Dean Winchester | I'm Tired

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that's you plan you want to be buried alive well bury it's not safe enough planners pay little hush money charter boat to take me out in Pacific splash you and Michael trapped together for eternity yeah take these one day maybe Fletcher went back [Music] at ease be here guy [Music] they can help you remember what it was to be kind when was too long this life until monsters there's no joy started going too far there's nothing to pain or and death every time we get close angels it always falls apart or forward the only thing that you're gonna see out there is Michael killing your brother well then I can get a little dialogue you saved my life over and over when you sacrifice everything for me don't you think I do the same for you it's so good it's okay I'm here I'm here [Music] you are gone [Music] I was here I had to keep on fighting without you're gonna leave it what do you tell you just throw away everything you Stansted four-way fatal 4-way family I don't have a choice save you're the last person I could tell the last place that I could be around cuz you're the only one that could have talked me out of it and I want to talk diving I won't I'm doing this maybe you're not that guy anymore the guy who saves the world the guy who always thinks he'll win no matter what I know how dead you are inside how worthless you feel I know how you look into a mirror and hey will you see you have changed and you tell people it's not a big deal you tell people you'll work through it but you know you won't you can't and that scares the hell out of you you are nothing there's mindless and obedient as an attack dog you know you fight and you fight for this family but the truth is they don't need you not like you need them but don't act like you care about it because you only care about what you can do for you so if you were to pretend that's fine but mean I can hardly look at the kid because when I do all I see is everybody we've lost you're just a scared little boy who's afraid to be on his own because daddy never loved you enough Sam he's clearly John's favorite when they fight it's more concerned that he's ever shown you know all there is watch out Sammy look after your little brother boy you still hear your dad's voice in her kitchen clear as a bell hey you know what that got him it got him dead now you might be able to forget about that but I can't you are a coward sad cleaning means what do you want to say doesn't matter I go batter don't you I'm abroad damn you're not involved with the brains of this operation and you told me yourself that you see a way out you see a light into this ugly-ass tunnel Mike don't that's over for me it doesn't have to be for you no no you can keep going this is a war - I couldn't save mom I couldn't save gas I can't even save a scared little kid Sam keeps trying to fix it but I just keep dragging him down so I'm not gonna beg gave it's my time to my dad I'm tired his job his life this way of my shoulders so you're just gonna give up I mean you just got a light out and die you wanna die something big is going down into the world they just give it enough pollen crap you don't tell me about the testing Santa that was his crap he's the one who will protect his family to get paid enough who want to death would say my always was I'm tired by all you need to feel like hell for failing you okay the failing you like I fail every other godforsaken thing that I care about I don't need it we're the guys who saved the world you'll just check out it same I try everything Epperly I got one card left to play and I have to play if one card today but we'll find another tomorrow but if you quit on us today there will be no tomorrow it'll be okay it's okay Dean okay it's not okay good thing is always the third way out [Music] you can't say um been thinking about they're gonna have ever and now you can see what were you doing now it's wrong it's quitting I believe in you I believe in us too please please leave me to but to be sailing Dean to wake up every morning save the world to have a brother who would die for you you come back well who wouldn't want them do all the guys so many years she started to think he's always gonna be next to you but when your old porch being none of the rocking-chair [Applause] something happens and you realize right ten other chairs I'm gonna take care of you I'm gonna take care of you I got you it's my job right watch after my pain-in-the-ass little brother save me closer surprise Sam Sam Sam Sann a and now I'm just supposed to let you down too Oh Kayla no no no no it's for family you must perceive God to be what you are to become what you've become a sustained a memory when's the last time you wanted to sense that without waiting for something to go bump in the night my brother alone how can I do without you I had to look atthe usual my brother that's my job a bit brother I'm here to take you home I made you a promise in that church you would me come whatever there's nothing I wouldn't do for don't you dare think that there is anything past or present that I would put in front of you and I don't care what it takes I'm gonna get you out of this but you gotta let me in and you gotta let me help there ain't no me if there I know you everything that's ever since has made us who we are and who we are we kick ass we save the world but I do believe in us I believe in all of us you [Music]
Channel: Reality Genre Studios
Views: 1,636,431
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dean, Winchester, Dean Winchester, Sam, Castiel, Cas, Jensen Ackles, Jared Padelecki, season 1, season 2, season 5, season 10, seaon 11, season 12, season 14, (SPN)Dean Winchester | I'm Tired
Id: 6644zraKFYg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 15sec (555 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 04 2019
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