Dame Joan Collins on Coronavirus and Tensions Between Prince Harry & William | Good Morning Britain

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Joan you were spotted at the airport coming back from LA with a very glamorous mask I have to say that one that one look very glamorous I mean you've really entered in the spirit of this 70 I love the course everybody's got to be careful but that doesn't mean that I'm not gonna stop living my life I mean I went out to dinner last night we went out with big uns and we said that we're not going to stop going out even though the restaurant was half empty yeah we are not gonna stop doing normal things may not go to the movies we went to the movies in California but we went in the afternoon and there were only seven other people there I think you have to be really careful and that mask that I wore that is that special kind of a mask Percy found it on Amazon one of those and it has the sort of thing that filters out everything but it was when I saw Naomi doing Naomi Campbell leaning of cuz she White's down her airline seat doesn't shave antiseptic right yeah I've been doing that for a couple of years now have you yes she told me about it and you do wipe down your seat I do wipe down my system I brought a big towel to sit on yeah I worked on sit and I especially wiped down the metal clasp that you with anything metal can keep germs is that right you know that I've never wiped down an airline seat well you better start well am I going to catch from an airline seat though well no no virus yes you know no because who knows where it's come from I mean the airline might have come from China now you're right got an email from one of the airlines saying oh do come back on us you know we're perfectly fine now and where do we do deep cleaning and there's nothing to worry about but there is and you know but I thought it was wonderful yesterday seeing all the Royals because nobody wore gloves yeah nobody actually shook hands I noticed mm-hmm but they are nobody kiss I think the iciness between some of the Royals is now so extreme that there's a kind of invisible barrier between can go he's very warm there we great David they're doing the elbow bubble one more crate deeper than he was with his own brother who he basically ignored in the it's very sad you know I had a tiny rift with my sister for a while it went on for a couple of years and it's basically because she hated one of my husband's will very very smart so I remember going into a party and we we sort of just looked at each other from across the room and hardly spoke so there are rifts with siblings there are rifts and Families I just hope it'll heal how does a husband or a new one a better one the best well you've actually in Percy you just never did your 18th wedding anniversary yeah I know that because you very kind of added me to your glamorous Hollywood home for a part what did you call the party what does I owe I said and they said it wouldn't go people did say would last it's lasted 18 years that is now comfortably longer than any of your other four marriages oh absolutely the person you find it took you a while Joan yeah in a rocky road you finally found the right guy yep perfect Percy yes I asked you in at the party what you felt the secret was of the longevity of Miss Harridge and you said separate bathrooms I asked Percy you know how do you got two words which would encapsulate what he felt he went I do yes dear you went about that 18 years in Hall in Hollywood years is actually a hundred years isn't it yes absolutely it's very v I think Tom Hanks and I can't think of anybody else very far there's some of the Paul Newman with Paul Newman famously had one of the last but I can't think of any of the of the younger ones that have gotten it they you know it's very hard being an actor you know you go on location and there's an expression called DCO l yes that means no doesn't count on location to location young one of the reasons you think for your slightly you know complex marital stages over the years with very handsome leading actor yeah that's true there's no I've never with an actor only once Tony Anthony newley no two actors together is disaster yeah reception well because the egos you know I remember doing out with an actor called Terence Stamp was very looking actor and we were fighting for the mirror I just get two mirrors so yeah well know that we were just dating you know but no they are you know you have and also then because of going on location so much I mean healthy movies that are made now I made a broad or they're made in Canada if you're an in and so the actors and the actresses are always split up I don't think it's good idea Percy is one of my favorite human beings he's absolutely hilarious character and wonderful in many ways but if you'd met him say when you were 25 or 30 had you met you in your younger yes go back for any well it would be possible once he was old enough what do you what do you think later it would be the same person I don't think yeah no no we we are very compatible and we we became friends and we we have the same interests we like doing the same same humor I find the same things funny yes nothing that isn't I think finding to say if you don't find the same things funny it's a bit like my wife say tonight we we like exactly the same kind of movies and we hate the exact and we don't like most types of movies like we don't watch horror science fiction fantasy goofball blah blah blah very narrow drama and a good Ron blog or a very good friend but that's it yeah and I couldn't be with somebody that liked watching The Goonies or something you know Harry Potter Lord of the Rings I couldn't be with someone well you know I mean you would have to train them not Percy house-trained no no we probably watched as blanket together at least 25 times oh yeah and then often have gone with the wind comes on you know the identities when I get cooked and he will watch some of it no but we like we like we like thrillers we don't unload a mystic we don't like having to watch people's stomachs being cut open on so many of them we don't know so many of those shows today yeah people seem to love being splattered with people of do you see an needle going in yeah yeah yeah immediately both turn away we're very sensitive other people they do people love gore it's quite extraordinary well not a women in particular mainly women I've noticed you absolutely love watching gore on television yes de Celia yes loves it welcome murder and door okay so those are the more she was the more terrifying the better yeah you
Channel: Good Morning Britain
Views: 294,917
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: good morning britain, breakfast show, news, morning news, gmb, good morning britain interview, itv, piers morgan, susanna reid, Talk Shows - Topic, Joan Collins, Coronavirus, Prince Harry, Prince William, Meghan Markle, Queen, Royal Family, Kate Middleton, America, LA, Love
Id: 5STG2lby3Dc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 49sec (469 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 10 2020
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