'Payback time': 'Sleepy' Joe Biden knows 'impeachment is coming'

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u.s president joe biden's legal team is preparing to defend against the possibility of impeachment if republicans gain a majority in congress after midterm elections let's go to joe syracuse and now he is the political analyst and professor at curtin university joe good morning to you so why do you expect this to happen good morning pete oh well because um all the analysts and america pundits uh are picking a um a landslide at the midterm elections in november they see the republicans taking both the house and the senate which will give them uh oversight investigation and subpoenas uh subpoena ability and uh and of course um uh president biden knows they're coming for him and they're going after him the kid they're going to go after his performances well they're they're going to go after uh incompetence particularly they're going to start with the departure from kabul and afghanistan and they're going to go to the southern border and they're going to look at his breaches or things that he said he he did during the pandemic including extending the the moratorium on on evictions and that kind of thing and uh so and they're going to go after his kid of course who's probably got all kinds of things that he wants to keep away from people and they're going to make it very clear that it's payback time uh the only thing pete that might save the president is the fact that they they like uh kamala harris less than yeah and he does so you know that that's his only protection but there's no time no doubt about it that uh peachini and president has now become the new bloodsport in america and i think biden knows it's coming he hired a very expensive fellow he's going to be called special counsel his only job is to keep president biden out of jail yeah i mean like you said there now a buzzword it used to be rare as hen's teeth but i guess donald trump's impeachment um has has has changed the game here and now it'll it'll just be a regular thing yes it will as soon as you get about 2000 i'm sorry 218 votes in the house representatives you can uh order um uh impeachment on anybody regardless of whether they're successful or not and pete they might even go back after hillary clinton says you could do these things after they've left office now so there's all kinds of things i think the other thing too is that's going to make uh this very attractive to the republicans by by november i believe that um the ukraine war will have lost its novelty people will stop going over there etc we're going to be into an artillery stalemate over there and i think americans are going to want to hold someone accountable for inflation and of course now with the baby formula and all the rest of it i think they're going to come very close to home senator iran from kentucky who's usually the lone ranger in this kind of thing says you know you can't bankroll ukraine and keep it safe while you doom the american economy to bankruptcy you know when you start giving 40 billion dollars in aid military aid to someone you're empty here you're emptying uh america's coffers and and its ability to fight for itself so i think there'll be some kind of adjustment there but there's no doubt about it um president biden knows what's coming for him and you know he may be a little tired and sleepy sometimes but he was smart enough to hire a first-class lawyer to represent him okay well you're usually ahead of the game joe no doubt about that so i think there's going to be a little more of this in this space we'll talk to you about it soon
Channel: Sky News Australia
Views: 3,435,051
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Keywords: 6306211092112, fb, fblink, msn, usa, world, yt
Id: elTETLGhmOs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 37sec (217 seconds)
Published: Sun May 15 2022
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