Breaking 10 World Records In 20 Minutes!

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keep you keep your challenge oh no what is break 10 World Records wait how do I am about to have the most victorious day of my entire life because we're taking on ten Guinness World Records we're about to take things to new levels new heights new and we're going all the way to the top hey world records we're about to bust Oh toss them records write in the papers pull out the leftovers dump it out on the floor because we're about to send things all the way to the top things are getting intense on this first challenge the first world record we're breaking is most jello eaten in one minute now we got the win keep you forgot the most critical part oh yes of course using chopsticks we got the jello right here and we're about to bust this open now the previous world record Bernie I lost a jello rip the previous world record barney is 3.2 ounces now each one of these is do we know how many ounces is in one of these Barney a lot this is the least official record-breaking contest in the entire world 25 ounces total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 & 8 jello packets divided by 25 to 3 point 1 2 ounces which is highly inconvenient to be apt to eat too but we've got a full minute now let's go ahead and get this baby started up we got that set up we got our timer over here we got our chopsticks you know how to use chopsticks just like this Marni come on here we go jello number 1 jello number 2 all right now I must start the time wait wait no not yet Barney not yet according to regulation I didn't see anything that suggested I could not prepare the jello beforehand I'm just get it all off the sides here and I think we're gonna be in solid shape Barney quick Delaney I know you're nervous so we're bout ready to get this thing goin all right ready three two one go go go go one minute Keith one minute on be calm be calm be calm be calm did your face closer oh my gosh that was a good one that was a good one come on bro come on come on come on yep yeah yeah yeah yeah all right next one next one next one next one dude that was less than 15 seconds you're going good you're going good nice nice all right 20 seconds on the clock keep going keep going keep going I'm losing it I'm losing it put it back on there come on stay strong stay strong no jello in your mouth Smokies is this mope easy dude you know what you shattered the world record row 43 seconds that is under a minute and we ate over six ounces that's one world record boom tops that worl rekr ridin paper shredder and shred it up take out the residue pops all around like confetti let's move on record number two you might be wondering why I got peas in my hand and take manager that's because we're about to spit these Peas long distance the previous record for the longest piece shot out of someone's mouth is 24 feet in like some inches 7.6 inches kikwit breakable exact alright Barney we'll be exact we'll be exact I need to concern though with a quick and custom jello I mean really that jello sitting massive my belly we got to measure out approximately 20 not aprox I know Barney I know exactly 25 feet because we're going for the last Oh let's get this set up push that all the way to that and over to the door there we got 26 feet 26 all right so we got to shoot it from all the way over there at the door to right here at the boxes and then we break it all on take this be technically speaking Barney we just got to go to 25 but I think I'll be 26 just for kicks because I want Guinness all right you talking a lot get to break your baby I'm always talking a lot Barney but it's time peace all right Barney back it up all the way to the door back up the door strategy I'm going for is not a single pin because I need a lot of blockage in the wind pipes no in order to have as much force build-up to fire the peas as far as possible so the first strategy I'm going for is multiple P D plan that is not smart do one being launched this sucker turn around cheerio that was like only one inches all right Barney we got the piece to break the record get the measuring tape Barney all right Barney all right all right all right okay keep max at all I got it right on the P Barney what are you measuring we got ourselves 317 inches it's 317 to 1/2 inches which is tell me fees that boring tell me only feet that is 26 feet we broke the record by to be Barney six feet four and a half inches [Music] we posses records in the furnace and burn them up as bihari bubbles in the house and we things going let's move on to we are on an absolute roll right now we have we got train tickets one-way passes first-class dining included and unlimited drinks and we're going all the way across the Atlantic yeah how about we stick to breaking records bro breaking records not best apparently I'm Way better breaking records than I am at for a night of Minecraft but next we got most CDs stacked on one finger the previous record is 50 CDs we're stacking 51 or more let's get this bad boy started we got to open up these CDs here we got 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 and 50 more first you got to tie the record then you got to beat it we're going for the tie first which is 50 CDs we got 10 in that stack 50 in this stack ready one finger come on come on give me the magic give me the magic everything is on the line right here everything I live for come on barri dig deep dig deep dig deep key just stick your pinky in the middle oh did I do it I gotta balance it three seconds Barney you can't stick your pinky through the middle why not because it's against regulation Barney doesn't tell me if you do that [Music] all right we're going for not one extra not two extra but three extra plus 7 3 + 7 40 extra 100 cedis no I keep that 60 right here we are absolutely crushing the day right now better get on to number 4 real quick Barney because I want 10 records under this felt this belts gonna be so heavy I'm gonna be walking around then that looks like it's bad for your back my belt my belt my belts - it running my belts - alright we're moving on to record number four and that is most bananas peeled in one minute and weather what's the previous record we're about to break here brother the previous record is eight bananas we've got 2 4 6 7 8 previous record right there new record right there Barney now most people think why not peel the bananas from the top but the strategy is go from the bottom are you ready Barney whoo all right right hold on all right three two go go go go go go go go Oh the ban is not ripe enough it's not ripe enough Keith hurry up dude you can't stop now it's not ripe enough okay was it happen nine seconds down ten seconds you got it you got to go faster no I ate out quicker that's quicker I'm go for the top on this one I don't know why but other than that ripen up Oh three key to three seconds pick up speed pick up speed come on come on come on come on they're not ripe enough party you're running out on come on 35 seconds keep going keep going Synnex that's fast keep going you're ready right here that speed seven come on get the record here right here title 45 seconds key 15 more seconds come on come on eight come on last one get it going 54 seconds let's go but it is so fast it'll throw your pants right off let's move on to record number 5 now you might be asking why do you have a pair of underwear in your hands gross freshly bought I did not take my underwear off but in fact these will be my underwear we're about to break the record for most jumps in to a pair of undies in 30 seconds now I have a little bit of uh should I say obstacles because I of course have to keep my pants on otherwise YouTube's gonna be like Ernie monetize a man because tooks pants off now I'm gonna take my shoes off Barney because uh I've got to be jumping regulation says I must jump in to the boxers pull them all the way up to my waist and then remove them and then jump in again okay the record is eight we need nine and three to go oh wait like once I got him backwards no you messed it up dude I'm going I'm going to boom I got oh gosh one this is not going well two two two backwards only eight more you look like one three week here we go party here we go oh five or four more four more four more what's my time Matt Barney with my time at you're in 47 seconds six three more seven buddy come on brother [Music] what am i one more I may need five a minute five one more one more hurry up one more buddy we already lost the record wait was it 30 seconds 30 seconds you're pretty far off but a big we're here with challenge number six what we got for number six is the fastest to assemble a set of chess now I was looking at the regulations and I thought a which better way to do this then already have it set up outside the board and then just simply move the pieces onto the board ah no sometimes you got to wiggle your way or I don't like to use the word cheap no it's called thinking outside the law outside the box except in this case Barney we're going inside now the previous record barney is thirty two point four seconds are you ready for this brother I am a ready bro let's do it Barney ready and three two one come on baby come on come on get him get him get him get him you don't long get them all on get him on get him on oh I messed up a little State if it falls you have to start over seriously you knock it down you got to start over we're starting again from the top ready three two one hit it hit it go come on now come on out yeah there you go there you go there you go good good good good good so the pieces are intact all right now white side white side come on you got this bro you got this take your time take your time here right here ready it's time plenty time we're seconds seconds ahead of the Guinness world record so far wait y'all rules in we got record number seven right here Barney fastest time to put twenty four cans inside the refrigerator most people might say grab your soda cans bring them to the fridge put the soda in the fridge now the problem is the records nine point seven six seconds now if you're not familiar with time nine seconds goes by that snap with a finger baby on seconds gone and my life is bye-bye so I decided why not think a little bit uh I've got two racks of 12 cans so I'm gonna take the rest and put them in the fridge regulation says the fridge must be closed before the challenge starts we're gonna start the timer up right now Barney you're gonna have to be in charge of the time no you hit the timer I'll watch it and then we're gonna get these in the fridge let's move on to record number eight record number eight is gonna be a bit of a challenge now I thought jumping into underwear was difficult but slapping sticky notes on your forehead your cheeks your nose and your mouth now that's a whole different story it's like speaking two different languages and I only speak one night I mean I tried to learn Spanish in school but it I didn't I didn't end up that's ok you ain't bilingual but that doesn't mean that you can't breathe world records sticky notes on the face most of them placed in one minute and the record is 58 that's a whole lot of stick hold on I'm in sweaty breaking all these records Barney I got drop first growl use your shirt let me off dry me off dry me hold on you suck hit now Oh ice cream tea for presto Styles calm great for wearing hey where are they now oh yeah extra great for cooling down three to go go go go go go go go go go all sticky notes faster dude you better go faster going as fast as I can Barney quick I got three four dude you're too slow they got a touch skin they got a touch skin no they don't okay they don't get the tough skin because you just have to have them all stay on your face at one time okay okay okay come on come on all right Keith we are at 25 seconds 25 seconds I forgot how many I got you going it doesn't matter if it's kind of afterwards Oh keep going keep going keep going come on come on come on all right 37 zach is 38 wait 9 I just do this you do what nobody kids back Keith are they kidding sad I don't know Barney well that seems like it would be a lot easier to beat the record all right let's go beat this record okay Keith we're coming up 52 keep going keep going keep going and 58 59 stop stop stop all right Keith that's one minute put those thinking oats down and bring your face down to the table let's count how many stickies we got here whoo that's the law stickies one two three four five six seven eight 9 dan this is gonna get real boring real fast but for regulation purposes let's just turn it into some epic be 62 63 64 boom this space so sticky I could wash off bugs off the streets record number 9 we got taken down 500 ml water milliliters Keith millimeters of water milliliters it's all right it's all right 500 million waters in two point three five seconds regulation water bottle here the seal break alright Barney you ready alright three two one go we beat it by point two seconds let's go power of editing no record record number nine is an easy record compared to record number ten we've got record number ten on the line and this lon and final record baby is going to be insane we need to fit all of these straws inside this little mouth of mine now the previous record I believe is like four hundred and fifty seven straws 459 straws at once we've got all these stacks one hundred straws one hundred straws one hundred straws one hundred straws one hundred straws you all get straws if you click back like button down below we're gonna take all these straws out now regulation says you can attach a rubber band to keep the straws from flying apart 100 straws here all we've got to do is five of these yeah I don't even know if I can all right Keith only five more it hurts my jaw so bad all right we've got two stacks here we just got to get both these stacks inside my mouth start with one stack and I'm going to put this stack to the right inside this chief like a chipmunk then we'll get the next stack in Oh put it on the left side like another chip
Channel: Bahri Mobile
Views: 190,892
Rating: 4.8626375 out of 5
Keywords: world record, record, challenge, guinness world record, breaking world record, new world record, new record, beating world record, new, bahri, bahri mobile
Id: NlKwxFcZo30
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 26sec (1226 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 18 2019
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