Ted Cruz: Biden should be ashamed of himself

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tonight so with great pleasure joining me now we bring in senator ted cruz as always senator cruz it's wonderful to see you again i'm sorry i didn't give you a better stock market today but that could take a couple years heaven's nose i want to ask you this question you're a good economic thinker uh as well as other areas with respect to the november election sir in your judgment what is going to be more important inflation and a slumping economy or road v wade what do you think well if you look at polling right now inflation is dominating the number one concern of voters right behind that is crime right behind that is illegal immigration so those right now or what the voters are telling us are their top three concerns look roe versus wade there are a lot of democrats and a lot of folks in in the corporate media that are hoping if the supreme court overturns roe versus wade that will magically prevent the red tidal wave that is happening in november i don't think that's going to happen i think they're getting the politics entirely wrong one of the things to understand if the court does in fact overturn roe versus wade that doesn't mean abortion is immediately illegal all over the country what it means is that the decision making on abortion returns to the elected legislatures primarily in the states that means in bright blue states like new york or california at least in the short term it is it is certain that abortion will remain universally available on demand and so for many of the furthest left voters in states like that they will find little to nothing change in their their day-to-day lives for people in redder states states like my home state of texas we will see meaningful restrictions on abortion and those will vary state by state depending on the values and the mores of the citizens of those those states that's how the constitution envisions these kind of issues being decided is having different resolutions because the people of texas want something different than the people of california and you know i will say larry it is ironic we're seeing democrats uh engaging in histrionics about the prospect of roe being overturned and and my favorite talking point they use is they say it's an assault on democracy uh which is richly ironic because it's precisely the opposite it is a victory for democracy because what the democrats are saying is they don't want the voters to be able to set the rules on abortion they want nine unelected lawyers wearing robes to decree the answers for the entire country and the reason democrats are so upset is they recognize that an awful lot of voters in america disagree with their radical and extreme views on abortion and given the choice will vote in different laws come back to the inflation economic slum what did folks say i mean you from texas texas is one of the growthiest states in the union unregulated by and large no income tax and so forth and so on the center of the oil and gas business which is fabulous but what are you hearing back home because you know a day like today in the stock market is rough stuff my my concern to be honest with you senator i'm not i'm not always right about this stuff but i think we have a long tough road ahead of us because of mistakes made in the past year and a half you know by the federal government as well as by the federal reserve board i don't think the market has bottomed i don't think market interest rates have peaked to be candid with you and i think it's going to be hard to get inflation back down what are you hearing and what are you thinking about as a senior member of the senate look that is very much what i'm hearing on the ground in texas and all across the country inflation is something that that people see every day they're confronted with every day and and the people that get hurt the most are those on fixed incomes those those with with limited income particular seniors get hammered with inflation because if your income each month stays the same and yet the cost of everything goes up the cost of food goes up the cost of rent goes up the cost of electricity goes up the cost of lumber goes up the cost of buying a home goes up and most visibly the cost of gasoline skyrockets listen right now in texas there's a mom coming home who's spending a hundred bucks to fill her minivan right now in in nebraska there there's a farmer driving home who's spending 150 bucks to fill his truck and that hits right at home it hits and there's a reason why if you look at biden's poll numbers and democrats poll numbers that that virtually every demographic you can think of is galloping towards republicans young people are are galloping towards republicans hispanics are galloping towards republicans we're seeing african-americans moving towards republicans we're seeing blue-collar working-class voters moving towards republicans and we're seeing suburban women moving towards republicans and the reason is simple all of those groups of people are feeling the pain the disaster of biden and harris and the democrats failed socialist policies and you and i have talked about this before i i think biden is in many ways jimmy carter 2.0 with the same failures we saw in the 70s and and that obviously led to stagflation we've got half of the stagflation right now with the inflation and i fear the stagnation is is right behind it that imposed an enormous amount of pain on americans for several years but the good news is it also ushered in the reagan revolution and it took jimmy carter to give us reagan i think joe biden we may well name joe biden the republican of the year because when all is said and done i think biden will have elected more republicans maybe than any person who's ever lived so i shouldn't bring him before the misinformation government board because he's going to be the republican guy of the year [Laughter] let me ask you something senator honestly a serious point though coming back to the inflation issue all right predominantly it's too much money printing but but but as you well know uh it's also too much government spending and borrowing so i just have this dream my dream goes like this there's a 350 billion dollar corporate pork subsidies industrial policy handouts with a lot of green new deals it's called the china compete or some bloody thing 350 billion dollars and 18 republican senators voted for it in the go first go around is it possible and can we ask the republicans to not vote for this as a blow against inflation as well as terrible industrial corporate welfare industrial policy i mean we don't want to out china china here but we don't want to out-inflation inflation also now that's exactly right as you know i was one of the senators who voted no and and enthusiastically voted no because the last thing we need with inflation galloping like it is is to spend hundreds of billions of dollars more and by the way we're not going to compete with china by having more and more government spending and more and more debt and more and more inflation and hammering our economy we're going to compete with china by unleashing free enterprise by cutting taxes by pulling back job-killing regulations and letting the free market letting free enterprise beat the communist economy that's how we won the cold war that's also how we're going to beat china and listen if you look at the volume of spending you know i was talking with with just a woman in the airport the other week who was talking about she was a single mom from new jersey was flying on a plane and she was saying inflation is just hammering me and she says do you think congress is going to do anything to fix it and and i told her i said listen this congress isn't as long as chuck schumer and nancy pelosi are in office they want to spend more they want to tax more they want to borrow more and they want to print more money and it was interesting this woman said well what is causing inflation and at the end of the day it's it's not complicated you you and your viewers understand listen prices are just a relative means of comparing the value of one good versus the other we started out in a barter economy that if that if if i had apples and you had bananas and we knew that the exchange rate was two apples for one banana i could bring two apples trade you for a banana and we'd both have have more fruit that got complicated carrying apples and bananas everywhere you went and knowing that the relative exchange rates of everything money steps in and is a uniform comparison that if you know that an apple is a dollar and a banana is two dollars it sets the relative value of everything but to use this very simple example if you double the number of dollars on planet earth then roughly speaking an apple will be two dollars and a banana will be four dollars that's what's happening here is is the government is massively increasing the money supply and that drives the prices of everything up both spending and federal reserve money creation which is why i'm sort of begging the republican party regarding this bill and other domestic spending let's not create any more bananas i mean a lot of bananas are gonna add up to a big turkey i mean if we're gonna if the cavalry's gonna come ted senator if the cavalry is coming which is great i just wanna make sure that we know and the viewers know and the voters know that the cavalry will be in the right direction you follow me i mean we got a signal here and so far the signals are a little watered down i think you would agree i i do follow you but i sure hope the ministry of uh of truth doesn't have a metaphor police because after the bananas the turkey and the cavalry i think we'd both be in trouble there well this is the benefits or whatever of a princeton education for both of us let me move on you've made a great statement senator cruz blames supreme court leak on one little woke left-wing twit that's fabulous really good but i do want to ask you a serious question the other headline i'm seeing in the papers white house refuses to condemn the betrayal at the supreme court they seem from madame saki but also others completely um unencumbered by the corruption of the leak of justice alito's um report memo opinion and that's i don't understand that and i want to get your take on this isn't the leak itself important i know the policy is but what about the leak look this is yet another consequence of the democratic party being radicalized and taken over by the extreme revolutionary socialist left and they're willing to destroy institutions you're seeing senate democrats trying to blow up the filibuster to destroy the filibuster in pursuit of their socialist agenda this is that same agenda applied to the court you know i've got to say the fact that a draft opinion was leaked before the court decided the case is the gravest violation of the oath and the obligation that law clerks have to the court in the history of the supreme court and the history of our nation and as you know i started my career as a law clerk at the supreme court clerking for chief justice william rehnquist and and the secrecy of deliberations and opinions is right at the heart of the court being able to do its job it's never happened in over two centuries and no one could even imagine it i gotta say when the news broke i stared at my phone in disbelief stunned because some woke lefty twit decided to hell with my obligations to my justice to hell with my obligations to the supreme court or to the rule of law and decided instead to try to use political pressure to politicize the court and this is the result of the democrats multi-year campaign to politicize the court to attack the court that's included chuck schumer standing on the steps of the court threatening justices by name saying they've unleashed the whirlwind and just wait to see what's going to hit them and to see jan saki say well we don't have an opinion on the leak i know my god you've got a responsibility and you know what joe biden used to be used to be the chairman of the judiciary committee somewhere to the extent his brain is aware of what's going on he knows how shameful it is that his white house is standing up there saying we have no opinion on law clerks leaking draft supreme court opinions that undermines the rule of law it is horrific and joe biden should be ashamed of himself and walk out and say damn straight we have an opinion this is wrong and we're not interested in burning the supreme court to the ground but he's too afraid to do that because he doesn't want to tick off the radicals and the leftists in his party yeah and he likes to he likes to throw fear out there fear the things are going to happen that as you said earlier will not happen uh if alito's opinion uh goes through and of course as you know biden was pro-life and was against roe v wade uh for the first couple decades of his career anyway senator ted cruz thank you sir we appreciate it as always thank you
Channel: Fox Business
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Keywords: business news, fbn, fox biz, fox business, fox business channel, fox business kudlow, fox business larry kudlow, fox business network, fox business news, kudlow, kudlow tonight, larry kudlow, Ted Cruz, inflation, economy, Tex Cruz inflation, Ted Cruz interview, interview Ted Cruz, Joe Biden, Biden, White House, Supreme Court, Supreme Court abortion, abortion, Roe v. Wade, Roe v. Wade leak, abortion leak Supreme Court
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 48sec (828 seconds)
Published: Thu May 05 2022
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