SPOILED KID Wants RICH PARENTS ONLY.. My Friend Exposed Her! (Roblox Bloxburg)

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so I found a little kid in blocksberg that needed a parents I decided to adopt her and discovered that she was actually super spoiled and ungrateful luckily my friend Polk was in the game and I hadn't helped me teach her a lesson guys uh be sure to watch it till the end never be like this kid alrighty guys Huy Arden blocksberg now before we get into the video guys - be sure to use a star code hyper whenever you buy roebucks and also guys - be sure to subscribe to my minecraft channel the link will be down in the description box below videos every other day now guys here's the thing okay I've been inside this blog server for a little bit now and there's actually someone in the chat that is literally spamming and they managed to catch my eye okay the person's name is that Carly Cincinnati and I think this person is actually a kid because the different standing chat saying can someone adopt me someone adopt me adopt me hello anyone I need a family and guys she is literally just going on and on and on okay now here's the thing okay the last time I adopted a kid in blocks burgers she actually ended up being kind of gold digger undercover I'm gonna go ahead and throw a flashback to that right now don't lie to me you fake fake homeless daughter hated child I didn't know what to call her okay what is she gonna say and she got to finally admit it you're so stupid oh you're such a poor loser and she left the game and I really don't want to deal with that again guys but the thing is okay this karley Cincinnati girl is really really anxious and like she is I really try to get a family so I think I might just to give her a shot okay if anything to write I like I'll just kick her off and like block her if she ends up being a gold digger but hopefully that is not the case so let's go ahead and like a figure out where she is wait what the heck wait guys zach is in this game too okay hopefully Zach isn't already talking to her uh wait what uh guys I think I uh I think I already found her plot wait Carly Cincinnati's house and here she is guys yeah she's literally a kid and she just said hi can you please adopt me I need a family oh my god okay guys like right off the bat I'm not gonna lie the sign is a little suspicious but we're just gonna go ahead and I guess like play along she just said please I then she threw like a a smiley face okay that's uh that's kind of weird but uh I'm gonna say I'm gonna say sure I'm gonna say where are your real parents though okay I mean yeah that is a something of something of a concern guys at dude she is literally just like a big chill and she just said I don't have any okay she just said that's why I need to be adopted wait what okay guys like low-key this is uh this is already pretty sucks but she just said I lost them okay you know what we're gonna go ahead and give this girl a chance I mean to be honest guys she could also just be like a random band just like playing around okay but I mean from the looks of it no it doesn't seem like she knows who I am but I'm gonna say okay fine I will adopt to you okay she just said will you adopt me please and now we're gonna go ahead and just guest her real quick she just said yeah I mean guys I've been so poor so good like it just seems like she's role-playing okay so like this is fine she just said thank you I'm so excited okay let me go ahead and like bring her to my plot right now I don't think that she's ever been in a house like this big though since obviously you guys can see like she literally doesn't have a house like at all but I'm gonna go ahead and say in the chat I'm going to say we're here and she just said wait oh my god guys you know she's probably freaking out about how big this house is right now she just said is this your house I'm gonna say yeah it is guys I want to see her reaction right now I'm gonna say what do you what to youth bang wait uh guys she just said really it's kind of small it's only two floors okay that's kind of rude but okay we're just gonna go ahead and like play along with it I mean maybe her parents before that like a three-story house or something like is this true like spoil or something I'm gonna say okay well this is your new home okay I'm just gonna go ahead and like have her follow me inside I do need to block a couple of these fans though that way they don't like come inside the house with me but come on Carly come on inside a dude what the heck hopefully guys hopefully like this is like the only thing that like she dislikes about the house in fact two stories or whatever but I'm just gonna go ahead and say this is the inside of the house okay hopefully she likes this but oh wait she just said really oh my god guys please for the love of God tell me I did not oh my god she just said is there any more what do you mean wait what yo this girl is like a low-key kind of spoiled like I think this house is pretty crazy what she just said this kitchen is kind of small okay guys this is unbelievable this girl is literally like a spoiled kid Zack Zack is even noticing it in the chat he just said Lola sheesh oh my god are you serious okay guys it's very very obvious right off the bat this girl is spoiled okay but the thing is I don't really have anything in my house to like teach her a lesson or anything Zack is in the game and he is like he is playing right now so maybe I can actually get him to help me I need your help okay I adopted a spoiled kid by accident okay and I gotta teach her a lesson Zack is like Zack is probably like low-key face flopping right now because like how on earth did I uh did I end up in this situation but Carly just said this TV isn't even that new don't you have a bigger TV oh my god okay guys I'm just gonna go ahead and ignore her okay let me go ahead and continue like messaging Zack he just said I'll see what I can do what should I do I'm gonna say build a trap and then come over later and see if I shall follow you okay I think I know exactly how this is gonna work but for now guys I need to distract Karly Cincinnati until Zach's trap is a complete okay Zach just messaged me and said I'm on it give me like four minutes okay perfect I'm gonna say hey Carly do you want to see your room okay I already know guys that she's not gonna like the room that I'm gonna show her but again the thing is I just need to go ahead and like keep her distracted until Zach is done okay so she's just chillin right now she just said my room yes I can't wait to see my huge room oh my god guys this girl is literally like so spoiled like what the heck is up with kids these these days like are you freaking serious dude okay anyways I'm just gonna go ahead and say follow me and we're gonna go ahead and take her to a room like I said guys kyouichi is definitely not gonna be happy with it but duh it's fine it's fine because we are gonna teach her a lesson all right we're gonna go ahead and over the door real quick and boom there you go Carly Cincinnati this is your bedroom okay and of course of course guys she just said is this it I'm just gonna go ahead and say yes dot dot dot she just said this is my room my question was what the heck are you freaking serious she's literally like spamming and complaining about how this room is small what the heck okay okay okay it's fine it's fine it's fine we just we just got to stay distracting here okay Zach actually just messaged me and he just said I should be wrapping this up shortly perfect okay I'm just gonna go ahead and say I'm gonna say yes don't you like its oh my god I guys I'm having so much trouble playing along because like I don't want to like I don't want to help her be spoiled cuz like she's kind of already like spoiled being in this big of a house like come on dude she just said it's so small can I get a new computer at least once this computer literally has shrimpo monitors oh my god okay you know I'm fine whatever I'm just gonna go ahead and say sure Zack just said okay legit one final touch this is gonna be so good and wait a minute oh my god guys I literally see right outside his house due to their signs that say free money oh my god this is perfect okay okay okay uh Carly just said Oh also I really want a bike too oh my god Carly stop being so spoiled dude all right you know I'm fine I'm gonna say sure but later okay Zack just said it's done oMG guys this is literally perfect okay it's actually 8 p.m. in the game right now so I think I should be able to like get away from Carly for the night and then I'll have Zack come over okay I'm gonna say Carly it's time for bed I'm gonna go to my room okay hopefully Carly is okay with staying in bed but come on come on come on Carly you gotta get in bed do I need to like guess her or anything oh god she just said okay Dada oh my god this is perfect she just said in this small bit okay I'm just gonna ignore her guys I'm just gonna go ahead and like close the door hopefully she stays asleep but uh let me go ahead and actually shoot Zack a message right now and say yo bro come over and get Carly to open the door I'm just gonna go ahead and like stand right here that way I can see Carly like like leave her room okay I'm gonna message Jack I'm gonna say ring the doorbell okay I just told Zack to ring the doorbell I see him at the front of his house right there I think he's coming over guys he just wants to be instead of coming okay this is perfect this is perfect now if I'm right okay if uh oh god he just rang the doorbell he just rang the doorbell okay all we need is Carly Cincinnati to leave her oh my god dude she's actually there okay okay okay I'm go ahead and lay down in bed and pretend to be asleep I think I just saw her out of the corner of my eye as an actor said I'm so nervous oMG what do I even say I'm gonna say invite her over roast my house okay Carly says that he just said hello oh my god guys she's literally opening the door for a stranger come on dude spoiled and opening doors for strangers come on okay okay okay Zak in the chat just said Carly you seem to live in an okay house would you agree wait what Zak is literally talking to her like an interview dude oh my god and wait a minute guys Carly Cincinnati just said this house is less than okay dude are you freaking serious Zak just said you want to come see real luxury oh my god it's actually working guys this is actually working what Zak just said I got away nicer house across the street follow me oh my god if Carly Cincinnati actually follows Zak I I I'm gonna freak out oh my god wait guys I literally see them oh my god oh my god whoa wait dude please tell me Zak and get her to go in the trap oh my god I don't even know where the trap is in all this but like holy cow holy cow okay Zak just said Carly and then Carly just said oh wow are you serious Carly just said this house is so much better it's literally the blockage in mansion inside like it's a default house bro what okay Zak just said okay let's go inside I feel like the trap is like right at the entrance guys oh my god come on can I like can I see something happen it's called the Cincinnati gonna go in oh my god he's actually said let's go and oh my god oh my god oh my god come on call these Cincinnati guys I'm tweaking tweaking she just said Wow is so nice if she go in did it work I think she went inside that's jumping Zach jumping back to set it work wait wait oh my god guys there's no way there's no way we actually captured this spoiled kid holy cow let me go ahead and run across the street I'm gonna say where is it bro zach is freaking out right now he's just saying omg omg follow me oh my god guys where is it is it inside his garage oh my god guys I literally see I literally see ladders down here and Carly Spencer Nattie this spoiled kid oh my god guys she just said in the chat um hello help I fell down here um excuse me I'm gonna say Wow Carly why are you so a spoiled I wanted to be nice and you were really left for a bigger house oh my god I cannot believe it guys dude Zach do Zack is even adding on to it you just said you even left your parent for money what the heck I cannot believe it okay guys there we go hopefully Carly Cincinnati learned something from this okay it is not okay to be what she just said he didn't even have a night this hole is nicer than his house and she left guys I I thought we were gonna teach her a lesson but okay yeah I am definitely done with blocksberg guys if you are spoiled like that don't be okay because that was so messed up anyways I honestly have no words anyways thanks so much for watching today's video guys I'll see you next time Zack II was just message being said did you film that I'm gonna say yeah I hacked all right I'll see you guys next time peace [Music] [Music]
Channel: Hyper - Roblox
Views: 530,981
Rating: 4.8964286 out of 5
Keywords: ROBLOX, hyper, hyper roblox, roblox 2019, roblox hyper, fun, roblox bloxburg, bloxburg roblox
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 39sec (879 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 25 2019
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