Gutfeld: This is why the media won't cover the big stories

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[Applause] foreign [Music] happy Friday my magical friends in TV Land what a great show we have in store for you look who's here Dana Perino yeah yeah her new puppy Percy has been on the channel so much you'd think he's got a book out I wonder what Percy could be thinking I love my mom but I really just want to stay home and chew on stuff behind your back if I would have known I was gonna get dragged around all day I would have stayed with that homeless guy at least he sticks to one corner also cat's here yay it's Friday uh so you know what that means for one hour your medicine cabinet is safe now tonight's monologue is surprise about the media and get this the angle is how stupid they are I'm nothing if not unpredictable but their stupidity is so rich Joe Biden wants to tax it case in point check out this tweet from this lonely hack from The Daily Beast who pretended a joke question I did on the five was actually real it was a parody multiple choice question where I asked is Joe Biden a racist with blood on his hands the answer is a yes B of course C A and B D all of the above now if you can't see that it's a joke the view is looking for a new cast member and you should audition immediately anyway this is idiocy snagged in another sucker Brian class a professor who tweets I've lived in several authoritarian regimes and this is more blatant and over the top than many of the state media propaganda networks in those countries way to Humble brag about living in Canada but you know he's right it was blatant and over the top which is usually a sign that it's a joke you dumbass here's another Lefty with stage four cancer of the funny bone these people couldn't spell funny if you gave them the f u anyway that guy's a columnist for the Washington Post so no wonder he couldn't tell the difference between parody and reality when lefties spend all their time around other lefties they don't need to they just agree with their own feverish fantasies and there's no one there to apply the brakes here's a Huffington Post headline Fox News jokey Joe Biden graphic isn't funny at all Greg Gutfeld introduced a mock survey question on the five that went too far yes it went too far says a listicle junk site that spans endless space labeling half of America bigots and murderers my phony quiz directly mocked their hysteria but it flew over their heads like Dana trying to field a ground ball laughs because it's on the ground and over her head but this clueless this is not a bug in the system it's the system itself for example have you noticed how the media is handling the Jesse smilet case it's getting less coverage than Brian stelter wearing a speedo I want that image in your head all weekend apparently there's tape of smilet doing a dry run of the hoax hell he didn't rehearse that much for an episode of Empire but that's big news and you'll only hear about it here and why is that it's because how can you revisit a story that already already made you look like an ass this is a horrible story no matter what kind of uh attack or crime it was but so shaken by the story I forgot I know he walked himself to the hospital do we know how he is now I don't believe Jessie is making this up I don't like that it's being put out there in the media that this is a possible hate crime I think that even solves a seed that makes people feel like well is he making this up well what is this about right I don't like that and the media has really cast so much doubt on his story which I find so personally offensive that a gay black man is targeted and then suddenly he becomes the victim of people's disbelief he said his attackers hurled racial and homophobic slurs at him and this is America in 2019. that's America in 2019. if you work at CNN it's not America it's not America at all it's amazing they all fell for smilet the way Dana fell for David Hasselhoff in the 80s very very hard and they continue to distort the case tonight on the chess News Network [Music] on here for the chess News Network David B Rooks has been suspended for reporting the truth we're outside the trial of Jesse smallett hoping to talk to somebody from the inside up looks like one of the jurors is here now sir sir as one of the jurors how racist is the jury I'm not a juror oh one of the jurors hiding their identity so how long have you been a white supremacist dude so just the judge then I get it wait okay so how incredible of an actor is Jesse smallett I don't know I'm not familiar have you seen Mighty Ducks oh he is pretty good in that right okay so this Crystal Ball's a noose do you think we're gonna have a hung jury you're an idiot get away it's pronounced journalist the latest from The Trial back to you Odin thank you all right you gotta be honest it's tough to come back from such fake news and then report the real story because then you have to admit how stupid you are reporting the fake news the media should call in sick on April Fool's Day so the Press is now like all your relatives who voted for Biden because they said Trump was the worst president in history and now lately they just don't want to talk politics that Daily Beast tweet is an analogy for the media's Embrace of all things fake because they want it so bad to be true it's how I got catfished by that guy pretending to be Dr Oz to think I let him examine me in a van didn't call and because they live in a bubble no one will tell them how dumb they are so they continue falling for the jokes and the hoaxes remember how Trump overfed those fish at the koi pod remember him injecting bleach remember the fine people hoax the dossier remember how Trump kissed a baby while campaigning that proceeded to punt the brat into the crowd I made that one up because we know the media would still find it believable all these were manufactured Phantoms that the media Amplified then when it turned out they were wrong their memory is suddenly worse than Joe Biden's that's why they can't cover the biggest stories like emails on Hunter's laptop the sitting president was laundering corruption from our largest enemy through his son and we have texts emails photos and suddenly they're not curious because they went out of their way to pretend that story didn't exist in order to win an election they said smilet was real before they checked they thought Andrew Cuomo was God before they checked they said Hunter's laptop was fake before they checked they do less due diligence than cat on Tinder laughs marriage hasn't slowed her down they get so much wrong eventually they won't be able to comment on anything that of the wrongness pretty soon all you're going to hear on CNN is crickets oh the crunch good that was nice see it's easy to track all of their mistakes you just look at the stories not being reported those are the big stories they got wrong before and so they intentionally misread things knowing they can get away with it so just to check that you're all listening I leave you with a final question does the media intentionally avoid big stories because it exposes their incompetence and Corruption a yes B of course C A and B D all of the above note to The Daily Beast that question not a joke [Applause] her last name's Italian for I can't reach the top shelf America's Newsroom co-anchor and co-host of the five data burrito all right when voters want to turn right they head West Texas GOP candidate for governor Alan West he's the king of tech who's given the woke head author of the book woke incident [Applause] and finally for Christmas all she wants is World Peace and bike it in lots and lots of Vicodin Buster's contributor tattoo data so the chart I did was actual parity but then the DCCC which is what is that it's the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee so they're in charge of getting rep Democrats elected to the house yes so they did a chart to show you how gas prices under Biden have dropped do we have that yes it's quite the remarkable Twist of facts here in fact they lost everybody on this including the Washington Post yeah basically they made the y-axis so long to make it look like two cents it was a really big problem see that and like that's the statisticians and no nobody could even believe this so if you're a Democrat right now and you're thinking you want Joe Biden to win re-election and you have allies like these you might need to rethink something it's good so this massive line you're seeing this massive line you're seeing going down like this is from like one cent to two cents that's what they did yeah amazing anyway I don't know what the point was but I like to see that's taken seriously the other thing is but there was Maddie Iglesias had written the Tweet about how Biden had solved everything and he was being sarcastic they didn't realize it was being sarcastic because then the D Triple C is like well he actually has done something the gas prices have gone down if you look at the law I access amazing amazing Alan West running for governor awesome that's great in this monologue I keep trying I I think I figured it out like how can the media report on a story if the story is a source of their constant embarrassment because then they always have to create the context like hey we were wrong so is this this could be the reason why we get so much fake news Well without a doubt and I think the thing is they continue to be what I call a self-looking ice cream cone where you know they have to continue to put out there this bad news these fake news stories and what have you and then when they do get confronted with truth or even when they do get confronted with parody like what you just talked about or when you read The Babylon bee yeah I mean there's so many times that they refer back to the Babylon B and they say well maybe this was a real story yeah I mean they have completely lost all sense of reality and all sense of humor whatsoever but they must come to understand they're now the target of our humor yeah exactly it's a nice reversal the dean wormer effect I used to call it vivec I want to bring you in on the woke angle that the reason this is why I think wokism still exists among journalists because it's a safe area to to do reporting for them like as long as they just play woke they could ignore all the other news yeah but there is no way to be woke and be funny at the same time right I think we were talking about this before you know liberals used to be funny liberals used to be funnier than conservatives because the funny side is the side that is able to talk about everything and conservatives may have been prudish and they said oh we can't talk about this or that they weren't the funny side now what wokum has done to liberalism is actually made liberals the side that have certain things they can't say or they can't talk about and you can't be funny when you have limits and not only can't you be funny you apparently can't even get jokes on the other side so that's why you know conservative comedians I think are going to be funnier going forward yeah and it's it's that's when you suddenly see The Huffington Post saying he's gone too far that chart he did that's gone too far cats you have sympathy at all for the people that are paid to watch our show like that have to like find things and put them out of context I always wonder what that's like the people that are doing this because they gotta catch you catch me or catch Dana doing something awful it's easy with her because she's got a mind in the gutter she swear is like a truck driver on amphetamines it's really disgusting I don't even know how the five stays afloat to be honest all right you done yeah there was a question buried in that yeah I think so uh somewhere I look it's interesting because they do have to take things out of context you notice how the clip cut off right before Jessica responds making it clear she sees it as a joke and joking along with you so what's truly disgusting making a joke or purposely twisting what was a joke to try and Destroy another person yeah that you've never met yeah and I but I did have fun reading all the replies I mean they really were great like someone was like C and D are the same I'm like no a b c and d are the same which is the joke and then someone else was like it's a joke and then someone replied to them saying that's what a puppy murderer would say people and these were like real people with their faces and names on their accounts and I was just like man I I am smart I had a reply saying I expected more from you yes um that they thought that at least I would not would want to reject the hate but that my need for hate is so great that I won't correct Greg Gutfeld on the five oh you know I'm gonna from now on I'm just doing nothing but fake questions because this is going to be so much fun it's like performance art they do all the work for you you all you got to do is like throw a little Pebble into the lake and you just watch it all like and you get a monologue and you get a monologue on a Friday I needed one too my God slow news day hey Sean Hannity here hey click here to subscribe to Fox News YouTube page and catch our hottest interviews and most compelling analysis you will not get it anywhere else
Channel: Fox News
Views: 946,141
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Keywords: fnc, fox news, fox news channel, fox news gutfeld show, fox news media, fox news network, fox news voices, greg gutfeld, greg gutfeld reacts, greg gutfled monologue, gutfeld, gutfeld monologue, gutfeld monologue tonight, gutfeld panel, gutfeld!, gutfeld! tonight, kat timpf, kat timpf gutfeld, tyrus, tyrus gutfeld, tyrus murdoch
Id: 7z5x_5Ve6s4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 39sec (879 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 04 2021
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