Is the Media Overreacting About Coronavirus? | Good Morning Britain

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this morning we are discussing amidst everything else whether the media is driving the panic around coronavirus dawn yes definitely I've worked in the media for three decades now and some of the headlines I think are creating mass hisses which which one well I don't want to name a single paper because I think give me a headline there was one fault it's like Oh what was the headline it's like Oh bodies are going to pile up this was online headline to be from newspaper but it's gonna pile up so they are but no they're not they are oh man are they're not going to at all so about Manning up I'm if you look at what's happening in Italy we are now seeing a catastrophe in terms of a health crisis unfocused Rafi you're talking worst case scenario what's happening in Italy how were you feeling three years ago about what about virus outbreak well let me tell you this I'm about to quit mom when the SARS outbreak yes we mass panic right ridiculous okay let me give you the analogy between the two SARS had just over 8,000 cases in totality in the world of which 774 died in Italy alone mainly northern Italy alone yeah they are about to pass that global total for SARS today and nearly 400 people have already right which is more than half of the total global death toll of SARS now tell me that we should not be taking this incredibly seriously look I know the headlines are accurately reflecting what is piling up doesn't accurately reflect I know and and look for nearly 400 people have died three years you can call it what you like that's a lot of he's not cast Rafi three years ago Julie we've had a very bad outbreak of flu in this country 50,000 people died within a few months there were 367 people dying on a daily basis if we had had you know how many people died of flu a year in this country well that was that was quite high a year on average around about six seven thousand I think 600 well I mean that we have bad out you know we talking about yes I do actually I I completely disagree what had Chinese had the correct media instead of be having an oppressed communist society they would have started dealing with this virus at least two months earlier rather than actually charging the very doctor who whistle blown and said this is what's happening they issued him with a charge and then he had the temerity to dong serious of a virus of the virus we need more media not less this is a very dangerous and this week will be massively challenging for us all yeah you know I did you see that BT and sky have been told no pub TV am blue your products right because we think you've got more chance of dying there than you have if you're at the child male despair game and I can tell you what you felt like dying you covered a lot of big crises or the quite a few exactly but as did I I really do feel there are different levels of most of them you don't know the gut nobody knows what the outcome of this is going to be right and nobody can tell why Italy for instance did you see the Italian politician who finally said actually what looks like the truth is that the virus started there they went down to their local doctors and hospitals and the hospital said you're fine they've all come back home and boom we're now seeing people dying by the hundred per day right if this is Accrington Preston London right this could be most people dying by the hundreds three years ago we did we did not how many we have dying a year of flu in the UK it's estimated an average of 600 people a year die from complications of flu in some years it is estimated that this can rise to over 10,000 deaths for example there was a study from 2013 which estimated over 13,000 deaths resulting from flu back in 2008 the point man Devin I think about this is when you look at what's happened in Italy and now the draconian measures they're taking to try and put a clamp on this as China did to locking down whole cities millions of people locked down it does prompt the question are we doing enough to get ahead of this in this country and indeed I would say America as well you got me two big powerful important countries at the moment don't appear to be doing very much other than saying wash your hands yeah well it still try to delay now these spread of it but do we really want cities to be isolated we all of them yes I would say possibly yes you which is true that in China by doing this yeah they've actually managed to get the infection rates plummeting now which is what the Chinese exclaiming and if you've seen what's happening in Italy to try and curb is I would say catastrophic series of events in the last unit bear in mind two weeks ago Italy had 11 case but if you if you get to that point and you go too early you're just gonna create mass panic in his on the street police say Meerut now it's rationing I mean this your paper about the situation Italy yeah you can still buy a flight into and out of milan we're saying it's in lockdown it's on the streets no one said if you why are we allowing anyone in from Italy right now who's not been put through tests and two weeks of cordon I don't get it appears it calmed Italy don't know because it can be dormant for two weeks right you might have it boy the logic of Italy shutting down its ordinate shutting down trees okay actually I think it's panic and I think the government wants to be where is the line between panic and legitimate serious concern and trying to inform people through newspaper headlines and detailed reports and so on about what is actually happening well it's a it's a it's a difficult line but I think the newspapers actually I disagree with dawn I normally agree with Romesh things I think newspapers have been very restrained and reasonable look we've never known times when whole towns are closed down a quarter of its population quarantine that could happen in Britain today I think we need to keep talking to people about why it might have to happen and keep reminding those people to take basic because it's not Albert Camus the plague is it now there are groups that are we don't know what Kelvin's age group is at risk 73 right honestly available for permits versus well let me just say about this I am massively in favor of panic buying and hoarding by the way I was at Morrison's 8:02 right do you realize you can buy six cans of Heinz so for full quid there so I makes meal are you worried about it personally giving your age I mean I'm more worried about I'm more worried about my business loves fall frankly yeah I do agree with you that going on the train which used to be quite enjoyable right has now become so that I get the eight eleven right from Weybridge to Waterloo er I go in it's completely packed all I have to do is look like I do and sneeze and the entire carriage entities it's amazing that you don't you're if you're worried about you're not worried about panic buying yeah and that you are panic but I am buying at panic buying yeah okay so but dawn is worried about the papers you know over exaggerating over exaggerating when you've fallen for it no I haven't fallen for her I was ahead of the curve I did this two weeks ago say well I went in there when I went there I planned technican I tell you what I if I'm gonna be self isolated there's only two things I'm gonna be doing I'm gonna get deliver ruin and I've got enough flu paper to last me until 2000 delivery let me ask you this thing where I don't actually he leave you outside in the porch he'll be fine where he will be touching either and the point about currently half of all the baggages through the airports now terminated so what do you do dawn are you taking any steps to come I am very large medical advice I am washing my hands I am making sure if I do sneeze or cough in public I'm using tissue I'm disposing of that are you stop piling anything no I am NOT because I refuse to and I think this is called a mess outbreak of stupidity calling me stupid I think is it disgrace what is the what is the point in terrifying people what is the point in scaring people so much what is the point in living in a daily worst case scenario Keep Calm wash your hands and carry out they keep comes fine right to the point but we have to go through what Italy's going through which by the way again I remind you two weeks ago just 11 cases peers now thousand and four hundred days the majority do you say that's all catastrophe I say no well it's not your idea we haven't had that yet we are not going to get that and if we only two hours away on a plane and we're still letting loose why do we allow I don't get it and the next thing will happen is Chinese restaurants and going Italian restaurant yeah or the next one ridiculous that Chinese restaurants a boycott ride us seven eight thousand miles away to country of 1.3 billion people in Chinatown if the Italians were the first to ban flights from China Italy and he's had the almost the opposite effect banning flights because of globalization the genie of coronavirus is out of the bottle it is in almost every country now it is here yeah and it's spreading fast and the idea that we are not going to be in a similar position to Italy quite quickly I think it's for the boat that's all we're talking now about the military setting up field hospitals right because we do not think the NHS will be a bright you
Channel: Good Morning Britain
Views: 634,315
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: good morning britain, breakfast show, news, morning news, gmb, good morning britain interview, itv, piers morgan, susanna reid, Talk Shows - Topic, Coronavirus, Media, Debate, The Sun, the Daily Mail, Heated, Wuhan, china, disease, headline
Id: 0A9Y4djRQcM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 6sec (666 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 09 2020
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