Dana Perino: White House 'bracing' for Hunter Biden's emails | Brian Kilmeade Show

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and verify charges so heinous I'm not even going to save them. >> And he's in the midst of a scandal. He's not he's taking. a lot. >> Faceless conspiracy theories about Joe Biden and his son. >> Hunter do you ever wish you had Apple care. >> so Jimmy Kimmel thought it was hysterical and the crowd laughed and Hunter Biden just as horrible scenes pictures on his laptop of him with hookers. Obviously doing drugs that's his own personal issue, what I cared about was is a true these emails correspondence with Sweden now we know with Ukraine now we know for sure with the China and no one ever said or these e-mails real they said is the laptop really focus on the repair shop, the political does the story and says today. It looks like these are authentic really a year and a half late with me right now is Dana Perino co anchor America's newsroom, she's fresh off that show in 6 hours you can be hosting the 5 and who knows who she's got to do in between and I think Dennis go to the dentist I will go to televise as well. May 21st, we know we're looking forward to or postponed event. Yeah, the pair in New Jersey and Asbury Park. So Dana first off I've never seen anything like it. A major story that 95% of the media decide to plow under and do you legitimize now we knew all along this was an opinion. This was in Watergate. These were authentic e-mails and political picks it up make sense of it. >> It makes sense of well, I the only thing to say is that there was. A conspiracy that is not one in which it was like instructions went out like it was written and here's a conspiracy that's what we're going to do. >> It's basically just an written in the rules that everybody was like okay, everyone has to defend Hunter Biden on this because this is not true. And you look at the New York Post. This is an media outlet that is doing such great work across the board on every story. The border issue Afghanistan in particular the gabby story there finding things that nobody else is finding. So I'm hoping that the next time that the New York Post has the scoop. That it is not ridiculed because for politico to come out and just say oh yeah actually this is all true. If I the New York Post I'd be a little angry apology not accepted packs I really does affect things because. >> You know if you're Billy Carter and you're embarrassing Jimmy Carter that's his problem and that's embarrassing if you're Roger Clinton the have some issues that's really a family issue Hunter Biden's drug addiction is nothing to do with this. It is what he was doing internationally. And you don't talk they would pivot to the tragedy that they all felt in Beau's passing in the car accident from the 70's. I'm serious of which second. >> Are these e-mails real who's Tony bubble and build public ski. He did he meet in Los Angeles with Joe Biden before he spoke everything lined up the guy had receipts everything lined up and then all of a sunny take a paper the newspapers been around Alexander Hamilton and they decide to destroys this social media accounts and no one ever says are these e-mails true is this Hunter Biden's emails to focus on the actual laptop and you know it's going to Tomorrow the problem that there's probably a conference somewhere where journalists will get together and lament the fact that. >> The trust in media has gone down so much as if it's not relate right. Emails The show this I don't know Swedish government agency also matched e-mails with leave cache. >> And 2 people correspondent 100 Biden confirmed emails. We're generally and meanwhile there's that other deal that Hunter Biden I don't think it's divested from with China. >> And is it worse this China know something about the deal how how deep his dad who's now president is that makes him susceptible did the Russians know about the Ukrainian deal at a level which makes us vulnerable don't you think that all of this is going to come out. Yeah, I do too. And I think that the White House is bracing themselves for it. I think there's stunned and judging by the interaction of our member of my head top my head. They're when Bob lutz he came out with his story and few people picked up even though he should have pride to the debate. >> Hunter Biden and everybody around that thought they're all going down. Bobulinski has interactions with other made players in this fund and they thought like this is it for show you gotta do, yeah, it's good for you, and he did nothing happened. >> I'm so I. I even think that in terms of the selling of Hunter Biden's artwork that a lot of that is questionable to write because. You even have the former White House ethics person Walter shaub who is just absolutely went after the trumps all the time. He's even saying that this current issue of Biden Hunter Biden selling his art to a name people right that was the rule that they decided on is that OK he can't know who he sign it to but that's worse. Right because the transparency is what actually was shine the light on it and then we can all decide oh well like is this person trying to get a favor from President Biden through his son Hunter. We don't know because it's cloaked in secrecy but if it was all on open then you could at least know I'm from our disclosure on that front as well and Leslie on this. >> The 2 Davis Hanson came out about a month ago and stuff this art story came out he said at this point after the book tour and now this. We think about this 100 by got away with it instead of disappearing. Number one that he's being investigated the FBI how long this investigation Senate disappearing write a book. No one buys the book but he does a national tour in the book and then he comes out this painting career Victor Davis Hanson says I think he's trolling is dead. I think on some level. He's resentful that his dad is put him out there to be the breadwinner any said that to his own daughter. Do you think on some level you might be trolling the president. Caught. >> I think he's a he's a pretty complicated troubled guy. He's obviously the ability to live with abandon. I don't know what about you know, trolling his dad but maybe maybe unconsciously. And I imagine that every day at the White House is like oh gosh what more could come from this man never never got a call that there's a 100 Biden connection just like I'm sure there was with Billy Carter for example or Roger Clinton remember like all those things like oh gosh here we go again with his date so on balance we talk about how they pursued rumors and innuendo and rush worse. >> And how kayleigh mcenany and Sarah Huckabee Sanders would try okay this is what's going on the world but wait a second the New York Times, CNN had a lead or Russia story into besieged. His disparaging way in a regular basis of that story is all going to come out as well. I chose that like the >> Durham investigation about the origins of the Russia collusion narrative I really believe that's all coming out and and if you look at what Andy McCarthy did and National REVIEW and then for the for the New York Post in terms of showing you exactly how this all happened for just from what we know from public disclosure so far to me I think Hillary Clinton at some point is going to break her silence on that. >> So I hold in my hand, the Michael Sussman. But yeah and and this is it really and a lot of people at first glance said out who's Michael Sussman why is that a big does has but he has. >> This is a lot and it's only ones out of lying to the FBI but but Durham does in this indictment is lays out while this makes sense and it gives you a peek behind the curtain of what Durham is finding. >> So it I found you while in the EU while it's miss you valuable jewels and your family heritage I found in the street. Okay, then you find out later that I stole it man that was a big thing to rob you from that night took most of the valuables out of it instead of me being this nice guy that came forward because I care about the country. I care about you next thing you know. I said the whole thing up and I was behind that I'm not a big name, but man I really did some big damage and then all your friends are in on it. >> Because that's the thing I find very interesting about this if you look again at that chart and McCarthy did. In the media as a journalist, one of the things you want is to but preferably 3 sources before you go with the story. If you look at this chart. The you could get 3 sources 3 it might have looked like 3 different sources are 2 different sources but can tell you something but they were actually all connected in what was her connection. It was a Hillary Clinton campaign and the law firm that they used. >> So I want you to hear this interaction do this is the one you dug at Eric when bars Johnson gets the question in with Joe Biden said. >> I think what it would be okay to just have a couple of questions just to kind of just a couple. Before I think we're going to be with us. I wonder if this I'm going to get into. I'm going to get to learn how to code. >> Be asking the question. >> Some pretty sure that people understood that do they're sitting in the Oval Office and he said can we take some questions job I didn't want to he said you just asking the question. >> What leads up to that removes MS. so Whenever you have a world leader at the White House whether it's in the Oval Office or in more formal setting the Rose Garden or the East Room of the White House. It's tradition yet each leader calls on 2 members of their sides press corps. That's just tradition and you do it. No matter who it is right. Now but the but they did was they brought the pool and that's the White House pool all the reporters and Johnson I think what happened was he's expecting as leaders of the free world who believe in human rights freedom of the press and democracy and accountability to citizens that of course are going to take a couple questions and remember Boris Johnson just got a big diplomatic win with Biden in terms of allowing citizens from the UK to be allowed to travel into the United Way of Porter and ahead of time but go ahead, yeah, yes, but he but what you want to do with a friend of yours or an ally is give them a chance to shine give him a chance to have some good headlines back home. But I think happened here is they didn't one Biden answer any questions for a multitude of reasons okay we can no good they are. It seemed that maybe the staff had had a conversation back and forth that they're not going to take any questions and so Boris Johnson was like let me see if I can just do this on the fly. And so let me that the sure it's really it's okay to take a couple questions right and instead they assure everybody out of the Oval Office I thought it looked terrible and look
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Id: 47BlKKOZgl0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 9sec (669 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 22 2021
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