be out there besides you see they gave me the mirror and you know that hair on the back of your neck moment and then this huge disfigurement and I said this is not as bad as I thought [Music] but you know not true please for my sake except this gracefully I just like to say how delighted I am we've all had such a wonderful day today any ghosts from an earlier time who happened to be present maybe a little disconcerted by all the noise when we were young we weren't allowed to make any noise at table but my wife and I well enjoy yourself I'm gonna son dude I lost two of my lads in the war but I still got my Robbie and to see him here to see him living decently doing well you know that proud but I'll give you some more good news about your Robbie we're gonna make him a partner in the business he runs it all himself anyway time he had his reward thanks wretches very year the doctors beam and I was here yesterday he was fine please no Aggie I'm sorry he's asking for you by there please look okay I've never left this place [Music] [Music] joleigh wretches here so any chance I've got my quietly Mikey I miss her lucky [Music] you can't go on like this is skin and borne cell that place and come back here would be all together again like all times though as Robbie says y'all not get what it's worth money so tight since the war nothing's right strong men X soldiers coming here looking for work in a sweet shot better go back to that big empty house I worry about you last there on your own at nights I'm hardly on my own they had indoor staff and sex outside faith no that lot just to look after one person alright alright I know it's your own money I suppose you can do what you like with it when's the other one deal back soon he's having more surgery I don't know why bothers what life seek out all he ever does is visit you those Robbie says maybe he keeps coming back because he's sorry he gave me the house in the first place Robbie seems to see quite a lot well there's no need to snap at me lass sorry I envy to you so much you envied me yes you were so strong and independent quaking in my shoes and kiss I was doing everything wrong I was gonna ask Elaine you felt like staying for a few days I can't I'm going away for a while Magnus I'm sorry have you seen reg he rings to say hello but never mentions how he really is I never visit when he's having surgery he'll come and see me when he feels ready what do you intend to do with that spoon oh I was just finishing dinner it's all right he'll bring me something well what do you think be honest now stupid thing to say you always are excellent you're looking very good thank you good lord you're out of mourning no I think mrs. Mitcham and mr. mcann was shocked it's supposed to be a year I'm glad man agnus I've wanted to ask my remedial work is only three days a week on a regular basis now and the question is what do I do with the rest of my time well the last couple of visits on the estate I noticed things need a bit of attention and I could help if you agree if I could stay a few days a week there I've asked you but don't answer yet the doctors you see think I'm ready almost ready to face the world at last and where better to begin than oh god I'm sorry how stupid of me you might have other plans your mother said you might go back no I'll never go back to the shop then is it possible um I can good man thank you sir [Music] McCann usually does this you've thrown him all out isn't it beautiful Eve the moon alone is not hurting you I have note that expression in years that's the first time I've heard you laugh since Charlie died oh this is nice like our old days here for my time yes before your time days Lana girl different world since the war everything's got to be I don't know this minute now I suppose that's good really the past only lives in our memories but I wouldn't want to forget it all entirely either we do live from minute to minute second I guess what am I trying to say that what's real is only what's happening in this moment everything else even a second to go is the past yes yes aggi do you think we could be friends friends thought we were never mention never acknowledged I want us to be friends that's all I ask nothing more do you know the words of Baron friendship is love without his wings and that's fine for us if I do stay here no one will think there's anything wrong in it one look of me don't say that I'm sorry let's just drink them to the wingless bird I'm sorry I've been so lonely and now you're here and saying you'll come back okey won't you drink with me you know I can't drink to that bird has grown wings I thought I'd imagined it but it's true but can you bear it me the way I am now love is not love which alters when it alteration finds [Music] what do we do about the law don't you know a man can't marry his brother's widow no I didn't know we'll just have to wait until they change it will we I can't [Music] I've waited too long already reg reg here it is on July the 1st 1949 the marriage took place between mr. Reginald Faria and mrs. Agnes Faria widow of mr. Charles Maria best man was mr. Robert Felton the matron of honor was mrs. Felton the wedding was attended by the couple's two sons their daughters-in-law and three grandchildren [Music]
Channel: MGB Entertainment
Views: 795,058
Rating: 4.8194938 out of 5
Keywords: catherine cookson, the wingless bird
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 145min 37sec (8737 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 17 2020
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